AP Biology 1st Semester Final Exam Review-2011.2012
AP Biology 1st Semester Final Exam Review-2011.2012
AP Biology 1st Semester Final Exam Review-2011.2012
Unit Objectives:
1. Describe the levels of biological organization.
2. Distinguish between inductive and deductive reasoning.
3. Design an experiment to test a given hypothesis using the scientific method.
4. Distinguish among: hypothesis, theory, independent variable, dependent variable, variable to be held constant,
control group, experimental group, and controlled experiment.
5. Describe the scientific method model of learning and distinguish it from experimentation.
Practice Questions:
Clearly state what data you would want to collect in this experiment to test your
4. Discuss the biological importance of each of the following organic compounds in relation to
cellular structure and function in plants and animals.
a. Carbohydrates
b. Proteins
c. Lipids
d. Nucleic acids
5. The unique properties (characteristics) of water make life possible on Earth. Select three
properties of water and:
a) for each property, identify and define the property and explain it in terms of the
physical/chemical nature of water.
b) for each property, describe one example of how the property affects the functioning of
living organisms.
Cells & Cell Transport
1. Justify why the cell is considered the basic unit of life.
2. Point out the basic needs of all living things and explain how a cell is able to meet its needs.
3. Differentiate between pro- and eukaryotic cells.
4. Evaluate the size relationships among different cells and cell structures.
5. Explain why there are both upper and lower limits to cell size.
6. Locate and describe the structures and relate the functions of principal organelles in plant and animal cells.
7. Describe the structure of the nucleus and relate this information to its function in the cell.
8. List the components of the endomembrane system, describe its structure and functions, and summarize the
relationships among these components.
9. Follow the fate of a protein synthesized on the endoplasmic reticulum as it is processed, modified, and sorted by the
Golgi complex.
10. Describe the functions of lysosomes and explain what happens when they leak.
11. Distinguish between chloroplasts and mitochondria in terms of structure and function and explain why both synthesize
12. Describe the structures of the major types of fibers that make up the cytoskeleton. Explain the importance of the
cytoskeleton to the cell.
13. Describe the structure of intercellular junctions found in plant and animal cells and relate their structure to function.
14. Make a detailed sketch of the fluid mosaic model of cell membrane structure.
15. Relate the properties of the lipid bilayer to the physical properties of the cell membrane.
16. Explain how the various classes of membrane proteins associate with the lipid bilayer and discuss the different roles
that membrane proteins assume.
17. Solve simple problems involving osmosis and water potential.
18. Summarize the main ways that small hydrophilic molecules move across the membrane.
19. Differentiate between the processes of facilitated diffusion and active transport.
20. Compare and contrast desmosomes, tight junctions, gap junctions, and plasmodesmata.
21. Contrast the physical processes of diffusion and osmosis with the carrier-mediated physiological processes by which
materials are transported across cell membranes.
Practice Questions:
Multiple Choice:
8. Which of the following molecules is a typical 10. Which of the following is an example of passive
component of the animal cell membrane? transport across the cell membrane?
a. starch a. The travel of an action potential down a
b. glucose muscle cell.
c. nucleic acid b. The uptake of nutrients by the microvilli of
d. carbohydrates cells lining the stomach.
e. Vitamin K c. The movement of insulin across the cell
d. The movement of carbon dioxide across the
cell membrane.
e. The selective uptake of hormones across the
cell membrane.
Essay Questions:
1. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells are physiologically different in many ways, but both represent functional collections of
living matter.
a. It has been theorized that the organelles of eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotes living symbiotically inside
them. Compare and contrast the structure of the prokaryotic cell with eukaryotic cell organelles, and make an
argument for or against this theory.
b. Trace the path of a protein in a eukaryotic cell form its creation to its excretion as waste from the cell.
2. Describe the fluid-mosaic model of a plasma membrane. Discuss the role of the membrane in
the movement of materials through by each of the following processes.
a. Active Transport
b. Passive Transport
3. Describe the structure of a generalized eukaryotic plant cell. Indicate the ways in which a
nonphotosynthetic prokaryotic cell would differ in structure from this generalized eukaryotic plant
4. Discuss the process of cell division in animals. Include a description of mitosis and cytokinesis,
and of the other phases of the cell cycle. Do not include meiosis.
Cellular Respiration & Photosynthesis
1. Write a general equation illustrating hydrogen and electron transfer from a substrate to a hydrogen acceptor such as
NAD. +
2. Write a summary reaction for cellular respiration, giving the origin and fate of each substance.
3. Give an overview of the four phases of cellular respiration, and indicate where the reactions of each phase take place in
the cell.
4. Summarize the events of glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, and the electron transport system.
5. Describe chemiosmotic phosphorylation.
6. Indicate how the products of protein and fat metabolism feed into the same metabolic pathways that oxidize glucose.
7. Contrast aerobic and anaerobic pathways used to extract energy from nutrients in terms of ATP, final hydrogen
acceptor, and end products.
8. Compare alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation in terms of final hydrogen acceptor and end products.
9. Trace the energy flow from the through the steps of the light and dark reactions, ending with sugar.
10. Describe the structure and function of various tissues of a leaf.
11. Correlate the various reactions of photosynthesis with the physical location in the chloroplast where each reaction
takes place.
12. Differentiate between C3, C4, and CAM reactions.
Practice Problems:
Multiple Choice:
Essay Questions:
1. Compare the intermediate steps in the fermentation of a molecule of sugar by yeast with
respiration in a muscle tissue cell. Include in your answer the role of ATP formed in each of these
two processes.
2. Explain how the molecular reactions of cellular respiration transform the chemical bond energy
of Krebs cycle substrates into the more readily available bond energy of ATP. Include in your
discussion the structure of the mitochondrion and show how it is important to the reactions of the
Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain.
3. Explain what occurs during the Krebs (citric acid) cycle and electron transport by describing
the following:
a. The location of the Krebs cycle and electron transport chain in the mitochondria.
b. The cyclic nature of the reactions in the Krebs cycle.
c. The production of ATP and reduced coenzymes during the cycle.
d. The chemiosmotic production of ATP during electron transport.
4. The results below are measurements of cumulative oxygen consumption by germinating and dry
seeds. Gas volume measurements were corrected for changes in temperature and pressure.
a. Using the graph paper provided, plot the results for the germinating seeds at 22 o C and
0o C.
b. Calculate the rate of oxygen consumption for the germinating seeds at 22 o C, using the
time interval between 10 and 20 minutes.
c. Account for the differences in oxygen consumption observed between:
1) germinating seeds at 22o C and at 10o C;
2) germinating seeds and dry seeds.
d. Describe the essential features of an experimental apparatus that could be used to
measure oxygen consumption by a small organism. Explain why each of these features is
5. The process of photosynthesis consists of two phases, the light reactions and the dark
reactions. Discuss each of these groups of reactions and their interrelationships.
6. Describe the light reactions of photosynthesis and, for both a C 3 and a C4 plant, trace the path
of a carbon dioxide molecule from the point at which it enters a plant to its incorporation into a
glucose molecule. Include leaf anatomy and biochemical pathways in your discussion of each type
of plant.
1. Illustrate the structure of a duplicated chromosome, labeling sister chromatids, sister centromeres, and sister
2. Identify the stages of the eukaryotic cell cycle; describe the principal events of each stage and point out ways in which
the cycle is controlled.
3. Diagram the process of mitosis.
4. Contrast the process of cell division in animal and plant cells.
5. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis in terms of events and results.
6. Use correctly the terms haploid, diploid, homologous chromosomes, allele, tetrad, synapsis, locus, genotype,
phenotype, dominant, recessive, homozygous, heterozygous, and test cross.
7. Apply Mendel's principles to solve problems involving the genetics of one and/or two traits at a time.
8. Discriminate between independent and mutually exclusive events; apply the product rule and sum rule appropriately in
predicting outcomes.
9. Solve problems involving incomplete dominance, epistasis, polygenes, multiple alleles, & X-linkage.
10. Explain some of the ways that genes interact to affect the appearance of a single trait.
11. Analyze data from a test cross to distinguish between independent assortment and linkage.
12. Relate segregation and independent assortment to specific events in meiosis.
13. Discuss the genetic determination of sex and the role of the Y chromosome in humans. Contrast the method of sex
determination in mammals with the method used in other animals and plants.
14. Explain why humans have been traditionally considered poor subjects for inheritance studies.
15. Distinguish between environmentally induced and inherited abnormalities.
16. Make and use human karyotypes to assess the genetic make-up of an individual.
17. Make a sketch showing how non-disjunction can occur during meiosis for Down's, Turner, and Klinefelter’s syndromes.
18. Relate the ABO blood typing system to the appropriate genotypes. Explain the genetic and physiological basis for Rh
incompatibility between mother and infant.
Practice Problems:
Multiple Choice:
Questions 1-5 d. ¼ + ¼
a. Telophase e. ½ + ½
b. Interphase
c. Cytokinesis 10. In llamas, coat color is controlled by a gene that
d. prometaphase exists in two allelic forms. If a homozygous yellow llama
e. anaphase si crossed with a homozygous brown llama, the offspring
have gray coats. If two of the gray-coated offspring were
1. Cytokinesis begins during the final stage of mitosis crossed, what percentage of their offspring would have
2. Division of the cytoplasm of the cell. brown coats?
3. Sister chromatids begin to separate a. 100%
4. The genetic material of the cell replicates to prepare b. 75%
for cell division c. 50%
5. Microtubules begin to attach to the centromeres of the d. 25%
sister chrmatids e. 0%
8. A couple has 6 children, all daughters. If the woman 12. In rabbits, the trait for short hair (S) is dominant, and
has a seventh child, what is the probability that the the trait for long hair (s) is recessive. The trait for gree
seventh child will be a daughter? eyes is dominant (G) and the trait for blue eyes is
a. 6/7 recessive (g). A cross between two rabbits produces a
b. 1/7 litter of 6 short-haired rabbits with green eyes, and 2
c. 1/36 short-haired rabbits with blue eyes. What is the most
d. 1/49 likely genotype of the parent rabbits in this cross?
e. ½ a. ssgg X ssgg
9. If alleles R and S are linked, and (considering the c. SsGg X SsGg
effects of crossing over) the probability of gamete R d. SsGg X SSGg
segregating into a gamete is ¼, while the probability of e. ssGG x ssGG
allele S segregating into a gamete is ½, what is the
probability that both will segregate into the same 13. In most organisms, reproduction occurs sexually; two
gamete? parents are involved and genetic recombination occurs.
a. ¼ X ½ However, some organisms reproduce asexually, and
b. ¼ ÷ ½ only one parent contributes genetic material. Which of
c. ¼ + ½ the following organisms reproduce asexually?
a. Annelids e. O only
b. Arthropods 18. If the type O individual were to mate with a person
c. Hydra with type AB blood, which of the following is the best
d. Angiosperms calculation of the ratio and genotype of the offspring?
e. gymnosperms a. 3:1, IAi: IBi
b. 2:1, IAi: IBi
14. In humans, hemophilia is a sex-linked recessive trait. c. 1:1, Iai: IBi
If a man and a woman produce a son that is affected d. 1:2:1, IAi: IAIB: IBi
with hemophilia, which of the following is definitely true? e. 9:3:3:1, IAIB:IAi:IBi:O
a. the mother carries an allele for hemophilia 19. Two yellow mice with the genotype YyX Yy are
b. the father carries an allele for hemophilia mated. Two-thirds of their offspring are yellow, and 1/3
c. the father is affected with hemophilia of their offspring are not yellow. Mendelian genetics
d. neither parent carries an allele for hemophilia dictates that this cross should produce offspring that
e. the boy’s paternal grandfather is hemophiliac were ¼ YY, ½ Yy, and ¼ yy. What is the most likely
conclusion from this experiment?
15. Which of the following explains a significantly low a. The mice did not bear enough offspring for the ratio
rate of crossing over between two genes? calculation to be specific.
a. They are located far apart on the same chromosome b. Y is a lethal allele and caused death early in
b. They are located on separate but homologous development.
chromosomes c. Nondisjunction occurred.
c. The genes code for proteins that have similar d. A mutation masked the effects of the Y allele.
functions e. A mutation masked the effects of the y allele.
d. The genes code for proteins that have very different
e. The genes are located very close together on the 20. In organisms that undergo alternation of generations,
same chromosome. the diploid stage is called the
a. gametophyte
b. ovum
c. sporophyte
d. hybrid
e. dicot
3. Discuss three of the following phenomena in which sex chromosomes are involved with
particular reference to their significance or consequences in humans.
a. Sex determination
b. Sex-linked inheritance
c. Formation of Barr bodies (sex chromatin)
d. Variation in kinds and numbers of sex chromosomes
4. Discuss Mendel's laws of segregation and independent assortment. Explain how the events of
meiosis I account for the observations that led Mendel to formulate these laws.
Molecular Genetics
1. explain why protein was originally thought of as the genetic material.
2. summarize the experiments and conclusions of Griffith;, Hershey & Chase; and Chargaff.
3. describe the structure of a nucleotide and how nucleotides form a DNA molecules.
4. explain how Watson and Crick deduced the structure of DNA, and describe the evidence they used.
5. distinguish between conservative and semi-conservative replication of DNA and summarize the experiment used to
resolve this question.
6. summarize the process of DNA replication.
7. define anti-parallel, and explain why continuous synthesis of both DNA strands is not possible.
8. explain the role of DNA polymerase, ligase, and repair enzymes.
9. compare and contrast the processes of transcription and replication.
10. identify the features of tRNA that are important in decoding genetic information and translating it into protein
11. diagram the process of initiation, chain elongation, and chain termination in the translation phase of protein synthesis.
12. give examples of the different classes of mutations that affect the base sequence of
DNA and demonstrate the effects each has on the protein produced.
13. explain why the organization of genes into operons is advantageous to bacteria.
14. diagram the main components of an inducible operon and explain the functions of the operator and promoter regions.
15. differentiate between positive and negative control.
16. compare pro- & eukaryotic regulatory systems.
Practice Problems:
Multiple Choice:
1. Which of the following exists as DNA surrounded by a spiders when particular genes from a spider are inserted
protein coat? into the goat’s genome. Which of the following reasons
a. retrovirus describes why this is possible?
b. virus a. Goats and spiders share a common ancestor and thus
c. eukaryote produce similar protein excretions.
d. prokaryote b. The opposite is true, too—when genes from a goat
e. ampicillin are inserted into a spider’s genome, the spider produces
goats’ milk instead of silk.
2. A goat can be made to produce milk containing the c. The proteins in goats’ milk and spiders’ silk have the
same polymers present in the silk produced by the same amino acid sequence.
d. The processes of transcription and translation in the 19. All of the following nitrogenous bases are included in
cells of spiders and goats are fundamentally similar. DNA EXCEPT
e. The process of transcription and translation in the a. adenine
cells of spiders and goats produce exactly the same b. cytosine
proteins anyway. c. guanine
d. thymine
e. uracil
Essay Questions:
1. Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA has been described as the chemical basis of heredity. Discuss
present-day concepts regarding its:
a. chemical nature and physical structure
b. mode of duplication
c. relationship to protein synthesis
2. Proteins are composed of amino acid subunits which form stable three-dimensional structures.
a. Describe how the genetic instructions coded in DNA are translated into the
primary structure (sequence of amino acid subunits) of a protein molecule.
b. Explain how interactions among the individual amino acid subunits influence
the transformation of the molecule into its three-dimensional structure and
how they stabilize it.
3. Experiments by the following scientists provided critical information concerning DNA. Describe
each classical experiment and indicate how it provided evidence for the chemical nature of the
a. Hershey and Chase - bacteriophage replication
b. Griffith and Avery - bacterial transformation
c. Meselson and Stahl - DNA replication in bacteria