Sap-Unit 3

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Selection of materials Eco building materials and construction – Biomimicry, Low impact
construction, and recyclable products and embodied energy. Life cycle analysis. Energy
sources –
Renewable and non-renewable energy.

Selection of Materials Eco Building Materials and Construction

• The selection of green building materials and products represents one important strategy in the
design of a green building. Green building materials offer specific benefits to the building owner
and building occupants and are follows:
1. Reduced maintenance/replacement costs over the life of the building.
2. Energy conservation.
3. Improved occupant health and productivity.
4. Lower costs associated with changing space configurations.
5. Greater design flexibility.
• Building and construction activities worldwide consumes 3 billion tons of raw materials each year or
40 percent of total global use. Using green building materials and products promotes conservation
of dwindling nonrenewable resources internationally.
• In addition, integrating green building materials into building projects can help reduce the
environmental impacts associated with the extraction, transport, processing, fabrication,
installation, reuse, recycling and disposal of these building industry source materials.

Compiled by Ar.Bhagyashree 1

Selection criteria for green material:

A) Resource efficiency:
• Recycled Content: Products with identifiable recycled content, including post-industrial content with a
preference for post-consumer content.
• Natural and renewable: Materials harvested from sustain ably managed sourced and preferably have
an independent certification (e. g. certified wood) and are certified by an independent third party.
• Resource efficient manufacturing process: Products manufactured with resource-efficient
processes including reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste (recycled, recyclable and or source
reduced product packaging), and reducing greenhouse gases.
• Locally available: Building materials, components, and system found locally or regionally saving
energy and resources in transportation to the project site.
• Salvaged, refurbished, or remanufactured: Includes saving a material from disposal and
renovating, repairing, restoring, or generally improving the appearance, performance, quality,
functionality, or value of a product.
• Reusable or recyclable: Select materials that can be easily dismantled and reused or recycled at the
end of their useful life.
• Durable: Materials that are longer lasting or are comparable to conventional products with long life
B) Indoor Air Quality (IAQ):
• Low or non -toxic: Materials that emit few or no CFC’s, reproductive toxicants, or irritants as
demonstrated by the manufacturer through appropriate testing.
• Minimal chemical emissions: Products that have minimal emission of Volatile Organic Compounds
(VOCs). Products that also maximize resources and energy efficiency while reducing chemical emissions.
• Moisture resistant: Product and systems that resist moisture or inhibit the growth of biological
contaminants in building.
• Healthfully maintained: Materials, components, and systems that require only simple, non-toxic, or
low-VOC methods of cleaning.
• Systems or equipment: Products that promotes IAQ by identifying indoor air pollutants or enhancing
the air quality.
C) Energy Efficiency:
• Material, components, and systems that help reduce energy consumption in building and facilities.
• Green buildings often include measures to reduce energy consumption – both the embodied energy
required to extract, process, transport and install building materials and operating energy to provide
services such as heating and power for equipment.

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• As high-performance buildings use less operating energy, embodied energy has assumed much greater
importance – and may make up as much as 30% of the overall life cycle energy consumption. Studies
such as the U.S. LCI Database Project. show buildings built primarily with wood will have a lower
embodied energy than those built primarily with brick, concrete, or steel.
• To reduce operating energy use, designers use details that reduce air leakage through the building
envelope (the barrier between conditioned and unconditioned space). They also specify high-
performance windows and extra insulation in walls, ceilings, and floors. Another strategy, passive solar
building design, is often implemented in low-energy homes. Designers orient windows and walls and
place awnings, porches, and trees to shade windows and roofs during the summer while maximizing
solar gain in the winter.
• In addition, effective window placement (daylighting) can provide more natural light and lessen the
need for electric lighting during the day. Solar water heating further reduces energy costs.
• Onsite generation of renewable energy through solar power, wind power, hydro power, or biomass can
significantly reduce the environmental impact of the building. Power generation is generally the most
expensive feature to add to a building.
D) Water Conservation:
• Products and systems that help reduce water consumption in building and conserve water in
landscaped areas.
• Reducing water consumption and protecting water quality are key objectives in sustainable building.
One critical issue of water consumption is that in many areas, the demands on the supplying aquifer
exceed its ability to replenish itself.
• To the maximum extent feasible, facilities should increase their dependence on water that is collected,
used, purified, and reused on-site. The protection and conservation of water throughout the life of a
building may be accomplished by designing for dual plumbing that recycles water in toilet flushing or by
using water for washing of the cars.
• Waste-water may be minimized by utilizing water conserving fixtures such as ultra-low flush toilets and
low-flow shower heads. Bidets help eliminate the use of toilet paper, reducing sewer traffic and
increasing possibilities of re-using water on-site. Point of use water treatment and heating improves
both water quality and energy efficiency while reducing the amount of water in circulation.
• The use of non-sewage and greywater for on-site use such as site-irrigation will minimize demands on
the local aquifer.
E) Affordability:
• Building product life-cycle costs are comparable to conventional materials and are within a project-
defined percentage of the overall budget.
• The aim of using green building materials is to construct energy-efficient structures and to build those
structures one should be aware of different green building materials, their properties and how they
contribute into saving energy.

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F) Materials efficiency
• Building materials typically considered to be 'green' include lumber from forests that have been
certified to a third-party forest standard, rapidly renewable plant materials like bamboo and
straw, dimension stone, recycled stone, recycled metal, and other products that are non-toxic, reusable,
renewable, and/or recyclable. For concrete a high performance or Roman self-healing concrete is
• The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) also suggests using recycled industrial goods, such as
coal combustion products, foundry sand, and demolition debris in construction projects.
• Energy efficient building materials and appliances are promoted in the United States
through energy rebate programs.

Green Building Materials used in Construction

Following is the list of Green building materials used in construction :
• Earthen Materials
• Wood
• Bamboo
• SIPs
• Insulated Concrete Forms
• Cordwood
• Straw Bale
• Earth Bags
• Slate/ Stone Roofing
• Steel
• Thatch
• Composites
• Natural Fiber
• Polyurethane
• Fiber Glass
• Cellulose
• Cork
• Polystyrene and isocyanurate
• Natural Clay
• Non- VOC paints
• Natural Fiber Floor
• Fiber Cement
• Stone

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1. Earthen Materials
Earthen materials like adobe, cob, and rammed earth are being used for construction purposes since yore.
For good strength and durability- chopped straw, grass and other fibrous materials etc. are added to earth.
Even today, structures built with adobe or cob can be seen in some remote areas.

Fig 1: Adobe made Structure

2. Engineered Wood
Wood is one of the most famous building materials used around the world.
But in the process of conversion of raw timber to wood boards and planks, most percentage of wood may
get wasted.
This wastage can also be used to make structural parts like walls, boards, doors etc. in the form of
engineered wood.
Unlike solid wood, engineered wood contains different layers of wood, usually the middle layers are made
of wood scraps, softwoods, wood fibers etc.

Fig 2: Engineered Wood Board over Solid Wood Board

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3. Bamboo
Bamboo is one of the most used multipurpose and durable materials used in construction.
These trees grow faster irrespective of climatic conditions. So, it makes it economical as well.
They can be used to construct frames or supports, walls, floors etc.
They provide a good appearance to the structures.

Fig 3: Bamboo Structure

4. SIPs
Structural insulated panels (SIPs) consist of two sheets of oriented strand boards or flake board with a
foam layer between them.
They are generally available in larger sizes and are used as walls for the structure.
Because of their large size, they need heavy equipment to install however, they provide good insulation.

Fig 4: Structural Insulated Panel (SIP)

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5. Insulated Concrete Forms

Insulated concrete forms contain two insulation layers with some space in between them. This space
contains some arrangement for holding reinforcement bars, after placing reinforcement, concrete is
poured into this space.
They are light in weight, fire resistant, low dense and have good thermal and sound insulation properties.

Fig 5: Insulated Concrete Forms

6. Cordwood
If wood is abundantly available and easily accessible to the site of construction, cordwood construction is
It requires short and round pieces of wood which are laid one above the other, width wise, and are bonded
together by special mortar mix.
They are strong, environmental friendly and also give good appearance to the structure.

Fig 6: Cordwood Wall

Compiled by Ar.Bhagyashree 7

7. Straw Bale
Straw bale is another green building material which can be used as framing material for building because
of good insulating properties. They can also act as soundproof materials.
Non-load bearing walls of straw bale can be used as fill material in between columns and, in beams
framework is recommended.
Since air cannot pass through them, straw bales also have some resistance to fire.

Fig 7: Straw Bale Wall

8. Earth Bags
Earth bags or sand bags are also used to construct walls of a structure.
These types of structures can be seen in military bases, near banks of water resources etc.
Generally, bags made of burlap are recommended but they may rot very easily and hence, polypropylene
bags are used nowadays.

Fig 8: Earth Bag Walls

Compiled by Ar.Bhagyashree 8

9. Slate Roofing
Slate is naturally formed rock which is used to make tiles.
Slate tiles have high durability and they are used as roofing materials.
Slate roofing is preferred when it is locally or cheaply available.

Fig 9: Slate Roofing

10. Steel
Steel roof panels and shingles are highly durable and they can be recycled again and again. So, these are
the best choices for green roofing materials.

Fig 10: Steel Roofing

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11. Thatch
Thatch is nothing but dry straw, dry water reed, dried rushes etc. These are the oldest roofing materials
which are still in use in some remote locations of the world and even in cities for aesthetic attractions.
It is cheaply available for roofing and a good insulator too.

Fig 11: Thatch Roofing

12. Composites
Roof panels made of composite materials such as foam or cellulose layer sandwiched between two metal
sheets or two plastic sheets also come under green building materials.
They are light in weight, inexpensive and provide good insulation for the structure and save energy.

Fig 12: Composite Roof Panels

Compiled by Ar.Bhagyashree 10

13. Natural Fiber

Natural fibers like cotton, wool can also be used as insulation materials.
Recycled cotton fibers or wool fibers are converted into a batt and installed in preformed wooden frame

Fig 13: Cotton Insulation

14. Polyurethane
Polyurethane foam is available in the form of spray bottles. They are directly sprayed onto the surface or
wall or to which part insulation is required.
After spraying it expands and forms a thick layer which hardens later on.
They offer excellent insulation and prevent leakage of air.

Fig 14: Polyurethane Foam Spray

Compiled by Ar.Bhagyashree 11

15. Fiberglass
Fiberglass is also used for insulation purposes in the form of fiberglass batts.
Even though it contains some toxic binding agents, because of its super insulation property at low cost it
can be considered as a green building material.

Fig 15: Fibreglass batt

16. Cellulose
Cellulose is a recycled product of paper waste and it is widely used around the world for insulation
purposes in structure.
It acts as good sound insulator and available for cheap prices in the market.

Fig 16: Installing Cellulose Insulation

Compiled by Ar.Bhagyashree 12

17. Cork
Cork is also a good insulator. Boards or panels made of cork are available in markets.
A great amount of electrical energy can be saved by corkboard insulation in winter.
These cork boards are also good for sound insulation.

Fig 17: Installing Cork Boards

18. Polystyrene and isocyanurate

Polystyrene and isocyanurate foam sheets are another type of insulation materials which are available in
the form of boards or sheets.
These are generally provided as insulators on exterior sides of a structure, below the grade etc.

Fig 18: Installation of Polystyrene Foam Sheets

Compiled by Ar.Bhagyashree 13

19. Natural Clay

Plastering of walls can be done using natural clay rather than other gypsum-based plasters.
Natural clay plaster with proper workmanship gives a beautiful appearance to the interior.

Fig 19: Natural Clay Plastered Wall

20. Non-VOC paints

Non-VOC paint or green paint is recommended over VOC containing paints.
Presence of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in paint reacts with sunlight and nitrogen oxide resulting in
the formation of ozone which can cause severe health problems for the occupants.
If non-VOC paint is not available then try the paint with very low-VOC content in it.

Fig 20: Non-VOC Paint

Compiled by Ar.Bhagyashree 14

21. Natural Fiber Floor

Naturally occurring materials like bamboo, wool and cotton fiber carpets, cork etc. can be used for flooring

Fig 21: Natural Fiber Flooring Rugs

22. Fiber Cement

Fiber cement boards are made of cement, sand and wood fibers.
For exterior siding, fiber cement boards are good choice because of their cheap price, good durability and
good resistance against fire.

Fig 22: Exterior Siding with Fiber Cement Boards

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23. Stone
Stone is a naturally occurring and a long-lasting building material. Some Stone structures built hundreds of
years ago are still in existence without much abrasion.
Stones are good against weathering hence they can be used to construct exterior walls, steps, exterior
flooring etc.

Fig 23: Natural Stone Wall

Compiled by Ar.Bhagyashree 16

Definition: "Bios" means life, "Mimicry" means imitation.
• Biomimicry is the practice of learning from and then emulating life’s genius to solve human
problems and create more sustainable designs. Biomimicry is a branch of science, a problem-solving
method, a sustainability ethos, a movement, a stance toward nature, and a new way of viewing and
valuing biodiversity.

Biomimicry is the conscious emulation of life’s genius

• Biomimicry implies conscious forethought, an active seeking of nature’s advice before something is
• ‘Life’s genius,’ refers to the fact that these technologies are more than simply clever - they have the
spark of true insight because they’ve evolved in response to Earth’s mandates. Life’s true genius is
in how its technologies contribute to the continuation of not just one life but all life on earth.

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Biomimicry and architecture

• Nature's designs are organic. Their shapes depend upon their functions. They are not linear. They
are not based on lines and are therefore not limited by them. In nature, designs are organic; they
are very small (only as big they need to be to fit the function). Human designs are very geometric
and they are often larger than most natural inventions. Human's inventions are very brittle, stiff,
and most of them depend on wheels for mobility.
• Architects have long taken inspiration from nature. In ancient Egypt columns were modeled on
palm trees and lotus plants, and building designers have borrowed the shapes and proportions of
natural forms ever since as they strived to achieve aesthetic perfection.
• Some architects now believe that such biomimicry has more to offer than simply making buildings
look good. They are copying functional systems found in nature to provide cooling, generate energy
and even to desalinate water. And they insist that doing these using biomimetic designs is not just a
gimmick, but makes financial sense

Biomimicry And Nature

If we want to consciously emulate nature's genius, we need to look at nature differently. In biomimicry,
we look at nature as model, measure, and mentor.

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• By looking at biological and botanical life for ideas that can be exported to architecture branching,
membranes, photosynthesis, leaf phyllotaxis,etc. an agenda of design concepts can be proposed
that simulates desirable properties found in nature for deployment in building. Material scientists
are looking to a process called biomimetic investigation where researchers look to natural forms of
life and organic elements shells, fish, bacteria,etc. for properties such as hardness, lightness,
softness,etc. to extract for new materials and new ways of manufacturing.
• The concept of biomimicry in itself is nothing new. Human structures have borrowed from nature
throughout history. Our first shelters, for example, were little more than upturned bird's nests:
formed of branches and insulated against the elements by whatever materials were readily
available. In fact, it could be argued that biomimicry is not a new movement, but a return to our
earliest inspirations. New technologies, however, have allowed us to investigate and replicate
systems that our ancestors were unable to exploit on grand scale

Approaches to biomimicry
Approaches to biomimicry as a design process typically fall into two categories : defining a human need or
design problem and looking to the ways other organisms or ecosystems solve this, termed here design
looking to biology, or identifying a particular characteristic, behaviour or function in an organism or
ecosystem and translating that into human designs, referred to as biology influencing design.

Approach to biomimetic investigation

• Approaches to biomimicry as a design process typically fall into two categories: defining a human
need or design problem and looking to the way’s other organisms, termed here design looking to
biology, or identifying a particular characteristic, behaviour or function in an organism and
translating that into human designs, referred to as biology influencing design.
1. Define the problem & its context
2. Find organisms with a similar problem, see what they do, find many divergent organisms to
see which has the best / most relevant strategy.
3. Translates the best strategy to a buildable thing, if necessary, find an expert to help.
• The approach where designers look to the living world for solutions requires designers to identify
problems and biologists to then match these to organisms that have solved similar issues. This
approach is effectively led by designers identifying initial goals for design.

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• Carl hastrich suggested they represent the process in a spiral that would be visually understandable
to designers.

Design spiral " design to biology approach

An example of such an approach is daimlerchrysler's prototype bionic car. the design for the car was based
on the boxfish a surprisingly aerodynamic fish given its box like shape which make it more efficient in terms
of fuel use. the chassis and structure of the car are also biomimetic, having been designed based upon how
tree are able to grow in a way that minimizes stress concentrations.

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Biomimicry principles
The biomimicry principles focus exclusively on nature's attributes; thereby implying that humans have
much to learn from the billions of years of the natural world's evolutionary experience.
a- nature uses only the energy it needs
b- Nature fits form to function
c- Nature recycles everything
d- Nature banks on diversity
e- Nature demands local expertise

Three Levels of Mimicry

Biomimicry can work on three levels:
the organism, its behaviours, and the ecosystem.
• Buildings on the organism level mimic a specific organism. Working on this level alone without
mimicking how the organism participates in a larger context may not be sufficient to produce a
building that integrates well with its environment because an organism always functions and
responds to a larger context.
• On a behaviour level, buildings mimic how an organism behaves or relates to its larger context. On
the level of the ecosystem, a building mimics the natural process and cycle of the greater
• Ecosystem principles follow that ecosystems are dependent on contemporary sunlight; optimize
the system rather than its components; are attuned to and dependent on local conditions; are
diverse in components, relationships and information; create conditions favourable to sustained
life; and adapt and evolve at different levels and at different rates.
• Essentially, this means that a number of components and processes make up an ecosystem and
they must work with each other rather than against in order for the ecosystem to run smoothly. For
architectural design to mimic nature on the ecosystem level it should follow these six principles.

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1. Organism Level
On the organism level, the architecture looks to the organism itself, applying its form and/or functions to a

Gherkin Venus Flower Basket (sponge-labelled)

Norman Foster’s Gherkin Tower (2003) has a hexagonal skin inspired by the Venus Flower Basket Sponge.
This sponge sits in an underwater environment with strong water currents and its lattice-like exoskeleton
and round shape help disperse those stresses on the organism.

2. Behaviour Level
On the behaviour level, the building mimics how the organism interacts with its environment to
build a structure that can also fit in without resistance in its surrounding environment.

Termite mounds Namibia Eastgate Centre, Harare, Zimbabwe

The Eastgate Centre designed by architect Mick Pearce in conjunction with engineers at Arup Associates is
a large office and shopping complex in Harare, Zimbabwe. To minimize potential costs of regulating the
building's inner temperature Pearce looked to the self-cooling mounds of African termites. The building
has no air-conditioning or heating but regulates its temperature with a passive cooling system inspired by
the self-cooling mounds of African termites. The structure, however, does not have to look like a termite
mound to function like one and instead aesthetically draws from indigenous Zimbabwean masonry.

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3. Ecosystem Level
• Building on the ecosystem level involves mimicking of how the environments many components
work together and tends to be on the urban scale or a larger project with multiple elements rather
than a solitary structure.
• Lavasa, India is a proposed 8000-acre city by HOK (Hellmuth, Obata, and Kassabaum) planned for a
region of India subject to monsoon flooding. The HOK team determined that the site's original
ecosystem was a moist deciduous forest before it had become an arid landscape. In response to the
season flooding, they designed the building foundations to store water like the former trees did.
City rooftops mimic native the banyan fig leaf looking to its drip-tip system that allows water to run
off while simultaneously cleaning its surface.The strategy to move excess water through channels is
borrowed from local harvester ants, which use multi-path channels to divert water away from their

Applications and analysis

1) Biomimicry inspires by animals
Eiffel tower
It is an Exposition observation tower, it was made of Exposed iron, located on theChamp de Mars in Paris,
Built in 1889, engineer Gustave Eiffel and its style is Victorian structural expressionist.
The Eiffel tower was built with a structure similar to that of the Thigh bone head. Thanks to this design, the
tower acquired an unshakable structure that also solved the ventilation problem. The Eiffel tower's metal
curves formed a lattice built from metal studs and braces.

The thigh bone

The latticework, copied from bones, has become one of the basic elements employed in construction techniques
today. It requires fewer materials, and makes for a building framework that's both strong.

Compiled by Ar.Bhagyashree 23

Waterloo international terminal

The pangolin

• It is a terminal building, it was made of Steel and glass,located on London, Built in 1993,
engineer Nicholas grimshaw and its style is modern.
• The terminal needed to be able to respond to changes in air pressure as trains enter and depart the
• The glass panel fixings that make up the structure mimic the flexible scale arrangement of the
pangolin so they are able to move in response to the imposed air pressure forces

The Waterloo terminal Plan of international terminal Interior of terminal

2) Biomimicry inspires by plants
It is a Railway station; it was made of Steel and concrete, located On Portugal, Built in 1998, engineer
Santigo calatrava and its style is modern This building grows in lightness by each meter higher from the
subway station to the railway one. From this Railway Station some steel and glass trees of 25 meters and
40 tons each one, grow to the top, showing a structure similar to a bot palm tree wood.

Compiled by Ar.Bhagyashree 24

3) Biomimicry inspires by nature

National Aquatics Center
It is a Sports complex; it was made of Steel, located onchina, Built in 2008, engineer Jorn utzon and its style
isContemporary, sustainable. The honey-comb structure appears to be a pool of water from an aerial view,
and purposely created with the intention to host the national swimming events. Additionally, these
structures haven taken cues from nature and biomimicry.the watercube's design is based on water bubbles
in foam and while it may seem random; this structure is derived from principles of geometry and
crystalline systems.

Fig (28): exterior facade

Fig (29): interior view

Fig (30): view of the water cube

Compiled by Ar.Bhagyashree 25

Low impact construction

• All buildings which aim to reduce their impact on the environment could be called, at least, ‘lower
impact’ but the term has come to mean those buildings using largely natural or organic materials.
‘Low Impact Construction’ serves to describe a body of work which takes in most of the more
radical attempts to produce ‘deep green’ buildings with a quite different approach to construction
and the creation of comfort.
• Apart from caves, all human habitation damages nature to some extent. Low-impact building is
about keeping this damage to a minimum. This introduction is about new builds (or extensions) –
but remember that retrofitting an existing house is more environmentally-friendly than
demolishing it to build an eco-home. Building your own home, either yourself or with a contractor,
is a big project, and this is necessarily only a brief overview. There are lots more contacts and
sources of information on this site that will help you with the details of low-impact building.
• Although the term describes a wide range of techniques, many of the principles, or characteristics
of these buildings are shared and are distinct from much mainstream construction.

Small scale and rural

• One characteristic of almost all low impact construction is that it remains small scale and usually
• This often diminishes its value and relevance so it is worth stressing that there are few technical
reasons why most of the construction types discussed could not be employed on both a large scale,
and in urban situations.
• It is likely that the small scale and rural aspect to most low impact buildings is one reason why
clients and builders feel able to experiment.
• As a result, it is likely that many of the most valuable innovations and developments which will
pervade more mainstream construction in the future are being tried out even now in sheds,
extensions and small homes up and down the country!

Very low embodied energy

• Low impact buildings are almost always buildings with low embodied energy in their fabric, where
the use of natural materials is often the starting point for clients and designers alike. Such buildings
tend to be energy efficient as well, but this is often secondary.

Local, unconventional materials

• Sourcing materials can be problematic. Simply finding the material(s) can be difficult, particularly in
urban areas. In addition, materials are rarely standard, nor have any recognised performance
criteria (in a conventional sense).
• This puts the onus onto someone involved in the construction to be sufficiently expert in the field
to be confident when it comes to sourcing the right material.
• In addition, there is often no commonly recognised framework for cost so it can be difficult not only
to budget, but to know if you are getting a good deal. And the issue of cost is complicated by
transport, storage and by the seasons.

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Low material costs, high labour costs

• Generally speaking, the material costs of low impact constructions tend to be low, but these are
usually offset by higher costs associated with labour and time. This often means that the
anticipated lower costs of low impact buildings are not realised.
• Many self-builders get involved in building in order to offset some of the labour costs associated
with builders and the normal mark-ups by developers and so on.
• However, the costs of materials remain broadly the same, due to lack of trade discounts, whereas
low impact construction using naturally occurring materials or resources can offer further
opportunities to save money.

Passive environmental control

• Most of the natural materials and coatings associated with low impact construction are
hygroscopic. Clay in particular absorbs and desorbs moisture freely and as such can act as a
moderator of the humidity in the air, though ventilation remains the key tool for this.
• This function of balancing the relative humidity in the room is particularly valuable for occupant
health, since many of the health problems associated with modern buildings can be exacerbated by
extremes of relative humidity.
• The same is true in regard to heating, and the concept of thermal mass is well understood. With
both thermal mass, and moisture mass, some understanding of the issues is required, but it is
possible to actually design the internal climate of a building so as to most benefit the health of
occupants without the use of moving parts and the associated maintenance problems.
• Maintenance has become a dirty word for some, and much talk is made of “maintenance free”
construction and products.
• However, in cheating the natural cycles of decay, these products have invariably introduced toxins
and alien materials which are environmentally damaging and, in most cases, can only prolong the
inevitable for a certain time.
• In the process, the culture of maintenance is abandoned and when something does go wrong, even
when only a small part is broken, most “maintenance free” products are removed and landfilled.
• In contrast, an environmental approach ‒ and the approach of all low impact construction ‒ is to
accept an element of maintenance and to design this into the process of co-habitation with your
building. Maintenance is regular, but simple, and in the process the building and its elements are
able to be kept in good order far longer ‒ and therefore far more cheaply in the long run ‒ than
their maintenance-free counterparts.

Compiled by Ar.Bhagyashree 27

A cob building being built up in stages. A lime and stone

foundation wall has layers of a mix of earth and straw laid
over. The lower parts have been ‘shaved’ to form a (relatively)
neat surface, while the most recently added top section is ‘as
trodden in’.

Common materials and systems of low impact construction

• Earth is still the most widespread construction material known and one third of humanity still live in
earthen buildings. The material even gave its name to the entire planet ‒ or was it the other way
around - but in any event comes with significant pedigree. Vernacular forms of earth construction
survive in many parts of the world and remain instructive on the most efficient way to produce
earthen buildings even today.
• There are a number of techniques but broadly they can be divided into three.
• The first involves stacking and compressing earth to form a monolithic wall ‒ examples are ʻcobʼ
and rammed earth (using shuttering).
• The second uses earth pre-formed and dried into blocks or ʻadobesʼ and then built up. Both
techniques employ earth as the principal load-bearing material. The principal advantage of the
latter is that it avoids most of the problems associated with shrinkage, whilst the main
disadvantage is that it entails double handling.
• The third alternative is to mix earth with some filler material like straw and apply it to a framework
which takes the structural loads. This was more common traditionally where timber supplies were
plentiful. The common disadvantage of all earth constructions nowadays is that it is difficult to
attain the thermal insulation values required by the Building Regulations.

Light earth and hemp-lime

• One way around the above problem of insulation is to increase the level of insulating filler, and
usually the depth of the mix so that the overall wall complies with modern requirements for
thermal performance.
• This can be done in a number of way, but the main techniques employed use earth / clay and straw,
or in one example lime and hemp, to form a solid, non-loadbearing fairly well insulating mass wall.
Both techniques require drying out times and are still fairly labour intensive, though more
mechanised, and pre-fabricated options exist.

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Straw bale construction

• Straw bale construction normally involves placing rectangular bales exactly as bricks are placed to
form a wide, hairy wall which can be either load bearing or infill to a structural frame, and which is
normally plastered on both sides with a clay or lime-based render.
• Straw bale construction has a number of advantages over earth and insulated earth construction
types. It is a dry system and so has none of the (admittedly minor) problems associated with drying
out and shrinkage.
• It is also a very good insulation material which, when combined with the sensible placement of
thermal mass, makes a lot of sense overall in the UK. Third, it is quite quick to construct, but
possibly more involved than the other techniques to adequately finish.
• There is no doubt however that straw bale construction is relatively quick, cheap and easy to do,
and increasingly easy to get through the legislative and financial hurdles which often bedevil low
impact projects.

Other crops
A number of bio-based materials have found their way into the building material supply chain, though
these are mostly imported into the UK. Among these are hemp, flax, and sheeps wool, all used for
insulation while flax is also used in the manufacture of linoleum. sisal, coir and jute are used in carpet
manufacture, and reeds are becoming a little more common not only for traditional thatching, but bound
and used as backings to plasters and renders.

• So widespread it is easily overlooked that timber forms the mainstay of much conventional, very
high impact construction, but has the capacity also to be an integral part of very low impact
construction if used wisely. If sourced from local (at least, not imported) and certified forests, and if
used efficiently and without chemical treatment, and if detailed well so as to be durable, timber
represents a low impact material choice.
• The Segal method uses timber very efficiently, roundpole construction reduces the machining of
timber while retaining all of its strength, and gridshell construction enables very efficient use of
small amounts of timber yet creates large span structures. Using ʻgreenʼ timber avoids the energy
associated with kiln drying and there are a number of ways in which timber can be used.

• Traditional stone and brick construction, using lime and clay mortars probably counts as a low
impact strategy, depending on how the insulation required is achieved.
• Reclaimed elements such as tiles and slates reduce the overall impact, and it is becoming possible
in some parts of England to reproduce traditional footings with stone and lime in what may be
termed low impact foundations.
• People are becoming more familiar with the use of lime, and increasingly, clay, for mortars and
plasters. Perhaps the main advantage of these materials for mortars, unlike cement, is that the
bricks or blocks can more readily be re-used at the end of their lifetime, and that is the real tragedy
of cement (which acts as a type of glue).

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Re-used and recycled materials

• A few constructional techniques have been developed to deal directly with some of the waste
arisings from industry. One of the most enduring has been the common tyre.
• Rammed full of earth and tied together these have become symbols, especially in the US, of
ecological design through the re-use of waste (Earthships).
• Drinks cans and bottles, short logs and many other unlikely materials have been similarly employed
to create walls, which are often however sadly little more than a matrix of cement mortar.
However, the principal of using waste materials is a sound one, and be it tyres or recycled paper
insulation there is no doubt the impact of development is reduced.

Best Practices
Waste Reduction and Recycling
• Take a comprehensive view of construction waste produced by all trades on the project beginning
with site clearing and excavation. Determine the waste products of each activity and the potential
to avoid waste.
• Balancing the site’s earthwork cut and fill to avoid haul-off or imported soil will achieve both
reduced costs and minimal environmental damage.
• Use onsite material for backfill and paving base.
• Adopt purchasing procedures that promote minimal and/or returnable packaging.
• Survey local waste haulers to determine their level of experience in construction waste recycling.
• Contract for the required documentation to achieve the credit. If local haulers operate a transfer
station, it may be just as economical to haul un-segregated waste. Include waste reduction and
recycling obligations in contracts.
• Avoid waste by proper activity sequences, just-in-time delivery, pre-install inspections, and loss
prevention practices.

Site & Materials Management

• Plan to minimize impacts for on- and off-site traffic.
• Consider the flow of material and workers through and around existing occupied space.
• Consider the possible impact to natural features and amenities of the site and implement
protective measures.
• Develop a designated area for equipment washing, fuelling and oiling activities and prevent spills
from contaminating soil and water.
• Confine laydown and shakeout areas for project deliveries to minimum practicable areas.

Infection Control
• Project Owners are responsible for developing and implementing an effective infection control
policy on their premises.
• Use an integrated team to conduct a construction practices workshop during the development of
the design.

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• Follow Joint Commission and Centers for Disease Control recommendations for Infection Control
Risk Assessment.
• Evaluate potential risk exposures and develop management plans that are consistent with the
Owner’s infection control policy. Include appropriate requirements in project documents.
Common practices to reduce infection control concerns during construction
1. Dust control
2. Fumes
3. Noise
4. Spills
5. Waste
6. Damage
7. Energy
8. Moisture
9. Utility and Emissions Control

Research has correlated significantly higher rates for serious disease in populations living near landfill sites.
Disruption of the physical environment within and near hospitals due to construction and demolition has
been linked to infection outbreaks. Byproducts of construction activity include: noise, vibration, dust and
fumes from materials and equipment operation that may affect patient recovery and worker health.
Health care workers, patients, visitors and the community-at-large benefit from the industry’s
implementation of low impact construction practices.
Attention to the waste stream from construction and related activity keeps harmful materials out of the
environment and conserves natural resources. Construction and demolition waste may contain
contamination from common health care practices. PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), mercury, lead, and
infectious material residues that are dormant within existing structures may be released to the
environment during demolition, landfilling or incineration. Proper disposal practice and sensitive site
management practices avoid environmental damage.
The construction waste stream has value and can be managed as effectively as any other project activity.
National waste haulers are pursuing this business aggressively and may offer reduced hauling charges or
revenue sharing contracts for segregated waste. Carefully consider the risk reduction potential of low
impact construction practices. Where there are significant risks with high probability of loss, review them
with the insurance underwriter and develop economic models that offer reduced premiums for
implementing enhanced risk management.

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Embodied energy
• Embodied energy is the sum of all the energy required to produce any goods or services,
considered as if that energy was incorporated or 'embodied' in the product itself.
• The concept can be useful in determining the effectiveness of energy-producing or energy-saving
devices, or the "real" replacement cost of a building, and, because energy-inputs usually
entail greenhouse gas emissions, in deciding whether a product contributes to or mitigates global
• One fundamental purpose for measuring this quantity is to compare the amount of energy
produced or saved by the product in question to the amount of energy consumed in producing it.
• Embodied energy is an accounting method which aims to find the sum of the energy necessary for
an entire product lifecycle.
• Determining what constitutes this lifecycle includes assessing the relevance and extent of energy
into raw material extraction, transport, manufacture, assembly, installation, disassembly,
deconstruction and/or decomposition as well as human and secondary resources.

Why reduce embodied energy?

• Energy consumption during manufacture can give an approximate indication of the environmental
impact of the material, and for most building materials, the major environmental impacts occur
during the initial processes.
• The total amount of embodied energy may account for 20% of the building’s energy use, so
reducing embodied energy can significantly reduce the overall environmental impact of the
• Embodied energy must be considered over the lifespan of a building, and in many situations, a
higher embodied energy building material or system may be justified because it reduces the
operating energy requirements of the building. For example, a durable material with a long lifespan
such as aluminium may be the appropriate material selection despite its high embodied energy.
• As the energy efficiency of a building increases, reducing the energy consumption, the embodied
energy of the building materials will also become increasingly important.

How is embodied energy measured?

Embodied energy is measured as the quantity of non-renewable energy per unit of building material,
component or system. It is expressed in megajoules (MJ) or gigajoules (GJ) per unit weight (kg or tonne) or
area (m2) but the process of calculating embodied energy is complex and involves numerous sources of

Reducing embodied energy

• Buildings should be designed and materials selected to balance embodied energy with factors such
as climate, availability of materials and transport costs.
• Lightweight building materials often have lower embodied energy than heavyweight materials, but
in some situations, lightweight construction may result in higher energy use. For example, where
heating or cooling requirements are high, this may raise the overall energy use of the building.

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• Conversely, for buildings with high heating or cooling requirements but where there is a large
diurnal (day/night) temperature range, heavyweight construction (typically with high embodied
energy) and the inclusion of high levels of insulation can offset the energy use required for the

When selecting building materials, the embodied energy should be considered with respect to:
1. the durability of building materials
2. how easily materials can be separated
3. use of locally sourced materials
4. use of recycled materials
5. specifying standard sizes of materials
6. avoiding waste
7. selecting materials that are manufactured using renewable energy sources.

Recycled building materials based on waste.



• There is an established tradition for salvaging and recycling building and construction materials. For
hundreds of years after the end of the Roman empire, groups plundered buildings as a source for
new materials. Often, skilfully-worked stone masonry and fired clay products were incorporated
into altogether cruder new buildings.
• Demolition waste has long been broken down and used as foundations and sub-bases for
new construction, roads and other pavements. There is now a movement towards, and
encouragement for, recycling old concrete as crushed aggregate for new concrete, although there
can be legitimate concerns and certainly more caution must be exercised with respect to
fine aggregate.

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• More valued building elements, such

as ashlar blocks, bricks, roofing slates, tiles, lintels, flooring tiles and decorative items, have long
been recovered and re-used. In recent times, as we have become more sensitive to the need to
minimise waste and maximise re-use, this trade has organised itself into centres where items can
be sold, sorted and purchased.
• Alongside this admirable recovery and re-use of construction materials, there has been a gradually
increasing role for redundant or waste products. Large quantities of industrial wastes and by-
products, such as slags, have found extensive and largely beneficial uses in construction and this
trend is increasing.
• Civil engineers will be aware of many other examples of this growing endeavour to
consume waste or previously-used products as an alternative to extracting or making
new construction materials. However, it is a constantly changing situation, partly because the
availability of wastes or by-products can and does fluctuate.
• Two extremely popular construction materials in common usage worldwide; blast-furnace slag by-
product from the iron and steel industry in its ground granulated form, and fly ash waste(including
pulverised-fuel ash) from coal-burning furnaces, might face at least regional supplyshortages going
• Some of the former large producers of iron and steel, including the UK, are increasingly focusing
on specialist rather than bulk production, with consequently reduced slag outputs, although
interestingly, there could soon be a new lease of life from the processing of
recycled iron and steel materials.
• In the case of fly ash and other types of produced ash (such as rice husk ash), this possible shortage
could be more profound worldwide as there is a global move away from coal and other carbon-
burning for environmental reasons.

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Life-cycle assessment (LCA, also known as life-cycle analysis, ecobalance, and cradle-to-grave analysis) is
a technique to assess environmental impacts associated with all the stages of a product's life from raw
material extraction through materials processing, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance,
and disposal or recycling. Designers use this process to help critique their products. LCAs can help avoid a
narrow outlook on environmental concerns by:
• Compiling an inventory of relevant energy and material inputs and environmental releases;
• Evaluating the potential impacts associated with identified inputs and releases;
• Interpreting the results to help make a more informed decision.

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• The goal of LCA is to compare the full range of environmental effects assignable to products and
services by quantifying all inputs and outputs of material flows and assessing how these material
flows affect the environment. This information is used to improve processes, support policy and
provide a sound basis for informed decisions.
• The term life cycle refers to the notion that a fair, holistic assessment requires the assessment of
raw-material production, manufacture, distribution, use and disposal including all intervening
transportation steps necessary or caused by the product's existence.
• There are two main types of LCA.
1. Attributional LCAs seek to establish (or attribute) the burdens associated with the production and
use of a product, or with a specific service or process, at a point in time (typically the recent past).
2. Consequential LCAs seek to identify the environmental consequences of a decision or a proposed
change in a system under study (oriented to the future), which means that market and economic
implications of a decision may have to be considered. Social LCA is under development as a
different approach to life cycle thinking intended to assess social implications or potential impacts.
Social LCA should be considered as an approach that is complementary to environmental LCA.

Four main phases

According to the ISO 14040 and 14044 standards a Life Cycle Assessment is carried out in four distinct
phases as illustrated in the figure shown to the right. The phases are often interdependent in that the
results of one phase will inform how other phases are completed.

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An LCA starts with an explicit statement of the goal and scope of the study, which sets out the context of
the study and explains how and to whom the results are to be communicated. This is a key step and the
ISO standards require that the goal and scope of an LCA be clearly defined and consistent with the
intended application. The goal and scope document, therefore, includes technical details that guide
subsequent work:
• The functional unit, which defines what precisely is being studied and quantifies the service
delivered by the product system, providing a reference to which the inputs and outputs can be
related. Further, the functional unit is an important basis that enables alternative goods, or
services, to be compared and analysed. So, to explain this a functional system which inputs,
processes and outputs is contains a functional unit, that fulfils a function, for example paint is
covering a wall, making a functional unit of 1m² covered for 10 years. The functional flow would be
the items necessary for that function, so this would be a brush, tin of paint and the paint itself.
• The system boundaries; which are delimitations of which processes that should be included in the
analysis of a product system.
• Any assumptions and limitations
• The allocation methods used to partition an environmental load of a process when several
products or functions share the same process; allocation is commonly dealt with in one of three
ways: system expansion, substitution, and partition. Doing this is not easy and different methods
may give different results
• The impact categories chosen for example human toxicity, smog, global warming, eutrophication.


The inventory analysis is a technical process based on data to quantify the energy and raw materials
consumed the emission of particles to the atmosphere and water, solid wastes and any other discharge to
the environment during the complete life cycle of a product, process, material or activity.
This is, it is the stage where the data to quantify the direct inputs and outputs of materials and energy of
the system under study is gathered, defined in the previous stage, coming to the elementary flows.
The inventory data gathering is the most time and resources consuming in the process in the making of an
LCA, since they must be compiled with quality and accuracy.

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Life Cycle Inventory Assessment (LCIA)

The impact evaluation is a technical process to identify, characterize and quantify the effects on the
environment of the studied system (F. Consoli & SETAC-Europe, 1993).
The goal of this stage is to interpret the results obtained during the inventory, analyzing and evaluating the
impacts produced by the environmental charges identified in it (Fullana & Puig, 1997). The LCIA consists of
several states determined by ISO 14040 (Figure 3).
These stages are:
a) Characterization. Its purpose is to apply models to the impact categories in order to obtain
environmental indicators.
b) Normalization. Its purpose is to evaluate the significance of the environmental profile obtained in the
previous stage, obtaining non-dimensional results that can be compared one to each other. This is a key
stage to visualize the relative importance of each impact category.
c) Ponderation. Its goal is to evaluate in a qualitative and quantitative way the importance of each impact
category in order to obtain a sole result or environmental index.

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• Life Cycle Interpretation is a systematic technique to identify, quantify, check, and evaluate
information from the results of the life cycle inventory and/or the life cycle impact assessment.
• The results from the inventory analysis and impact assessment are summarized during the
interpretation phase.
• The outcome of the interpretation phase is a set of conclusions and recommendations for the
study. According to ISO 14040:2006, the interpretation should include:
1. identification of significant issues based on the results of the LCI and LCIA phases of an LCA;
2. evaluation of the study considering completeness, sensitivity and consistency checks; and
3. conclusions, limitations and recommendations.

• LCA has major roles in environmental impact assessment, integrated waste management and
pollution studies.
• A recent study evaluated the LCA of a laboratory scale plant for oxygen enriched air production
coupled with its economic evaluation in a holistic eco-design standpoint.
• LCA has also been used to assess the environmental impacts of pavement maintenance, repair, and
rehabilitation activities.

Cradle-to-grave is the full Life Cycle Assessment from resource extraction ('cradle') to use phase and
disposal phase ('grave'). For example, trees produce paper, which can be recycled into low-energy
production cellulose (fiberised paper) insulation, then used as an energy-saving device in the ceiling of a
home for 40 years, saving 2,000 times the fossil-fuel energy used in its production. After 40 years
the cellulose fibers are replaced and the old fibers are disposed of, possibly incinerated. All inputs and
outputs are considered for all the phases of the life cycle.

• Cradle-to-gate is an assessment of a partial product life cycle from resource extraction (cradle) to
the factory gate (i.e., before it is transported to the consumer).
• The use phase and disposal phase of the product are omitted in this case. Cradle-to-gate
assessments are sometimes the basis for environmental product declarations(EPD) termed
business-to-business EPDs.
• One of the significant uses of the cradle-to-gate approach compiles the life cycle inventory (LCI)
using cradle-to-gate.
• This allows the LCA to collect all the impacts leading up to resources being purchased by the facility.
• They can then add the steps involved in their transport to plant and manufacture process to more
easily produce their own cradle-to-gate values for their products.

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Cradle-to-cradle or closed loop production

• Cradle-to-cradle is a specific kind of cradle-to-grave assessment, where the end-of-life disposal step
for the product is a recycling process. It is a method used to minimize the environmental impact of
products by employing sustainable production, operation, and disposal practices and aims to
incorporate social responsibility into product development.
• From the recycling process originate new, identical products (e.g., asphalt pavement from
discarded asphalt pavement, glass bottles from collected glass bottles), or different products (e.g.,
glass wool insulation from collected glass bottles).
• Allocation of burden for products in open loop production systems presents considerable
challenges for LCA. Various methods, such as the avoided burden approach have been proposed to
deal with the issues involved.

Gate-to-gate is a partial LCA looking at only one value-added process in the entire production chain. Gate-
to-gate modules may also later be linked in their appropriate production chain to form a complete cradle-
to-gate evaluation.

Well-to-wheel is the specific LCA used for transport fuels and vehicles. The analysis is often broken down
into stages entitled "well-to-station", or "well-to-tank", and "station-to-wheel" or "tank-to-wheel", or
"plug-to-wheel". The first stage, which incorporates the feedstock or fuel production and processing and
fuel delivery or energy transmission, and is called the "upstream" stage, while the stage that deals with
vehicle operation itself is sometimes called the "downstream" stage. The well-to-wheel analysis is
commonly used to assess total energy consumption, or the energy conversion
efficiency and emissions impact of marine vessels, aircraft and motor vehicles, including their carbon
footprint, and the fuels used in each of these transport modes. WtW analysis is useful for reflecting the
different efficiencies and emissions of energy technologies and fuels at both the upstream and
downstream stages, giving a more complete picture of real emissions.

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Four Components of Life-cycle Analysis and Example Outcomes

The LCA process is a systematic, phased approach and consists of four components: goal definition and
scoping, inventory analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation.
1.Goal definition and scoping−Define and describe the product, process or activity. Establish the context in
which the assessment is to be made and identify the boundaries and environmental effects to be reviewed
for the assessment.
2.Inventory Analysis−Identify and quantify energy, water and materials usage and environmental releases
(e.g., air emissions, solid waste disposal, wastewater discharges).
3.Impact Assessment−Assess the potential human and ecological effects of energy, water, and material
usage and the environmental releases identified in the inventory analysis.
4.Interpretation−Evaluate the results of the inventory analysis and impact assessment to select the
preferred product, process or service with a clear understanding of the uncertainty and the assumptions
used to generate the results.

By performing an LCA, decision-makers can:

• Develop a systematic evaluation of the environmental consequences associated with a given
• Analyse the environmental trade-offs associated with one or more specific products/processes to
help gain stakeholder (state, community, etc.) acceptance for a planned action.
• Quantify environmental releases to air, water, and land in relation to each life cycle stage and/or
major contributing process.
• Assess the human and ecological effects of material consumption and environmental releases to
the local community, region, and world.
• Compare the health and ecological impacts between two or more rival products/processes or
identify the impacts of a specific product or process.

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Materials (Resources) and its Classification

• All things that are useful to us are called resources. Air, water, land, soil, forest etc are all resources.
Resources are useful raw materials that we get from nature.
• These are naturally occurring materials.
• They are useful for us in many ways, and we keep developing new ways to use them or convert
them into useful things.

Classification of Resources
Natural resources are valuable to us. The broadest classification of resources is done on the basis of their
replenishing ability.
1. Non-Renewable resources
2. Renewable resources

Renewable resources
When talking about classification of resources, we will first see the renewable resources. Renewable
resources are those resources that can be replenished or renewed naturally over time.
Air, water, wind, solar energy etc are all renewable resources. Renewable resources can be easily renewed
by nature.
1. Solar energy
Sun is a big source of energy. The energy that we get from the Sun is called solar energy. All the
natural phenomenon like the flowing of wind, water cycle, photosynthesis etc are possible only due to
solar energy. Now a day, solar energy is being used to cook food with the help of solar cookers, heat water,
light streets, pump water for irrigating fields etc.
2. Hydro-Energy
Water is important natural resources. All living organisms need water to live. Humans need water for many
purposes such as drinking, cleaning, cooking and for growing crops. Water flowing into the river or water
stored in a dam is sources of hydro energy. The Simple method to use hydro energy is to convert it
into electrical energy.
3. Wind energy
Winds are constantly being created in nature. The windmill is a source of electrical energy. These windmills
are generally established only at places where most of the days in a year experience strong wind. The
energy from this wind is used for grinding grain, pumping water and to produce electricity. In India, many
windmills have been set up in different places such as Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Kerala, West
Bengal and Gujarat.
4. Biogas
Biogas is a type of fuel which is a mixture of gases such as methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen etc which is
obtained by decomposition of animal and plant wastes like animal dung, with the help of micro-
organisms in the presence of water. It is used as fuel in gas stove especially in rural areas.

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5. Wood
Wood is an ancient and traditional source of energy. It is mainly a mixture of many carbohydrate
compounds. Wood is used to cook food. It leads to deforestation and pollutes air also. In India, still in many
villages, they use wood chullas to cook food every day. While having ill effects on the environment, it is
also harmful to human health
6. Hydrogen
It is a good source of energy because it does not create pollution and produce maximum energy on
burning. Hydrogen has the potential to be the answer to all our energy and fuel troubles. Technology is
currently being developed to fully utilize hydrogen efficiency.
7. Alcohol
Alcohol has many commercial and medical purposes. It can use for producing energy. It can be obtained
while making sugar from sugarcane. Thus, it is a very cheap source of energy. A mixture of petrol and
alcohol is being used as a fuel in automobiles. This mixture is called ‘Gasohol’.
8. Air
All living things need air to breathe. Therefore, air is an important natural resource.
9. Water
All living things water in order to survive. And the water cycle means we will essentially never run out of
the water. But we must be careful not to pollute water and make it unusable. Drinking and clean water are
already scarce in the world.
10. Soil
It is an important resource as this is the layer where plants grow. We all need food in order to survive. We
get most of our food from crops grown in the soil.

Non-Renewable resources
The other classification of resources is non-renewable resources. Non-renewable resources are those
natural resources that are available in limited quantity. These resources cannot be renewed or replenished
in short duration. Therefore, they are also known as exhaustible resources. Examples- coal, natural
gas, petroleum etc.
1. Fossil fuel
Fossil fuels like coal and petroleum are non-renewable resources. They are found deep inside the earth
and are made by natural processes over many centuries. Their quantity is limited, and they take thousands
of years to get renewed. Example of fossil fuels is coal, petroleum, natural gas etc.
1. Coal: It is also known as black diamond. Coal is used as a fuel, to generate electricity, and in
factories and steam engines.
2. Natural gas: Natural gas is used as a fuel called Compressed Natural Gas or CNG. Some wells dug
into the earth produce only natural gas. Natural gases are a good alternative to petrol and diesel
and it is used as Compressed Natural Gas. It burns easily and produces a lot of heat. It is a good
source of hydrogen.

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3. Petroleum: Petroleum is also known as mineral oil or crude oil. This liquid mineral is refined to
make fuels such as petrol, diesel, cooking gas and kerosene. Plastic, cosmetics, and lubricants are
also products of petroleum. It is found deep inside the Earth or under the sea floor. It is taken out
by drilling wells deep into the Earth or under the seabed.
2. Nuclear energy
In the classification of resources, nuclear energy is classified as non-renewable. The fuel used for nuclear
energy is generally uranium, which is in a limited supply. So we classify it as non-renewable. Production of
electricity from nuclear energy does not release carbon dioxide. Thus, use of nuclear energy is safe for the

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