RMC No. 135-2019

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li*r*aruAL i.

i-aiutsi-lc OF TF{E I';ii,-,lii-r. : -i
) EP.\F.TME,i{T OF FI\.i\ CE

Quezon Cit,v



STTBJE,CT Reiteration of the Prescribed Procedures in the Availment of the

Tax Amnesty on Delinquencies (TAD) and Additional Clarification
on Issues Raised Relative thereto

TO All Revenue Officers, Employees and Others Concerned

This Revenue Memorandum Circular (RMC) is issued to reiterate the prescribed

procedures in the availment of the Tax Amnesty on Delinquencies and address complaints
against BIR revenue officials and employees due to either misunderstanding of some taxpayers
on the law itself or total disregard of the approved implementing rules and regulations,

Since the effectivity of Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 4-2019 on April 24,2019, the
Bureau continues to receive complaints from certairr taxpayers alleging'ileprivation of the tax
amnesty program on delinquencies due to the definition provided under RR No. 4-2019 an
"delinquent accounts", which in their opinion, limits the coverage of the said tax amnesty, since
the "stop-filer" cases and delinquent accounts arising from non-payment of self-declared tax
due were not considered "delinquent accounts" for pulposes ofthe implementation of Republic
Act (RA) No. 11213.

Such definition is aligned with the plovisions of the aforesaid RA No. 11213 which
expressly provides that the tax amnesty amount shall be based on the "basic tax assessed". This
simply means that there should be anlassessment of tax due made by the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR), which should be finai and executory , except in case ot'unremitted tax withheld
and those'tovered by a pending criminal case. Thus, a "stop-{iler" case whicir rnerely pertains
to failure of the taxpayer to file the required retum is not qualified for tax amnesty in the
absence o{tax assessment, in aciciition, those tax iiabiiities arising tiom failure to pay in full
and non-payment of the tax due deciared per tax returns are not qualified for tax amnesty
unless, prior to Aprrl24,2A19, a letter to the withholding agent or preliminary coilection letter
derlending remittance/payhrent of taxes withheld but not remitted, as declared per return, was
sent i:.v the BIR.. These issues were clarified in the earlier leleasecl Revenue Memolandurn
CircularNo. 57-2019. particularly Question and Anslver items 9,70, 14 and 26, rvhich are
cluoted below:

"Q9. L'un {ox amnesl)t or4delinquencies be oyailed o/'even if ihere is no Finri

Ass'es.Emenr l,:otice (FAin)/Formul Letter o.f'Denia,nd (ftt.D)/Final Deci,rion on
Disputed Assessmcnt (FDDAI that hus beconre .finol and execliory on or
be.fore April 24, 2019?

,49. Tax antnesl.T' on delinrlLtencies can be ot,criler{ o{ et,en if. lhere is no

FA!\u,ryiLDil;DD,4 thcrt hus baconta.finul unc{ excctllota'iJ lhc lur
/iultilities fall under on): o.f the .follov'ing inslurtce,\:

(1) The tax liobilities {tre rela{ad lo llte penrlittg u"irninal cescs ttilh
llte DO./,/pt"oseculot"'s Offrce or the coLtt'1,\'.far lctx evctsiott ctnC ol he r
ct"itninal ojfbnses under'{'hcpler II o/ Title X snd Sectirsn 275 of'thc
Tax Code us zt?tencled: znd

(21 The /sx liabilities pertain lrs unrcmitlecl lax v'ilhhelcl b),
v,ithholding agents.

Q10. l4that would be the basis of the tax anmesly paviltent if the pending
crintinal chcu"ges o.f the taxpal,er as o.f April 24.2019 pertain to "failure to
obey sy117v7ron" bul the legul conrpl.aint does nal have assessntent of unpaid
basic tax?
Al0:"{Fherr o criminal chorge perlcrins to ".failure {o obey sLutttt?ot1 ".
the legal o.fficer requires the exantiner lo issne on ossessnrent bssed on
ba,g/ e',tide nce o!:tainsble. If ctn {;sse ,:;sntsn! hcts *!re cc$; !,.e 'J?? is:;iie cl G:;
o.f April 21, 2019, u,helher finol or no[, lhe ltosis of the lcx cu?tne,yry
woulcl be the bcrsic tax ])er sLtch clocumenl. Othetat,i,\e, lhe tctxltuver
cou/cl nol at,ail of the tcrx arutnes?, on cle/inqltency"

,.f-T-X "rfr

Ql4 Are open srop-.filer ca,se.y incltrCec{ in lhe ctrnnesft;?

A14. iYo, these {tre not cot)et"ecl under RR J{o. 1-2019.


Q26.Llnder R-R. 4-2019, Prelintinarl, Assesurtent Notice (PANl/Notice for

Infurntal Cctnferertce (1{lC1 or equivalenl clocuntenl is ,stfficienl tlocument o.f
the taxpatter to supporl lhe tax liabilitie,s pertaining to unrentittecl lux tt,ithhelcl.
Wi'het are those equivalenl docuntent being referrecl to?

A26 Equivulenl ckscutrten{ cotT be ony of the _/ollotring, Tsr"ot,iclecl lhe

,\oilte H){t,\ i,\,\'ttecl on or before iTpr"il 21, 2019. uncl lhe /aruble periotl
involt,ecl {tre 2017 anc{ 1}rior )tactr,y

tt. i-cllu"lo lhe y,ilhl'tolcling ugutl tlt'tircrncliris renti/lctnce of /he

tttt?outtl not t'eilritiec/ bct,yecl on lhe tri/hholc{ing ict.r t'e /tu't1,\'Jilet{:

BURE*qtJ *F ii.r 'ii

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l). Laller to the v,ithholcling ugenl demsnding lhe rctt?itlanca o.{ tax
t,t,ilhlteld basec{ on tlre {)ornnris,siorl on Auclit (CO.4S t^eporls',.for
those sultf e cl I o C'O.4 ctudil :

C. Prelinrincrn; Colleclion Leller dsrttcutclirtg /ha po.))fiten{ oJ tax

u, i thhel d c{ecl aretl gser re tlu"tls' .fi i ecl.


Public hearings were condncted before the irnplernenting rules and regulations u,ere
approved by the Secretary of Finance and tlierefore, it sliould be enforced accordingly for the
efficient and orderly iurplernentation of the tax amnesq'progranr. Iu this regard. the following
procedures as prescribed under Revenue Mernorandum Order (RMO) No.23-2019 must be
strictly cornplied by all concerrred:

a. Tax Arnnesty Return (TAR) (BIR Forrn No. 2l l8-DA). cornpletely and accurately
accornplished and made under oath.

b. Acceptance Payrnent Forttr (APF) or BIR Fonr A62l -DA nrust be duh' endorsed
b), the concerned BIR Officials.

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C. L-gI Lti luattr ur r a?t LJvtt r lLl usr lu rc5 (\- r L-l/ il r uSL ug l55Lrtru AilLr Stglttru uilrY uY 1iltr
autlrorized BIR ofhcer and not b,r, the taxpayer rtJho is availing of the tax amnesty.

In addition, the irnrnunity and privileges shall only apply to the particular tax type arld
taxable period as indicated in the TAR and paid under duly approved APF. Consequently, tax
liabilityiies for taxable period/s and/or tax type not included in the tax arnnesty application will
not be cancelled.

Moreover, the Notice of Issuance of Authority to Cancel Assessment (NIATCA) shall

be issued by the BIR to the taxpayer availing of tlie Tax Arnrresty on Delinquencies within
fi{ieen (15) calendar days from submission of the APF and TAR. Otherwise, the starnped
"received" duplicate copies of the APF and TAR shall be deemed as sufficient proof of

Finally, pursuant to Section 9 of RR No. 1 l-2006, "only lho,se Tox Agenls/Praclitioners,

Purtner,y, or Officer,s o.f General Pro.fbssionctl Partner,vhips, or O//icars or Direclor.s of
corpordte entitie.s engagacl in lctx practice who ltat,e becn issuecl Certificate of Accredilctlion
or ID card sholl be allov,ed lo represenl a laxltalter or lronsacl busine,vs t,r,ith lhe Bureau of
Inlernol Re,-enue in representation of a tuxpayer Jbr the purytose(.y) de.fined in lhese
regulations." Therefbre, BIR revenue officers are instructed to deal only rvith taxpayers
themselves or their tax agents u,ho are duly accredited with BlR. Taxpayers are likewise
adviseclto secure only tlte services of tar agents included in the list olaccrcclited tax agents as
posteci in the B IR lvebsite. or the servic es of bona.f icle tax larvyers, and to exerc ise d ue cliligence

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in securing their services since those posing as accredited tax agents are providirlg wrong
inforrnation to the detriment of the taxpayers.

All intenral revenue officers. eniployees and others concerned are enjoined to give this
Circular a rvide publicity as possible.

of Intenral revenue
Courrn issiorrer
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