Physics Activity-4
Physics Activity-4
Physics Activity-4
To observe diffraction of light due to a thin slit.
Two ordinary razor blades with sharp edges, a
source of light, i.e., a pencil laser or a sodium lamp,
screen, a black paper.
When a beam of monochromatic light falls on a
narrow slit of small width, the light bends around
the edges of the slit. If a screen is placed at a
suitable distance, diffraction pattern due to the slit
is obtained.
“The phenomenon of bending of light around corners
and spreading into the regions of geometrical
shadow is called diffraction”.
The diffraction pattern consists of a central maxima
surrounded on either side by a number of alternate
dark or bright bands called secondary minima and
1. First of all I placed two sharp edged, razor
blades side by side on a strip of black paper
keeping their sharp edges close and parallel to
each other as shown in the figure, then I fixed
the blades with the help of cellotape and made
fine slit.
2. Switched on the sodium lap or pencil laser and
kept it at a distance of approximately 2m from
the blades.
3. Let the light coming out of the slit fal on a
screen(or wall) situated at a distance of about 20
4. I observed a diffraction pattern consists of dark
and bright bands on the wall. If an ordinary
lamp is used in place of sodium lamp, coulored
fringes will be observed.
5. Repeated the experiment by increases the slit
1. Diffraction pattern (fringes) due to a single slit is
formed when light passes through a narrow slit
which consists of a central bright maxima and
secondary minima and maxima on eitrherr side.
2. On increasing the slit width, the width of
central maxima decreases and the sharpness of
fringes decreases.
1. The razor blades should be unused so that the
edges should be very sharp.
2. The slit should be formed as narrow as possible
3. The source of light should be kept at least at a
distance of 2m from the thin slit
4. A beam of monochromatic light should be used
to obtain diffraction pattern.