Key Signature Unit Plan Outline

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Unit Plan Outline

Teacher: Adam Alves

Unit Title: Key Signatures
Grade: 6
Number of Classes: 4

MA Frameworks:
• 2.5 Read whole, half, quarter, eighth, sixteenth, and dotted notes and rests 

in 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 6/8, 3/8, 9/8, and alla breve meter signatures

• 2.6 Read and sing at sight simple melodies and intervals in both the treble 

and bass clefs

• 2.7 Identify, define, and use standard notation symbols for pitch, rhythm, 

dynamics, tempo, articulation, and expression

• 2.8 Use standard notation to record their own musical ideas and those of 


• 4.6 Improvise and compose simple harmonic accompaniments

• 4.7 Improvise melodic embellishments and simple rhythmic and melodic 

variations on given pentatonic melodies and melodies in major keys

• 5.9 Demonstrate knowledge of the basic principles of meter, rhythm, tonality,

intervals, chords, and harmonic progressions in an analysis of music

National Standards:


MU:Cr2.1.6b - Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or audio/ video recording to
document personal simple rhythmic phrases, melodic phrases, and two- chord harmonic
musical ideas.

MU:Cr3.1.6a - Evaluate their own work, applying teacher-provided criteria such as

application of selected elements of music, and use of sound sources.

MU:Cr3.2.6a - Present the final version of their documented personal composition or

arrangement, using craftsmanship and originality to demonstrate an effective beginning,
middle, and ending, and convey expressive intent.

MU:Cr3.1.7a - Evaluate their own work, applying selected criteria such as appropriate
application of elements of music including style, form, and use of sound sources.


MU:Re7.2.6a - Describe how the elements of music and expressive qualities relate to the
structure of the pieces.


MU:Cn10.0.6a - Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal

choices and intent when creating, performing, and responding to music.

Learning the different key signatures would help students to realize that not all
music is in C. For instrumental students, it will open them up to a variety of keys which
will benefit them in their band/orchestra/choir careers. For general music students, it
would be beneficial for them to see how these different keys affect the feeling and mood
of a piece.

Essential Questions:
What is a key signature?
What is a flat/sharp?
What patterns are there for finding the key signatures?
How does the key affect the mood of the piece?

Enduring Understanding:
Students will use these key signatures in a composition and or/analysis project
later on in the year. Students may also use this information as a base to compose songs/
pieces in the future, whether they stick with a musical ensemble or not.

Behavioral Objectives:
• Students will be able to identify the following major key signatures: G, D, and A
• Students will be able to compose a short lead sheet (8-9 measures) in Noteflight using
one of the following major key signatures: G, D, and A
• Students will be able to identify the following major key signatures: F, Bb, and Eb
• Students will be able to compose a short lead sheet (8-9 measures) in Noteflight using
one of the following major key signatures: F, Bb, or Eb
Informal - Observing of notes taken, around the world, asking students to come
up to the board to write the different key signatures/chords,
Formal - Group worksheet, ticket to leave, Noteflight documents sent to the
Long Range Assignment/Project/Product - Sharp Keys Composition Project, Flat
Keys Composition Project

Prior Knowledge and Skills:

Staff, treble clef, identify notes on the treble clef, steps (whole and half), time signature,
quarter and eighth notes, how to build a major scale (wwhwwwh), Chords I, IV, and V in
the key of C, how to use Noteflight

1. Special needs - Student could have key signature board as an added visual,
using removable sharps to go along with the lesson. Student could have a
personal sheet of the key signatures and what chords/notes they could use in
their composition.
2. ELL - Speak slower, write down concepts and point to areas of the board
when explaining them. Explain directions slowly, have peer assistance with
Noteflight, write out what chords you could Duse on the board.

School to Home/community connection: n/a

Playing pop songs that the students are familiar with to show the different kinds of keys
they are in.

Composition Project examples
Different selections of music as example of Key signature

Materials Needed:
• Keyboard sheet
• Key signature worksheet
• Powerpoint
• Around the World Cards for Key of G, D, and A
• White board
• Dry-erase markers/eraser
• Piano
• Blank staff paper
• Chrome books/portable laptops/computers
Lesson Outlines

Lesson 1: Key Signatures of G, D, and A

• Behavioral Objective: Students will be able to identify the following major key
signatures: G, D, and A
• Assessment/Evaluation: Observing of notes taken, group worksheet, around the
world, ticket to leave
• Prior Knowledge and activator: Staff, treble clef, identify notes on the treble clef,
steps (whole and half), time signature, quarter and eighth notes, how to build a major
scale (wwhwwwh)
• Lesson content:
• Introduce Sharps
• C major scale
• Key Signature of G, D, and A
• Students partner up
• Around the World

Lesson 2: Composition in G, D, or A
• Behavioral Objective: Students will be able to compose a short lead sheet (8-9
measures) in Noteflight using one of the following major key signatures: G, D, and A
• Assessment/Evaluation: Noteflight documents sent to the instructor, asking students to
come up to the board to write the different key signatures/chords
• Prior Knowledge and activator: Staff, treble clef, identify notes on the treble clef,
steps (whole and half), time signature, quarter and eighth notes, how to build a major
scale (wwhwwwh), Chords I, IV, and V in the key of C, how to use Noteflight
• Lesson content:
• Review Keys G, D, A
• I, IV, V Chords in G, D, A
• Composition Project
• Presentation of Projects

Lesson 3: Key Signatures of F, Bb, and Eb

• Behavioral Objective: Students will be able to identify the following major key
signatures: F, Bb, and Eb
• Assessment/Evaluation: Observing of notes taken, group worksheet, ticket to leave
• Prior Knowledge and activator: Staff, treble clef, identify notes on the treble clef,
steps (whole and half), time signature, quarter and eighth notes, how to build a major
scale (wwhwwwh)
• Lesson content:
• Introduce Flats
• C major scale
• Key Signature of F, Bb, and Eb
• Students partner up
• Assessment Game

Lesson 4: Composition in F, Bb, or Eb

• Behavioral Objective: Students will be able to compose a short lead sheet (8-9
measures) in Noteflight using one of the following major key signatures: F, Bb, or Eb
• Assessment/Evaluation: Noteflight documents sent to the instructor, asking students to
come up to the board to write the different key signatures/chords
• Prior Knowledge and activator: Staff, treble clef, identify notes on the treble clef,
steps (whole and half), time signature, quarter and eighth notes, how to build a major
scale (wwhwwwh), Chords I, IV, and V in the key of C, how to use Noteflight
• Lesson content:
• Review Keys F, Bb, Eb
• I, IV, V Chords in F, Bb, Eb
• Composition Project
• Presentation of Project

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