This document contains a science test for 7th grade students with three sections - true or false questions, identification questions matching science terms to their definitions, and multiple choice questions selecting the appropriate scientist for different scenarios. The test covers various topics in both life and physical sciences. It aims to evaluate students' understanding of key science concepts and fields of study.
This document contains a science test for 7th grade students with three sections - true or false questions, identification questions matching science terms to their definitions, and multiple choice questions selecting the appropriate scientist for different scenarios. The test covers various topics in both life and physical sciences. It aims to evaluate students' understanding of key science concepts and fields of study.
This document contains a science test for 7th grade students with three sections - true or false questions, identification questions matching science terms to their definitions, and multiple choice questions selecting the appropriate scientist for different scenarios. The test covers various topics in both life and physical sciences. It aims to evaluate students' understanding of key science concepts and fields of study.
This document contains a science test for 7th grade students with three sections - true or false questions, identification questions matching science terms to their definitions, and multiple choice questions selecting the appropriate scientist for different scenarios. The test covers various topics in both life and physical sciences. It aims to evaluate students' understanding of key science concepts and fields of study.
Directions: Identify the following statement if it is true or false. Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if the statement is false. _______________ 1. Branches of science form as scientist develop new scientific knowledge. _______________ 2. Scientific work is an individual work; you work in your own so that you survive. _______________ 3. Science breakthrough leads to other technologies. _______________ 4. Scientific method defines how scientists investigate the truth. _______________ 5. Science supports or refutes traditional beliefs and practices. _______________ 6. Scientific work is like a team sport with specialist moving together to improve life. _______________ 7. Science is a systematic attempt to establish knowledge that helps explain occurrences through objective means. _______________ 8. Science is not interdisciplinary in nature. _______________ 9. Science and technology aim to destroy the individual lives. _______________ 10. Mathematics is not a branch of science but mathematics is associated with science. Test – II Identification Directions: Identify the following sentence given in each number and choose your answer inside the box. Write your answer before the number. Science Life Science Physical Science Earth Science Technologies Meteorology Geology Botany Applied Science Zoology Astronomy Chemistry Pure Science Genetics Paleontology Oceanography Petrology Penicillin In Vitro Fertilization Alexander Fleming
_______________ 1. The application of scientific knowledge.
_______________ 2. It is the search for practical uses of scientific knowledge. _______________ 3. Study of the history and structure of Earth. _______________ 4. Study of plants. _______________ 5. The name of anti-biotic helps to kill viral infections in our body. _______________ 6. Study of rocks. _______________ 7. Involves gathering of information through experimentation and is done mainly for the pursuit of knowledge. _______________ 8. Study of animals _______________ 9. Study of Earth’s atmosphere and weather. _______________ 10. Study of heavenly bodies. _______________ 11. Study of the interactions between matter and energy. _______________ 12. Study of ocean. _______________ 13. Study of function and behavior of genes. _______________ 14. Study of prehistoric life through fossil remains. _______________ 15. Also known as Geoscience. _______________ 16. Deals with matter and energy _______________ 17. Also known as Biology. _______________ 18. The person who discovered penicillin. _______________ 19. It is also known as the Test Tube Baby. _______________ 20. Study of the composition of matter and the changes it undergoes.
Test – III Multiple Choice
Directions: Scientist Wanted! Select the best scientist can address the challenges. Encircle your answer. 1. An expert is needed to interpret and analyze light emitted from earth-bound telescopes to provide information on objects beyond our solar system. a. astronomer b. astrologist c. ichthyologist 2. An expert is needed to confirm that bones found in the school yard belong to a dinosaur. a. paleontologist b. veterinarian c. seismologist 3. In March 2003, the SARS virus entered the country through people who came from Hong Kong. Specialist had to be engaged in contact tracing – or tracing the people had been in touch with SARS virus. a. meteorologist b. chemist c. epidemiologist 4. In order to develop a remedy for dengue, a biotechnologist needs to consult an expert on the life cycles of insects. a. microbiologist b. entomologist c. petrologist 5. A storm is approaching. Someone has to interpret the satellite feedback and inform the public what typhoon signal will be raised and what preparations should be done. a. biochemist b. meteorologist c. geologist 6. During a police raid, a packet of a suspicious substance was discovered. An expert has to identify this substance before a case can be filed. a. geneticist b. ecologist c. chemist 7. Oil is underneath the surface of the earth. Who will be able to design the methods to determine where it is located? a. geologist b. gemologist c. paleontologist 8. Ana wants to make sure who between Mr.Z and Mr. K is her biological father. Which scientist should she seek? a. geneticist b. gynecologist c. ecologist 9. A massive fish kill was observed in Laguna Lake because of oxygen depletion. Who would be the best scientist for the fishing community to consult? a. marine biologist b. limnologist c. climatologist 10. An inventor needs to consult an expert who can expound on forces, center or gravity, and acceleration, and ensure the safety worthiness of the invention. Who should be consulted? a. physicist b. metaphysicist c. astrophysicist