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Draft Laporan Final SWRO

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Table of Content

Table of Content .................................................................................................................................. i

List of Table ........................................................................................................................................ vi
List of Figure ..................................................................................................................................... viii
Preface .............................................................................................................................................. xv

Chapter 1
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 16
A. Background........................................................................................................................... 16
B. Objectives ............................................................................................................................. 17
C. Scope of Work ...................................................................................................................... 17

Chapter 2
Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) in the Mandalika............................................................ 19
A. Existing Condition ................................................................................................................. 19
1 Beach Well........................................................................................................................ 19
2 Beach Well Pump ............................................................................................................. 20
3 Preliminary Reservoir ....................................................................................................... 21
4 Multimedia Filter .............................................................................................................. 22
5 Micron Filter ..................................................................................................................... 23
6 RO Pump........................................................................................................................... 23
7 RO Filter............................................................................................................................ 24
8 Product Reservoir ............................................................................................................. 24
9 Cleaning in Place (CIP) System ......................................................................................... 25
10 Chemical Dosing ........................................................................................................... 26
B. Performance of the Existing SWRO ...................................................................................... 27
1 Capacity of Intake ............................................................................................................. 27

a. Estimation of Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity .............................................................. 29
b. Estimation of the Optimum Discharge ......................................................................... 29
2 Quantity and Quality of Product ...................................................................................... 31
3 Brine Disposal ................................................................................................................... 33
C. The Ideal Condition of SWRO in the Mandalika ................................................................... 33
1 General ............................................................................................................................. 33
2 Seawater Intake: .............................................................................................................. 35
3 Pre-treatment process ..................................................................................................... 35
c. Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)........................................................................................ 35
d. Ultrafiltration (UF) ........................................................................................................ 39
e. RO Process .................................................................................................................... 41
f. Cleaning Skid ................................................................................................................ 43
g. RO System .................................................................................................................... 44
h. Post Treatment process ............................................................................................... 44
i. Brine Disposal ............................................................................................................... 44
D. Requirements of SWRO in the Mandalika............................................................................ 45
1 Water Demand in the Mandalika ..................................................................................... 45
2 Intake Requirement ......................................................................................................... 46
a. Beach well .................................................................................................................... 47
b. Direct Intake from Sea Water ...................................................................................... 48
3 Preliminary Treatment ..................................................................................................... 55
4 RO Process........................................................................................................................ 56
5 Backwash and Brine Disposal ........................................................................................... 57
a. Concentrate .................................................................................................................. 58
b. Spent Filter Backwash water ........................................................................................ 58
c. Spent Membrane cleaning chemicals .......................................................................... 59
gg. BRINE DISCHARGE .................................................................................................... 59
E. Best Practice Operation of SWRO ........................................................................................ 66
1 Main Control Panel........................................................................................................... 67
2 Five (5) Micron Filtration .................................................................................................. 67
3 RO High Pressure Pump ................................................................................................... 67
4 Pressure Exchanger Booster Pump .................................................................................. 67
5 Reverse Osmosis System .................................................................................................. 68

6 RO Membranes ................................................................................................................ 68
7 Product Water Storage Tank ............................................................................................ 68
8 Cleaning Skid .................................................................................................................... 68
9 Fresh Flush System ........................................................................................................... 69
10 CIP System .................................................................................................................... 69
11 Instruction of Pre-start up System ............................................................................... 69
12 Starting up the System ................................................................................................. 70

Chapter 3
Modelling of Groundwater and Seawater Intrusion due to SWRO Operation in the Mandalika 72
A. Methodology ........................................................................................................................ 72
1 Flowchart.......................................................................................................................... 72
2 Data .................................................................................................................................. 72
B. General Input of the Groundwater Modelling ..................................................................... 73
3 Location and Coverage of the Model ............................................................................... 77
4 Rainfall .............................................................................................................................. 78
5 Evapotranspiration ........................................................................................................... 79
6 Hydrogeology ................................................................................................................... 80
C. Groundwater Modelling in Mandalika Area......................................................................... 80
1 Model Scheme.................................................................................................................. 80
2 Scenarios of Modelling ..................................................................................................... 82
a. Model Verification (Scenario 1).................................................................................... 82
b. Injection at 50 m .......................................................................................................... 83
c. Injection at 100 m ........................................................................................................ 96
d. Drawdown .................................................................................................................. 109

Chapter 4
Hydrological Modelling of Watershed and Drainage System in the Mandalika ........................ 111
A. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 111
B. General Description of the Study Area .............................................................................. 112
1 Watershed ...................................................................................................................... 112
2 Hydrological Data ........................................................................................................... 113
3 Landuse .......................................................................................................................... 114

4 Soil Types ........................................................................................................................ 116
C. Rainfall-Runoff Modelling .................................................................................................. 117
1 HEC-HMS Component .................................................................................................... 117
2 Hydrological Models in HEC-HMS Analysis .................................................................... 118
3 Calibration Model........................................................................................................... 120
4 Simulation Results of the HEC-HMS Model.................................................................... 122
D. Sediment Transport Estimation ......................................................................................... 126
E. Water Quality ..................................................................................................................... 145

Chapter 5
Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modelling ......................................................................... 148
A. General Model Description ................................................................................................ 148
1 Physical processes .......................................................................................................... 148
2 Model Assumptions (Delft Hydraulics, 2001)................................................................. 149
3 Coupling to other modules............................................................................................. 150
4 Utilities ........................................................................................................................... 151
5 Basic steps of Delft3D simulation................................................................................... 152
B. Model Configuration .......................................................................................................... 154
1 Model Domain................................................................................................................ 154
2 Grid Construction ........................................................................................................... 155
a. Grid Requirement ....................................................................................................... 156
b. Computational Grid .................................................................................................... 156
3 Bathymetry ..................................................................................................................... 157
4 2D (depth-averaged) and 3D model approximation ...................................................... 159
5 Boundary conditions ...................................................................................................... 160
6 Initial conditions ............................................................................................................. 161
7 Meteorological forcing ................................................................................................... 162
8 Coupling of hydrodynamic results to water quality simulations ................................... 162
C. Calibration and Validation.................................................................................................. 163
1 Numerical and physical parameters............................................................................... 163
2 Model Validation ............................................................................................................ 164
D. Sea Water Intake and Brine Discharge Modelling.............................................................. 168
1 Proposed System of Intake and Outfall.......................................................................... 168

a. Raw Sea Water Intake ................................................................................................ 170
b. Brine Disposal ............................................................................................................. 171
2 Sea Water Intake and Brine Discharge Modeling .......................................................... 174

Chapter 6
Preliminary Conclusion and Recommendation....................................................................... 205
A. Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 205
B. Recommendation ............................................................................................................... 206

List of Table

Table 1. Properties of beach wells in SWRO the Mandalika .................................................... 27

Table 2. Estimation of hydraulic conductivity in SWRO area in the Mandalika ....................... 29

Table 3. The optimum discharge for wells in SWRO Mandalika .............................................. 31

Table 4. TDS reduction in every filters in SWRO the Mandalika .............................................. 31

Table 5. Monitoring of TDS reduction during regular daily SWRO operation .......................... 32

Table 6. Function of components in DAF system ..................................................................... 38

Table 7. specification of ultrafiltration module ........................................................................ 41

Table 8. Water requirement in every district in the Mandalika (Anonym, 2015) .................... 45

Table 9. Projection of raw water requirement in the Mandalika............................................. 46

Table 10. Monitoring of RO product in every RO vessel .......................................................... 57

Table 11. Annual Precipitation Data ......................................................................................... 78

Table 12. Evaporation Data in Central Lombok ........................................................................ 79

Table 13. Land use in Watershed Mandalika .................................................................... 116

Table 14. Calculations and Models Used in HEC-HMS ........................................................... 118

Table 15. Discharge from the results of the Tebelo River HEC-HMS simulation .................... 123

Table 16. Discharge from the results of the Ngolang River HEC-HMS simulation ................. 123

Table 17. Discharge from the results of the Balak River HEC-HMS simulation ...................... 124

Table 18. Recapitulation of water quality measurements ..................................................... 146

Table 19. Water Quality Criteria Based on Class .................................................................... 146

Table 20. A brief description of the tools used in the study .................................................. 151

Table 21. Tidal constituents at boundary, derived from water level field survey.................. 161

Table 22. Parameters used in the Model ............................................................................... 164

Table 23. Proposed design of intake and brine outfall of the Mandalika SWRO plant .......... 169

Table 24. Comparison of brine disposal options for desalination plants (Bleninger and Jirka,
2010) ....................................................................................................................................... 173

List of Figure

Figure 1. Key monitoring locations for baseline study and model simulation.......................... 18

Figure 1. Location of SWRO and beach wells in the Mandalika ............................................... 20

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the existing SWRO operating in the Mandalika..................... 20

Figure 3. A centrifugal pump installed in the beach well no 3 ................................................. 21

Figure 4. Tanks function as preliminary reservoirs .................................................................. 21

Figure 5. Multimedia filter ........................................................................................................ 22

Figure 6. The feeder pumps...................................................................................................... 22

Figure 7. The micron filter arranged in parallel formation....................................................... 23

Figure 8. The 500 CMD RO pump ............................................................................................. 24

Figure 9. The RO filter which has capacity of 3000 CMD ......................................................... 25

Figure 10. The product reservoirs ............................................................................................ 25

Figure 11. The CIP system in SWRO the Mandalika ................................................................. 26

Figure 12. Chemical dosage ...................................................................................................... 27

Figure 13. Drawdown due to pumping test in beach well no 1, Q = 8.74 l/s (Anonym, 2018) 28

Figure 14. Step drawdown test conducted in beach well no 1 ................................................ 28

Figure 15. Step drawdown test conducted in beach well no 2 ................................................ 28

Figure 16. Estimation of the optimum discharge in beach well no 1 ....................................... 30

Figure 17. Estimation of the optimum discharge in beach well no 2 ....................................... 30

Figure 18. Control box and outlet of brine ............................................................................... 33

Figure 19. An ideal SWRO ......................................................................................................... 34

Figure 20. Pre-treatment components; dissolved air flotation (DAF) and ultrafiltration (UF). 34

Figure 21. SWRO documentation ............................................................................................. 35

Figure 22. The DAF system and the components ..................................................................... 38

Figure 23. Ultrafiltration membrane (UF) ................................................................................ 39

Figure 24. Ultrafiltration system............................................................................................... 40

Figure 25. Performance of filters used in SWRO system .......................................................... 40

Figure 26. Projection of clean water demand in the Mandalika .............................................. 46

Figure 27. The optimum discharge for well with diameter of 10 inch, 30 m depth................. 48

Figure 28. An ideal condition of the direct intake structure in the Mandalika ........................ 49

Figure 29. Velocity cap seawater intake ................................................................................... 50

Figure 30. Wedge wire Screen .................................................................................................. 52

Figure 31. Offshore intake with a single inlet structure ........................................................... 54

Figure 32. Intake inlet ............................................................................................................... 55

Figure 33. Schematic diagram of pre-treatment required in the Mandalika ........................... 56

Figure 34. brine is injected into porous subsurface rock formation ........................................ 60

Figure 35. Outfall pipeline ........................................................................................................ 64

Figure 36. Diffuser .................................................................................................................... 66

Figure 37. Flowchart of Groundwater Modelling ..................................................................... 72

Figure 38. Relationship Diagram of Modules in FREEWAT ....................................................... 74

Figure 39. Display of Create Model in FREEWATl ..................................................................... 75

Figure 40. Input and Display of Grid ......................................................................................... 75

Figure 41. Input and Display of Model Layer............................................................................ 76

Figure 42. Menu of Boundary ................................................................................................... 76

Figure 43. Location of Modelling Research .............................................................................. 77

Figure 44. Location of Modelling Research .............................................................................. 79

Figure 45. Hydrogeology Condition in Lombok Island.............................................................. 80

Figure 46. Groundwater Model Scheme .................................................................................. 81

Figure 47. General Long Section Scheme ................................................................................. 81

Figure 48. Projection of Water Demand and Brine Injection ................................................... 82

Figure 49. Result of Model Verification .................................................................................... 83

Figure 50. Salinity in 2020 (left) and 2021 (right) ..................................................................... 83

Figure 51. Salinity in 2022 (left) and 2023 (right) ..................................................................... 84

Figure 52. Salinity in 2024 (left) and 2025 (right) ..................................................................... 84

Figure 53. Salinity in 2026 (left) and 2027 (right) ..................................................................... 84

Figure 54. Salinity in 2028 (left) and 2029 (right) ..................................................................... 85

Figure 55. Salinity in 2030 (left) and 2031 (right) ..................................................................... 85

Figure 56. Salinity in 2032 (left) and 2033 (right) ..................................................................... 85

Figure 57. Salinity in 2034 (left) and 2035 (right) .................................................................... 86

Figure 58. Salinity in 2036 (left) and 2037 (right) ..................................................................... 86

Figure 59. Salinity in 2038 (left) and 2039 (right) ..................................................................... 86

Figure 60. Salinity in 2040 ........................................................................................................ 87

Figure 61. Salinity in 2020 (left) and 2021 (right) ..................................................................... 87

Figure 62. Salinity in 2022 (left) and 2023 (right) ..................................................................... 88

Figure 63. Salinity in 2024 (left) and 2025 (right) ..................................................................... 88

Figure 64. Salinity in 2026 (left) and 2027 (right) ..................................................................... 88

Figure 65. Salinity in 2028 (left) and 2029 (right) ..................................................................... 89

Figure 66. Salinity in 2030 (left) and 2031 (right) ..................................................................... 89

Figure 67. Salinity in 2032 (left) and 2033 (right) ..................................................................... 89

Figure 68. Salinity in 2034 (left) and 2035 (right) ..................................................................... 90

Figure 69. Salinity in 2036 (left) and 2037 (right) ..................................................................... 90

Figure 70. Salinity in 2038 (left) and 2039 (right) ..................................................................... 90

Figure 71. Salinity in 2040 ........................................................................................................ 91

Figure 72. Salinity in 2020 (left) and 2021 (right) .................................................................... 91

Figure 73. Salinity in 2022 (left) and 2023 (right) ..................................................................... 92

Figure 74. Salinity in 2024 (left) and 2025 (right) ..................................................................... 92

Figure 75. Salinity in 2026 (left) and 2027 (right) .................................................................... 92

Figure 76. Salinity in 2028 (left) and 2029 (right) ..................................................................... 93

Figure 77. Salinity in 2030 (left) and 2031 (right) ..................................................................... 93

Figure 78. Salinity in 2032 (left) and 2033 (right) ..................................................................... 93

Figure 79. Salinity in 2034 (left) and 2035 (right) ..................................................................... 94

Figure 80. Salinity in 2036 (left) and 2037 (right) ..................................................................... 94

Figure 81. Salinity in 2038 (left) and 2039 (right) ..................................................................... 94

Figure 82. Salinity in 2040 ........................................................................................................ 95

Figure 83. Salinity Change in Pump Location (Injection at 50 m) ............................................ 95

Figure 84. Salinity Change in Injection Location (Injection at 50 m) ........................................ 96

Figure 85. Salinity in 2020 (left) and 2021 (right) ..................................................................... 96

Figure 86. Salinity in 2022 (left) and 2023 (right) ..................................................................... 97

Figure 87. Salinity in 2024 (left) and 2025 (right) ..................................................................... 97

Figure 88. Salinity in 2026 (left) and 2027 (right) .................................................................... 97

Figure 89. Salinity in 2028 (left) and 2029 (right) ..................................................................... 98

Figure 90. Salinity in 2030 (left) and 2031 (right) ..................................................................... 98

Figure 91. Salinity in 2032 (left) and 2033 (right) ..................................................................... 98

Figure 92. Salinity in 2034 (left) and 2035 (right) ..................................................................... 99

Figure 93. Salinity in 2036 (left) and 2037 (right) ..................................................................... 99

Figure 94. Salinity in 2038 (left) and 2039 (right) ..................................................................... 99

Figure 95. Salinity in 2040 ...................................................................................................... 100

Figure 96. Salinity in 2020 (left) and 2021 (right) ................................................................... 100

Figure 97. Salinity in 2022 (left) and 2023 (right) ................................................................... 101

Figure 98. Salinity in 2024 (left) and 2025 (right) ................................................................... 101

Figure 99. Salinity in 2026 (left) and 2027 (right) ................................................................... 101

Figure 100. Salinity in 2028 (left) and 2029 (right) ................................................................. 102

Figure 101. Salinity in 2030 (left) and 2031 (right) ................................................................. 102

Figure 102. Salinity in 2032 (left) and 2033 (right) ................................................................. 102

Figure 103. Salinity in 2034 (left) and 2035 (right) ................................................................. 103

Figure 104. Salinity in 2036 (left) and 2037 (right) ................................................................. 103

Figure 105. Salinity in 2038 (left) and 2039 (right) ................................................................. 103

Figure 106. Salinity in 2040 .................................................................................................... 104

Figure 107. Salinity in 2020 (left) and 2021 (right) ................................................................. 104

Figure 108. Salinity in 2022 (left) and 2023 (right) ................................................................. 105

Figure 109. Salinity in 2024 (left) and 2025 (right) ................................................................. 105

Figure 110. Salinity in 2026 (left) and 2027 (right) ................................................................. 105

Figure 111. Salinity in 2028 (left) and 2029 (right) ................................................................. 106

Figure 112. Salinity in 2030 (left) and 2031 (right) ................................................................. 106

Figure 113. Salinity in 2032 (left) and 2033 (right) ................................................................. 106

Figure 114. Salinity in 2034 (left) and 2035 (right) ................................................................. 107

Figure 115. Salinity in 2036 (left) and 2037 (right) ................................................................. 107

Figure 116. Salinity in 2038 (left) and 2039 (right) ................................................................. 107

Figure 117. Salinity in 2040 .................................................................................................... 108

Figure 118. Salinity Change in injection Location (Injection at 100 m) ................................. 108

Figure 119. Salinity Change in pump Location (Injection at 100 m) ....................................... 109

Figure 120. Drawdown of Pumping Well................................................................................ 110

Figure 121. River and Drainage Infrastructures ..................................................................... 112

Figure 122. Map of hydrological stations ............................................................................... 113

Figure 123. Annual rainfall data at Rembitan Station ............................................................ 114

Figure 124. Maximum daily rainfall data at Rembitan Station............................................... 114

Figure 125. Map of land use in Central Lombok District ........................................................ 115

Figure 126. Map of Land Use in Watershed Mandalika ......................................................... 115

Figure 127. Soil Types in Central Lombok District .................................................................. 116

Figure 128. Typical HEC-HMS representation of continuous flow process ............................ 119

Figure 129. Location of the Karang Makam AWLR Post and Study ........................................ 121

Figure 130. Hydrograph and summary of calibration results................................................. 121

Figure 131. Optimization parameters model ......................................................................... 122

Figure 132. Basin Model Configuration in The Mandalika Watershed .................................. 122

Figure 133. Discharge data for the 2016 Tebelo River ........................................................... 125

Figure 134. Discharge data for the 2016 Ngolang River ......................................................... 125

Figure 135. Discharge data for the 2016 Balak River ............................................................. 126

Figure 136. Grain Size Curve on Tebelo River......................................................................... 127

Figure 137. Grain Size Curve on Ngolang River ...................................................................... 127

Figure 138. Grain Size Curve on Balak River ........................................................................... 128

Figure 139. Sediment Graph on the Tebelo River .................................................................. 128

Figure 140. Sediment Graph on the Ngolang River ................................................................ 129

Figure 141. Sediment Graph on the Balak River..................................................................... 130

Figure 142. Water Quality Measurement Location Map ....................................................... 146

Figure 143. Mandalika model domain.................................................................................... 155

Figure 144. Computational grid of the Mandalika ................................................................. 157

Figure 145. Bathymetry for the Mandalika. Model domain is colored by bed elevation, and the
depths are in meter ................................................................................................................ 159

Figure 146. Meteorological data used as input to the model (23 September – 18 September
2019), obtained from Lombok International Airport Station ................................................. 162

Figure 147. Comparison of measured and simulated water levels, 03rd to 18th of September
2019 ........................................................................................................................................ 165

Figure 148. Path profiles of observed and simulated particle released at: a) Serinting and b)
Aan .......................................................................................................................................... 166

Figure 149. Path profiles of observed and simulated particle at: a) Serinting and b) Aan .... 168

Figure 150. Proposed intake and outfall locations of Mandalika SWRO plant at Serinting beach
(adapted from Google Earth) ................................................................................................. 169

Figure 151. Velocity cap intake terminal and b) Open intake tower with velocity cap and mesh
screen (Bleninger, 2010)......................................................................................................... 171

Figure 152. Capital costs of major concentrate disposal options depending on the concentrate
flow rate (Mickley, 2006)........................................................................................................ 173

Figure 153. Location of observation points for three water intake site scenarios ................ 175

Figure 154. Concentration of salinity at the observation points placed at outfall location in
Layer 4 (height of brine outlet), in case of intake location scenario is at A, B and C ............. 175

Figure 155. Concentration of salinity at the observation points placed at 30 m landward from
outfall location, in Layer 4 (height of brine outlet), in case of intake location scenario is at A, B
and C ....................................................................................................................................... 176

Figure 156 Concentration of salinity at the observation points in Layer 4 (height of sea water
inlet) placed at intake location of A, B and C ......................................................................... 176

Figure 157. Concentration of salinity at the observation points in Layer 4 (height of sea water
inlet) placed at 30 m landward from intake location of A, B and C ....................................... 177

Figure 158. Simulated salinity distributions at the bottom layer, for scenario of Intake location
A, under spring tide condition: a) Low tide and b) high tide .................................................. 178

Figure 159. Simulated salinity distributions at the bottom layer, for scenario of Intake location
A, under neap tide condition: a) Low tide and b) high tide.................................................... 179


Alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah.

The Mandalika, is designed to be a very high standard of tourism resort where people live in
harmony with nature. Infrastructure must be built in this area to facilitate the people enjoying
the beauty of the nature, and in the same time, the natural beautifulness of the nature mast
be conserved.

The Mandalika is located in the coastal area where inland clean water availability is very low.
As for tourism resort, a huge volume of clean water is required to support all tourism activities
in the area. Processing seawater to produce clean water is the most possible option due to
unlimited volume of the seawater. However, brine as the side product of the process, have
potential to endanger the nature. Therefore, a deep analysis must be conducted to find an
ideal compromise on producing huge volume of clean water with the most minimum impact
on the nature.

In the Mandalika, there is an SWRO that processes seawater to produce clean water. Raw
water is designed to be taken from beach wells. In this report, simulation of groundwater
abstraction from the beach wells is presented in accordance to impact on the saline water
intrusion. Ideal process of SWRO which able to produce clean water effectively and
environmentally friendly is also presented in this report. Simulation of hydrodynamic in
Mandalika Bay is necessary in order to decide the ideal locations of inlet and outfall, in case
the inlet and outfall are direct to the sea.

The final part of this report is recommendations concerning on how to guaranty the SWRO
able to produce clean water in an effective and environmentally friendly way, volume and time
frame of groundwater abstraction and brine injection, and locations of direct seawater intake
and outfall.

Mataram, October 2019


A. Background

The Mandalika is located in the coastal line of the southern part of Lombok Island where
freshwater availability is low. Combination of the low annual precipitation and geological
condition that is not support to infiltration and keep the infiltrated rain water as groundwater,
is the main factor causing the lack of fresh water in this area. As one of the priority tourism
destinations, availability of freshwater in the Mandallika is the main concern supporting
tourism activities. Processing sea water to be fresh water is become the necessity, however
the impacts on the surrounding ecosystem must be considered.

Sea water reverse osmosis (SWRO) is an efficient technology processing sea water to fresh
water. In the SWRO plant, about 40% of the total raw water will be the product of fresh water,
while the 60% remaining will be returned to the nature as brine, which has higher salinity
compare to the initial raw water. In addition, the wash water, that is water needed to clean
up the RO filters, contains higher salinity and also chemical content. In Mandalika, there is an
existing SWRO plant which uses beach wells as the source of raw water (intake). The wells are
located in the delta of Ngolang River, approximately 200 m from coastal line (MSL), while the
brine outlet is located in the lagoon which is the estuary of the Ngolang. From the lagoon,
water flows to Seger Beach which is the main habitat of Nyale Worm in the Mandalika.

Bau Nyale is the annual iconic traditional event of Pujut people, and recently become an
important tourism event in Lombok. Bau Nyale is the event of fishing Nyale. Sustainability of
Nyale worm would not only representation of the conservation of environment but also
supporting the sustainability of eco tourism in Mandalika. Development of Mandalika resort,
such as SWRO activities, will have potential environment impacts on terrestrial and marine
environment. It must be ensure that the impacts must be minimum therefore conservation of
environment still can be maintain, even getting better.

Another potential impact on Mandalika marine environment comes from drainage system
that flows to Mandalika waters. Land use change in upstream from forest to residential will
affect the precipitation run-off coefficient and increasing concentration of contaminants in
river flow

There are two critical components identified that need additional study efforts in order to
obtain the optimal attraction of the Mandalika:
1. Sufficient supply of water of high quality. In Mandalika, water supply is planed to be
provided by two SWRO; one that already exist is located in western part of Mandalika,
the another is planned to be built in eastern part of Mandalika. The SWRO has capacity
of 10 MLD each. During the operational of SWRO, it must be ensure that both, seawater
intake and brine discharge, have the minimum potential environmental impacts;
2. Drainage and interaction with rivers/streams from the hinterland. There are four river
systems across the Mandalika, it is necessary to introduce measures to treat the river
water to safeguard the environment in the Mandalika as well as in coastal zone.

B. Objectives

1. Assess the impacts on the coastal environment from construction of one and
operation of two RO-plants in the Mandalika Resort area, and
2. Establish a set of water quality design parameters for the upstream retention ponds
and water treatment facilities to be located in the local streams/rivers running
through the Mandalika Resort

C. Scope of Work

The scope of work is organized in a number of proposed activities reflecting the two specific
objectives, including the preliminary works that are required for both purposes:
1. Data collection and surveys
a. Bathymetry and present infrastructure
b. Typical wave, current and tidal conditions on the boundary (establish the
typical wave and current data set for at least a 15 days spring-neap tidal cycle
in both the dry season and the wet season)

c. Baseline water quality in the Mandalika bay area (key indicator pollutants is
e.coli, TDS, EC, Salinity, pH, DO, COD/BOD, SS, TN and TP)
d. Corral reefs and any other protected/sensitive habitats)
e. Rainfall data/statistics
f. River flow and water quality (same parameters)
g. Information on population and land-use in river catchments
2. Specify approach and development of scenarios (with/without project (SWRO plants),
different location of SWRO intakes and outlets, with/without pollution from rivers).
3. Set-up of a physical-based hydrodynamic and water quality model for the Mandalika
4. Analysis/simulation of the water quality for the various scenarios, including an
assessment of the effect on coral reef (if any) and mangrove areas
5. Given the maximum concentrations of a set of key indicator pollutants in four points
in Mandalika Bay, estimate the maximum transport of the same pollutants in the
rivers flowing through the Mandalika Resort Area and discharging in the coastal zone
6. Formulate a design basis for the planning and design of upstream detention ponds
and wastewater treatment facilities

There are four points in the coastal zone have been tentatively identified as key monitoring
locations for the baseline study and the model simulations as shown in the following figure.

Figure 1. Key monitoring locations for baseline study and model simulation

Sea Water Reverse Osmosis
(SWRO) in the Mandalika

A. Existing Condition

At present, there is only one operating SWRO plant in the Mandalika, located in Lot IC 1 (Fig.1)
with total land area of 2.5 ha and total building area of 610 m2. This site is located about 730
m from coastal line and 20 m from lagoon perimeter line. The lagoon, Kuta Lagoon, is an inter
tidal lagoon, which is during high tide the sea water come into the lagoon through river mouth
in Seger Beach, and then all of the water return back to the sea during low tide. The lagoon
area is approximately 22.5 ha and there is only one perennial river, Ngolang River, flows to the
lagoon only during wet season. The river catchment area is approximately 14.6 km2. The
source of raw water for SWRO comes from beach wells located in the SWRO area, the brine
water is flowed directly to the lagoon.

In the plant, there are two units of SWRO which each of them has production capacity of 3000
CMD, however only one unit is already installed. In general, the existing SWRO plant consists
of four components; a water inlet supplies the plant with raw water, a set of preliminary
treatment to filter the coarse contaminants, a set of filtering processes equipment to separate
salts from seawater, and a water outlet brings brine hypersaline water to a dumping area. The
existing SWRO plant in the Mandalika Resort is shown in Fig. 2. Every component would be
described briefly in the following explanation.

Beach Well

Water supply of the existing SWRO plant is not seawater but brackish water from beach wells.
There are 4 beach wells, three of them are equipped with centrifugal pumps, two of the
equipped wells serve as raw water source for the SWRO, others function as reserves . The wells
were constructed with PCV pipe diameter of 10 inch, and have depth ranging from 9.45 m to
20.5 m. There is no standard screen installed in the PVC pipe, the pipe was sliced vertically in
some parts, and the slices are functioned as the screen.

Well #2
Well #1
Well #3
Well #4

Figure 2. Location of SWRO and beach wells in the Mandalika

Beach wells Centrifugal pumps Multimedia filter
(4 units) (3 units) (1 unit, cap. 6900 CMD)
(3 units, tot cap. 9.3 m3)

Chemical dozing Micron filter

(1 unit, cap. 3000 CMD) (2 units)

Product reservoir RO filter RO pump

(2 units, cap. 220 m3) (1 unit, cap. 3000 CMD) (1 unit, cap. 1075 CMD)

CIP System
(1 set, cap. 11 m3)

Figure 3. Schematic diagram of the existing SWRO operating in the Mandalika

Beach Well Pump

The centrifugal pumps have capacity of about 2000 CMD each, they were designed to work as
a group to pump raw water from the beach wells to preliminary reservoirs. The pump outlet
pipes, PVC pipe with diameter of 4 inch, were connected to a header which has diameter of 6

inch. There are, however, several concerns that may reduce SWRO potential capacity. The
header is only made of a flexible hose, and its connection to PVC pipe is done only by clamps.
The plumbing from the beach well pumps to reservoir is not secure delivering the designed
capacity of the pumps, i.e. 6000 CMD

Figure 4. A centrifugal pump installed in the beach well no 3

Preliminary Reservoir

Preliminary reservoir consists of three tanks, which is connected each other by using PVC pipe
diameter of 4 inch. Each tank has capacity of 3.1 m3, the total capacity is therefore 9.3 m3. The
inlet is located upside, while the outlet is located in the bottom side. Both consist of 4 inch
PVC pipe. The outlet connects to centrifugal pumps, feeder pumps, delivering water to
multimedia filter. The pumps have the same specification as the beach well pumps. This
reservoir functions as a buffer rather than settlement/sedimentation reservoir since the
volume is too small and flow turbulation is too high to make sediment settlement possible.

Figure 5. Tanks function as preliminary reservoirs

Multimedia Filter

Multimedia filter (Fig. 5) has capacity of 6900 CMD. There are two feeder pumps for
multimedia filter that has capacity of 2800 CMD each (Fig. 6), but these pumps are not
equipped with inverter. This filter need only 2.0 Psi pressure difference between inlet and
outlet to operate. This filter is facilitated with pipe system that capable to operate in three
mode; normal, backwash, and rinsing. In normal mode, during normal condition, water from
feeder pump comes in from inlet pipe and goes out through outlet pipe to micron filter. In
backwash mode, when the multimedia needs to be deeply cleaned, water comes in from outlet
pipe and goes out from inlet pipe to brine open channel. In rinsing mode, when the multimedia
need to be cleaned regularly, the flow direction is similar to normal mode but the water goes
to brine open channel.

Figure 6. Multimedia filter

Figure 7. The feeder pumps

Micron Filter

During normal condition, water from multimedia filter flows to micron filter (Fig. 7). Before
reaching the micron filter, a chemical solution, named antiscalant, is injected to keep scale not
forming as the water is being purified by the micron and RO membrane. There are two micron
filters configured in parallel formation. There is no name plate available, therefore
specification regarding to the maximum capacity can not be obtained. Physically, dimension
of the micron filter is 125 cm in height and 40 cm in diameter.

Figure 8. The micron filter arranged in parallel formation

Treatments from preliminary reservoir to micron filter are classified as pre treatment. The
main treatment is in RO filter, where salt is separated from the water. It needs very small size
of filter, i.e. 0.1 nanometer, therefore it needs high pressure pump.

RO Pump

This RO pump has capacity of 1155 CMD (212 GPM) of raw water at the maximum pressure of
880 psi (2032 ft). Generally in a SWRO, recovery level is set at 40% to 50%. It means that ratio
of product water to raw water ranges from 40% to 50%. Refer to portion of production, this
RO pump has the maximum capacity of 500 CMD.

During SWRO operation, phenomena of “bottle neck” occurs in RO pump which has the
smallest capacity. As the consequences, pressure in multimedia filter increases from 2.0 Psi to
44.0 Psi since there is inverter in multimedia filter pumps.

Figure 9. The 500 CMD RO pump

RO Filter

RO filter is the main component of SWRO. In a set of RO filter which has production capacity
of 3000 CMD, there are 36 cartridges which are arranged vertically in 6 rows (Fig. 9). Usually,
ratio of production and raw water in SWRO is set 40% to 50%, therefore the volume of raw
water required is approximately 7500 CMD. Since the capacity of RO pump is only 1155 CMD,
then only the two bottom layers of cartridge are being functioned.

In every cartridge, there are two outlets; low TDS and high TDS. The low TDS output is located
in the near end of the cartridge, close to the inlet, while the high TDS outlet is located in the
far end of the cartridge. The low TDS outlet produces water specified for drinking water which
has TDS level lower than 100 ppm, while the high TDS outlet produces clean water which has
TDS level between 100 ppm and 500 ppm. In the existing operation, the two outlets are
combined into production pipe therefore the final production is clean water which has TDS
higher than 100 ppm but lower than 500 ppm.

During SWRO operation, water in the production pipe flows to two components; the product
reservoirs as product, and the preliminary reservoirs as blending (will be explained in the next
sub-chapter). When SWRO operation will be terminated, all water in the production pipe is
directed to CIP reservoir in order to do cleaning.

Product Reservoir

The product reservoir consists of two open reservoirs made from lined masonry and topped
up with lightweight metal roof. The inner side of the reservoirs are lined with swimming pool
paint. The total capacity of the two reservoirs is about 220 m3. There are two distribution

pumps that have similar specification as the well pumps and multimedia filter pumps. These pumps
function to distribute the product water to costumer.

Figure 10. The RO filter which has capacity of 3000 CMD

Figure 11. The product reservoirs

Cleaning in Place (CIP) System

CIP system consists of a 11 m3 reservoir, a CIP pump and a micron filter (Fig. 11). The pump has
similar specification as the multimedia filter pump, while the micron filter is similar as the one
before RO pump. There are two kinds of operation by CIP system:
a. Cleaning, that is the regular operation to clean up the RO filter after daily operation. The
clean water in the CIP reservoir is pumping to the RO filter to wash out TDS trapped in in
the filter, then water flows to brine outlet.

b. Rinsing, that is the scheduled operation to do deep cleaning of RO filter. Water is circulated
from CIP reservoir, micron filter, RO filter and then return back to CIP reservoir. Chemical
solution is added, and the returning flow to the CIP reservoir may contain solid particle
that come from RO filter. The micron filter prevent this solid particle return back to RO

Figure 12. The CIP system in SWRO the Mandalika

Chemical Dosing

Some kind of chemical solutions are added in the SWRO process, they are grouped as chemical
dosage (Fig, 12). There are four kind of solution, each of them is placed in 500 lt polyethylene
reservoir that is equipped with mixer to maintain the solution in well mixed condition, injected
to the target location pipe by using special pump. The function and target location of each
solution are explained briefly as follows:
- Chlorine as disinfectant. Pre chlorine is injected in inlet pipe of preliminary reservoir, post
chlorine is injected in product pipe.
- SMBS anti chlorine, to neutralize chlorine before entering micron filter and RO filter. Those
two filters are sensitive to chlorine
- Anti scalant, to prevent hardening of filtrated material in micron filter, is injected in the
inlet pipe of micron filter
- NaOH coustic soda that is utilized as pH adjuster, is injected in product pipe.

Figure 13. Chemical dosage

B. Performance of the Existing SWRO

Capacity of Intake

It is essential to examine the capacity of intake, that is the beach wells. Referring to data
obtained in the previous study (Anonym, 2018), properties of the beach wells are summarized
in Table 1. In Table 1 is also shown the drawdown occurred in the beach wells due to pumping
test conducted in beach well no 1 with constant discharge of 8.74 lt/s (755 CMD). The graph
of the drawdown is shown in Fig. 13

Table 1. Properties of beach wells in SWRO the Mandalika

Beach well Distance from Well depth from Water depth Drawdown due to pumping
number BW No 1 (m) land surface (m) (m) test BW No 1 (m)

BW No 1 0.00 9.45 7.67 1.32

BW No 2 14.80 20.50 18.41 0.23
BW No 3 17.12 18.22 11.20 0.19
BW No 4 31.42 15.56 15.56 0.12

Pumping time (min)

Drawdown (cm)
Beach well no 1
Beach well no 3
Beach well no 2
Beach well no 4

Figure 14. Drawdown due to pumping test in beach well no 1, Q = 8.74 l/s (Anonym, 2018)

Step drawdown test was conducted to estimate the optimum pumping discharge from the
wells. Results of step drawdown test conducted in well no 1 and no 2 are shown in Fig. 14 and
Fig. 15, respectively. Pumping discharge for every value of drawdown is also shown in the

0.74 Q = 9.05 lt/s

Drawdown (m)

Q = 19.55 lt/s
2.47 Q = 22.51 lt/s

Figure 15. Step drawdown test conducted in beach well no 1

Drawdown (m)

1.32 Q = 13.43 lt/s

2.55 Q = 21.67 lt/s

Q = 23.06 lt/s

Figure 16. Step drawdown test conducted in beach well no 2

a. Estimation of Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity

The hydraulic conductivity, K (m/day) was estimated based on this equation (Todd & Mays,

Q r 
K ln  2 

 h  h1
 r1 

where :
Q : pumping discharge (m3/day)
h1 : water depth in monitoring well no 1 (m)
h2 : water depth in monitoring well no 2 (m)
r1 : distance from tested well to monitoring well no 1 (m)
r2 : distance from tested well to monitoring well no 2 (m)

Estimation of K was performed with data showed in Table 1. There are three monitoring wells
available and the estimation need only two wells, therefore estimation of K was done by two
alternatives; by using BW no 2 and BW no 4, and by using BW no 3 and BW no 4. The average
of those two K is taken as the representative of K in the area of SWRO. Result of K estimation
is shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Estimation of hydraulic conductivity in SWRO area in the Mandalika

Alternative Monitoring well K (m/day)
Alternative 1 BW no 2 and BW no 4 109.60
Alternative 2 BW no 3 and BW no 4 145.27
Average 127.44

b. Estimation of the Optimum Discharge

For exploitation purposes, it is necessary to estimate the optimum discharge for every single
well. For estimation, the graphical method of Sichardt was used, steps of calculation are
explain as follows:
a. Data obtained from step drawdown test (Fig. 14 or Fig. 15) was graphically plotted, the
drawdown values, s, as the vertical axis (Y axis), while the discharge, Q, as the horizontal
axis (X axis). Both axis are in normal scale.
b. Equation represented the all plotted data was obtained by polynomial regression order 2.
c. The maximum discharge (Qmaks) was calculated by using the following equation:

 K
Qmax  2  rw D  
 15 

d. The maximum drawdown (smaks) was calculated based on equation obtained by regression
by using Qmaks
e. Values of smaks and Qmaks were plotted, equation connecting the two points was obtained
by doing linear regression.
f. The Qoptimum was obtained as the horizontal axis value of the cross section between the
polynomial order 2 line and the linear regression line.

Calculation steps are graphically shown in Fig. 16 and Fig. 17 for beach well no 1 and no 2,
respectively, the optimum discharge for both wells is shown in Table 3. For well no 3 and no
4, calculation is not presented due to data availability.
Drawdown (m)

Discharge (lt/s)

Figure 17. Estimation of the optimum discharge in beach well no 1

Drawdown (m)

Qopt Qmax

Discharge (lt/s)

Figure 18. Estimation of the optimum discharge in beach well no 2

Table 3. The optimum discharge for wells in SWRO Mandalika
Beach well The optimum discharge
number (liter/s) (CMD)
BW No 1 8.54 738
BW No 2 21.01 1815
BW No 3 - -
BW No 4 - -

Quantity and Quality of Product

This SWRO was designed to have production capacity of 6000 CMD, consists of two units which
each unit has capacity of 3000 CMD. Present condition, only one unit is already installed with
capacity of 3000 CMD, however some components do not support the capacity. The actual
existing capacity is approximately 170 CMD.

In term of quantity, the lowest capacity component is the RO pump. With capacity of 1155
CMD, this pump supports only about 16% of the total single unit capacity. To support
production of 3000 CMD, it is required that all components starting from intake to RO filter
(see Fig. 2) have capacity of higher than 7500 CMD. However, none of them has that capacity
level, including plumbing system which has diameter of only 4 inch.

In term of quality, which refers only on TDS parameter, components that reduce TDS are
multimedia filter, micron filter and RO filter. Reduction of TDS for those components is shown
in Table 4 and Table 5. In Table 4, data was obtained from instantaneous sampling to obtain
reduction of every single component that is not available in daily monitoring data showed in
Table 5.

Table 4. TDS reduction in every filters in SWRO the Mandalika

TDS (ppm)
No Sample point Reduction
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Average
1 Raw water 30,000.0 30,200.0 30,100.0
2 Preliminary reservoir 22,600.0 22,500.0 22,500.0 22,533.3 25.1%
3 Post multimedia filter 18,500.0 18,500.0 18,400.0 18,466.7 18.0%
4 Post micron filter 17,300.0 17,200.0 17,100.0 17,200.0 6.9%

TDS (ppm)
No Sample point Reduction
Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Average
5 RO Output (low TDS) 100.0 126.0 121.0 115.7 99.3%
6 RO Output (high TDS) 555.0 554.0 566.0 558.3 96.8%
7 Total RO Output 400.0 400.0 398.0 399.3 97.7%
8 Brine 41,200.0 41,500.0 41,700.0 41,466.7

Table 5. Monitoring of TDS reduction during regular daily SWRO operation

TDS (ppm)
Date Recovery
Raw Pre. RO Out RO Out Total
water Reservoir Low TDS High TDS Product
20/02/2019 18,884 11,386 79 630 499 30,829 63%
24/02/2019 19,820 11,369 80 941 500 30,835 63%
25/02/2019 19,830 11,385 80 648 500 30,930 63%
26/02/2019 19,876 11,369 79 640 500 30,837 63%
05/03/2019 19,140 11,394 83 631 500 31,680 63%
16/03/2019 19,980 11,411 81 639 499 32,380 63%
17/03/2019 19,845 11,375 79 644 499 32,370 63%
21/03/2019 19,836 11,360 79 639 500 32,372 63%
22/03/2019 19,835 11,359 80 638 499 32,389 63%
27/03/2019 19,810 11,395 88 618 508 32,380 63%
Average 19,686 11,380 81 667 500 31,700 63%
Reduction 42.19% 99.29% 94.14% 95.60%

According to Indonesian standard, the maximum TDS for drinking water and clean water is 500
ppm (Anonym, 2010) and 1000 ppm (Anonym, 2017), respectively. As for SWRO reduction
level as shown in Table 5, to produce drinking water (as product of low TDS outlet) and clean
water (as product of high TDS outlet), the raw water must have TDS lower than 20,000 ppm.
In fact, raw water from beach wells has TDS of about 30,000 ppm and approximately 35,000
ppm for sea water. In existing operation of SWRO, the raw water is then blended with the RO
product to lower TDS level. In Fig 2, it was shown that part of RO product is directed to
preliminary reservoir to reduce TDS level lower than 20,000 ppm.

There is no filter in preliminary reservoir to reduce TDS level. Reduction as shown in Table 4
and Table 5 indicates the ratio of blending; as high the ratio as high the reduction

Brine Disposal

Brine and backwash water are flowed by open channel to control box located in the outer side
of the building. The collected water is then flowed directly to lagoon by using PVC pipe. There
is no treatment for brine and backwash.

Figure 19. Control box and outlet of brine

C. The Ideal Condition of SWRO in the Mandalika


In Sea water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO), pressure is applied to the sea water, forcing fresh water
through a semi-permeable membrane while most salts, bacteria, colloids and other impurities
are rejected by the membrane.

A Reverse Osmosis system operating at 45% recovery concentrates nearly all impurities 2x.
When the feed water contains slightly soluble minerals such as calcium sulphate, silica,
fluoride or colloidal clay, an anti-scalant should be considered. Precipitation of sparingly
soluble salts or colloids on the RO membrane surface can lead to reduced water production
and premature failure of the membranes. Material must not be allowed to precipitate in the

The system is designed to provide an uninterrupted supply of Reverse Osmosis treated water
to the Product Water Storage tank. All operations are controlled through a PLC located in the
Main Control Panel (MCP) on the RO skid. The RO system is designed to operate at a pressure
of 936 PSI and at a feed flow of 881 GPM at (77°F) 25°C. The permeate recovery at 45%.

There are 4 mayor stages for SWRO : Sea Water Intake, Pre-treatment, Reverse Osmosis
process and Post- treatment.


Filter Pump

RO Module
RO Product
Preliminary Treatment P
Sludge Backwash
RO Reject
Pump PX

E Stabilization pond

Figure 20. An ideal SWRO

air flotation
Screen of Reverse
strainer Osmosis
Coagulation + filtration

Figure 21. Pre-treatment components; dissolved air flotation (DAF) and ultrafiltration (UF)

Figure 22. SWRO documentation

Seawater Intake:

In designing of a large-scale SWRO system, it is necessary to consider the location of seawater

that will be used as raw water source. The location of intake structure affects the cost of the
piping system. It is better to choose location of SWRO close to the beach to minimize the intake
construction and maintenance cost. Generally, the deeper layer of sea water gives better
quality compare to the surface layer due to protection from hydrocarbon pollution.

Pre-treatment process

The SWRO process is much dependent on the quality of seawater used as raw water. The pre-
treatment process plays a key role in improving the quality of sea water feed which will also
improve product water quality. The steps carried out in the pre-treatment are filtering out the
carried waste, coagulation, flocculation, filtration, and filtering by 5 micron size membrane.
Pre-treatment process is required, mainly to prevent bacterial growth (bio-fouling), prevent
scale formation, regulate pH, and eliminate carried solids. These steps are carried out to
improve the quality of feed water that will enter the RO process.

c. Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)

1) Process Description

DAF is a process which aim to reduce the COD & BOD, oil content and suspended solid. This
process involves chemical and mechanical processes in order to able to effectively remove
pollutants, such as oil fractions (free oil fraction, oil fractions emulsified in water) and fine
sediments (colloids) in seawater. This unit is designed to be able to separate impurities in

seawater so that the specifications requirement of feed water for the next process (reverse
osmosis process) can be fulfilled.

2) Coagulation Process

The coagulation process is the binding process of pollutants both organic and inorganic with
the addition of chemicals. At this process stage, pollutants can be tied each other on a certain
Zeta Potential, a condition in which the coagulant can work effectively. To verify the condition
of the process, results of Jar Test analysis is needed. Coagulation process is usually conducted
by mixing the coagulant and pH adjustment with the mixing speed of 200 rpm for 1 minute.

For a continuous process, it is necessary to consider hydraulic parameters such as inflow

capacity, velocity gradient (G-1), contact surface area, kinematic viscosity, etc. The design
standard refers to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI), for example the velocity gradient
(G-1) must be higher than 750 seconds-1, and the mixing time ranges from 1 to 5 seconds.
Structures supporting coagulation process must be designed with specific specification to
make the process run optimally. Flow regime, that is identified by Reynold number (laminar,
transition, and turbulent) should be identified. For water contaminated by oil, a mixer with a
high rotational speed must be designed, which is between 3,000-12,000 rpm. At this high rpm,
the chemicals added to pollutants can contact easily.

If the actual conditions similar with the above predetermined parameters, the contact process
between chemicals and pollutants can be performed efficiently, therefore pollutant particles
can be coagulated effectively. The chemicals used in the process are coagulants (eg. Alum
Sulfate, PAC & FeCl3), flocculants (eg. Anionic Polymers), and pH adjuster (eg. Soda Ash). These
coagulants and flocculants are used to binding the pollutant particles, while pH adjuster is
needed when the condition of Zeta Potential (formation of floc nucleus) does not occur at the
existing pH level. The mixing process of chemicals and seawater is carried out in the tank
coagulator unit, and the chemicals material are added by using a dosing pump. The amount of
dosage required in the treatment process is based on the results of Jar Test conducted on a
Glass scale.

3) The Flocculation Process

The flocculation process is a continuation of the coagulation process. In this process, particles
that have been coagulated will collide each other to form larger particles (agglomeration).
Flocculation occurs during low flow velocity, each particle will collide each other. The addition
of flocculant, which is polymer material with the heavier molecular wright, will accelerate the

enlargement due to the bridging process between particles. Flocculation process in the Jar
Test is conducted for 5 minutes on the low rpm (60-80 rpm). For a continuous process, the
flocculation process is carried out in a flocculator which consists of several
chambers/compartments. The basis of the design of each chamber is the decrease of velocity
gradient (G-1), which is in the range of 70 - 10 seconds-1 and the process time (detention time)
is between 15-40 minutes. These design conditions are expected to produce perfect particle
size enlargement.

4) Flotation Process

This process aims to float particles that have been formed in the process of coagulation and
flocculation. The process is carried out by bubbling, that is flowing air in the base water column
with a multiphase pump to produce bubbles in a very small size (micro). These bubbles hold
the particles and float them to the water surface. The process is considered successful if there
is a phenomenon of white-water bubbles exist in the water surface. This phenomenon
indicates the micro bubble is stable and able to hold particles at the surface to form a layer of
particles (blanket). Saturation pressure must be set properly to ensure the process can run
optimally. Generally, the saturation pressure is set at 3 - 4.5 bar, in case of necessary, it can be
increased to 6-7 bar.

5) Clarification Process

This process is continuation of the flotation process. At this stage the blanket will be separated
from the water by using skimmer/scrapper which is driven by the drive motor and it works
continuously. The blanket is wiped by the skimmer, directed to a height-adjustable weir gate
to flow to a sludge collection chamber. The relatively pollutant-free water is at the bottom and
flows to the next process.

6) DAF equipment scheme

DAF process equipment scheme is shown in Fig. 22, explanation about the figure is presented
in following paragraph and Table 6.

Figure 23. The DAF system and the components

The process that occurs in the DAF system is a combination of the coagulation, flocculation
and flotation processes.
 Coagulation process
The coagulation process occurs in the coagulator tank where the coagulant, demulsifier
and flocculant have been injected.
 The flocculation process takes place in the pipes on the side of the DAF.
 Formation of air bubbles

Table 6. Function of components in DAF system

Equipment Function Note
Coagulator Tank Coagulation formation Statis equipment
Chemical Tank Chemical saturation Statis equipment
Dosing pump Transfer the coagulant Manual Start press ON button
solution from the
chemical tank to the Closed press OFF button
injection point (before
the Coagulator Tank)
Electric Mixer Stir the chemical solution Manual Start press ON button
in the tank to obtain a
homogeneous solution. Closed press OFF button
Saturation Pump Mix water and air to Manual Start press ON button
form saturated water to
form microbubbles. Closed press OFF button
Skimmer Move floc / mud that Manual Start press ON button
floats on a flotation basin
to a sludge basin Closed press OFF button

7) Disposal of mud from the DAF process

The mud that floats on the surface of the DAF will be taken by the skimmer mechanically, and
discharged into a mud dump. For large capacity, it is necessary to provide sludge drying bed

d. Ultrafiltration (UF)

Ultrafiltration is a semipermeable membrane that is used to filter particles such as: colloid,
turbidity (suspended), suspended solid, bacteria and all kinds of molecules in 0.1-0.01 microns
size. The Ultrafiltration (UF) method is widely used today, where the membrane separates
between small particles and some solutes with water. The advantages of ultra uiltration
compared to multi media filter:
• Production water quality is stable and constant (Silt Density Index SDI <2)
• 20% higher RO flux
• The potential for fouling at the membrane is lower
• Frequency of RO membrane replacement: 33% lower
• Area needed: 30 - 60% smaller

Figure 23 shows the UF membrane unit.

Figure 24. Ultrafiltration membrane (UF)

The other advantages of UF are the elimination of chemicals such as coagulants, flocculants,
and also function as bacterial killers and pH contaminations. The capacity of UF varies from
500 liters to 6000 liters for 1 stick. The UF system, which consists of many membrane units, is
showed in Figure 24.

Figure 25. Ultrafiltration system

The main function of the UF membrane is to filter out total suspended solid (TSS). The ability
of the ultrafiltration membrane filtering TSS can reach 99%.

The particle size that can be filtered by the UF and other membrane in SWRO is shown in Fig.

Figure 26. Performance of filters used in SWRO system

1) Ultrafiltration module Specification

Specification of ultrafiltration is shown in Table 7

Table 7. specification of ultrafiltration module

Parameters Quantity

Specifications Hollow fiber membrane size 0.6 mm diameter (ID)

Effective membrane area 34 m2
Module diameter 172 mm
Module length 1177 mm
Performance Nominal molecular weigh cutoff 6000
Permeate flowrate 16 m3/hr or more (250C, 100 kPa)
Operating Max. trans membrane pressure 300 kPa (250 C)
parameter Max. feed water side pressure 900 kPa (250 C)
Max. permeate side pressure 900 kPa (250 C)
Max. temperature used 800 C
pH range 1 - 14
Material Hollow fiber Polysulphone series
Module housing Polysulphone series
Potting material Epoxy resin
Gasket F-rubber
Preservative 0.37% formaldehyde solution

2) Waste Disposal

Ultrafiltration backwashing waste that still contains high TDS enters the effluent pipe which
joins the brine from the RO system. It is recommended to build waste treatment, or if based
on the results of technical studies, it can be disposed at sea or injected into the aquifer.

CIP (cleaning in place) waste containing chemicals is flowed to the neutralization pond to be
neutralized before being transferred to the water body

e. RO Process

Membrane RO performance is influenced by several factors including:

• Concentration polarization is affected by the presence of a gel layer on the surface

of the membrane which causes an increase in osmotic pressure on the membrane,
resulting in a decrease in the permeate membrane flux value

• Fouling and Scaling: RO membrane performance is strongly influenced by the

phenomenon of fouling and scaling. This phenomenon will cause a significant
decrease in flux value which will increase operating costs. Membrane fouling is

caused by natural organic matter (NOM), colloids, and biofilms. Scaling on the
membrane is caused by the deposition of salts on the membrane surface which are
usually calcium carbonate (CaCO3), calcium sulfate (CaSO4), and silica (SiO2)

• Chemical Cleaning: There are two methods commonly used to clean the membrane
system, namely clean in place (CIP) or clean offline. To be able to know the
concentration of CIP to be used, it is necessary to know the interaction between
chemicals and foulan

• Quality and Salinity of feed sea water : Indicators commonly used to determine
feed water quality are concentration, suspended solid (SS), turbidity, and SDI. The
lower the value of the indicator, the more the amount of permeate produced.
Thus, the operating costs of RO membranes can be reduced

1) Five (5) Micron Filtration

The 5 Micron Cartridge Filter is in the pretreatment section as a polishing filtration step for
removal of fine particulate substances down to a nominal 5 microns. 5 Micron Cartridge Filter
supplied for the RO System, and supplied for the CIP System. The HSS- 304SS Filter Housing
holds 88, 10 inches long, 5 micron cartridges. Pressure gauges located upstream and
downstream of the filter housings allow for monitoring of filter differential pressure.

The filter provides for removal of suspended particles in the feed water that are too large for
the High Pressure Pumps and RO membranes. The filter ensures that no particles are directed
to the pumps that may damage the pumps or plug the membranes. As the filter accumulates
particulates removed from the water, the pressure differential across the unit increases.

2) RO High Pressure Pump

High Pressure Pump, which supply filtered water to the RO Membranes at a flow rate and
pressure to produce product necessary to meet system requirements. Water is supplied from
the cartridge filter at sufficient pressure to the high pressure pump.

3) Pressure Exchanger Booster Pump

Pressure Exchanger Booster Pump, which delivers Raw water to RO Membranes at a flow rate
and pressure to produce product necessary to meet system requirements.

4) Reverse Osmosis System

The reverse osmosis process uses semi-permeable, spiral-wound membranes to separate and
remove dissolved solids, organics, pyrogens, submicron colloidal matter and bacteria from
water. Feed water is delivered under pressure to the permeators where water passes through
the minute pores of the membrane and is delivered as purified product water. Impurities in
the water are concentrated in the reject stream and flushed to drain. Reverse osmosis is
capable of removing 90-98% of the total dissolved solids (TDS), 99% of the organics (including
pyrogens), and 99% of all bacteria.

5) RO Membranes

Filtered water is directed to the membrane array by the High Pressure Pumps at sufficient flow
and pressure to remove dissolved solids from the process water & to produce the desired
quantity of Product at the Product Water Storage Tank. The reject produced by the
membranes is directed to the Pressure Exchanger Inlet

f. Cleaning Skid

The Cleaning Skid is utilized to clean the R.O. membranes at periodic intervals or specifically
when the membranes become fouled. The Cleaning Tank is filled with water and chemical as
directed by the membrane manufacturer to achieve the desired cleaning for the current
situation, whether normal routine maintenance or to respond to specific membrane fouling.
The Cleaning Pump directs the cleaning solution through the R.O. membranes and then back
to the Cleaning Tank. A regular preventative cleaning program should be developed based
upon operational experience. The CIP unit has a Local control panel that controls CIP Pump

1) Fresh Flush System

Fresh Flush system to provide RO Product in sufficient quantity to the RO to rinse Filtrate from
the membranes to prevent scaling or fouling. This sequence is performed when the RO ceases
operation whether through a normal or alarm initiated shutdown. Fresh Flush Tank, which
stores product for the RO for use during the Fresh Flush step. Product water is supplied to the
tank from the RO product. Fresh Flush Pump, which delivers Permeate from the Fresh Flush
Tank to the RO Membranes during the Fresh Flush step.

2) CIP System

CIP system to provide RO solution to the RO membranes to remove scaling or fouling. This
process is performed manually by the operator as required by system conditions. There is CIP

Tank , which stores product for the RO for use during the CIP step. Product water is supplied
to tank from the RO product. There is CIP Pump, which delivers solution from the CIP Tank to
the RO membranes during the CIP process.

g. RO System

The following equipment comprises the RO System:

• High Pressure Pump with VFD.
• Pressure Exchanger Booster Pump with VFD.
• Cleaning Pump.
• Fresh Flush Pump.
• (21) 1000PSI (MSP)/ side port, 7 element pressure vessels.
• (147) Thin film composite (TFC) spiral wound membranes (SW30HRLE-440i).
• Control panel w/PLC & Touch-Screen Display (MCP) (all switches, relays and electrical
equipment to properly operate the system).
• Main Power Panel (MPP).
• CIP Local Control Panel.
• Cartridge Filters (1 RO Unit & 2 CIP Units).
• Conductivity & pH monitor – Feed water & product water
• Feed ORP sensor.
• Feed Temperature sensor.
• High & Low pressure switches.
• Pressure Transmitters.
• Flow Sensors.
• Pressure Monitors- Pump’s Suction/Discharge and Feed & Product water.
• Pressure Exchangers.
• All piping, valves and plumbing required

h. Post Treatment process

The post-treatment process in the SWRO desalination system generally involves

remineralization, pH adjustment, disinfection and removal of boron. The quality of product
water from the post-treatment process must at least meet the quality of drinking water.

i. Brine Disposal

The desalination plant SWRO will produce brine byproducts. Brine flow is a rejected stream of
feed seawater which has a high content of total dissolved solid (TDS) reaching 70,000 mg/L. In

addition, the brine flow also carries some of the chemical content given in the pre-treatment
process. Brine has a high TDS value, so the brine density is much greater than normal seawater
density. So that when brine is discharged into the sea it can affect the condition of
environmental equilibrium. Several methods can be applied to reduce the environmental
impact of brine discharges such as: connecting to wastewater treatment, using evaporation
ponds to produce zero liquid discharge, and disposal at deep locations.

D. Requirements of SWRO in the Mandalika

Water Demand in the Mandalika

The Mandalika was designated as tourism area in Lombok Island, therefore availability of clean
water is the basic resource to support the development of this area. In the previous study, the
area will be developed in several districts which every district has an unique characteristic. The
uniqueness implies on the requirement of water supply. Water requirement for every district
is shown in Table 8.

Development in the Mandalika is constructed in a staging (Anonym, 2015), all districts are not
constructed in the same time but step by step according to the marketing strategy and other
economic, social, culture, and other considerations. In term of water demand, it increases
following the availability of infrastructure and services in the Mandalika. Projection of water
demand is shown in Fig. 26.

Table 8. Water requirement in every district in the Mandalika (Anonym, 2015)

District Water demand, l.s-1

The Cultural Village Renewal 26,41

The Gateway 5,88
The Lagoon 14,77
The Cultural Village 5,75
The Family District 15,55
The Hill Top East 34,27
The Golf District 41,23
The Heart West 9,19
The Hill Top West 12,03
The Heart East 14,47

District Water demand, l.s-1

The Lux-E 25,35

Conservation District 6,71
Theme Park District 3,74
Fisherman’s Wharf 18,89
The Mangrove 0,65
The Buffer District 6,45

Year CMD
2020 1,226.0
2021 2,088.0
2022 2,276.0
2023 3,393.0
2024 4,114.0
2025 5,594.0
2026 5,964.0
2027 6,418.0
2028 7,909.0
2029 9,327.0
2030 12,316.0
2031 13,404.0
2032 13,836.0
2033 15,388.0
2034 16,920.0
2035 19,270.0

Figure 27. Projection of clean water demand in the Mandalika

Intake Requirement

There are two kinds of intake will be discussed in this report; beach well and direct intake from
sea water. As for direct intake, there is no limitation on volume of water that can be taken,
however it will be a sensitive issue if the intake is come from the beach wells. To analyze the
raw water requirement, it is assumed that the recovery level is 40%, that is 40% of raw water
will be product water. Projection of raw water in the Mandalika is shown in Table 9.

Table 9. Projection of raw water requirement in the Mandalika

Year Clear water demand (CMD) Raw Water required (CMD)

2020 1,226.0 3,065.0

2021 2,088.0 5,220.0

Year Clear water demand (CMD) Raw Water required (CMD)

2022 2,276.0 5,690.0

2023 3,393.0 8,482.5
2024 4,114.0 10,285.0
2025 5,594.0 13,985.0
2026 5,964.0 14,910.0
2027 6,418.0 16,045.0
2028 7,909.0 19,772.5
2029 9,327.0 23,317.5
2030 12,316.0 30,790.0
2031 13,404.0 33,510.0
2032 13,836.0 34,590.0
2033 15,388.0 38,470.0
2034 16,920.0 42,300.0
2035 19,270.0 48,175.0
2036 19,551.0 48,877.5
2037 20,475.0 51,187.5
2038 20,986.0 52,465.0
2039 22,122.0 55,305.0
2040 22,500.0 56,250.0

a. Beach well

Presume that in 2022, construction of the direct intake from the sea is ready, the raw water
for SWRO before 2022 will be taken from the beach wells. There are four beach wells in SWRO
area, by assuming that three of them function as the main raw water sources and the another
one functions as reserve, the minimum discharge capacity for each beach well would be:

= 5690 ÷ 3

≈ 1900 CMD

In the existing condition (presented in Chapter 2), the optimum discharge for well no 1 and no
2 is 738 CMD and 1815 CMD, respectively, which both of them are lower than the minimum
discharge required.

The difference of the optimum discharge is caused by the difference on water depth of the
wells, which the depths are 7.67 m and 18.41 m for well no 1 and no 2, respectively. Based on
this condition, it is proposed that the development of the wells is done by deepen the depth.
If the well diameter is 10 inch and the depth is deepened to 30 m from ground surface, which
means that water depth is 28 m since the ground water table is about 2 m below the ground
surface, then the optimum discharge was calculated similarly as done in Chapter 2. Calculation
is graphically shown in Fig 27, the optimum discharge is 2822 CMD, that is higher than the
minimum discharge requirement.
Drawdown (m)

Qopt = 32.6 lt/dt

= 2,822.0 CMD

Discharge (l.s-1)

Figure 28. The optimum discharge for well with diameter of 10 inch, 30 m depth

All wells in SWRO must be deepened at least 30 m to yield optimum discharge higher than the
required. The total optimum discharge from the three wells would be:

= 2822 CMD Х 3

= 8466 CMD > 5690 CMD → OK!

Be noted that the above analysis neglects the effect of drawdown due to pumping all wells at
the same time. Detail ground water flow and sea water intrusion affected by pumping will be
presented in the next chapter.

b. Direct Intake from Sea Water

The ideal condition of SWRO raw water source is sea water, there is no limitation on water

volume taken from the sea due to unlimited water availability. The main concern is therefore
the intake structure that able to provide raw water always available in term of quantity and
quality, in any condition.

In order to confirm the intake ability to serve raw water, some criteria that must be concern
- Inlet pipes must be positioned at least 2 m below the lowest low water level (LLWL) to
keep the pipe always immersed ad get better water quality.
- Inlet pipe must be located in the stable foundation to prevent land slide, slope failure, and
rock fall that can blockade the inlet pipes.
- Inlet pipes must be designed therefore flow velocity inside the pipe able to prevent
sedimentation and growing of sea water biota
- Intake structure must be designed therefore able to buffer the shortage of water
deficiency due to difference of inflow from inlet pipes and outflow due to pumping. The
inflow will be depended on pipe diameter and tide condition.
- It is advisable to use centrifugal pump due to maintenance reason
- The centrifugal pump must be positioned at level higher than the highest high water level
- In the Mandalika, as a tourism resort, construction of submerge intake is recommended
rather than jetty to keep natural view of the area.

Intake structure

Centrifugal pump

Minimum 2 m

Figure 29. An ideal condition of the direct intake structure in the Mandalika

Based on the location of their inlet structure, open intakes are commonly classified as onshore
and offshore. The inlet structure of onshore intake is constructed on the banks of the source
water body, while the inlet structure of offshore intake is located several hundred to several
thousand meters away from the shore.

1) Onshore open intake

Usually for large thermal (power plant). Such intakes typically consist of a large deep intake
canal in a concrete forebay structure equipped with coarse bar screen followed by fine screen
and intake pump station.

2) Offshore open intake

These intake typically consist of velocity-cap-type inlet structure, one or more intake water
conduits (pipelines or an intake tunnel), an onshore intake chamber, trash racks, fine screens,
and a source water intake pump station.

The inlet structure of offshore open intake is usually either a vertical well (vault) made of
concrete, or steel, or wedge wire screen, located 4 to 10 meter above the floor of the water
body and submerged between 4 and 20 meter below the surface.

Figure 30. Velocity cap seawater intake

The maximum entrance velocity is the through-screen velocity at the intake bars. The depth
below the water is the distance between the mean water level and the top of the velocity cap
of the intake. The distance from the bottom is the distance between the bottom of the ocean
and the top of the velocity cap.

Offshore intake, which usually extend several hundred meters away from shoreline and sit 8
to 20 meter below the water surface, are typically not influenced by the coastal aquifers.
Therefore, such intake usually yields saline water with the same TDS content as the ambient
sea water.
Table 10. Offshore intake criteria

Parameter Value
SWRO production Capacity (m3/day) > 10,000
Max entrance velocity (m/s) 0.15
Depth below water surface (m)
Distances from the bottom (m 5
Number of inlet structure and conduits 1/1
Inlet structure diameter, m and screen size (m)
Conduit diameter (inch), material and distance 12 – 16 inch, HDPE pipe, 500-1000
from shore (m)

3) Selection of open intake type

Onshore versus offshore intake

Onshore intake have one key advantage, they are usually the lowest cost type of intake,
especially for large reverse osmosis plant. However, such intake typically produce the worst
water quality, because in most cases they are designed to collect water from entire depth of
the water coloumn and are located in the zone, where breaking waves continuously lift
particles from bottom into suspension and thereby significantly increase water turbidity as
compares to deeper waters.

The first 8 to 10 meter of water from surface in the surf zone typically contains several times
higher levels of turbidity, algae, hydrocarbon contaminant, silt, and organics than deeper
waters. The quality of water collected by onshore intake can vary significantly, because it is
influenced by wind, tides, currents, storm and freshwater runoff. Onshore intake can also be
exposed to beach erosion and direct wave action with irreversibly damaging consequences.

Because of the lower quality source water, onshore open intake very limited application for
membrane reverse osmosis plant.

4) Wedge wire Screen inlet structure

Wedge wire screen are preferred over conventional offshore velocity cap type intake. Wedge
wire screen can be used for reverse osmosis plant with an intake capacity of up to 20,000
m3/hour. Three key criteria for the suitability of the site are :

1) The sweeping velocity of currents naturally occurring in the vicinity of the intake should be
at least 0.3 m/s
2) The minimum depth of the water above the screen at all (including low tide conditions)
should be at least 50% of the screen diameter
3) The available distance between the bottom of the water body and the screen should be at
less 50% of the screen diameter or 1 m (whichever is higher)

Figure 31. Wedge wire Screen

5) Design Consideration

Onshore Intake

Depending on the coastal condition, onshore intake could be installed on a sandy coast with
low gradient, on a rocky coast or in natural or artificial enclosure (lagoon). Of the three coastal
environment, rocky bottom condition are the most favorable for constructing onshore intake.
Key factors associated with the design of such intake are wind and swell regimes, water level
variation, the tidal regime, banthymetry and coastal current.

Onshore intake in natural or artificial enclosure are typically well protected against wave and
wind action and therefore have more consistent water quality. However, one concern is that
the embayment accumulate silt and sand, so unless the area in front of the intake is dredged
periodically, the intake capacity decrease overtime. Dredging operation have implication for
both cost and source water quality.
Selection of inlet location and depth.

Once the topographic, water quality, and geologic data are collected and analyzed, the actual
location of reverse osmosis plant offshore inlet structure is selected such that it yields the best

sources water quality (the lowest turbidity, silt density index, algal content) and at same time
is closest to the shore.

The selected location and depth of the intake inlet structure should be such that the intake is
adequately submerged at low tide, protected from damaging wave motion of storm, and far
enough offshore to avoid the near shore surf zone, where storm can cause suspension of large
quantity of silt and sediment and can ultimately damage the intake structure and
interconnecting piping.

For the selected intake location, the optimal intake depth and distance from the bottom are
determined by preparation of depth profiles of turbidity, algal content, salinity, and
temperature. The goal is to find a depth from the surface and distance from the bottom that
yields the best source water quality (lowest silt density index, turbidity and algal content and
highest temperature.
Table 11. Intake inlet structure- Design consideration and criteria

Feature Recommended Size Notes

Number of inlet 2 minimum Number of intake structure is dictated by the

structure plant’s design availability factor and the size of
intake conduit

Diameter (size) 2 - 20 meter Most inlet structure gave circular shape. If the
inlet is located in a current, the shape may be
rectangular, with the shorter side against the

Distance from 8 m minimum at

mean surface mean water level
water level to 4 m minimum at low
top of velocity water level
20 m maximum
12 – 20 m optimum
Distance from 4 m minimum The distance is determined by depth of the
bottom to top of sweeping current at the bottom
velocity cap

Distance from 300 – 2000 m This distance is determined by the length of the
the shore tidal or active beach erosions zones

Distance 50 – 300 mm
between coarse
screen bars

Through screen 0.10 – 0.15 m/s


Inlet Depth

Optimum depth of the top of the intake velocity cap below the mean surface water level is 12
to 20 m. It is recommended that the top of the inlet velocity cap is submerged at a minimum
of 8 m below the water surface at mean and lowest tide water level, respectively.
Inlet Screen

Inlet screen are typically with a distance between bars of 50 to 200 mm. The bar length is
usually between 1 and 3 m. The design maximum through screen velocity in a range of 0.10 to
0.15 m/s.
Intake Water Pipe configuration

Intake water conduits used piping. An intake pipeline can be constructed using methods:
 Can be directly installed on the bottom of the water body and anchored with concrete
 It can be buried in trench
 It can be directionally drilled or micro tunnels in the bottom sediment

Intake pipeline material

HDPE (High Density Poly Ethelyne) pipe usually is used because it is very durable and resistant
to corrosion and installed directly on the bottom of the water body. It can handle moderate
wave and wind action without needing to be buried.

Figure 32. Offshore intake with a single inlet structure

Figure 33. Intake inlet

Preliminary Treatment

In Chapter 2, the existing SWRO has limitation, that is only able to produce clean water with
TDS lower than 1,000 ppm by raw water that has TDS lower than 22,000 ppm. In actual
condition, raw water contain TDS of 35,000 to 40,000 ppm. It needs additional treatment and
facilities to reduce TDS level before water entering RO filter. The existing pre-treatment is only
multimedia filter that able only filtering suspended solid which has diameter of bigger than
100 nanometer. Colloids and other smaller particle can not be filtered.

Performance of pre-treatment must be upgraded to reduce TDS more effectively. The

dissolved air flotation (DAF) in combination with ultrafiltration (UF) is the most effective
component reducing TDS level in pre-treatment process. Figure 29 illustrates the schematic
diagram of pre-treatment.

Intake Product

Micron Micron
filter filter Pump
DAF unit UF unit RO unit

Sludge tank

Backwash Brine

Preliminary treatment

Figure 34. Schematic diagram of pre-treatment required in the Mandalika

RO Process

In the existing condition, water flow direction in RO filter is not one cycle, some of them is
recycle as blending to reduce TDS load in the raw water. Blending activity reduces the real
capacity of SWRO, reduction of TDS in raw water must be done by increasing the effectiveness
of the pre-treatment process.

There are many brands of RO membrane available in market, in the existing condition, SWRO
in the Mandalika use two brand of RO membrane. There are 12 vessels, named vessel 25 to
vessel 36, all of them use the same brand of membrane except vessel no 33. This vessel is
constantly produce lower TDS compare to others in both, low and high TDS output. In the
design, it must be sure that all membrane must have the same specification and high standard.

Table 12. Monitoring of RO product in every RO vessel

Monitoring of TDS in 2019 (ppm)

Vessel 24- 25- 26- 16- 17- 21- 22- 23-
Feb Feb Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar
Vessel 25 520 513 515 518 519 528 519 510 518
Vessel 26 520 514 515 519 518 517 517 512 517
Vessel 27 585 580 579 584 584 581 585 579 582
Vessel 28 555 544 545 552 552 548 547 542 548
Vessel 29 576 567 568 572 573 569 569 564 570
High Vessel 30 525 518 517 521 523 520 510 515 519
TDS Vessel 31 599 591 590 593 596 593 59 585 526
Vessel 32 599 590 590 594 596 594 595 588 593
Vessel 33 320 319 316 320 319 318 317 314 318
Vessel 34 603 897 592 596 598 538 598 590 627
Vessel 35 620 612 611 613 704 614 617 610 625
Vessel 36 598 591 590 595 594 594 597 506 583
Vessel 25 86 84 82 84 84 81 83 81 83
Vessel 26 86 83 85 85 85 84 88 82 85
Vessel 27 95 93 92 92 93 92 95 96 94
Vessel 28 94 95 90 95 95 96 96 89 94
Vessel 29 97 95 93 93 96 93 95 92 94
Low Vessel 30 94 90 88 102 93 103 93 87 94
TDS Vessel 31 101 90 98 100 103 102 104 98 100
Vessel 32 104 96 96 102 99 99 98 94 99
Vessel 33 41 39 39 40 41 39 40 37 40
Vessel 34 103 98 98 102 102 101 101 97 100
Vessel 35 103 99 96 99 100 100 99 94 99
Vessel 36 41 39 39 40 40 39 40 38 40

Backwash and Brine Disposal

Waste of the DAF activity is sludge. The wet sludge will be evaporated and the dry sludge must
be put in the special area. Detail analysis on effect of sludge to the environment must be
performed. Backwash, as resulted from cleaning activity of UF unit contain high TDS. It must
be directed in the stabilize pond where brine water is disposed. The stabilize pond must have
capacity of at least two hours of brine discharge.

Typically, both BWRO (brackish) and SWRO plant generate three key waste streams :
1) Concentrate (brine), which usually has 1.5 to 5 times higher salinity than the saline source
2) Spent filter backwash water from the plant pretreatment facility, which has the same
salinity as the source water

3) Spent chemicals and flush water from periodic RO membrane cleaning, which usually are
not lower salinity than the source water.

a. Concentrate

The volume of concentrate generated by SWRO is significant, because a typical SWRO

separation process converts only 40 to 55 % of the source water into SWRO freshwater,
rejecting the remaining source water as concentrate. Seawater concentrate contains over 99%
of all source seawater salts and dissolved constituents, and its mineral content is
approximately 1.5 to 2 times higher than that of the source seawater.

BWRO plant usually convert 70 to 90% of the source water into freshwater, and therefore they
generate relatively smaller volume of concentrate than do SWRO plant with same freshwater
production capacity. However, the mineral content per unit volume of brackish water
concentrate is typically 2.5 to 6.5 times higher than for the source water.

Concentrate water quality is largely determined by the quality of the source water. Open
ocean seawater quality is usually very consistent, over 98% of the seawater concentrate
salinity is attribute to five dissolved mineral : sodium, chloride, sulfate, magnesium and

However, water quality of the concentrate generated by SWRO plant with subsurface (well)
intakes is strongly dependent on whether the coastal source water aquifer is influenced by
contaminant present in surrounding aquifer. Alluvial aquifer often contain elevated
concentration of colloidal iron and manganese and have very low level of oxygen.

b. Spent Filter Backwash water

Spent filter backwash water stream produced by the pretreatment filtration system, which
serves to remove solid particulates and other compounds before the water stream can be
treated by RO membrane. SWRO process require a pretreatment step, and thus produces
backwash water. Pretreatment is less frequently requirement for BWRO system, unless
surface water groundwater high levels of iron and/or manganese is used as source water or
source water.

The amount of solids contained in spent filter backwash water is dependent on the source
water quality and type of pretreatment system employed (granular or membrane filter).
Typically, membrane based pretreatment system produce larger volume of backwash water
(1.5 to 2 times), but require less coagulant, if any, as compared to granular filter, which tend
to generate a waste stream with a higher content of solid constituent.

c. Spent Membrane cleaning chemicals

Waste streams generated from chemical cleaning of UF and MF pretreatment membrane

usually contribute less than 1% of the total plant discharge volume, whereas spent RO
membrane cleaning solution are typically less than 1.5% of the discharge.

Table 13. Chemical used in SWRO :

Chemical Dosage Point of application and purpose


Ferric Chlorida or Fe 0.5 – 30 Upstream of pretreatment system for

sulfat enhanced removal solid and silt

Polymer (Flocculant) 0-2 Upstream of pretreatment system for

enhanced of solid and silt
Sodium hypochlorite 0 - 15 At intake forebay (for open intake) or well
heads (for well intake) for control of
Upstream of pretreatment for control of
Sodium bisulfite 0 – 50 Upstream of RO system for removal oxidant
Antiscalant 0.5 - 2 Downstream of the point of addition of
sodium bisulfit and upstream of the RO
system for inhibition of scalling
Sodium hydroxide 10 - 40 Into feed water of first or second passes for
enhanced removal of boron
Into finished water for adjustment of pH
Lime 50 -199 Into RO permeate for addition of hardness
and alkalinity
Carbon dioxide 30 - 80


1) Baku Mutu

Lampiran II

Peraturan Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup

Nomor : 09 tahun 2009


Table 14. Sumber Desalinasi

No Parameter Satuan Kadar Maksimum

1 pH k. 6-9

m. 2 Salinitas 0/00 Pada radius 30 m dari lokasi pembuangan air

limbah ke laut, kadar salinitas air limbah sudah
harus sama dengan kadar salinitas alami

Catatan : apabila sumber air imbah Desalinasi tidak dibuang ke IPAL


The dispose method involves Injection of SWRO concentrate into an acceptable, confined deep
underground aquifer adequately separated from freshwater or brackish water aquifer above
it. The depth of such wells usually varies between 500 and 1500 meter. Deep well injection is
frequently used for disposal of concentrate from all sizes of brackish water plants.

Shallow exfiltration beach well systems could be used for seawater concentrate disposal.
Compared to deep well injection, beach well disposal consists of concentrate discharge into a
relatively shallow unconfined coastal aquifer that ultimately conveys this discharge into the
open ocean through the bottom sediment.

Concentrate disposal wells typically consist of three or more concentrate layers of pipe,
surface casing, long string casing, and injection tubing. A deep injection well consists a
wellhead (equipped with pump, if needed) and a lined well shaft protected by multiple layers
of casing and grouting.

Figure 35. brine is injected into porous subsurface rock formation

Advantages :
 Suitable for inland plants
 Moderate cost
 Low energy consumption

Disadvantages :
 Only if confined saline aquifer available
 Potential groundwater contamination

Well shaft

The type of materials selected for well shaft construction to be compatible with SWRO
discharge water quality. Materials often used for the inner liner of well shaft include fiberglass,
plastic, steel and extra thick steel pipe. Injection wells are generally constructed by the same
process used to constructed extraction wells. Cable tools and rotary drilling have been used
successfully to construct deep well. Completion of the well involves testing the casing and
cement grouting to make sure they do not leak and can sustain design pressure.

Deep injection wells are multi cased, with the innermost casing set at the top of the injection
zone. Three to four casings are typically used. The depth of each casing depends on the
geological environment surrounding the well. The main purpose of multi stage casing is to
protect the upper freshwater zone from deeper, brackish zones and to reduce the possibility
of fluid exchange between the different aquifers.

Cement grouting surrounding each casing protects it from external corrosion, increase its
strength, and prevents waste from travelling to areas other than the designed injection zone.
The type of cement layer surrounding the well casing are typically regulated by the
government agencies issuing permits (licenses) for well construction and operation.
Injection Zone

The characteristic of the receiving formation (injection zone) determine the appropriate well
assembly a perforated screen assembly is appropriate for unconsolidated formations such as
sand while an open hole completion is used wells that inject into consolidated sandstone

The innermost layer of the well, the injection tubing, conducts concentrate from the surface
to the injection zone. Because it is continuous contact with concentrate, this tubing is

construct of corrosion resistant material (fiberglass reinforced plastic, coated or lined alloy

The annular space between the tubing and the long string, which is sealed at the bottom by a
packer and at the top by wellhead, isolated the casing from the injected concentrate and
creates a fluid tight seal. The packer is a mechanical device set above the injection zone that
seals the outside of the long string casing. The packer maybe a simple mechanical set rubber
device or a complex concentric seal assembly. Constant pressure is maintained in the annular
space. This pressure is continuously monitored to verify the well’s mechanical integrity and
proper conditions.

Concentrate discharge pressure is usually adequate to convey concentrate to and down into
the injection well. If the concentrate head is insufficient, additional pumping will be require.
The material of the injection well pump should be compactible with the physical and chemical
properties of the injected concentrate. Past experiences with injection systems indicate that
improperly selected materials cause many difficulities, resulting in corrosion of the injection

3) Storage

storage of concentrate or an alternative method of disposal is needed to allow for

maintenance and repairs of the injection well system. Additionally, the well system may be
shut down if monitoring systems and monitoring wells indicate leakage. The type of storage
facility or standby disposal methods highly dependent on the location of the well and the
conditions surrounding the well site. If the injection well system is located near the coast, a
discharge canal or pipeline could be used to temporarily discharge the concentrate flow to a
saline water body. Deep well concentrate injection system also include set of monitoring wells
to confirm that concentrate is not migrating into the adjacent aquifers.

4) New Surface Water Discharge

Discharge of concentrate and other SWRO waste streams through a new surface water
discharge (near shore discharge structure or offshore outfall). The main purpose of outfalls is
to discharge the plant concentrate to a surface water body in a environmentally safe manner,
which in practical terms means to minimize the size of the zone of the discharge in which the
salinity is elevated outside of the typical TDS range of tolerance of the aquatic organism
inhabiting the discharge area.

The two key options available to accelerate concentrate mixing the water of the receiving
water body is to either on the naturally occurring mixing capacity of the tidal (surf) zone or to
discharge the concentrate beyond the tidal zone and to install diffusers at the end of discharge
outfall in order to improve mixing. Although open ocean near shore tidal zone usually carry a
significant amount of turbulent energy and provide much better mixing than the end of pipe
type diffuser outfall system, such zones have limited capacity to transport and dissipate the
saline discharge load into the surface water body.

If the mass of the saline discharge exceeds the threshold of the tidal zone’s salinity load
transport capacity, the excess salinity would begin to accumulate in the tidal zone and could
ultimately result in a long term salinity increment in this zone beyond the level of tolerance of
the aquatic life in the area of the discharge. Therefore the tidal zone is usually a suitable
location for salinity discharge only when it has adequate capacity to receive, mix, and transport
this discharge into the surface body (seawater). The site specific salinity threshold mixing/
transport capacity of the tidal zone in the area of SWRO plant discharge can be determined
using hydrodynamic modeling.

The outfall SWRO is typically constructed as an open ended (perforated) pipe that extends
several hundred meters into tidal (high mixing intensity) zone of the receiving water body. This
type of discharge usually relies on the mixing turbulence of the tidal zone (for ocean discharge)
to dissipate the concentrate and to reduce the discharge salinity to ambient conditions.

The seawater outfalls for SWRO plants usually extend beyond the tidal zone. Large seawater
outfalls are equipped with diffuser in order to provide the mixing necessary to prevent the
heavy saline discharge plume from accumulating at the seawater bottom in the immediate
vicinity of the discharge.

5) Outfall Pipeline

The concentrate disposal site should be located as near SWRO as practically possible.
Concentrate discharge pipe should be made of corrosion and crush resistant material. At
present HDPE, GRP and PP pipe materials are most commonly used for outfalls SWRO plant.

Figure 36. Outfall pipeline

Typically, outfall pipelines are designed to maintain velocity of 1 m/s or more in order to
prevent formation of deposits and scale on the inner surface of the pipe. The maximum
velocity/ minimum pipe size is determined based on the total available discharge head and the
goal to avoid pumping of concentrate into the discharge line, if possible. The discharge outfall
pipe is designed to handle only concentrate, spent filter backwash water and CIP solutions,
thereby reducing discharge facility size and cost.
Table 15. Type and size maximum pipe of plastic pipe in outfall construction :

q. Plastic material r. Type maximum acceptable diameter,


s. High density polyethylene (HDPE) t. 78/ 2000

u. Glass reinforced plastic (GRP) v. 156/ 4000

w. Polypropylene (PP) x. 24/ 600

Concentrate Conveyance

Concentrate exists the RO system at pressure ranging from ambient atmospheric pressure to
2.5 bars depending on the type energy recovery device. The available concentrate head
sufficient to overcome frictional loses with the pipe, allowing transport of the concentrate flow
to the disposal site without the need for additional pumping.
Outfall Diffuser

Outfall pipe typically terminate with a multiport diffuser, a perforated discharge section, or a
simple open end. A multiport diffuser is designed so that end of the transport pipe is capped,
and the last sections of the pipe contain lines of small ports (opening or diffuser nozzles)
around the circumferences of the pipe. The purpose of the diffuser is to provide a greater
initial dilution of the concentrate as it enters the surface water. Concentrate discharge have a
series of diffuser, which are designed to direct the SWRO plant concentrate toward the surface
of the seawater and release with energy that is a adequate to facilitate concentrate plume
dissipation within predetermined distance from the point of discharge referenced as zone of
initial dilution (ZID).

The key parameters for SWRO discharge outfalls, which need to be determined during design,
 Diameter and length of concentrate discharge pipe
 Configuration of diffuser system
 Number of diffuser ports
 Diffuser exit velocity
 Distance between ports
 Port diameter
 Port angle from pipeline
 Pipe and diffuser system from shore
 Diffuser exit velocity

Design criteria of Diffuser system :

 Diffuser exit velocity to be in a range of 2 to 4 m/s. This velocity is determined by the
force needed to eject the SWRO concentrate near the surface of the seawater, which
allows to maximum the concentrate mixing/contact time with the ambient water
column and to engage the largest possible volume of ambient water in the mixing
 Place the diffuser system perpendicular to the prevailing seawater current
 Select distance between ports should be such that their individual discharge plumes do
not overlap
 Install diffusers at an angle of 45 to 600 from the horizontal pipe.
 Increase gradually the size of the ports toward the end of the pipe to maintain sufficient
flow in each diffuser
 Maintain the total cross sectional area of the diffuser ports below 70% of the cross
section of the outfall pipe
 Install diffuser ports with diameter of 75 mm ( 3in) or larger in order to prevent their

Figure 37. Diffuser

E. Best Practice Operation of SWRO

Best practice, operating, and maintenance details vital to the performance of system. The
water treatment system described herein consists of a SWRO. The system design is based on
sea water analysis facility. A reverse osmosis system operating at 45% recovery concentrates
nearly all impurities two times.

When the feed water contains slightly soluble minerals such as calcium sulphate, silica,
Fluoride or colloidal clay, an anti-scalant should be considered. Precipitation of sparingly
soluble salts or colloids on the RO membrane surface can lead to reduced water production
and premature failure of the membranes. Material must not be allowed to precipitate in the

The system is designed to provide an uninterrupted supply of Reverse Osmosis treated water
to the Product Water Storage tank. All operations are controlled through a PLC located in the
Main Control Panel (MCP) on the RO skid.

Main Control Panel

The Water System is controlled by the Main Control Panel. The MCP is equipped with a PLC
and HMI to perform the necessary functions to operate the systems. Interface to the PLC is
accessed through the HMI. All alarming, process control, and monitoring is performed in this

Five (5) Micron Filtration

The 5 Micron Cartridge Filter is in the pretreatment section as a polishing filtration step for
removal of fine particulate substances down to a nominal 5 microns. 5 Micron Cartridge Filter
supplied for the RO System.

5 Micron Cartridge Filter supplied for the CIP System. The HSS- 304SS Filter Housing holds 88,
10 inches long, 5 micron cartridges.

Pressure gauges located upstream and downstream of the filter housings allow for monitoring
of filter differential pressure.

The filter provides for removal of suspended particles in the feed water that are too large for
the HP Pumps and RO membranes. The filter ensures that no particles are directed to the
pumps that may damage the pumps or plug the membranes. As the filter accumulates
particulates removed from the water, the pressure differential across the unit increases.

RO High Pressure Pump

High Pressure Pump, which supply filtered water to the RO Membranes at a flow rate and
pressure to produce product necessary to meet system requirements.

The pump will start, after a delay, when the RO unit Start pushbutton is pressed by operator
from the HMI, thereby enabling the RO. And, water is supplied from the cartridge filter at
sufficient pressure to the high pressure pump.

The pumps will stop when the RO unit Stop pushbutton is pressed by operator from the HMI,
thereby disabling the RO or high level is indicated in the Product Water Storage Tank, or the
RO System is in a shutdown condition.

Pressure Exchanger Booster Pump

Pressure Exchanger Booster Pump, which delivers Raw water to RO Membranes at a flow rate
and pressure to produce product necessary to meet system requirements.

The pump will start after 15 sec when the RO Start pushbutton is pressed by operator from
the HMI. The pump will stop when the RO Stop pushbutton is pressed by operator from the

Reverse Osmosis System

The reverse osmosis process uses semi-permeable, spiral-wound membranes to separate and
remove dissolved solids, organics, pyrogens, submicron colloidal matter and bacteria from
water. Feed water is delivered under pressure to the permeators where water passes through
the minute pores of the membrane and is delivered as purified product water. Impurities in
the water are concentrated in the reject stream and flushed to drain. Reverse osmosis is
capable of removing 90-98% of the total dissolved solids (TDS), 99% of the organics (including
pyrogens), and 99% of all bacteria.

RO Membranes

Filtered water is directed to the membrane array by the High Pressure Pumps at sufficient flow
and pressure to remove dissolved solids from the process water & to produce the desired
quantity of Product at the Product Water Storage Tank. The reject produced by the
membranes is directed to the Pressure Exchanger Inlet.

Product Water Storage Tank

Product Water Storage tank is equipped with a Level Transmitter to indicate the tank level on
the HMI, control the process based on level, and alarm when level drops below or rises above
critical levels. When the level goes above the High Level setpoint for 30 seconds it is indicated
on the monitor screen for that instrument. The RO system stops operating and all pumps stop
and all valves close. When the level goes below the Low Level setpoint for 30 seconds it is
indicated on the monitor screen, the RO system restarts operating and normal operating
sequences proceed.

Cleaning Skid

The Cleaning Skid is utilized to clean the R.O. membranes at periodic intervals or specifically
when the membranes become fouled. The Cleaning Tank is filled with water and chemical as

directed by the membrane manufacturer to achieve the desired cleaning for the current
situation, whether normal routine maintenance or to respond to specific membrane fouling.
The Cleaning Pump directs the cleaning solution through the R.O. membranes and then back
to the Cleaning Tank. A regular preventative cleaning program should be developed based
upon operational experience. The CIP unit has a Local control panel that controls CIP Pump

Fresh Flush System

Fresh Flush system to provide RO Product in sufficient quantity to the RO to rinse Filtrate from
the membranes to prevent scaling or fouling. This sequence is performed when the RO ceases
operation whether through a normal or alarm initiated shutdown.

Fresh Flush Tank, which stores product for the RO for use during the Fresh Flush step. Product
water is supplied to the tank from the RO product. Fresh Flush Pump, which delivers Permeate
from the Fresh Flush Tank to the RO Membranes during the Fresh Flush step.

The pump will start in Fresh Flush during sequence steps requiring the flow as controlled by
the PLC logic. The pump will stop when Fresh Flush is complete as controlled by the PLC logic.

CIP System

CIP system to provide RO solution to the RO membranes to remove scaling or fouling. This
process is performed manually by the operator as required by system conditions.

CIP Tank, which stores product for the RO for use during the CIP step. Product water is supplied
to tank from the RO product. CIP Pump , which delivers solution from the CIP Tank to the RO
membranes during the CIP process. The pump will start in CIP during sequence steps requiring
the flow as controlled by the operator.

Instruction of Pre-start up System

Equipment Intake Pumps :

 Open gate valve intake pumps outlet/discharge
 Check the rotation of motor shaft
 Check the switch in the panel electrical, choice switch position to
Reservoir Ro-Feed Pump

 Open valve inflow

Backwash Pumps

 Open gate valve inlet & outlet;

 Check the rotation of motor shaft;
SWRO Feed-Pumps

 Open gate valve inlet & outlet;

 Check the rotation of motor shaft;
Booster Pumps

 Check the rotation of motor shaft;

 Check the firmness bolts fastening jointing flange between a pipe
High Pressure Pumps (HPP)

 Check the rotation of motor shaft;

 Check the firmness bolts fastening jointing flange between a pipe
Cartridge Filter

 Check the firmness bolts fastening jointing flange between a pipe

Pressure exchanger (PX)

 Check the firmness bolts fastening jointing between a pipe connection;

Ro-Skid (Pressure Vessel)

 Check the firmness bolts fastening jointing between a pipe connection;

Product Tank

 Open valve inflow

Distribution Pumps

 Open gate valve inlet & outlet;

 Turn on the panel switch electric

Starting up the System



 Check fuel engine;

 Check oil engine;
 Check liquid cooling in radiator tank;

 Turn on the genset, wait 5-10 second and then turn on the switch
power output from genset/PLN
 Turn on Main Panels Electrical :
MCC Filtration

Modelling of Groundwater and
Seawater Intrusion due to SWRO
Operation in the Mandalika

A. Methodology


Figure 38. Flowchart of Groundwater Modelling

The flowchart of the groundwater modeling is given in the above figure.


The following data are required to simulate and to analyze the groundwater hydrodynamics

and the effect of saltwater intrusion into aquifers:
1. Soil Conductivity (k)

Soil conductivity is needed to determine the groundwater flow rate in the aquifer layer.
The hydraulic conductivity data were provided from the previous study.
2. Evapotranspiration (Eto)

Evapotraspiration is a combination of evaporation and transpiration. Evaporation is a

physical process that changes the form of a solution or liquid into a form of gas or
3. Rainfall

Rain is the points of water that fall from clouds through layers of the atmosphere to
the surface of the earth in a natural process. Rain that falls to the surface of the earth
is always preceded by the formation of clouds, because of the incorporation of water
vapor in the atmosphere through the process of condensation, water grains heavier
than gravity will form rain. Rain is one of the boundaries needed in hydraulic
groundwater summulation. In the FREEWAT model, rain data is described as recharge.
4. Saltwater Salinity

Salinity is often misinterpreted as the salt content of sea water, while of the two things
there are differences. Salinity can be defined as replacing the equivalent amount of
bromine and iodine with chlorine, so that it is interpreted as weight in grams of all
solids dissolved in 1 kg of sea water. All carbonates are converted into oxides and all
organic substances are oxidised. The salinity value is generally written in ‰ or ppt
which is an abbreviation of part-per-thousand or commonly expressed in g / kg (Arief,

B. General Input of the Groundwater Modelling

Groundwater modeling is done using the FREEWAT program. FREEWAT is a plugin in the QGIS
open source desk-top software (Quantum GIS) which includes several modules to deal with
water management issues, focusing on groundwater. FREEWAT can currently only be used in
QGIS version 2.14 to 2.18 and is not yet available for the latest version (QGIS version 3).
Simulation codes (mainly from MODFLOW USGS) to handle problems related to groundwater
(for example: Groundwater flow, solute transport in aquifers, etc.) which are the basis of the
FREEWAT plugin itself. The modules that are integrated with FREEWAT are as follows:
a. AkvaGIS, to analyze, interpret and visualize hydrochemical and hydrogeological data

b. Observation Analysis Tools (OAT) for analyzing time series
c. Groundwater modeling using MODFLOW
d. Transport of solutes in the unsaturated zone (based on MT3D-USGS and USB modules
e. Transportation of solutes in the saturated zone (based on MT3DMS)
f. Groundwater flow depends on density (based on SEAWAT)
g. Water management in agriculture (based on FARM process)
h. Water management and planning (based on MODFLOW-OWHM)
i. Crop yields at harvest (based on the Plant Growth Module, included in the EPIC section)
j. Sensitivity and calibration analysis (based on UCODE_2014)

The following diagram shows how these different modules are interconnected, taking as
reference standard modeling procedures.

Figure 39. Relationship Diagram of Modules in FREEWAT

The steps of the groundwater modelling use FREEWAT that are :

1. Create a model

Create model in the FREEWAT can be done by opening the QGIS then entering in
toolbars menu, selecting FREEWAT, then create the model and entering name of
project (Fig. 32).
2. Grid

The grid in the FREEWAT model functions as a boundary area for which to include layer

/ boundary parameters. The dimensions of the grid are adjusted to the needs of the
analysis, the smaller the size of the grid will increase the accuracy of the modeling
results but requires a relatively long time either when inputting data or when running
the model. Creating a grid can be done by selecting FREEWAT -> setup model -> create
grid (Fig. 33).

Figure 40. Display of Create Model in FREEWATl

Figure 41. Input and Display of Grid

3. Model Layer

Layer is a display that describes the condition of the soil layer. Each layer has different
parameter components, each layer depending on the type of soil entered. Some
important parameters in making layers are the values of k (kx.ky and kz), top (elevation
of the upper layer which refers to MSL), bottom (elevation below the layer), active,
start (initial conditions of the groundwater head state), and other parameters .

Figure 42. Input and Display of Model Layer

4. Boundary

Making boundaries is based on parameters that you want to be included in the model
as needed. In the case of groundwater modeling in the SWRO wells of mandalika, there
are several boundaries used, that is :

Figure 43. Menu of Boundary

a. CHD

CHD (Constant Head Boundary) is a head boundary that is made on one side of the
model so that the value is constant

b. Wells

Wells (sumur) used when a certain layer is pumped so that it has an effect on
changing the head / MAT line to the original condition (before the existence of a
well) and then, wells can be said to be recharge if the discharge value is positive so
that it can also be described as groundwater flow or as a solution injection.
c. EVT (Evapotranspiration)

Evapotranspiration is one of the factors losing water in a layer of soil (layer). In the
normal conditions, evapotranspiration will have an effect on the first layer at the
top elevation (top) to a thickness of 10 cm. In the model usually the
evapotranspiration is entered ie the daily average in 1 year so that the value is
d. RCH (Recharge/rain)

Rain becomes one of the components of groundwater fillers in the upper layers of
the layer. In the model usually the rainfall included is the height of annual rainfall
divided by the number of days in a year or assuming the rain has an average height
every day. Rain data was obtained from Rambetan Station, which has a broad
influence in the Mandalika SWRO area

Location and Coverage of the Model

The site is located in Mandalika, Central Lombok. The following is an overview of the location:

Figure 44. Location of Modelling Research


There are 22 rain gage stations located in the all over of Lombok island, 13 of rain gage are
located in Central Lombok and affect Central Lombok. The following is the average annual
rainfall at 13 rain stations in Central Lombok District:

Table 16. Annual Precipitation Data

No Station Annual (mm)
1 Jurang Sate 1853
2 Kabul 1212
3 Keru 1567
4 Kopang 1962
5 Kuripan 1126
6 Lingkok Lime 2401
7 Loang Make 1028
8 Mangkung 1165
9 Pengadang 1464
10 Pengga 1749
11 Perian 1921
12 Rembitan 1208
13 Sesaot 2340

Based on the data obtained from previous studies in the Central Lombok region, the rain
station that affects on the area to be modeled is the Rambitan rain gage station, while the
other 12 rain stations have no effect on the location being reviewed. Fig 37 shows the result
of the distribution of the influence of the 13 rain stations in central Lombok using the polygon
thiessen method.

From the average annual rainfall based on that table, obtained at rambitan station, the height
of rain is 1208 mm / year. then in modeling of groundwater, to find out the rain in 1 day, the
assumption is that the average annual rainfall is divided by the number of days in 1 year. so an
average daily rainfall of 3.33 mm/day

Figure 45. Location of Modelling Research


Central Lombok Regency is a dry area so that evaporation in the area is quite high and rainfall
is low. The following daily evapotranspiration data for the Lombok region:

Table 17. Evaporation Data in Central Lombok

Month ETo ETo
mm/day mm/month
JAN 5.95 184.375
FEB 6.14 171.824
MAR 5.9 182.758
APR 6.59 197.572
MEI 4.48 138.947
JUN 2.9 86.954
JUL 4.46 138.369
AGT 0.94 29.023
SEP 2.53 76.019
OKT 5.52 170.983
NOP 4.78 143.382
DES 5.76 178.541
Average 4.66 141.56

Based on the result data in the last table, the evapotranspiration value that will be included in
groundwater modeling is the daily average data of 2.14 mm / day.


The following are the characteristics of hydrogeology in the Lombok area based on data
obtained from the geology research and development center.

Geological Conditon Groundwater Hiydrogeology

Aquifer with the
Pengulung Formation, breccia, lava, tuff Potential flow through inter-
with lenses of limestone, containing zone of low grain space, local,
sulphide minerals, and quarts veins groundwater medium aquifer

Figure 46. Hydrogeology Condition in Lombok Island

In modeling, the type of soil affects the value of hydraulic conductivity or water absorption in
the soil. Based on the results of previous studies, it was found that the soil layers at these
locations have a uniform parameters of soil. The value of hydraulic conductivity (k) rate is
127.44 mm / day.

C. Groundwater Modelling in Mandalika Area

Model Scheme

The model scheme for the modelling of groundwater hydrodynamics and saltwater intrusion
is given in the Figure 39.

Figure 47. Groundwater Model Scheme

Figure 48. General Long Section Scheme

The soil layer is divided into 5 layers with the same parameter of k (hydraulic conductivity).
Pumping well is conducted at the depth of 30 meters. On the other hand, brine is injected at
the depth of 50 meters and 100 meters. Other parameters are given bellow.
• Ground water level : +0.6 m (refer to MSL)
• Boundary head in upstream domain model is constant +0.6 m (refer to MSL)
• The boundary condtion for head at the lagoon is +0.6 m and on the coastline is +0 m
(refer to MSL)
• Salinity in the lagoon and sea around of mandalika is 36 gr/l

• Salinity of the brine injection is 60 gr/l, at three locations.
• Salinity is monitored at layer 1
• The salinity may change within the SWRO area, but is expected to remain unchanged.
• The pump and brine injection discharged are gradually increasing to meet the water
demand in the area as shown bellow.







pumping (m3/s) bryne injection (m3/s)

Figure 49. Projection of Water Demand and Brine Injection

Scenarios of Modelling

The model is used to simulate the following scenarios.

1. Scenario 1 (model verification to know the parameter of transport layers)
2. Scenario 2 (modelling with injection in location 1), (a) 50 meters, (b) 100 meters.
3. Scenario 3 (modelling with injection in location 2) , (a) 50 meters, (b) 100 meters.
4. Scenario 4 (modelling with injection in location 3) , (a) 50 meters, (b) 100 meters.
5. Scenario 5 (drawdown from pumping)

a. Model Verification (Scenario 1)

The purpose of model verification is to determine whether the boundary parameters can
provide a reliable result. The following conditions are simulated.
1. The model is running for 2 year (2017-2018) without using a pump and in the upstream
using a constant head 0.6 m
2. Salinity of the seawater and lagoon is 36 gr/l
3. The pump starts working in June 2018 with a discharge 100 m3 / day. By then, the
measured salinity is 21.7 gr/l
4. salinity of ground water increases to 30 gr /l by november 2018,

The results are shown in the figure bellow.

Figure 50. Result of Model Verification

Based on the result of model verification, salinity in july 2018 is 23.35 gr/l and in november
2018 is 27 gr/l. that result is the best result in the modelling verification to know parameters
on transport layers, where the data measured in actual condition on july 2018 is 21.7 gr/l and
on the november 2018 is 30 gr/l. The model provides a well agreement to the measured value.

b. Injection at 50 m

after doing the model verification, pump and injection modelling is started in 2020 until 2040.
first condition, brine will be injected to the ground with 50 m of depth.

1) Scenario 2 (Location 1)

The result of modelling in scenario 2 (injection location 1) are shown below.

Figure 51. Salinity in 2020 (left) and 2021 (right)

Figure 52. Salinity in 2022 (left) and 2023 (right)

Figure 53. Salinity in 2024 (left) and 2025 (right)

Figure 54. Salinity in 2026 (left) and 2027 (right)

Figure 55. Salinity in 2028 (left) and 2029 (right)

Figure 56. Salinity in 2030 (left) and 2031 (right)

Figure 57. Salinity in 2032 (left) and 2033 (right)

Figure 58. Salinity in 2034 (left) and 2035 (right)

Figure 59. Salinity in 2036 (left) and 2037 (right)

Figure 60. Salinity in 2038 (left) and 2039 (right)

Figure 61. Salinity in 2040

The salinity at the SWRO area rapidly changes due to the combination of pumping and
injection within the area. The changes go beyond the SWRO area as early as 2024.

2) Scenario 3 (Location 2)

The result of modelling in scenario 3 (injection location 2) are shown below.

Figure 62. Salinity in 2020 (left) and 2021 (right)

Figure 63. Salinity in 2022 (left) and 2023 (right)

Figure 64. Salinity in 2024 (left) and 2025 (right)

Figure 65. Salinity in 2026 (left) and 2027 (right)

Figure 66. Salinity in 2028 (left) and 2029 (right)

Figure 67. Salinity in 2030 (left) and 2031 (right)

Figure 68. Salinity in 2032 (left) and 2033 (right)

Figure 69. Salinity in 2034 (left) and 2035 (right)

Figure 70. Salinity in 2036 (left) and 2037 (right)

Figure 71. Salinity in 2038 (left) and 2039 (right)

Figure 72. Salinity in 2040

The pumping has caused a saline intrusion along the beach by 2024. The injection has
significantly changed the salinity at the injection location starting the first year and becomes
more pronounce starting in 2024.

3) Scenario 4 (Location 3)

The result of modelling in scenario 4 (injection location 3) are shown bellow.

Figure 73. Salinity in 2020 (left) and 2021 (right)

Figure 74. Salinity in 2022 (left) and 2023 (right)

Figure 75. Salinity in 2024 (left) and 2025 (right)

Figure 76. Salinity in 2026 (left) and 2027 (right)

Figure 77. Salinity in 2028 (left) and 2029 (right)

Figure 78. Salinity in 2030 (left) and 2031 (right)

Figure 79. Salinity in 2032 (left) and 2033 (right)

Figure 80. Salinity in 2034 (left) and 2035 (right)

Figure 81. Salinity in 2036 (left) and 2037 (right)

Figure 82. Salinity in 2038 (left) and 2039 (right)

Figure 83. Salinity in 2040

It was found that by 2024, the effect of the injection has changed the environment condition
at the injection point, beyond the SWRO area. By then, the salinity has increased from 18.63
gr/l to 24.65 gr/l at that point. The pumping has caused a saline intrusion along the beach by

4) Discussion

The ground water salinity at the pumping and the injection location at each year is given in the
figures below.

Salinity Changes (Pump Location)

37.00 Critical point
Salinity (gr/l)

Scenario 4
Scenario 3
Scenario 2
2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040

Figure 84. Salinity Change in Pump Location (Injection at 50 m)

Salinity Changes (Injection Location)
Critical point
Salinity (gr/l)

25.00 Scenario 4
20.00 Scenario 3
15.00 Scenario 2
2020 2022 2024 2026 2028 2030 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040
Figure 85. Salinity Change in Injection Location (Injection at 50 m)

It was found that by 2024, the effect of the injection has significantly changed the environment
condition at both the pumping and the injection point. Furthermore, the affected area is
already beyond the SWRO area. In addition, the salinity at the injection point may increase to
well above 40. This is already higher than the sea water salinity. Hence the injection depth is
not deep enough.

c. Injection at 100 m

1) Scenario 2 (Location 1)

The result of modelling in scenario 2 (injection location 1) are shown bellow

Figure 86. Salinity in 2020 (left) and 2021 (right)

Figure 87. Salinity in 2022 (left) and 2023 (right)

Figure 88. Salinity in 2024 (left) and 2025 (right)

Figure 89. Salinity in 2026 (left) and 2027 (right)

Figure 90. Salinity in 2028 (left) and 2029 (right)

Figure 91. Salinity in 2030 (left) and 2031 (right)

Figure 92. Salinity in 2032 (left) and 2033 (right)

Figure 93. Salinity in 2034 (left) and 2035 (right)

Figure 94. Salinity in 2036 (left) and 2037 (right)

Figure 95. Salinity in 2038 (left) and 2039 (right)

Figure 96. Salinity in 2040

Similar effect as in the 50 m injection is also found. The pumping and injection has caused a
saline intrusion along the beach, beyond the SWRO area, by 2024. Nevertheless, the salinity is
much less than that from 50 m injection.

2) Scenario 3 (Location 2)

The result of modelling in scenario 3 (injection location 2) are shown below.

Figure 97. Salinity in 2020 (left) and 2021 (right)

Figure 98. Salinity in 2022 (left) and 2023 (right)

Figure 99. Salinity in 2024 (left) and 2025 (right)

Figure 100. Salinity in 2026 (left) and 2027 (right)

Figure 101. Salinity in 2028 (left) and 2029 (right)

Figure 102. Salinity in 2030 (left) and 2031 (right)

Figure 103. Salinity in 2032 (left) and 2033 (right)

Figure 104. Salinity in 2034 (left) and 2035 (right)

Figure 105. Salinity in 2036 (left) and 2037 (right)

Figure 106. Salinity in 2038 (left) and 2039 (right)

Figure 107. Salinity in 2040

The pumping has caused a saline intrusion along the beach by 2024. The injection has caused
changes to the environment at the injection location by 2024. Here, the salinity has increased
from 29.70 gr/l to 34.87 gr/l in 2024. Nevertheless, its effect is less severe than that of injecting
in 50 m.

3) Scenario 4 (Location 3)

The result of modelling in scenario 4 (injection location 3) are shown below.

Figure 108. Salinity in 2020 (left) and 2021 (right)

Figure 109. Salinity in 2022 (left) and 2023 (right)

Figure 110. Salinity in 2024 (left) and 2025 (right)

Figure 111. Salinity in 2026 (left) and 2027 (right)

Figure 112. Salinity in 2028 (left) and 2029 (right)

Figure 113. Salinity in 2030 (left) and 2031 (right)

Figure 114. Salinity in 2032 (left) and 2033 (right)

Figure 115. Salinity in 2034 (left) and 2035 (right)

Figure 116. Salinity in 2036 (left) and 2037 (right)

Figure 117. Salinity in 2038 (left) and 2039 (right)

Figure 118. Salinity in 2040

4) Discussion

The ground water salinity at the pumping and the injection location at each year is given in the
figures below.

Salinity Changes (Injection Location)

Critical point


Salinity (gr/l)


20 Scenario 4
Scenario 3
Scenario 2











Figure 119. Salinity Change in injection Location (Injection at 100 m)

Salinity Changes (Pump Location)
Critical point


Salinity (gr/l)


20 Scenario 4
Scenario 3
Scenario 2










Figure 120. Salinity Change in pump Location (Injection at 100 m)

The results show that the injection and pumping can be conducted up to 2024 before they
cause a significant impact to the environment beyond the SWRO area. Nevertheless, the effect
from brine injection at 100 meters is far less pronounced compare to that from brine injection
at 50 meters.

d. Drawdown

Pumping may decrease the ground water table depending on the pump discharge and the soil
hydraulic conductivity (k). Therefore, the drawdown radius caused by the pumping should be
confirmed. Based on the modelling, drawdown by 2040 is shown in the Figure 113.

Figure 121. Drawdown of Pumping Well

The drawdown from the well is limited to a radius of approximately 100 meters. Nevertheless,
this condition can only be achieved if there is a steady supply of water in the lagoon.

Hydrological Modelling of
Watershed and Drainage System
in the Mandalika

A. Introduction

The hydrological model is a simple description of an actual hydrological system. Hydrological

models are usually created to study the function and response of a watershed from various
watershed inputs. Through the hydrological model, hydrological events can be studied which
in turn can be used to predict the hydrological events that will occur. The system approach in
hydrological analysis is a simplification technique from a prototype system into a system
model, so that complex system behavior can be traced quantitatively. This concerns the
system by identifying the mass / energy flow in the form of inputs and outputs and a savings

The basic concept used in every hydrological system is the hydrological cycle. The basic
equation that forms the basis of all hydrological analysis is the water balance equation. The
purpose of using a model in hydrology is as follows:
1. Forecasting, shows the magnitude and time of the event analyzed based on probabilistic
2. Predicting which contains an understanding of the magnitude of events and hypothetical
future time
3. As a detection tool in controlling problems
4. As an identification tool (identification) in the planning problem
5. Data / information transfer
6. Environmental estimates due to levels of human behavior that change / increase
7. Basic research in the hydrological process

The general objective of hydrological modelling is to :
1. Analysis the potential of water related to the discharge of water wasted into the sea
2. Analysis of sediment transport and water quality for estimation of pollutant transport

The output of the hydrological model is then used as input in the hydrodynamic model to
analyze the spread of contaminants, salinity, nutrients to support green tourism, conserved
aquatic ecosystems

B. General Description of the Study Area


The study location is in the southern part of Lombok. The Mandalika SEZ (Special Economic
Zones) was established through Government Regulation Number 52 of 2014 to become a SEZ
Tourism. With an area of 1,035.67 Ha and facing the Indian Ocean, Mandalika SEZ is expected
to accelerate the tourism sector of West Nusa Tenggara Province which is very potential.

In the Mandalika area there are three rivers, namely the Tebelo, Ngolang and Balak rivers.
Tebelo River has a watershed of 15.8 km2 and an estuary on Kuta Beach, Ngolang river has a
watershed of 14.6 km2 and an estuary on the Kuta beach, while Balak river has a watershed
of 25.8 km2 and an estuary on the Gerupuk beach.

Figure 122. River and Drainage Infrastructures

Upstream of the Balak river is under construction two reservoirs, the Brami Dam and the Bajak
Dam. The Brami Embung is planned to have a capacity of 146,596.92 m3 with the use of
irrigation 113.23 ha, while the Bajak reservoir has a storage capacity of 51,537.82 expected to
irrigate 50 ha. Besides that, in the special economic area Mandalika has been designed and
flood canals will be built along the main road. One of the objectives of canal flood construction
is to reduce flood discharge in the downstream Ngolang and Balak rivers.

Hydrological Data

In the hydrological model, hydrological data is needed, among others, rain data, discharge data
and climatology data. This data can be obtained from direct measurements in the field or from
secondary data from measurements made by the relevant agencies. In this study, hydrological
data with a long record is needed. In the Mandalika SEZ there are no hydrological data, so for
the purposes of analysis in the hydrological model use data that is around the location. Some
hydrological stations can be seen on the map below :

Figure 123. Map of hydrological stations

Based on the map, the data used in the analysis of the hydrological model is the Rembitan
station rain data, and for climate data using the Pengga station. Rembiatan station rainfall data
is available from 1994 to 2016, the annual rainfall distribution can be seen in the following


Rainfall (mm))

Figure 124. Annual rainfall data at Rembitan Station


Rainfall (mm)




Figure 125. Maximum daily rainfall data at Rembitan Station

Based on the rainfall data of the Rembitan station, the rainfall in the Mandalika region for
annual rainfall ranges from 825 to 1,986 mm with an average value of 1,304 mm, while for
maximum daily rainfall data ranges from 63 to 181 mm with average rainfall daily 103 mm.
Compared to other areas on the island of Lombok, this region is relatively dry or has little


The land use map was obtained from the Central Lombok District Bappeda. This map illustrates
the types of land use. This map can also be used as a reference in efforts to implement land
use planning. In relation to the hydrological model this map is one important data component,
especially in the process of transforming rain into runoff. Land use maps in the Central Lombok
District are presented in the following figure.

Source : Bappeda Central Lombok District
Figure 126. Map of land use in Central Lombok District

From the land use map, a land use map is made in the watershed in the Mandalika region, and
the results can be seen in the figure and table as follows:

Figure 127. Map of Land Use in Watershed Mandalika

Table 18. Land use in Watershed Mandalika

Source : RTRW 2010-2030, Central Lombok District

From the map and land use table above, it can be seen the conditions of land use in the
watershed in KEK Mandalika dominated by Moor and Shrubs

Soil Types

Soil is the top layer of the earth. Land is formed from rocks that have weathered. This
weathering process occurred in a long time even up to hundreds of years. Weathering rock
into soil is also aided by several microorganisms, changes in temperature and water. The type
of soil from one area to another varies depending on the components in the area. Each type
of soil has different characteristics. Each characteristic has different properties, so that in each
type of soil will also provide a different response in hydrological modeling in this case the
transformation of rain into runoff. In this study a map of soil types was obtained from Bapeda,
Central Lombok District and is presented in the figure below

Source : Bappeda Central Lombok District

Figure 128. Soil Types in Central Lombok District

From the map above it is known that soil types in watersheds in the Mandalika region are
predominantly brown Mediterranean complexes, gray grumusols, brown regosols and brown

C. Rainfall-Runoff Modelling

Hydrologic Engineering Canter’s Hydrologic Modelling System (HEC-HMS) developed by US

Army Corps of Engineers and is software designed to simulate the process of rainfall-runoff
model in watershed system. HEC-HMS can be widely applied to various problems including
water availability and flooding in urban and natural watersheds. The hydrograph generated
from this program can be used for studies of water availability, urban drainage, flow
forecasting, urbanizations effects, design of overflow dams, mitigation of floods impacts,
inundation management, wetland hydrology and system operation such us reservoir, etc.

The hydrologic system in the HEC-HMS is represented in several component models, namely
the watershed model, the meteorological model, control specifications, and input data.
Watershed response in converting rain into flow is simulated based on the applied
meteorological model. Control speciification is used to define periods and time stages in a
simulation. Data input components, such as data series, data pairs, etc. are used as parameters
or boundary conditions of a watershed and meteorological model.

Basically, to build and simulate a hydrological model using HEC-HMS, the user must perform
the following steps :
1. Create a new project
2. Entering the data needed by the watershed and meteorological models
3. Define physical characteristics (parameters) by building and editing watershed models
4. Select the appropriate method for rain and evapotranspiration calculations
5. Define control specifications for simulation periods and time stages
6. Combining the components of the watershed model, meteorology, and control
specifications to create a simulation
7. Access and view simulation results and re-edit the watershed model, meteorology, and
control specifications if necessary

HEC-HMS Component

The rain-runoff-routing simulation in the HEC-HMS program has the following model

1. precipitation,
2. loss models that calculate runoff volumes,
3. direct runoff models,
4. baseflow models
5. hydrologic routing models,
6. models of water control measures including diversions and storage facilities.

Hydrological Models in HEC-HMS Analysis

The HEC-HMS program uses a separate model in processing simulations with each model
having a different input. These models can be seen in the following table :

Table 19. Calculations and Models Used in HEC-HMS

Calculation Model
Frequency storm
Gage weights
Gridded precipitation
Precipitation Inverse distance
SCS storm
Specified hyetograph
Standard project storm
Initial and constant-rate
SCS curve number (CN)
Gridded SCS CN
Runoff-volume Green and Ampt
Deficit and constant rate
Soil moisture accounting (SMA)
Gridded SMA
User-specified unit hydrograph (UH)
Clark’s UH
Direct-runoff Snyder’s UH
Kinematic wave
Constant monthly
Baseflow Exponential recession
Linear reservoir
Kinematic wave
Modified Puls
Channel flow (Routing )
Muskingum-Cunge Standard Section
Muskingum-Cunge 8-point Section
Source : HEC-HMS Technical Reference Manual (2009)

Illustration of the flowchart in the simulation of the rain-flow transformation process for long-
term simulation conditions can be seen in following figure.


evaporation evaporation

Stemflow & Land

Vegetation Water body
surface flood

infiltration capillary rise Overland


interflow Stream

percolation baseflow
capillary rise

Groundwater recharge
aquifer discharge

Figure 129. Typical HEC-HMS representation of continuous flow process

Based on consideration of the required parameters and available data, the hydrological
models chosen for analysis are as follows:

a. Precipitation
The rainfall calculation method used is the specified hyetograph. This method can
include rainfall data contained in the precipitation gages (components Time-Series
Data), rainfall input used in this study of daily rainfall data

b. Runoff Volume
Runoff volumes are described by loss models in the HEC-HMS program. The model used
for runoff volume analysis is Soil Moisture Accounting (SMA), because the SMA model
is a continuous model, which can simulate watershed behavior both during wet and
dry weather

c. Direct Runoff
The direct runoff model chosen and used in this case is the Clark Unit Hydrograph

model. This model is based on two concepts in the transformation of rainfall into flow,
namely the concept of translation and the concept of attenuation. The concept of
translation describes the movement of excess water from its origin in all drainage
channels to outlet, while the attenuation concept means a reduction in the amount of
discharge as excess water that is accommodated

d. Baseflow
Base flow is the flow of water that is retained based on previous rain which is
temporarily accommodated in the ground. The baseflow model used in HEC-HMS uses
a good linear reservoir model for runoff volume using the Soil Moisture Accounting

Calibration Model

The process of transforming rain into flow is a very complex natural process. The complexity
of the process is caused by two things, namely the variability of the watershed system and the
input character which has very high space and time variability. While the watershed response
in the transformation process is very dependent on the nature of the input and the
characteristics of the watershed. The very complex combination of input and watershed
systems creates difficulties in estimating watershed systems against certain inputs.

Quantitative analysis of watershed system outputs based on input and system characteristics
can be done with a model. Basically a good model is a model that can simulate the behavior
of a real watershed system. To be able to mimic the flow behavior in a watershed system, the
HEC-HMS model requires adjusting the model parameters called calibration. Calibration is
performed on the parameters of the model by evaluating the similarity of simulation results
and observational data.

In this study calibration was carried out using observational discharge data closest to the
location, the Karang Makam AWLR post. Locations of the AWLR and the study area are
presented in Fig 122.

The calibration results show that the discharge from the simulation model has similarities with
the observation discharge. The calibration and hydrograph results are presented in the
following figure:

Figure 130. Location of the Karang Makam AWLR Post and Study

Figure 131. Hydrograph and summary of calibration results

Calibration results show that the value of the volume error between the discharge from the
simulation results and the observation discharge is -1.38% and the ratio of the peak flow of
the simulation and observation results is -2.6%. These results indicate that the HEC-HMS
model gives good results.

Figure 132. Optimization parameters model

Simulation Results of the HEC-HMS Model

Before analyzing the rainfall flow using the HEC-HMS model, the basin model configuration
must first be arranged. The division of the sub-basin is based on the building which will be in
the watershed. For the Tebelo river basin there is only one sub basin, while for the Ngolang
river it is divided into three sub basins and for the Balak river is divided into six sub basins. The
distribution of the basin model configuration in the Mandalika watershed is as follows :

Figure 133. Basin Model Configuration in The Mandalika Watershed

Based on the parameters of the optimization results in the next calibration is used as input in
analyzing the transformation of rain into discharge in the Mandalika region. There are 3 main

rivers in the Mandalika area, namely the Tebelo, Ngolang and Balak rivers. The simulation
results for each river are as follows:

Table 20. Discharge from the results of the Tebelo River HEC-HMS simulation
Year Average
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1994 0.3935 0.7857 0.7065 0.2967 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0467 0.4935 0.2269
1995 1.0710 1.0964 0.7968 0.5533 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0258 1.2833 1.1323 0.4966
1996 0.5677 0.9172 0.6097 0.1467 0.0806 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0677 0.2833 0.4871 0.2633
1997 0.3581 0.9893 0.9032 0.0433 0.0097 0.1933 0.0258 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0700 0.5258 0.2599
1998 0.1871 0.2143 0.1065 0.1333 0.0613 0.2333 0.2613 0.2129 0.3867 0.4742 0.5733 0.8581 0.3085
1999 0.7226 1.2214 1.3968 1.2233 0.1645 0.0000 0.0000 0.0871 0.0267 0.0516 0.4633 0.9032 0.5217
2000 0.0419 0.0000 0.8387 0.9867 0.6161 0.0333 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.6355 2.1800 0.2581 0.4659
2001 0.4806 1.4893 0.4516 0.1767 0.0000 0.1300 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2226 0.3367 0.9677 0.3546
2002 0.6871 2.5643 0.6355 0.6900 0.0290 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2367 0.8968 0.4783
2003 2.0903 0.5071 0.7161 0.4267 0.0065 0.0033 0.0065 0.0000 0.3600 0.0419 0.4800 1.6484 0.5239
2004 0.6871 1.1862 0.5452 0.0600 0.1484 0.4667 0.0000 0.0161 0.0167 0.0065 0.3333 0.9903 0.3714
2005 0.7355 0.8071 1.0871 0.4767 0.0000 0.0000 0.2355 0.0387 0.0600 0.0645 0.1133 1.0290 0.3873
2006 0.7935 0.6571 0.8161 0.9533 0.0097 0.0900 0.0097 0.0000 0.0000 0.0226 0.0433 0.3226 0.3098
2007 0.2548 0.5286 0.8645 0.6933 0.0323 0.0400 0.0161 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1400 1.0452 0.3012
2008 1.0710 1.1793 0.6484 0.2267 0.0452 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0733 0.0516 0.6367 0.8097 0.3951
2009 1.6258 1.3357 0.3645 0.0067 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0633 0.0194 0.2033 0.6710 0.3575
2010 0.3129 0.4071 0.1290 0.4333 0.3516 0.1500 0.1903 0.0000 0.4233 0.3097 1.1467 0.9452 0.3999
2011 0.3839 0.3929 0.6226 1.3100 0.1032 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0161 0.4800 1.2161 0.3771
2012 0.8452 1.0138 0.9452 1.0167 0.6065 0.0700 0.0000 0.0000 0.0167 0.0355 0.3700 1.0065 0.4938
2013 1.1839 0.6214 0.8032 0.2200 0.4129 0.5900 0.1323 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3333 1.8419 0.5116
2014 1.2194 0.5857 0.4161 0.0867 0.0290 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2200 1.0710 0.3023
2015 0.5419 0.4679 0.8613 0.2333 0.3000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.8484 0.2711
2016 0.8000 1.6724 0.4871 0.2200 0.0484 0.1500 0.1645 0.2129 0.2133 0.3871 1.0367 1.8710 0.6053
2017 0.5452 2.4929 0.1871 0.2333 0.0000 0.2600 0.2258 0.0000 0.0000 0.3387 1.1233 1.6290 0.5863
2018 1.7677 1.5321 0.0968 0.0267 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0167 0.0000 0.7233 0.6452 0.4007
Source : HEC-HMS Simulation Result

From the results of rainfall runoff simulation using HEC-HMS in Tebelo River the average
annual discharge ranges from 0.2269 m3/s to 0.6053 m3/s.

Table 21. Discharge from the results of the Ngolang River HEC-HMS simulation
Year Average
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1994 0.3484 0.7393 0.6355 0.3000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0400 0.4677 0.2109
1995 0.9710 0.9893 0.7613 0.5333 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0258 1.1567 1.0839 0.4601
1996 0.5161 0.8483 0.5839 0.1400 0.0742 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0581 0.2600 0.4645 0.2454
1997 0.3290 0.8643 0.9097 0.0433 0.0065 0.1767 0.0258 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0567 0.4774 0.2408
1998 0.1806 0.1893 0.1065 0.1167 0.0581 0.2200 0.2323 0.2129 0.3100 0.4774 0.5333 0.7839 0.2851
1999 0.6419 1.1571 1.2516 1.2000 0.1581 0.0000 0.0000 0.0774 0.0267 0.0452 0.4300 0.8355 0.4853
2000 0.0484 0.0000 0.7452 0.9100 0.5968 0.0400 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5742 1.9933 0.2677 0.4313
2001 0.4323 1.3750 0.4097 0.1733 0.0000 0.1233 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2000 0.3167 0.8742 0.3254
2002 0.6194 2.3643 0.6065 0.6400 0.0323 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1933 0.8484 0.4420
2003 1.9194 0.4571 0.6710 0.3900 0.0032 0.0033 0.0032 0.0000 0.3233 0.0355 0.4233 1.5161 0.4788
2004 0.5839 1.1414 0.4935 0.0700 0.0935 0.4667 0.0000 0.0129 0.0133 0.0032 0.2900 0.8903 0.3382
2005 0.6613 0.7607 1.0161 0.4367 0.0000 0.0000 0.2194 0.0290 0.0633 0.0548 0.1033 0.9194 0.3553
2006 0.7000 0.6357 0.7387 0.8933 0.0097 0.0800 0.0129 0.0000 0.0000 0.0194 0.0467 0.2935 0.2858
2007 0.2355 0.4679 0.7968 0.6500 0.0387 0.0300 0.0161 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1367 0.9161 0.2740
2008 0.9774 1.0793 0.6097 0.2167 0.0419 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0633 0.0516 0.5633 0.7677 0.3643
2009 1.4871 1.2607 0.3387 0.0067 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0600 0.0161 0.1700 0.6323 0.3310
2010 0.3032 0.3607 0.1226 0.3833 0.3290 0.1400 0.1774 0.0000 0.3867 0.2742 1.0433 0.8548 0.3646
2011 0.3484 0.3429 0.5677 1.2267 0.1000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0161 0.4267 1.1097 0.3448
2012 0.7742 0.9276 0.8645 0.9433 0.5677 0.0733 0.0000 0.0000 0.0133 0.0323 0.3333 0.9387 0.4557
2013 1.0645 0.5857 0.7419 0.2067 0.3581 0.5733 0.1355 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.2800 1.7065 0.4710
2014 1.1129 0.5500 0.3935 0.0800 0.0323 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1833 0.9645 0.2764
2015 0.4903 0.4179 0.8097 0.1900 0.3161 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.7677 0.2493
2016 0.7161 1.5448 0.4742 0.2300 0.0452 0.1300 0.1548 0.2032 0.1767 0.3710 0.9200 1.7290 0.5579
2017 0.4548 2.3536 0.1710 0.2267 0.0000 0.2367 0.2097 0.0000 0.0000 0.3032 1.0033 1.4968 0.5380
2018 1.5742 1.4679 0.1000 0.0267 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0133 0.0000 0.6367 0.6226 0.3701
Source : HEC-HMS Simulation Result

From the results of rainfall runoff simulation using HEC-HMS in Ngolang River the average
annual discharge ranges from 0.2109 m3/s to 0.5579 m3/s.

Table 22. Discharge from the results of the Balak River HEC-HMS simulation
Year Average
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
1994 0.6645 1.4286 1.1645 0.6533 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0633 0.9032 0.4065
1995 1.8774 1.9214 1.4677 1.0100 0.0097 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0548 2.2267 2.0806 0.8874
1996 0.9871 1.6276 1.1097 0.2633 0.1645 0.0033 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1355 0.4700 0.8935 0.4712
1997 0.6290 1.6750 1.7226 0.0867 0.0161 0.3500 0.0613 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1133 0.9129 0.4639
1998 0.3355 0.3964 0.1968 0.2467 0.1258 0.4200 0.4581 0.4194 0.6067 0.9097 1.0200 1.5129 0.5540
1999 1.2419 2.2179 2.4226 2.2900 0.3129 0.0000 0.0000 0.1548 0.0600 0.0742 0.8233 1.6194 0.9347
2000 0.0903 0.0000 1.4548 1.7533 1.1516 0.0733 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.1032 3.8467 0.5323 0.8338
2001 0.8387 2.6714 0.7968 0.3467 0.0032 0.2400 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3871 0.5900 1.6935 0.6306
2002 1.2032 4.5643 1.1742 1.2267 0.0677 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3900 1.6226 0.8541
2003 3.7000 0.8929 1.3000 0.7667 0.0161 0.0167 0.0226 0.0000 0.6400 0.0871 0.8200 2.9323 0.9329
2004 1.1548 2.2034 0.9452 0.1333 0.2032 0.9067 0.0000 0.0290 0.0300 0.0226 0.5700 1.7226 0.6601
2005 1.2839 1.4571 1.9548 0.8400 0.0097 0.0000 0.4226 0.0581 0.1267 0.1097 0.2067 1.7839 0.6878
2006 1.3645 1.2179 1.4226 1.7200 0.0258 0.1600 0.0258 0.0000 0.0000 0.0452 0.0867 0.5645 0.5527
2007 0.4452 0.9214 1.5355 1.2633 0.0742 0.0733 0.0387 0.0194 0.0000 0.0000 0.2633 1.7774 0.5343
2008 1.8935 2.0759 1.1710 0.4267 0.0806 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1200 0.1032 1.0933 1.4613 0.7021
2009 2.8742 2.4214 0.6548 0.0167 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.1233 0.0355 0.3367 1.2226 0.6404
2010 0.5710 0.6929 0.2516 0.7433 0.6323 0.2867 0.3452 0.0000 0.7433 0.4968 2.0133 1.6613 0.7031
2011 0.6645 0.6679 1.0935 2.3700 0.1935 0.0033 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0323 0.8400 2.1387 0.6670
2012 1.4968 1.7793 1.6871 1.8167 1.0935 0.1433 0.0000 0.0000 0.0233 0.0677 0.6433 1.8226 0.8811
2013 2.0742 1.1357 1.4258 0.4000 0.7161 1.0800 0.2613 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5367 3.2903 0.9100
2014 2.1613 1.0536 0.7548 0.1567 0.0710 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3600 1.8839 0.5368
2015 0.9484 0.8286 1.5548 0.3800 0.6000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.4871 0.4832
2016 1.3774 2.9793 0.9065 0.4333 0.0935 0.2600 0.2935 0.3903 0.3567 0.7097 1.8100 3.3419 1.0794
2017 0.9065 4.5500 0.3323 0.4433 0.0000 0.4700 0.4129 0.0000 0.0000 0.5774 1.9567 2.8935 1.0452
2018 3.0581 2.8286 0.1968 0.0567 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0300 0.0000 1.2433 1.1774 0.7159
Source : HEC-HMS Simulation Result

From the results of rainfall runoff simulation using HEC-HMS in Balak River the average annual
discharge ranges from 0.4065 m3/s to 1.0794 m3/s.

Based on the discharge data from the simulation results, it is then determined that the
discharge used as input for hydrodynamic analysis in this study is the largest annual average
discharge. The discharge is equivalent to a 25 year return period or a 4% probability.Return
Period (T) – The average length of time in years for an event of given magnitude to be equalled
or exceeded. Probability of Occurrence (p) (of an event of specified magnitude) – The
probability that an event of the specified magnitude will be equalled or exceeded during a one
year period. A fundamental relationship is that between flood return period (T) and probability
of occurrence (p). These two variables are inversely related to each other. That is p = 1/T and
T = 1/p.

So that the discharge data used as input to the hydrodynamic model is the 2016 discharge
data. The amount of 2016 discharge data for each river in the Mandalika region is presented
in the figures below:

Figure 134. Discharge data for the 2016 Tebelo River

The simulation results for 2016 the Tebelo River have a minimum daily average of 0,0 m3/s and
a maximum of 3.1 m3/s with an average annual discharge of 0.6 m3/s.

Figure 135. Discharge data for the 2016 Ngolang River

From the graph above the total discharge at the estuary of the Ngolang river is the highest
graph, the simulation results for 2016 the estuary Ngolang river have a minimum daily average
discharge of 0,0 m3/s and a maximum of 2.7 m3/s with an average annual discharge of 0.55

Figure 136. Discharge data for the 2016 Balak River

From the graph above there appear to be several graphs, the graph shows the flow of
discharge from each sub basin. While the total discharge at the Balak river estuary on the graph
is the highest graph, the simulation results for the 2016 Balak river estuary have a minimum
average daily flow of 0.0 m3/s and a maximum of 5.1 m3/s with an average annual discharge
of 1, 07 m3/s.

D. Sediment Transport Estimation

In this study erosion and sedimentation were predicted using the Musle (Modified Universal
Soil Loss Equation) method. This method is a development of the USLE method. The MUSLE
method differs from the USLE method in estimating the amount of erosion. The MUSLE
method does not use the rain energy factor as a determinant of the amount of erosion, but
uses runoff factors in determining the amount of erosion.

HEC-HMS uses the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) approach to compute
watershed sediment yield. MUSLE is a widely applied and highly empirical approach to
sediment yield computations. It requires several site specific parameters that quantify the
erosive energy of the precipitation (including the peak hydrologic runoff rate and total runoff
volume) and the erodibility of the watershed (e.g. a topographic factor, a soil erodibility factor,
a cover and management factor, etc).

Besides sedimentation analysis using the MUSLE method on the HEC-HMS model requires
gradation of sediment material data from laboratory analysis. From the sediment samples

taken in the field, the results of gradation analysis for the Tebelo, Ngolang and Balak rivers in
the Mandalika area are as follows:

Figure 137. Grain Size Curve on Tebelo River

Figure 138. Grain Size Curve on Ngolang River

Figure 139. Grain Size Curve on Balak River

Based on the analysis of sediment gradation, it is known that the sediment in the mandalica
region is dominated by sand with a composition of 86.7% to 91.47%, then silt and clay between
4.94% to 8.22% and gravel between 0.3% to 8, 33%.

HEC-HMS has included an "enrichment factor " which is the simple ratio of the fraction of
computed sediment yield composition of a given grain class to the fraction of that grain class
that is found in the watershed soils. This Allows the model to translate watershed gradation
data into a grain class partitioning of the computed sedigraph.

Figure 140. Sediment graph on the Tebelo River

From the figure it appears that the sedimentation in the Tebelo River takes place in the rainy
season from early January to March and continues in the early rainy season from October to
December. The total annual sediment in the Tebelo River is 30,029.5 tones with details of
394.6 tons of clay sediments, 1,569.1 tons of silt sediment, 20,994.2 tons of sand sediments
and 7,071.6 tons of gravel sediments.

Total sediment load Sediment load clay
Sediment load silt Sediment load sand
Sediment load gravel
Sediment Load (tonne)


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 141. Sediment graph on the Ngolang River

The picture above shows that sedimentation in Ngolang watershed occurs when there is rain
and flow in the river. Most sedimentation is at the time of rainy season, namely in the early
January to the end of March and October to December. Based on the discharge data of return
period 25 years or with a probability of incidence 4% total sediment at Ngolang river estuary
is 8,638.3 tons of sediment consisting of 135.3 tones clay sediments, 538.6 tones sediment silt,
7,373.2 tones sediment sand and 590.8 tones sediment gravel.


800 Total sediment load Sediment load clay

Sediment load silt Sediment load sand

Sediment Load (tonne)

Sediment load gravel







Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 142. Sediment graph on the Balak River

Based on the results of sedimentation analysis using the MUSLE method, the results as shown
above show that sedimentation in the Balak River occurred in January to March and continued
in the end of November to December. Based on the flood discharge with return period 25 year
resulted in total sedimentation of 24,126.2 tones with details of 276.2 tons of clay sediment,
1,099.4 tons of silt sediment, 16,969.0 tons of sand sediment and 5,780.3 tons of gravel

E. Retention Ponds and Flood Channels

Based on data obtained from the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing through the
River Basin Territories Nusa Tenggara I (BWS NT I), there are two reservoirs, currently are
under construction, that are linked to the special economic zone of Mandalika. Both reservoirs
are located in the Balak River Basin, namely the Brami Dam and the Bajak Dam. Besides that,
BWS NT I has also planned flood channels along the main road that intersects the Ngolang
River watershed at two points namely the Soker River and Ngolang River and cut the Balak
River watershed in three places, namely Songong River, Nandes River and Sereneng River. The
infrastructure can be seen in the picture river and drainage infrastructure (Fig. 122).

Retention Ponds

a. Brami Dam

Brami dam is planned to be built upstream of the Eat Nandus river, precisely in Mertak Village,
Pujut District with a catchment area of 2.56 km2 with a main river length of 3 km. Brami dam

is planned to have a reservoir of 146,596.92 m3 with the aim of irrigating irrigation water needs
with an area of 113.23 ha from an area of potential irrigation of 294.5 ha.

Based on the results of the analysis of discharges using HEC-HMS obtained an average annual
inflow of brami ponds of 0.06 m3/sec or equivalent to 1,900,800 m3.. The distribution of annual
average inflow can be seen in the figure below.

Figure 143. Annual average inflow of Brami dam

Whereas the results of the sedimentation analysis using the MUSLE method in the Brami
Ponds at the time of discharge with a return period of 25 years or occurrence probability of
4% can be seen in the following figure:

140 Total sediment load Sediment load clay
Sediment load silt Sediment load sand
Sediment Load (tonne)

120 Sediment load gravel




Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 144. Sediment load of the Brami Dam

From the above figure it is known that the total sediment load in Brami reservoirs is 4.313,1
tonnes per year with details of 49,4 tones sediment load clay, 196,5 tones sediment load silt,
3.033,6 tones sediment load sand and 1.033,3 tones sediment load gravel.

b. Bajak Dam

Bajak dam plans to be built in the upper Songong river with a cathment area of 1.17 km2 with
a main river length of 2.57 km. Bajak dam is planned to have a reservoir of 51,538.72 m3 and
can be used to irrigate an area of 50 ha.

Based on the analysis of rainfall runoff using HEC-HMS, the average annual flow of the bajak
dam is 0.0258 m3/s, or equivalent to 812,160 m3 per year. The distribution of average annual
discharge in the Bajak dam can be seen in the picture as follows:

Figure 145. Distribution discharge average at the Bajak Dam

As for the sedimentation analysis using the MUSLE method at the time of discharge with a
return period of 25 years or with a probability of occurrence of 4% the results are presented
in the figure below as follows:

Total sediment load Sediment load clay
Sediment Load (tonne) Sediment load silt Sediment load sand
60 Sediment load gravel






Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 146. Sediment load of the Bajak Dam

From the figure above it is known that the sediment load in the Bajak dam is dominated by
sediment load sand of 1,386.4 tons of the total sediment load of 1,971.2 tones, then the
sediment load gravel of 447, 3 tones, sediment load silt of 89.8 tons and the most small is
sediment load clay of 22.6 tones.

c. Flood Channels

Flood-channel is planned to be raised along the main road special economic region Mandalika,
namely from the village of Kute to the village Teruwai. The flood channel will be trought
Ngolang river basin in two tributaries namely the Soker and Ngolang rivers.In addition, the
flood channel will be trought in the middle of the Bajak river basin area in the three tributaries
on the Songong, Nandus and Sereneng rivers.

1) Soker

The catchment area of the Soker River at junction of flood channels is 2.81 km2 with a main
river length of 3.41 km. The results of the discharge analysis with a return period of 25th or
with a probability of incidence of 4% at this location are as follows :

Figure 147. Discharge of the Soker River at junction of flood channels

From the picture above, it is known that the discharge in the river Soker at the junction with
flood channels has a discharge ranging from 0,00 m3/s up to 0,50 m3/s and an annual average
discharge of 0,10 m3/s.

While the sedimentation at the same location shows that the total sediment load is 5,363
tonnes per year, with details the sediment load of clay 84 tonnes, silt sediment load of 334.4
tonnes, sand sediment load 4,557.6 tonnes and gravel sediment load is 366.8 tonnes.
Sediment load on river Soker junction with the channel flooded presented in the following
figure :

Total sediment load
Sediment load clay
100 Sediment load silt
Sediment Load (tonne)

Sediment load sand





Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 148. Sediment load of the Soker River at junction of flood channels

1. Ngolang

On the River Ngolang junction with flood channels have a catchment area 7.29 km2 with the
length of the main river 4.97 km. The results of the discharge analysis with a return period of
25th or with a probability of incidence of 4% at this location are as follows :

Figure 149. Discharge of the Ngolang River at junction of flood channels

From the picture above, it is known that the discharge in the river Ngolang at the junction with
flood channels has a discharge ranging from 0,00 m3/s up to 1<40 m3/s and an annual average
discharge of 0,27 m3/s.

As for its sediment load at the junction is predicted at 13,963.0 tonnes per year, with details
dominated by the sediment load sand 11.918 tonnes, then the sediment load gravel 954.9
tonnes, sediment load silt 870.6 tonnes and the least load sediment clay 218.7 tonnes.
Distribution of sediment load spreads can be seen in the following image :

Total sediment load
250 Sediment load clay
Sediment load silt
Sediment Load (tonne)

Sediment load sand





Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 150. Sediment load of the Ngolang River at junction of flood channels

2. Songong

Flood channels also cut Songong river on site with catchment area 3.33 km2 with main river
length 3.91 km. The results of the discharge analysis with a return period of 25 years or with a
possible incidence of 4% at this location can be seen in the figure below as follows figure:

Figure 151. Discharge of the Songong River at junction of flood channels

From the picture above the total discharge at this junction is the discharge from the Subbasin-
8 coupled with the discharge from the upstream reach. The discharge at this junction ranges
from 0,00 m3/s to 0,60 m3/s with an annual average discharge of 0,12 m3/s.

As for the results of sedimentation analysis using MUSLE method on this junction shows the
total annual sediment load is 5,601.9 tonnes with the details of sediment clay load 64.1 tonnes,
the sediment load silt 255.3 tonnes, sediment load sand 3,940.1 tonnes and Sediment load of
gravel as much as 1,342.1 tonnes. The sediment distribution at this junction can be seen in the
figure below as follows:

Total sediment load Sediment load clay

200 Sediment load silt Sediment load sand

Sediment Load (tonne)

Sediment load gravel




Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 152. Sediment load of the Songong River at junction of flood channels

3. Nandes

The planned flood channels along the main road in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone also
intersect with the Nandes River. At this junction, the cathment area of the river Nandes 8.86
km2 with a main river length 7,00 km. The results of the discharge analysis with a return period
of 25th or with a probability of incidence of 4% at this location can be seen in the figure below
as follows :

Figure 153. Discharge of the Nandes River at junction of flood channels

Based on the picture above the total discharge in the junction is the discharge from the
Subbasin-6 coupled with the discharge from the reach at the upstream. Daily average total
discharge at this junction ranges from 0,00 m3/s to 1,7 m3/s with an annual average discharge
of 0,33 m3/s.

While the results of sedimentation analysis using MUSLE method can be seen in the image
below as follows:

Figure 154. Sediment load of the Nandes River at junction of flood channels

From the picture above is known that the total sedimenta load at this junction is 18,059.1
tonnes, dominated by the sediment load sand 11,911.8 tonnes followed by a sediment load of
gravel 5,296.6 tonnes, the sediment load of silt 678.5 tonnes and sediment load of clay 168.9
4. Serinting

Flood channels in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone also cut the Serinting River.The
junction of the intersection has a catchment area of 1,85 km2 with a main river length of 2,92
km.The distribution discharge at this junction can be seen in the figure below as follows:

Figure 155. Discharge of the Serinting River at junction of flood channels

From the picture above shows that the daily average discharge at the junction of the Serinting
River with flood channels ranged from 0,00 m3/dt to 0,40 m3/s and has an annual average
discharge of 0,06 m3/s.

While the results of sedimentation analysis using MUSLE method can be seen in the figure
below as follows :

Total sediment load Sediment load clay
Sediment Load (tonne) 100 Sediment load silt Sediment load sand
Sediment load gravel




Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 156. Sediment load of the Serinting River at junction of flood channels

Based on the above image can be known the amount of sediment at this junction is the total
annual sediment load 3.124,4 tonnes with the breakdown of sediment load clay 35,8 tonnes,
sediment load silt 142,4 tonnes, sediment load sand 2.197,6 tonnes and sediment load gravel
748,6 tonnes.

F. Scenario of River Basin Development in the Mandalika

With/Without Infrastructures (Retention Ponds and Flood Channels)

Based on data obtained from various government agencies including Bappeda, Central
Lombok Districts and BWS Nusa Tenggara I Ministry of Public Works, that in the Mandalika
two reservoirs under construction and flood channels will be built along the main road. The
two reservoirs that are being built are the Brami pond and the Bajak dam, both of which are
located at the upstream of the Balak river. Of the two infrastructures that affect the water in
downstream of the river is the reservoir, because the water from the reservoir is used for
irrigation, while the flood channel will only delay and reduce the peak discharge to get to the
estuary. So that infrastructure development that affects discharge downstream is only in the
Balak river.

Below can be seen the change in discharge with / without infrastructure in the Balak River,


With Infrastructure
Without Infrastructure
Discharge (m3/s)





Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 157. Discharge with / without Infrastucture in the Balak River

From the picture above, it is clear that infrastructure development in the form of upstream
storage will reduce the downstream discharge. In the Balak River without infrastructure in the
upstream, the downstream discharge is a minimum of 0.00 m3/s with a maximum discharge
of 5.53 m3/ss and the average discharge is 1.15 m3/s, while the construction of the upstream
storage infrastructure causes the downstream discharge to a minimum of 0 .00 m3/s with a
maximum discharge of 5.50 m3/s with an average discharge of 1.08 m3/s.

Whereas for theTebelo River there are no infrastructure building plans, and for the Ngolang
river there are only flood channels whose water is not used for consumption such as irrigation,
raw water, and livestock, so that there is no change in the volume of water downstream of the

Land Use Change Scenarios

Discharge in the downstream river is not only influenced by the amount of rain, slope of the
land, slope of the river bed, the type of soil and building infrastructure is also influenced by
land use. In this study, an analysis of changes in downstream discharge due to changes in land
use was also carried out. There are 3 scenarios of land use change based on the results of a
study plan of the Mandalika special economic zone and the direction in the Central Lombok
district RTRW.
1. Scneario-1

In scenario-1, a neighborhood business area develops up to 10% of the watershed area, grows
the park area, residence develops up to 10% of the watershed area, decreases the moor area
33.3% from the initial condition, and decreases the Shrubs area 33.3 % of the initial conditions.

The change in land use scenario-1 can be seen in the table below as follows:
Table 23. Change in land use scenario-1

CA. Balak CA. Ngolang CA. Tebelo

km2 km2 km2
Protected forest 0.41 2.80 1.96
Cultivated land 4.17 0.95 1.99
Residence 2.58 1.46 1.58
Farmland 0.68 0.00 0.00
Shrubs 4.89 2.09 1.49
Moor 9.42 5.52 5.92
Park 1.04 0.34 1.27
Neighborhood businesses 2.58 1.46 1.58
Pond 0.00 0.00 0.01
Sum 25.77 14.61 15.80

2. Scenario-2

In scenario-2, a neighborhood business area develops up to 20% of the watershed area, the
development park area, residence develops up to 15% of the watershed area, decreases the
moor area 66.7% from the initial condition, and decreases the Shrubs area 66.7 % of the initial

The change in land use scenario-2 can be seen in the table below as follows:
Table 24. Change in land use scenario-2

CA. Balak CA. Ngolang CA. Tebelo

km2 km2 km2
Protected forest 0.41 2.80 1.96
Cultivated land 4.17 0.95 1.99
Residence 3.87 2.19 2.37
Farmland 0.68 0.00 0.00
Shrubs 2.59 1.10 0.79
Moor 4.98 2.92 3.13
Park 3.91 1.73 2.39
Neighborhood businesses 5.15 2.92 3.16
Pond 0.01 0.00 0.01
Sum 25.77 14.61 15.80

3. Scenario-3

In scenario-3, a neighborhood business area develops up to 30% of the watershed area,

continued development of the park area, residence develops up to 20% of the watershed area,
no more moor and Shrubs area.

The change in land use scenario-3 can be seen in the table below as follows:
Table 25. Change in land use scenario-3

CA. Balak CA. Ngolang CA. Tebelo

km2 km2 km2
Protected forest 0.41 2.80 1.96
Cultivated land 4.17 0.95 1.99
Residence 5.15 2.92 3.16
Farmland 0.68 0.00 0.00
Shrubs 0.00 0.00 0.00
Moor 0.00 0.00 0.00
Park 7.60 3.55 3.94
Neighborhood businesses 7.73 4.38 4.74
Pond 0.02 0.01 0.01
Sum 25.77 14.61 15.80

While the change in discharge due to changes in land use for each river in SEZ Mandalika can
be seen in the figure below:


Q Existing Landuse Q Scenario-I
Discharge (m3/s)

Q Scenario-2 Q Scenario-3





Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 158. Balak river discharge with various land use change scenarios


3.50 Q Existing Landuse Q Scenario-I

3.00 Q Scenario-2 Q Scenario-3

Discharge (m3/s)






Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 159. Ngolang river discharge with various land use change scenarios

Q Existing Landuse Q Scenario-I
Q Scenario-2 Q Scenario-3
Discharge (m3/s)




Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 160. Tebelo river discharge with various land use change scenarios

From the picture above it appears that there is a change in discharge in each river as a result
of changes in land use in each scenario. Changes to the debit can be seen in the following
Table 26. Summary dischare on existing condition and various scenarios

Discharge (m3/s)
Existing Scenario-1 Scenario-2 Scenario-3
Balak River
Minimum 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Maximum 5.50 6.18 6.44 6.61
Average 1.08 1.21 1.26 1.29

Discharge (m3/s)
Existing Scenario-1 Scenario-2 Scenario-3
Ngolang River
Minimum 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Maximum 2.80 3.19 3.34 3.43
Average 0.56 0.64 0.67 0.68
Tebelo River
Minimum 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Maximum 3.10 3.45 3.63 3.75
Average 0.60 0.67 0.70 0.73

G. Water Quality

Rivers in the Mandalika region are classified as ephemeral rivers. The Ephemeral River is a river
whose water is only filled during the rainy season. Or the Ephemeral river is a river whose
water comes from rain water.

During the study, the rivers in the Mandalika area were dry, so water quality measurements
could not be carried out. Therefore, as an approach to river water quality, secondary data
collection is carried out on rivers around the Mandalika area. The location of river water
quality measurements that have been obtained can be seen on the map as follows:

Source : BWS NT-I

Figure 161. Water Quality Measurement Location Map

From the map, the location of water quality measurement is found in the Dodokan watershed,
namely dodokan upstream one point, dodokan middle two points and dodokan downstream
one point. The results of the water quality analysis are presented in the following table :

Table 27. Recapitulation of water quality measurements

19/04/2018 01/10/2018 09/04/2018 09/04/2018 24/04/2018 26/04/2018
Temperatur C 29.9 26.5 29.1 31.3 26.1 28.9
DHL mhos/cm 219 255 392 259 453 248
pH 7.59 7.3 7.89 7.77 7.48 7.62
DO mg/l 7.6 6.7 7.4 7.2 5.9 7
COD mg/l 8 7.84 28 20 39.2 12
BOD mg/l 5.16 3.3 14.2 6.03 10 5.03
TSS mg/l 1.691 7 97 104 5 101
Nitrat mg/l 0.026 3.575 2.271 4.005 3.008 4.719
Nitrit mg/l 0.068 0.016 0.158 0.56 0.008 0.069
Amoniak mg/l 0.068 0.14 0.15 0.172 0.52 0.216
Total Fosfat mg/l 0.049 0.079 0.47 0.25 0.546 0.302
Detergen ug/l 60 535 112 60 293 60
Minyak Lemak ug/l 5 5 5 5 5 5
Fecal Coli jml/100 mg 54000 35000 92000 92000 92000 240000
Total Coli jml/100 mg 160000 92000 160000 240000 160000 240000
Source : PU NTB Province

The Government of the Republic of Indonesia has issued a government regulation namely PP
No. 82 of 2001 concerning Management of Water Quality and Water Pollution Control. In the
regulation the government sets the classification of water quality into four, namely:
a. First class, water whose designation can be used as raw water for drinking water and or
other designation that requires the same water quality as the purpose
b. Second class, water whose designation can be used for water recreation infrastructure /
facilities, cultivation of freshwater fish, livestock, water to irrigate crops, and / or other
designation that requires the same water quality as these uses
c. Third class, water whose designation can be used for the cultivation of freshwater fish,
animal husbandry, water for irrigating crops, and or other allotments that require the
same water quality as these uses
d. Fourth class, water whose designation can be used to irrigate crops and or other uses that
require the same water quality as the purpose

The regulation also stipulates water quality criteria based on class.

Table 28. Water Quality Criteria Based on Class

1 2 3 4
Temperatur C Deviasi 3 Deviasi 3 Deviasi 3 Deviasi 5
DHL mhos/cm
pH 6-9 6-9 6-9 5-9
DO mg/l ≥6 ≥4 ≥3 ≥0
COD mg/l 10 25 50 100
BOD mg/l 2 3 6 12
TSS mg/l
Nitrat mg/l 10 10 20 20
Nitrit mg/l 0,06 0,06 0,06 (-)
Amoniak mg/l 0,5 (-) (-) (-)
Total Fosfat mg/l 0,2 0,2 1 5
Detergen ug/l 200 200 200 (-)
Minyak Lemak ug/l 1000 1000 1000 (-)
Fecal Coli jml/100 mg 100 1000 2000 2000
Total Coli jml/100 mg 1000 5000 10000 10000
Source : PP. RI. No. 82 Tahun 2001
Based on water quality criteria based on class, from testing at four locations the point of
sampling shows the results included in the second class category, i.e. water whose designation
can be used for water recreation infrastructure / facilities, cultivation of freshwater fish,
livestock, water to irrigate crops, and / or other designation that requires the same water
quality as these uses.

Hydrodynamic and
Water Quality Modelling

A. General Model Description

For the simulations of hydrodynamic and water quality model in Mandalika, the multi-
dimensional simulation program DELFT3D, is chosen. The development and maintenance of
Delft3D is led by Deltares, a research institute based in the Netherlands. The Delft3D model is
a well-established open source hydrodynamic modelling software, and allows for
hydrodynamic computations in shallow seas, coastal, lagoons, lakes, river and estuarine areas.

The Delft3D software package consists of several modules, grouped around a mutual interface,
while being capable to interact with one another. Each module focuses on specific processes
such as hydrodynamics (Delft3D-Flow), Sediment transport (Delft3D-SED), Morphology
(Delft3D-MOR), Waves (Delft3D-Wave), Water Quality (Delft3D-WAQ) and Ecology (Delft3D-
ECO). The system has the ability to carry out the interactions between these processes by
coupling the process interaction. Further information about Delft3D, including its functionality
and history, can be found at http://oss.deltares.nl/web/delft3d.

Physical processes

The numerical hydrodynamic modeling system Delft3D-FLOW solves the unsteady shallow
water equations in two (depth-averaged) and three dimensions. The system of equations
consists of the horizontal equations of motion, the continuity equation and the transport
equations for conservative constituents. The equations are formulated in orthogonal
curvilinear co-ordinates or in spherical co-ordinates on the globe. In Delft3D-FLOW, models
with a rectangular grid (Cartesian frame of reference) are considered as a simplified form of a
curvilinear grid. In curvilinear co-ordinates, the free surface level and bathymetry are related
to a flat horizontal plane of reference, whereas in spherical co-ordinates the reference plane
follows the Earth's curvature. It includes: tidal forcing, Coriolis force, density driven flows
(pressure gradients terms in the momentum equations), advection-diffusion solver included

to compute density gradients with an optional facility to treat very sharp gradients in the
vertical, space and time varying wind and atmospheric pressure, advanced turbulence models
to account for the vertical turbulent viscosity and diffusivity based on the eddy viscosity
concept, where four options are provided: k-, k-L, algebraic and constant model, time varying
sources and sinks (e.g. river discharges), simulation of the thermal discharge, effluent
discharge and the intake of water at any location and any depth, drogue tracks, robust
simulation of drying and flooding of inter-tidal flats.

Model Assumptions (Delft Hydraulics, 2001)

In Delft3D-FLOW, the 2D (depth-averaged) or 3D non-linear shallow water equations are

solved. These equations are derived from the three dimensional Navier Stokes equations for
incompressible free surface flow. The following assumptions and approximations are applied:

 Hydrostatic assumption, thus, vertical accelerations are assumed to be small

compared to the gravitational acceleration and are therefore not taken into account.
 The effect of variable density is only taken into account in the horizontal pressure
gradient term (Boussinesq approximation).
 In the stand alone version of Delft3D-FLOW the bed is assumed to be fixed. For a
dynamic coupling between morphological changes and flow, the Delft3D-MOR
module should be used.
 At the bottom, a slip boundary condition is assumed.
 The formulation for the enhanced bed shear stress due to the combination of waves
and currents is based on a 2D flow field, generated from the velocity near the bed
using a logarithmic approximation.
 The equations of Delft3D-FLOW are capable of resolving the turbulent scales (large
eddy simulation), but the hydrodynamic grids are usually too coarse to resolve the
fluctuations. Therefore, the basic equations are Reynolds-averaged introducing so-
called Reynolds stresses. These stresses are related to the Reynolds-averaged flow
quantities by a turbulence closure model.
 In Delft3D-FLOW, the 3D turbulent eddies are bounded by the water depth. Their
contribution to the vertical exchange of horizontal momentum and mass is modeled
through a vertical eddy viscosity and eddy diffusivity coefficient (eddy viscosity
concept). The coefficients are assumed to be proportional to a velocity scale and a

length scale. The coefficients may be specified (constant) or computed by means of
an algebraic, k-L or k- turbulence model.
 In agreement with the aspect ratio for shallow water flow, the production of
turbulence is based on the vertical (and not the horizontal) gradients of the horizontal
 The boundary conditions for the turbulent kinetic energy and energy dissipation at
the free surface and bottom assume a logarithmic law of the wall.
 The eddy viscosity is anisotropic. The horizontal eddy viscosity and diffusivity
coefficients should combine both the effect of the 3D turbulent eddies and the
horizontal motions that cannot be resolved by the horizontal grid. The horizontal eddy
viscosity is generally much larger than the vertical eddy viscosity.
 For large scale flow simulations, the tangential shear stress at lateral closed
boundaries can be neglected (free slip). In the case of small scale flow, partial slip is
applied along closed boundaries.
 For large scale flow simulations, the horizontal viscosity terms are reduced to a
biharmonic operator along co-ordinate lines. In the case of small scale flow the
complete Reynold's stress tensor is computed. The shear stress at the side walls is
calculated using a logarithmic law of the wall.
 Delft3D-FLOW solves the so-called long wave equation. The pressure is hydrostatic
and the model is not capable of resolving the scales of short waves. Therefore, the
basic equations are averaged in analogy with turbulence introducing so-called
radiation stresses. These stresses are related to the wave quantities of Delft3D-WAVE
by a closure model
 Without specification of a temperature model for the heat exchange through the free
surface is zero. The heat loss through the bottom is always zero.
 If the total heat flux through the water surface is computed using a temperature
excess model, the exchange coefficient is a function of temperature and wind speed.
The natural background temperature is assumed to be constant in space and may vary
in time. In the other heat flux formulations, the fluxes due to solar radiation,
atmospheric and back radiation, convection and heat loss due to evaporation are
modeled separately

Coupling to other modules

The hydrodynamic conditions (velocities, water elevations, density, salinity, vertical eddy
viscosity and eddy vertical diffusivity) calculated in the Delft3D-FLOW module are used as
input to the other modules of Delft3D, which are:

 Delft3D-WAQ: far-field water quality.

 Delft3D-SED: cohesive and non-cohesive sediment transport.
 Delft3D-ECO: ecological modeling.
 Delft3D-PART: mid-field water quality and particle tracking.
 Delft3D-WAVE: short wave propagation.
 Delft3D-MOR: morpho dynamic simulations.

In addition to the Delft3D-FLOW module, the Delft3D-WAQ module allows concentrating the
calculation of mixing and transport processes on temporal and spatial scales, which can be
considerably different from the hydrodynamic scales. The advection diffusion equation is
solved for the substances of interest only on that spatially limited grid within the time-scales
of interest using the hydrodynamic conditions from the results of Delft3D-FLOW. An
advantage compared to Delft3D-FLOW only are better temporal resolutions regarding
dispersion processes and less numerical diffusion. Moreover, Delft3D-WAQ includes
numerous formulations for substance decay and transformation, which will be discussed in
the following section.

The Lagrangian transport model Delft3D-PART is independent of a grid, thus allowing water
quality processes to be described in a detailed spatial pattern, resolving sub-grid
concentration distributions. Delft3D-PART is best suited for studies over the mid-field range
(200 m-15 km) of instantaneous or continuous releases. It calculates advection and diffusion
processes using the Lagrangian approach and the hydrodynamic quantities resulting from
Delft3D-FLOW. In addition, reaction or decay processes can be simulated using different
particle attributes (density, surface area, and ages). Various realistic features (e.g. the return
of previously diluted sewage over the outfall and different source conditions), substance
accumulation in particular can be readily simulated by superposition methods.


Table.20 presents a brief description of the additional programs. For more information about
these programs and their use, the reader refers to the User-Manual-2018.

Table 29. A brief description of the tools used in the study

Module Description
RGFGRID Program to construct, modify and visualize a grid in Cartesian or
Spherical co-ordinates for the Delft3D-Flow module. The program
includes tools that can optimize the criterions of the grid
(orthogonality and smoothness)
QUICKIN Program to construct, interpolate, modify and visualize bathymetries
for the Delft3D-Flow module
QUICKPLOT Program to visualize and animate the results produced by Delft3D
modules. The program is based on MATLAB

Basic steps of Delft3D simulation

Following the user manual Delft3D-FLOW (2005), the basic steps that precede a simulation are
summarized as:
 Selection of the extent of the area to be modelled.
 Definition of location and extent of open boundaries and the type of boundary
conditions to be prescribed, i.e. water level, velocities or discharges.
 Definition of the land boundary.
 Generation of a numerical grid.
 Generation of the bathymetry defined on the numerical grid.
 Definition of many different grid related quantities, such as open boundaries,
monitoring points, discharge locations, release points of drogues.
 Definition of the time frame of the scenario, i.e. start and stop time and various time
functions such as the open boundary conditions, wind speed and direction,
discharges, and salinity concentrations or other substances transported by the flow.

The data are stored in separate so-called attribute files such as the flow rate file flowrate.dis.
These files are produced by the use of external programs or other Delft3D tools (e.g. the grid
generator program Delft3D RGFGRID), manually online and/or in the Delft3D-FLOW input

The main input file for the hydrodynamic simulation program is the so-called Master Definition
Flow file (MDF-file, <filename>.mdf ). In the MDF-file, the necessary attribute files and further
information (e.g. output options) are defined. Only a reference is made to these files instead

of including all data. Therefore, the attribute files and the MDF-file are to be stored in the
same folder. Consequently, the generated attribute files flowrate.dis and location.src have to
be saved in the same working directory as the corresponding MDF-file. The first three
characters of the filename are used as a run-id and are used in the names of the output files
to ensure the link between an MDF-file and the output files.

Delft3D-FLOW runs through the following sequence:

 Start the FLOW input processor of Delft3D and load the selected MDF-file (FLOW GUI).
 All data saved in the attribute files are loaded automatically into the GUI.
 The input parameters can be modified in the corresponding data groups (listed on the
left in the GUI). In this case the data have to be saved anew.
 Specify which computational results will be stored, then save the MDF-file.
 After verifying the MDF-file execute the computation.
 After the simulation the specified result files are stored in the same folder as the MDF-

The results of a flow simulation are stored in four types of output files:
 History file (saved as trih-<runid>.dat).
 Map file (saved as trim-<runid>.dat).
 Drogue file (saved as trid-<runid>.dat).
 Communication file (saved as com-<runid>.dat).

The history file contains all quantities as a function of time in the specified monitoring points
and / or cross-sections. The map file contains results of all quantities in all grid points at a user-
specified time interval. The drogue file contains the (x, y) position of all drogues at each
computational time step in the time interval between release and recovery time. The
communication file includes all data which are required for other modules of Delft3D such as
the hydrodynamic results for a water quality simulation. The results of all quantities in all grid
points are stored.

The results can be visualized by the use of the post-processing tool Delft3D QUICKPLOT. On
loading the result files into the visualization module, a large variety of graphs can be displayed.
Since this program has been developed using MatLab®, the graphs can be saved in the figure
file format of MatLab® for further analysis.

B. Model Configuration

The proposed model system DELFT3D includes two programs: the hydrodynamic (and
transport) simulation program DELFT3D-FLOW and the water quality program DELFT3D-WAQ
(also named D-Water-Quality). Some additional programs included in the package were
utilized: RGFGRID, QUICKIN, and QUICKPLOT modules. For using Delft3D the first two auxiliary
software tools are important for preparing input files. For post-processing purposes the last
package was used.

Delft3D-FLOW is a multi-dimensional (2D or 3D) hydrodynamic (and transport) simulation

program which calculates non-steady flow and transport phenomena that result from tidal
and meteorological forcing on a rectilinear or a curvilinear, boundary fitted grid. The system
of equations consists of the horizontal equations of motion, the continuity equation, and the
transport equations for conservative constituents. In 3D simulations, the vertical grid is
defined following the  co-ordinate approach. The flow is forced by water levels or tides at the
open boundaries, wind stresses at the free surface, pressure gradients due to free surface
gradients (barotropic) or density gradients (baroclinic). The discharge and withdrawal of water
can also be included in the equations.

Delft3D-WAQ is a multi-dimensional far-field water quality model framework for numerical

simulation of various physical, biological and chemical processes. It solves the advection
diffusion-reaction equation for a predefined computational grid and for a wide range of model
substances. D-Water Quality allows flexibility in the substances to be modelled, as well as in
the processes to be considered. D-Water Quality is not a hydrodynamic model, so information
on flow fields is derived from Delft3D-FLOW or SOBEK-FLOW (Delft3D-FLOW UM, 2013; SOBEK
UM, 2013), although any description of the movement of water would be suitable if available
in the right format.

To setup a model, several processes including the definition of the model domain, construction
of grid, open boundary and the model bathymetry, numerical and physical parameters are

Model Domain

The first and most important step in the setup of a hydrodynamic model is the definition of
the model domain. On the one hand, the modeler should take into consideration the area of
interest in terms of evaluation and analyses the model results, the surrounding systems that

have influences on the hydrodynamics, the location of the model boundaries (open/closed),
the boundary conditions to be imposed. Besides, the computational requirements and also
the processes to be simulated in the selected area should be accounted for.

Based on the aforementioned considerations and taking into consideration the processes to
be resolved by the model, the model domain of the Mandalika has been defined. The model
domain covers 4 coastal zones extending from the west to the east over a distance of about
12 km in Mandalika, i.e. Kuta Bay, off the Serinting Beach, Tanjung Aan and eastern cove off
mangrove sanctuary. There are 3 rivers enter to the Mandalika Bay. Therefore, to ensure a
proper representation of the hydrodynamics in the region, the model domain of the Mandalika
as shown in Figure 136 was selected.



Figure 162. Mandalika model domain

Once the model domain was selected, a grid was constructed to describe the bathymetry of
the Mandalika. A detailed description of the grid generation and its properties is given in the
following sections.

Grid Construction

Creating a grid is the first step to set up the model. Numerical models require construction of
a mesh for the selected domain in order to solve the equations governing the physical

processes. Once the model domain has been defined, the grid configuration and resolution is
defined. The design processes of the grid and the resolution together should involve
systematically the optimal representation of the modelled processes and underlying
bathymetry, the fulfilling of grid requirements taking into consideration the computational
costs (computational time and computer requirements).

a. Grid Requirement

The equations in DELFT3D-FLOW are solved on finite difference grids. An optimal numerical
accuracy requires some criterions to be taken into consideration within the preparation
processes of the grid. The main requirements to be considered during building the grid are the
so-called orthogonality and smoothness criterions. These two factors are of great importance
due to their significant role in the accuracy of the numerical solution of the flow equations.
The former means that at each grid cell, the two lines drawn from the adjoining; opposite grid
cell centers should intersect as perpendicular as possible (the angles between the horizontal
and vertical grid lines should be close to 90 degrees). The latter means that the grid spacing
must vary smoothly (M and N direction) over the computational region.

The factor of grid smoothness is defined as the ratio between adjacent grid cell lengths in
horizontal direction. This factor should be considered in order to minimize errors in the
difference approximations.

b. Computational Grid

The previous section has thrown light on the grid requirements that should be taken into
consideration through the processes of building up the grid. Based on the model domain
defined and the described grid requirements, the model grid of the Mandalika was generated.
To generate the computational grid, the Delft3D-RGFGRID generator program was used for
this purpose. In early step, the configuration of the grid was selected to give a rough shape of
the initial grid and also to make sure the final grid scheme will follow the expected flow
direction avoiding numerical diffusion in the calculations. The final layout of the grid is based
generally on depth data and land boundary outlines.

The grid is set as the finer grid resolution in the surrounding of the coastal region, and the grid
size gradually increases to the coarser resolution in the ocean. Depths used in the model grid
were derived from the bathymetry data.

The grid is generated with the Delft3D-RGFGRID module. Using splines, a rough sketch of the
grid can be made. Using spherical coordinates, the reference plane for the free surface level

and the bathymetry follows the Earth’s curvature (Deltares, 2018). The set-up for the
curvilinear grid can be refined and adjusted to optimize the orthogonality and the smoothness
in both directions. Figure 137 shows the resulting computational grid of the Mandalika Bay
model. It covers the whole of the main body of Mandalika Bay. The open boundary has been
selected far enough from the area of interest to avoid its effects on the hydrodynamics and
model results. Since the coordinates system of the grid is spherical, the variation of the Coriolis
force is determined in the latitude direction. Considering the Courant number criterion (=<10),
the selected time step is set at 0.05 minute (3 seconds).

Figure 163. Computational grid of the Mandalika

The total grid size is 200 cells in M-direction (longitude) and 270 in N-direction (latitude) with
a total grid element of 30,254. The dimensions of each offshore cell are 350m and near
coastline are 50m, but in order to represent in the best way possible the interactions at the
region which is more intensively observed, it was necessary to increase the resolution of the
grid. Therefore, at the vicinity of brine outlet, the size of each cell is 30m.


In order to setup a hydrodynamic model, bathymetric information on the area under

investigation is necessary. It should be mentioned that the performance of a numerical model

depends highly upon accurate representation of sea bottom levels. The model bathymetry was
developed from a range of data sources as follow:

 The bathymetry data within the Mandalika collected during the field survey 22-25 June

 Coastal depth from GEBCO_08 (General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans,

http://www.gebco.net) bathymetric grid. GEBCO_08 is a global bathymetry dataset
for the world ocean at a 30 arc-second horizontal resolution bathymetry grid produced
largely by combining controlled ship depth sounding with predicted depths between
the sounding points guided by satellite-derived gravity data. Data for the Mandalika
model domain were extracted and converted into the appropriate file format

To schematize the bathymetry of the Mandalika model, the QUICKIN-Module of the Delft3D
modelling system package was used. QUICKIN-Module is used for constructing, preparing and
interpolating the bathymetry data onto the model grid. The program provides three methods
to interpolate the samples into the grid. These are the so-called ‘‘Grid cell averaging’’
‘‘triangulation interpolation’’ and ‘‘internal diffusion’’.

The selection of the method is very much related to the density of the sample. For high
resolution data, ‘‘Grid cell averaging’’ method is used. ‘‘Triangulation interpolation’’ method
is best suited for a smaller number of sample and ‘‘internal diffusion’’ method is used to fill
the areas that do not contain samples. For the Mandalika model, the interpolation of the
bathymetric data onto the computational grid was made initially by applying ‘‘Grid Cell
averaging’’ method. This is followed by ‘‘Triangulation interpolation’’ and ‘‘Internal diffusion’’
approach. Figure 138 shows the resulting bathymetry map for the Mandalika model.

Figure 164. Bathymetry for the Mandalika. Model domain is colored by bed elevation, and the depths
are in meter

2D (depth-averaged) and 3D model approximation

The decision on the choice to use two and/or three-dimensional model approximating
essentially on the main physical characteristics of the water system in the area of interest
which basically based on the field measurements. Therefore, the importance of three-
dimensional approach becomes essential for processes that cannot be adequately
represented by the depth-integrated model.

If the fluid is vertically homogeneous, a depth-averaged approach is appropriate.

Delft3DFLOW is able to run in two-dimensional mode (one computational layer), which
corresponds to solving the depth-averaged equations. Examples in which the two-
dimensional, depth averaged flow equations can be applied are tidal waves, storm surges,
tsunamis, harbor oscillations (seiches) and transport of pollutants in vertically well-mixed flow

Three-dimensional modelling is of particular interest in transport problems where the
horizontal flow field shows significant variation in the vertical direction. This variation may be
generated by wind forcing, bed stress, Coriolis force, bed topography or density differences.
Examples are dispersion of waste or cooling water in lakes and coastal areas, upwelling and
downwelling of nutrients, salt intrusion in estuaries, fresh water river discharges in bays and
thermal stratification in lakes and seas.

Taking considerations above, 2D models (depth-averaged) are unable to describe the vertical
distribution of current or density variations throughout the water column in Mandalika.
Therefore, in simulating the circulation and processes in the Mandalika, a two-dimensional
model cannot be used in this regard. Accordingly, a three-dimensional approach has been
selected to simulate the processes in question.

Delft3D has two options for vertical layering: σ (Sigma) layers, which are specified as a
proportion of the total depth and which vary in thickness over time and space with the local
depth; and Z-layers, which are set at specific elevations above the datum. σ-layers are more
stable but can introduce additional numerical mixing whereas Z-layers are better for modelling
horizontally stratified systems but can be less stable and less accurate at modelling near-bed
fluxes and bed shear stresses. Although there can be vertical gradients in temperature and
salinity, the Mandalika is generally not stratified so the σ-layers option was selected. A layering
system of five layers (with 10% of depth in layer 1 and 5, 20% in layer 2 and 4, and 40% in 3)
was considered to give a good balance between vertical resolution and model run time. Rather
than distributing the layers evenly over the vertical they were structured to give higher
resolution near the surface and near the bed as the salinity profiling revealed the sharpest
salinity gradients generally occurring in these regions.

Boundary conditions

The definition of the open sea boundary is of major importance because it reflects the relation
between the hydrodynamics in the model domain and surrounding areas. Open boundaries
are always artificial ‘‘water-water’’ boundary. Selecting the type of boundary forcing depends
mainly on the model requirements on the one hand and on the available data set on the other

The location of the boundary is shown in Figure 138. The open boundary of the Mandalika is
selected far away enough from the area of interest to avoid its influences on the
hydrodynamics and model results. Transport boundary conditions at the open boundary have

been prescribed at fixed depth levels, the spacing of which increases with depth. This data is
linearly interpolated to the model grid in both horizontal and vertical directions. Therefore, it
is prescribed as vertical profiles. This implies that at the open boundary, temperature and
salinity are prescribed with time and vertically varying data. Thus, the values of temperature
and salinity are calculated by linear interpolation between the boundary end points.

The open boundary condition included in the model is water-level boundary conditions to
represent the offshore (tidal) boundary. Water levels at the open ocean boundaries are
specified using the amplitudes and phases of largest tidal constituent. These amplitudes and
phases of several tidal constituents are derived from the tidal field measurement conducted
on 25 August-18 September 2019. The water level logger was deployed at the pontoon pier
located at Kuta Bay. The tidal boundary is defined as astronomical constituents (amplitude and
phase per constituent.

Table 30. Tidal constituents at boundary, derived from water level field survey
Tidal Amplitudo Phase
constituent (m) (o)
M2 0.7181 245.67
S2 0.3483 307.00
K1 0.2754 261.34
O1 0.1401 252.41
MSF 0.0318 113.35
MS4 0.0165 189.54
SK3 0.0163 172.31
M3 0.0120 52.50
M6 0.0105 306.48

Initial conditions

The solution of the shallow water equations is determined by a set of initial and boundary
conditions (Delft3D-User Manual 2018). Initial values at every grid cell and for all predictive
variables involved in the simulation are required. In this study, two main types of initial
conditions are required, i.e. dynamic (water level) and conservative constituents (salinity and

For the tidal model (2D-model), the initial condition for water level throughout the model
domain was set equal to zero in all runs. In this respect, usually the equilibrium state in terms

of water levels is reached after a few tidal cycles. Therefore, the first one day of simulation
period have been ignored in the analyses.

For the three-dimensional model (3D-model), an initial condition file has been introduced to
define the values of salinity and temperature along the model domain for each of the vertical
layers. The temperature and salinity distributions used as initial conditions were assigned as
26o and 34 ppt, respectively.

Meteorological forcing

Meteorological data required for the simulation period were obtained from the Lombok
International Airport Station (17 km north of the Mandalika and at an elevation of 92m a.s.l).
The data included daily wind speed (ms-1) and wind direction. This data is presented in Figure

Wind Sped (m3s-1)

9/3/2019 9/6/2019 9/9/2019 9/12/2019 9/15/2019 9/18/2019

Figure 165. Meteorological data used as input to the model (23 September – 18 September
2019), obtained from Lombok International Airport Station

Coupling of hydrodynamic results to water quality simulations

Delft3D is the integrated flow and transport modelling system of Deltares for the aquatic
environment. The flow module of this system, viz. Delft3D-FLOW, provides the hydrodynamic
basis for other modules such as water quality, ecology, waves and morphology. For steady and
non-steady modelling of the far-field water quality and ecology, it is coupled with the far-field
water quality module D-Water Quality.

The transport of substances is based on the hydrodynamic conditions (velocities, water

elevations, density, salinity, vertical eddy viscosity and vertical eddy diffusivity) calculated in
the Delft3DFLOW module (Delft3D-FLOW UM, 2018). Delft3D-FLOW generates either a so-
called communication file, consisting of a data file and a definition file and containing the

"raw" hydrodynamic information that needs to be converted by an auxiliary program (the
coupling program) or, via a built-in coupling procedure, a set of ready-to-use files.

C. Calibration and Validation

The aim of model calibration is to adjust the model so that it best reproduces reality. A
measurement series was undertaken to collect water-level data and particle tracer in the
Mandalika. This monitoring period was simulated in the model winds and sea levels as
boundary conditions and the model results were compared with the measured data. Iterative
modification of model parameters was undertaken to reduce differences between the
modelled and observed water level and particle tracer.

This section of the report presents details of the data collection, model parameterization and
the final goodness-of-fit of the calibrated model.

Numerical and physical parameters

During calibration, the observed and modelled water-level data and particle tracer (track of a
float moving with the flow) were compared and the model parameters adjusted to improve
the fit of the modelled data. Initially, calibration focused on matching the magnitude and
timing of tidal variations in water levels. Once the model was performing well for water levels,
calibration moved on to looking at particle tracer.

Setting up a hydrodynamic model involves determination of the numerical and physical

parameters. These parameters are usually subject to sensitivity tests aiming at understanding
their influences on the model results. Accordingly, the major parameters that have influences
on the model results are identified. Therefore, the optimal values of the parameters are
chosen to improve the model results based on observations. However, there are some
constant values which have definite values in all simulation cases such as the gravitational
acceleration and water density.

With respect to numerical parameters in the model, some parameters except time step have
been kept at their default values. Salinity and temperature values have been considered space
and time varying. The variation of the Coriolis force is taken into account in the latitude
direction by setting the spherical coordinate system. The optimal values of the numerical and
physical parameters employed in the hydrodynamic model are summarized in Table 22.

Table 31. Parameters used in the Model
Parameters Value Unit
Physical Gravitational acceleration 9.81 m/s2
Water Density 1,020 kg/m3
Air Density 1 kg/m3
Temperature variable °C
Salinity variable ppt
Bottom roughness Chezy (uniform) 65 m1/2/s
Horizontal eddy viscosity 1 m2/s
Horizontal eddy diffusivity 1 m2/s
Vertical eddy viscosity 0.00001 m2/s
Vertical eddy diffusivity 0.00001 m2/s
Thatcher Harleman time lag 30 minute

Numerical Time Step 3 min

Grid size (min) 30.0 meter
Vertical layers 5
Threshold depth 0.05 m
Marginal depth -999 m
Smoothing time 60 min
Calibration period 15 days
(3-18 Sept)
Simulation period 15 days
(3-18 Sept)

Model Validation

As part of quality control, validation of the model is usually the final process of the
development before the application. This process involves the verification of model results
with measured data and also explains the model performance. The objective is to confirm the
reliability and the quality of the model settings by considering other periods different than
that used in the calibration processes. However, the possibility to validate the model depends
upon the quality of the available data. The availability and accessibility of field measurements
is always a major issue in this regard especially in the case of the Mandalika where there is
lack of hydrographic observations. However, the model performance was evaluated using
measured surface elevation and measurements of particle tracer. During the validation
processes, the model parameters settings listed in Table 22 are considered.

In terms of water levels, the model performance was assessed by using hourly data of
observed water levels recorded from tide gauge stations. The stations are located far enough
from the open boundaries of the model domain and therefore, this will assist in testing the

efficiency of the open boundary conditions. The location of the observation points considered
in the validation process are presented in Figure 138.

On the other hand, the model performance was assessed using in situ particle tracer
a. Validation in terms of Surface Elevations

This section presents the validation processes of the model by comparing the model results
with the available measured water levels in preliminary simulations, by adjusting the Chezy
coefficient bottom roughness, threshold depth and model time step. The model used constant
values for the background horizontal eddy viscosity and diffusivity, and the vertical eddy
viscosity and diffusivity, and applied the standard  turbulence model. Water level
observation points deployed at Kuta bay is used for the validation of tidal elevations on the
basis of the available measurements. Water levels of the period of 25th/8/2019 12:00hrs to
18th/9/2008 18:00hrs were recorded. The length of all the time series water levels represents
an entire neap-spring tidal cycle.

Figure 140 shows the measured water level time series plotted with the modelled results. The
model includes astronomic tides and the effects or wind or atmospheric pressure on sea level.
In general, the figure reflects a good agreement between the modelled and measured water
levels. In addition, phase conditions (occurrence time) of high and low water are in very good
agreement with observed data. This suggests that the model is capable of giving good results
for the period simulated.

Figure 166. Comparison of measured and simulated water levels, 03rd to 18th of September 2019

Validation in terms of particle tracer

In this section, validation of model predictions and field measurements in terms of particle
tracer is carried out. Particle tracer modeling is used to monitor the path of a particle moving
with the flow. Floating stuffs (drogues) are released in the surface layer, and these stuffs are
only transported due to the velocities in the surface layer. There is no diffusion or random
process involved. When wind applies, the wind affects the velocities in the surface and thus
the path of drogues. The drogue can be released and recovered at any time during the
simulation (provided the time complies with the restrictions for time instances).

In order to validate the track of a particle predicted by the hydrodynamic model, comparisons
between measurements and model predictions were conducted at 2 sites: Serinting and Aan
(Figure 141). Figure 142 shows the comparisons of observed and simulated particle path at
these 2 locations. In general, the trace of particle profiles produced by the model exhibit
similar to the measurement data with acceptable accuracy, both for reached distance and
direction. Therefore, the satisfactory validation results demonstrate that the model is capable
of simulating the flow in the Mandalika.

Figure 167. Path profiles of observed and simulated particle released at: a) Serinting and b) Aan


Figure 168. Path profiles of observed and simulated particle at: a) Serinting and b) Aan

D. Sea Water Intake and Brine Discharge Modelling

1 Proposed System of Intake and Outfall

The ideal condition of SWRO raw water source is sea water, there is no limitation on water
volume taken from the sea due to unlimited water availability. The main concern is therefore
the intake structure that able to provide raw water always available in term of quantity and
quality, in any condition.

In the Mandalika, as a tourism resort, construction of intake and discharge structure should not
interfere the tourism activities. Therefore, the construction of submerge intake is
recommended rather than jetty to keep natural view, and also the brine effluent is designed
through a submerged pipeline system.

The locations of intake and brine discharge are considered on the following general principles:

 The intake and discharge location should be as close as possible to the SWRO plant.
 Inlet and outlet pipe must be located in the stable foundation to prevent land slide,
slope failure, and rock fall that can blockade the pipes. Also, the location allows the
safety and less-difficulty in construction.
 The intake and brine discharge location should be chosen in less-sensitive coastal
regions. These structures should not be placed in sites where direct and immediate
impacts are potentially occurred and in environmentally sensitive or even

environmentally protected sites, such as within or nearby coral reefs, in lagoons, in
enclosed bays, within or nearby mangrove regions or similar places

Based on mentioned criterion, intake and outfall system is considered to be placed at the
eastern of Serinting beach. Intake and brine discharge system consists of parallel pipes oriented
perpendicular to the coastline. To avoid the circulation of concentrated brine discharges to the
intake system, the outfall discharge point is constructed at a location with a proper distance
from the intake point. To meet this requirement and find optimal and cost-efficient solutions,
three alternatives sitting of intake location (A, B and C) were observed: intake A is placed in 150
m, intake B is situated in 330 m, and intake C in 450 m seaward of the outfall point (Figure 143).

Figure 169. Proposed intake and outfall locations of Mandalika SWRO plant at Serinting beach
(adapted from Google Earth)

Table 32. Proposed design of intake and brine outfall of the Mandalika SWRO plant
Intake Outfall
Concentrate Salinity 34 60
Description Open intake Discharged with pipe laid (anchored)
to seabed
Distance offshore, m - Intake A: 550 (elev. -10m) 400 (elev. -7m)
- Intake B: 730 (elev. -15m)
- Intake C: 850 (elev. -20m)
Flow rate, m3s-1 0.40 0.67
Concentrate Salinity 34 60

a. Raw Sea Water Intake

The proposed open water intakes take the water directly from the sea via pipes, which enable
a theoretically unlimited raw water stream. In order to confirm the intake ability to serve raw
water, some criteria that must be concern are:
- Inlet pipes must be positioned at least 2 m below the lowest low water level (LLWL) to
keep the pipe always immersed and get better water quality.
- Inlet pipes must be designed therefore flow velocity inside the pipe able to prevent
sedimentation and growing of sea water biota.
- Intake structure must be designed therefore able to buffer the shortage of water
deficiency due to difference of inflow from inlet pipes and outflow due to pumping. The
inflow will be depended on pipe diameter and tide condition.
- It is advisable to use centrifugal pump due to maintenance reason
- The centrifugal pump must be positioned at level higher than the highest high water level
- The strong water suction poses a risk of impingement and entrainment for fish and other
animals. Species do not survive a passage through a desalination plant (entrainment) and
can be harmed at the intake structure (impingement). In addition, particles and organisms
small enough to pass through the screens are sucked into the plant and significantly
deteriorate the feed water quality (Cooley et al., 2006). Mitigation measures to minimize
those effects is by equipping fine meshed screens, fish handling systems, and the intake
velocity design criterion is keeping the intake velocities smaller than 0.1 ms-1 (being
smaller than ambient velocities). In addition, the intake structure is designed causing
mainly horizontal intake velocities, as fish can more easily swim against horizontal flows.
This can be achieved by having velocity caps (Figure 144a), as applied at Australian
desalination plant intakes (Figure 144b).

Figure 170. Velocity cap intake terminal and b) Open intake tower with velocity cap and mesh
screen (Bleninger, 2010)

b. Brine Disposal

Brine discharge systems need to be designed to minimize environmental impacts and costs
while being in compliance with regulatory demands. The design of a discharge structure should
consider the following concept (Bleninger and Jirka, 2010):

1. Discharge siting

The discharge location is positioned in coastal regions with good transport and flushing
characteristics to avoid accumulation and allow for further mixing. No discharge permit
should be given for discharges which are planned in sites with stagnant flows or enclosed,
protected bays, such as:
a. between structures for erosion protection or wave-breakers
b. lagoons, or harbors
c. very shallow waters with low current velocities

2. Discharge design
 The discharge structure is designed to avoid any direct or immediate impact with
nearby boundaries. Therefore, designs should:
a. be oriented into the open water body and not against the bed or the water surface
b. not cause strong bed or surface interactions
c. not be concentrated at one single point
 The discharge structure is designed to enhance effluent mixing. Therefore, designs
a. allows for energetic discharges to allow for strong initial mixing
b. be oriented perpendicular or co-flowing to predominant ambient currents
c. optimally distributes the effluent within the water body

The above design objectives can be met for offshore and submerged. The offshore location
provides the necessary distance to the sensitive region. Submerged discharges allow for
improved mixing before interacting with boundaries.

3. Disposal system
Conventional disposal methods of desalination plants comprise of:

 Disposal to surface water, which comprises of discharge to rivers, lakes, the ocean
and other water bodies. It is the most common practice since most plants are
situated next to surface water.
 Sewer disposal uses the existing infrastructure of a waste water treatment plant.
The discharged brine must comply with the maximum sewer and plant treatment
capacity as well as the wastewater quality characteristics.
 Deep well injection means the insertion of brine into a deep aquifer under the
groundwater layers and depends on suitable geological conditions.
 Evaporation ponds are areas of land where brine is disposed of and evaporated by
solar heat, leaving the salts behind.
 Land application enables the reuse of desalination effluents for irrigating lawns,
parks and agriculture. It depends on the tolerance of plants towards salinity and
the conformance with water quality standards for irrigation.
 The zero liquid discharge (ZLD) systems converts all feed water into drinking water
or evaporates the residual water during the process, leaving only dry, solid
constituents behind. ZLD incorporates the potential of providing desalinated water
without any brine discharges and impacts on the marine environment. Solid
wastes, however, need to be treated and disposed of in landfills. Recovery and
commercial use of salts and other valuable minerals might also be taken into
consideration. According to Mickley (2006), zero liquid discharge is the most costly
of all disposal options. Furthermore, it remains to be proven if the system can really
be efficiently applied to any existing seawater desalination plant of any capacity. It
is also unclear if salts can be commercially used if they are extracted from
chemically contaminated brine, and it is unknown how useless solid waste or
residual constituents denominated as “other products” would be disposed.

Figure 145 gives an illustrative comparison of the approximate capital costs of typical
discharge options, depending on the effluent volumes. It can be seen that surface water
and sewer discharge have the least capital costs and that these costs only slightly increase
with the effluent flow rates.

Figure 171. Capital costs of major concentrate disposal options depending on the concentrate
flow rate (Mickley, 2006)

The advantages and disadvantages of typical concentrate management options are summed
up in Table 24.

Table 33. Comparison of brine disposal options for desalination plants (Bleninger and Jirka,
Disposal method Advantages Disadvantages
Surface water  Can handle large volumes  Limited natural assimilation
discharge  Natural processes promote capacities causing adverse
degradation impacts on marine environment if
 Water body promotes dilution exceeded
 Often least expensive option  Dilution depends on local
 Possible dilution and blending hydrodynamic conditions
with power plant discharge  Good knowledge and monitoring
of receiving waters required
Sewer disposal  Dilution through waste stream  Restricted capacity depending on
 Uses existing infrastructure sewage plant
 Possible beneficial treatment  Must meet sewer quality
 Final disposal generally still to
surface water
Deep well injection  No marine impacts  Only cost efficient for larger
 Good option for smaller inland volumes
plants  Maximum capacity hard to assess
 Dependent on suitable, isolated
aquifer structure
 Danger of groundwater pollution
Evaporation ponds  No marine impacts  Strongly restricted capacity
 Possible commercial salt  Large areas of land necessary
exploitation  Only in dry climate with high
 Low technological and managing evaporation
efforts  Risk of soil and groundwater
 Disposal of unusable salts needed

Land application  No marine impacts  Only for smaller discharge flows
 Alternative water source for  Possible adverse impact of
irrigation of tolerant species chemicals and pollutants on
 Risk of soil and groundwater
 Storage and distribution system
Zero liquid discharge  No liquid waste disposal  Still not feasible on industrial
 Recovery of salt and minerals scale
 Solid residuals
 High energy need
 Expensive

Based on above descriptions and according to the WHO guidance paper on desalination, more
than 90 % of all large seawater desalination plants dispose of the concentrate into the ocean
via an own outfall system (WHO, 2007), consequently being the option considered for the
Mandalika SWRO system.

2 Sea Water Intake and Brine Discharge Modeling

In this study, a hydrodynamic model is used to predict the spreading and transport of brine
discharges into the receiving sea water body. Brine effluent of the Mandalika SWRO plant (Q =
0.4 m³/s with salinity 60 ppt) was included as ‘discharge’ in the model, and it is discharged
through a submerged single port at Serinting beach. The flow rate was derived from the brine
discharge of 33,750 CMD (as the water demand of 22,500 CMD in 2040). Offshore boundary-
condition salinity was set constant at 34.0 ppt based on the mean ocean salinity outside the
Mandalika resulted from the field measurement. This survey was conducted on 15 September
2019 and 22 September 2019 at 4 locations.

The simulation time of 15 days was selected to cover the full spring-neap tidal cycles. This
period contains current directions mainly oriented to the south-east with a range of about 130°
and a mean density of 1020 kg/m³. Four observation points were regarded for three scenario
of intake location (Intake A, B, and C). Two observation points are defined as Outfall and Intake.
The Outfall point is placed at the grid point of the outfall location, and the Intake point is sited
at the grid point of the sea water intake. Whereas, two observation points are sited at the
vicinity of outfall and intake location, and these are represented by observation point situated
in 30 m in the shoreward direction of the outfall location and intake location, respectively. The

salinity at four observation points resulted from the hydrodynamic simulations is given in
Figure 147 to Figure 150.

Figure 172. Location of observation points for three water intake site scenarios

Intake A
Intake B
Intake C

Salinity (ppt)



9/3/2019 0:00 9/6/2019 0:00 9/9/2019 0:00 9/12/2019 0:00 9/15/2019 0:00 9/18/2019 0:00
Date and Time

Figure 173. Concentration of salinity at the observation points placed at outfall location in
Layer 4 (height of brine outlet), in case of intake location scenario is at A, B and C



Salinity (ppt)


Intake A
34.5 Intake B
Intake C
9/3/2019 0:00 9/6/2019 0:00 9/9/2019 0:00 9/12/2019 0:00 9/15/2019 0:00 9/18/2019 0:00
Date and Time

Figure 174. Concentration of salinity at the observation points placed at 30 m landward from
outfall location, in Layer 4 (height of brine outlet), in case of intake location scenario is at A, B
and C

Intake A

Intake B
Intake C

Salinity (ppt)



9/3/2019 0:00 9/6/2019 0:00 9/9/2019 0:00 9/12/2019 0:00 9/15/2019 0:00 9/18/2019 0:00
Date and Time

Figure 175 Concentration of salinity at the observation points in Layer 4 (height of sea water
inlet) placed at intake location of A, B and C

30m landward from Intake A
30m landward from Intake B
30m landward from Intake C

Salinity (ppt)



9/3/2019 0:00 9/6/2019 0:00 9/9/2019 0:00 9/12/2019 0:00 9/15/2019 0:00 9/18/2019 0:00
Date and Time

Figure 176. Concentration of salinity at the observation points in Layer 4 (height of sea water
inlet) placed at 30 m landward from intake location of A, B and C

Figure 149 and 150 show that the variation of distance between outfall and intake location
does not yield significant discrepancies in the salinity concentration at the observation points
located at the outfall location and also at the vicinity of outfall site. The concentration
differences at these observation points due to the distance variation to intake location are
negligible. The largest concentration arises at a distance of about 30 m shoreward from the
outfall location. At this location, the salinity rise is about 2 ppt (5.9%) under various intake
location scenarios.

While traveling further away from the source, the concentration decreases due to horizontal
spreading. As confirmed in Figure 149 and 150, the highest concentration (34.3 ppt, salinity
raise of 0.9%) occurs in the scenario of intake location A. The concentrations in the intake
location scenario at B and C are slightly lower with the value of 34.28 ppt (0.8% raise) and
34.15 ppt (0.4% raise), respectively.

Based on the analysis results, the sea water intake site is recommended at location A. This
location meets the lowest cost compared to other intake sites due to the shortest required
pipeline length. Even though the increment of salinity concentration in the receiving sea water
occurs due to the brine discharge from the outfall, the increment of 0.9% is considered
acceptable. Also, this low increment will not significantly affect the quality of raw sea water
taken for a SWRO plant.

The concentrations of salinity vary in both horizontally space and time. This is illustrated in
Figure 151 and Figure 152 which show distributions of salinity at the bottom layer (bottom 10-
30%) at low and high tide for the scenario of the intake location A, under the condition of spring
and neap tide, respectively. The times of high and low tide are based on the time of highest
and lowest measured water level at Kuta bay.



Intake A


Figure 177. Simulated salinity distributions at the bottom layer, for scenario of Intake location
A, under spring tide condition: a) Low tide and b) high tide


Intake A



Intake A


Figure 178. Simulated salinity distributions at the bottom layer, for scenario of Intake location
A, under neap tide condition: a) Low tide and b) high tide

E. Impact of River Flow on Potential Nutrient Concentration in the


As transitions zones between freshwater and marine environments, estuaries are highly
productive ecosystem. They transport terrestrially derived nutrients, sediment and chemical

contaminants from land fresh water to the coastal area. Moreover, estuarine hydraulics
controls the transport and dispersion of nutrients and sediments. Estuaries are important
nursery or feeding grounds for marine fish species, or act as conduits between marine and
fresh water environments. Therefore, understanding the fate of riverine nutrients and
sediments in estuaries and coastal zones is important. Also, a sound understanding of these
physical processes is required to predict the impacts of current and future stressors, and also
to inform management plan actions.

The Mandalika consists of four bays (Kuta, Serinting, Aan and Gerupuk Bay). The water system
in this coastal zone is a mix water from 3 rivers (Tebelo River, Ngolang River, Balak River) and
the ocean. Two rivers flow into the Kuta Bay: Tebelo River and Ngolang River, and the estuary
of Balak River is located at Gerupuk Bay. In order to improve understanding of the physical
processes in Mandalika coastal zone, it was decided to investigate the Mandalika coastal zone
using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model.

Tracer modelling was undertaken to provide a ‘first cut’ analysis of how different areas of a
water system are influenced by different nutrient sources. This tracer modelling is
implemented in order to inform understanding of mixing processes to better understand how
riverine nutrients impact different areas. The tracer modelling was carried out by introducing
a different numerical tracer into each water source in the model and simulating the mixing of
the different sources. This allows calculation of the time- and space-varying percentage of
water derived from each source.

Tracer simulations were run using DELWAQ, a water quality model that is part of the Delft3D
suite, to determine the fraction of the Mandalika water body volume originating from each
water source. While DELWAQ is capable of modelling ecological processes, for this study it was
used to advect tracers from the Tebelo River, Ngolang River, Balak River and the ocean
boundary. The model simulates tracer movement under the influence of tides, river inflows
and wind.

Modeling Scenario Description

This section presents the scenarios defined to study the response of the Mandalika coastal zone
to drainage system and interaction with rivers from the hinterland. Five flow scenarios were
simulated for the tracer modelling, these representing the conditions of the existence of
upstream retention ponds and land use changes. For each scenario, river inflows were kept

constant at the mean rainy seasonal flow, from simulated data provided in the Section of
(…Materi pak Bagus ……………...). Model inflows for each scenario are summarized in Table 6.

Table 34. Model inflows for scenario simulations for rainy season (flow data source: simulated
Flow (m3s-1)
Model Inflow
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 d. Scenario 3 Scenario 4 Scenario 5
Tebelo river 1.734 1.734 1.932 2.029 2.098
Ngolang river 1.609 1.609 1.832 1.917 1.972
Balak river 3.313 3.092 3.487 3.633 3.729
Scenario 1: Inflow under existing condition (no upstream retention pond )
Scenario 2: Inflow with considering the existence of upstream retention pond constructed at Balak watershed
Scenario 3: Inflow with considering the existence of upstream retention pond constructed at Balak watershed,
and land use change on category 1
Scenario 4: Inflow with considering the existence of upstream retention pond constructed at Balak watershed,
and land use change on category 2
Scenario 5: Inflow with considering the existence of upstream retention pond constructed at Balak watershed,
and land use change on category 3

For all scenarios, the model was run for one month to generate stable initial conditions for
tracer concentrations. Using these initial conditions, the model then simulated a fiveteen-days
period covering the range of tides from spring to neap in order to generate results for analysis.

The tracer simulation was run using stored hydrodynamic output from DELFT3D for the period
1 December 2018 00:00 to 16 December 2018 00:00 (this 15-days period covers the full spring-
neap tidal cycles). The hydrodynamic data were repeated to allow the tracer distributions to
reach steady state, and concentrations averaged over the final 15 days (full neap-spring tidal
cycles) to obtain a time-averaged spatial distribution of each tracer within the Mandalika.

Four tracers were used:

1. Tebelo tracer released from the Tobelo River
2. Ngolang tracer released from the Ngolang River
3. Balak tracer released from the Balak River
4. Ocean tracer released at the ocean boundaries

At model start up, the concentrations of the three river tracers were set to 0 everywhere,
while the ocean tracer was set to an initial value of 1 everywhere. All 4 tracers were added at
a concentration of 1 with an inflow rate (m3 s-1) matching that of the flow in the hydrodynamic
model. The resulting concentration distributions in the Mandalika represent the proportion of
the tracer from each source. Nutrient concentrations in the Mandalika can then be determined

by scaling the concentration of each tracer by the nutrient concentration in each source, and
then adding these together.

Model Results

Tracer modelling was used to track the proportion of water in each cell which originated from
different sources under mean rainy flow conditions. The results of the tracer modelling are
tabulated in Table 7 - Table 11. These results will be useful for understanding which inflows
have the strongest influence in different areas of the Mandalika coastal water system.

Table 35. Water origin under mean rainy flows for scenario 1 (existing condition). Volume-
averaged water source, averaged over a spring–neap tidal cycle. For example, 5.66%
of the water in Kuta Bay (on average) originated from the Tebelo source, 5.15% from
the Ngolang source, 0.01% comes from the Balak source and the Ocean contributes
dominantly 89.17%; and so on. ‘Whole’ refers to the volume-averaged water source
across all Mandalika coastal water body.

j. Source k. Kuta Bay l. Serinting m. Aan bay n. Gerupuk o.

Bay Bay
p. Tebelo q. 5.66% r. 0.84% s. 0.31% t. 0.09%
v. Ngolang w. 5.15% x. 1.48% y. 0.45% z. 0.14%
bb. Balak cc. 0.01% dd. 0.01% ee. 0.30% ff. 19.04%
hh. Ocean ii. 89.17% jj. 97.67% kk. 98.95% ll. 80.72% mm.

Table 36. Water origin under mean rainy flows for scenario 2 (considering the existence of
upstream retention ponds). Volume-averaged water source, averaged over a spring–
neap tidal cycle. For example, 4.63% of the water in Kuta Bay (on average) originated
from the Tebelo source, 3.81% from the Ngolang source, 0.01% comes from the Balak
source and the Ocean contributes 91.55%; and so on. ‘Whole’ refers to the volume-
averaged water source across all Mandalika coastal water body.

nn. Source oo. Kuta Bay pp. Serinting Bay qq. Aan bay r
tt. Tebelo uu. 4.63% vv. 0.84% ww. 0.31%
zz. Ngolang aaa. 3.81% bbb. 1.48% ccc. 0.45% dd
fff. Balak ggg. 0.01% hhh. 0.01% iii. 0.28%
lll. Ocean mmm. 91.55% nnn. 97.67% ooo. 98.97% ppp

Table 37. Water origin under mean rainy flows for scenario 3 (considering the existence of
upstream retention ponds, and the increase of run off due to the land-use change
type 1). Volume-averaged water source, averaged over a spring–neap tidal cycle.
For example, 6.31% of the water in Kuta Bay (on average) originated from the
Tebelo source, 5.86% from the Ngolang source, 0.01% comes from the Balak source

and the Ocean contributes 87.81%; and so on. ‘Whole’ refers to the volume-
averaged water source across all Mandalika coastal water body.

rrr. Source sss. Kuta Bay ttt. Serinting Bay uuu. Aan bay

xxx. Tebelo yyy.6.31% zzz. 0.94% aaaa. 0.34%

dddd. Ngolang eeee. 5.86% ffff. 1.68% gggg. 0.51%
jjjj. Balak kkkk. 0.01% llll. 0.02% mmmm. 0.31%
pppp. Ocean qqqq. 87.81% rrrr. 97.37% ssss. 98.83%

Table 38. Water origin under mean rainy flows for scenario 4 (considering the existence of
upstream retention ponds, and the increase of run off due to the land-use change
type 2). Volume-averaged water source, averaged over a spring–neap tidal cycle.
For example, 6.63% of the water in Kuta Bay (on average) originated from the
Tebelo source, 6.15% from the Ngolang source, 0.01% comes from the Balak source
and the Ocean contributes 87.21%; and so on. ‘Whole’ refers to the volume-
averaged water source across all Mandalika coastal coastal water body.

vvvv. Source wwww. Kuta Bay xxxx. Serinting yyyy. Aan bay
bbbbb. Tebelo ccccc. 6.63% ddddd. 0.98% eeeee. 0.36%
hhhhh. Ngolang iiiii. 6.15% jjjjj. 1.76% kkkkk. 0.54%
nnnnn. Balak ooooo. 0.01% ppppp. 0.02% qqqqq. 0.33%
ttttt. Ocean uuuuu. 87.21% vvvvv. 97.24% wwwww. 98.78%

Table 39. Water origin under mean rainy flows for scenario 5 (considering the existence of
upstream retention ponds, and the increase of run off due to the land-use change
type 3). Volume-averaged water source, averaged over a spring–neap tidal cycle.
For example, 6.86% of the water in Kuta Bay (on average) originated from the
Tebelo source, 6.31% from the Ngolang source, 0.01% comes from the Balak source
and the Ocean contributes 86.81%; and so on. ‘Whole’ refers to the volume-
averaged water source across all Mandalika coastal water body.

zzzzz. Source aaaaaa. Kuta Bay bbbbbb. Serinting cccccc. Aan

ffffff. Tebelo gggggg. 6.86% hhhhhh. 1.02% iiiiii.0.37
llllll.Ngolang mmmmmm. 6.31% nnnnnn. 1.81% oooooo. 0.55
rrrrrr. Balak ssssss. 0.01% tttttt. 0.02% uuuuuu. 0.34
xxxxxx. Ocean yyyyyy. 86.81% zzzzzz. 97.16% aaaaaaa. 98.74

The water in the Mandalika is a mix of water sourced from the Tebelo River, the Ngolang River,
the Balak River and the ocean. The proportion of water from these four sources will vary in

time as well as horizontally and vertically. Figure 18 shows the depth-averaged ratios of water
from each source at mean rainy flow. Tebelo and Ngolang rivers provides the majority of the
freshwater flow into the Kuta Bay, whereas freshwater in Gerupuk Bay is contributed largely
by Balak river. Ocean-sourced water dominates (on average) the Mandalika water.

Ngolang Balak

Serinting Gerupuk

a) Fraction of ocean water

Ngolang Balak


Serinting Gerupuk


b) Fraction of Tebelo water

Ngolang Balak


Serinting Gerupuk


c) Fraction of Ngolang water


Ngolang Balak


Serinting Gerupuk


d) Fraction of Balak water

Figure 179. Depth- averaged distributions of the fractions of water originating from: a) the
ocean b) Tebelo River; c) Ngolang River; and d) Balak River. The distributions are calculated
under scenario 2 (with upstream retention pond) with mean 2016 rainy flow

Distribution of nutrient concentrations in the estuary can be derived by simply multiplying the
nutrient concentration in each source by the fraction of the water originating from that source,
and then adding these values together. This more readily allows a comparison between
different flow scenarios.

Volume averages have been calculated over the area of each bays in Mandalika. Figure 19 show
the time- and volume-averaged tracer concentrations for all of the model simulations. The
figures show that the averaged fraction of water from each river source (Tebelo River, Ngolang,
and Balak River) plotted against the discharge. This figure shows the fraction of the Mandalika
volume originating from a river source increases as the increase of the pertinent river

Kuta Bay
Serinting Bay
Aan Bay
Fraction Tebelo River

Gerupuk Bay



1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2
Tebelo Flow (m3/s)


Kuta Bay
Serinting Bay
Fraction Ngolang River Aan Bay
Gerupuk Bay



1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2 2.1 2.2
Ngolang Flow (m3/s)



Fraction Balak River

0.15 Kuta Bay

Serinting Bay
0.10 Aan Bay
Gerupuk Bay


3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
Balak Flow (m3/s)


Figure 180. Time and spatially averaged fraction of water from each river source in four bays in
Mandalika as a function of river flow;
a) Fraction of water from Tebelo as a function of flow in the Tebelo river
b) Fraction of water from Ngolang as a function of flow in the Ngolang river
c) Fraction of water from Balak as a function of flow in the Balak river

Ecological Studies in
the Mandalika Coastal Waters

A. General Description

These studies were consisted of animal distribution, ecotoxicological test for iconic animals,
and water quality examination. Animal distribution study was carried out on iconic animals,
Nyale Worms and foraminifera. The ecotoxicological test was also applied for the iconic
animals to potential increasing seawater salinity due to waste water disposal from SWRO
plant. The water quality study includes measurement of total-nitrate (Total-N), total-
phosphate (Total-P), BOD/COD, plankton and bacteria Escherichia coli abundances.

Two iconic animals selected were Nyale Worms and foraminifera. Nyale Worms has enormous
values for the people of Kuta Village and its surrounding. It has economical, cultural and social
values for these people. Economically, Nyale Worms is the main attraction during the annual
tourism festival of ‘bau nyale’ (fishing nyale). This traditional festival has become the identity
of the local community for hundreds of years.

Foraminifera animals are the main reef builders of coral reefs at the southern coast of Lombok.
As coral fragments are easily swept away by oceanic waves of the Indian Ocean, sediments of
foraminifera test remain trapped on reef flat or seagrass beds and turn into lime sediment of
the reefs (Figure 161). Their huge numbers on sediment enable them flourish and become the
main reef builder.

Figure 181. Coral reef found at intertidal of the Mandalika Beach is mainly composed
of foraminifera sediment

B. Method

1 Marine biota distribution and abundance

Nyale Worms are the most iconic marine biota at intertidal reef flat of the Mandalika Resort
waters. The worms are multispecies of the Eunicidae family (Polychaeta). They live sedentary
in the holes and crevices of coral reefs (Figure 162) mostly of the Mandalika Beach, Seger and
Serinting Bays. Just behind the wave breakers of intertidal area, the worm’s populations are
abundant. Since they are infauna, not many people aware of their presences. The three
locations have very different ecosystem in their intertidal area. Mandalika Beach is situated in
the front-most have more coral reefs and no seagrass ecosystem. The other two bays, have
more seagrass beds in landward but some coral reefs on seaward area. The Serinting Bay has
more open reef flat with sandy bottoms than the Seger Beach which has more seagrass

Figure 182. Nyale Worms are freshly taken out from coral reef at Mandalika Beach

In the present study, distribution of Nyale Worm was determined by using satellite image
processing (SPOT 7). Nyale Worm abundance was not studied due to technical difficulties.
Distribution and abundance of Nyale Worms are less studied worldwide, for the same reason.
Difficulties in estimating their distribution and abundance are from their fragile bodies and
their live strategies in the limestone rock holes. Studying them, we need to dig out reef of their
habitat, breaking the reef into small pieces and then counting them. Since they are very fragile,
many of the worms would be fragmented and make the counting is not very reliable.
Furthermore, such destructive study should be avoided whenever possible.

The second iconic marine biota is foraminifera. The foraminifera are a group of single cell
animals (Protist) producing calcareous test that afterward become sediment on intertidal flat
or beaches. Local people know them as pepper sand for its test the same size as pepper. The
foraminifera vary in size, from hundred of microns to centimeter scales. The pepper sands are
derived from large benthic foraminifera.

In the present study, distribution of the foraminifera was only studied at the Serinting and Aan
Bays. There is no report on the abundance of the foraminifera worldwide for its huge numbers
as sand sediment on reef bottom or deep sea. The distribution and relative abundance of
foraminifera were estimated by collecting sample of 300 ml sand sediment, that may contain
dead or alive foraminifera. All samples were collected from systematically chosen points. Each
point has 400 m distance from each other. Subsample of 150 foraminifera test were taken out

from each sample to be identified under a stereo microscope. Relative abundance was
estimated from the subsamples.

2 Ecotoxicological Experiment

Ecotoxicological experiment is expected to determine toxicological variables, such as LC50

(lethal concentration 50) and NOEC (no observed effect concentration). LC50 is a
concentration value which is expected to cause 50% of treated animals die. NOEC is the
maximum concentration value which has no unacceptable effects on treated animals. Both
values are important to determine what level of concentration to be permitted in wastewater
disposal. SWRO plant produce hypersaline wastewater that may affect marine environment.
This ecotoxicological experiment is to ensure that there will be no unacceptable effects from
the wastewater disposal.

Foraminifera ecological test was carried out at the laboratory of Universitas Mataram.
Foraminifera samples were collected from the Serinting Bay, one of the potential sites for the
SWRO waste water disposal. There were six level of salinity treatments, i.e. ambient salinity
(34.5 psu), 36, 38, 40, 42, and 44 psu. Each treatment level has two replicate glasses (beaker
glass) that contained 20 animals deployed in a petri dish. The petri dish was used to minimize
disturbance when observing animals under stereo microscope every 24 hours. Volume of the
water in the beaker glass was 400 ml (Figure 163). The water was aerated using an aerator
unit. During the experiment, average (±SD) of dissolved oxygen in all aquaria was 7.62±0.33
ppm. The average of pH and temperature were 8.07±0.03 and 28.70±0.64 oC, respectively.

Hypersaline treatment was carried out using un-iodized salts. Salinity of seawater in aquaria
was raised slowly to achieve targeted salinity in 15 minutes, by pouring the salt in a one by
one spoon. Before the salinity treatments, all animals were acclimatized in aquaria for 24

Figure 183. Experimental setting for ecotoxicological test of hypersaline water to

In the present experiment Rose Bengal staining was used to distinguish between living and
dead foraminifera. After 96 hours experiment, all petri dishes were observed to counting the
number of living foraminifera on each treatment. The petri-dishes were then returned to
beaker glass with readjusted salinity to mimic ambient salinity, to take foraminifera out of its
unfavorable environment and awake them from its dormancy. Twenty-four hours later, all
foraminifera were observed again, before they were fixed and stained in Rose Bengal solution
in ethanol 95% for 14 days. Foraminifera with pink-stained color is previously living animals.

The experiment will not determine NOEC value. Foraminifera is a group of single cell organism
(Protist) belonging to the Class of Sarcodina. They have pseudopodia that are exerted through
pores on their test. We could use pseudopodia to distinguish between living and non-living
foraminifera. In fact, foraminifera may be dormant when it lives in stressing environment.
Dormant foraminifera do not exert their pseudopodia. Rose Bengal staining will stain living
cells, as it has been used in many foraminifera studies, but the staining also kills foraminifera.
Thus, we can’t stain foraminifera every 25 hours.

Ecotoxicological test for Nyale Worms can be hardly fit with existing ecotoxicological standard,
that LC50 and NOEC can’t be produced. The standard test needs 15 sample animals at each
replicate of treatment. In case of Nyale Worms, however, number of replicates were ignored.
One to three bunch of limestones dig out from Nyale Worm’s habitat were deployed in each
aquarium (30x20x15 cm3, LWH). All treatment levels of salinity (ambient (34), 36, 38, 40, 42,
44 psu) has two replicate aquaria (Figure 164). Water volume inside the aquarium was about

6-7 litres. Each aquarium received aeration from a small aerator unit, to maintain dissolved
oxygen of the aquaria. The experiment was carried out at a homestay in close proximate from
the Nyale’s habitat, the Mandalika Beach.

In this study, we perform ecotoxicological experiment for all invertebrates. The polychaete
worms live together in limestone rock (coral reefs) along with Sipunchullidae, Gastropoda,
Bivalvia, Echinoidea, Aseroidea, and Crustacea. In the Class Polychaeta, it is not distinguished
between Nyale Worms (Eunicidae) and other worm families, since it needs extra expertise.

Figure 184. Experimental setting for ecotoxicological test of hypersaline water to Nyale Worms

Water quality

Water quality samples were collected at 10 sites, 5 sites at intertidal area (inner waters) and
another 5 sites located at the Indian Ocean (outer waters). On each site, seawater samples
collected for chemistry analysis and also sample of plankton. Water sample for total phosphate
and total nitrate content was preserved using sulphuric acid. Plankton net used has 20 µm
mesh size and 30 cm diameter.

Seawater samples for coliform analysis were collected in sterile bottles supplied by laboratory.
This coliform sampling was done at 5 sites, the same seawater quality sites on intertidal (inner)
area. We did not sample coliform at deeper waters (outer) as the source of the coliform
bacteria is land based.

C. Result and Discussion

Distribution of Nyale Worm

Nyale Worm’s habitat is coral reefs. They live in holes and crevices of limestone bed-rocks at
intertidal area. These habitats are available in near reef-crest of the intertidal area. It is very
likely that the habitat is extended to shallow sub-tidal area down to 5- or 10-meters depth.
Reef flat occupied with seagrass are not the habitat of Nyale Worms. Soft bottom reef flat is
the habitat of Nereidae worms, which is considered non-Nyale Worms by local people. The
coral reef habitat is easily found at the Mandalika Beach, between Seger and Serinting
Beaches. Using satellite imaging we could generalize that the habitat of Nyale Worms are
distributed at Kuta, Seger and Serinting Bays (Figure 165). The habitats are mostly patchy,
except in the reef crest. Total area of Nyale Worm’s habitat is estimated about 170 hectares.

Figure 185. Distribution of Nyale Worm’s habitat (pink colour) at Mandalika Resort waters

Distribution of large foraminifera

Foraminifera was found nearly in all intertidal habitats of the KEK Mandalika Resorts Its
populations were abundant at Kuta, Seger, Mandalika, Serinting, Aan and Gerupuk Beaches.
Seagrass area has abundant of foraminifera animals. At coral reefs, foraminifera fill in all micro-

lagoons of the reef flat. Since foraminifera is vulnerable with wave energy, they occupy all
intertidal microhabitat that is protected from wave actions.

There were four species of large foraminifera found at Serinting and Aan Bays. Among them
Schlumbergerella floresiana was the most predominant. It has about 58% of the total
composition (Table 30), and its sibling S. neotetraedra also has considerable proportion (28%).
Since S. floresiana was the most predominant, it is used as test animal in ecotoxicological
experiment. The other two species were Sphaerogypsina globulus and Amphistegina radiata.

Table 40. Distribution of large foraminifera at Serinting and Aan Bays. Site #42-45 were at
Serinting Bay, site #54-79 were at Aan Bay, while KKK1 was open water of Indian
Ocean between the two bays.
Sampling Sites
No Species list
42 43 44 45 54 55 75 76 77 79 KKK1 Total
1 81 103 95 83 95 84 81 2 99 84 58 865
2 S. neotetraedra 52 45 33 48 37 39 30 0 30 66 46 426
3 2 0 0 16 1 0 23 0 0 0 10 52
4 15 2 22 3 17 27 16 0 21 0 36 159
Total number 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 2 150 150 150 1502

Ecotoxicological Experiments

a. Foraminifera Animals

Schlumbergerella floresiana is the most abundant foraminifera, that ecotoxicological

experiment was carried out on this abundant species. The experiment was run twice, since the
first experiment was considered failed owing to over hyper salinity in the first day of
experiment due to salinity measurement equipment.

In the second experiment, living S. floresiana were collected from Serinting Bay and selected
to be sample of the experiment in the laboratory. At the end of experiment, it was found that
the animal samples were not homogenous. Some minor species were found in the treatment,
that this heterogenous sample did not meet standard protocol of the ecotoxicological
experiment. The samples were contaminated with other foraminifera species Sphaerogypsina
globulus and S. neotetraedra. Such contamination leaded to uneven samples in all replicates
(aquaria). It was intended to put 20 animals at each aquarium, but it was ended up with 10-15

S. floresiana animals at each aquarium. For the purpose of data analysis, only sample of S.
floresiana will be considered in searching for LC50.

Figure 186. Distribution of living and bleaching foraminifera S. floresiana at various level of
salinity treatments

All foraminifera S. floresiana survived during 96 hours experiment, therefore variable of LC50
96 hours can’t be calculated. There were a considerable number of foraminifera S. floresiana,
however, showed indication of bleaching at the end of experiment. Bleaching conditions were
identified under stained condition using Rose Bengal solution at the end of experiment, since
it was very difficult to distinguish living and non-living foraminifera when experiment was in

The highest foraminifera bleaching was found at ambient salinity, 34 psu. This result can not
be used to calculate NOEC of hyper salinity exposure. Observation was made every 24 hours,
but conditions of foraminifera were appeared about the same, pseudopodia was observed
only on 4-6 foraminifera in all 240 foraminifera sample. This experiment was therefore
dependent on Rose Bengal staining. Living foraminifera at fixation date were stained red, while
non-living foraminifera was not stained. Bleached foraminifera were stained pink or reddish.

b. Nyale Worms

Polychaete worms were the most predominant population in the collected pieces of coral
reefs. The proportion of these worms was 83.66%, followed by Sipuncullidae (7.18%) and

Bivalvia (2.86%). Other minor taxa were Asteroidea, Echinoidea, Gastropoda and Crustacea. In
the experiment, we did not distinguish between Nyale Worms (Eunicidae) and other
polychaete worms (Nereidae). All polychaete worms were counted and classified as one Class

Results of the experiment showed that all tested invertebrate animals can survive in elevated
salinity up to 40 psu (Table 31, Figure 167), despite this experiment was not perfectly
executed. The main problem was in salinity measurement. Two salinometer units showed
different salinity levels, that the later salinometer was more accurate than the first one. At the
beginning of the experiment, the first salinometer was used. At the end of experiment, the
second salinometer was performed. Based on this incomplete experimental design we still
can confirm that these animals can survive well within salinity of 30-40 psu. As polychaete
worms was the most abundant animals, this survivorship pattern is also obviously applicable
for polychaete worms.

This experiment showed that polychaete worms can survive well in the salinity 29.7 to 39.3
psu, for 96 hours (Figure 168). Although we cannot calculate LC50, this result provides a
conclusive evidence that polychaete worms survive within this range. Their survival is generally
over 80%, but 79% at salinity 36.5 psu. In the condition of salinity over 39.3 psu, the result is
inconclusive. Polychaete worms showed low survivorship (<60%) at the salinity 39.6 and 40.1
psu, but their survivorship high again (>70%) at salinity 40.1 and 40.5 psu. Polychaete worms
consistently showed low survivorship at salinity more than 47.0 psu.

Table 41. Survivorship of all tested invertebrate animals in ecotoxicological experiment after
96 hours
Aquarium Salinity (psu) PH DO Survive Dead
Designed Measured animal animal
1 60 47.10 7.90 4.60 32 90
2 38 39.60 7.86 4.40 145 114
3 60 54.30 7.88 5.10 70 119
4 44 36.50 8.00 5.60 44 13
5 38 44.10 8.19 6.40 41 15
6 42 29.70 8.12 5.50 37 8
7 40 35.50 8.05 5.60 51 6
8 34 34.50 7.99 5.60 51 4
9 42 36.00 8.02 5.80 75 8
10 40 40.10 7.93 4.70 71 66
11 36 40.50 8.04 5.40 47 4

12 36 39.30 7.97 4.50 74 5
13 34 34.20 7.96 5.50 50 4
14 44 35.40 7.98 6.00 117 4


29.7 34.2 34.5 35.4 35.5 36.0 36.5 39.3 39.6 40.1 40.5 44.1 47.1 54.3

Live Dead
Salinity (psu)

Figure 187. Survivorship of all intertidal invertebrate animals after 96 hours exposure to
elevated salinity


29.7 34.2 34.5 35.4 35.5 36.0 36.5 39.3 39.6 40.1 40.5 44.1 47.1 54.3
Salinity (psu)
Live Dead

Figure 188. Survivorship of polychaete worms after 96 hours exposure to elevated salinity

Water quality

a. Coliform bacteria

Seawater at the Mandalika Resort area is considered to be uncontaminated with coliform

bacteria. Seawater examination during dry season of October 2019 shows that all bays are still
uncontaminated (Table 32) and in considerably good quality. MPN (most probably number)
coliform at Gerupuk and Kuta Bays is higher than in other three locations, as both of them
situated close to village community. MPN coliform at Serinting is the least one since it does
not have any inhabitant or river. At Gerupuk Bay its density was about 14 times higher than
those at Serinting Bay. Intertidal area of Gerupuk Bay close to dense population and also
receive fresh water supply from a river.

Table 42. MPN coliform at intertidal coastal area of the Mandalika Resort

Location Position MPN Coliform (100 ml)

Kuta Bay S 08 53’38.8” E 116 o16’53.9” 33
Laguna S 08 o54’23.6” E 116 o17’54.9” 23
Serinting Bay S 08 o54’29.7” E 116 o18’04.8” 7.8
Aan Bay S 08 o54’32.7” E 116 o19’40.8” 23
Gerupuk Bay S 08 o54’46.4” E 116 o20’45.2” 110

b. Total Nitrate and Total Phosphate

Both variables Total Nitrate (T-N) and Total Phosphate (T-P) concentrations in seawaters
mostly un-detectable. This means that its concentration below detectable limit 0.012 mg/L
and 0.05 mg/L respectively (Table 33). Two locations, inner Kuta and inner Gerupuk Bay has T-
P 0.035 and 0.041 mg/L respectively. These high phosphate concentrations are coincidence
with high coliform bacteria concentrations, that are likely related to its close proximity to
fishermen villages.

Plankton diversity apparently not related to T-N and T-P concentrations. Seawaters with high
plankton diversity are mostly at outer locations, which are at ultimate distance from fishermen
villages. The number of species diversity in the plankton refers to all planktonic animals
(zooplankton) and plants (phytoplankton).

Table 43. Comparison of total nitrate (T-N), total phosphate (T-P) and plankton species

Locations T-N T-P Plankton Diversity

Kuta Inner <0.012 0.035 25
Outer <0.012 <0.005 39
Seger Inner <0.012 <0.005 32
Outer <0.012 <0.005 44
Serinting Inner <0.012 <0.005 18
Outer <0.012 <0.005 46
Aan Inner <0.012 <0.005 24
Outer <0.012 <0.005 49
Gerupuk Inner <0.012 0.041 36
Outer <0.012 <0.005 44

c. Phytoplankton and Zooplankton

Plankton at intertidal waters were 53 species with H’ diversity index was 3.382. Plankton
density was 1,109.559 ind/L. Predominant species was Asterionella formasa (166,544 ind/L),
followed by Acartia clausii dan Climacosphenia moniligera with respectively densities were
114,706 ind/L and 109,191 ind/L. Dominance percentage of the three plankton were 16.10%,
14.69%, dan 15.28%. List of sampled plankton is presented at Table 34 and Table 35.

In the surface of deeper waters, species diversity was 76 species, with H’ diversity index was
3.436. Overall plankton density was 550,743 ind/L, about two times lower than those in
intertidal area. Predominant taxon was Chaetoceros didymum with density of 71.975 ind/L and
dominance percentage of 16.19%. Genera Chaetoceros also has the largest number of species
(19 species) among other genera.

Table 44. Plankton list at Intertidal (Inner) waters of Mandalika Resort Area
Sampling Locations and Replicates
No. Nama Spesies Kuta Laguna Serinting Aan Gerupuk PilnPi
(ind/L) (%)
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
1 Asterionella formosa 42 109 166.5 16.1 -0.285
2 Biddulphia granulata 1 1 1 3.3 1.9 -0.017
3 B. mobiliensis 1 2 1 4.4 2.0 -0.022
4 B. obtusa 3 1 2 3 1 11.0 3.7 -0.046
5 B. puchella 8 1 9.9 2.0 -0.042
6 Cerataulina dentata 5 11 6 6 9 12 54.4 8.1 -0.147

Sampling Locations and Replicates
No. Nama Spesies Kuta Laguna Serinting Aan Gerupuk PilnPi
(ind/L) (%)
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
7 Chaetoceros curvisetum 14 15.4 1.9 -0.059
8 C. didymum 5 15 8 30.9 4.4 -0.100
9 C. lorenzianum 4 7 12.1 2.2 -0.049
10 C. pendulum 1 1.1 0.6 -0.007
11 Chladophora sp. 2 1 2 5.5 2.1 -0.026
12 Climacosphenia 12 6 10 1 14 21 8 4 18 5 109.2 15.3 -0.228
13 Coconeis sp. 2 3 2 1 1 2 1 13.2 5.0 -0.053
14 Coscinodiscus sp. 1 1 2.2 1.3 -0.012
15 Cyclotella sp. 1 1 2 3 7.7 2.9 -0.035
16 Diatoma sp. 1 2 3.3 1.4 -0.017
17 Dinophysis cauda 2 2.2 0.7 -0.012
18 D. tripos 1 1.1 0.6 -0.007
19 Diploneis sp. 1 1 1 3.3 1.9 -0.017
20 Favella campanula 11 3 15.4 2.5 -0.059
21 Fragilaria sp. 2 2 7 26 16 58.4 8.0 -0.155
22 Gyrosigma sp. 2 4 1 11 3 23.2 4.8 -0.081
23 Isthmia nervosa 2 3 1 6.6 2.2 -0.031
24 Navicula sp. 3 1 4 4 3 1 1 4 4 27.6 7.4 -0.092
25 Nitzschia closterium 2 2 1 4 3 13.2 3.9 -0.053
26 N. longissima 3 1 3 1 10 3 23.2 5.3 -0.081
27 N. sigma 2 1 1 1 3 8 17.6 4.9 -0.066
28 Nitzschia spp. 7 7 6 8 4 7 7 13 15 81.6 12.2 -0.192
29 Leptocylendricus danicus 7 3 11.0 2.1 -0.046
30 Licmophora abbreviata 4 3 6 9 1 25.4 5.0 -0.086
31 Lyngbyasp. 3 1 18 32 1 3 64.0 9.0 -0.165
32 Oscillatoria sp. 1 5 1 4 3 6 11 6 1 41.9 8.7 -0.124
33 Peridinium sp. 1 2 3.3 1.4 -0.017
34 Pseudo-nitzschia spp. 18 7 27.6 3.6 -0.092
35 Rhizosolenia alata 5 1 1 7.7 2.3 -0.035
36 R. delicatula 19 7 28.7 3.7 -0.094
37 R. fragillima 4 1 5.5 1.6 -0.026
38 R. hebetata 3 1 4.4 1.5 -0.022
39 R. imbricata 1 14 6 2 25.4 4.5 -0.086
40 R. styliformis 2 2.2 0.7 -0.012
41 Steptotheca thamensis 5 5.5 1.0 -0.026
42 Suriella sp. 1 14 7 2 26.5 4.6 -0.089
43 Synedra ulna 3 4 7.7 1.8 -0.035
44 Tabellaria sp. 22 8 3 36.4 4.9 -0.112
45 Thalassiosira sp. 1 3 6 6 17.6 3.8 -0.066
46 Triseratium favus 8 1 9.9 2.0 -0.042
47 T. reticulum 1 1 2 1 5.5 2.7 -0.026
48 Acartia clausii 31 15 7 8 1 3 27 12 114.7 14.7 -0.235

Sampling Locations and Replicates
No. Nama Spesies Kuta Laguna Serinting Aan Gerupuk PilnPi
(ind/L) (%)
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
49 Balanus naupilus 6 1 7.7 1.8 -0.035
50 Bellerochea malleus 7 7.7 1.2 -0.035
51 Copepod 12 8 6 3 6 3 5 3 9 5 66.2 11.4 -0.168
52 Mastogloia mixuta 1 1.1 0.6 -0.007
53 Tintinnopsis directa 2 1 3.3 1.4 -0.017
Total 1109.6 203.26 -3.382

Table 45. Plankton list at outer (deeper) waters of Mandalika Resort Area
Sampling Locations and Replicates
No. Nama Genus/Spesies Kuta Seger Serinting Aan Gerupuk D (ind./L) NP (%) PilnPi
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
1 Bacteriatrum comasum 12 7 2.017 0.991 -0.021
2 B. delicatulum 22 13 25 33 9.873 3.043 -0.072
3 B. hyalinum 15 6 2.229 1.030 -0.022
4 B. varian 14 18 14 8 1 5.839 2.623 -0.048
5 Biddulphia mobiliensis 1 0.106 0.332 -0.002
6 B. obtusa 4 0.425 0.390 -0.006
7 B. puchella 2 0.212 0.351 -0.003
8 Cerataulina sp. 36 23 3 18 13 31 13.163 4.265 -0.089
9 Ceratium tripos 1 0.106 0.332 -0.002
10 Chaetoceros affine 12 21 14 17 3 7.113 2.854 -0.056
11 C. atlanticum 6 0.637 0.428 -0.008
12 C. cinctum 19 26 21 17 103 97 30.042 7.330 -0.159
13 C. compressum 18 15 7 4.246 1.709 -0.038
14 C. costatum 7 3 13 8 3.291 1.848 -0.031
15 C. curvisetum 65 78 44 56 12 18 28.981 7.137 -0.155
16 C. didymum 40 58 60 38 97 79 51 87 89 79 71.975 16.194 -0.266
17 C. distan 5 2 0.743 0.760 -0.009
18 C. heurchii 7 0.743 0.447 -0.009
19 C. holsaticum 5 0.531 0.409 -0.007
20 C. laciniosum 21 27 5.096 1.550 -0.043
21 C. lorenzianum 4 5 6 8 2.442 1.693 -0.024
22 C. membranaceus 14 27 4.352 1.415 -0.038
23 C. messanense 3 7 6 1.699 1.246 -0.018
24 C. mitra 50 42 5 10.297 2.807 -0.074
25 C. paradoxum 7 9 1.699 0.933 -0.018
26 C. peruvianum 1 1 0.212 0.664 -0.003
27 C. pseudodechaeta 15 23 4.034 1.357 -0.036
28 C. tortissimum 24 12 19 37 9.766 3.023 -0.072
29 Climacodium frauenfeldianum 4 0.425 0.390 -0.006
30 Climacosphenia sp. 16 22 4 4.459 1.747 -0.039

Sampling Locations and Replicates
No. Nama Genus/Spesies Kuta Seger Serinting Aan Gerupuk D (ind./L) NP (%) PilnPi
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
31 Coconeis sp. 2 1 3 1 1 0.849 1.717 -0.010
32 Coscinodiscus sp. 2 1 4 1 3 1.168 1.775 -0.013
33 Cyclotella sp. 1 7 3 1.168 1.150 -0.013
34 Cymbella sp. 1 0.106 0.332 -0.002
35 Diatomae sp. 24 33 3 1 2 8 7.537 3.244 -0.059
36 Eucampia zoodiacus 3 9 66 79 51 22.081 5.572 -0.129
37 Fragilaria sp. 13 5 7 18 11 5.732 2.603 -0.048
38 Gyrosigma sp. 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1.062 2.380 -0.012
39 Hemiaulus cornuta 2 0.212 0.351 -0.003
40 H. Haukii 2 0.212 0.351 -0.003
41 H. membranaceus 18 48 85 78 11 19 27.495 6.867 -0.150
42 H. sinensis 8 12 11 7 4 13 45 56 16.561 5.507 -0.105
43 Navicula sp. 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 8 5 2.442 3.256 -0.024
43 Nitzschia longissima 5 7 4 2 11 3 2 5 4.140 3.252 -0.037
45 N. sigma 2 0.212 0.351 -0.003
46 Nitzschia spp. 4 1 23 7 5 3 12 7 17 4 8.811 4.725 -0.066
47 Leptocylendricus 8 6 11 27 15 13 7 5 37 45 18.471 6.479 -0.114
48 Licmophora 6 1 1 3 6 2 2.017 2.241 -0.021
49 Oscillatoria sp. 2 4 1 0.743 1.072 -0.009
50 Peridinium quinquecorne 3 2 0.531 0.721 -0.007
51 Peridinium sp. 1 1 10 1.274 1.169 -0.014
52 Prorocentrum gracille 1 0.106 0.332 -0.002
53 Pseudo-nitzschia sp. 13 21 18 9 30 48 60 43 31 21 31.210 8.792 -0.163
54 Rhizosolenia alata 4 3 6 13 10 7 8 5 12 18 9.130 4.783 -0.068
55 R. calcar 2 1 1 0.425 1.015 -0.006
56 R. delicatula 12 7 18 24 15 6 32 45 16.879 5.565 -0.107
57 R. fragillima 5 2 28 32 38 24 17 28 68 77 33.864 9.274 -0.171
58 R. hebetata 3 1 3 5 1 1.380 1.813 -0.015
59 R. imbricata 3 7 16 28 44 56 19 12 23 17 23.885 7.462 -0.136
60 R. setigera 3 1 2 5 2 9 3 6 3.291 3.098 -0.031
61 R. Stoltelphorthii 23 37 25 46 32 28 19 35 92 67 42.887 10.912 -0.199
62 R. styliformis 1 1 1 0.318 0.995 -0.004
63 Stauroneis membranacea 5 2 7 3 3 8 6 2 3.822 3.194 -0.034
64 S. thamensis 5 17 28 7 3 19 8 9.236 3.864 -0.069
65 Suriella sp. 1 1 1 2 0.531 1.346 -0.007
66 Synedra ulna 1 1 1 2 3 0.849 1.717 -0.010
67 Tabellaria sp. 4 18 3 12 21 34 9.766 3.648 -0.072
68 Thalassionema nitzschicoides 26 15 21 6.582 2.133 -0.053
69 Thalassiosira sp. 1 2 1 3 5 2 2 1.699 2.496 -0.018
70 Thalassiotrix frauenfeldii 7 4 1.168 0.837 -0.013
71 Triseratium favus 3 1 2 1 0.743 1.385 -0.009

Sampling Locations and Replicates
No. Nama Genus/Spesies Kuta Seger Serinting Aan Gerupuk D (ind./L) NP (%) PilnPi
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
72 T. reticulum 1 3 1 0.531 1.034 -0.007
73 Acartia clausii 1 3 5 1 1 1.168 1.775 -0.013
74 Calanus sp. 1 0.106 0.332 -0.002
75 Copepod 6 3 1 2 1.274 1.481 -0.014
76 Eutintinnus sp. 1 2 0.318 0.683 -0.004
550.743 204.375 -3.436

Preliminary Conclusion
and Recommendation

A. Conclusion

Conclusions are classified into several topics according to chapters that have been presented
in this report.


1. The existing condition of SWRO is not fulfill the basic requirement supplying clean water
demand to the Mandalika. In term of raw water supply, the capacity of supply system
(which consists of dimension and number of wells, piping and pumping system) is lower
than the capacity of RO filter (one unit, capacity of 3000 CMD). In term of RO system, the
full capacity of the system can not be obtained due to there is no preliminary treatment
installed; the TDS load entering to RO filters is too high in order to produce 40% of clean
water from the total volume of raw water. In term of brine disposal, the brine is directly
flowed to lagoon without any treatments, which is very dangerous for environmental

2. Naturally, sea water intrusion occurs in SWRO area, the level was 21.7 gr/lt (measured in
July 2018 when the first time the SWRO did commissioning).

3. Due to SWRO commissioning activities that produce of about 100 CMD of clean water,
salinity increased at level of 30 gr/lt in November 2018

Groundwater modelling with discharge of abstraction and brine disposal follow the
projection of clean water requirement in the Mandalika

4. If SWRO raw water is taken from the existing beach wells, the salinity in SWRO will increase
steeply from 28.80 gr/lt in 2020 to 32.83 gr/lt in 2024, and then remain constant until 2040
at 33.66 gr/lt

5. If SWRO raw water is taken from the existing beach wells and brine is injected
underground in SWRO area in 50 m of depth, the salinity in SWRO will increase steeply
from 28.85 gr/lt in 2020 to 37.00 gr/lt (higher than seawater salinity) in 2022, and still
increase to 55.49 gr/lt (similar to brine salinity) in 2034

6. If SWRO raw water is taken from the existing beach wells and brine is injected
underground in SWRO area in 100 m of depth, the salinity in SWRO will increase steeply
from 28.85 gr/lt in 2020 to 35.17 gr/lt in 2024, and gradually increase to 38.04 gr/lt in

Hydrodynamic modelling

7. The model simulates water level and particle movement correctly, indicates that the
model represents the study area condition.

8. Three locations of SWRO inlet point (A, B and C) and one location of brine outlet point
were simulated in Serinting Bay. The outlet located at 400 m from coastline seaward, inlet
A, B, and C are located 150 m, 330 m, and 450 m from outlet, seaward, respectively.
Increasing salinity due to inlet brine in radius of 30 m from outlet is 2 gr/lt, while in inlet
A, B and C are 0.30 gr/lt, 0.28 gr/lt and 0.15 gr/lr, respectively.

B. Recommendation

Recommendations are constructed based on conclusions and analysis.

1. All components of SWRO system; that are preliminary treatment, main treatment, and
post treatment, must be installed in order to ensure that capacity of the system can be
obtained. The DAF and UF are recommended as part of the preliminary treatment, while
stabilization pond is recommended as part of post treatment.

2. Processing the brine to produce salt is highly recommended to reduce environmental

potential impact.

3. Pumping raw water from beach wells in SWRO area is allowed until the salinity of the
water reach 35.00 gr/lt or the volume of the water reach 10 000 CMD, whichever reach
first. Salinity of 35.00 gr/lt is predicted as the end of the steep change of salinity due to
pumping. This condition is predicted occurred in 2024

4. Injection of brine in SWRO area is allowed with the minimum depth of 100 m below the
ground surface. Injection is allowed until the salinity reach 35.00 gr/lt or the volume of
raw water reach 10 000 CMD, whichever reach first. This condition is predicted occurred
in 2024

5. Direct sea water intake and direct sea water outlet are much recommended than pumping
the beach wells and injection, respectively, due to environmental reason; there is no
potential of sea water intrusion, and increasing of salinity due to outlet in the sea is very

6. Operator of SWRO must construct the direct sea water intake and the direct sea water
outlet, and the both must be ready to operate before 2024 to anticipate the prediction
comes earlier

Estimation of cost construction for direct intake and outfall. Point A, B and C refer to Fig. 153.

Quantity Price (Rp)

NO Activity Unit Unit Price (Rp)
At point A At point B At point C At point A At point B At point C
1 Preliminary works & access road
ls 1 25,000,000
2 Inland inlet pipe intake HDPE 20 inch meter 1,500 3,800,000 5,700,000,000
(SWRO to Serinting 1500 m)
3 Underwater pipe intake HDPE 20 inch meter 550 730 850 3,800,000 2,090,000,000 2,774,000,000 3,230,000,000
4 Concrete ancor for underwater pipe pc 92 122 142 2,000,000 184,000,000 244,000,000 284,000,000
5 Screen / Wedge wire pc 1 300,000,000 300,000,000
6 Intake structure pc 1 800,000,000 800,000,000
7 Reservoir capacity of 500 m 3 pc 1 2,500,000,000 2,500,000,000
8 Pump pc 3 100,000,000 300,000,000
9 Inland pipe installation meter 1,500 500,000 750,000,000
10 Underwater pipe installation meter 550 730 850 2,000,000 1,100,000,000 1,460,000,000 1,700,000,000

13,749,000,000 14,853,000,000 15,589,000,000


1 Inland outlet pipe HDPE 20 inch (SWRO to meter 1,500 3,800,000 5,700,000,000
Serinting 1500 m)
2 Underwater pipe outlet HDPE 20 inch meter 400 3,800,000 1,520,000,000
3 Concrete ancor for underwater pipe pc 67 2,000,000 134,000,000
4 Reservoir capacity of 500 m 3 pc 1 2,500,000,000 2,000,000
5 Pump pc 1 100,000,000 2,000,000
6 Inland pipe installation meter 1,500 500,000 3,000,000,000
7 Underwater pipe installation meter 400 2,000,000 800,000,000

11,158,000,000 11,158,000,000 11,158,000,000

Total price 24,907,000,000 26,011,000,000 26,747,000,000


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