Siemens BC8001A Manual-UL
Siemens BC8001A Manual-UL
Siemens BC8001A Manual-UL
1. Introduction ······································································································································8
2. Installation ········································································································································8
3. Wiring ················································································································································9
5. Battery ·············································································································································14
CHAPTER 3 OPERATION················································································ 15
4. Type of Information························································································································19
5. Reclamation····································································································································54
2. Performance Parameters
Storage temperature
–10℃ ~ +50℃
Relative humidity
1. Introduction
This section provides general instructions for mounting and wiring of the BC8001A control Unit.
Read this section before installing the equipment to ensure proper installation. If you are not familiar with the
BC8001A system, be sure to ask Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. technical support or an authorized
representative if you have any question.
Install and use the BC8001A fire alarm system in accordance with corresponding local regulation in your country or
this installation manual for your reference.
2. Installation
Always remove power (battery or AC) and wait at least 10 seconds to allow the supply voltages to decay before
installing or removing any module or cable or wring.
l Mounting height for visual and manual access to the LCD displayed
l Weight and size of the enclosure
l Local code and regulation
3. Wiring
1. All wirings must be in accordance with corresponding local code or regulation.
2. All wires are UL recognized.
3. All circuits are power limited to NFPA 70.
Observe positive and negative poles!
Make sure NO SHORT TO GND and NO SHORT CIRCUIT when connection!
Power limited and Non-Power limited wiring should be separated.
Figure 2
Internal wirings
Power supply
Main board
Terminal description
Name(label) Description Name(label) Description
24V+ 24V output1 OC OC output
24V- 24- OC output ground
24V+ 24V output2 N+ NAC +
24V- * internally connected with 24V output1 N- NAC -
PPF Primary power fault D1 Dry contact1
BF Battery fault 24- Dry contact1 ground
CCF Charging circuit fault D2 Dry contact2
COM Common ground for BF,CCF,PPF 24- Dry contact2 ground
P Detection Bus P line
S Detection Bus S line
4. Power Supply
Model: BCB8004
l Universal AC power input 120/240VAC,60/50Hz
l Alternative AC power switch
l Two power outputs of 24VDC
l AC fuse capacity: 5.0A; Battery fuse capacity: 10.0A
Terminals blocks:
P1: AC input connector from external power supply. These connectors are non-power limited.
Input voltages: 120/240VAC,60/50Hz
Rated input current: 700mA@120VAC, 400mA@240VAC
P2: AC input switch for 120V or 240V.
P3: Connects the back-up battery to the power supply. These connectors are non-power limited.
P4: Connects the power supply to the main board. These connectors are power limited.
PPF: Main power fault. When main power fault happens, a fault event will be reported on fault window.
BF: Battery fault. When battery fault happens, a fault event will be reported on fault window.
CCF: Charge circuit fault. When charge circuit fault happens, a fault event will be reported on fault window.
CG: Ground of PPF, BF and CCF.
AC fuse: To change AC fuse.
DC fuse: To change DC fuse.
Technical Specification:
Items Standard value
Input voltage 120/240 VAC
Input frequency 60/50 Hz
Rated input current 700mA@120VAC, 400mA@240VAC
Output 24VDC
5. Battery
Battery Maintenance - + - +
l Check battery regularly, if the following things happen, eg.
Battery Battery
function is not normal, housing is distorted, liquid releases,
the battery must be changed. If the battery is dirty, please
use towel with warm water to clean it. Do not use petrol, or Figure 6
chemical liquid. Battery and AC power connection diagram
l To be stored at full chargeable status. To be charged before being used because of self discharge.
1. Interface Overview
② ③
④ ⑤
④ ⑦ ⑥
• Number keys are used to input numbers, Chinese and English characters
• Cancel and return
• Confirm and enter
• Scroll up/down- use to navigate up or down to choose a specific entry from a list of information displayed on the screen
• Function button
• Move cursor
• Main menu function
• LCD screen display
• LEDs: Fire Alarm, Trouble, CPU Trouble, Power, Activation, Acknowledge, Alarm Silence, Reset
• Buzzer: BC8001A has 4 kinds of sounds, which are used to indicate fire, trouble, isolation and active.
2. User level
BC8001A includes three kinds of user levels: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 (as shown with red
<Main Menu> L 1 A
1.RT Information
l Level 1 is default for everyone.
2.Set LCD Contrast
l Level 2 is for safeguard.
3. Log in
l Level 3 is for commissioning person.
4. About
Different level users need respective password to login and can do respective operations. See Table 1.
3. Input corresponding password using number key and Press “OK”
If the proper password is input, you can login level 2/3.
(Press “←” to delete the wrong input.)
The default password for level 2 is 1234 and 4321 for level 3. The password can be changed
by configuration tool BF8001.
(1) If current user interface is the first level, operators can directly log in second or third user level. If current user
interface is the second level (or third level), operators must return to the first user level, and then log in the third level
(or second level) again.
(2) If there is no operation or events within a certain time (timeout is set by BF8001), monitor back lighting will be turned
off automatically. Press any key to turn on backlight.
(3) In the interface of the second or third user level, if user makes no operation or no events happen within a certain
time (timeout is set by BF8001 or by station property of control unit), interface will switch to first user level
3. System Hierarchy
4. Type of Information
2. Press “↓” to choose “1.RT Information” and press “OK” key <RT Information> L3 A
1.Alarm m/n
6 kinds of inormation are displayed. ( “m” means acknowledged events number. “n” 2.Trouble m/n
means total events number.) 3.Isolation m/n
4.Active m/n
3. Press “↓” to choose one kind of information and press “OK” key <RT – Alarm:1> L3 A
- 1 Room 102 Smoke detector
All the queried information is displayed. Press “↓” / ”↑” to scroll down/up.
L3 A
4. Press “↓” to choose one device that you want to query its property and press “OK” key Addr 1.03.1
Text Room 102 Heat Detector
Type BDS031 Heat Point Dete
Status Fire
The property of the queried device is displayed. Press “↓” / ”↑” to scroll down/up.
5. Normal Status
l LCD will display fire event automatically as “Fire alarm screen”. <RT – Alarm:1> L1 A
l The red fire alarm LED is on. * 1 Room 102 heat detector
l Acknowledge LED is flashing.
l Alarm Silence LED is flashing.
l The buzzer and NAC devices are sounding. Fire alarm screen
How to do:
1. Press “Acknowledge” button to acknowledge the alarm :
l If current user level is 1, login window will be popup automatically. After
inputting level 2/3 password, press “OK” to enter alarm window. All alarm
events are acknowledged at the same time:
- Symbol “*“ will be changed to “#” automatically
- Buzzer is silent
- Acknowledge LED will change from flashing to steady
l If current user level is 2/3, all alarm events are acknowledged at the same
- Symbol “*“ will be changed to “#” automatically
- Buzzer is silent
- Acknowledge LED will change from flashing to steady
2. Press “alarm silence” button to stop NAC devices. These allow operator to
deactivate or reactivate the NAC devices. When NAC devices are silenced, the
silence LED is on.
5. If the fire is emergency, call ‘119” at once. If the fire is minor incident, press “reset”
to return to normal status.(password is required.)
Property display: select one fire information and press “OK” and screen will display as
L3 A
figure 4. After finishing checking, press “C” to return to the previous window.
Addr 01.003.001
Text Room 102 Heat Detector
Type BDS031 Heat Point Dete
One or more alarms happen: Status Fire
- One or more alarm locations
- First alarm message is selected
“<RT-Alarm: 01>” means there are 1 alarm event in total.
“01” represents the number of alarms.
“#” represents the event is acknowledged and “*”represents the event is not
l LCD will display trouble event automatically as “Trouble Screen”. <RT – Trouble:1> L1 A
l The trouble LED is on. * 1 Room 102 heat detector
l Acknowledge LED is flashing.
l The buzzer is sounding.
Trouble Screen
How to do:
1. Press “Acknowledge” button to acknowledge the trouble:
l If current user level is 1, login window will be popup automatically. After
inputting level 2/3 password, press “OK” to enter trouble window. All trouble
events are acknowledged at the same time.
- Symbol “*“ will be changed to “#” automatically
- Buzzer is silent
- Acknowledge LED will change from flashing to steady
l If current user level is 2/3, all trouble events are acknowledged at the same
- Symbol “*“ will be changed to “#” automatically
- Buzzer is silent
- Acknowledge LED will change from flashing to steady
If you can solve the problem by yourself, the trouble LED and acknowledge LED is off
and trouble window is disappeared automatically. If you can not remove the trouble by
yourself, please call your local service office of Siemens Building Technologies. But if a
trouble event is acknowledged and it is not removed within 24 hours, the buzzer will
release trouble sound again but the current window on controller will remain unchanged
and no new event is displayed. Now if you want to acknowledge it, you have to query
trouble information (refer to “How to query real time information”) and press
“Acknowledge” button, the trouble event can be acknowledged again. If the system
consists of more than one controller, the other controllers have to be done as above
steps one by one.
L3 A
Property display: select one trouble information and press “OK” and screen will display Addr 01.003.001
as figure 4. After finishing checking, press “C” to return to the previous window. Text Room 102 Heat Detector
Type BDS031 Heat Point Dete
Status Trouble
If current window is fire, a trouble occurs. The trouble event will not be displayed
automatically because trouble priority is lower than fire priority. You have to query
trouble information (refer to “How to query real time information”) and press
“Acknowledge” button.
CPU Trouble:
When application software crash or CPU hardware is damaged, system can not work
normally and CPU trouble LED is on. Any key is not available. Now you have to switch
off power and call for service from Siemens Building Technologies.
l LCD will display isolation event automatically as “Isolation Screen”. <RT – Isolation:1> L1 A
l Acknowledge LED is flashing. - 1 Room 102 heat detector
l The buzzer is sounding.
l LCD will display activation event automatically as “Activation Screen”. <RT – Active:1> L1 A
l The activation LED is on. - 1 Floor 02 BDS221(A) Output
l Acknowledge LED is flashing.
l The buzzer is sounding.
Activation Screen
How to do:
1. Press “Acknowledge” button to acknowledge the activation:
l If current user level is 1, login window will be popup automatically. After inputting
level 2/3 password, press “OK” to enter trouble window. All activation events are
acknowledged at the same time.
- Symbol “*“ will be changed to “#” automatically
- Buzzer is silent
- Acknowledge LED will change from flashing to steady
l If current user level is 2/3, all activation events are acknowledged at the same
- Symbol “*“ will be changed to “#” automatically
- Buzzer is silent
- Acknowledge LED will change from flashing to steady
When the activated point is de-activated, the panel will revert to normal status.
This function can be done by level 2/3 user. If current level is 1, login should be done first (Refer to “login” on page 14) and then
follow these steps:
2. Press “↓” to choose “2.History Record” and press “OK” key <History> L3 A
1.All Records
All kinds of records are displayed. 2. Alarm Records
3.Trouble Records
4.Isolation Records
3. Press “↓” to choose one kind of record and press “OK” key
< Alarm Record: 01> L3 A
- 01Room 102 Smoke detec
All the queried information is displayed. Press “↓” / ”↑” to scroll down/up.
“<Alarm Record: 01>” means there are 1 alarm event in total.
“01” represents the number of alarm record.
“+” represents the event is not recovered and “-”represents the event is recovered.
11. Operation
This function can be done by level 2/3 user. If current level is 1, login should be done first (Refer to “login” on page 14).
How to do:
1. Press “ ” to enter main menu <Main Menu> L 3 A
1. RT Information
The main menu is displayed. 2. History Record
3. Operation
4. Configure
Checking standard:
Screen--Normal state is normal display of all screen area.
Sound -- Normal state is that buzzer sends out 4 kinds of sounds (fire alarm, fault,
active and isolate).
LED -- Normal state is all LEDs brightening.
Isolate/Open Line
Function: This is only necessary in exceptional situations, for example, while some part of
the construction is in process. As soon as conditions have returned to normal, the isolated <RT – Isolation:1> L1 A
line must be immediately restored to normal status again. - 1 Room 102 heat detector
l LCD will display isolation event automatically as “Isolation Screen”. Isolation Screen
l The isolation LED is on.
l The buzzer sounds.
2. Press “↓” to choose “3.Operation” and press “OK” key <Operate Stations > L3 A
001 BC8001A Compact Stati
All stations are displayed.
3. Press “↓” to choose one station which include the desired line and press “OK” key <Operate Stations > L3 A
2.System Property
Isolate/Open Point
Function: only when it is damaged or defective until it is replaced. An isolated point can not
generate any messages. As soon as replacement is finished, the isolated point must be
immediately restored to normal status again.
l LCD will display isolation event automatically as “Isolation Screen”.
l The isolate LED is on. <RT – Isoaltion:1> L1 A
- 1 Room 102 heat detector
l The buzzer sounds.
<Operate Points> L3 A
7. Press “↓” to choose one desired point and press “OK” key 001 BDS051(A) 001
002 BDS031(A) 002
003 BDS121(A) 003
004 BDS132(A) 004
<Operate Points> L3 A
001 BDS051(A) 001
002 BDS031(A) 002
003 BDS121(A) 003
6. Press “↓” to choose “1.Points” and press “OK” key 004 BDS221(A) 004
Function: Allow to test the correct function of alarm devices. At test/walk-test mode alarm
can be normally generated if alarm condition is fulfilled. But alarm devices are not really
activated. After the test work is completed immediately restore the test mode. The test <RT – Test:1> L1 A
/walk-test events are not saved in history record. The difference of test and walk-test: - 1 Room 102 BDS031 Heat
l No message is displayed.
How to test:
1. Press “ ” to enter main menu
The main menu is displayed. <Main Menu> L3A
1. RT Information
2. History Record
3. Operation
4. Configure
3. Press “↓” to choose one station which includes the desired line and press “OK” key
<Operate Stations > L3 A
5. Press “↓” to choose one line which includes the desired point and press “OK” key
<Operate Lines > L3 A
<Operate Points> L3 A
6. Press “↓” to choose “Points” and press “OK” key
001 BDS051(A) 001
002 BDS031(A) 002
All points connected with the chosen line are displayed.
003 BDS121(A) 003
004 BDS221(A) 004
7. Press “↓” to choose one desired point and press “OK” key <Operate Points > L3 A
12. Configure
Functions: Configure system, including property and parameters of station, loops and field devices, showing interlock
relationship, set system date & time, set LCD contrast, set volume of buzzer, set LCD switch off time, set language, automap,
save configuration etc.
This function can be done by level 2/3 user. If current level is 1, login should be done first (Refer to “login” on page 14).
This product incorporates field-programmable software. In order for the product to comply with the requirements in the Standard
for Control Units and Accessories for Fire Alarm Systems, UL 864, certain programming features or options must be limited to
specific values or not used at all as indicated below.
Program feature or option Permitted in UL 864? (Y/N) Possible settings Settings permitted in UL 864
5. Press “OK” to save the modification and return to the previous window.
Now the modified text is saved temporarily. If the control unit is reset, the modified text will be
lost. If you want to save the modification for long time, please do the “Save Configuration”
operation(refer to Page 44).
5. Press “↓” to choose one desired station and press “OK” key
<Configure Station> L3A
Press “↓” / ”↑” to scroll down/up. 1. Lines
2. Station Property
The property of the selected station is displayed. The text, A-Bus buad rate, login time <Station 02> L3A
Address 02.000.000
and walk-test time can be modified. Press “↓” / ”↑” to switch active window. Type BC8001A Compact
Text BC8001A 02
Status Normal
7. Press “OK” to save the modification and return to the previous window.
Press “↓” / ”↑” to select high(40K bps), middle(25K bps) or low(16K bps) according to
8. Press “↓” to choose “1.Line Property” and press “OK” key <Config Line> L3A
1. Points
The property of the selected line is displayed. The text, operability can be modified. 2. Line Property
<Config Line004> L 3 A
9. Press “OK” to save the modification and return to the previous window. Address 02.004.000
Type BDS Line
Text BDS Line 004
Status Normal
1. Now the modified text is saved temporarily. If the control unit is reset, the modified text <Config Line004> L 3 A
will be lost. If you want to save the modification for long time, please do the “Save Mode Normal
Configuration” operation(refer to Page 44). Operability Yes
8. Press “↓” to choose “1.Points” and press “OK” key <Config Line> L3A
1. Points
2. Line Property
All points are displayed. Press “↓” / ”↑” to scrow down/up.
3. Sensitivity is a drop-down list. When it is active, press “F” and the drop-down list is
displayed. Press “↓” / ”↑” to select “High”, ”Std” and “Low” according to site situation.
Press “OK”.
4. AnalogVal: relative value of smoke density.
10. Press “↓” to choose “2.Logic Statement” and press “OK” key <Config Point> L3A
1. Points
Logic expression window is displayed. 2. Logic Statement
<Logic> L3A
12. Press “OK” to compile the logic expression
Some Error Message
→ If any logic expression is illegal, The error message box will be shown. Go 13 step. OK
→ If logic expression is legal, the system will save the logic expression in memory and
→ The error message box is closed and return the previous window. Now you can
1. Now the modified text is saved temporarily. If the control unit is reset, the modified text
will be lost. If you want to save the modification for long time, please do the “Save
Configuration” operation(refer to Page 44).
2. Explanation of logic expressions:
• “+~+”,*~* : Both are valid abbreviations. It is not applicable to “[ ]N”; For example:
• “{T1,T2}”: T1, delay time; T2 duration of the interlocking command. For T1 and T2:
0-255 seconds are valid; For example: 01.011.001+01.011.002+01.011.003
=01.011.004{30,20}, which means after a delay of T1, the controller starts to issue
a interlocking command, and after the interlocking command has lasted for T2, it
stops issuing command.
3. Press “↓” to choose “2.Set Time and Date” and press “OK” key
<Set System Time> L 3 A
Current date and time is displayed.
4. Press “←” to delete current date and time, and enter new date and time.
5. Press “OK” key to save the modification and return to previous window.
3. Press “↓” to choose “3.Set LCD Contrast” and press “OK” key
<Set LCD Contrast> L 3 A
Current LCD contrast is displayed.
Use Up/Down 52
No message is displayed. But with each keystroke the contrast is slightly increased and
decreased. Repeat this step until the desired contrast is reached.
3. Press “↓” to choose “4.Set Buzzzer Volume” and press “OK” key
<Set Buzzer> L3A
Current buzzer volume t is displayed.
Use Up/Down 5
No message is displayed. But with each keystroke the volumet is slightly increased and
decreased. Repeat this step until the desired volume is reached.
Function: If no key is pressed within a certain time, LCD turns off automatically. LCD can be lighted up by pressing any key. But
if fire or faults happen, the LCD turns on immediately.
3. Press “↓” to choose “5.Set LCD Switch Off Time” and press “OK” key
< Configure> L 3 A
Current LCD switch off time is displayed. 5. Set LCD Switch Off Time
6. Set Language
7. AutoMap
8. Save Configuration
4. Press “OK” key to save modification and return to previous window. <Set Language> L3A
Now the displayed language is still remain unchanged. You have to restart the control
Language English
unit to display the selected language on window.
Function: Automap can find address of all field devices which are connected with control unit and list them as
points. When you navigate points, for those points which are configured will remain unchanged and display its text
content and for those points which are not configured will display with “?New?Automap”. Then it can be configured
on site. It is convenient for configuration of new added point on site.
< Configure> L 3 A
3. Press “↓” to choose “7.Automap” and press “OK” key
5. Set LCD Switch Off Time
6. Set Language
The system ask whether to continue this operation. If you cancel this operation, press
7. AutoMap
“C”. 8. Save Configuration
<Automap> L3A
Function: To permanently save the modification of property and logic expression of system, station, line and point.
Otherwise the modification will be lost when the system reset.
< Configure> L 3 A
3. Press “↓” to choose “8.Save Configuration” and press “OK” key
5. Set LCD Switch Off Time
6. Set Language
The system ask whether to continue this operation. If you want to cancel this operation,
7. AutoMap
press “C” to return to previous window. 8. Save Configuration
<Save Config> L 3 A
In processing, waiting…
Auto: The output modules will be activated automatically when their logic statements are fulfilled.
Manual: The output modules will not be activated automatically when their logic statements are fulfilled. They need
to be activated manually by user.
2. Press “↓” to choose “5.Mode” and press “OK” key <Set Mode > L3 A
Choose mode
The set mode window is displayed. ◎Auto Mode
●Manu Mode
3. Press “↓” to choose “AutoMode” / ”Manu Mode” and press “OK” key
<Main Menu> L3A
1.RT Information
The “A” in red circle will be changed to “M”.
2.Set LCD Contrast
3. Log in
4. About
14. About
Function: To display system software version, license number and last download time.
How to do:
1. Press “ ” to enter main menu
<Main Menu> L3A
The main menu is displayed. 1. RT Information
2. History Record
3. Operation
4. Configure
1. Daily Checking
Persons on duty should do daily check of control unit and make records. If fire alarm, troubles and other abnormal events
happen, “Trouble-shooting Guideline” shall be followed. After the control unit restores to normal, the events shall be well
2. Trouble-shooting Guideline
Function keys, LED and LCD Failure of signal wire or power line; Correct connection;
1 screen are ineffective or Damage of corresponding hardware; Replace corresponding hardware;
No indication of power Main power or battery is off; Check the wiring of power supply and
supply Power connection is not firmly battery;
secured; Replace main board;
Power supply is damaged;
Power supply is on but the LCD brightness is not enough; Adjust LCD brightness;
LCD on control unit is “black LCD without power or the adapter on Examine power supply line or replace
screen” main board is damaged; main board;
LCD is damaged, Replace LCD;
Control unit can not display System software or configuration files download corresponding software or
4 any content. are lost; configuration files;
CPU board is damaged; Replace CPU board;
No sound No voltage; Replace power supply line or main
Volume of buzzer is not enough; Adjust buzzer’s volume;
Buzzer is damaged; Replace buzzer;
Control station trouble Configuration file is unconformable Modify configuration file;
with the devices on site;
6 Main board address is not set or Modify address setting;
unconformable with configuration file;
Main board is damaged; Replace main board;
Main board input & output Configuration file configuration is Modify the configuration;
trouble wrong;
The input/output port of main board is Replace main board;
Power supply trouble Power supply is wrongly configured; Check /modify configuration file;
Exterior voltage overrun power Adjust exterior voltage;
8 requirements;
Battery is damaged; Replace power supply or battery;
Power supply is damaged;
Other operating failure on Operating level is low or operating Log on higher operating level;
control unit method is not right,
Configuration file is lost or fault; Update configuration file;
Some hardware is damaged; Replace damaged hardware;
Date is displayed as Battery on main board is damaged Replace battery on main board
3. Fuse Replacement
For problems with other components, please contact manufacturer for replacement.
4. Battery Maintenance
Perform the following tests at the recommended interval. Replace the battery set every four years or if any of the test criteria are
not met.
1. Charge Test - With the batteries fully charged and connected to the charger, measure the voltage across the battery set. It
2. Discharge Test – With full system alarm load, the voltage on a fully charged battery must not fall below 20.4VDC after 30
3. Load Voltage Test – With full system alarm load, the voltage on a fully charged battery must not fall below 24.0VDC after 1
Testing Interval:
1. Semiannually – Perform the Load Voltage Test
2. Annually – Perform the Charger Test and Discharge Test
5. Reclamation
For abandoned control units, please contact local office of manufacturer to make proper treatment. Any random
discarding of control units is strictly forbidden.