Programbook Isicam
Programbook Isicam
Programbook Isicam
Symposium Information
Theme : Optimizing Quality Assurance in Cardiovascular Intervention
Date : 28-30 November 2019
Venue : Shangri-La Hotel,
Jakarta. Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.Kav. 1, RT.10/RW.9,
Karet Tengsin, Tanahabang, Kota Jakarta Pusat,
Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10220
Others Session
Program at Glance 28 NOvember 2019
1st Floor 2nd Floor
Kalimantan Ballroom A Ballroom B
"Symposium 1 : 08:00-09:00 08:00-09:00
Recent Advances on Structural and "Live Case 1 - Brunei
Congenital Heart Disease Management: "Symposium 2 :
Multivessel Disease with Complex Peripheral Intervention
Focus on Transcatheter Intervention" Imaging and Physiology Chairman : Emanoel Oepangat, R, Suhartono
Guidance" Panelist : R.W.M Kaligis, Taofan,
08.00-08.50 "Session 1 :
Focus on Mitral Valce Interventions Dwi Laksono Adiputro, Dicky Aligheri,
Chairman : Teguh Santoso Rini Pramesti"
Panelist : BRM Ario Soeryo K,
Linda Lison"
Chairman : 08:00-08:15 Challenge of Type D SFA lesion:
08.00-08.10 Transcatheter Therapies M. Saifur Rohman, Koh Tian Hai Endovascular vs Surgery
for Mitral Regurgitation: MitralClip Panelist: Chong Tze Tec
Linda Lison Budi Satriyo, Jajang
08.10-08.20 Transcatheter Therapies Sinardja, Bambang Widyantoro, 08:15-08:20 Discussion
for Mitral Stenosis: BMV Sasmojo Widito, Kwan S. Lee, 08:20-08:35 Aortoilliac Occlusion
Amir Aziz A. Mullasari Ajit S. Suko Adiarto
08.20-08.30 Paravalvar Mitral Leakage : Operator: 08:35-08:40 Discussion
How to Diagnose and and Rajinikanth Rajagopal
Co-Operator : Do's and Don’t's in Popliteal
What Are the Plannings?
Rina Ariani Sofian Johar 08:40-08:55 Intervention
08.30-08.40 Expanding new indications Short Lecture : None Takuya Haraguchi
of Mitra Clip 08:55-09:00 Discussion
Teguh Santoso
08.40-08.50 Disscusion
Program at Glance 28 NOvember 2019
1st Floor 2nd Floor
Kalimantan Ballroom A Ballroom B
Program at Glance 28 NOvember 2019
1st Floor 2nd Floor
Kalimantan Ballroom A Ballroom B
12:00-13:00 Lunch Break 12:00-13:00 12:00-13:00 Lunch Break
Lunch Break
13.00-13.50 13:00-14:00 13:00-14:00
"Session 4 : Focus on PDA Closure "Live Case 3 "Symposium 4 : S
Chairman : Indriwanto Sakidjan A. - Harapan Kita CAI in ISICAM - Appropriateness in PCI -
Panelist : Sukman Tulus Putra" Small Vessel"
Chairman: Kwan S. Lee
Chairman : Panelists : Arthur C. Lee, Nahar Taufiq,
Bambang Budiono, Sunarya Soerianata"
13.00-13.10 Essentials Tips and Tricks Rosli Mohd Ali 13:00-13:10 History, Purpose and Development
in PDA Closure Panelist : Process of United States
Poppy S. Roebiono Wishnu Aditya, Appropriate Use of Criteria
13.10-13.20 PDA Closure in Small Infants Bayu Arif Permana, in Cardiology
Eka Gunawijaya Andria Priyana, Retna Dewayani, Arthur C. Lee
13.20-13.30 Catching Embolized Patent Duct Jusup Endang , Myint Thein 13:10-13:20 Overview of AUC Recommendation
Occluder: “Fishing” Experience Operator: for Stable Ischemic Heart Disease
Yovi Kurniawati Dafsah A. Juzar and Acute Coronary Syndrome
13.30-13.40 Transcatheter Closure of Large PDA Co Operator : Revascularization
with Pulmonary Hypertension: Bambang Widyanotoro Kwan S. Lee
to Close or Not to Close, "Short Lecture : 13:20-13:30 Controversies and Criticism
and Technical Consideration None" of Appropriate Use Criteria
Radityo Prakoso Recommendations
13.40-13.50 DISCUSSION Kwan S. Lee
13:30-13:40 Challenges of Implementing
Appropriate Use Criteria
in Indonesia
Nahar Taufiq
13:40-14:00 Discussion
Program at Glance 28 NOvember 2019
1st Floor 2nd Floor
13.50-14.50 14:00-15:00 14:00-15:00
"Session 5 : "Live Case 4 - Semarang
"Symposium 5 :
Focus on Pulmonary Hypertension Bifurcation LM/non-LM" Current Strategies in LM Bifurcation Intervention
Chairman : Oktavia Lilyasari Chairman : A. Fauzi Yahya, Nur Haryono
Panelist : Poppy S. Roebiono., Chairman : Panelist : Iswanto Pratanu, Budi Yuli S.,
Bambang Budi Siswanto" Yudi Her Oktaviono, Pudjo Rahasto"
13.50-14.00 Pathophysiology of Pulmonary Arthur C. Lee
14:00-14:10 The Current Trials of LM PCI
Hypertension in Congenital Panelist :
Kwan S. Lee
Heart Disease Zulfikri Muhktar,
14:10-14:25 Optimising the LM bifurcation PCI :
Radityo Prakoso Mangiring P.L. Toruan ,
State of the art in Left main coronary
14.00-14.10 Keys on Diagnosing and Managing Evit Ruspiono, Yan Herry,
Pulmonary Hypertension in Al Fazir Bin Omar,
Asri Ranga
Resource-Limited Settings Takuya Haraguchi
14:25-14:40 Left main intervention without
Heny Martini Operator :
coronary imaging
14.10-14.20 Updates on Medical Treatment Sodiqur Rifqi
Koh Tian Hai
of Pulmonary Hypertension Co- Operator :
14:40-14:50 My Complex Left Main Case
in Adults with CHD Hari Yudha
A. Fauzi Yahya
Lucia Kris D. Short Lecture :
14:50-15:00 Discussion
14.20-14.30 The Use of Pulmonary None
Vasodilators in Eisenmenger
Oktavia Lilyasari
14.30-14.40 “Treat and Repair” Strategy
in Adult CHD Patients
Indriwanto Sakidjan A.
14.40-14.50 DISCUSSION
Program at Glance 28 NOvember 2019
1st Floor 2nd Floor
15.00-15.15 Coffee Break (Foyer) 15:00 Coffee Break 15:00 Coffee Break
(Ballroom A, Ballroom (Ballroom A, Ballroom B,
15.15-16.25 B, Ballroom C, Foyer) Ballroom C, Foyer)
"Session 6 : 15:00-16:00 15:00-16:00
Focus on ASD Closure "Live Case 5 - " Symposium 6 :
Chairman : Poppy S. Roebiono Bina Waluya TAVI ISICAM
Panelist : Rina Ariani, Mahrus A. Rahman" Chronic Total Occlusion" Chairman : Teguh Santoso"
15.15-15.25 Echocardiographic 15:00-15:15 Trans Aortic Valve Implantation
Chairman :
Guiding of ASD Transcatheter Nahar Taufiq, (TAVI) in Indonesia - Where
Closure: What Interventionist Need Yoshifumi Kashima do we stand?
Rina Ariani Panelist : Doni Firman
15.25-15.35 ASD Closure in Patients with I Made Junior Rina Artha, 15:15-15:25 Case Sharing
Muhammad Furqon, Doni Firman
Pulmonary Hypertension Janry A. Pangemanan,
Indriwanto Sakidjan A. Patrick Siegrist, Hong Seok Lim, 15:25-15:35 Case Sharing
15.35-15.45 How to Deal with Complex Chaerul Achmad Teguh Santoso
and Difficult ASD? Operator : 15:35-15:50 Optimizing the future of Trans
Muhammad Munawar Aortic Valve Implantation
Yovi Kurniawati Co-Operator :
15.45-15.55 Transcatheter ASD Closure Kurniawan Iskandarsyah (TAVI) : Evolut-Pro
in Children <10 kgs Short Lecture : None A. Fontos
Rahmat Budi Koeswiyanto 15:40-16:00 Discussion
15.55-16.05 NCCHK Experience in ASD Closure 15:00-16:00
Without Fluoroscopy Techniques
"Symposium 7 :
Radityo Prakoso Imaging and Physiology
"Live Case 6 Harapan kita
16.05-16.15 Managing Complications Chairman :
PCI Left Main"
of ASD Closure Kwan S. Lee, M. Saifur Rohman"
Poppy S. Roebiono
16.15-16.25 DISCUSSION Chairman : 16:00-16:14 Latest Trial IFR in Coronary
A. Fauzi Yahya, Intervention
Nur Haryono Justin Davies
Panelist : 16:14-16:28 IVUS and OCT interpretation :
Ilham Udin, images that changes outcomes
Januar Martha, Al Fazir Bin Omar
Iswanto Pratanu, 16:28-16:42 Evolution of Multi-modal
Koh Tian Hai, Intracoronary Plaque Imaging
Pudjo Rahasto, Ismir Fahri Joshua Loh
Operator: 16:42-16:56 Microvascular Dysfunction :
Amir Aziz A. Evaluation,and Its Clinical
Co-Operator : Implication
Dian Zamroni Doni Firman
16:56-17:00 Discussion
Program at Glance 29 NOvember 2019
2nd Floor
Ballroom A Ballroom B
08:30-10:00 "Symposium 8 :
"Live Case 8 - India Current Approach in Chronic Total Occlusion
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital" Chairman :
Sodiqur Rifqi, Harry Suryapranata
Chairman : Panelist :
Jeffery D. Adipranoto, Mullasari Ajit Patrick Siegrist, Yoshifumi Kashima,
Sunarya Soerianata"
Panelist :
Mei Lestari, Rini Pramesti, Mochammad Yusuf 08:30-08:35 Introduction
Alsagaff, Afdahalun Hakim A., 08:35-08:50 Why performing CTO PCI and clinical evidence
Teguh Wahyu Purnomo, Teguh Santoso Sunarya Soerianata
Operator: 08:50-09:05 Antegrade approach, AWE: step by step
N. N. Khana Co Patrick Siegrist
Operator : TBA 09:05-09:20 Antegrade approach, ADR: step by step
Short Lecture : Patrick Siegrist
Is Ultrathin DES Really what we need? 09:20-09:35 Retrograde approach: step by step
Focus on TALENT Trial Yoshifumi Kashima
Speaker : 09:35-09:50 Hybrid algorithm, for whom?
Teguh Santoso Sodiqur Rifqi
09:50-10:00 Discussion & Wrap Up
10:00 Coffee Break 10:00 Coffee Break
(Ballroom A, Ballroom B, Ballroom C, Foyer) (Ballroom A, Ballroom B, Ballroom C, Foyer)
Program at Glance 29 NOvember 2019
2nd Floor
Ballroom A Ballroom B
Program at Glance 29 NOvember 2019
2nd Floor
Ballroom A Ballroom B
11:45-13:00 Friday Prayer + Lunch Break 11:45-13:00 Friday Prayer + Lunch Break
13:00-14:00 "Lunch Symposium 4
13:00-14:00 "Lunch Symposium 3 Personalized Treatment in Angina :
Chairman : Doni Firman" Where do Angina Treatments Stand Today?
Chairman : Sari Mumpuni, TBA"
13:00-13:20 Firehawk experience in complex PCI 13:00-13:20 Myocardial Ischemia :
Hong Seok Lim Beyond Coronary Epicardial Stenosis
13:20-13:40 Case Sharing Targeting Eluting Stent – Myth or Reality
Amir Aziz A. Mochammad Yusuf Alsagaff
13:40-13:50 Product Characteristic of Firehawk 13:20-13:40 Tailoring Angina Treatment
Nadeem Malik for a Personalized Medical
13:50-14:00 Discussion Management – Implementation
with the new CCS Guideline
Yan Herry
13:40-14:00 Discussion
"Symposium 10 :
"Live Case 10 - When Master Made Mistakes
14:00-15:00 Rumah Sakit Harapan Kita 14:00-15:00 Chairman : Sunarya Soerianata
Zero Fluoroscopy ASD Closure" Panelist : Teguh Santoso, Quang
N. Nguyen, Yoshifumi Kashima"
Chairman: 14:00-14:10 Do not underestimate!
Poppy S. Roebiono, Sukman Tulus Putra Yudi Her Oktaviono
Panelist : 14:10-14:12 Discussion
Amiliana M. Soesanto., 14:12-14:22 The stories about PCI in Heavily
Heny Martini, Charlotte Johanna C., Calcified Multivessel Disease
Ali Nafiah N., Ario Soeryo K. A. Fauzi Yahya
Operator: 14:22-14:24 Discussion
Radityo Prakoso 14:24-14:34 Triple Jeopardy in Left Main Intervention
Co-Operator : Doni Firman
Sisca Natalia Siagian 14:34-14:36 Discussion
Short Lecture : None 14:36-14:46 Chasing perfection, result in perforation
Sodiqur Rifqi
14:46-14:48 Discussion
14:48-14:58 LAA Closure Device Embolization
Muhammad Munawar
14:58-15:00 Discussion
Coffee Break Coffee Break
15:00 (Ballroom A, Ballroom B, Ballroom C, Foyer) 15:00 (Ballroom A, Ballroom B, Ballroom C, Foyer)
Program at Glance 29 NOvember 2019
2nd Floor
Ballroom A Ballroom B
Program at Glance 30 NOvember 2019
2nd Floor
Ballroom A
"Breakfast Symposium
High Intensity Statin in CVD Management
Chairman : M. Taufik Ismail, Pudjo Rahasto,
Panelist : Bagus Ari Pradnyana, Heru Sulastomo, Vito Damay, "
08:00-08:20 Insight from Current Updates of ACC/AHA and ESC Dyslipidemia Guidelines
Antonia A. Lukito
08:20-08:40 Role of High Intensity Statin in High Cardiovascular Risk Patients
Hariadi Hariawan
08:40-09:00 Discussion
"Best Abstract
09:00-10:00 Chairman : Sunarya Soerianata
Judge : Kamaraj Selvaraj, Jeffrey D. Adipranoto, Harry Suryapranata, Quang N. Nguyen"
Evaluation of Clopidogrel Response in Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients with
Gestina Aliska
Optimal Medical Treatment Versus Revascularization For Left Main Disease,
Comparison Study Of One Year Clinical Outcome
Trinandika Ardhana
Zero-Fluoroscopic Transcatheter Ventricular Septal Defect Closure An Early
Single Center Experience In Indonesia
Valerina Yogibuana
Intracoronary Fibrinolytic Therapy in ACS Study of Direct Intralesional Eptifibatide and
Alteplase in Primary PCI for the Management of Acute STEMI Patients
within 12 Hours of Symptom Onset
Zulfikri M.
Improvement of Short-Term Outcomes in Late Presentation ST-Segment–Elevation
Myocardial Infarction Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
Liemena Harold Adrian
10:00-10:15 Coffee Break
(Ballroom B dan Foyer)
Program at Glance 30 NOvember 2019
2nd Floor
Ballroom A
Program at Glance 30 NOvember 2019
2nd Floor
Ballroom A
13:00-14:00 "Symposium 13
Challenging Case in ACS-PCI
Chairman : Antonia A. Lukito
Panelist : Zulfikri Mukhtar, Ismir Fahri, Nahar Taufiq, Arwin Saleh M"
13:00-13:10 Stent thrombosis in acute hemorrhagic stroke: a clinical dilemma
Siska S. Danny
13:10-13:15 Discussion
13:15-13:25 STEMI in centenarian patients: how to manage
Tri Astiawati
13:25-13:30 Discussion
13:30-13:40 Multivessel disease in STEMI patients with shock
Muhammad Fadil
13:40-13:45 Discussion
13:45-13:55 Acute inferior infarct with type A Aortic Dissection
Novi Kurnianingsih
13:55-14:00 Discussion
"Symposium 14 :
14:00-15:00 Acute Coronary Syndrome
Chairman : Harry Suryapranata, Daniel PL Tobing"
14:00-14:15 Antithrombotic/ Antiplatelet Therapies in ACS - What the latest guidelines tell us
Daniel PL Tobing
14:15-14:30 Choosing the Right Revascularization strategy in ACS
Ilham Uddin
14:30-14:45 The role of Coronary Imaging and Physiology in ACS
Rajinikanth Rajagopal
14:45-15:00 Discussion & Wrap Up
"Symposium 15 :
15:00-16:00 Small Vessel
Chairman : Hakim Alkatiri, Kurniawan Iskandarsyah"
15:00-15:15 Lesion Characteristics, Strategy, Techniques, and Imaging for Small Vessels PCI
I Gde Rurus Suryawan
15:15-15:30 Is it worth to put stent in small Vessel?
Sodiqur Rifqi
15:30-15:45 Which on is better DEB or Stent for small vessel
Abdul Hakim A.
15:45-15:55 A-patient with small vessel lesion: How I manage the case (case presentation)
Budi Yuli S.
15:55-16:00 Discussion
Ismoyo Sunu
Iwan, S.Kep. Ns
Heroe Moestiko,
Other Sponsor
GP&P Co.,Ltd