DC Assignments - 18-19

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of Electronics & Communication Engineering

Digital Communications (III ECE A & C)


Assignment – 1
1. Explain the different types of Sampling.
2. State and prove the sampling theorem as applicable to voice signals on telephone
3. Draw the neat diagram of Digital Communication System and explain function of
each block.
4. Draw the block diagram of PCM generator and explain each block.
5. Define and explain the necessity of a Compander. Also explain different types of
Companding techniques.
6. Explain with a neat block diagram the operation of Differential Pulse Code
Modulation (DPCM)
7. Explain the working of DM system with neat block diagram.
8. Clearly bring out the difference between granular noise and slope over load error and
explain clearly how they can be reduced using ADM (Continuously Variable Slope
9. Derive the expression for quantization noise, there by signal to noise ratio of DM.
10. A DM system is designed to operate at five times the Nyquist rate for a signal with 3
KHz bandwidth. Determine the maximum amplitude of a 2 KHz input sinusoid for
which the delta modulator does not have slope over load. Quantization step size is
250mv. Derive the formula used.
11. For a PCM signal, determine L if the compression parameter =100 and the minimum
SNR required is 45dB. Determine the output SNR with this value of L. Remember
that L must be a power of 2, for binary PCM. Derive the formula used.
12. A PCM system uses a uniform Quantizer followed by a 7-bit binary encoder. The bit
rate of the system is equal to 50Mbps. What is the maximum message bandwidth for
which the system operates satisfactorily? Determine the output signal to Quantization
noise ratio, when a full-load sinusoidal modulating wave of frequency 106 Hz is
applied to the input.

Assignment – 2
1. Verify the following expression: H [ XY ]  H [ X ]  H []  H [Y ]  H [ ]
2. An independent, discrete source transmits letters selected from an alphabet consisting
of 3 letters A, B and C with respective probabilities 0.7, 0.2 and 0.1. if consecutive
letters are statistically independent and two symbol words are transmitted, find the
entropy of the system of such words.
3. The noise characteristic of a channel is given as:

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0.6 0.2 0.2
X 0.2 0.6 0.2 and P(x1)=1/8, P(x2)=1/8 and P(x3)=6/8.
 
0.2 0.2 0.6
Find the mutual information.
4. Verify that I ( XY )  H ( X )  H ( )  H (Y )  H ( ) in the case of Discrete
Information theory.
5. State and prove Shannon Hartley Channel capacity theorem.
6. Construct the Optimum Source Code for the following symbols.

X  X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 X6
0.3 0.25 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.05

Find the coding efficiency.
7. Using Shanon-Fano algorithm find the code words for six messages occurring with
probabilities 1/3, 1/3, 1/6, 1/12, 1/24 and 1/24.
8. Consider a (6,3) generator matrix
1 0 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 1 1 0
Find a) All the code vectors of this data
b) The parity check matrix for this code
c) The minimum weight of this code.
9. Explain about Block codes in which each block of k message bits encoded into block
of n>k bits with an example.
10. Briefly discuss about cyclic code error control technique.
11. Explain about the syndrome calculation, error correction and error detection in (n, k)
Cyclic codes.
12. The generator polynomial of a (7,4) Cyclic code is g(x) = 1 +x +x 3. Find the code
vector for the message vector for the message vector D = (1 1 1 1) using systematic
and non-systematic form.
13. The parity check of a (8,4) block code are generated by
C5=d1+d2+d4 C6=d1+d2+d3 C7=d2+d3+d5 where d1, d2, d3
and d4 are message bits.
i) Find the generator matrix and the parity check matrix for this code.
ii) Find the minimum weight of this code.
iii) Find the error detecting capabilities of this code.
iv) Show with an example that this code can detect three errors per code word.
14. The generator polynomial of a (7, 4) Cyclic code is g(x) = 1 + x 2 + x3. Find the 16
code words of this code using systematic and non-systematic forms.

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15. The generator polynomial of a (15, 11) Cyclic code is defined by g(x) = 1 + x + x 4.
Develop the encoder and syndrome calculator for this code, using a systematic form
for the code.
16. Find the output code word for the following Convolutional encoder for a message
sequence 10011.

D1 D2 D3

V1 V2

17. Explain various methods for describing Convolutional codes.

18. A rate 1/3 convolution encoder has generating vectors as g1=(100), g2=(111) and
i) Sketch the encoder configuration.
ii) Draw the code tree, state diagram and trellis diagram.
iii) If input message sequence is 10110, determine the output sequence of the

Assignment – 3
1. Derive an expression for error probability of matched filter.
2. Explain ISI. How it is avoided?
3. Show that for a matched filter the maximum signal component occurs at t=T (i.e
sampling instant) and has magnitude E, i.e. energy of the signal x(t).
4. Explain in detail about Nyquist’s Criterion for Distortionless Baseband binary
5. Discuss the inter symbol interference problem and explain how Nyquist pulse shaping
criterion is helpful in eliminating it
6. What is the necessity of equalization in digital transmission? What is adaptive
7. What is eye pattern? Explain the measurement of different parameters using eye
8. Calculate an expression for the maximum value of (S/N) at the output of matched
filter if input signal p(t) = s1(t) - s2(t), is a rectangular pulse of amplitude A and
duration T.
9. The binary data stream 00100110 is applied to the input of a Duobinary system.
Construct Duobinary coder output and corresponding receiver output. Assume that
there is precoder at the input.

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10. In a binary transmission; one of the messages is represented by a rectangular pulse
x(t). The other message is transmitted by the absence of the pulse. Calculate the signal
to noise ratio at t=T. Assuming white noise with PSD N0/2. Also sketch the impulse
response of the matched filter and output of the matched filter.

Assignment – 4
1. Explain the operation of ASK modulator and demodulator in detail.
2. Explain PSK modulator and demodulator in detail.
3. Explain the working of DPSK modulator and demodulator.
4. Draw the block diagram of QPSK system and explain its operation.
5. Explain the working of QAM modulator and demodulator.
6. A binary data stream 0010010011 needs to be transmitted using DPSK. Technique.
Prove that the reconstruction of the DPSK signal is independent on the choice of the
extra bit.
7. Compare and discuss a binary scheme with M-ary signalling scheme. Derive an
expression for the bit rate in M-ary signalling scheme.
8. Explain the working of 8-PSK modulator and demodulator.

Assignment – 5
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of spread spectrum technique?
2. Explain how PN sequence is generated. What are maximal length sequences? What
are their properties and why are they preferred?
3. Examine spread spectrum system using DSSS.
4. Explain the frequency hopping spread spectrum modulation.
5. Describe the concept of Ranging using DSSS.
6. What is meant by synchronization? Why we require synchronization in spread
spectrum? Explain in detail.

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