Review of Related Literature. Final
Review of Related Literature. Final
Review of Related Literature. Final
Local Literature
human conduct. Right or wrong are qualities assigned to actions, conduct, and behavior. As
such, ethicists inquire into the correctness of such acts as promise keeping, truth telling,
integrity, deception, and compassion. Good and bad, on the other hand, are qualities that
characterize ends, goals, and purposes. As such, ethicists inquire into the reasons for living
and working; the goals that should be pursued in order to lead a successful life; and the
purposes that should motivate people in their life choices (Florendo, 2012).
Hence, ethics is grounded on the experience of free persons who have to act in difficult
situations. It developed from the reality that when people act, they do not merely need to
know best way to realize something but there are times when they need to act in a way that
realizes the good. And the good does not always mean the easiest or most expedient way.
Ethical norms and the question of good and evil arise when people need to act as free persons.
But not all actions are inherently ethical. Actions only require ethical reflection when they are
free acts that involve a person’s desire to realize the good (Pasco, Suarez, Rodriguez, 2018).
Moreover, norms express the human realization that free action is defined by an ought
that is not measured by how practical results are achieved but by how human beings act in a
way that realizes their capacity to freely and creatively respond to the order of things: whether
this order is grounded on a transcendent order or human reason. Ethical questions arise when
human beings intuit that their actions must authentically fulfill their freedom in response to a
acts: It must be performed by a conscious agent who is aware of what he is doing and of its
consequences. It must be performed by an agent who is acting freely, that is, by his own
volition and powers. An action done under duress and against one’s will is not entirely a free
action. It must be performed by an agent who decides willfully to perform the act. This
willfulness is the result to perform an act here and now, or in some future time. Then, he
stated that there are two kinds of human acts such as elicited acts and command acts. Elicited
acts are those performed by the will and are not bodily externalized while commanded acts
are those done either by man’s mental or bodily powers under the command of the will.
and to guide them how to live their lives well. A well-lived life is a life fulfilled. One can only
fully human if he or she is genuinely free to enjoy the experience – mentally, emotionally,
spiritually, physiology – of attaining the kind of person he or she wants for himself or herself.
Each fulfillment, however, is an outcome not of individual efforts but of cooperative activities
with other human persons. Attaining happiness is a group effort and is never a privative
At its simplest, ethics are the set of moral principles that guide a person’s behavior.
These morals are shaped by social norms, cultural practices, and religious influences. Ethics
reflect beliefs about what is right, what is wrong, what is just, what is unjust, what is good, and
what is bad in terms of human behavior. They serve as a compass to direct how people should
behave toward each other, understand and fulfill their obligations to society, and live their
ethical behavior of people determines which action they think are “good” and “right” in a
particular setting. Human behavior consists of any act of an individual person that reflects his
thoughts, feelings, emotions, sentiments and, in general, his state or condition. These may be
conscious or unconscious activities that are predicated on his needs, values, motivations and
according to two chief principles, and have considered certain types of conduct either good in
themselves or good because they conform to a particular moral standard. The former implies
a final value, or summum bonum, which is desirable in itself and not merely as a means to an
end. In the history of ethics there are three principal standards of conduct, each of which has
ben proposed as the highest good: happiness or pleasure; duty, virtue, or obligation; and
perfection, the fullest harmonious development of human potential (Corpuz, Dela Cruz,
Foreign Literature
Behind the rationales why people exercise the act goodness and kindness are because
it’s the remedy of their heart. It sets the heart to be free from any negative aspects in life. It
sets the heart to be free from any negative aspects in life. It also brings tremendous effect to
the existence of individuals because it expresses only good characters (Sullivan & Pecorino,
For Kant (2012), then, “goodness” follows “rightness”. What is good because it is the
expression of a rational will- because it is achieved in accord with the universal principles of
reason. Then, it is a person that is the source of value. A person is of infinite worth, and what
a person has, what a person does, what a person believes, what a person enjoys are all
dependent upon the person’s reason and the person’s autonomy. Kant says that the virtues
themselves – evenness of temper, patience, can be turned evil if they are used for evil.
Even though people have ethics, they can still commit mistakes because of an
incomplete knowledge towards making decision on a certain scenario and of having a poor
communication to the people that’s why it results to choose a wrong choice. Also, being
pressured is one of the factors that create wrongdoings because they are under stressed by
Ethics, according to VSP RAO (2004) defined Ethics as: “a body of principles or
standards of human conduct that govern the behaviors of individuals and groups. Ethics arise
not simply from man’s creation but from human nature itself making it a natural body of laws
from which man’s laws. Ethics studies the standards of conduct and moral judgment; moral
philosophy. Thus, we say that ethics is the system or code of morals of a particular person,
religion, group, profession, etc. Ethics has been applied to family structure, sexuality, and how
society views the roles of individuals; leading to several distinct and unrelated fields of applied
Ultimately, ethics is important not so that “we can understand” philosophically, but
rather so we can “improve how we live”. By being moral, we enrich our lives and the lives of
those around us. It’s especially important to live a moral life when we are young, as it is helpful
to exercise and practice these concepts before being confronted with more complex issues. It
has theory that ethics is like most everything else that we strive to be good at; it requires
practice and effort. Practicing and making an effort to make moral decisions throughout life
will play dividends when we are faced with serious moral dilemmas (Lafollette, 2007).
job-related out comes. For example, studies have shown that a higher ethical work climate
(Mulki, Jaramillo, and Locander, 2008) and top leadership support for ethics (Viswesvaran,
Deshpande, and Joseph, 1998) are both positively related to job satisfaction.
Values form the basis for our understanding of ethics. Ethics is doing the right thing,
whatever that might be. The “right thing” is based on those values’ society. “Values” is the
term given to those ideas, behaviors, and actions that are important to us. Our values strongly
influence our decision making and help determine where we place our emphasis on our
personal and professional lives. There are some values. Though, that are essentially universally
held by society. There are values from which we derive our understanding and expectation of
ethics and ethical behavior. Such ideals include integrity, honesty, hard work, kindness,
According to Weinstein, there are five basic principles of ethics that are common to
all faiths: Do no harm. Make things better. Respect others. Be fair. Be loving. These values are
defined differently in different parts of the world, but they are cross-cultural and expected
among all groups of people. Also, Weinstein says they should extend beyond the walls of the
sanctuary and should be taught and expected in homes and classrooms as well. Ethics and
morals are often associated with religion, but schools can also provide important lessons in
Singer (2019) expressed that ethics deals with such questions at all levels. Its subject
consists of the fundamental issues of practical decision making, and its major concerns include
the nature of ultimate value and the standards by which human actions can be judged right or
Role models play a huge impact in the development of an individual’s life said by Perry
& Nixon (2005), and the development of one’s ethical thought and behavior is no exception.
With the emergence of mass media such as television and especially the internet, role models
are becoming an even bigger influence today than ever before. Subsequently, if one views a
very ethical individual as a role model, he or she will definitely grow up to uphold a high
standard of ethics. On the other hand, if one’s role model is of questionable ethical practice,
Globalization also plays a strong role in affecting the ethical behaviors of the masses.
more than a political nuisance according to Zekos (2004). Globalization creates a breeding
ground for erosion of ethics, especially in developing countries. This is because developing
economies are in dire need of foreign investments and are in a weak bargaining position
motivation to enforce any kind of corruption, and basically look the other way even if they
discover them, as this may mean turning away potential investments in the country.
Thoughts affect words and deeds, and in a group context, ethics in decision making
can be evaluated through the tangible evidence and outcomes from words and actions. Again,
thoughts and motivation are left to the personal realm. As a consequence, evaluation of
appropriate ethical behavior will have limitations. In all outcomes there are the following
possibilities: Right motivation with right action. Right motivation with wrong action. Wrong
motivation with right action. Wrong motivation with wrong action (Decision Innovation,
It has been long established that institutional honor codes can be effective deterrents
to academic dishonesty (McCabe, Treviño & Butterfield, 2001); Whitley & Keith-Spiegel,
2001). A climate encouraging ethical behavior affects students’ perceptions of how ethically
other students are behaving. Research has consistently demonstrated that the most important
factor in whether students behave honestly is their perception of their peers’ behaviors
(Caldwell, 2010; Engler, landau and Epstein, 2008; Jordan, 2001; Mc Cabe & Bowers, 2009;
McCabe, Butterfield & Treviño, 2006; McCabe & Treviño, 1993; Pulvers & Diekhof, 1999;
Whitley, 1998). If students believe that “everyone else is cheating,” then they ill be more likely
to cheat, too. However, honor codes alone do not create a climate of ethical behavior. Honor
codes must be backed by institutional programs that educate students and encourage academic
honesty (Caldwell, 2010; Engler et al., 2008; MacDonald & Carroll, 2006; McCabe, et al., 2001;
Roig & Marks, 2006; Whitley & Keith-Spiegel, 2001). Therefore, to move expectations of
ethical behavior from the institution to the classroom, statements encouraging ethical behavior
not only need to be placed in the course syllabus, but also discussed and reinforced in class.