Syllabus of Applied Chemistry

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Academic Year 2015-2016

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Version 2.0
Table of Contents

Content Page No.

Applied Chemistry Program Goals, Objective and Outcomes .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
Diploma Year I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Diploma Year II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Advanced Diploma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
BTech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Applied Chemistry Degree Audit – January 2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13

Diploma Year I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Diploma Year II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Advance Diploma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
BTech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .13

Diploma Year I Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-31

Technical Writing – I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Pure Math . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Advanced I T Skills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Fundamentals Of Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Fundamentals Of Biology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Technical Writing II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Chemistry I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Physics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Laboratory Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Fundamentals Of Environmental Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Safety Lab Organization & Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Entrepreneurship. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Diploma Year II Courses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 - 54

Chemistry II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Technical Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Introduction to Renewable Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Chemistry Laboratory Techniques I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
General Organic Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Calculus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Industrial Chemistry I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Instrumentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Analytical Chemistry I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Project 1 A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Material Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Project 1 B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Business Ethics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

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Content Page No.

Advance Diploma Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56-74

Physical Chemistry I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Inorganic Chemistry I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Organic Chemistry I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Chemistry Lab Techniques II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Statistics & I T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Public Speaking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Organic Chemistry II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Dept. Elective (Principles of Environmental Chemistry). . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Computers in Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Formal Arabic Communication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Specialization Elective (Environmental Chemistry). . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73
Quality Assurance & Quality Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

B.Tech Courses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76-93

Analytical Chemistry II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Oman Civilization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Departmental Elective (Pollution & Its Impact). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Inorganic Chemistry II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Electro-Analytical Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Industrial Chemistry II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Physical Chemistry II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Departmental Elective (Nutrition). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Project IIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Development & Application of Chemistry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Project II B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Specialization Elective (Food Chemistry) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

Course Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96-97

New Program vs Oman National Diploma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
New Program vs Lab Schools Diploma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

Student Centered Approaches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98-99

Mapping of Graduate Attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100-101

Course-wise mapping of attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
List of graduate attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

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Version 2.0
Program Goals, Objectives & Outcomes

The Diploma program is split into two levels – Year 1 which is common to all students in the

Department of Applied Sciences and Year 2 which is specific to Applied Chemistry students.


Credit Hours : 73

This program is designed to achieve the following educational goals:

 provide nationally recognized qualifications in chemistry.

 equip the student with the knowledge, understanding and practical skills required by a technician for

success in current and future employment in industry and allied science sectors or for progression to

graduate studies.

DIPLOMA YEAR 1 (Common to all Applied Sciences students)

Duration: 1 year full time

Program Objectives

The Diploma Year I program is committed to the following objectives:

 introduce the students to general foundation in scientific knowledge and practical skills

 provide the students with a practical training taking into account his/her own skills and tendencies

and the market demand

 introduce the students to the basic knowledge in supporting skills such as English and Computing and

keeping a work log book.

 develop in the student the ability to work as an individual and in a team and the personal qualities and

attitudes essential to his career

 initiate laboratory work as an essential component of education

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 foster the right safety attitudes in a laboratory environment

 prepare students with understanding of job market needs and equip them with skills related to

seeking jobs

 promote the spirit of entrepreneurship among students

 develop in the student the desire for life-long learning

Program Outcomes
A student at the end of Diploma Year I will be able to:

 apply his/her basic scientific knowledge and skills to solve minor general problems

 keep a work log book to record the details of the job conducted as regards to method, instrument

observation and dates of commencing and finishing the job etc.

 carry out simple scientific experiments by following prescribed procedures.

 develop a proper attitude to safety and organization with respect to working in a laboratory

 communicate through the English medium orally and in writing

 organize and manage science labs as regards to lab finance, store keeping, administration and


 use available information sources

 identify strategies and challenges involved in running a business and demonstrate entrepreneurship


 continue life-long learning

DIPLOMA YEAR 2 (For Applied Chemistry Specialization)

Duration: 1 year full time

Program Objectives

The Diploma Year II in chemistry is committed to the following objectives

 provide the student with broad-based scientific studies with emphasis on the practical applications

of knowledge and the development of the skills required for employment as technicians in the science


 provide a common core of study with relevant pathways into employment

 provide the foundation to specialize in applied chemistry

 develop in the students a range of skills and laboratory techniques, personal qualities and attitudes

essential for career development in chemical laboratories

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 develop in the student the ability to function as an individual and in a team

 develop in the student the ability to communicate through report writing and presentations

 promote the spirit of entrepreneurship among students

 inculcate the ability and desire to carry out independent life-long learning

Program Outcomes

The graduate with a Diploma in Applied Chemistry is expected to have the ability to apply
scientific knowledge and technical skills to the changing need of chemical labs and allied industries

 carry out or assist in conducting experiments and tests required for the running of science labs,

academic, industrial, research laboratories or otherwise

 observe and maintain general safety rules and codes of behavior in laboratories

 function as an individual or in a team

 communicate through report writing

 conduct themselves with professional and ethical responsibility related to chemical profession

 identify strategies and challenges involved in running a business and demonstrate entrepreneurship


 continue independent life-long learning

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Duration: 3 years full time Credit Hours :109


This program is designed to achieve the following educational goals:

 provide a nationally recognized qualification in applied chemistry achievable through full-time


 provide a focus on the practical applications of knowledge and the development of the skills

appropriate to employment in a range of chemical professions in the private and public sectors.

Program Objectives

The Advanced Diploma in applied chemistry in designed to

 provide the students with a firm foundation in chemistry, which is directly relevant to the

changing needs of employers in scientific employment.

 focus on the practical applications of knowledge with special emphasis on the use of modern

instrumentation to develop the student skills required for employment in chemical science.

 present and include studies in safety, laboratory organization and management and environmental


 develop in the students a range of skills and techniques and professional ethics which are essential

for career development in scientific employment.

 inculcate in the students the ability to record experimental processes, analyze results and deliver

oral presentations.

 promote the spirit of entrepreneurship among students

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 introduce the student to the concepts of quality control assurance systems and their applications.

 develop in the students the ability to function as an individual and in a team to accomplish assigned

tasks or objectives.

 provide an education in chemistry that forms a basis to graduate studies and inspire independent

life-long learning.

Program Outcomes

Graduates with Advanced Diploma in Applied Chemistry will

 apply their scientific knowledge and technical skills in a wide range of industries as effective


 operate modern analytical instruments.

 identify industrial problems related to chemistry and find solutions for them.

 be able to work in quality control or analytical laboratories.

 organize and manage effectively science laboratories.

 function well as an individual and in a team.

 function as industrial chemist, assistant research scientist in industrial, research and university


 maintain general safety rules and codes of behavior in chemical laboratories.

 identify and implement the quality system appropriate to a selected industry

 apply statistical techniques to the control of a selected system.

 present his work through reporting and oral presentation.

 apply the professional and ethical responsibilities related to the chemical profession.

 identify strategies and challenges involved in running a business and demonstrate

entrepreneurship skills

 continue independent life-long learning.

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Duration: 4 years full time Credit Hours : 144


This program is designed to achieve the following educational goals:

 Provide students with a nationally and internationally recognized qualification in applied chemistry

achievable through full time studies.

 Produce professional chemists with broad training in theoretical principles and highly adaptable

practical scientific skills required for success in current and future employment.

 Provide the opportunity to select optional units appropriate to employment in a range of industries

and positions in the public and private sectors.

 Set the foundation for further studies in the field of chemistry.

Program Objectives

The Bachelor Degree in Applied Chemistry is committed to

 provide the necessary theoretical scientific knowledge and technical skills needed to underpin the

applied aspects of chemistry.

 provide sufficient mathematical knowledge to facilitate analyzing and manipulation of

experimental data.

 provide the opportunity to learn a wide spectrum of topics in chemistry that are intellectually


 present and include studies in chemical safety, laboratory organization and management and

environmental issues.

 develop in students a wide variety of practical skills especially in the use of modern


 develop in the student the ability to record scientific experimental processes, analyze results,

draw conclusions, write reports and present their work orally.

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 introduce the student to the concepts of quality control assurance systems and their applications

to familiar situations.

 develop in students a range of personal qualities and professional ethics, which are essential for

career development in scientific employment.

 develop in the students the ability to function and communicate effectively as an individual and in

a team.

 provide an education in science that forms a basis for progression to graduate studies.

 promote the spirit of entrepreneurship among students

 develop the ability to independent life-long learning.

Program Outcomes

The graduates with Bachelor Degree in Applied Chemistry will be able to:

 use chemical knowledge and technical skills to fulfill a wide range of roles in industry as effective

practicing scientists or researchers.

 operate modern analytical instruments and conduct experiments to provide solutions in chemistry

related industrial problems.

 apply his/her wide spectra of chemical knowledge to identify challenging industrial problems and

find solutions for them.

 apply his/her knowledge to run quality control or analytical laboratories for a range of industries.

 conceptualize and predict feasibility of projects for a range of industries e.g. foods,

pharmaceuticals, petroleum, plastics, …etc.

 expand their scientific curiosity and creativity within a broad range of scientific disciplines.

 identify and implement the quality system appropriate to a selected industry.

 apply statistical techniques to the control of a selected process.

 demonstrate awareness of safety codes/rules and managing and administer scientific labs.

 work effectively, both, individually and in a team to accomplish assigned tasks and objectives.

 communicate through report writing and presentation and participate in seminars.

 identify strategies and challenges involved in running a business and demonstrate

entrepreneurship skills

 apply the professional and ethical responsibilities related to the chemical profession.

 continue independent life-long learning.

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Version 2.0
Degree Audit (Applied Chemistry)
Diploma Year I






Course Title





MATH 1102 PURE MATH FP MT0101  Pass/ 0 3 0 3
ENTW 1100 TECHNICAL WRITING – I FP Level 4  D 3 2 2 4
ITAD 1100 Advanced IT Skills Key board  D 3 0 6 6 N
skills E


Total 13 10 12 22


ENVS 1200 FUNDAMENTALS OF   C- 3 2 2 4

PHYS 1201 PHYSICS MATH1102  C- 3 2 2 4 T
CHEM 1202 CHEMISTRY I CHEM1102  C- 3 2 2 4

Total 15 8 14 22


SLOM 1301 SLOM  C- 3 2 2 4 M
Total 6 4 4 8 E

Credits Theory Practical Total Ratio

34 22 30 52 42% : 58%

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Version 2.0
Diploma Year II






Course Title







IRSE 2105 RENEWABLE ENERGY PHYS1201  C- 3 2 2 4 N
CHEM2102 CHEMISTRY II CHEM1202  C- 3 2 2 4


MATH 1200 CALCULUS I MATH1102  C- 3 3 0 3

Total 18 12 12 24


INST 2200 INSTRUMENTATION PHYS1201,  C- 3 1 4 5


CHEM2202 PROJECT I A CHEM2103 CHEM C 3 0 6 6

Total 15 5 20 25

PHIL 3108 BUSINESS ETHICS   D 3 3 0 3 S

CHEM2301 PROJECT I B CHEM2202  C 3 0 6 6 M
Total 6 3 6 9

Credits Theory Practical Total Ratio

39 20 38 58 34% : 66%

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Version 2.0
Advanced Diploma






Course Title





STAT 3120 STATISTICS & I T ITAD 1100  C- 3 2 2 4



Total 15 8 14 22

ENGL 3100 PUBLIC SPEAKING ENTW1200  D 3 2 2 4



Total 15 9 12 21

Total 6 4 4 8 E



Credits Theory Practical Total Ratio

36 21 30 51 41% : 59%

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Version 2.0
B. Tech






Course Title








Total 14 8 12 20




Total 15 8 14 22


CHEM4301 PROJECT II B CHEM4201 C 3 0 6 6 M
Total 6 2 8 10 E



Credits Theory Practical Total Ratio

35 18 34 52 35% : 65%

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Version 2.0


The course equips the students to analyze an essay and break it down into its
structural parts. Plan and draft a paragraph. Evaluate purpose and audience. Develop
organizational skills in writing. Monitor, check and revise one’s own work or that of
other course participants, giving feedback. Support controlling idea in the thesis
statement with explanation, facts and examples. Convey a specific attitude about a
topic. Write well-organized essays and paragraphs of exposition and comparison and
contrast showing evidence of significant planning.

This course will teach basic academic writing skills to enable students to communicate
effectively and clearly. Students will learn to analyze required readings and discover
ideas that they can use for writing essays. Students will also learn research skills for
writing assignments and projects by practicing the methods of literature review, data
collection and analysis, and results reporting. Emphasis will be placed on critical
thinking skills. Students will learn skills of presentation using technology such as
computers, LCD and Smart board.

The students should be able to:

Analyze an essay and break it down into its structural parts.; Plan and draft a
paragraph; Evaluate purpose and audience; Develop organizational skills in writing;
Monitor, check and revise one’s own work or that of other course participants, giving
feedback; Support controlling idea in the thesis statement with explanation, facts
Objectives and
and examples; Convey a specific attitude about a topic; Write well-organized essays
and paragraphs of exposition and comparison and contrast showing evidence of
significant planning; Use clear purpose to compare/contrast and express a specific
attitude about the items being analyzed; Express ideas using significant and
insightful points which support the thesis; Describe place and object; Write one
research question for a given topic; Read at least two printed and electronic
resources critically as part of literature review to use others’ information and ideas
in one’s own report; Document precisely the information and ideas; Design a
questionnaire and collect data and information from secondary sources such as
printed materials and electronic devices for assignment; Analyze the data collected
by questionnaire using charts and tables; Interpret the analyzed data in order to
provide explanation for the phenomenon investigated in the research; Deliver a
presentation on the assignment topic using LCD.

Course This course will enable students to develop technical skills in writing be able to come
Technical up with a writing output that is well organized and idea conveyed are expressed and
Skills written clearly.

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Version 2.0
 Introduction to the Course: issuing Course Book, explaining Course Outline
 Incorporating Information Taken from Sources
 Referencing
 Basic Mathematics Vocabulary
Course  Compare and Contrast Essays
Content  Using Charts and Tables
 Basic Computer Vocabulary
 Descriptive Essays


This course is a first year mathematics course for the students in Engineering
Course Technology, Information Technology and Applied Science programs. The Foundation
Description Mathematics remains as a pre-requisite course for this. It provides the students with
a background of mathematical skills essential for progression to the study of Calculus
and further Engineering Mathematics.

The course bridges the gap in mathematical skills between secondary school and
Higher Education. Prepares students who are going for engineering, science, and
technology oriented specializations to learn and solve mathematical problems in
English. Enables students to meet the prescribed learning outcomes. Prepares
students to acquire necessary knowledge and skills for further studies in their

The students should be able to:

Demonstrate understanding of the definition of a function and its
graph. Describe polynomial functions. Define and manipulate exponential and
logarithmic functions and solve. Problems arising from real life applications.
and Outcomes
Understand the inverse relationship between exponents and logarithms
functions and use this relationship to solve related problems. Describe analytically the
trigonometric functions and their inverses. Demonstrate an understanding of
trigonometric identities. Use the law of sines and cosines to solve a triangle and real
life problems. Use appropriate software to interpret equations and graphs. Identify
special notation and formulas for representing and generating sequences and series.
Know the conic sections and understand in particular the parabola, ellipse and
hyperbola and construct their standard equations.

Graphing utility is used to refer to any of the various graphing calculators or

computer software packages that might be available for students using this course.
The graphing utility, graphs different functions directly which is the bypass of the
creation of table values using calculator to draw the graphs. The use of graphing
utility is optional within this course.

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This course is the extension of basic mathematics of the foundation program. This
course includes functions and their graphs with different operations on them,
introduction of trigonometry, sequences and series and some topics of analytic
geometry also. This course covers functions and its properties, combining functions,
composite functions and their properties, inverse functions, polynomial functions,
exponential and logarithmic functions. In Trigonometry, graphs of basics of
trigonometry functions, law of sines and law of cosines are covered. The topics of
analytic geometry are Parabolas, Ellipse and Hyperbolas with their standard
geometrical and analytical definitions.

ITAD1100 Advanced IT Skills

This course introduces the fundamentals of applications programs, using the
Microsoft Office suite as a typical example. Differentiate the categories of
software: operating system (including communications software and user interface)
and Applications software (pre-packaged, or Custom-built). Make use of “keystroke”
and “mouse” movements to perform fundamental exercises in all two applications
within the suite. Demonstrate the ability to navigate and utilize the hypertext “help”
system as a troubleshooting tool. Demonstrate the common commands and functions
of Word and Excel in a variety of applications. Demonstrate the common commands
and functions of Access and PowerPoint in a variety of applications.

The course builds on the skills acquired in the IT foundation course to train students
on important computer tools and software applications such as desktop publishing,
web applications, advanced spread sheets, and databases. Throughout the semester,
students have been actively utilizing the e-learning infrastructure of the college.
Objectives The students should be able to:
and Outcomes Demonstrate their ability to use the e-learning portal; Design publications using a
publishing software and design tools; Develop web applications using a web
development software; Use advanced functions in spread sheet; and Develop

1. Prepare Newsletters & Brochures

Course 2. Develop websites through Web Expression
Technical 3. Perform advanced functions using Spread sheets
Skills 4. Design Queries, Forms and Reports using MS-Access

Desktop Publishing
Web Applications
Advanced Spreadsheets

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It is the first course in chemistry that introduces the basic concepts of chemistry
Course and explains the basic scientific principles concerning the states of matter,
Description separation techniques, the atom, the mole as well as the atomic theory and redox
reactions. It also states and applies the laws of electrolysis. Practical work forms an
integral part of this course.

The course should enable the student to:

1. Know the particles in an atom, the simple structure of the atom using the s, p, d and
f notations, use the concept of significant figures.
2. Convert names of compounds into formulae and represent chemical reaction using
formulae and balanced equations
3. Clarify the mole concept and apply it in chemical calculation and state
concentrations of solutions by different methods
4. Distinguish between organic and inorganic compounds and explain fractional
distillation of petroleum
5. Name organic compounds with different functional groups and write some reactions
of hydrocarbons
7. Distinguish the properties and reactions of acids and bases, express the strength
of acids and bases with respect to pH
8. Define redox in terms of electron transfer and identify common oxidizing and
reducing agents, redox reaction with two half ionic equations and full ionic reaction
9. Apply Faraday’s first and second law to calculate the amount of a metal deposited
during electrolysis
10. Predict the products of electrolysis of fused salts and solutions.

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At the end of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Distinguish between gases, liquids and solids at the molecular level and apply the
idea of particles to explain the changes in the states of matter.
2. Describe the particles in an atom; describe early experimental evidence for the
existence of the electron and the nucleus; describe the simple structure of the atom
using the s, p, d and f notations, and use the concept of significant figures.
3. Translate names of compounds into formulae; represent chemical reaction using
formulae and balanced equations; determine and distinguish between empirical
formulae and molecular formulae, and use chemical equations to calculate amount of
reactant consumed or product formed in a chemical reaction.
4. Explain the mole concept and apply it in chemical calculations, and express
concentrations of solutions by different methods.
Outcomes 5. Explain the differences between organic and inorganic compounds; explain
fractional distillation of petroleum; name organic compounds with different functional
groups, and write some reactions of hydrocarbons.
6. Explain the properties and reactions of acids and bases; express the strength of
acids and bases with respect to pH, and review the methods of the preparation of
soluble and insoluble salts.
7. Define redox in terms of electron transfer and identify common oxidizing and
reducing agents and represent a redox reaction with two half ionic equations and use
two half ionic equations to write a full ionic redox reaction.
8. Apply Faraday’s first and second law to calculate the amount of a metal deposited
during electrolysis; predict the products of electrolysis of fused salts and solutions,
and design an electrolytic cell to isolate a pure metal from its ore.

Design and conduction of experiments to prepare different type of salts.

- Setting up experiments to provide evidence for the electron transfer in redox
reactions and investigate the relative reactivity of metal in the activity series.
- Application of laws of electrolysis by designing an electrolytic cell for the isolation
of a pure metal from its ore.
- Setting up experiments to detect presence of unsaturation in a molecule.
- Demonstration of awareness of working safely in a chemistry lab.

1. States of Matter (Particle Theory and Changing States of Matter)

2. Homogenous Mixture, Solubility and saturated Solutions
3. Atomic Structure
4. Electronic configuration and formation of ions
5. Chemical formulae and equations; writing balanced equations
6. Empirical and molecular formula
7. Introduction to organic chemistry; saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons
8. Functional groups in organic chemistry
9. Principles of nomenclature of organic compounds
10. Oxidation-reduction reactions
11. Electrolysis

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It introduces the students to a general understanding of basic principles of biology

particularly the organization of life at cellular level. It contains: The general
characteristics of living things; diversity of life; Structure and functions of cells;
Tissues; movement of substances in and out of cells; Nutrition and digestion;
Respiration; Excretion and osmoregulation; Communication and coordination; Cellular
reproduction; mitosis and meiosis; Reproduction and outline of genetics.

The course should enable the students to:

Recognize the characteristics of living things. Understand the diversity of life.
Identify the major classification levels for living organisms. Identify the organelles of
the cell. Determine the structure, location and function of plant and animal tissues.
Identify the five main processes by which substances get in and out of cells.
Recognize the transport tissues in plants and animals. Identify the six classes of
nutrients required in a human’s diet. Understand the physical and chemical digestion.
Understand the process of respiration in living organisms. Identify the components of
the mammal’s excretory system. Recognize the nervous system in mammals and identify
the divisions of the brain. Identify the endocrine system in mammals. Understand
mitosis and meiosis cell divisions. Identify the mammalian reproductive systems.
Understand the basics of genetics.

The students should be able to:

Differentiate between living and non-living things. Classify organisms to kingdoms of
life. Differentiate between an animal cell and a plant cell. Recognize the different
tissues in plants and animals and differentiate between them. Relate the structures of
plant and animal tissues to their ultimate functions. Explain the processes of diffusion,
osmosis, active transport, phagocytosis and pinocytosis and give examples. Construct
conclusions based on the results of diffusion and osmosis experiments. Explain how
food and water is transported in plants. Show a complete understanding of the blood
flow in mammals. Explain in details how food is digested in the digestive system.
Outcomes Compare between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. Explain the mechanism of
excretion in the kidneys. Explain how the different parts of organism’s body are
communicating and coordinating with each other. Understand the endocrine and
nervous systems. Apply how fast the reflex response to a stimulus in relation to time
is and explain the importance of reflex actions in our daily life. Explain the importance
of cell division and it’s relation to growth. Differentiate between sexual and asexual
reproduction. Explain in details the male and female reproductive systems. Show an
understanding of Mendelian genetics. Construct genetics crossings between organisms
to show their effects on traits.

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-Safety in the lab in general
-Identification of different parts of the microscope setting up a microscope for its
proper use.
Course -Follow biological rules in drawing any cell or structure.
Technical -Draw and list characteristic features of the five kingdoms.
Skills -Identifying different parts of animal and plant cells using the microscope.
-Study the plant stems and differentiates between dicot and monocot stems.
-Study different types of animal tissues.
-Understand the process of osmosis in plants cells.

1. Characteristics of Living things

2. Diversity of life
3. Cell structure and function
4. Transport
5. Nutrition and digestion
6. Respiration
7. Excretion and osmoregulation

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This course is a continuation of ENTW 1100. This course teaches students the
technical communication skills which enable them to communicate effectively and
clearly using technical genres based on real life situations. They will use English for
academic purposes and expository writing, as well as develop their writing skills in an
integrated manner, making use of the listening, reading and speaking skills. Students
also use the skills of presentation delivery using technology such as computer,
laptops, LCD and Smart Board. Use effectively various pre-writing techniques to
generate or classify ideas to coherently plan, introduce, develop and conclude a topic.
Express ideas in clear, acceptable English using a wide range of grammatical
structures. Organize writing in a logical sequence using linking words. Write in an
appropriate style, showing awareness of audience. Adhere to the conventions of the
mechanics of writing, paying attention to layout, spelling and punctuation. Edit one’s
own work. Read printed and electronic sources critically to identify an author’s
audience, purpose, claims, evidence and bias. Locate source materials in the library
and on the internet, evaluate their usefulness, relevance, and credibility, and then
incorporate them into an assigned task with in-text citations and full reference list.
Write summaries and reports including tables, charts and other images where
necessary. Interpret the analyzed data in order to provide explanation for the
phenomenon investigated in the research. Deliver a presentation on the assignment
topic using an LCD.

The students should be able to:

Use effectively various pre-writing techniques to generate or clarify ideas to
coherently plan, introduce, develop and conclude a topic; Express ideas in clear,
acceptable English using a wide range of grammatical structures; Organize writing in
a logical sequence using linking words; Write in an appropriate style, showing
Course awareness of audience; Adhere to the conventions of the mechanics of writing, paying
Objectives attention to layout, spelling and punctuation; Edit one’s own work; Read printed and
and electronic sources critically to identify an author’s audience, purpose, claims,
Outcomes evidence and bias; Locate source materials in the library and on the Internet,
evaluate their usefulness, relevance, and credibility, and then incorporate them into
an assigned task with in-text citations and full reference list; Write summaries and
reports including tables, charts and other images where necessary; Interpret the
analyzed data in order to provide explanation for the phenomenon investigated in the
research and Deliver a presentation on the assignment topic using LCD.

Research skills, study skills, technical writing skills, speaking skills, critical
thinking skills, teamwork skills, entrepreneurial skills.

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Course Summarizing, synthesizing, process essays, business reports, scientific
Content reports, technical vocabulary


It builds on the principles explained in Fundamentals of Chemistry. . It involves

chemical kinetics and the kinetic theory (collision theory and T.S.); knowledge
of equilibrium of acid-base to understanding of ionic equilibrium in solution
and buffers; Moreover, it explains some of the physical characteristics
observed in solutions as colligative properties and colloids. Laboratory work in
an essential feature of the teaching method used and constitute not less than
30% of the course

The course should enable the student to:

1. State and investigate the factors affecting the rate of chemical reactions.
2. Be aware of the basic principles of reaction kinetics
Course 3. Understand and investigate the principles and characteristics of equilibria.
Objectives 4. Apply their knowledge of equilibrium to extend understanding of acid-base systems
5. Appreciate the nature of colligative properties and their use in the determination
of molar masses.

The students should be able to:

1. Describe and investigate the factors affecting reaction rates.
2. Account for the importance of catalysts for chemical reactions.
3. Predict the overall order of a chemical reaction
4. Relate the energy distribution within a reaction system and the factors that
affect the rate of a chemical reaction
5. Design an experiment to verify the Arrhenius equation and determine the
Outcomes activation energy for a chemical reaction
6. Use the law of mass action to derive a mathematical equation for the equilibrium
7. Use Le Chatelier’s principle to explain the effect of external factors on the
composition of an equilibrium mixture.
8. Apply the principles of equilibrium and reaction rate in industrial processes e.g.
Contact, Haber & HNO3

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9. Apply knowledge of ionic equilibrium to calculate the [H+], pH, Ka, or pKa of an acid
or related values for a base
10. Interpret the pH curve shown during the titration of a weak acid by a strong base
in terms of buffer solution
11. Apply Raoult’s law to solutions containing an non-volatile solute and to predict the
RMM of the solute
12. Define ebullioscopic (Kb) and cryoscopic (Kf) constants of a solute
13. Evaluate the boiling point elevation and freezing point depression caused by an
non-volatile solute
14. Define ebullioscopic (Kb) and cryoscopic (Kf) constants of a solute
15. Evaluate the boiling point elevation and freezing point depression caused by an
non-volatile solute.

- Designing an experiment to determine the dissociation constant of a weak

-Preparation and functioning of buffer.
Course - Verification of the Arrhenius equation and determination of the activation
Technical energy for a chemical reaction.
Skills -Determination of order of reaction rate.
- Determination of boiling point using colligative properties.- Studying
factors affecting reaction kinetics
-Performance of a simple experiment to demonstrate Le Chatelier Principle.
-Demonstration of working safely in a chemistry lab.

1. Kinetics (Introduction to reaction kinetics, Collision theory of gas

molecules, factors affecting reaction rates, increasing reaction rates
in industry, measuring reactiojn rates, rate laws and types of rate
Course 2. Chemical equilibrium (Equilibrium constant, Lechatlier Principle)
Content 3. Acids and Bases (Arrhenius theory, Bronsteadtheory, ionic equilibrium
in acqueous solutions of acids and bases, strong acids and bases,
dissociation constant, buffer solutions)
4. Colligative Properties (Raoultz law and vapour pressure lowering,
freezing point depression, boiling point elevation, osmotic pressure)

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Version 2.0

This is a first course in physics, which is practical and also theoretical. This course
will review and extend the competency of the students entering in HCT in the areas
of the fundamentals of physics. It will also improve the students’ knowledge in the
Course basic scientific principles and their applications.
Description This course covers the topics in fundamental Physics viz., units, vectors,
speed, velocity, acceleration, force, energy, momentum, circular motion,
oscillation, elastic properties, temperature, heat, sound, charge, electric
field, current, D.C. circuits, magnetism and wave optics.

The course should enable the student to

Explain the behavior of the physical world around him/her by constructing a
logical structure of it. Apply the concepts of physics in his/her field of study
Course and everyday life. Understand and relate the different phenomena in the
Objectives world. Control the physical aspects of the world beneficially. Approach
problems, predict their results in advance, and solve them in quantitative and
qualitative manners. Gain a broader understanding of other sciences.

The students should be able to:

Use the S.I. system of measurement. Recognize and manipulate the
mathematical relationship between quantities. Plot technical graphs. Define,
analyze, and experimentally demonstrate the concepts of force, energy, and
collisions. Apply and verify experimentally the laws of elementary mechanics.
Define, analyze, and experimentally demonstrate the concepts of rotational
motion. Define, apply, and experimentally demonstrate the concepts of linear
and angular momentum. Analyze systems/objects using the law of
conservation. Define, apply, and experimentally demonstrate the concepts of
Outcomes oscillation. Define, apply, and experimentally demonstrate the thermal
properties of materials. Define, apply, and experimentally demonstrate the
concepts of gas laws and ideal gas equation. Define, apply, and experimentally
demonstrate the concepts of electric fields, electric properties of matter
and forces. Define and apply the concepts of electric currents. Construct
circuits and analyze their electrical currents. Define, apply, and
experimentally demonstrate the concepts of magnetic fields and forces.
Define, apply, ad experimentally demonstrate the concepts of wave optics and
wave motion

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Developed the skill of using electrical and mechanical instruments, etc.
Course  Developed the skill of finding relation of two physical quantities,
Technical plotting the graph, and interpreting results
Skills  Finding out error in the measurements and writing reports
 Making electrical circuit and finding faults in it

Units, Dimension & Vectors

Motion in One and Two Dimensions
Laws of Motion
Course Work & Energy
Content Momentum and Collisions
Electric Forces and Electric
Current and Resistance
Direct Current Circuits


This is a full practical course. It introduces the students, whatever their previous
chemical background, to the fundamental chemical techniques. It fosters in them a
correct approach to lab. work, precision and safety. It introduces the basic concepts
of the chemical techniques and supply the students with the basic scientific principles
concerning the measuring techniques, separation, purification and titration techniques.
This course focuses on developing the technical skills of the students by exposing
them to the basic techniques in the fields of microscopy, microbiology and
biochemistry. The experiments designed in this course will enable the students to
measure the size of different objects using the optical microscope, prepare
temporary and permanent mounts, understand centrifugation and perform serial
dilutions. They will also learn how to culture microorganisms and detect different food
classes using biochemical techniques.

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The course should enable the student to:
1. Understand the theoretical and practical applications of a variety of simple
separation techniques of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures; Synthesise and
establish the purity of an organic solid sample. Use qualitative chromatography
techniques (paper & TLC) and determine Rf values of the components; Carry out
titrimetric analysis (acid-base & Redox) and pH titrations.
2. Determine the boiling points of liquids and the boiling point composition diagrams
for ideal and non-ideal liquid mixtures.
3. Work safely in a chemical laboratory.

Understand the basic laboratory and regulations. Learn the parts of a compound
Course optical microscope. Understand the setting of a compound microscope. Determine the
Objectives size of a microscopic object by comparing it with the size of the circular field of view.
Develop skill in preparing temporary and permanent mount. Understand the techniques
in preparing squash slides. Understand the serial dilution. Describe the principles of
centrifugation. Study the anatomy of the stem using double staining technique.
Understand the requirements for cultivation and isolation of
microorganisms. Prepare and sterilize nutrient agar and nutrient broth by
autoclaving. Develop the skills in preparing agar slope and agar plates aseptically.
Practice the steps involved in the inoculation of agar plate and agar slope. Examine the
microorganisms collected from different parts of the body. Perform different
qualitative test on carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Identify unknown compounds in
the given food samples. Determine the amount of Vitamin C in some fruits. To mount
and examine tissues cut by microtome.

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The students should be able to:

1. Describe simple separation techniques used to isolate a solid or a liquid sample from
a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture using filtration and distillation techniques.
2. Design experiments to purify and establish the purity of an isolated solid or a liquid
3. Select a suitable technique for the separation of immiscible liquids and a small
4. Distinguish between the two types of chemical analysis, the qualitative and
quantitative analysis.
5. Define the terms standard solution, primary standard, alkali metric and Acidimetric
6. Select a suitable indicator to be used in an acid-base titration to determine the
concentration of the unknown sample.
7. Apply acid-base titrimetric analysis to determine the RMM of a substance.
8. Operate a pH meter to determine the pH of a solution.
9. Interpret the different pH titration curves in terms of the type of the acid-base
titration and use it to find the equivalence point.
10. Compute Redox ionic half equations to predict the full Redox ionic equation.
11. Use Redox titration to determine the water of crystallization in a hydrated
Iron(II) salt.
12. Design a Redox titration experiment to determine free chlorine in a Super-–
Market bleach.
13. Design an experiment to separate a binary liquid mixture and justify their Purity
by recording their b.pts.
14. Use qualitative TLC- chromatography technique to separate & identify the
components of a mixture.
15. Demonstrate awareness of working safely in chemical labs.

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The students should be able to:

Perform the experiments with all safety measures. Recognize the common symbols
used in the laboratory. Able to identify the parts and functions of different parts of
a compound optical microscope. Compare the focusing of microscope under different
objectives. Calculate the size of the object under different objectives. Practice and
differentiate between temporary and permanent mounts. Perform and compute for
serial dilution. Learn centrifuge parts and their usage. Observe, identify, draw and
describe the plant stem. Use staining techniques in order to demonstrate specific
Course structures of plant tissue. List the requirements necessary for the growth of
Outcomes microorganisms. Recognize the safety measures in a microbiology laboratory and
different methods of sterilization. Compare the use of nutrient agar with a nutrient
broth. Demonstrate the steps involved in preparing an agar slope and agar plate.
Inoculate microorganisms in an agar plate and agar slope. Compare the microorganisms
from different parts of the body. Perform different tests and get familiarized with
the steps in testing carbohydrates including Molisch’s test, Moore’s test, Benedict’s
Test, Fehling’s Test, Lugol’s test. Learn how to perform different tests and get
familiarized to perform different techniques on Biuret Test, Millon’s Test, Ninhydrin
Test. Performs different test and get familiarized with the steps involved in doing
Emulsion Test, Translucency Test, Sudan III Test. Perform different tests in order
to identify unknown compound in the given food samples. Learn how to determine the
amount of vitamin C in some fruits. Recognize which fruit juice contains more vitamins.


This course will give the student general introduction to fundamentals of
environmental sciences and addresses relationships among ecological
resources in the ecosystems. The course also discusses human impact on the
natural resources and the way to approach our ecosystems sustainably.

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The course should enable the students to:;
Know the physical, chemical, climatic and biological determinants in the
environment; understand the characteristics of communities and the concepts
of population ecology and human populations; provide a critical point of view to
approach environmental problems through ecological concepts and understand
and apply the concepts and principles in laboratory and field works.

The students should be able to:

Explain the makeup of an ecosystem and discuss the structure and function
Course of various components of natural ecosystems. Distinguish between biotic and
Objectives abiotic subsystems and describe the interaction of the biosphere with its
and physical environment and the different biogeochemical cycles. Describe major
Outcomes biomes, ecosystem types, and habitat types of the biosphere. Define the role
of energy in the ecosystem and discuss the process of obtaining and using
energy in living organisms. Explain how a food chain is organized and
distinguish among food chains, food webs, and food pyramids. Define the
meaning population ecology, and understand the growth of human population.
Know some environmental issues and concerns. Demonstrate ability to
participate, share and develop skills and competencies during practical
sessions, field excursions and self-paced field work. Perform at least 10 to 12
practical activities / field visits for better understanding of the concepts and
to develop related skills and competencies.
 Identification of biotic and abiotic subsystems and describe the
interaction of the biosphere with its physical environment and the
different biogeochemical cycles.
 Classify major biomes, ecosystem types, and habitat types of the
 Simple laboratory and field study techniques
 Introduction
 The Biosphere
 The Ecosystems
Course  Production and Decomposition
Content  Population and Communities
 Environmental Issues and Concerns
 Sustainability

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It fosters in the student the correct approach to safe laboratory work and
laboratory behavior and be trained to administer a laboratory to ensure that a
laboratory is well organized, smoothly, efficiently and safely run. It involves the
Course general rules/codes of safety; Fire hazards; Hazards in physical, chemical,
Description biological/medical laboratories; First aid, boxes and contents, artificial respiration,
control of bleeding, treatment of poisons, burns, electrical shocks and fractions and
accident reporting; Laboratory design; Laboratory finance; Stores management;
Laboratory administration and Laboratory maintenance. The practical part and visits
to related laboratories constitute constitute not less than 20% of the course.
The course should enable the students to:
Explain the necessity of maintaining personal codes of safety in a laboratory.
Provide the basic precautions to prevent fire and the actions to be taken in
the event of fire. Recognize the potential hazards, which may be encountered
in a chemical, a physical, a biological or a medical lab. Be able to care for the
items of equipment common to all labs. Have a clear idea of the lab design.
Compare the systems of purchasing and financial control for a lab.
Understand the organization and management of labs stores. Describe the
basic principles of laboratory administration and maintenance.

The students should be able to:
Demonstrate awareness of the personal code of safety in the labs. Operate
the suitable firefighting equipment for the right type of fire. Demonstrate
awareness of the precautions to prevent and escape or help people to escape
fire. Work safely in chemical, physical, biological or medical labs.
Demonstrate awareness of the international warning signs and the safe
storage and the dispensing of flammable, poisonous and carcinogenic
materials. Select the appropriate rate flex for a specified piece of equipment
and use multiple adapters and distribution boards. Design and sketch a lab for
a definite function and a specified number of people. Make up a purchase and
record the necessary details about expenditure for a lab. Use a computer for
stock records. Demonstrate awareness of the lab administration and

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Following are some of the technical skills acquired by the students.
 Knowing safety rules in laboratories.
 Knowing about First AID and First AID techniques in case of Wounds,
burns and choking etc.,
 Understanding causes of fire, fire extinguishers technique, different
Course types of fire extinguishers and their use.
Technical  Dealing with electrical and radiation hazard.
Skills  Learning about how to deal with different types of chemical and
 Understanding MSDS sheets and their significance
 Dealing with biohazard waste and disease causing agents.
 Drawing the outline of a laboratory and conditions pertaining to
laboratory construction.
 Lab safety Rules
 First Aid
 Fire hazards
Course  Electrical and radiation hazards
Content  Chemical and glassware hazards
 Biological hazards
 Lab Design
 Lab Finance

This course introduces the students the concept of entrepreneurship and the
vital role played by entrepreneurs in the global economy. It covers the area
of financial management and planning and allows the students to use tools in
developing new ventures for small business. In addition, it enables them to be
able to identify the types of businesses and the challenges associated with
government regulations as well as the management processes involved in
running small firms. The students will be able to recognize the development
of working models for entrepreneurship.

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Course Objectives:
The student will be exposed to the theory as well the experience associated
with entrepreneurship. The course will cover such area as financial
management and planning, legal regulation, concepts and tools in developing
new venture, communication tools in small business.

Learning Outcomes:
The students should be able to:
Course Explain the vital role played by entrepreneurs and small business in the global
Objectives economy. Define entrepreneurship and describe how entrepreneurs are
and Outcomes different from other business-people Define small business and identify the
industries in which most small firms are established. Compares the
advantages and disadvantages of small business. Analyze the small business
opportunities for women and the special challenges faced by this
entrepreneur. Describes how the small business administration functions.
Recognize the important contemporary topic such as family business, small
business risks, and government regulations. Recognize management process
and operation management for the small firm. Develop a working model of
entrepreneurship by creating a small business plan.




The concepts of enthalpy and bonding, are introduced. In addition, the relationships
Course between electronic, structural and chemical properties of elements, as well as trends
Description across the periodic table are explored. Properties of colloids are also introduced.
Practical work forms an integral part of this course.

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The course should enable the student to:
1. Develop understanding of the importance of energy changes to chemical
reactions and in industry.
2. Explain the relationship between structure, bonding and properties.
3. Describe the pattern in properties across the periodic table.
4. Develop a basic understanding of colloidal solutions

The students should be able to:

1. Apply the concept of enthalpy to calculate the heat change for a chemical

2. Apply Hess's law to calculate the standard enthalpy of reactions using related
enthalpies of combustion.

3. Predict the heat of formation of compounds and compare their stabilities using
Bohn Haber cycle

4. Devise experiments to determine the enthalpy of neutralization and solutions.

5. Apply dot/cross diagram to represent bonding in molecules.

6. Evaluate the effect of hydrogen bonding on the structure and properties of

some biological molecules.
7. Relate the periodic properties (physical and chemical) of the elements and their
compounds to the electronic structure of the elements.

Course 13. Deduce the relationship between the electronic structure of an atom, its
Outcomes properties and its position in the periodic table (elements in the same group have
similar properties).
14. Differentiate between thermal stability of the nitrates and carbonates of the
alkali and alkaline earth metals.

15. Compare between the properties and reactivities of the s- and p-block elements.

16. Relate the hydrate formation of the s-block elements to the ionic size and

17. Describe the chemistry of the d-block elements with respect to the first row

18. Relate the properties of the d-block elements to their electronic structures
19. Differentiate between a true solution, suspension and a colloidal system compare
between lyophilic andlyophobic colloids

20. Relate the process of dialysis to the function of the kidney

21. Demonstrate ability to work as an individual and in a team.

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- Setting up experiments to determine the enthalpy of a chemical reaction
(neutralisation) using enthalpy concepts and Hess's rule.
Course -Studying polarity &solubilities of substances in that context.
Technical - Investigation of thermal stabilities of alkali and earth metals nitrates and
Skills carbonates.
- Investigation of properties & characteristics of colloidal solutions.
- Demonstration of working safely in a chemistry lab.
1. Enthalpy
Course 2. Bonding
Content 3. Trends in the periodic table
4. Properties of colloids


This course introduces the student to the theories, principles, and processes of
effective written communication in the technical disciplines with attention to the
major strategies for composing technical discourse; techniques for analyzing and
writing situations, and for organizing data and information. Write to manipulate
audiences for various purposes and understand how workplace readers process and
use documents. Plan and manage short and long-term writing projects in terms of
drafting, designing, revising, and editing documents. Work with various writing
technologies and electronic genres. Identify and explore problems in organizations;
design and implement appropriate research strategies; and evaluate sources. Write
collaboratively (e.g. co-authorship) and provide colleagues with useful feedback on
their work. Develop effective style and tone and follow and adjust business and
technical writing conventions. Design visually effective documents (e.g. layout,
formatting, incorporating graphics and visuals into documents). Write ethically and
responsibly within the business organization and as a member of society.

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Version 2.0
Analyze, synthesize, evaluate and interpret information and ideas.
Write in a style appropriate to the technical purpose and audience.
Identify and write various kinds of technical documents.
Plan and manage short and long-term writing projects in terms of drafting,
designing, revising and editing documents. work with various writing
technologies and electronic equipment.
Write collaboratively, providing peers with constructive feedback on your
Develop effective style and tone, following technical and business writing
Analyze charts, graphs, specifications, diagrams, etc., and respond orally and
and Outcomes
in writing.
Design visually effective documents paying attention to layout and format,
and incorporating graphics and visuals into documents.
Prepare and deliver clear and effective presentations.
Locate source materials in the library and on the Internet, evaluate their
usefulness, relevance and credibility and then incorporate them into an
assigned task with in-text citation and full reference list.
Read critically print and electronic source material as part of literature
review to use others’ information and ideas in one’s own report.
Course Research skills, technical writing skills, speaking skills, critical thinking skills,
Technical teamwork skills, entrepreneurial skills, presentation skills, PowerPoint skills.
Elements of technical communication, technical reports, memos, letters,
definitions, technical description, technical process, technical comparison
and recommendation, presentations.


This is an introductory course on renewable sources of energy. It is
supported by practical part in which students do practical activities to
verify theoretical concepts and demonstrate the use of renewable
energy. The current flow of energy into the growing global economy is
not sustainable. Renewable energies have become increasingly popular
and more common with policy drivers being put in place to increase
consumer use and production of renewable energy.

Modern society had relied upon largely non-renewable energy which will
exhaust with the passage of time and the use of the non-renewable
energy has large scale detrimental environmental impacts. Renewable
energies have become increasingly popular and lot of importance is

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being given to the use of renewable energy policy maker. There has
been historical use of renewable energy, low production with often
intermittent availability, and the inability to capture and store this
form of energy has limited its usage. Today, renewable energies are
becoming more widely utilized and promoted at various scales and with
variable success. As the general population becomes more aware of the
impact on the natural environment by fossil fuels and nuclear energy,
renewable energy is becoming more common place.

This course will investigate the principle types of renewable energy, as

well as historical and technological challenges, and their place in the
current global market. The place of renewable energy in society as a
whole will be examined. The study of renewable energy requires an
understanding from a number of physical phenomenon and skills. This
course is designed to engage the student, to bring understanding to
the need for an interdisciplinary approach to the incorporation of
renewable energy, and give the student a set of skills that they can
utilize in the decision-making process and practical use of renewable

This course should enable the students to:

To recognize and differentiate the renewable and non-renewable
sources of energy. To appreciate how historically, renewable energy
powered growth of early human societies. To outline different aspects
and utilization of renewable energy sources for both domestics and
industrial applications. To relate the concepts of physics to the
advancement of technology. Understand types of renewable energy
and its application related with greenhouse effect, global warming in
modern life.
To acquire knowledge about the principle, working, different types of
Objectives and
Outcomes solar photovoltaic cells/panels their applications like solar water pumps,
solar powered phones, domestic and street lighting. Solar power
generation scheme and their limitations / advantages and
disadvantages.To acquire knowledge about the principle, construction
and working of different solar thermal and photovoltaic appliances. To
acquire knowledge of their limitations / advantages and
disadvantages. To acquire knowledge about the principle, working,
different types of solar photovoltaic cells/panels their applications like
solar water pumps, solar powered phones, domestic and street lighting.
Solar power generation scheme and their limitations / advantages and
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disadvantages. To understand the efficiencies of both new and
established energy generation and conversion methods; To distinguish
between physical, chemical and biological aspect of renewable energies.
To appreciate the importance of renewable energy as this is related
with the economic problems. Explain the principles for detecting
various types of renewable energies and to be aware of the career
opportunities. Broad overview of fundamental and applied concepts of
energy in the overall context of the modern and built environment..
Approach problems, predict their result and solve them in quantitative
and qualitative manners. To analyse the environmental and cost
economics of using renewable energy sources compared to fossil fuels.

A student who satisfactorily completes the course should be able

Learn about the various types of renewable sources of energy and also
to differentiate the renewable and non-renewable sources of energy.
Appreciate how early human societies used solar energy, wind energy
etc.Understand the principle, construction and working of working of
box type solar cooker, solar concentrators’, solar water heater, solar
thermal power plant and their limitations. To understand the concept
of principle, working, different types of solar photovoltaic cells/panels
their applications like solar water pumps, solar powered phones,
domestic and street lighting. Solar power generation scheme and their
limitations / advantages and disadvantages. Learn the principle,
construction and working wind mill, wind energy generator, hydro
electric generators and their limitations. Understands the basic
concept of renewable energy, as it is importance in the present day
world. Learn about the geothermal energy, hydrogen and alcohol as a
fuel, also selected renewable emerging energy technologies.
Understand the construction and working of biogas plant and also to
differentiate between the biomass and bio fuel as renewable sources
of energy. Students will understand advantage and disadvantage of
different types of renewable energy. Students will learn the concepts
and technologies of using renewable energy which is related with the
economic problems. Demonstrate awareness on different types of
renewable energy and also to understand its working and principles
which is related with the career opportunity. Apply knowledge to
recognize classification of renewable energies. Appreciate the
applications of renewable energies in science and technology.
Demonstrate applied competence in applying basic physics knowledge to
analyze problems of renewable energy. Be able to choose the
appropriate renewable energy as an alternate for conventional power in
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Version 2.0
any application.

Course Technical skills of introduction to the renewable

sources of energy practical’s: IRSE: 2105P
1. Students collect and record basic experimental data and present result in the
form of report.
2. Students learn how solar module (solar cell) works and what are the factors
affecting the generation of electric power by the solar module.
a) Effect of surface area of a PV module exposed to the light radiations.
b) Effect of the angle of incidence of the light radiations to the PV module
3. Students learn how wind turbine works and what are the factors affecting the
generation of electric power by the wind turbine.
a) Effect of wind speed on the power output of the wind turbine.
b) Effect of wind direction on the power out put of the wind turbine.
4. Students learn about power generation by the different types of wind turbines
a) Horizontal axis wind turbine and
b) vertical axis wind turbine
5. Students investigate efficiency of the various types batteries.
6. Students verify principles /laws related to the power radiated by hot objects
(i.e., Stefan’s Law) and heat losses from the hot objects (i.e., Newton’s law of

Unit I: Introduction of renewable sources of energy:

Renewable energy overview, definition and classification of the renewable and
non renewable sources of energy, different types of renewable energy.
Conventional and non conventional renewable source of energy .Importance of
renewable source of energy.
Unit II: Solar Energy: Part-A
Solar radiation and its applications – construction and working of the solar
thermal flat plate collectors (box type solar cooker) solar concentrators,
solar water heaters, solar thermal power generation and their limitations.
Unit II: Solar Energy: Part-B
Course The principle of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy, types of solar cells
Content and fabrication. Photovoltaic applications: battery charger, domestic lighting,
street lighting, solar panels and water pumping, power generation schemes.
Limitations of solar cells.
Unit III: Wind Energy :
Atmospheric circulations – classification - factors influencing wind - wind
shear – turbulence – wind speed monitoring - Betz limit - Aerodynamics of
wind turbine rotor- site selection - wind resource assessment - wind energy
conversion devices - classification, characteristics, and applications. hybrid
systems - safety and environmental aspects.

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Version 2.0
This course fosters the correct approach to a reasonable variety of
laboratory techniques including precipitation, conductometric and
complexometric titrations in addition to a brief knowledge on solvent
extraction techniques, and an in-depth coverage of gravimetric analysis and
systematic qualitative inorganic analysis.
The course should enable the student to:
1. Extend the skills, knowledge and application of titrimetry to precipitation
and complexometric titrations.
2. Understand the general principles of conductometric titration and apply it
to titrations of acids and bases.
3. Describe the basic principles of solvent extraction in solid/liquid and
Course liquid/liquid systems.
Objectives 4. Describe and use a range of distillation techniques
5. Apply the general principles of gravimetric analysis by precipitation
6. Analyze samples gravimetrically using precipitation methods to acceptable
degree of precision.
7. Apply systematically simple qualitative inorganic analysis to identify
unknown salt samples.

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Version 2.0
The students should be able to:
1. Select the suitable indicator for a precipitation titrimetric analysis.
2. Apply the knowledge and skills of precipitation titration to determine the
percentage purity and the RMM of a halide.
3. Define conductivity and apply the general principles of conductometry to
the titration of acids and bases.
4. Describe a modified Wheatstone bridge circuit for measurement of
5. Design a conductometric titration experiment to determine the
concentration of an unknown acid solution.
6. Analyze a sample of water for total hardness and determine the formula
of a complex ion using complexometric titration (EDTA).
7. Predict the mode of action of indicators used in complexometric titrations.
8. Describe the basic principles of solvent extraction in solid/liquid and
liquid/liquid systems.
9. Assess the advantages of a soxhlet extractor and continuous extraction
10. Distinguish diagrammatically between liquid/liquid extractors used for
heavy solvents and those used for light solvents.
11. Demonstrate the use of steam distillation and distillation under pressure
as separative techniques.
12. Define gravimetric analysis and state the acceptable procedure for the
13. Analyze gravimetrically unknown an sample and find its percentage
composition from the results obtained.
14. Analyze qualitatively a given inorganic salt and double salt for the anions
and cations.
15. Demonstrate awareness of the safety code/rules in the laboratory.
- Precipitation titrations and their applications
- Conductometry experiment for an acid base titration.
- Analysis of the total hardness of water using complexometric titration
- Solvent extraction in solid/liquid and liquid/liquid system.
-Extraction using a soxhlet extractor and continuous extraction systems.
- Gravimetrical Analysis
- Qualitative analysis of inorganic salt samples
- Demonstration of awareness of the safety codes/rules in the laboratory.

Precipitation Titration, Conductometric Titration, Complexometric Titration

Separative Techniques - Solvent Extraction
Gravimetric Analysis
Solubility Product
Inorganic Salt Analysis

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Version 2.0
This first course in organic chemistry introduces the basic concepts of
organic chemistry and explains the basic scientific principles concerning
naming and reactions of aliphatic, alicyclic and aromatic hydrocarbons, simple
monofunctional and bifunctional organic compounds, diazonium salts. It also
explores the mechanisms of some important organic reactions. Practicals
form an integral part of this course.
The course should enable the student to:
1. Name, write molecular formula and identify the type of isomerism in
organic compounds.
2. Describe the properties of saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.
3. Understand the relationship between the reactions of some a-cyclic
and cyclic organic compounds and their structures.
4. Describe and apply further range of functional group reactions and
understand some aspects of organic reaction mechanisms.
5. Appreciate some aspects of organic stereochemistry.
Course 6. Understand the influence of structure and bonding on the physical
Objectives properties and isomerism of organic compounds.
7. Be aware of roles of nomenclature to specify the configuration of
8. Develop understanding of the organic reaction mechanisms of
hydrocarbons and simple mono-functional group compounds.
9. Explain the reactions of hydrocarbons in relation to their structure
and mechanisms of reactions.
10. Develop understanding of the reactions of simple mono-functional
group compounds in relation to their structure, and mechanisms of

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Version 2.0
At the end of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Differentiate organic and inorganic compounds.
2. Define a homologous series, isomerism and a functional group.
3. Predict the type of isomerism (structural or geometrical) in an organic
4. Apply acquired knowledge to name monofunctional organic compound.
5. Differentiate between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons.
6. Apply acquired knowledge to name, prepare and describe the reactions of
a-cyclic hydrocarbons, alkyl halides, alcohols, carbonyl compounds, carboxylic
acids and primary amines) and cyclic compounds (cyclohexane, cyclohexene
and benzene).
7. Apply knowledge to distinguish experimentally between the different
organic compounds studied.
8. Present the substitution reactions of the benzenoid ring by chemical
9. Distinguish experimentally between the three types of amines.
10.Compare reactions of different functional groups in organic compounds.
11.Identify the type of stereoisomerism in organic molecules.
12. Predict the mechanisms of some simple organic reactions. Demonstrate
ability to work as an individual and in a group.
Course - Design and conduction of experiments to differentiate between alkanes &
Technical alkenes, aldehydes and ketones and the 3 types of amines.
Introduction to Organic and Inorganic compounds
Saturated and Unsaturated Hydrocarbons


Equips the student with the basic techniques of calculus to solve problems in
engineering and other applied fields. Apply the the graphical meaning of the
Course derivative, the tangent line problem and the velocity of an object. Apply the
Description techniques of differentiation. Make use of integration techniques. Make
use of applications of differentiation with emphasis on optimization
techniques. Make use of applications of integration.

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Version 2.0
The students should be able to:
1. Apply the meaning of left hand and right hand limit and evaluate limit of a
function graphically and algebraically
2. Apply the graphical meaning of the derivative, the tangent line problem
and the
Course velocity of an object .
3. Apply the techniques of differentiation.
4. Analyze and make use of applications of differentiation.
5. Understand that integration is the inverse process of differentiation and
use of
integration techniques

1. Determine if a function has a limit at a point and find its value.

2. Find solutions to application problems involving continuous functions
3. Find the graphical meaning of the derivative, the tangent line problem and
velocity of the object
Outcomes 4. Find the derivatives of functions using the standard techniques of
5 .Make use of the applications of differentiation with emphasis of maximum
and minimum problems and curve sketching.
6. Make use application of Mean Value theorem and RollesTherorem.
7. Find anti derivative of function and to evaluate integrals of functions
making use standard integration techniques
Limits and Continuity
Course Mean Value Theorem
Content Applications of Derivatives

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Version 2.0



This course introduces the students to the chemical and industrial processes
Course of a range of the industries in Oman and to familiarize them with how these
Description processes work chemically and industrially. This course also provides solid
knowledge about pollution and corrosion related to chemical industries and
how these problems can be addressed.

The course should enable the students to:

1. Describe in general the chemical industry and its applications as regards to
raw materials, location and operating conditions.
2. Describe and discuss the production of potable water from different
sources and the treatment of waste water in Oman.
3. Understand the origin, chemical nature and describe the extraction,
processing and uses of the crude oil fractions.
4. Describe the formation, chemical nature, extraction and use of the natural
5. Understand the chemical and industrial processes of some of the chemical
industries in Oman e.g. food, fats and oils, soap and detergent, copper,
polymer, cement etc.
6. Appreciate the hazards incurred by industrial pollution of air.
7. Describe the effect of corrosion in industry.

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Version 2.0
The student should be able to:
1. Recognize the factors leading to the establishment of a chemical industry.
2. Outline the water cycle.
3. Differentiate between hand and soft water in terms of origin and content
and distinguish between temporary and permanent hardness.
4. Analyse samples of water to assess their suitability for drinking.
5. Illustrate by diagrams or flow chart the chemical processes involved in the
treatment of water.
6. Describe the chemical nature and processing of crude oil.
7. Assess the industrial importance of the fractions of crude oil.
8. Evaluate the need for the cracking process in petrochemical industries.
9. Assess the rate of production and the value of crude oil reserves of Oman.
10. Distinguish between natural gas and crude oil reserves outline the process
of making natural gas suitable for combustion.
11. Account or the natural gas reserves and their rate of consumption.
12. Assess the grade of Oman crude oil as related to international standards.
13. Review the chemical and industrial processes of some chemical industries
in Oman.
14. Demonstrate awareness of the nature of the industrial air pollutants and
their impacts on the environment.
15. Recommend means of preventing further destruction of the ozone layer
and the reduction of lead emissions from petrol engines.
16. Assess the effect of corrosion in industry predict the overall order of a
chemical reaction.
17. List various methods of preventing corrosion on iron materials.
18. Describe the manufacture of corrosion-free alloys such as steel.

-Preparation of industrially important materials like adhesives, polymers,

Course soap,etc.
Technical -Studies on paints & corrosion.
Skills -Distillation of crude oil.
-Use of flow-charts

The chemical industry

Soft and hard water cycle
Water purification and water treatment
Course Water and air pollution and control
Content Crude oil and its refining
Fatty acids and types of oil
Non-carbonated soft-drinks and manufacturing of orange juice
Milk and milk products

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Version 2.0
This course provides the student with the skills needed to operate and
maintain specific laboratory equipments. It introduces the student to the
safety measures and hazards associated with the electrical equipments, the
effects of the environmental factors on the performance of instruments and
the necessary steps to be taken to reduce these effects. The student is also
trained on the use of different testing and measurements instruments,
different maintenance strategies and fault diagnosis. A minimum of 40% of
the course is devoted to practical work.
The course should enable the student to:
Describe the potential hazards associated with electrical powered equipment.
Appreciate the effects of environmental factors on the performance of
particular instruments and to know the measures to maintain suitable
conditions in the laboratory. Possess the practical skills needed for operating
and maintaining specific equipment. Recognize and test individual electronic
components for correct performance. Identify the correct and systematic
fault diagnostic procedures and be able to correct some common faults. Have
some insight of specific types of instrument design.

The students should be able to:
Demonstrate awareness of safety factors associated with instrument
maintenance. Recognize the potential hazards associated with electrical
equipment and the common methods use for earthing equipment. Identify the
effects of environmental factors on the performance of instruments and take
the necessary steps to reduce these effects. Recognize and test electrical
components e.g. resistors, capacitors, inductors, and semiconductors. Apply
laboratory skills to perform a number of laboratory operations and use
multimeter and oscilloscope. Differentiate between the different types of
measuring systems. Recognize faults and symptoms in laboratory equipment
and provide the suitable maintenance strategy for them. Construct and
maintain electrochemical cells. Evaluate the limitations for the use of
thermometers and flow equipment.
• Safety in the laboratory
• Testing components
• Trouble shooting/identifying faults
• Operating instruments
• Maintenance
• Drafting reports
• Comparing results
• Checking for accuracy
• Calculating numerical data
• Coping with deadlines

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Version 2.0
Capacitance & Inductance
Diodes & Transistors
Cathode Ray Oscilloscope
Course Multimeters
Content Rectification
Circuits & Soldering Techniques
Maintenance & Calibration
Maintenance & Inventories
Fault Diagnosis


This course provides the scientific principles, concepts and skills to

understand and perform some of the processes involved in Analytical
Chemistry. The principles governing standard analytical techniques like
chromatography, polarimetry, colorimetry, atomic and molecular spectroscopy
are discussed. The opportunity to obtain hands-on experience with some of
these techniques is also provided with selected experiments. A statistical
approach to quantitative analytical techniques regarding aspects like accuracy
and reliability of results forms an important aspect of this course.

The course should enable the student to:

1. Describe the essential stages of the analytical process.
2. Understand the theoretical principles and practical applications of a
variety of separation techniques.
Course 3. Understand the theoretical principles and practical applications of a
Objectives variety of classical and spectrophotometric techniques.
4. Analyze experimental data and draw honest and meaningful
5. Be aware of sources of errors and standard of accuracy.
6. Present results lucidly and conciselythrough writing or orally.

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Version 2.0
The students should be able to:
1. Select and justify the analytical method to be used for an analytical
2. Evaluate and validate the selected method.
3. Assess the results and define the criteria for accuracy and precision.
4. Select and justify a separation technique (TLC, Paper, Ion exchange)
of an analytical sample.
5. Select and set up the appropriate chromatographic column for
separation of a given mixture.
6. Assess the validity of the analytical separation technique.
7. Select and justify the appropriate analytical spectroscopic technique
(IR, UV, AA) to analyze a sample.
8. Identify the principles of the selected technique to show
appropriateness to the analysis performed.
9. Select and set up the appropriate conditions for spectrophotometric
equipment to be used.
10. Apply Beer-Lambert law for quantitative colorimetry.
11. Use polarimetry for determination of the specific rotation of an
optically active sample and to determine the concentration of a
suitable solution.
12. Compile experimental data to required accuracy and evaluate the
13. Apply appropriate mathematical and statistical methods to process
results of analysis.
14. Set up an ion-exchange column and use it for the quantitative
separation of an ionic mixture.
15. Appraise the use of gel-permeation technique for the separation of
commercially important oligsaccarides.
16. Describe the preparation of deionized water.
17. Present the findings in an appropriate format.

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Version 2.0
- Evaluation and validation of selected analytical method.
-Application of quality & statistical parameters
- Application of chromatography by setting up the appropriate
chromatographic column/plate for the separation of a given mixture
(adsorption, partition and ion-exchange).
- Application of Beer's Lambert law in quantitative colorimetry.
-Determination of metal ions (Na+, K+, etc) in various samples like soft drinks
using flame photometry.
- Determination of metals (copper, cadmium, lead, etc.) in samples using
atomic absorption spectroscopy.
- Application of polarimetry as an analytical tool
-Interpretation of infra-red spectra.

Introduction and Overview of Analytical chemistry

Statistical methods
Principles of partition and adsorption
General principles of molecular spectroscopy
Atomic absorption and Atomic emission spectroscopy
Flame Photometry
UV-Vis Spectroscopy
IR spectroscopy


This is the first part of the two-semester project carried out by all students
at the diploma level. This course is designed to introduce the students to the
concepts of quality assurance systems and encourage their applications to
familiar situations while considering related statistical methods. Also
designed to introduce the students to application of the quality techniques in
a range of industries and their implementation.

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Version 2.0
The course should enable the student to:
1. Understand the principles and practices of quality systems.
2. Apply the tools of quality assurance and management procedures
which can lead to an effective quality organization or a process improvement.
3. Understand the use of statistical methods in quality control and
distinguish between and calculate process capability for attribute, discrete
and continuous data for specific examples.
4. Develop the understanding to construct control charts and sampling
plans based upon data from their own industry.

The students should be able to:

1. Use process flow charts, Pareto analysis to investigate a familiar
industrial process from local industry.
2. Identify the critical control points in a selected industrial process and
investigate the management structures which can lead to the process
3. Outline the principles underlying a quality system and design
structures for familiar operations.
4. Illustrate the economic benefits of quality assurance and quality
control in the selected example from the local industry.
5. Examine and use statistical methods in quality control.
6. Apply the terms, specification, tolerance, process variation, assignable
variation, process capability, in-control and out-of-control.
7. Apply statistical techniques to the control of a selected process and
identify the consumer’s and producer’s risk.
8. Predict simple quality procedures for a selected process from the
local industry.
9. Assess the process capability for specific examples.
1. Formulation and monitoring of a plan for a specific project
2. Design and conduction of experiments
3. Maintenance of a log book
4. Group discussionsand oral presentation of results using power-point
5. Independent selection of project topic & design of project;
6. Literature survey; proper referencing;
7. sampling;
8. Independently planned & executed experiments; safety aspects
stressed on;
9. Production of report in prescribed format

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Version 2.0
Introduction; choosing a topic; project design; literature survey, preparation
of action plan; experimental work – selection, design & execution
Maintaining the record book (experimental results and discussions)
Introduction with proper referencing & progress report
Viva / presentations


Provides the basic knowledge of the structure and properties of materials
that form a foundation for further study of these materials and provide a
reasonable grounding on the principles and practice of material testing. It
explores the classification and the physical and mechanical properties of
solid materials, structure of metals, ferrous and non-ferrous alloys,
polymeric materials and uses and material testing. Field visits and practical
work are integral part of this course. Practical work involving material testing
could be carried out whenever relevant.
The course should enable the student to:
1. Classify and describe some of the physical and mechanical properties
of materials
2. Understand the basic concepts related to crystalline structure
3. Recognize that binary equilibrium diagrams are useful in the understanding
of alloy structures
4. Describe the iron-carbon system and explain the effects of the
percentage of carbon, heat treatment processes and common alloy elements
on plain carbon steels
5. Describe the structure and properties of common cast irons and the
application and properties of some types of non-ferrous alloys
6. Distinguish between the different types of polymers and relate their use
to their structure
7. Apply common testing methods to establish the mechanical properties of
8. Prepare and examine specimens of microstructure of metals
9. Define the use of non-destructive testing

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Version 2.0
The students should be able to:
1.Identify the role played by materials in science and technology
2. Define ferrous and non-ferrous materials
3. Describe some physical and mechanical properties of materials
4. Apply the basic concepts of crystalline structure to the structure of
5. Apply the binary thermalequilibrium diagrams to theunderstanding of alloy
6. Present the solidification of puresubstances by cooling curves
7. Construct thermal equilibriumdiagrams to explain liquids andsolids terms
8. Construct thermal equilibriumdiagrams for two metals of variedsolubility in
the solid and the liquidphase
9. Define the terms austenite, ferrite,cementite, pearlite and upper andlower
critical temperatures
10. Present, in a diagram, the variation in the mechanical properties
(strength, hardness, impact, etc.) inslow cooled plain carbon steelswith
carbon content

11. Evaluate the effect of the heat treated processes on the mechanical
properties of plain carbon steel
12. Explain the role of martensitic structure on the mechanical properties of
13. Recognize the effect of common alloy elements on the mechanical
properties of plain carbon steel
14. Identify the types, properties and the application of common types of
non-ferrous alloys
15. Differentiate between different types of polymers and relate their use
to their structures
16. Apply the common testing methods to establish the mechanical properties
of materials
17. Use a microscope to examine and sketch a microstructure of a prepared
metal specimen
18. Define non-destructive testing
19. Recommend the use of ultrasonic method for surface crack detection.
Course Materials testing of strength, mechanical testing, heat resistance, non-
Technical destructive and ultrasonic testing, formation of alloys, solidification of
Skills materials
Introduction to Materials:
Structure of Solid Materials
Solidification of metals:
Course Polymers and uses:
Content Mechanical testing:
Formation of Alloys:
Ferrous Alloys:
Non-ferrous Alloys:

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Version 2.0



This course completes the project started in Project IA. In this course the
student completes the experimental work started in the previous semester,
interprets and analyses the data collected and attempts to draw relevant
conclusions. The project report is completed with proper format and
referencing. The findings are presented in a power-point presentation and
assessed by a team of lecturers.
The course should enable the student to:
1. Design, modify and improve experiments relevant to the investigation
2. Record accurate observations and reproducible measurements with
minimum errors
3. Interpret and relate the results to the objectives of the project and
draw logical conclusions
4. Present the project effectively in writing and orally

Course The students should be able to:

Objectives 1. Construct experimental designs
and Outcomes 2. Select and implement chosen experimental options accurately and
3. Compile a log book of all procedures and results
4. Monitor the plan and modify when necessary
5. Analyze and assess the validity of the data obtained
6. Interpret, justify results and explain deviation from expected results
7. Compile a clear and concise report devoid of repetition and superfluity
8. Formulate recommendation based on the conclusions
9. Present the report in a suitable format using appropriate media
 Formulation and monitoring of a plan for a specific project
 Design and conduction of experiments
 Maintenance of a log book
 Group discussions and oral presentation of results using power-point
 Independent selection of project topic & design of project;
 Literature survey; proper referencing;
 sampling;
 Independently planned & executed experiments; safety aspects
stressed on;
 Production of report in prescribed format

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Version 2.0
Review of Project IA; preparation of action plan for remaining experiments
How to do calculations/ standardization of reagents
Maintaining the record book (experimental results and discussions)
Course Conclusions and references
Content Experimentation
Format of the report
Writing the report
Completing the report and viva presentations


To equip the student with the highest ethical standards that will guide
him/her through real life dilemmas. Define the concept of values. Define how
values develop. Understand the effects of religion and society on values.
Course Understand the effects of Islamic and Omani values on work ethics. Define
Description the concept of ethnic and cultural diversity. Understand the importance of
ethnic and cultural diversity for society and the world. Work with people
from different ethnicities/cultures. Function in a moral and ethical manner
in his/her life.

To enable the student to:

Understand the concept of value
Understand Islamic and Omani values
Understand, appreciate and respect ethnic and cultural diversity
Gain the highest work ethics

The students should be able to: Define the concept of values; Define how
and Outcomes
values develop; Understand the effects of religion and society on values;
Understand the effects of Islamic and Omani values on work ethics; Define
the concept of ethnic and cultural diversity; Understand the importance of
ethnic and cultural diversity for society and the world; Work with people
from different ethnicities/cultures; and Function in a moral and ethical
manner in his/her life

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Version 2.0
 Developed skills and techniques to implement an business
organization's code
of ethics and train employees in its use and application.
 Developed skills to effectively implement ethical principles and
practices as defined business organization's code of ethics.


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Version 2.0



This course enables the student to express and interconvert units of physical
quantities; understand the ideal gas equations in terms of kinetic theory of
gases and modify it for real gases; understand first, second and third law of
thermodynamics; use phase diagram and equations to explain phase
equilibrium; describe different methods to follow the rate of a reaction and
determine the order of a reaction and apply the knowledge of ionic mobility
and dissociation of electrolytes to explain their conductance.

The course should enable the student to:

1. Express and interconvert units for physical quantities.
2. Explain the ideal gas equation in terms of the kinetic theory of gases.
3. Define and explain the first and second law of thermodynamics.
4. Use the phase diagrams and equations to explain physical equilibria.
Course 5. Describe methods for following rate of reaction and use the rate
Objectives equation to determine the order of a reaction.
6. Apply the knowledge of ionic mobility and charge and extend of
dissociation of electrolytes to explain ionic conductance

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Version 2.0
Outcomes include:
1. Assign correct units to and interconvert commonly used units for physical
2. Apply the kinetic theory of gases to explain the relationship between the
variables in general gas equilibria.
3. Assess the terms in the ideal gas equation, given sufficient information.
4. Use the first and second law of thermodynamics to predict feasibility of
given reactions.
5. Perform experiments to determine changes in enthalpy, entropy, and Gibb’s
6. Apply the phase rule to one-component systems.
7. Apply the Clapeyron and Clausius- Clapeyron equations to perform
8. Design a distillation experiment which forms an azeotrope.
9. Describe methods for following rates of reactions.
10. Use rate equations or integrated forms to calculate the order of a
11. Predict order of reaction based on data from experimental work.
12. Define terms commonly used in the measurement of electrolytic
conductance, giving units.
13. Calculate constants for weak and strong electrolytes from conductance
14. Translate the shape of plots from conductivity titrations.
15. Describe the determination of limiting molar conductivity.
16. Perform a range of conductance experiments

- Expression and inter-conversion of units for physical quantities.

Course - Devise a distillation experiment which forms an azeotrope.
Technical - Design experiments to determine changes in enthalpy, entropy
Skills and Gibb's energy.
- Set up an experiment to determine the order of a reaction
Physical Quantities
Ideal Gas equation
Course Feasibility of Reactions
Content Physical Equilibria
Rate of equations
Ionic conductance

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Version 2.0
It is the first specialized course in inorganic chemistry which builds on the
principles contained in the three General Chemistry courses. Students are
introduced to quantum mechanical models of atom. Different models of
bonding and the electronic structure of the periodic classification of
elements are also discussed. These models are applied to explore the
relationship between electronic, structural and chemical properties of
elements, as well as trends across the periodic table. The production and
application of selected elements and their compounds are also studied.
Practical work forms an integral part of this course

The course should enable the student to:

1. Understand and apply the concepts of the quantum mechanical
treatment to the structure of the atoms
2. Justify the periodic classification of the elements using the electronic
structure of the atoms
3. Explain the properties of the elements and their compounds in terms
Course of their models of bonding and intermolecular attraction
4. Investigate and interpret the properties of elements and their
compounds in terms of the electronic structure and bonding
5. Understand the economical and technological value of the production
and applications of selected elements and their compounds

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Version 2.0
The students should be able to:
1. Gather and evaluate the experimental evidence for the quantization of
energy in atoms
2. Appraise the significance of atomic orbitals to the electronic
structure of the atoms
3. Identify and evaluate the factors governing the electronic structure
of multi-electron atoms
4. Deduce the structure of atoms with atomic numbers 1 to 36 using the
quantum mechanical model
5. Use the electronic structure of atoms to justify the periodic
classification of the elements
6. Compile and interpret trends in properties within periods (3 & 4) and
groups (1,2,4,7) in the periodic table in terms of electronic structures.

Outcomes 7. Describe the formation of chemical bonds and the causes for weak
intermolecular attraction
8. Use localized bond models to rationalize bond length, bond angles, bond
energies and shapes of multi-atom molecules and ions.
9. Construct molecular orbital energy level diagrams forhomonuclear and
simple heteronuclear diatomic species using LCAO theory and use them
10. Rationalize trends in bond order and bond length.
11. Investigate and interpret the properties of elements (s,p, d-block,
transition (Sc – Zn) and group IV elements) and their compounds in terms
of electronic structure and bonding
12. Evaluate economically and technologically the production and application
of selected elements (a non-metal and a d-block metal) and their
compounds (a non-metal or liquid and a solid).

-Interpretation of emission spectra of atoms

-Application of flame photometry in analyzing metal content in commercially
available products (eg lithium in grease).
-Investigation of trends across periods and down groups theoretically and
-Exploration of concepts of bonding, polarity by carrying out simple
-Interpretation of leaf extract paper chromatography in terms of polarity of
- Communication of various general application oriented inorganic concepts
by reports/power-point presentation (eg. economical and technological value
of the production and application of elements and their compounds).
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Version 2.0
Structure of Atom
Periodic Table
Bonding Models
Properties of elements


This course in organic chemistry introduces the basic concepts of organic

chemistry in more depth and blends the traditional functional group approach
with a mechanistic approach. It explains different types of organic reactions
and develops awareness of their mechanisms and synthetic routes for
obtaining specified organic compounds. Practical forms an integral part of
this course.

The course should enable the student to:

1. Understand the influence of structure and bonding on the physical
properties, aromaticity and isomerism of organic compounds.
2. Be aware of roles of nomenclature to specify the configuration of
3. Develop understanding of the organic reaction mechanisms of
hydrocarbons and simple and other organic compounds.
4. Explain the reactions of hydrocarbons in relation to their structure
and mechanisms of reaction.
5. Develop understanding of the reactions of simple mono-and di-functional
group compounds in relation to their structure and mechanisms of reaction.

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Version 2.0
The students should be able to:
1. Use sigma, pi-bonds and delocalisation of electrons to describe
bonding and shapes of molecules.
2. Apply Huckel rule to establish the aromaticity of organic compounds.
3. Construct models and draw diagrams to represent structural,
geometrical and optical isomers and conformers of organic molecules.
4. Apply rules of nomenclature (Cahn Ingold Prelog) to specify the
configurations of isomers.
5. Classify the different types of organic compounds including
haloalkanes and haloarenes.
6. Predict molecular structure from spectral data.
7. Predict physical properties of structures (trends in & solubility)
from knowledge of intermolecular forces.
8. Identify the different types of reactions and reagents involved of
hydrocarbons and simple mono- and di-functional group compounds in terms
of electrophylic, nucleophylic, radical, acid, base, addition substitution,
elimination, rearrangement, condensation.
9. Represent electron movements in reaction mechanisms by using curly
arrows and draw energy profile for a reaction.
10. Demonstrate awareness of the reactions of alkenes (including
carbocation stabilities), alkynes (including Alkynide formation of terminal
alkynes) and arenes (including side-chain oxidation).
11. Represent reactions of hydrocarbons using balanced equations and
reaction mechanisms.
12. Predict the minor and major product/s of specified hydrocarbon with
given reagents and conditions.
13. Device synthetic routes for obtaining compounds and polymers from
given hydrocarbons.
14. Predict the reaction mechanisms of some organic compounds including
haloalkanes and Grignard reactions.
15. Compare between the reactivities of haloalkanes and haloarenes.
16. Describe the reactions of alcohols, phenols, carbonyl compounds,
carboxylic acids , amines and aromatic diazonium salts, amides (Hofmann) and
nitriles (hydrolysis & reduction).
17. Use balanced equations and reaction mechanisms to represent
reactions of specified functional group compounds and predict the minor and
major product(s) with given reagents and conditions.
18. Devise synthetic routes for obtaining specified compounds (or Pure)
from given mono-functional group compounds.

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Version 2.0
- Construction of models and diagrams to represent structural,
conformers and stereoisomers of organic molecules.
- Identification functional groups of organic molecules.
-Carrying out simple organic reactions like substitution.
- Proposal of synthetic routes for obtaining specified organic
compounds from precursors.
-Synthesis and partial characterization of a variety of organic molecules like
cyclohexene, benzyl alcohol, aspirin, etc.
-Extraction of commercially significant organic substances from natural
products (eg. cinnamaldehyde)
Introduction and Overview of Organic chemistry
Unsaturated hydrocarbons
Course Aromatic hysdrocarbons
Content Organohalogen compounds
Aldehydes and ketones
Carboxylic acids and their derivatives
Introduction to spectroscopy


This course introduces the students to a variety of standard laboratory
techniques. It involves the synthesis/ isolation and characterization of
organic and inorganic compounds in association with spectroscopic features to
monitor reactions and elucidate structures. It also contains the application of
Course qualitative organic analysis to identify unknown organic compounds which may
Description extend, in more depth to involve the study and analysis of organic mixtures
and the synthesis of organometallic substances. This course also fosters in
the students a correct approach to laboratory work, precision, safety and
proper methods of evaluation, interpretation and reporting data. The basic
practical principles are applied to more involved chemical situations and
taught in context with the safety policies operated by the college.

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Version 2.0
The course should enable the student to:
1. Be aware of the preparation and characterization of pure organic,
inorganic and organometallic compounds.
2. Recall the rules of naming coordination complexes and the concepts of
their geometrical arrangements.
3. Understand and perform systematically chemical qualitative analysis
for the separation of unknown organic and inorganic compounds and mixtures.
4. Use instrumental techniques to monitor reactions, confirm purity of
substances and elucidate structures of molecules.
5. Evaluate, interpret and present practical work.
6. Be aware of safety measures throughout all practical work

The students should be able to:

1. Synthesize a pure sample (solid & liquid) of an organic solid using
hydrolysis and Redox reactions
2. Design an experiment to prepare a pure sample of an ester and
characterize it using spectroscopic methods.
3. Define the terms refluxing, solvent extraction and steam distillation.
4. Describe isoprene rule in terms of its role in the structure and the
classification of terpenoid compounds.
5. Propose appropriate physical and chemical techniques to isolate a pure
sample of carvone from caraway seeds.
6. Recall the rules for naming coordination compounds
7. Use suitable procedures to synthesize samples of iron, cobalt and
copper coordination complexes.
8. Discuss the geometrical arrangements in coordination complexes in
relation to coordination numbers.
9. Demonstrate ability to calibrate instruments and use the appropriate
one/s to characterize organic compounds and inorganic complexes.
10. Analyze qualitatively organic compounds to identify the type of
element/s and functional group/s present.
11. Use appropriate spectroscopic methods (ir, nmr, ms, glc and hplc.) to
determine structure of prepared samples.
12. Evaluate data and interpret results from practical work.
13. Demonstrate ability to present written laboratory reports using
appropriate media (IT) and give oral and poster presentations.
14. Carryout literature search using laboratories, databases and Internet
and use standard referencing methods.
15. Demonstrate awareness of the current health and safety legislation
throughout all practical work.

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Version 2.0
- Synthesis of pure samples of organic compounds (eg. benzoic acid, ethyl
acetate) using standard organic synthetic techniques like reflux, distillation,
fractional distillation, extraction using separatory funnel, recrystallization,
-Characterization of synthesized samples by measurement of physical
- Use of instrumental techniques (infra-red spectroscopy) to monitor
reactions, elucidate structures of molecules and test correctness of
-Extraction of commercially significant natural products (egcarvone from
caraway seeds) using hydro or steam distillation.
-Analysis by TLC, purification by derivative sysnthesis and characterization
Course by measurement of specific rotation using polarimeter.
Technical -Synthesis of coordination complexes (eg. potassium trioxalatoferrate(III),
Skills terammine copper(II) chloride, etc).
-Characterization of complex samples by redox and complexometric
titrations, gravimetry and colorimetry.
- Application of chemical methods to analyse qualitatively individual organic
compounds using Lassaigne tests, solubility tests and functional geoup tests.
- Conduction of experiments to test correctness of the qualitative analysis
- Devising of routes to qualitatively separate
mixtures of organic compounds.
- Use of references, data bases and internet to carry out literature
- Use of appropriate media to present written laboratory report using
standard referencing methods.
Overview of Safety, laboratory practices, maintenance of lab notebook,
Synthesis of organic compounds
Synthesis of liquid organic compound
Extraction of essential oils
Course Explanation and synthesis of complexes
Content Volumetric analysis of the complexes
Molecular spectroscopy of iron and copper complexes
Systematic analysis of unknown organic compounds
Analysis of unknown organic compounds and mixtures
Salt analysis
Synthesis of Ferrocene and acetyl ferrocene

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Version 2.0
Course This course will provide the students with the working knowledge of the
Description statistical techniques and methodologies for a data driven decision making
which they may use in their field of computational applied sciences.
The course should enable the students to:
Develop the skills and knowledge to classify record, display and summarize
scientific data. Understand the basic statistical concepts and techniques.
Have understanding of estimation from parametric measures.

The students should be able to: Define the concept of values:

Demonstrate knowledge of statistical terms and differentiate between the
two branches of statistics. Identify types of data and the measurement level
for each variable together with the four basic sampling techniques. Organize
data using a frequency distribution and represent data in frequency
distributions graphically using histograms, frequency polygons, ogives and pie
graphs. Summarize data, using measures of central tendency, such as the
mean, median, mode, midrange, weighted mean; Describe data, using measures
of variation, such as the range, variance, and standard deviation. Identify the
position of a data value in a data set, using various measures of position, such
relative position and quartiles and explore the outlier detection.
Determine sample spaces and find the probability of an event, using
classical probability or empirical probability. Find the probability of
compound events, using the addition rules, multiplication rules and conditional
and Outcomes
rule. Find the number of ways that r objects can be selected from n objects,
using the permutation rule and combination. Construct a probability
distribution for a random variable and find the mean, variance, standard
deviation, and expected value for a discrete random variable. Find the exact
probability for X successes in n trials of a binomial experiment and find its
mean, variance, and standard deviation. Find probabilities for outcomes of
variables, using the Poisson distributions. Identify the properties of a normal
distribution. Find the area under the standard normal distribution, given
various z values. Find probabilities for a normally distributed variable by
transforming it into a standard normal variable. Find specific data values for
given percentages, using the standard normal distribution. Find the
confidence interval for the mean when s is known. Determine the minimum
sample size for finding a confidence interval for the mean. Find the
confidence interval for the mean when s is unknown. State the five steps
used in hypothesis testing. Draw a scatter plot for a set of ordered pairs,
compute for the correlation and the equation of the regression line together
with the coefficient of determination.

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Version 2.0
Course Automating statistical techniques and methodology via statistical software
Technical add ins of MS Excel – Data Analysis Toolpak
This statistics course contains the fundamentals of Statistics. Emphasis is on
the development of statistical thinking and applications that are directed
towards applied sciences. Topics include data summaries and descriptive
statistics, introduction to a statistical computer package giving emphasis on
MS Excel Data Analysis toolpak add-ins; Probability - distributions,
expectation, variance, statistical inference of univariate data and regression




This is a non-major graduate credit course, which is designed to improve
student performance in public speaking and oral communication. The course
covers speech research, preparation, outlining, delivery and evaluation.

Develop skills in speech development strategies and delivery techniques.

Develop skills in rhetorical sensitivity and critical thinking.
Observe, analyze and provide feedback on the effectiveness of a
Demonstrate the ability to collect, analyze and use information to develop
and adapt messages for particular audiences, purposes and settings.
Objectives and
Organize ideas and create an outline for presentation.
Prepare visual aids proper to the purpose of the speech/presentation.
Organize ideas and supporting materials in a coherent message.
Identify and refine personal speaking styles to business, government and
industry functions.

Research skills, speaking skills, critical thinking skills, teamwork skills,

entrepreneurial skills, presentation skills, PowerPoint skills.
Technical Skills

Public speaking ethics, preparing speeches, using PowerPoint and visual aids,
Course Content informative speeches, persuasive speeches

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Version 2.0
This course is designed to develop and enhance the knowledge of organic
chemistry within the context of chemical, industrial, biological and medical
applications. The course focuses on the chemistry of carbonyl compounds,
carboxylic acid derivatives, thiols, phenols, sulphides, amines, heterocyclic
Course compounds and biological molecules with reference to the role, application
Description and importance of stereochemistry in chemical and biochemical processes.
Reaction mechanisms and factors affecting these processes are also
addressed in more details. Special references will be given to organic
spectroscopic interpretation of IR, NMR and Mass spectra of organic
compounds to elucidate the structure of selected organic compounds.
Practical forms an integral part of this course.
The course should enable the student to:
1. Understand the behavior of chemical structure in bonding and
isomerism and describe the chemistry of classes of compounds with single-
bond functional groups.
2. Describe and investigate the reactions of carbonyl compounds,
carboxylic acids and their derivates.
3. Follow the reaction mechanisms and describe and apply the chemistry
of addition and condensation reactions of enols, enones and active
4. Describe and apply the reactions of alkyl halides, alcohols, thiols,
phenols, ethers, epoxides, sulfides and amines.
5. Have understanding of chemistry of aromatic heterocyclic compounds
and nucleic acids.
6. Have a good foundation and background to understand the role of
stereochemistry and the chemistry of a variety of biologically active

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Version 2.0
The students should be able to:
1. Identify chemical structures and apply the concept of isomerism and
nomenclature to compounds containing a variety of functional groups.
2. Recognize different types of reactions and describe the methods of
preparation of hydrocarbons, monomers and addition polymers.
3. Conduct experimental investigation to prepare selected product(s) to
demonstrate certain concept e.g. kinetic vs thermodynamic control.
4. Apply rules of nomenclature review the chemistry of aldehydes,
ketones, carboxylic acids and their derivatives.
5. Present an explanation for the significance of tautomerism in a
number of cited examples.
6. Identify methods of preparation and industrial applications of
carbonyl compounds and demonstrate that carbonyl compounds are extremely
versatile in the C-C bond formation.
7. Describe common types of unimolecular and bimolecular reaction
Outcomes mechanisms.
8. Device and conduct experiments to prepare an aldehyde, ketone,
carboxylic acid and its ester.
9. Identify substitution (SN1 and SN2) and elimination reactions (E1 and
E2) and assess the effects of solvents, leaving groups, carbocation stability
and stereochemical consequences of reactions.
10. Identify conjugate addition reactions of unsaturated compounds,
Michael addition, Robinson annulation reactions, aldol condensation and
intramolecular and crossed aldol reactions.
11. Compare the chemistry and reactions of enolates, enones and keto-
enol equilibrium.
12. Demonstrate ability to classify, name, compare properties and
describe preparation and reactions of organohalogens, alcohols, thiols,
phenols, ethers, epoxides and amines.
13. Account for the chemistry of benzenoid hydrocarbons naphthalenes
and tricyclic systems.

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Version 2.0
14. Describe the chemistry of heterocyclic compounds (including
aromaticity, resonance, reactivity and reactions) and nucleic acids.
15. Compare the chemistry of benzenoid hydrocarbons and heterocyclic
16. Demonstrate awareness of the aromatic substitution and
rearrangement reactions and their mechanisms.
17. Apply knowledge of functional group chemistry and interpretation of
spectral data to elucidate experimentally the structure of unknown
18. Define stereochemical terms and identify chirality in molecules.
19. Apply Fischer and Newman projections and the R and S sequence rules
to variety of simple optically active compounds.
20. Use molecular models to demonstrate the stereo-chemical nature of
21. Evaluate the importance of the process of resolution and separation
of enantiomers and meso-compounds in chiral synthesis.
22. Identify some bioactive molecules, their applications and structure-
activity relationships with respect to biological action.
23. Review the role of organic chemistry in biological reactions and
molecular pathways.
24. Evaluate the importance of stereochemistry on a selected prepared
biologically active molecules.
- Devise and conduct experiments to synthesise different monofunctional
group compounds.
- Conduct experiments to assess the effects of solvents, leaving groups,
Course carbocation and stereochemical consequences on reactions.
Technical - Use spectral data to elucidate the structure of organic molecules.
Skills - Use molecular models to demonstrate the stereochemical nature of
-Communicate the concept of structure-activity relationships on selected
bioactive molecules.
Thiols and Sulfides
Heterocyclic compounds
Introduction to multi-step synthesis
Biologically active molecules

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Version 2.0
It introduces the students to the principles of environmental chemistry to develop in
them the appreciation of the application of general chemical principles so as to
improve and preserve the quality of the environment. It involves the study of the
Course atmosphere and the stratospheric chemistry, the ozone layer and the cause of its
Description depletion and its effect, the air pollutants, greenhouse gases, the chemistry of
water and its pollutants and methods of treatment, the chemistry of the soil its
pollutants and degradation, soil desertification and deforestation and conservation.
It includes involving students in learning activities such as practical, fieldwork, case
studies and group work.
Course Objectives:
The course should enable the students to:
Understand the principles of atmospheric, soil and water Chemistry and pollution.
Understand the methods of transport and accumulation of metals and organic
compounds in the environment. Know the different analytical techniques for the
assessment of chemical substances in the environment. Explain the need for reliable
and appropriate quantization in environmental Chemistry. Understand and evaluate
the usefulness of environmental modeling to complement analytical data. Understand
and apply the concepts and principles in laboratory and field works

Learning Outcomes:
The students should be able to:
Explain the basic principles of Atmospheric Chemistry. Identify the effects of air
Course pollutants, acid rain, greenhouse gases. Explain the principles of Water Chemistry.
Objectives and Identify the factors controlling the fate and transport of chemical substances in
Outcomes water, air and soil. Differentiate between the materials by which inorganic and
organic materials are distributed in the environment. Explain the importance of
identifying a suitable sample location and correct sampling methods and storage.
Describe soil contamination by heavy metals, their bioaccumulation, metal speciation
and toxicity. Identify the importance of well characterized environmental reference
standards and detection sensitivity. Recognize and list environmental factors capable
of affecting the speciation of elements in natural systems. Demonstrate how
chemical speciation modeling is a viable alternative to an experimental study of
environmental systems. Select appropriate analytical technique for analyzing ions and
molecules in environmental samples. Demonstrate ability to participate, share and
develop skills and competencies during practical sessions, field excursions and self-
paced field work. Perform at least 10 to 12 practical activities / field visits for
better understanding of the theoretical concepts and to develop related skills and
Course Soil, Water and Air Quality Analysis, Sampling Techniques, Chemical Analysis
Technical Skills
 Introduction to Quality
 Quality Tools
 Process capability
Course Content
 Quality Continual improvement/Some Quality approaches
 Main Activities and Responsibilities of Quality Control and Quality Assurance
in analytical laboratories

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Version 2.0
This course would enhance the knowledge of students to draw chemical
structures. It applies their technical knowledge and skills to manipulate
“Chem Draw” efficiently in drawing molecular structures. It imparts the
knowledge of computing minimum energy for small molecules at semi-empirical
level by computational software. It motivates the students to practice on
further advanced and computational techniques.
The course should enable the student to:
1. Enhance his/her computer knowledge to draw chemical structure.
2. Apply his/her technical knowledge and skill to manipulate ChemDraw
efficiently in drawing molecular practice on molecular structure.
3. Be motivated to practice on further advance drawing techniques.

The students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate ability to choose, open, create a new document, save,
make changes, print and quit the ChemDraw program.
2. Use ChemDraw tools pallete to create and manipulate drawings of
graphs and chemical structures including reactions schemes, reaction
intermediates, rings, Fischer projections, perspective drawing and Newman
3. Create and edit the contents of a caption.
4. Create and edit atom labels.
5. Use standard methods for entering Greek Characters and other
and Outcomes
symbols used in chemistry
6. Use ChemDraw to create and edit table texts.
7. Demonstrate ability to use ChemDraw to add orbitals, and chemical
symbols to stuctures.
8. Apply ChemDraw to add arrows, boxes, circles, brackets, arcs, and
freehand shapes to documents.
9. Edit select objects (duplicate, move, resize, or delete individual or as
groups using Lasso and Marquee selection tools.
10. Use ChemDraw technique to manipulate advance drawing techniques
including analyzing a structure or information, using templates, controlling,
the drawing area, changing perspectives, using the crosshairs and aligning and
distributing objects.
11. Manipulate ChemDraw font to back ordering to change the orientation
of an object relative to another within same picture.

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Version 2.0
-Application of Chemdraw to draw molecules, orbitals, freehand structures,
-Manipulation of structures like change of order, use of templates, etc.
-Obtaining name and NMR spectrum from structure
-Application of Excel to carry out calculation, least square fitting by linear
regression analysis
Learning the basics on Chem Draw
Tutorials on Chem draw Applications
Tables, Orbitals and Freehand Drawing
Ordering Name, Structure, Conversion, Spectra
Utilization of Microsoft excel in the evaluation of chemical analysis of data


This course deals with basic skills in communicating and writing in modern
Arabic language; introduction of ideas in clear and critical meanings; modern
methods of writing in a scientific way so as to avoid linguistic mistakes;
developing skills in communication and correspondence.
This also introduces the students to express the linguistic functions and be
able to control his native Arabic language.
This course should enable the student to: A student who satisfactorily
complete the course should be able to:
Student should gain the appropriate communication skills that allow him
develop his career and his life after graduation. Student should identify the
communication term and its associates, (Sender, Receiver, Message, and the
Communication Channel). Student should apply verbal communication skills
(using: words, different presentation methods, emphasizing on the meaning).
Student should gain written communication skills (Punctuation, Spelling,
Course Writing an official letter and meeting minutes).
and Outcomes A student who satisfactorily complete the course should be able to:
To identify the communication term and the elements of communication
process. To specify each element of the communication process and be able
to analyze a communication letter. To analyze a communication letter and re-
format that letter with a clear language. To determine the aesthetic,
scientific and social level of the communication channel, and to apply the
linguistic guidelines of the communication process. To gain verbal
communication skills. To employ written communication skills in his writings
To write a formal letter or minutes of a meeting or CV.
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Version 2.0



This major elective course, introduces the application of general
chemistry principles to environmental issues. It helps the students
understand the methods of transport and accumulation of metals and
Course Description
organic compounds in the environment, describe range of analytical
techniques for the assessment of chemical substances in the

Course Objectives:
The course should enable the student to:
1. Understand the methods of transport and accumulation of metals
and organic compounds in the environment.
2. Know the different analytical techniques for the assessment of
chemical substances in the environment
3. Understand and evaluate the different methods in doing water
quality analysis
Learning Outcomes
The students should be able to:
1. Identify the chemical factors controlling the fate and transport of
chemical substances in water, air and soil.
Course Objectives
and Outcomes 2. Differentiate between the methods by which inorganic and organic
materials are distributed in the environment.
3. Explain the mobilization of chemical species in the environment.
4. Explain the role of chemistry in being able to deal with the current
and future quality of the environment.
5. Explain the importance of identifying a suitable sample location
and correct sampling methods and storage.
6. Select appropriate analytical techniques for analyzing
environmental samples.
7. Identify the importance of well characterized environmental
reference standards and detection sensitivity.
8. Explain the methods available for the measurement of water

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Version 2.0
Field sampling techniques
Course Technical
Techniques in water analysis
Chemical Analysis
 Introduction
 Sources, Dispersal, Reconcentration and Degradation.
 Transport and reconcentration of natural organic compounds.
Course Content  Sampling and sample variability
 Water Quality Analysis
 Gas liquid chromatographic methods
 Extraction of the analyte and its determination


It provides the student with the concepts of quality assurance systems and
encourages their applications to familiar situations while considering related
Course statistical methods. It involves quality systems and their applications; quality control
Description in industry; specification and non-conformance; statistical process control and
sampling and inspection plans. It also introduces the student to the application of the
quality techniques in a range of industries and their implementation. Industrial visits
are integral part of this course.
Course Objectives:
The course should enable the student to:
Understand the principles and practices of quality systems.; Apply the tools of
quality assurance and management procedures which can lead to an effective quality
organization or a process improvement.; Understand the: a) statistical methods used
in quality control, b) process capability, c) discrete and continuous data for specific
examples.; Understand the concepts of control charts and sampling plans and their
application in the quality assurance of industries. ; Understand some quality
approaches and their application.; Apply the concepts and principles of quality
assurance and quality control in the management of science laboratories

Learning Outcomes:
The students should be able to:
Use process flow charts, Pareto analysis to investigate a familiar industrial process
Objectives and
from local industry.; Identify the critical control points in a selected industrial
process and investigate the management structures which can lead to the process
improvement.; Outline the principles underlying a quality system and design
structures for familiar operations.; Illustrate the economic benefits of quality
assurance and quality control in selected example from the local industry.; Examine
and use statistical methods in quality control.; Define the terms, specification,
tolerance, process variation, assignable variation, process capability, in-control and
out-of-control.; Explain how statistical techniques can be used in the control of a
selected process and identify the consumer’s and producer’s risk.; Choose simple
quality procedures for a selected process from the local industry.; Explain the
process capability for specific examples.; Explain PDCA and ISO as an approach to
quality assurance and quality control.; Explain the use and importance of quality
assurance and quality control in an analytical chemistry laboratory; Describe how to
validate analytical method
Page 74 of 102
Version 2.0
Course Quality Assurance and Control, Statistical Analysis, Preparation of Product
Technical Skills Specification
 Introduction to Quality
 Quality Tools
 Process capability
Course Content
 Quality Continual improvement/Some Quality approaches
 Main Activities and Responsibilities of Quality Control and Quality Assurance
in analytical laboratories

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Version 2.0


This course provides the scientific principles, concepts and skills to

understand and perform some of the processes involved in Analytical
Chemistry. The principles governing standard analytical techniques like gas
chromatography (GC), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC),
electrophoresis, fluorescence, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic
resonance are discussed. The opportunity to carry out practical
investigations involving extended practical exercises and open-ended
projects. A statistical approach to data analysis and result interpretation
regarding aspects like F and T tests and confidence limit form an important
aspect of this course.

The course should enable the student to:

1. Understand the theoretical principles and practical applications of a
variety of separation techniques
Course 2. Understand the theoretical principles and practical applications of a
Objectives variety of and spectrophotometric techniques
3. Analyze experimental data and draw honest and meaningful conclusions
4. Be aware of sources of errors and standard of accuracy
5. Present results lucidly and concisely through writing or orally

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Version 2.0
The students should be able to:
1. Select and justify the analytical method to be used for an analytical
2. Evaluate and validate the selected method
3. Assess the results and define the criteria for accuracy and precision
4. Understand and describe qualitative and quantitative analysis of
chromatographic data.
5. Select and justify instrumental separation technique(GC, HPLC,
electrophoresis) of an analytical sample
6. Apply electrophoresis technique (plate and capillary) on a suitable ionic
mixture to identify its components
7. Illustrate experimentally the effect of pH on the separation of a
mixture of amio-acids by using two different buffer solutions
8. Describe the principles and instrumentation of GLC and HPLC
9. Analyze quantitatively a prepared or given sample by derivatisation
10. Identify the components of a mixture using internal or added
11. Explain the mode of action of GC column, GC detectors and their
12. Choose a suitable stationary phase and conditions for the separation
and identification of specified types of compounds
13. Explain the basic theory and instrumentation of HPLC technique
14. Appraise the use of HPLC as a detection technique
15. Understand and describe the principle of fluorescence emission
16. Describe the principle and uses of mass spectrometry
17. Describe the principle and be able to interpret 1H and 13C NMR
18. Assess the validity of the analytical separation techniques
19. Appraise the application of lab automation and apply automated
chromatography for separation of sugar derivatives in anionic exchange
-Selection, performance and justification of analytical techniques on various
-Understanding and application of various statistical analytical methods.
-Analysis using internal standard calibration, linear calibration and standard
addition methods.
- Operation and use GLC instruments in the separation and identification of
specified types of compounds.
- Operation and use of HPLC as a detection technique.
-Determination of heavy metal content in different samples using AAS.
- Analysis of complex molecules using IR especially to monitor the presence
of H-bonds.
-Interpretation of NMR, mass spectra and fluorescence spectroscopy.

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Version 2.0
Statistical Analysis
Course Capillary Electrophoresis
Content Molecular Fluorescence
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Mass Spectrometry


The course will acquaint the student with Omani and Islamic civilization, their
development and significance during different pre- and post-Islam eras, and
with the Islamic judicial system. Explain the effects of geography on Omani
civilization. Investigate and describe the significance of Omani civilization
during the pre-Islam era. investigate and describe Oman’s embracing of
Islam. Investigate and describe the significance of Omani civilization during
the caliphates, ummait, and abbasi eras. Describe the characteristics of
Islamic civilization. Describe the development, and external and internal
supporting factors for Islamic civilization. Describe the Islamic judicial
system during the post-Islam eras.
To enable the student to:
Understand the geography of Oman. Be familiar with the significance of
Omani civilization during pre- and post-Islam eras. Understand Islamic
civilization, its development, and its supporting factors. Understand the
Islamic judicial system during different post-Islam eras.

Course The students should be able to:

Objectives Describe Oman’s geography. Explain the effects of geography on Omani
and Outcomes civilization. Investigate and describe the significance of Omani civilization
during the pre-Islam era. Investigate and describe Oman’s embracing of
Islam. Investigate and describe the significance of Omani civilization during
the caliphates, ummait, and abbasi eras. Describe the characteristics of
Islamic civilization. Describe the development, and external and internal
supporting factors for Islamic civilization. Describe the Islamic judicial
system during the post-Islam eras.

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Version 2.0
POLL4100 Pollution and Its Impact
This course intends to cover topics in pollution sources, control of pollution
and management of solid, industrial and biomedical wastes. It also introduces
basic concepts of occupational health hazards.

Course Objectives:
1. Understand pollution and their adverse effects on human being and their
2. Know the different types of pollution and the sources of pollutants.
3. Familiarize with the different types of wastes and the management of
these wastes.
4. Understand the concepts behind occupational health hazards and issues
related to it.
5. Appreciate the importance of knowing the sources of pollution and the
different means of controlling pollution and waste management.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Define pollution and pollutants
Course 2. Explain the different types of pollution and pollutants
Objectives 3. Describe the major categories and sources of air pollution
and Outcomes 4. Explain greenhouse effect, the effects of global warming and the
indicators of climate change
5. Describe the types, sources and effects of water pollution
6. Describe marine pollution, its causes and the controlling measures
7. Explain the occurrence of agricultural pollution, the impact of
pesticides and the remedial measures to control agricultural pollution
8. Explain industrial pollution and its impact on the environment
9. Describe the role of industries in controlling pollution and ensuring
sustainable development.
10. Explain the sources of solid wastes and their management.
11. Discuss the source, handling and proper disposal of bio-medical waste
12. Explain the classifications of occupational health hazards and the
This course provides the students with the practical information and
techniques to evaluate and control the different types of pollutants, which
include; air pollution and the use of the high volume sampler, noise pollution
and the use of sound meter, water pollution and the use of UV
spectrophotometer and the titration techniques, soil pollution and the use of
soil extraction and analytical techniques. In addition to equip the
students with the required skills and proficiency to write technical reports
assessing the situation and taking actions.
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Version 2.0
Introduction to Environmental Pollution, Air pollution, water pollution
(focusing on marine pollution) and agricultural pollution.
Industrial ecology and industrial waste and treatment processes.
Solid waste management, biomedical wastes.
Oc- Occupational health hazards.


This course continues to build the foundations of modern inorganic

chemistry in students, especially descriptive inorganic chemistry. A brief
description of crystalline materials including different kinds of close
packing, the idea of unit cell and crystal lattice, the use of techniques like x-
ray diffraction to obtain lattice parameters, crystal defects, etc. is
provided. Coordination complexes of transition metals are introduced and
various facets of their chemistry including isomerism, shapes of complexes,
preparation and redox chemistry are discussed. Simple bonding models
governing transition metal complexes including Crystal Field and Ligand Field
Theories are presented. A brief overview of catalysis including homogeneous
and heterogeneous catalysis is also given to the student. Practicals and
simple presentations by students will be used wherever possible to enhance
the delivery of course content and to introduce students to latest

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Version 2.0
The course should enable the student to:
1. Understand and explain the structures of crystalline materials
2. Describe the preparation and classification of the transition metal
co-ordination complexes.
3. Understand the behavior of transition metal co-ordination complexes
in terms of theoretical models.
4. Understand and describe the redox behavior of transition metal co-
ordination compounds
5. Apply the inorganic concepts to homogeneous and heterogeneous

The students should be able to:

1. Design crystal structures for metals and ionic substances
2. Demonstrate ability to calculate, lattice parameters from X-ray
diffraction and macroscopic data (e.g. density), metallic radii from lattice
parameters for f.c.c and b.c.c. metals and lattice enthalpies from
experimental and theoretical data using the Born equation
3. Predict crystal structure from radius ratios and determine limiting
ionic radii for NaCl and CsCl structures.
4. Deduce the structures of co-ordination complexes from names and
name specified structures
and Outcomes
5. Use colorimetry or uv/vis absorption spectroscopy to determine the
formula of a complex,
6. Use stability constants and nature of ligand to interpret
experimental data obtained in the study of the relative stability of
complexes and ligand exchange.
7. Apply classified preparation methods to prepare two complexes
8. Predict and draw cis-trans, optical, ionization, linkage and
coordination isomeric structures for complexes.
9. Apply theoretical models ( hybridization crystal ligand field) to
explain the behavior of transition metal coordination complexes.
10. Evaluate the advantage of the ligand field theory.
11. Use standard electrode potentials to predict the redox behavior of
3d transition metal compounds.
12. Evaluate the factors that determine the relative stabilities of the
different oxidation states of 3d compounds.
13. Investigate experimentally the redox chemistry for 4 different 3d-
14. Present information on the use of homogeneous and heterogeneous
catalysis in industry.

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Version 2.0
- Growth of large crystals of pure and doped substances and examination of
-Synthesis of cobalt (III) complexes and their characterization by
Course conductivity measurements, absorption spectroscopy and IR.
Technical - Use of colorimetry, Job’s method and complexometry to determine the
Skills formula of a complex.
-Design and conduction of an experiment and use of the data obtained to
study the relative stability of complexes and ligand exchange.

1. Meaning of crystalline material, lattice; Unit cells, parameters,

number of repeating units
2. Metallic Close packing;Relationship between metallic structures and
lattice parameters
3. Ionic Crystal Structures: MX and MX2 structures, effect of radius
for NaCl&CsCl; Simple Molecular Solids; Theoretical Models
4. X-ray diffraction; X-ray completed; Defects: Interstitials, vacancies,
5. Coordination Complexes Intorduction to transition metals
6. Isomerism: cis-trans, optical, solvation, linkage, coordination and
polymerism isomerism;
7. Simple Hybridisation Model; Crystal Field Theory
8. Crystal Field Theory : Magnetic properties & absorption spectra
9. Ligand Field Theory: Shortcomings of CFT, combination of metal and
ligand orbitals to give molecular orbitals
10. Stability of Complexes: Ligand Exchange, co-ordination equilibria,
stability constants, stepwise formation constants, chelate effects,
steric effects
11. Reactions of Complexes : Oxidation, Reduction, Ligand Displacement
(Inert/Labile), Substitution
12. Redox Chemistry Oxidation states of 3d metals, trends, ionic,
covalent & intermediate bonding, acidic, amphoteric & basic oxides,
13. Catalysis: Introduction, mechanism
14. Catalysis: Efficiency, cycles, energetics, selectivity, lifetime,
poisoning; examples of catalysis.

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Version 2.0
This course introduces techniques which involve the measurement of
electrical properties of a solution of the analyte when it is made part of an
electrochemical cell. It provides an introduction to electroanalytical
chemistry; potentiometry; voltammetry and polarography; modern
Course voltammetric techniques and electrochemical biosensors. Electroanalytical
Description techniques that are capable of producing low detection limits,
characterization information describing electrochemically accessible systems
and devoted to the growing field of electrochemical biosensors are discussed.
The stoichiometry, rate of interfacial charge transfer, the rate of mass
transport and equilibrium constants for chemical reactions and the role of
biosensors in biomedical industry and biotechnology are also included.
The course should enable the student to:
1. Gain awareness of basic concepts of electro-analytical chemistry.
2. Develop an understanding how chemical and physical properties of
substances are exploited to use electro-analytical techniques.
3. Understand the basic principles and instrumentation of selected
electro-analytical techniques.
4. Obtain an understanding for qualitative and quantitative analysis of
electro-analytical techniques and their applications in pure and real samples.
5. Understand the application of mathematical and statistical methods to
process results of analysis.
6. Be aware of advantages, disadvantages and limitations of different
electro-analytical techniques used for similar types of analysis.
7. Appreciate the role of electrochemical biosensors in biomedical
8. Study the types, operation, and construction of bio-analytical sensors.
9. Present results in a lucid and concise manner and draw a meaningful
conclusions orally as well as in writing.

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Version 2.0
The students should be able to:
1. Explain electrochemical cells and factors affecting the potential of
electrochemical cells.
2. Describe potentials in electro-analytical cells and derive Nernst
3. Calculate questions and problems based on cell potentials from
electrode potentials.
4. Explain polarization, sources of polarization and overvoltage.
5. Discuss types of electro-analytical techniques.
6. Classify and differentiate different types of electrodes.
7. Explain and describe different ion selective electrodes.
8. Describe different types of potentiometric curves.
9. Determine fluoride/chloride in tooth paste/ mouth wash with
fluoride/chloride ion-selective electrodes.
Course 10. Analyze aspirin in tablets using NaOH as titrant by potentiometry.
Outcomes 11. Recognize and explain different voltammetric techniques, their
applications and instrumentations.
12. Describe characteristics of the dropping mercury electrode and half
wave potential.
13. Describe modern voltammetric techniques such as derivative,
differential and cyclic voltammetry.
14. Analyze qualitatively and quantitatively pharmaceutically important
compounds/heavy metals by modern voltammetric techniques.
15. Appraise the application of electrochemical analyzer for the
determination/speciation/assay of toxic heavy metals and pharmaceutically
important compounds.
16. Explain the role of biosensors in the biomedical industry and
17. Identify types of bioanalytical sensors.
18. Describe different types of biosensors in terms of their applications
 various experiments on electroplating,
 electrolytic cells,
 potentiometric titration,
 pH titration.
 Electrochemical cells
 Potentiometry
 Volatmmetry
 Electrochemical sensors.

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Version 2.0


It provides a flexible framework to make a detail study of the industrial
process. It also develops and in depth the appreciation of all the factors
which affect the successful operation of an industrial process.

The course should enable the student to:

1. Identify the factors affecting the choice of location of industrial
2. Describe in general the factors affecting the choice of manufacturing
routes for a specified product.
3. Describe the physio-chemical aspects of a chemical plant.
4. Describe in detail general features of a selected chemical process.
5. Be aware of other issues affecting an industrial processes , especially
health, safety and environmental protection.

Outcomes include:
1. Apply chemical knowledge acquired in the core units to an industrial
2. Evaluate the factors ( geographical, geological and environmental
)affecting the location of a chemical plant
3. Evaluate the influence of access to materials, services and finance
Course 4. Recognize and discuss the general features affecting the selection of
Objectives a process for a chemical product
and Outcomes 5. Evaluate the parameters of chemical reactions which determine the
choice of route to the product
6. Evaluate the impact of the co- and side products on the overall
profitability of the process
7. Identify the physio-chemical aspects of the process and the impacts
on the resource demands, energetics, yield, rates and phase equilibrium and
8. Describe in details the chemistry of the selected process, outline
alternatives and justify selected route.
9. Relate the chosen operating conditions of each stage to mechanisms
and assess the influence of separation and purification processes on the
overall yield
10. Analyze the potential uses of the principle and co-products and their
commercial values
11. Demonstrate awareness of the issues related to Health, Safety and
environmental protection by carrying out hazards and risk analysis and
assessing possible effects of operating the process on the environment.

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Version 2.0
- Evaluation of the effect of various metal ions in homogeneous catalysis. and
Course communicate the general factors
Technical -Preparation of several commercially important substances like various esters
Skills used for flavouring, benzoic acid, etc.

Chemical industry
Catalysts and Catalysis
Research and Development
Organizational structures
Chemical engineering and energy
Technological economics of chemical industry
Processes, Safety Management


This is the second course in Physical Chemistry. The aim of the course is to
introduce the student to basic principles in several branches of Physical
Chemistry such as electrochemistry, surface chemistry, colloids and
molecular spectroscopy. Emphasis is placed on applications such as the use of
Nernst equation, Faraday's laws of electrolysis and its commercial
applications. It also describes the Langmuir, BET and Freundlich adsorption
isotherms. Moreover, it explains some of the properties of surface active
agents and the physical forces that are important in colloidal stability. The
relative energies of IR, UV and VIS are compared and the use of Beer-
Lambert law to determine concentration is explained.

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Version 2.0
The course should enable the student to:
1. Understand and use Nernst equation for calculating potentials under
non-standard conditions
2. Define and use Faraday’s law of electrolysis and describe its
commercial applications
3. Understand the origins of the molecular spectra of diatomic and
polyatomic molecules and its applications
4. Describe the surface characteristics and properties of colloids

The students should be able to:

1. Demonstrate ability to determine cell reaction, calculate E0cell and
describe possible experimental set up for a range of simple cells.
2. Construct the Nernst equation for a given cell and use Nernst
equation to
3. Calculate potentials at activities other than unity.
4. Design experiments to measure E0cell and calculate the associated
change in Gibbs free energy.
5. Recognize electrolytic cells and describe its commercial application.
and Outcomes
6. Differentiate between electro refining and electroplating.
7. Apply Faraday’s law to calculate amount of product produced.
8. Compare relative energies of IR, UV and VIS and resulting
spectroscopic techniques.
9. Use Beer-Lambert’s law to determine concentration.
10. Identify the allowed modes of vibration and IR activity for diatomic
and polyatomic molecular species.
11. Identify the broad electronic spectrum of molecular species and
describe the origin of the Stoke Shifts.
12. Differentiate between physical adsorption and chemisorption.
13. Describe the Langmuir, BET and Freundlich adsorption isotherms.
14. Identify the nature and properties of surface active agents.
15. Describe the formation of micelles.
16. Explain the factors that determine the spreading of a liquid on a solid.
17. Classify colloids and identify the forces that are important in colloidal
- Investigation of the application of Faraday's law by electrolysis
Course experiment.
Technical - Determination of the emf of an electrochemical cell.
Skills -Studies on adsorption of materials.
-Estimation of critical micelle concentration of a surfactant.
1. Electrochemistry
Course 2. Adsorption
Content 3. Colloids
4. Spectroscopy

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Version 2.0
NUTR4200 NUTRITION (Dept Elective)
This course provides an integrated overview of the physiological
requirements and functions of protein, energy, and the major vitamins and
minerals that are determinants of health and disease. Topics include dietary
Course sources, intake levels, and biological determinants of nutrient requirements;
Description assessment of nutrient status in individuals and populations; the role of
nutrition in growth and health through the life cycle; the rationale for the
development of dietary guidelines and of nutrition policies in different
countries; and the role of diet on the development of chronic diseases, such
as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, etc.
The course should enable the students to:
Explain the terms nutrition, carbohydrate, protein, lipid (fat), vitamin,
mineral, water, kilocalorie, epidemiological studies; the use of caloric values
of energy yielding nutrients. Identify the basic structures and food sources
of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins and minerals; list and describe
the functions, and the role of each in nutritional health. Describe the uses of
Course energy by the body and what constitutes energy balance, and list and explain
Objectives the factors that might cause eating disorders. Outline the overall processes
of digestion and absorption in the mouth, stomach, small intestine and large
intestine, as well as the roles played by the liver, gall bladder and pancreas.
Identify the major nutrition-related health problems and approaches to
treatment; outline the causes of, effects of, typical persons affected by, and
treatment for coronary heart disease, hypertension, cancer, diverticulosis,
diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis.
The students should be able to:
Understands the meaning of the terms nutrition, carbohydrate, protein, lipid
(fat), vitamin, mineral, water, kilocalorie, and fiber. Determine the total
calories (kcal) of a food or diet. Learn the epidemiological studies.
Differentiate among hunger, satiation and satiety and how these influence
our eating behavior. Recognize the different in structure between
carbohydrates – monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides (e.g.
starches) and fiber. Understands the functions of carbohydrate in the body
and the problems that result from not eating enough carbohydrate.
Recognize the beneficial effects of fiber on the body. Determine the food
sources of carbohydrate and list some alternative sweeteners. List four
classes of lipids and the role of each in nutritional health. Compare between
saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids in term of
structure and food sources.Recognize the implications of various fats,
including omega-3,omega-6, and omega-9. Describe how amino acids make up
proteins. List the primary functions of protein in the body. Understand the
term vitamin and classify the vitamins according to whether there are fat
soluble or water soluble. Understand the functions of water in the body.
Classify the minerals as major or trace minerals. Describe the uses of
energy by the body and what constitutes energy balance.

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Version 2.0
Recognize the benefits and hazards of various weight-loss methods for
severe obesity. Understands how protein-calorie malnutrition eventually can
lead to disease in the body. Understand the causes of, effects of, typical
persons affected by, and treatment for vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium
deficiency. Understand the causes of, effects of, typical persons affected
by, and treatment for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa. Understand the
term body mass index and list the factors that might cause obesity.
Recognize obesity as a causative factor in a number of different conditions.
Understand the overall processes of digestion in the mouth, stomach, small
intestine and large intestine, as well as the role played by the liver, gall
bladder and pancreas. Recognize the histology of the wall of the different
parts of the digestive system. Identify the major nutrition-related health
problems and approaches to treatment. Understand the causes of, effects
of, typical persons affected by, and treatment for coronary heart diseases,
hypertension, cancer, diverticulosis, diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis
Quantitative estimation and identification of carbohydrate (variety of sugar
and starch), protein, lipids (visible and invisible) and vitamins in a variety of
food such as fruits, vegetables, milk and other prepared food.
-Quantitative estimation and identification of cholesterol in variety of
cooking oil such as sunflower oil, corn oil, olive oil, canola oil, sesame oil and
other kind of food.
 Introduction to Nutrition
 Carbohydrate
 Lipid
 Protein
Course  Minerals, ions, vitamin and water
Content  Energy Requirements
 Unbalanced Diet
 Over nutrition
 Digestion and Absorption
 Disease linked to Diet


Project II is expected to be a more elaborate and open ended offering more
challenge and opportunity for students aspiring to the Bachelor degree
award. It may involve a structured problem (already published, an integral
Course part of a previously submitted dissertation or thesis) or a mini project that
Description may add a small new contribution or play a role in solving a problem that may
be facing a certain industry. In very rare cases it may form a kind of
intensive literature survey about a project topic related to an industry,
intended to be carried out in future, which is injected with a brief
experimental part.

Page 89 of 102
Version 2.0
The course should enable the student to:
1. Conceive project topics for investigation and define its aim and
2. Seek and acquire relevant information related to topics of project
3. Design and establish a sampling plan for samples
4. Design, conduct, modify and improve experiments relevant to the
5. Implement and monitor the project plan
6. Record relevant references in appropriate format
7. Present the project effectively in writing and orally

The students should be able to:

1. Apply knowledge to formulate a project plan for a specified project
and monitor the course of action
and Outcomes
2. Identify, acquire and collate relevant information and establish its
3. Construct experimental designs and identify criteria for success
4. Establish and produce a sampling plan prior to sampling
5. Select and implement chosen experimental options accurately and
6. Compile a log book of selected procedures and results
7. Report relevant references / bibliographic entries of resources in
appropriate format (Introduction)
8. Present the report in a suitable format and defend their findings in
viva-voice examination.

-Formulation and monitoring of a plan for a specific project which is open

ended and research oriented in nature.
-Collation of relevant information.
-Design and conduction of experiments relevant to the
investigation and maintenance of a log book for all procedures and results.
Course - Carrying out and recording of accurate observations and reproducible
Technical measurements,
Skills -Interpretation and justification of results, drawing logical
conclusions and formulation of recommendations.
- Production of report in prescribed format and oral presentation of results
using power-point presentation.
-Poster preparation of selected projects for display and presentation in

Page 90 of 102
Version 2.0
Selection of topic
Finding Information
Sample Collection & Preparation of Action Plan
Experimental work
Writing up of Introduction
Pre viva


This course deals with the Arabic roots of chemistry and continues to
discuss the application of chemistry in various areas like medicinal chemistry,
forensic chemistry and building materials chemistry.

This course should enable the students to:

1. Be aware of the science of chemistry, its development and the role of the
Arabs in the chemical science.
2. Understand what chemistry is about and why a reaction takes place.
3. Have understanding of the development of chemical knowledge from lab to
industrial plant, to petroleum and to water.
4. Understand the role of chemistry in our everyday life and our environment.

The students should be able to:

1. Describe the science of chemistry and its development.
2. Evaluate the role of the Arabs in the development of chemical science
and Outcomes
3. Explain what chemistry is about and why a chemical reaction takes place.
4. Extend the application of chemical knowledge to industrial plants,
petroleum and water industry.
5. Present a review of the role chemistry in our everyday life, producing
useful substances from raw materials, making polymers and plastics, making
building materials, agriculture, food, drugs, cosmetics and chemistry and the
6. Demonstrate awareness of the horizon of chemical science by application
in various fields like forensic chemistry.
1. Appreciating the Arab origins of Chemistry
2. Understanding the mechanism of medicines & drug design
3. Evaluating cosmetics
4. Using & understanding simple forensic techniques
5. Awareness of building materials with ‘green’ concepts applied to
building materials
1. Chemistry- The science of life
2. Medicinal chemistry
3. Cosmetic chemistry
4. Forensic chemistry
5. Building Material chemistry
Page 91 of 102
Version 2.0



Project II is expected to be a more elaborate and open ended offering more
challenge and opportunity for students aspiring to the Bachelor degree
award. It may involve a structured problem (already published, an integral
Course part of a previously submitted dissertation or thesis) or a mini project that
Description may add a small new contribution or play a role in solving a problem that may
be facing a certain industry. In very rare cases it may form a kind of
intensive literature survey about a project topic related to an industry,
intended to be carried out in future, which is injected with a brief
experimental part.
The course should enable the student to:
1. Implement and monitor the project plan
2. Record relevant references in appropriate format
3. Record accurate observations and reproducible measurements with
minimum errors
4. Interpret and relate the results to the objectives of the project and
draw logical conclusions
5. Present the project effectively in writing and orally

The students should be able to:

1. Compile a log book of all procedures and results
2. Select and implement chosen experimental options accurately and
and Outcomes
3. Analyze and assess the validity of the data obtained
4. Interpret, justify results in terms of the original specification and
explain deviation from expected results
5. Compile a clear and concise report devoid of repetition and superfluity
6. Draw logical and valid conclusions and make recommendations based on
7. Report relevant references/bibliographic entries of resources in
appropriate format (whole report)
8. Present the report in a suitable format using appropriate media.

Page 92 of 102
Version 2.0
-Formulation and monitoring of a plan for a specific project which is open
ended and research oriented in nature.
-Collation of relevant information.
-Design and conduction of experiments relevant to the
investigation and maintenance of a log book for all procedures and results.
Course -Carrying out and recording of accurate observations and reproducible
Technical measurements,
Skills -Interpretation and justification of results, drawing logical
conclusions and formulation of recommendations.
- Production of report in prescribed format and oral presentation of results
using power-point presentation.
-Poster preparation of selected projects for display and presentation in
Review of Project IIA.
Designing the remaining experiments
Submission of the requisition form for the experiments
Distribution of the hard copy of the project format and contents guidelines.
Course Submission of the final action plan for Project IIB.
Content Discussion on Project Report format and contents guidelines.
Making the report.
Mock presentation and discussion.
Completing the final project report and notebook
Final presentation and Viva


This course provides comprehensive coverage of the chemistry of some
biologically active molecules and how they combine to form food systems. It
also emphasizes the relationship between the chemical composition and
structural features of molecules to their function. The role of water &
description of acidic/basic nature of foods is covered. Further, common
natural amino acids and their sequencing in proteins are discussed. Enzymes,
their substrate specificity & mechanisms; vitamins & their role; fats, oils &
lipids as well as food additives are tackled.

Page 93 of 102
Version 2.0
This course should enable the students to:
1. be aware of the solvent properties of water, pH and explain the acid/base.
2. study titration curves in foods.
3. develop knowledge of the commonly occurring amino acids, their structure,
stereochemistry their combination in specific sequence to form complex
proteins and the functional significance of proteins to living organism.
4. have understanding of the structure sugars and polysaccharides and their
5. understand the structure and properties of fatty acids and of the typical
naturally occurring fatty acids which combine with glycerol to form fats and
oils, neutral lipids, phospholipids, glycolipids and lipoproteins.
6. explore the types of vitamins and their losses and optimization in food and
the role of food additives.
7. develop understanding of the relation between the chemical composition of
the molecules and their function.
A student who satisfactorily completes the course should be able to:
1. describe the role of water as solvent and the pH scale.
2. use his acid/base titration knowledge to determine nature of a food
3. describe the properties and structure of amino acids and the formation of
complex Proteins.
4. list the commonly naturally occurring amino acids, identify the sequence of
amino acids in the protein chain and configuration of the chain.
5. define enzymes and their properties.
6. recognize the substrate specificity of enzymes and the effect of
substrate concentration on enzyme catalysis.
7. describe the mechanism of enzyme action.
8. describe the structural type of a polysaccharide and its conformation and
relate it to its

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Version 2.0
9. identify the role of vitamins and their losses and optimization in food.
10. identify typical fatty acids which commonly combine with glycerol to give
fats and
11. differentiate between fats and oils and identify their sources.
Outcomes 12. compare between phospholipids, glycolipids, lipolipids and fats.
13. translate the function/s of the biological molecules in terms of their
structure and composition.
14. evaluate the need for the hydrogenation process of oils and its control.
15. Explain the role of additives in food.
- Determination of moisture content in foods.
Course - Identification of various food groups (different types of carbohydrates,
Technical amino acids, fats, vitamins) in different foods.
Skills - Study of the effect of substrate concentration and temperature on enzyme
1. Water as Solvent
2. Carbohydrates
3. Lipids and Fats and Oils
Course 4. Amino Acids and Proteins
Content 5. Enzymes
6. Vitamins
7. Minerals
8. Food Additives and Preservatives

Page 95 of 102
Version 2.0

New Programmevs OND up to Diploma Level

Course contents matched approximately
NEW Programme OND Programme
Applied Chemistry Chemistry Specialization

Matched Courses Matched Courses

Course Code Description CR Course Code Subjects CR
CHEM1102 Fundamentals of 3 SCIG 120 Chemistry 1A 3
Chemistry SCIG 220 Chemistry 1B 3
BIOL1100 Fundamentals of Biology 4 SCIG 110 Biology 1A 3
SCIG 210 Biology 1B 3
LABT1201 Laboratory Techniques 3 SCIG 141 Lab. Tech 1 2
SCIG 241 Lab. Tech 2 2
CHEM1202 Chemistry I 3 SCIC 310 Chemistry II 4
CHEM2104 General Organic 3 75% covered in all
Chemistry chemistry courses
SLOM1103 Safety & Lab. 3 SCIG 410 Safety & Lab. Management 2
PHYS1201 Physics 3 SCIG 130 Physics 1A 3
SCIG 230 Physics 1B 3
ITAD1100 Advanced IT Skills 3 COMS 110 I.T. I 1
COMS 210 I.T. II 1
MATH 1102 Pure Math 3 MATS 110 Maths I 3
MATH 2200 Calculus 1 3 MATS 210 Maths II 3
ASAC 2105 Chemistry II 3 SCIC 420 Chemistry III 4
ASAC 2106 Chemistry Lab. Tech. I 3 SCIC 351 Chem. Tech III 2
INST2200 Instrumentation 3 SCIB 330 Instrumentation 3
CHEM2201 Analytical Chemistry I 3 SCIB 341 Analytical Tech. 3
CHEM 2203 Industrial Chemistry I 3 SCIC 430 Industrial Chemistry 4
MATT2200 Materials Technology 3 SCIC 320 Materials Technology 3
CHEM2202/2301 Project IA/IB 3 SCIC 451 Project 3

Additional Extra Courses to be Extra Courses to be matched

ENTW 1100 Technical Writing I 3 ENLS 110 English I 3
ENTW 1200 Technical Writing II 3 ENLS 210 English II 3
BACO 1212 Job Search Techniques 3 ENLS 310 English III 3
PHIL 2108 Business Ethics 3 ENLS 410 English IV 3
ENGL 2100 Technical Communication 3 SCIC 441 Lab. Tech IV 2
PHIL 2200 Formal Logic 3
On Job Training

Page 96 of 102
Version 2.0
New Programme(Chem) vsLab.Schools up to Diploma Level
Course contents matched approximately
NEW Programme Lab. Schools Programme
Applied Chemistry

Matched Courses Matched Courses

Course Code Description CR Course Code Subjects CR
CHEM1102 Fundamentals of 3 SCIG 120 Chemistry 1A 3
Chemistry SCIG 220 Chemistry 1B 3
BIOL1100 Fundamentals of 4 SCIG 110 Biology 1A 3
Biology SCIG 210 Biology 1B 3
LABT1201 Laboratory Techniques 3 SCIG 141 Lab. Tech 1 2
SCIG 241 Lab. Tech 2 2
CHEM1202 Chemistry I 3 SCIS 320 Chemistry 3s 3
CHEM2104 General Organic 3 Upto 75% contained in all
Chemistry Chemistry courses
SLOM1103 Safety & Lab. 3 SCIG 410 Safety & Lab. Management 2
PHYS1201 Physics 3 SCIG 130 Physics 1A 3
SCIG 230 Physics 1B 3
ITAD1100 Advanced IT Skills 3 COMS 110 I.T. I 1
COMS 210 I.T. II 1
MATH 1102 Pure Math 3 MATS 210 Maths I & II 3,3
CHEM 2102 Chemistry II 3 SCIS 430 Chemistry 4s 3
CHEM 2103 Chemistry Lab. Tech. I 3 SCIS 351 Lab Tech III (Chemistry) 2
Lab Tech IV (Chemistry)
INST 2200 Instrumentation 3 SCIB 330 Instrumentation

Additional Extra Courses to be Extra Courses to be matched

ENTW 1100 Technical Writing I 3 ENLS 110 English I 3
ENTW 1200 Technical Writing II 3 ENLS 210 English II 3
BACO 1212 Job Search Techniques 3 ENLS 310 English III 3
PHIL 2108 Business Ethics 3 ENLS 410 English IV 3
ENGL 2100 Technical 3
PHIL 2200 Formal Logic 3
CHEM2201 Analytical Chemistry I 3
CHEM 2203 Industrial Chemistry I 3
MATT2200 Materials Technology 3
CHEM2202/2301 Project IA/IB 3
On Job Training

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Student Centered Approaches – Applied Chemistry

Level Course code Course title Total No. No. of No. of % of Method used
of outcomes outcomes outcomes to cover SCA
outcomes covered covered covered
by SCA by SCA
Diploma CHEM 1102 Fundamentals 8 5 40 % of 5 40% -Practical, lab
of Chemistry outcomes Reports
Diploma CHEM 1100 Fundamentals 8 5 40% of 5 40% -Practical, lab
of Chemistry outcomes reports
Diploma CHEM 1202 Chemistry I 15 10 40% of 10 40% -Practical, lab

Diploma LABT1201 Lab 8 5 70% of 5 70% -Practical, lab

Techniques reports

Diploma CHEM 2102 Chemistry II 16 12 40% of 7 19% -Practical, lab


Diploma ASAC2313 Analytical 17 15 70% of 15 70% -Theory,

Chemistry I -Practical,
-lab work
Diploma CHEM2104 General 13 9 1 + 40% 22% -Practical, lab
Organic of 5 reports
Diploma ASAC 2109 Industrial 18 18 6 33% Practical
Chemistry I -Theory
-Lab reports

Diploma ASAC2106/CHEM2103 Chemistry 18 12 70% of 12 70% Practical, Lab

Lab. reports
techniques I
Diploma ASAC2413 A/B Project IA/B 9 9 6.5 70% Project-

Diploma CHEM 2200 General 10 7 7 70% -Practical

Chemistry II -Theory
-Lab reports
Advanced ASAC 3115 Physical 16 12 1 + 40% of 28% -Practical
Diploma Chemistry 1 6 -Reports

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Advanced ASAC 3112 Organic 18 15 3 20% -Practical
Diploma Chemistry 1 -Group
Advanced ASAC 3116 Inorganic 16 12 4 33% -Practical
Diploma Chemistry I -Reports
Advanced ASAC 3218 Chemistry 9 7 4 + 60% 82% -Practical
Diploma Lab. of 3 -Reports
Techniques -Group
II Discussions
B. Tech. ASAC 4122 Inorganic 10 7 3 43% -Practical
Chemistry II -Reports
B-Tech ASCE 4302 Development 6 4 2 33% -Practical
& Application -Reports
of Chemistry -Group
B. Tech ASAC4224 Industrial 11 10 4 40% Practical
Chemistry II -Theory
-Lab reports
+ Case studies
B. Tech. ASAC 4225 Physical 17 13 8 61% Practical
Chemistry II -Theory

B-Tech ASCE 4301 Food 15 14 3 + 40% 39% -Practical

Chemistry of 6 -

B-Tech ASAC 4121 Analytical 19 16 40% of 20% -Practical

Chemistry II 4+1 -

B-Tech ASAC 4223A/B Project II 9 9 6.5 70% Project-

A/B Practicals,

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Course Course Level Graduate Attribute No. (Tick the graduate attribute no. that
code ( Diploma. is covered in the course)
A.Diploma, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
CHEM 1100 Fundamentals of Diploma √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Chemistry (Engg.)

CHEM1102 Fundamentals Diploma √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CHEM 1202 Chemistry 1 Diploma √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

LABT 1201 Lab. Tech Diploma √ √ √ √ √ √ √


CHEM2104 Gen Org Chem Diploma √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CHEM 2101 Organic Chemistry Diploma √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √


CHEM2100 Gen Chem I Diploma √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CHEM2200 Gen Chem II Diploma √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CHEM2102 Chemistry II Diploma √ √ √ √ √ √

ASAC2106/ Chemistry Lab. Diploma √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

CHEM2103 techniques I
ASAC 2313 Analytical Diploma √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
chemistry I
ASAC 2109 Industrial Diploma √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Chemistry 1
ASAC Project 1A/1B Diploma √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
ASAC Organic Chemistry Advanced √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3112 I Diploma
ASAC Organic Chemistry Advanced √ √ √ √ √
3217 II Diploma
ASAC 3115 Physical Chemistry Advanced √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
1 Diploma
ASAC 3116 Inorganic Advanced √ √ √ √ √ √
Chemistry I Diploma

ASAC Chem Lab .Tech II Advanced √ √ √ √

3218 Diploma
ASAC COMPUTERS IN Advanced √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
3219A CHEM. Diploma
CHEM 3101 Fundamentals of Advanced √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Physical Chemistry Diploma
ASCE 4301 Food Chemistry B-Tech √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

ASAC 4224 Industrial B-Tech √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Chemistry II
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ASAC4122 Inorganic B-Tech √ √ √ √ √ √
Chemistry II
ASAC 4302 Dev. & App of B-Tech √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
ASAC 4121 Analytical B-Tech √ √ √ √ √ √
chemistry II
ASAC 4223 Project 2 A&B B-Tech √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

ASAC 4225 Physical Chemistry B-Tech √ √ √ √ √ √ √


College Graduate Attributes

1. Are well disciplined and committed to hard work and a high standard of productivity.
2. Are able to apply the knowledge and skills to a diverse and competitive work environment.
3. Are able to think critically, analyze and solve problems.
4. Have a high degree of competence in using information and communication technology.
5. Are professionally competent and up-to-date in their field of specialization in a changing global
6. Can gather and process knowledge from a variety of sources, and communicate effectively in
written and spoken English.
7. Can effectively demonstrate and apply good interpersonal skills in team work and leadership roles.
8. Are committed to self development through lifelong learning.
9. Are socially responsible citizens aware of contemporary issues in contributing to national
10. Are able to demonstrate and apply their entrepreneurial skills.

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