Ambassador SWOT Examples

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis


name: Tomas Hamberger

School: primary school Teplice nad Metují

Country: Czech Republic

1. Understanding your school context

School description
Describe your school in 1 paragraph. Include your school’s name, location (urban, rural area, country/city, etc.), type of school (vocational, technical, etc.), school’s
target group ((pre-)primary, secondary school, etc.) and any additional information that could help understand your school’s general context.

Our elementary school is located in the border region of the Czech Republic and is quite distant from the largest regional city of Hradec Kralove. The city where the
school is located is surrounded by nature from all sides, especially mountains, forests and rocks. Industry in the region is mainly agricultural and automotive. Our
primary school has a kindergarten, a first grade, a second grade and two classes for pupils with special educational needs. Two hundred pupils in total. Due to the
ubiquitous nature and automotive industry, our school is primarily focused on environmental education and polytechnic education. Modern digital technologies
and their safe use are a priority for school, teachers and pupils. Security, data protection, and a secure school ict environment are very important to our school. In
order to spread our experience further, the Club of Active Teachers was established at our school. Its members are teachers and hold workshops and lectures for
other teachers and parents focused on modern digital technologies and the safe use of the Internet. Since this year we have a super modern classroom equipped
with modern technologies - tablets, programmable robots, ozobots, 3D printer and more. Our students have the opportunity to work with these technologies and
get new skills in this field.

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis

2. SWOT Analysis: eSafety at your school

Helpful Harmful
to achieving your strategy to achieving your strategy

Strengths Weaknesses
1. Excellent awareness of current threats, trends and news in the world 1. Lack of new ICT teachers.
(School attributes)

of modern technologies and Internet security via active teachers.

Internal factors

2. Outdated state educational programs in the field of information and

2. Cooperation with non-governmental organizations (esafetylabel +) and communication technologies.
the possibility for the school to share experiences with schools abroad. 3. Low digital literacy of parents.
3. Further education of teachers and parents in Internet security via 4. Low digital trust in general.
school Club of active teachers.
5. Very lengthy procedures when implementing changes in the field of ICT
4. Improving IT infrastructure. / school rules, internal school rules, changes in educational plans, etc.
5. Using of pupil's knowledge of modern technologies. 6.

Opportunities Threats
control of your school

1. Multilevel ICT Education - the school must educate in ICT skills 1. Absence of a risk management plan in the school.
(Aspects outside the

teachers, pupils and parents.

External factors

2. The increasing skills of pupils to compromise the security of the school's

2. Cooperation and inspiration abroad. IT environment.
3. Creating a local experience sharing platform, like our Club of active 3. Increasing amounts of school data in the cloud service.
teachers. 4. Constant use of dangerous technologies, services and applications at
4. school. Teachers use private emails some school websites use the unsafe
5. http. format.
6. 5.

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis


Name: Milan Hausner

School: Municipality of Prague 3, the city district is the founder of 10 basic schools and 13 maternity schools

Country: Czech Republic

1. Understanding your school context

School description
Describe your school in 1 paragraph. Include your school’s name, location (urban, rural area, country/city, etc.), type of school (vocational, technical, etc.), school’s
target group ((pre-)primary, secondary school, etc.) and any additional information that could help understand your school’s general context.

10 municipal schools for pupils aged 6 to 15 with primary education. 70 000 inhabitants. 4500 children with a capacity of 6000. Primary schools specializing in
various subjects (languages, sports, IT). Diverse social background, standard equipped in terms of IT. No school exceeds the usual average, except for Lupáčova
Primary School. For most schools, IT skills were tested in 2016 with the following results:

In terms of digital ethics and virtual security, the knowledge of schools is slightly above the average of all schools in the Czech Republic thanks to the elaborated e-
safety label project and the system support of the Department of Education and subsequently the transfer of skills in terms of personal data protection.

However, this does not mean that it is possible to completely eliminate negative influences in the online space through educational activities, as evidenced by the
many experiences of individual schools.

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis

2. SWOT Analysis: eSafety at your school

Helpful Harmful
to achieving your strategy to achieving your strategy

Strengths Weaknesses
1. available information on this field from many sources 1. Confusing information in the context of repetitive campaigns, in
(School attributes)

2. e-safety label in all schools: one gold and 9 bronze another way too many information is harmful
Internal factors

3. internal guidelines and rules for the use of ICT in schools 2. making significant use of negative examples to deter other potential
hazards, instead of introducing examples of good practice as a means of
4. orientation on computer thinking
5. promoting language learning through IT while respecting online
3. Little willingness of schools - selected individuals to share negative
examples as protection of their own school interests - reducing
competitiveness in case of cyberbullying
4. Very often banning smart devices of pupils at the expense of
meaningful use through good practice

Opportunities Threats
(Aspects outside the control of your

1. sharing examples of good practice through practical demonstrations 1. negative attitudes of parents to the use of smart technologies in schools
(not only webinars) but also on site, including internationally and the growing influence of digital returners
2. e-safety as a separate part of Erasmus exchange stays - a mandatory 2. Publicity of large cases with negative online experience without proper
part explanation and use for positive motivation
External factors

3. support from the political leadership of the region 3. ignoring this area among teachers in terms of their personal ignorance

4. home competition in creativity - DOMINO (dynamic, open, motivating, and digital illiteracy increase in the general digital divide: child - parent -
interactive, narrative and original) for e-safety senior
5. participation in international conferences in this field 4. the school lags behind continuing technological progress
6. local consulting service both online and personally 5. the risks of protecting e-privacy with threats as expressed by G. Butarelli
(AI in all areas of human activity and social non-acceptance of this fact)
7. sophisticated system of direct support of schools – NIDV (the National
Institute of the Next Education)
8. MOOC courses or accredited courses according to the European
Schoolnet template

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis


Name: Kanrlíková Karolína

School: ZŠ Kvěťnák 1559

Country: Czech Republic

1. Understanding your school context

School description
Describe your school in 1 paragraph. Include your school’s name, location (urban, rural area, country/city, etc.), type of school (vocational, technical, etc.), school’s
target group ((pre-)primary, secondary school, etc.) and any additional information that could help understand your school’s general context.

I work in a primary school in Prague. This school is situated in Prague 4/Prague 11, where live about 77 000 people. A lot of these people are not Czech. My scholl
is one of ten school around. Our school is special, because of our Montessori classes and CLIL classes. We teach over 600kids (6 to 15years).

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis

2. SWOT Analysis: eSafety at your school

Helpful Harmful
to achieving your strategy to achieving your strategy

Strengths Weaknesses
(School attributes)

1. Collegues agree on that we must work on eSafety 1. Teachers do not agree if kids can use phones in the school or not
Internal factors

2. Workshops for kids 2. Teachers are not educated in eSafety

3. Co-operation with national police 3. Teachers do not want to be educated in eSafety
4. School management team takes care about operation systems in the 4. Teachers do not see internet as big danger
school 5.
5. 6.

Opportunities Threats
control of your school
(Aspects outside the

1. Teachers can ask for my help with eSafety 1 Kids using social media
External factors

2.National/international project, which educated teachers 2. Cyber bully

3. School management team support 3. Kids do not care about what we teach them
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis


name: Mgr. Pavla Sýkorová

School: 10. základní škola Plzeň, nám. Míru 6, příspěvková organizace, 301 00 Plzeň

Country: The Czech Republic

1. Understanding your school context

School description
Describe your school in 1 paragraph. Include your school’s name, location (urban, rural area, country/city, etc.), type of school (vocational, technical, etc.), school’s
target group ((pre-)primary, secondary school, etc.) and any additional information that could help understand your school’s general context.

10th elementary school in Pilsen at nám. Míru 6, an allowance organization, is a complete basic school with grades 1-9. The school is located in the middle of an
older residential development in the outskirts of the Pilsen suburb of Jižní Předměstí (Czech Republic).

Our school focuses on teaching foreign languages and computer science.

At the 10th Elementary School Pilsen we consider teaching information and digital literacy as very important. We have been implementing our own project
“Successful Pupil in the Digital Age” for several years - meaningful use of computers, tablets, interactive whiteboards and panels, as well as Google Suite for
Education cloud environment, tutorials, interactive textbooks and online applications.

Pupils do not use their own mobile phones and tablets (the school has enough facilities for teaching).

As part of eSafety (including the eSafety project), we strive to regularly use the discussion form of teaching to reflect on the dangers of using the Internet, online
communications, e-mail and social networks. The aim is to show students how to use the Internet safely - not to disclose their personal data or those of their
relatives, to learn to comply with the basic rules and principles of secure communication. We use various activities - videos, stories, comics, posters, mind maps,
word clouds, and much of the material created by the pupils. Pupils are not only passively acquainted with the rules of behaviour on the Internet, but also actively
participate in their creation and subsequent adherence.

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis

2. SWOT Analysis: eSafety at your school

Helpful Harmful
to achieving your strategy to achieving your strategy

Strengths Weaknesses
(School attributes)

1. compliant infrastructure 1. All teachers must be involved in the proper use of technology in the
Internal factors

2. Regular e-Safety activities classroom

3. annual participation on Safer Internet Day 2. cyberbullying should be included in classes from the 1st class
4. meaningful use of technology in teaching 3. involve all first-level teachers in regular e-Safety activities
5. use of grants and projects

Opportunities Threats
control of your school
(Aspects outside the

1. cooperation with experts within the project eSafety Label+ 1. rapid development in technology area
External factors

2. cooperation with experts in the framework of city grants 2. the topics of continuously new social networks
3. Addressing cyberbullying threats to pupils in the form of discussions 3. speed of changes
with members of the City of Pilsen Security Department and the Police of 4. Influence on children who do not realize the great danger of moving in
the Czech Republic cyberspace
4. Use GDPR to protect the personal data of school children and school
staff - put personal data protection first

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis


name: Georgios Errikos Hlapanis

School: 2nd Lyceum of Kos

Country: Greece

1. Understanding your school context

School description
Describe your school in 1 paragraph. Include your school’s name, location (urban, rural area, country/city, etc.), type of school (vocational, technical, etc.), school’s
target group ((pre-)primary, secondary school, etc.) and any additional information that could help understand your school’s general context

The 2nd Lyceum of Kos is an upper secondary state school with 270 students (aged 15 to 18) and 30 teachers that is situated on the European
border island of Kos. Kos is located in the south-eastern Aegean Sea. The school possesses a library, two ICT lab, physics and chemistry labs, a
gym amongst other facilities and has adopted initiatives that have to do with teaching such as cross-curricular approaches. The school is preparing
students, for university education in science, economics and humanities departments, that’s the reason why pupils are well-motivated and high-
achieving. In addition the school has a clear intention to provide international influences such as exchange students and teacher trainees and
teacher trainers from universities, to create various arenas for language and interdisciplinary collaborations in projects using ICT and digital forums.
In addition a basic aim for the school is to create the opportunity for personal meetings with students from other countries and study trips to
implement the learning of democratic and ethic values. It is a central policy that pupils must develop good knowledge of foreign languages, linked
with key competences for employability such as ICT skills, creativity and team-work. In our school we try to make our students/children aware of
potential internet dangers (Cyberbullying, Grooming, Plagiarism, etc) and show them ways to avoid them. Our school has acquired a Golden eSafety
Label since 2015 (until Aug 2019). This was due to many activities and contributions done during an Erasmus+ project the school coordinated,
named Safe Internet For All (SIFA). The school has a great experience in successful Erasmus+ projects and is looking forward to a continuation of
SIFA, using experience gained by the participation of the school head teacher in «eSafety Label+: Become the next eSafety champion» (2017-1-

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis

2. SWOT Analysis: eSafety at your school

Helpful Harmful
to achieving your strategy to achieving your strategy

Strengths Weaknesses
1. Most colleagues are interested in improving eSafety at school (about 1. Some colleagues are NOT so interested in improving eSafety at school (about
60%) 40%).
2. Previous knowledge and experience in eSafety matters, such as eSafety 2. The technical infrastructure at school needs improvements.
(School attributes)

Golden Label, SIFA project, participation in eSafety Label+: Become the 3. The website is not quite functional yet and has some problems, thus it cannot be
Internal factors

next eSafety champion (2017-1-EL01-KA201-036242), can be used for used as planned yet.
accomplishing an effective policy for eSafety.
4. The material created and prepared exists, yet has not been presented yet as it
3. Especially new knowledge acquired, existing material and exchange of could, thus cannot be fully used yet.
practices done at «eSafety Label+: Become the next eSafety champion»
5. Quite a few colleagues, even some of those interested in improving eSafety at
(2017-1-EL01-KA201-036242) can be used for accomplishing an effective
school are NOT yet informed well and trained.
policy for eSafety.
4. The head teacher of the school is a eSafety champion and is able and
willing to provide information and training related to eSafety matters.
5. A school culture for innovation and participation in Erasmus+ projects
related to eSafety has been built.

Opportunities Threats
(Aspects outside the control of

1. There is a good relationship with local eSafety centre and other experts 1. Current Greek legislation concerning the use of mobile phones and other portable
such as the police in Kos town. devices (such as tablets) at school is very strict and makes it difficult to achieve our
External factors

2. New potential partners for future projects and cooperation gained strategy, digital media are being used at our school under very strict supervision (in
your school

from project «eSafety Label+: Become the next eSafety champion» (2017- computer labs and in projects, but not in the classroom.
1-EL01-KA201-036242) 2. Some parents may be reluctant to incorporate digital media (e.g. social media) at
3. The school is planning to participate in a new Erasmus+ project related school, even if law restrictions do not apply anymore.
to internet safety, starting from 2020. 3. Due to austerity measures in Greece, not enough money is provided by the
Ministry of Education in Greece in order to improve technical infrastructure and
provide training of teachers.
4. Many teachers are substitute teachers and are different every year. About 30% of
the faculty. Thus in some cases informing and training must be done all over.

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis


name: Eleftheria Karagiorgou

School: 7th Senior High School of Trikala

Country: Greece

1. Understanding your school context

School description
Describe your school in 1 paragraph. Include your school’s name, location (urban, rural area, country/city, etc.), type of school (vocational, technical, etc.), school’s
target group ((pre-)primary, secondary school, etc.) and any additional information that could help understand your school’s general context.

The 7th Senior High School of Trikala is a public school and has approximately 200 students and 24 teachers. It considered to be one of the most
innovative public schools in Greece with the first to be established Educational Robotics Lab in public school. The school is characterized by its tech
orientation and its openness not only to the local society of Trikala but also to other schools from Greece that visit the school premises. ESafety is
considered to be a great issue which is faced with responsibility and seriousness from the educational staff of the school and especially the
Computer Science teachers. In this direction, the school has acquired a Golden eSafety Label since 2016 and participates in Safer Internet Day
almost every year in order to raise awareness about eSafety issues.

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis

2. SWOT Analysis: eSafety at your school

Helpful Harmful
to achieving your strategy to achieving your strategy

Strengths Weaknesses
1. The majority of teachers are interested in improving eSafety at school 1. Some teachers are not interested in improving eSafety at school.
(School attributes)

2. Previous knowledge and experience in eSafety matters, such as eSafety 2. The eSafety Label website is not quite functional yet and has some problems, thus
Internal factors

Golden Label and Safer Internet Day events can be used for accomplishing it cannot be used as planned yet.
an effective policy for eSafety. 3. The material created and prepared exists in the eSafety Label website, thus
3. Especially new knowledge acquired, existing material and exchange of cannot be fully used yet, because of the problems mentioned above.
practices done at «eSafety Label+: Become the next eSafety champion» 4. Despite the effort and the continuous updating, there are students who may
(2017-1-EL01-KA201-036242) can be used for accomplishing an effective become victims or offenders concerning eSafety issues.
policy for eSafety.
4. One of the 2 Computer Science teachers is an eSafety champion and
provides information and training related to eSafety matters not only at
school, but also at other local schools where she is invited.

Opportunities Threats
control of your school
(Aspects outside the

1. There is a good relationship with local eSafety centre. 1. Current Greek legislation concerning the use of mobile phones and other portable
External factors

2. Other local schools ask for consultation about eSafety matters. devices (such as tablets) at school is very strict and makes it difficult to achieve our
3. Parents collaborate a lot with the school about eSafety issues.
2. Some parents may be reluctant to incorporate digital media (e.g. social media) at
school, even if law restrictions do not apply anymore.
3. Due to austerity measures in Greece, not enough money is provided by the
Ministry of Education in Greece in order to improve technical infrastructure and
provide training of teachers.

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis


name: Athanasios Katsaros

School: 2nd Junior High School of Galatsi (2ο Γυμνάσιο Γαλατσίου)

Country: Greece

1. Understanding your school context

School description
Describe your school in 1 paragraph. Include your school’s name, location (urban, rural area, country/city, etc.), type of school (vocational, technical, etc.), school’s
target group ((pre-)primary, secondary school, etc.) and any additional information that could help understand your school’s general context.

2nd Junior High School of Galatsi is a state secondary school established in the city of Galatsi, a densely populated and densely structured suburb
of Athens. Our school has about 250 students (12 - 15 years old) and 28 teachers specialized in 13 different scientific fields. Among other facilities,
our school has laboratories of: physics and chemistry, technology, computer science and arts. At the end of the daily school program, our students
can participate in optional extracurricular activities like: school choir, cultural and environmental programs, maths, esafety, theatre and arts groups
e.t.c. implemented by our school teachers. The school participates in national and European programs enabling students to cognitively, culturally
and morally prepare themselves for their later life. School active participation in the e-Safety Label project (since 2014), which was accredited with
the gold e-safety label in 2018, plays a key role in the school's journey towards the new digital age.

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis

2. SWOT Analysis: eSafety at your school

Helpful Harmful
to achieving your strategy to achieving your strategy

Strengths Weaknesses
1. Support from school headmaster, vital for the success of the project. 1. A decreasing percentage of teachers is not familiar with the use of digital
2. School has already esafety regulations regarding (students and staff technologies and thus is practically unable to promote esafety.
acceptable use policy, incident handling etc) 2. Even though a progress has already been made, many students do not feel
(School attributes)
Internal factors

3. The existence of a school’s digital security group, formed by students comfortable to share their concerns or problems with the responsible school staff.
with special interests on esafety issues, gives a dynamic to the project. 3. Some parents tend to forbid their children from the use of digital media instead
4. Most of the school’s teaching staff has realized the significance of of working together with the school community to find more efficient and beneficial
esafety and digital literacy and has already incorporated relevant learning ways to cope with the subject.
scenarios in their curricula. 4. A few teachers do not fully comply with the school’s policy, especially regarding
5. School involvement in eSafety Label and eSafety Label+ projects helped their presence in social media.
to form a clear view of the spectrum of esafety, the way other schools 5. Some updates have to be made in the school digital infrastructure.
across Europe manage the subject, and offered a great amount of
educational resources to be used to support esafety in school.

Opportunities Threats
(Aspects outside the control

1. The proximity of the school to city cultural centres gives the advantage 1. New forms of digital threats emerge on a daily basis, making it necessary for
to organize esafety events that engage the local community. vigilance and continuous updating.
External factors

of your school

2. The municipal authority is willing to support any school initiative on 2. National legislation bans the use of mobile digital devices in junior high schools.
esafety matters. 3. The significance of the Information Science is underestimated by the rulers,
3. The Hellenic Centre for Safe Internet ( organizes having as a consequence the degradation of the relative courses and thus the
on line and off line webinars which can be attended by school students. esafety related courses.
4. The opportunity offered by the Greek police cybercrime division to 4. The reduction of funds for renewal of the electronic equipment of school due to
inform staff and students on current developments in the field of cyber economic crisis.
security can be seized.

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis


name: Maria Irene Teixeira Ribeiro Gomes

School: Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Carlos Pinto Ferreira

Country: Portugal

1. Understanding your school context

School description
Describe your school in 1 paragraph. Include your school’s name, location (urban, rural area, country/city, etc.), type of school (vocational, technical, etc.), school’s
target group ((pre-)primary, secondary school, etc.) and any additional information that could help understand your school’s general context.

It is a grouping consisting of eight public school buildings located in the parishes of Arcos, Bagunte, Junqueira, Rio Mau, Touguinha and Touguinhó, all located on
the right bank of the Ave river, in the municipality of Vila do Conde. It consists of the headquarters school, with second and third cycles of basic education, six
schools with preschool and first cycle and a kindergarten. Except for specific cases, the school population of the Group comes from the villages of Arcos, Bagunte,
Ferreiró, Junqueira, Outeiro Maior, Parada, Rio Mau, Touguinhó and Touguinha. Noting the location of these villages in a topographic map, it will be noted that only
Touguinha abuts the town of Vila do Conde - all other villages extend into the interior of the county. A 'field visit' will not only confirm this observation, but also
conclude that, as the few kilometers away from the coast, the traces of rurality are accentuated: the agricultural economy is predominant and the landscape and
habitat remain essentially organized. because of her.

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis

2. SWOT Analysis: eSafety at your school

Helpful Harmful
to achieving your strategy to achieving your strategy

Strengths Weaknesses
(School attributes)

1. involvement of the school community in activities proposed by the 1. Difficulty in involving parents and carers
Internal factors

grouping 2. implementation time in the awareness raising process

2. Participation in constant awareness-raising actions involving all actors 3. Dates of execution
of the educational community.
4. Lack of stakeholder time
3. making mail accounts created in the grouping domain available
4. Participation in competitions related to the theme, such as Seguranet
5. Development of small projects, involving various disciplinary areas.

Opportunities Threats
control of your school
(Aspects outside the

1. Organization of small workshops for parents and guardians 1. low digital literacy of parents and carers
External factors

2. good relations with local political and police entities 2. new data protection policies
3. involvement of business entities in the activities developed

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis


name: Jani Miguel; Vítor Oliveira

School: Agrupamento de Escolas de Santo André - Barreiro

Country: Portugal

1. Understanding your school context

School description
Describe your school in 1 paragraph. Include your school’s name, location (urban, rural area, country/city, etc.), type of school (vocational, technical, etc.), school’s
target group ((pre-)primary, secondary school, etc.) and any additional information that could help understand your school’s general context.

We work in a school cluster (pre-primary to K12, plus adult education) in Barreiro, a town facing Lisbon, on the south bank of the Tagus River. It is at present a post-
industrial town that is slowly recovering from the traumatic closure of the many factories that once gave it the dubious title of Portugal’s most polluted city. This
school cluster is traditionally the choice for upper class students and families in this area; low income families are a minority as well as migrant students, although
both their numbers are increasing as the multiple economic and migrant crisis unfold (Africa, Middle East, Venezuela, Brazil…). Our schools provide free public
education for a wide range of needs, from kindergarten to adult education, in both general and vocational education. A total amount of 2200 students will attend
our schools in 2019/2020.

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Ambassador Tasks: SWOT Analysis

2. SWOT Analysis: eSafety at your school

Helpful Harmful
to achieving your strategy to achieving your strategy

Strengths Weaknesses
1. Dynamic and modern educative project (vision and aims); 1. Less than perfect IT equipment’s and structures available;
2. Part of the teachers and support staff is quite open to innovation and 2. Endemic lack of funding for the more than necessary (re)equipment of
to the incorporation of new technologies in their daily educative schools, so they’re able to develop all the student’s necessary skills and
(School attributes)
Internal factors

methods and practices; knowledge;

3. The secondary school was one of the first in the area to implement IT 3. Big part of the teachers and other staff are not as power users of IT as
courses, long before vocational education was formally implemented, students are, which is an inversion of traditional group status in schools
having specific IT equipped classrooms; and a major potential threat to online security of the institution;
4. Direction Board committed to change and to the full integration of IT 4. Difficulty of most families to effectively control their children’s online
on the school’s daily life, with a particular and obvious emphasis on e- activities;
safety; 5. Low level of participation by parents/families in online safety workshops
5. promoted by the school;
6. 6. Low level of awareness of online threats by most students, despite of all
the activities promoted by the school on the subject;

Opportunities Threats
(Aspects outside the control

1. Excellent relations with external partners (higher education 1. Misuse of tech gear by students, potentially causing generic and even
institutions, municipality, local teacher’s training centre, police, etc.); legal problems to schools and families;
External factors

of your school

2. Economical change, with companies searching for workers with a high 2. Negative reactions to the negative use of tech gear by students,
degree of training on IT in general and online security in particular; potentially leading to various types of prohibitions;
3. Financed programmes and projects regarding technological 3. Incorporation of tech gear into school routines, but without really
development in education that schools can apply for; changing or updating educational practices and aims;
4. Much easier participation on international student’s and teacher’s 4. Heavy use of online life and social networks by students, with the
exchange programs; potential threat of negative impact on school’s activities with non-
directly related problems (cyberbullying, identity theft, etc.)

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