CLS Rubric

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Content, purpose and audience (Wa) Text structure and organisation (Wt)

8 marks 7 marks
The response has relevant ideas and content The response is presented coherently and
developed in detail to create a clear and logically to help the development of ideas, usually
consistent relationship between the writer and with an introduction and conclusion.
Well-crafted paragraphs contribute to the
The text type is clearly established, e.g. an structure of the text.
article, report, etc., and the tone is appropriate to
the ideas and is sustained.

The vocabulary is well chosen for the purpose.

7–8 6–7
The response has relevant ideas and content The response is generally coherent and in a
which are developed with some detail, and with logical order with ideas evident, with an attempt
some awareness of reader. at an introduction and conclusion.

The main features of the text type are evident Paragraphs/sections are evident and help to
and the tone is appropriate for the purpose and is structure the text.
largely sustained.

The vocabulary is relevant for the purpose.

5–6 4–5
The response includes basic information relevant The response is clear but not sequenced logically
for the purpose, and some awareness of the to help the development of ideas.
reader may be shown.
There may be an attempt at an introduction
General aspects of the text type are evident and and/or a conclusion.
the writer’s tone is established.
Paragraphs/sections may be used but not
A simple range of vocabulary is relevant to the consistently.
3–4 2–3
The response has limited relevance to the task. Some basic sequencing of material grouped by
content is evident.
Some elements of the text type are seen and the
writer’s tone is present but inconsistent.

The vocabulary is simple.

1–2 1
No creditable response. No creditable response.
0 0
Sentence structure and punctuation (Wp) Spelling (Ws)
7 marks 3 marks
A range of appropriate and varied sentence
structures are used to create effect.

The use of sentence features contributes to the

overall development of the text.

Almost entirely accurate grammar (tenses,

agreement, and word order) with some choices to
enhance and emphasise meaning.

Punctuation is correctly used to enhance the

Appropriate use of sentence structures, with Spelling almost completely accurate, with a wide
some attempt to create effect. range of words correctly attempted.

Some sentence features are used to clarify and Polysyllabic, ambitious and more complex, lower
emphasise meaning. frequency words are used successfully.

Grammar and punctuation are mostly accurate.

4–5 3
Limited or partially effective use of complex Spelling is generally accurate over a reasonable
sentence structures. range of words.

Mostly simple compound structures based on a Some polysyllabic and more difficult words in
variety of connectives. frequent use are spelled correctly.

Grammar and punctuation is usually correct;

there may be evidence of comma splicing.
2–3 2
Simple sentence structures are used Simple words are used successfully.
There are frequent errors in commonly occurring
Some correct use of grammar and punctuation, words.
e.g. full stops and capitals.
1 1
No creditable response. No creditable response.
0 0

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