The Nature, Effects, and Relief of Mathematics Anxiety
The Nature, Effects, and Relief of Mathematics Anxiety
The Nature, Effects, and Relief of Mathematics Anxiety
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Journalfor Researchin MathematicsEducation
1990, Vol. 21, No. 1, 33-46
The purposeof the studywas to integratethe findingsof the researchon mathe-
matics anxiety,regardingits nature,effects, and relief. Methods of meta-analysis
were selected for this synthesis, to describe relationshipsand effects with scale-
invariantmetrics. Focus was suppliedby a drive to reduce or resolve theoretical
issues surroundingthe construct.
To performthese objectives, five tasks were defined.The first two regardedthe
natureof mathematicsanxiety.Task 1 set out to identify variables that correlate
with the construct(for example, mathematicsperformance,mathematicsavoid-
ance, and test anxiety). Task2 was meant to identify variablesthatexhibit differ-
ent levels of the construct(for example, gender and school grade level). Task 3
regardedthe relationbetween mathematicsanxiety and mathematicsperformance
on the basis of effect size. Task 4 examined treatmentsto reduce mathematics
anxiety,to (a) comparetheirrelativedegreesof mathematicsanxietyreductionand
(b) determineif the treatmentsaffected performance.
Fulfillmentof these tasks would allow for a probingof issues relatedto theory.
Task5 was definedto addressthe following theoreticalquestions,using the results
of Tasks 1 through4:
1. Is therea causaldirectionin the relationshipbetweenmathematicsanxietyand
2. Does test anxiety subsumemathematicsanxiety?
3. Are behaviorsrelated to mathematicsanxiety more pronouncedin females
than males?
Each study was coded regardingpropertiesthat could change from study to
Gradelevel (K-12, postsecondary)
Ability level (low or high where indicated,otherwiseaverage)
Socioeconomic status(low, middle,upperwhereindicated,otherwisecomposite)
Ethnicity(predominantethnic or culturalgroup)
Instrumentused for mathematicsanxiety measurement
Lengthof treatment(numberof hoursacross numberof weeks)
Researchdesign quality (1 = poor to 3 = excellent)
In correlationalstudies, the product-momentcoefficients were directlythe out-
come variable.To guardagainst skew, all values of r were changed to Fisher's z
(Ferguson,1981, p. 194) for their analysis. In experimentalstudies, the criterion
Ray Hembree 37
ESs= (1)
The numeratortermsareposttestmeans,with s computedas the pooled standard
deviationof the posttestdata,the squareroot of within-cellvariance,or the square
root of errormean square.
The totalcollections of datawere partitionedinto subsetsthatrelatedto the tasks
and subtasksof research.Then each subset was analyzed separately,in the hope
that its mean could be used to integratethe subset.A use of the mean was appro-
priateif the subsetwas consistent,as determinedby a test of homogeneity(Hedges
& Olkin, 1985). Whenevera subset was homogeneous, its mean value, weighted
with respect to sample sizes, was declaredthe correlationor the effect for its re-
searchtask.A 99%confidenceintervaltestedthe null hypothesisthatthe meanwas
not significantlydifferentfromzero, andthe synthesisof thatsubsetwas complete.
Whenevera subset was heterogeneous,two conditionswere implied:(a) the pres-
ence of outlier data, or (b) interactions among the independent and dependent
variables.A searchfor the cause was then performed,to find and exclude the out-
lier data or find and describe interactions,using proceduresdetailed by Hembree
and Dessart (1986).Where a cause could not be found, the mean of the heteroge-
neous groupwas offered as a descriptorfrom which no statisticalinferences were
To gatherinsight into the natureof mathematicsanxiety,Task 1 of the study set
out to identify correlatesof the constructand to learn the extent of each relation-
ship. Tables 2-5 present the findings with regard to mathematicsperformance,
studentattitudestowardmathematics,avoidancebehaviors,andmeasuresof other
anxieties. The data regardingeach correlateare summarizedby 1) providingthe
numberof correlationsfor each relationshipplus the total numbern of students
involved, values of outliers (if any), smallest and largest values of r (excluding
outliers),and the gradesinvolved; 2) providingthe groupmean as the correlation
that, in the presenceof homogeneity,describesthe relationship;and 3) indicating
whetheror not the mean was significantlydifferentfrom zero.
Performance Correlates
Table 2 gives mean correlationsbetween mathematicsanxiety and measuresof
studentperformance.Highermathematicsanxiety was slightly relatedto lower IQ
levels, whereas its relationshipwith verbal ability was so low that it was not of
practical importance. Correlationsbetween mathematics anxiety and aptitude/
38 Mathematics Anxiety
Table 2
Mean Correlations of MathematicsAnxiety and Performance
Correlate of Description of correlational group Meana r
mathematics anxiety n Outliers End values Grade level
IQ test 5(449) - -0.23/0.22 6, P -0.17*
Verbalaptlach 17(1941) -0.27/0.05 9-12, P -0.06*
Math apt/ach by grades
Males 6(2794 - -0.46/-0.28 5-12 -0.36*
Females 6(2864 - -0.39/- 0.16 5-12 -0.30*
Both genders 7(5555)
- -0.47/- 0.18 7, 8, 11 (-0.34)
College 58(6137) -0.64/-0.04 P -0.31*
Math apt/ach by subtest
Computation 5(957) - -0.43/-0.10 7, 9-12, P -0.25*
Concepts 4(894 - -0.40/-0.13 7, 9-12, P -0.27*
Problem solving 3(871) - 0.42/-0.15 7, 9-12, P - 0.27*
Abstract reasoning 3(325) - 0.43/- 0.29 P -0.40*
Spatial ability 5(374) -0.34/0.21 P - 0.29*
Grade in math course
High school 4(903) - -0.46/-0.27 9-12 -0.30*
College 17(1624) - -0.57/0.02 P (-0.27)
Note. P = postsecondary. apt/ach = aptitude/achievement.
"Entries in parentheses are mean correlations for heterogeneous data.
*p < .01.
Table3 presentsmean correlationsbetweenmathematicsanxietyandattitudinal
constructs. Positive attitudes toward mathematicsconsistently related to lower
mathematicsanxiety,with strong inverse relationsobserved for an enjoymentof
mathematicsand self-confidencein the subject. Relationshipsseemed weaker at
postsecondarylevels. Small correlationswere found between mathematicsanxi-
ety and desire for success and a view of mathematicsas male-oriented.
High-anxious studentsviewed parentsand teachers as somewhat negative to-
wardmathematics.These relationstoo were smallerat postsecondarylevels.
Table4 relatesmathematicsanxietywith tendenciesof studentsto avoid mathe-
matics. High-anxiousstudentstook fewer high school mathematicscourses and
showed less intention in high school and college to take more mathematics.A
significantgenderdifferenceappearedinjuniorandseniorhigh school. Males with
higher levels of mathematicsanxiety appearedless likely than high-anxious fe-
males to take more mathematics.
Ray Hembree 39
Table 3
Mean Correlations of MathematicsAnxiety and Attitude-Related Variables
Correlate of Description of correlational group Mean r
mathematics anxiety n Outliers End values Grade levels
Student attitudes
Enjoyment of math
Grades 5-12 6(3856) -0.36 - 0.76/ - 0.63 5-12 - 0.75*
College 9(1383) - - 0.63/ - 0.38 P -0.47*
Self-confidence in math
Grades 6-11 4(514) - -0.85/-0.76 6-11 -0.82*
College 19(2912) - - 0.84/ - 0.37 P - 0.65*
Self-concept in math 6(3748 -0.44 -0.74/ - 0.61 5-8, 11, P -0.71*
Motivation in math 3(2623 - -0.64/-0.57 8,11 -0.64*
Math as male domain - -0.12/0.31 6-12, P 0.14*
Attitude toward:
Success in math 8( 1703 -0.42 - 0.22/0.08 9-12, P -0.12*
Usefulness of math 24(8889 - -0.70/-0.16 5-12, P -0.37*
Problem solving 12(2709 -0.71/-0.38 7-12, P -0.58*
Math teachers 4(2723) -- -
-0.69/ 0.25 7, 8, 11 - 0.46*
Computers 7(1018) - 0.53/ - 0.23 7-12, P - 0.32*
Self-confidence with
computers 5(478) - 0.58/ - 0.39 7-12, P -0.43*
Student perceptions of
others' attitudes
toward math
Grades 9-12 3(575) --0.45/-0.36 9-12 -)0.39*
College 11(1592) - 0.42/-0.06 P -0.25*
Grades 9-12 3(575) - -0.44/-0.33 9-12 -0.37*
College 12(1643) - -0.51/0.01 P - 0.23*
Math teacher
Grades 9-12 3(575) - -0.55/-0.45 9-12 -0.49*
Males 3(313) -0.54/- 0.43 P - 0.47*
Females 7(1178) - -0.68/-0.35 P -0.41*
Note. P = postsecondary.
""< .01.
Table 4
Mean Correlations of MathematicsAnxiety and Student Avoidance Behaviors
Correlate of Description of correlational group Mean r
mathematics anxiety n Outliers End values Grade levels
Extent of high
school math 28(6358) - -0.44/0 12, P -0.31*
Intent to take
more math
Grades 7-12
Males 3(1272) - - 0.45/ - 0.28 7-12 - 0.35*
Females - 0.35/ - 0.19 7-12 - 0.25*
College 8 2225) - 0.63/- 0.05 P - 0.32*
Note. P = postsecondary.
"*p< .01.
Table5 displays correlationsbetween mathematicsanxiety and otheranxieties.
Direct relationships were found regarding a general anxiety proneness and its
components, chronic A-Trait and transitoryA-State as defined by Spielberger
40 Mathematics Anxiety
- 6 250 females
1804 178 males
Table 7
MathematicsAnxiety Level by College Courses and Majors
Anxiety Anxiety
Course n level' Major n level'
Developmental math 12(836) 236.3 Math/science 5(169) 166.5
Remedial algebra 11(1028) 206.1 education 25(1835) 219.2
College algebra 9(578) 201.8 Business 4(194) 187.8
Precalculus 5 436) 180.5 Social sciences 5(161) 190.3
Calculus/analytic Health sciences 2 50) 187.5
geometry 10(730) 152.5 Physical sciences 2(54) 149.4
Math for elementary Humanities 5 174) 198.5
teachers 6(420) 243.0
Elementary statistics 5(435) 185.6
Elementary accounting 3(88) 193.8
"Based on the Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale (MARS) of Richardson and Suinn (1972).
42 Mathematics
advanced study. Mathematics and science majors were predictably low in the
construct.The highest levels occurredfor studentspreparingto teach in elemen-
tary school.
Effects on Performance
Task 3 of the study set out to determinethe relationshipbetween mathematics
anxietyandperformancein termsof effect size. Thirteenstudiesof college mathe-
matics were found, comparingthe test scores of studentswith high and low levels
of mathematics anxiety. Within these studies, all samples were formed before
obtainingscoreson any measure.The meanof the 13 effects was -0.61, so the low-
anxious studentsconsistently scored better.An effect size representsthe number
of pooled standarddeviations between the scores of the two groups being com-
pared.If a pooled standarddeviation of 12 is assumed for scores on a 100-point
scale, the effect size of -0.61 depicts a differenceof about 7 points between the
high-low categories.
Findingsfor MathematicsAnxiety Treatments
Task4 of the study set out to display the effects of treatingmathematicsanxiety
on the level of anxietyand on performance.These effects were measuredby equa-
tion 1, comparingthe posttreatmentscores of treatedversus untreatedstudents.
The datawere thenpartitionedon two dimensions:posttestmeasure(mathematics
anxietylevel, or test performance);andtype of treatment.Classroominterventions
attemptedto relieve mathematics anxiety within whole classes. Reductions in
mathematics anxiety levels were sought through changes in the curriculumor
throughpsychological interventions.Psychological treatmentswere behavioralor
cognitive in nature.Behavioral modes proposedto relieve 'emotionality'toward
mathematics(feelings of dreadand nervousreactions).Cognitivetreatmentswere
set to relieve expressedconcernsor worryaboutthe subject.Cognitive-behavioral
treatments attended to the worry factor but also provided elements to reduce
emotionality.Each subsetof datawas synthesizedthroughthe proceduresgiven for
computingeffect size. Tables8 and 9 presentthe findings.Meaneffects near?0.8
may be consideredfairlylarge,with sizes near?0.2 consideredsmall (Cohen,1977,
pp. 24-27).
Effects on MathematicsAnxiety
Table8 comparesthe end-of-treatmentmathematicsanxietylevels of treatedand
ClassroomInterventions.Curricularchanges as a meansof reducingmathemat-
ics anxiety included concentratedefforts to improve the students'achievement,
heuristic versus algorithmic instruction, special classwork in microcomputers,
provisionof special equipment(for example, calculators),and special techniques
for presentingmaterial(tutorial,small-group,and self-paced). Such changes did
not seem effective in reducing mathematicsanxiety. Whole-class psychological
treatmentswere also not effective.
Ray Hembree 43
Table 8
Mean Effects of Treatmenton MathematicsAnxiety
Result by Description of effect-size (ES) group
treatment style n Outliers End values Grade levels Mean ES
Classroom intervention
change 17(1045) - -0.46/0.48 10, P -0.04
Psychological 8(581) - -0.38/0.18 9-12, P -0.10
SD and others 18(673) - -2.41/- 0.36 9-12, P - 1.04*
Relaxation training 3(80) - -0.62/-0.41 9-12, P -0.48
Group counseling 3(94) - -0.22/0.17 10-12, P -0.03
Restructuring 14(746) - -1.12/0.05 9-12, P -0.51*
Cognitive-behavioral 10(364) - - 1.83/- 0.46 7-12, P - 1.15*
Note. P = postsecondary. SD = systematic desensitization.
"*< .01.
Table 9
Mean Effects of Treatmenton Mathematics TestPerformance
Result by Description of effect-size (ES) group
Mean ES
treatment style n Outliers End values Grade levels
Classroom intervention
Curriculum-related 6(441) - -0.36/0.19 10, P 0.02
Psychological 9(570) - -0.31/1.01 9-12, P 0.03
SD and others 12(517) 0.19/0.94 9-12, P 0.60*
Relaxation training 2(52) -0.17/0.31 P 0.07
Group counseling 2(110) - -0.37/0.04 P -0.07
Restructuring 7(318) - -0.13/1.21 P 0.32*
Cognitive-behavioral 4(142) 0.14/0.84 P 0.50*
Note. P = postsecondary. SD = systematic desensitization.
*p < 01.
MathematicsAnxiety and Performance Causality. Does mathematicsanxiety
tend to contributeto poor performance?Does a knowledge of poor past perform-
ance induce the anxiety?Or is the relationshipcircular?
Because of the following evidence, it seems thatmathematicsanxiety depresses
1. Higher achievement consistently accompanies reduction in mathematics
2. Treatmentcan restorethe performanceof formerlyhigh-anxiousstudentsto
the performancelevel associatedwith low mathematicsanxiety.
There is no compelling evidence that poor performancecauses mathematics
anxiety.The construct'srelationswith IQ and abilityseem small (see Tables2 and
6), and special work to enhance students'competencefailed to reducetheir anxi-
ety levels.
MathematicsAnxietyand TestAnxiety.Does test anxiety subsumemathematics
anxiety?A comparisonof the present findings for mathematicsanxiety with the
results of a similar analysis of test anxiety (Hembree,1988a)shows a numberof
1. Mathematicsand test anxietiesboth relateto generalanxiety.
2. The differencesin anxiety level regardingstudentability,gender,andethnic-
ity are similarfor both constructs.
3. Both forms affect performancein similarfashion.
4. The constructsrespond to the same treatmentmodes, with best relief from
behavioral-relatedmethods and little result from the cognitive treatment,group
5. Improvedperformancerelatesto the relief of both constructs.
Ray Hembree 45
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RAY HEMBREE, Associate Professor of Mathematics, Adrian College, 110 S. Madison Street,
Adrian,MI 49221