A Level Business Studies Notes
A Level Business Studies Notes
A Level Business Studies Notes
The partners are expected to consult each relationship [this gives rise to the agency
other before decisions are made and this problem]
delays the decision making process It is important to separate ownership and
Partners lack independence when control because companies are bigger
compared to Sole traders since a partner organisations compared to partnerships
is not expected to single handedly make and sole traders all shareholders cannot
business decisions participate in the day to day management
of the business coz it may cause
Limited liability companies confusion
Because a company exists separately
Companies are owned by from its owners it can survive beyond its
private individuals who are called owners’ life time. The company is said
shareholders to have perpetual existence (can exist
The equity capital of a company (e.g. forever)
$100 000) is divided into smaller units The shareholders votes are on pro rata
(e.g. 100 000 units of $1 each) called basis implying that the more shares one
shares has the more voting rights one has (One
Company shareholders enjoy limited share one vote)
liability i.e. the liability of shareholders
is limited to the amount of capital they TYPES OF COMPANIES
have injected into the company.
Therefore beyond that no personal Companies can be classified into two categories
liability is i.e. private limited and public limited companies
suffered for the debts of the company. This
Private limited companies
transfers the risk from shareholders to
creditors These companies have the following
Companies are required to put the letters characteristics over and above the ones
Ltd or include the word limited as a mentioned above
warning to stakeholders who intend to do
business with the company that the
liability of the shareholders is limited Restrictions in the transfer of shares
Merits of Private limited Companies • The share prices are dependent on the
market forces which makes them highly
• Restrictions in the transfer of shares enable volatile. This is usually beyond the
the existing owners (founding members) to control of management. This worries
retain control of the business managers because the share prices are
used as a signal of the companies’
Demerits of Private limited companies value/performance, but management has
no direct control over the shares’ market
• The company is not permitted to issue shares price
to the members of the public this makes it a • The availability of shares on the stock
challenge for companies to raise additional exchange market exposes the company
capital and for existing shareholders to to the risk of hostile takeover since
transfer their shares existing shareholders have no control
• Less privacy as the companies are required to over who buys the shares on the stock
send copies of financial statements to the exchange
registrar of companies. These are available • The publication of financial statements
for inspection by the members of the public provides information which can be used
against the company by external
Public limited companies
stakeholders e.g. competitors and
These companies are permitted to sell shares individuals and corporate taking legal
to the members of the general public action against the company
There are no restrictions on the transfer of • The actions of the directors are greatly
shares between shareholders i.e. the shares influenced by short term objectives of
are tradable on the Zimbabwe Stock major shareholders. This is partly
Exchange e.g. Econet Zimbabwe Ltd & Old explained by the fact that companies are
mutual Ltd autonomous democracies therefore
The issue of shares to members of the public major shareholders have a bigger say on
is governed by strict regulations the appointment of directors therefore
the short term interests of major
They are required to publish their audited
shareholders prevail over those of
financial statements (in newspapers) this
gives potential investors information about
the profitability, liquidity and the financial shareholders
position of the business they are about to
Advantages of limited liability companies
commit their resources to.
1. Shareholders enjoy limited liability, this
increases the risk appetite of limited
liability companies thus improving their
• Public limited companies are in a better
position to raise additional capital than
any other business organisation because 2. Separation of ownership and control
they can issue shares to the members of enables the business activities to be run
the general public by professionals as opposed to the
owners who might lack the capacity and transporting bulky quantities
skill 2. Enables members to work together in
3. Companies have perpetual existence i.e. finding solutions to common problems
they outlive their owners. No need to e.g. housing cooperatives seek to address
dissolve a company in the event of death the problem of accommodation
of a shareholder 3. The equal distribution of profits
4. Companies are able to raise more capital motivates members as the principle of
than partnerships and sole traders equity is upheld
4. The members enjoy limited liability
Disadvantages of limited liability companies
Demerits of Cooperative business organisation
1. There are legal formalities that are involved
in the formation of a company. These 1. Cooperatives usually face problems in
consume time and resources raising capital as each member is
2. Owners (shareholders) delegate the expected to contribute. On the other
management of the company to Directors, hand the equal distribution of profits
this poses a challenge as conflict of interests does not motivate members to contribute
can emerge as the interests of directors are more than others.
not congruent to the interests of the 2. The decision making process is
shareholders. This is termed the agency consultative and this may be time
problem. consuming. The situation is worsened if
the number of members increases
Cooperatives 3. The quality of the decisions is not
guaranteed as the majority is not always
Cooperatives are jointly owned enterprises engaging
right. The voting process may make
in business activities for the mutual benefit of its
wrong decisions. It is common that
members. These business organisations are owned and
members are influenced to follow the
run by a number of individuals termed members.
ideas of charismatic members of the
Cooperatives have the following features:
• All members contribute to the running of the
business by sharing the workload,
responsibilities and all members participate State owned enterprises
in the decision making process
• The decision making process involves voting • State owned enterprises are businesses
and each member carries one vote which are funded by the government
• Larger cooperatives can employ professional from public funds. These are the
managers to run the cooperative activities on business organisations which constitute
behalf of the members the public sector of the economy.
• Profits are distributed equally amongst the • Make reference to notes on the public
members sector
• Most cooperatives are initially formed to
serve the interest of the members as opposed Merits of state owned enterprises
to making profits e.g. agricultural
cooperatives serve the interests of the 1. They provide socially desired goods and
farmers services which are considered to be
unprofitable by private sector players
Merits of Cooperative business organisations e.g. public and merit goods
2. Lack of profit motive enables the goods
1. Benefits of buying in bulk are enjoyed and services provided by state owned
e.g. quantity discounts and benefits of enterprises to be affordable e.g. N.R.Z.
charges are more than 50% cheaper than Privatisation is the transfer of assets from the public
road transport charges, ZIMPOST V sector to the private sector.
SWIFT, ZBH V DSTV, etc. This
improves the living standards as the Arguments for privatisation
more citizens can afford the services.
1. Revenue raising
3. They are in a better position to raise
capital as they are funded from public The sell of Government assets to private
funds, e.g. G.M.B. management receive investors brings in revenue to the state.
funding from the finance ministry This revenue can be used to fund other
government operations
Demerits of state owned enterprises
2. Cut on government expenditure
1. Public institutions are criticised mainly
because they are said to be inefficient in their Losses making state owned enterprises
operations. The lack of the profit motive are a burden to the state as they require
makes the assessment of the performance of constant fresh funding from the state.
these institutions a challenge. Management This puts unnecessary burden to the
has no incentive to cut operational costs e.g. taxpayers who fund the government.
some public institutions which were making Therefore the disposal of non
losses made headlines of paying very high performing state assets will go a long
remuneration to management. way in bringing down the government
2. The funding of public institutions from expenditure.
public funds puts pressure on the fiscus. This
directly causes an increase in government 3. Efficiency argument
resources which may prompt an increase in The profit motive improves efficiency as
taxes e.g. the Zimbabwean government private firms try to control costs in an
recently took over the debts of the R.B.Z. this effort to maximise profits. The profit
has put an additional constrain on the motive has a positive impact on the
national budget. quality of service provided by the
3. Most parastatals are monopolies i.e. they do business organisations.
not face any competition, this scenario 4. The failure by the state owned
partially explains why the quality of their enterprises can be attributable to
service is poor. Competition improves government interference for political
efficiency e.g. the introduction of new reasons. Private firms are not held back
private radio stations. by political pressures e.g. Z.D.I. has
4. Poor corporate governance ethics are been included on the sanctions list by
prevalent in most state owned enterprises some European nations, this adversely
with allegations of corruption and affects the operations of the state owned
incompetence by senior management making enterprises
news headlines e.g. some senior managers 5. Transferring financial risk which
from Air Zimbabwe have been convicted on taxpayers would suffer in the event of
corruption related charges. losses to private individuals
4. Market capitalisation
It is the growth of a business organisation by
This is the market value of all the shares issued acquiring other entities, as opposed to
by the firms. It is computed by the formula expanding existing sales or products e.g.
mergers and acquisitions.
External growth is also referred to as
= ℎ integration as it involves the joining of two
× ℎ or more firms, it takes different forms of
integration which are horizontal, lateral,
The higher the market capitalisation value the vertical and merger
bigger the size of a firm. This method is effective
in comparing firms of different orientations but it HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION
can only be applied to public limited companies
This involves the merging of firms operating in the
whose capital instruments are tradable in
same industry and at the same stage of production, e.g.
competitive markets
if Dorking Dairies ltd merges with Dairiboard
To sum up, there is no any objective way that is Zimbabwe Ltd.
acceptable in all scenarios but the methods
applied are subjective in nature thus the methods
discussed above should be treated as compliments
The business enjoys reduced competition as
not substitutes. The more the methods used in
one competitor is eliminated, this benefits
assessing the firms’ the more reliable the results
shareholders as there is greater potential for
will be.
better profits. It is important to note that
some excessive levels of competition are
disadvantageous to most stakeholders.
The growth objective is one of the most common The new entity is definitely bigger this places
business objectives that most entrepreneurs pursue. it in a better position to benefit economies of
Many big businesses started small and grew with time. scale, these can be passed on to consumers
The ability of a business to grow is dependent mainly through lower prices.
on the ability of management to adopt the correct The new entity benefits from the synergy rule
strategy which enables the business to grow and to as the combined entity is more likely to make
sustain it. Businesses can grow either internally or higher returns on investments than the
externally. previous institutions
It is growth within the organisation financed The reduction of competition on the market
by internal resources makes a contribution towards the
It involves expansion by means of opening exploitation of consumers. Such integrations
new branches e.g. Chicken slice has been if not well regulated may result in
opening new outlets countrywide or monopolies which are not good for the
introducing new product lines e.g. delta consumers.
beverages added Super Chibuku and Shumba The sovereignty of consumers is
Mahewu to its product portfolio in 2014 compromised on the market as they will have
It is focussed on improving efficiency in the to choose from the restricted products e.g. if
business operations by hiring quality Bakers Inn and Lobels bakeries merge one
brand will become extinct thus reducing It is the integration with a business in the
variety on the market. same industry but a supplier of the existing
business e.g. a steel manufacturer acquiring a
iron ore mine
Merits Demerits
The business has direct control over the 1) The business may lack expertise to
distribution and marketing of its products manage the supplier business effectively
The outlet can exclusively market the firm’s e.g. a successful grain miller does not
product by excluding competitor’s products. translate to a successful farmer .The
This eliminates competition and enables the technicalities involved in the
firm to store and handle the firm’s product in administration .
the optimal way recommended by the 2) The supplying business may become less
producer. competitive because it has a guaranteed
Consumers perceive products to be more market for its produce. It can end up
affordable than those of competitors’. becoming complacent due to lack of
Demerits 3) It becomes difficult to manage the two
entities separately as problems usually
The business may lack expertise to exist in setting prices for the supplying
competitively run the new entity because entity. This is mainly attributable to the
being a successful manufacturer does not fact that all profits enjoyed by the
guarantee that one will succeed as a retailer. supplying entity are costs to the
Lack of competition as a competitor products customer entity.
are withdrawn from the acquired outlet 4) Control over supplies to competitors
adversely impacts on consumer sovereignty may reduce competition thus
i.e. consumers have limited options to choose adversely impacting on consumer
from. sovereignty.
These companies do not only export finished Demerits of international trading links
products, they actually manufacture products
Competition from foreign businesses can
or provide services.
drive local producers out of business if left
Examples of multinational business
unchecked. International businesses are large
organisations in Zimbabwe are AON (Pvt)
enough to enjoy economies of scale and the
Limited, Circle Cement Ltd, Costain African
local firms may find it difficult to withstand
Ltd, Hunyani Paper and Packaging (1997)
competition e.g. DEVEN, AVM
(Pvt) Ltd, Nestle Zimbabwe (Pvt) Ltd,
Olivine Industries (Pvt) Ltd, Standard
motor industries are performing badly after
Chartered Bank and Zimbabwe Bata Shoe
the influx of cheap second hand vehicles
Company Ltd.
from Japan.
Importance of international trading links Switching from locally produced goods to
imports is not a sustainable move as it
The growth of local business may imply adversely impacts on the unemployment
intense competition on the domestic market levels and the revenue collected by the
.This prompts management to look beyond government from employee taxes as local
physical boarders for markets. businesses are forced to lay off excess labour
International trading links enables businesses requirements as demand for their products
to acquire technologies and equipment for decline.
use in production processes. Importance of multinational businesses
Such equipment go a long way in improving
efficiency levels in 1) Multinational businesses enjoy
organisations economies of scale and their lower
International links enables local businesses production costs can be passed on to
to learn from established businesses in other consumers in form of reduced prices,
nations e.g. before Zimbabwean businesses this uplifts the societal living standards.
embarked on mobile telephone businesses, 2) Multinational businesses are adequately
funded therefore they are better
positioned to operate efficiently as they economy. Foreign currency inflows also occur
can acquire modern technologies aimed when the business is being established.
at improving both efficiency and 3) The state also seeks to maintain minimal levels of
effectiveness of business operations. unemployment in the economy. The multinational
3) They provide employment to locals as businesses assist the state in this regard by
they produce in their host nation e.g. employing a significant proportion of the
Uniliver used to employ more than 10 population to the benefit of the state.
000 employees in 1996. 4) The establishment of multinational businesses
4) Multinational businesses help to creates business to other local businesses who
increase the gross domestic product of offer support services to multinational business
host nations i.e. output produced within organisations. This effect is termed the multiplier
the national borders. GDP is an effect because its long reaching e.g. the
important measure of the nation’s living establishment of a multinational mining business
standards. can increase demand for bread as the new
5) The government earns revenue in the employees will demand more bread. This will
form of taxes as it levies corporate tax to generally uplift the living standards.
the multinational businesses. 5) The government’s tax revenue base is broadened
6) Multinational businesses offer products as the multinational business pay taxes to the state
with a consistent quality as their also the employees of the entity and those who
operations are standardised for example offers it support services are taxed directly.
Uniliver, Pepsi and Coca Cola products 6) The national human resources base will improve
produced in Zimbabwe are of the same in terms of quality as local nationals acquire skills
quality to those produced in Zambia or required to be productive in these large
South Africa. institutions.
7) When multinationals are to establish 7) The G.D.P. of the economy will improve by
businesses in Zimbabwe, they bring in establishing more businesses locally.
foreign currency to the nation. This is an 8) The state is forced to intervene in the markets to
injection into the economy, however in ensure that competition in the market is as fair as
the long run they will withdraw profits possible. If competition is left unregulated
and return them back to their country. multinational businesses can grow into
8) Most multinational entities in Zimbabwe monopolies which have potential to exploit
are managed by locals this provides consumers. This prompts government to
opportunities to locals to gain experience introduce policies skewed against multinational
and skills involved in managing large firms.
entities. 9) The profits made by multinational businesses can
be sent back to their host nations. This is of major
Relationship between multinationals and the state concern to the state as this represents a withdrawal
of funds from the economy. The government
There is a mutual dependence between
usually responds by taxing dividends declared by
Multinational entity and the state this has
these businesses to non residents.
been discussed below.
10) Multinational entities are partly to blame for the
1) The government has the objective of encouraging cultural changes in most developing countries like
investment in the economy therefore Zimbabwe. This worries the government as the
multinational businesses provide idea about cultural erosion and westernisation of
culture adversely impacts on social patterns of
the required foreign direct investment, which
goes a long way in improving the living standards
of nationals. 11) Multinational businesses can be partly blamed for
the unsustainable use of natural resources because
2) Multinational firms are usually big that they can
they are aware of the fact that they can relocate to
export some of their output. Such exports bring in
other nations in the event that the resources are
the much needed foreign currency to the
depleted e.g. in November 2015 the minister of Large firms contribute more to the
natural resources took action against some government revenue in form of corporate tax
multinational mining entities accused of and individual income tax contributions by
practicing alluvial mining while purporting to be its employees, therefore the state is aware of
de-silting rivers. the probable income loss if the large firms
12) Some multinational businesses may violate local fail. This prompts the state to intervene with
laws especially pertaining to labour and control of measures meant to assist large firms
environmental pollution. Media reports have whenever their existence is threatened.
highlighted that some foreign entities are Large firms are in a better position to
violating local labour laws taking advantage of increase their scale of production (output) so
high levels of unemployment currently being the state may intervene to assist large firms
experienced in Zimbabwe. Multinational firms such that they can export any excess. This
purport to rely more on international laws as improves balance of payments position and
opposed to local legislation. also earns the nation some foreign currency.
Strategic ZFC
State intervention to assist /constrain businesses Reasons for assisting small businesses
of different sizes
Small businesses contribute to the
employment levels in an economy therefore
In mixed economic systems the government may intervene to assist small
like firms so as to maintain employment levels.
Zimbabwe the state plays the role of a The government may intervene to assist
regulator in the business activities taking small firms so as to protect them from intense
place in the economy. competition from large firms and encourage
The government intervenes in the business them to grow. Small firms may find it
activities in the effort to achieve its difficult to withstand completion from large
macroeconomic objectives which include firms therefore the state at times intervenes
reduction of unemployment, achieve to assist.
economic growth (G.D.P), improve the The state seeks to achieve economic growth
balance of payments position, to improve partly by ensuring that economic activities
government income and to promote or are distributed equally throughout the
discourage the consumption of particular country. For instance in Zimbabwe most
goods. economic activities take place in urban set
ups, therefore the government assist small
State intervention to assist businesses businesses operating in neglected areas e.g.
growth points.
The government can implement
measures which are to assist businesses Why state intervenes to constrain large firms
of different sizes .These are discussed
below. Competition is important in any
Reasons for assisting large firms economy as it motivates firms to operate
efficiently. The state can intervene to
Large firms employ a bigger number of restrain further growth of large entities
citizens in an economy. Therefore if large as they are viewed as a move to eliminate
firms are facing problems the state may competition. Large firms’ posse
intervene with measures to save these significant influence on the market that
institutions so as to avoid job losses which they can influence market decisions
may bring adverse social and economic single handedly. Therefore growth of
consequences. businesses if not well monitored can
result in the exploitation of consumers supervising small firms can be
and suppliers alike. exorbitant e.g. ZIMRA & NSSA incur
The state may intervene to constrain costs sending inspectors to asses returns
large firms as a way of promoting by small firms.
smaller firms. Smaller firms are not in a
position to compete fairly with large Methods of government to assist firms
businesses therefore the government
The state can intervene by providing funds to
intervenes with policies that support
the businesses facing financial challenges.
small firms. This constrains large
The funds can be provided as grants or loans
depending on the agreement. For instance,
The government may seek to improve
the Reserve bank of Zimbabwe is a lender of
distribution of national income .this
last resort to financial institutions e.g. banks
prompts the state to take action which
and building societies.
constrains large firms e.g. the Ministry
Taxes. The state seeks to promote local
of Youth Indigenisation and
industries from foreign competition.
employment creation has introduced the
Therefore the state intervenes by imposing
community share ownership trusts
import restrictions such as taxes on imports
prompting local mines to pay dividends
so as to reduce their competitiveness on the
to the communities they operate in such
local market. This eliminates the price
advantage that imports may have on locally
Why state intervenes to constrain small firms produced products.
The state may impose embargoes (ban) the
Small firms’ especially sole traders have importation or production of particular
a reputation of operating in without products. Such bans as imposed by
proper accounting records. Most small Zimbabwe on the importation of Genetically
firms do not meet their tax obligations to Modified Organisms (GMO) protect some
the state. firms from competition. Export processing
This prompts the government to The Zimbabwean government has created
intervene so as to constrain the activities EPZs which are dedicated business areas
of small firms. where investors are allowed to import
Small firms contribute to the inefficient plant, equipment, machinery, raw materials
use of the available economic resources. and equipment free of duty for the
Small firms are not in a position to enjoy manufacture of export goods.
economies of scale therefore more The state can assist firms by offering them
resources are used up by small firms. subsidies. Subsidies are grants by the state to
This may motivate the state to intervene assist a business to cover its operating
by constraining small firms. expenses. They have an effect of reducing the
Small firms are usually so many that it production costs thus translating to lower
becomes difficult to regulate them prices or increased output. This applies
.Some small business organisations are mainly to merit goods such as health and
not in a position to employ qualified and education e.g., the state has been paying
experienced professionals to manage the salaries to teachers working in trust schools.
business. This implies that the state has
to put in place systems to monitor the
activities of these businesses because the 1) Taxes
quality of management involved has These are levies charged to business
higher risk of making errors and may be organisations by the state. Taxes are the
of questionable integrity .The costs of major source of government revenue.
However the state taxes business businesses which are quick to adapt to
organisations differently e.g. multinational environmental changes usually do well and most
entities pay higher tax rates than local businesses fail partially because they have failed
businesses. to adapt to the ever changing environment. The
2) Tax holidays impact of globalisation has accelerated the rate of
The state can exempt some businesses change in the environment especially in the area
form remitting taxes for particular of technology.
periods. The disadvantages of
competitors of such business as HIERARCHY OF BUSINESS OBJECTIVES
businesses on tax holidays enjoy cost
advantages over its competitors
3) Legislation These are long term goals that a business seeks to
The state uses legislation to constrain fulfil. The core business activities of the business are
the activities of some businesses. The expressed in the aims. They are the starting point of all
state can appoint a regulatory board to the business planning activities and they continue to
monitor the activities of firms in a guide the planning and evaluation process. Aims are
particular industry e.g. R.B.Z. monitors formulated by senior management e.g. directors and
financial institutions. Therefore the state subject to the approval of shareholders. Examples of
has set up the competition and pricing corporate aims are maximising returns to ordinary
commission board which i.e. mandated shareholders, being a market leader or to venture in
amongst other things to ensure that fair international markets. Such aims will guide all the
competition exists in markets. This organisational activities i.e. all business activities
implies that some business majors can should be aligned to the aim.
be blocked by the state. This constrains
business activities in efforts to control 2. MISSION
inflation levels and living standards.
4) Price controls The mission of a business is what the business seeks
The state can impose price control on to achieve by its existence. It is stated as a statement,
products produced by private a mission statement is a brief statement of the
businesses. Maximum price controls as business’s core aims which are phrased in a manner
those imposed by the state in 2008 that motivates internal stakeholders to work toward
adversely affect business activities as achieving them and stimulate interest by external
the prices may be insufficient to cover stakeholders to do business with the entity. The
operating costs .On the other hand mission is derived directly from the organisational
minimum prices such as minimum vision i.e. the vision stipulates what the business aims
wages increase the costs of businesses to achieve and the mission briefly outlines the means
thus making their products less of achieving them. Example of a mission statement for
competitive. a transport business is to provide safe and reliable
transport services across the nation. Such a mission
statement gives insight on the core activities of the
BUSINESS STRATEGY business i.e. the business prioritises safety and
reliability and it seeks to spread its services all over the
Business organisations do not operate in an nation.
isolated environment therefore management has
to assess the impact of the external environmental 3. CORPORATE OBJECTIVES
factors to the business activities. Management has
to analyse the environmental pressures so as to The business objectives are those specific ends which
come up with an effective business strategy which the business seeks to achieve in a particular period.
can enable the business to achieve its objectives These objectives may vary from one business entity to
in an efficient way. Research has concluded that the other. Objectives are directly deduced from the
organisation’s mission and vision. These objectives
can also be particular to a department, team or any challenges which most businesses may
identifiable unit of the organisation. Some of the most succumb to and close shop e.g. the hyper
common business objectives are discussed below inflation period in Zimbabwe resulted in
1. Profit maximisation. Maximising the failure of most local businesses. In
profitability is the most traditional difficult times the business may pursue
objective which most if not all modern an objective to enable it to keep its head
day businesses pursue. Although this above the water until the environment
objective is still a major motivator on stabilises. This may involve the business
business activities, modern businesses seeking only to break even i.e. to
have shifted emphasis on the generate income that covers its
sustainability of the maximum profits. operational costs.
This is primarily as a result of the fact 5. Market share. Some business
that some huge profits can be attained organisations may seek to increase their
using methods which cannot be market share. This objective has the
sustained in future periods e.g. cutting benefit of maximising long term profits
costs by disposing liquid waste in water of the entity and also helps to ensure that
bodies may maximise short term profits future profits are sustainable and stable.
before prompting authorities to take Entities pursuing this strategy usually
action against the firm. However, it can invest heavily in marketing activities
be argued that modern businesses still such as product development,
pursue this objective in an indirect penetrative pricing strategies, branding,
manner as all other objectives can be advertising and adopting extensive
traced back to this objective. distribution channels. These investments
2. Targeted return on capital employed. do not necessarily short term benefits to
Not all entities seek to generate the business.
maximum possible profits, some 6. Improving and Maintaining Goodwill.
organisations seek to achieve a specified Some businesses strive to maintain their
return on capital employed i.e. a image and goodwill in the market. These
particular level of profitability e.g. enterprises want the masses to view them
generate a return on capital employed of favourably. For this purpose, enterprises
33%. Such objective is more specific and need to comply with moral, ethical and
measurable than seeking to maximise legal standards, and let these
profits. compliances be known to relevant
3. Growth. Growth can be internal or stakeholders. Such strategies are
external as discussed in earlier common with businesses which have
discussions. Growth enables businesses received negative publicity of late and
to enjoy scale economies, raise more those operating in heavily regulated
capital and hire qualified personnel who industries
can implement the corporate strategy
Conflict of business objectives
effectively and in an efficient manner.
The growth objective usually sees firms Business objectives can conflict with each other and
seeking to improve any of the variables common cases are:
used to measure the size of a business
entity e.g. market value of shares, market 1. Short term V long term: What
share, capital invested, e.t.c. is good in the short term can
4. Survival. This is a short term business have negative effects in the
objective usually adopted when the long run e.g. cutting on
operating environment is turbulent. In advertising expenditure may
times were the external environment is increase short term profits but
unstable businesses face operational may result if declining sales
and profits in future
2. Growth V Profit: Strategies should be challenging but attainable under
employed to increase market conditions of reasonable efficiency.
share may adversely impact on 4. Realistic: the set target should be possible given
profitability e.g. price cuts, the market conditions and the staff and financial
social responsibility programs, resources available. Unrealistic objectives
improved product quality or adversely impact on the morale of the staff
intensive advertising campaign members as argued by the expectancy theory of
3. Risk V Return: although motivation implying that staff members are
businesses take calculated risk, reasonable beings so they will not waste their
risk increases as returns effort trying to attain an objective which they feel
increase. Managers seek to cannot be achieved under the present
minimise risk and maximise circumstances.
returns 5. Time specific: the target must have time limits
e.g. 1 year to avoid vagueness. His is important
To sum up, business organisations have a variety of
for the purposes of evaluating the performance of
objectives which they may pursue at any given time
the entity over time.
but most modern day entities seem to be prioritising
achieving long term sustainable profits as opposed to
maximising short term profits. An example of a SMART objective is 'to increase
profits by 10% within the next 12 months'.
SMART objectives allow the performance of a
business to be assessed.
Businesses need objectives to enable them to DEPARTMENTAL OBJECTIVES
operate in a particular predetermined direction.
These objectives give the organisations a source These are objectives set for a specific department
of direction and are essential to ensure that each within an organisation e.g. production, marketing or
member of the organisation is working towards finance department depending on the organisational
the attainment of the organisational of objectives structure. These objectives are set at departmental
i.e. unit of purpose. They also provide a level and are supposed to be consistent with the overall
benchmark from which to assess the performance business objectives e.g. if the overall business
of the business over time. For business objective is to increase market share the marketing
objectivities to serve the intended purpose they department may have a strategy to increase
have to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, promotional activities so as to gain market share. They
Realistic and Time specific [SMART] are set by middle management and are of medium term
in nature.
1. Specific: They must be precise and concise
implying that a good objective should be brief and INDIVIDUAL TARGETS
straight to the point. It must clearly state what has
to be achieved, e.g. increased profits. These are objectives set for each member of the
2. Measurable: The objective be capable of being organisation, these objectives are set at lower levels of
measured objectively, this implies the desired the hierarchy e.g. by supervisors and forepersons.
outcome should be quantifiable implying it They are of short term in nature e.g. for a secretary, to
should be expressed in a number value such that type and email minutes of a meeting before lunch.
can be measured, e.g. increase profits by 10%.
3. Agreed: The business objectives have a direct
impact on the motivational levels of the staff STRATEGY
members responsible for attaining those
objectives. It is therefore important to engage all Now that a business has spelt out what it seeks to
members of the organisation in a democratic way achieve (objectives), management has to formulate an
when setting these objectives. Good objectives overall long term plan which specifies the means to be
applied in achieving the set objectives (strategy). In
the formulation of a business strategy management has licences for all firms operating in Marange.
to consider the different environmental factors which Management should also appreciate that the
may bring constrains in the business’s aspirations to business’s conduct can also affect government
achieve the set objectives. Managers must have the policies e.g. the withdrawal of mining licences for
ability to scan the external environment for firms operating in Marange was partly
opportunities and threats so as to consider them in the attributable to most firms not complying with the
formulation, implementation and evaluation of government requirements. Managers are
strategy. The major environmental areas which therefore supposed to be pro active in monitoring
managers need to consider are political, economic, actual and proposed changes in the legal
social and technological factors (PEST). However environment so as to formulate an effective
factors like legal, physical, environmental and ethical strategy. Variables considered under the legal
are necessary when formulating strategy as the bring environment include tax law, employment law,
opportunities and threats to the business activities indigenisation laws, property rights,
environmental law and other laws specific to a
Political environment
particular sector e.g. banking regulations by the
The political factors affecting business have to be R.B.Z.
given a lot of weight when formulating strategy.
Government policy can affect business operations Economic environment
because all firms must adhere to the requirements of The economic environment consists of external
the law which is crafted by politians. The political factors in a business' market and the broader
environment can impact business organizations in economy that can influence a business. These can
many ways. It could add a risk factor and lead to a be divided into the microeconomic environment,
major loss for example wars or political unrest. It also which affects business decision making such as
covers factors like the foreign policy e.g. issues of individual actions of firms and consumers, and
hostile and friendly nations, these have an impact on the macroeconomic environment, which affects
the firms operations for instance Zimbabwean firms an entire economy and all of its participants.
may find it difficult to secure markets in western Many economic factors act as external constraints
nations because of the poor relations existing at the on your business, which means that managers
moment. However, political environment can provide have little, if any, control over them.
opportunities to the business in times were the political Macroeconomic influences are broad economic
ideology my favour one sector over others e.g. the factors that either directly or indirectly affect the
Zimbabwean government is working hard to revive entire economy and all of its participants,
the agricultural sector so any business which operates including the business. These factors include
in this sector is likely to receive the government interest rates, taxes, inflation, currency exchange
support. Other factors considered under the political rates, consumer real disposable income, savings
environment include consistency in government rates, consumer confidence levels,
policies, corruption levels, bureaucracy and the level unemployment rate, economic growth and
of security. income distribution patens. On the other hand,
Legal environment microeconomic factors influence how a business
makes decisions. Microeconomic factors
Managers must manage the business within the influencing a business include market size,
confines of the law and any acts which go against demand, supply, competitors, suppliers and the
the law can be costly to the business in the long distribution chain.
term. Management must be able to assess how
upcoming legislation will impact on their
business activities e.g. proposed environmental Social environment
management laws. Management should The social aspect focuses on the forces within the
understand that the legal factors have the power society which include family, friends, colleagues,
to single handedly change business results e.g. in neighbours and the media. These factors can affect our
2016 the ministry of mines withdrew the mining attitudes, opinions and interests of citizens so, they can
impact sales of product and revenues earned. This is structured around moral values. Therefore,
issue analyzes the demographic and cultural aspects of when conducting its operations, a business has
the company's market. These factors help businesses certain responsibilities which are to provide the
examine consumer needs and determine what pushes society with quality goods and services that will
them to make purchases. Among the items that should improve the people’s living standards. For it to
be examined are population growth rates, age survive, a business needs to retain its current
distribution, attitudes toward work, job market trends, customers. Some unethical practices by firms
religious and ethical beliefs, lifestyle changes, include underweight packaging of products which
educational and environmental issues, buying habits, are then highly priced and poor waste
education level, emphasis on safety, sex distribution, management resulting in pollution. However,
social classes, family size and structure, population such negative trends can affect the business in the
growth rate, immigration and emigration rates, age long run especially in this era of consumer
distribution and life expectancy rates, attitudes toward activism and that information is now travelling at
imported products and services, attitudes toward work, increased speeds than before. In attempts to boost
career, leisure and retirement and health sales, some businessmen adapt promotional
consciousness. The sociological factors are important methods that mislead customers as the message
such that the business products are acceptable by the conveyed may not give the exact details of the
society e.g. distributing products with a logo showing product, such unethical activities may motivate
a pig to Muslim communities is not a good idea the authorities to intervene and impose controls to
because of their religious beliefs. the industry.
Physical factors
Technological environment
The physical environment refers to the tangible,
Management has to take into consideration technology
or material, objects and conditions that surround
issues that affect how an organisation designs,
a business. These objects can be manmade or
produces, distributes and delivers its product or
natural and such objects directly affect the
service to the marketplace. Among the specific items
business operations as they have a direct impact
that need to be considered are technological
on the firms’ operational costs. Natural factors
advancements, government spending on technological
include the climate in the region e.g. Zimbabwean
research, the life cycle of current technology, the role
agricultural regions, soil texture i.e. suitable for
of the Internet and the impact of potential information
agricultural or mining activities or not, proximity
technology changes. In addition, companies should
to natural water bodies e.g. rivers. Such factors
consider how generational shifts and their related
affect the operational costs e.g. the closer the
technological expectations are likely to affect those
business is to the relevant features the higher the
who will use their product and how it is delivered.
rentals but the lower are other operational costs,
Technological improvements enable business
therefore management has to make a choice
organisations to improve productivity by using
which strikes a balance between these two costs.
sophisticated machinery and to enhance the
Manmade physical factors include the transport
distribution channels e.g. online sales and advertising.
network such as the quality of the road and rail
Management should take advantage of these
system and the availability of an airport. Such
technological improvements at the same time
physical factors can bring constrains and benefits
recognising the drawbacks of such benefits e.g.
to the business organisation e.g. a taxi operating
hacking and the increased risk of information
at an international airport may have access to
manipulation and fraud.
more customers but the driver is exposed to high
Ethical factors levels of noise pollution.
[Type here]
• Offer training to employees who • Company Policies and administrative
require it. policies - The company policies should
not be too rigid. They should be fair and
Self actualisation clear. It should include flexible working
• The employee can be given challenging hours, dress code, breaks, vacation, etc.
tasks and the autonomy to solve those Fringe benefits - The employees should
problems be offered health care plans, benefits
• Encourage creativity of the worker in for the family members, employee help
those situations programmes, etc.
• Self actualised workers inspire others • Physical working conditions - The
e.g. the company’s managing director working conditions should be safe,
can inspire other employees clean and hygienic. The work
equipments should be updated and
HERZBERG’S TWO FACTOR THEORY • Interpersonal relations - The
relationship of the employees with his
Herzberg identified two set of factors relevant in peers, superiors and subordinates
the motivation of employees. He classified these should be appropriate and acceptable.
factors into hygienic factors and motivating There should be no conflict or
factors. humiliation element present.
Hygienic factors • Job Security - The organization must
provide job security to the employees.
• These factors demotivate the employee
Motivational factors
if they are not present but their
presence does not motivate the worker According to Herzberg, the hygiene factors
to work harder. cannot be regarded as motivators. The
• Examples of these factors are salary, motivational factors yield positive satisfaction.
over-supervision by managers and These factors are inherent to work. These
working conditions factors motivate the employees for a superior
• Managers have to ensure that the performance. These factors are called satisfiers.
hygienic factors have been provided so These are factors involved in performing the
as to get rid of dissatisfaction. However, job. Employees find these factors intrinsically
the provision of such factors do not rewarding. Motivational factors include:
mean that the worker is satisfied
• Herzberg argued that the absence of • Recognition - The employees should be
dissatisfaction does not mean that the praised and recognized for their
workers are satisfied, this is because the accomplishments by the managers.
two are caused by two distinct factors.
• Sense of achievement - The employees
Therefore the two cannot be treated as
must have a sense of achievement. This
depends on the job. There must be a
• Hygienic factors are synonymous with fruit of some sort in the job.
the lower level needs on the Maslow’s
• Growth and promotional opportunities
Hierarchy of needs
- There must be growth and
They can be provided in the following ways advancement opportunities in an
organization to motivate the employees
• Pay/ salary: The pay structure should to perform well e.g. opportunities for
be appropriate and reasonable. It must promotion
be fair and competitive to those in the • Responsibility - The employees must
same industry in the same domain hold themselves responsible for the
work. The managers should give them
[Type here]
ownership of the work. They should • Therefore managers should break down
minimize control but retain production into a series of small tasks
accountability. • Workers should then be given
• Meaningfulness of the work - The work appropriate training and tools so they
itself should be meaningful, interesting can work as efficiently as possible on
and challenging for the employee to one set task.
perform and to get motivated. This is Workers are then paid according to the
done through job enrichment and job number of items they produce in a set
rotation. period of time- piece-rate pay.
• As a result workers are encouraged to
Limitations of Two-Factor Theory work hard and maximise their
1. Herzberg assumed a correlation
between satisfaction and productivity. Application of scientific management in
But the research conducted by motivation
Herzberg stressed upon satisfaction
and ignored productivity. Taylor's approach has close links with the
2. No comprehensive measure of concept of an autocratic management
satisfaction was used. An employee style(managers take all the decisions and simply
may find his job acceptable despite the give orders to those below them) and
fact that he may hate/object part of his McGregor's Theory X approach to workers
job. (workers are viewed as lazy and avoid
responsibility). This has the following
Application of the Theory consequences
PThe theory implies that the managers must
stress upon guaranteeing the adequacy of the • Performing the same task repetitively
hygiene factors to avoid employee will end up becoming monotonous and
dissatisfaction. Also, the managers must make boring, this can demotivate the worker
sure that the work is stimulating and rewarding and adversely impact on productivity
so that the employees are motivated to work and • It is improper to assume that workers
perform harder and better. This theory are motivated solely by financial
emphasize upon job-enrichment so as to rewards as it can be observed in reality
motivate the employees. The job must utilize the that people work for other reasons
employee’s skills and competencies to the which are not financial.
maximum. Focusing on the motivational factors • The piece rate system is difficult to
can improve work-quality. apply in some businesses especially in
the service sector
TAYLOR’S SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT • Strict supervision of employees can
adversely impact on employee
Taylor put forward the idea that workers are confidence and morale
motivated mainly by pay and did not consider • Taylor identified the importance of why
non financial methods of motivation. He viewed workers must receive adequate
a worker as an economic man who is motivated training. This is very important in
solely by monetary rewards. He made the improving productivity and worker
following arguments: motivation.
[Type here]
Elton Mayo believed that workers are not just
concerned with money but could be better
motivated by having their social needs met
whilst at work (something that Taylor ignored).
He introduced the Human Relation School of
thought, which focused on managers taking
more of an interest in the workers, treating
them as people who have worthwhile opinions
and realising that workers enjoy
[Type here]
interacting together. Mayo made the concluded quality as workers are motivated to achieve
that workers are best motivated by: speed of output not quality of output. From the
employees point of view there is no guarantee of
• Better communication between income and incomes are often very low, no
managers and workers matter how fast they work.
• Greater manager involvement in
Fringe Benefits: Other forms of financial
employees working lives
motivation include company cars, pension
• Working in groups or teams.
schemes, sickness benefits, subsidised meals
and travel, and staff discounts. These are often
In practice therefore businesses should
grouped together under the heading fringe
reorganise production to encourage greater use
benefits. Some of these fringe benefits can be
of team working and introduce personnel
regarded as essential in encouraging the right
departments to encourage tgreater manager
applicants for certain types of vacancies. For
involvement in looking after employees'
example a company car is a necessity in
interests. His theory most closely fits in with a
financial service firms for anyone involved in
democratic style of management.
sales, and senior management in many
companies would expect both an upmarket car
and private health care.
Bonus schemes: There are a wide variety of
When examining methods of motivation that bonus schemes available, each designed to be
can be applied in the workplace, we sub-divide suitable for different employees doing different
them into financial and non-financial methods. jobs. These schemes include:
Financial methods directly involve monetary
rewards e.g. bonuses, pay rises, pensions etc. • Sales bonus. This is normally paid if a
Non-financial methods, though perhaps sales target has been reached. For sales
indirectly bringing monetary rewards, are people this may make up a significant
targeted at providing psychological benefits for part of their salary.
workers. It must be remembered that both • Performance bonus. This can be
financial and non-financial methods have costs paid to an individual or on a group or
to the employer, either through direct costs such factory wide basis, and is often paid for
as extra pay, or indirectly through the provision reaching targets of output and quality.
of training or management time spent. This method of payment is an
important part of Human Resource
Financial methods of motivation
• Christmas bonus. Often called a 13th
Herzberg emphasised the importance of month's salary, paid for loyalty to the
hygienic factors, he once said ‘if you pay business.
peanuts, you get monkeys’. This shows the • Profit share. Some businesses will
importance of financial methods of motivation pay a percentage of profits to
discussed below. employees. The amount that they
receive will normally depend on salary
Piece rate pay: The most basic method of and length of service, so rewarding
payment is a piece rate. When a piece rate is those that had been with the company
paid workers are paid for each item they longest, more.
produce or for each task completed. This does
have advantages in that workers will work as Profit related pay. Profit related pay links
fast as they can to maximise their income, and part of an employees’ income to the profits of a
payment is only made when work is completed. company. Those who receive profit related pay
But there are disadvantages for both employer will earn less if the company profits decline and
and employee. For the employer there must be more when the entity is profitable. This method
a great deal of supervision and checking of
is sustainable to the firm as employees are paid time spent training the worker to complete
in accordance to profitability. these extra tasks. Effective job enrichment
Employees are motivated to work hard to depends upon workers having interesting tasks
improve the entity’s profits thus achieving goal to complete. Job design is a key part of
congruency. Herzberg's ideas.
3. LEADING Controlling is the following roles played by the
4. CONTROLLING manager:
1. Gather information that
measures performance
PLANNING: 2. Compare present performance to pre
established performance norms.
Planning involves choosing tasks that must be 3. Determine the next action plan and
performed to attain organizational goals, modifications for meeting the desired
outlining how the tasks must be performed, performance parameters.
and indicating when they should be
Controlling is an ongoing process.
Planning activity focuses on attaining goals.
Managers outline exactly what organizations The coordinating function of leadership controls
should do to be successful. Planning is all the organizing, planning and staffing activities
concerned with the success of the of the company and ensures all activities function
organization in the short term as well as in the together for the good of the organization.
long term. Coordinating typically takes place in meetings
and other planning sessions with the department
ORGANIZING: heads of the company to ensure all departments
are on the same page in terms of objectives and
Organizing can be thought of as assigning the goals. Coordinating involves communication,
tasks developed in the planning stages, to supervision and direction by management.
various individuals or groups within the
organization. Organizing is NEGOTIATION
to create a mechanism to put Managers also play the role of entering into
plans into action. discussions on behalf of the organisation.
People within the organization are given work Management represent the organisations’
assignments that contribute to the company’s interests and act as agents for the
goals. Tasks are organized so that the output of organisation.
each individual contributes to the success of
MANAGEMENT THEORIES • Promotes consistency thus making
organisation activities more predictable.
Max Weber bureaucratic Ensures continuity as business activities are
management theory handled in a predetermined way. This also
goes a long way in avoiding and detecting
The Max Weber theory of management,
fraud and errors.
sometimes called bureaucratic management
theory, is built on principles outlined by Disadvantages
Frederick Taylor in his scientific Subsequent analysis of the theory have
management theory. Like Taylor, Weber identified many disadvantages:
advocated a system based on standardized
procedures and a clear chain of command. • Tendency for organisations to
Weber stressed efficiency, as did Taylor, but become procedure dominated
also warned of the danger of emphasizing rather than goal dominated.
technology at the expense of emotion.
• Tendency for heavily formalised
One primary difference between Max Weber organisational roles to suppress initiative and
and management, and other theories of flexibility of the job holders.
management, is that while Weber outlined
the principles of an ideal bureaucracy, he • Rigid behaviour by senior managers can lead
also pointed out the dangers a true to standardised services that do not meet the
bureaucracy could face. needs of the client.
Key elements of the Max Weber management • Rigid procedures and rules are demotivating
theory include: for the subordinates that work in the
• Clearly defined job roles
• Slow decision making due to bottle necks
• A hierarchy of authority
inherent to the system
• Standardized procedures
• Meticulous record-keeping Other management theories already covered
• Hiring employees only if they meet the
specific qualifications for a job - Scientific management – Taylor
land An organisation cannot build a good team of It helps the organisation to achieve its working
professionals without good Human goals with efficiency since the HR plan Resources. The key functions
of the Human is aligned to the overall business
Resources Management (HRM) team include strategy. This minimises sub optimal human resource
planning, recruiting people, behaviour.
training them, performance appraisals,
Recruitment motivating
employees as well as workplace
communication, workplace safety, and much Recruitment is a process of finding more. The beneficial
effects of these functions and attracting capable applicants for are discussed here:
• The process begins when new recruits
Planning future manpower requirements are sought and ends when their
applications are submitted as a way to
• HR planning is a process that signal their interest in the job. identifies
current and future HR needs
of an organisation required for it to The process is initiated when the need achieve its goals.
for a new employee is identified within
the organisation HR
planning serves as a link between the HR management and the overall After a
vacancy has been identified, a business strategy. job description and a
specification have to be prepared
• The HR department is therefore responsible for ensuring that the A job specification/
description is organisations’ human resources are a detailed statement of the employees able
to execute the business strategy duties, responsibilities and specifies with efficiency. the
workers position on the
organisational chart. For example, a
Serves to ensure that staffing is sufficient, qualified and competent teacher’s job description can be
to teach Maths in all form 1 classes, enough to achieve the organisational ensure that pupils are
disciplined, give objectives. pupils 4 written exercises a week,
• HR planning is vital for maintaining a timely mark pupils work, e.t.c. The job
a competitive advantage and reducing specification also has to state the employee turnover in
an organisation nature of the employment contract i.e.
• Planning is also important in finding permanent or temporary, conditions of
sustainable ways to get rid of less service and applicable remuneration.
productive workforce e.g. ageing
• A person specification gives a workforce
detailed account of the minimum
Merits of HR planning skills, qualifications and experience
• Assists in resource mobilisation to which must be possessed by the enable the organisation to
attain its candidate for him/her to be able to objectives perform the duties specified in the job
specification. For instance, a teaching o post may require • When the job
someone with a minimum of a diploma in education and at description and the o
least two years working experience in a similar position person specification are
out then an
advertisement for the vacancy is made. vacancies are filled internally It
The advert invites all the interested o fills one vacancy by creating a
candidates who possess the minimal requirements new one, this can have a ripple
to apply for the vacancy. effect which can be costly to the
o The organisation seeks to fill External recruitment the vacancy from within its o
The business looks to fill the existing workforce vacancy from any suitable
applicant outside the
o The selection team may
possess better knowledge of
the applicants, this enables o It brings new ideas into the them to select the best
organisation. This is essential candidate for the job for the success of the o It motivates
internal staff to organisation work harder as they are o It results in a higher number
awarded the opportunity for of applicants, implying a promotion bigger pool from
which to o Applicants are familiar with select the best candidate. The the organisation’s
internal higher the number of
faster individuals from a pool of job
processes therefore reduced applicants the greater is the
need for induction training The chances of getting the best
method is cost efficient as the candidate for the job.
vacancies can o The applicants possess a wider
o be communicated range of experience
using internal communication Demerits o The process is longer
methods e.g. notice boards or
when compared to
email. These are
cheaper internal recruitment
methods of o The process is more expensive
communication due to advertising
o It reduces the rate of labour o The selection process may not
turnover as newly employed staff be effective enough to get the
members are already familiar right candidate for the job
with the organisation’s Selection
operations therefore less
Selection is the process of picking up
chances that
they can quit their job
o The vacancies can be filled
• Recruitment can be internal or organisation Unsuccessful
external o candidates can be demotivated
Internal recruitment The selection process is highly
o Internal recruitment occurs o when a vacancy is subjected to corrupt activities
advertised to the current organisation and favouritism.
It limits the number of potential applicants, which may result in the
job being offered to a less deserving candidate
No new ideas are introduced into the organisation as
applicants with requisite qualifications to fill the jobs within o Bad habits are
the organisation more likely to
• Selection can be described as a process of differentiating be passed on to
applicants in order to identify and hire those with a higher the trainees as
likelihood of success on the job they can learn
• The selection process involves screening, interviews, by observing
selection tests, background checks, physical examination. others
• The selection process ends when a job offer is made o Errors by
• The selection process is aimed at ensuring that the right trainees can
candidates are hired for the job, therefore matters to do with disrupt
the character of the candidate are of importance. This brings production
the need for background checks and interviews which
• Training is a process of equipping the employees within an costly to the
organisation with the skills required for them to perform organisation
their jobs efficiently. o The
• Training increases the productivity of the workforce as it effectiveness of
reduces losses caused by errors and lack of skill the training
• There are different ways in which staff members can be programme is
trained and these are on the job training and off the job highly
training. dependent on
On the job training o On the job training involves the the skills
employee learning by actually possessed by
performing the actual task the trainer and
the time availed
o The training technique is hands on as employees are
for training.
trained using the same equipment which they will
o Some training
use in the actual work
programs do
o It is highly effective when developing expertise
not provide
distinctive to the employee’s job. For example the
specific type of machinery used in the organisation
s with
o The employees receive training in the same
environment which they operate in their day to day
evidence that
they have
o Job rotation is an example on
the job training
Merits of on the job training o The method is cost effective as the
training takes place at the work place. The business saves on Off the job training o This
costs of sending employees to the training venue and costs of refers to training that takes
lost production due to the trainee’s absence attending place away from the work
place e.g. universities and
o Employees are productive during training i.e. they
make a contribution to the organisation’s output
o Training is
during training
carried out by
o The training is practical in nature, employees
undergoing training are exposed to the real working
o Trainees
environment. Therefore training is more
acquire a wide
range of skills
Demerits o The work environment may not be conducive for training
which may not
be possessed by
other members in the organisation, this adds variety • The main objective of
in the organisation job evaluation is to
o Training takes place in a conducive environment determine which jobs
because the training institution has to posses the are more important that
proper training facilities others, this information
Demerits o The method is more costly to the organisation is used to determine the
because of training fees and the worker has to e absent remuneration system
from work during training • Factors such as the
o The skills acquired are usually general and they qualifications required
usually require modifications to be applied in a for the position and the
specific duties performed by the
organisation position holder in the
o The workers who have undergone training using the job evaluation process
organisation’s resources can leave the organisation • Job evaluation must be
for its competitors. conducted for each
o The training can be theoretical vacancy as it will
in nature contribute in the job
• It is the training that is given to employees when they first
join the organisation • The role of the HR
• The objective of induction training is to ensure that the department in
employee becomes fully productive in the shortest possible determining the level of
period of time salary and benefits for
• Induction serves to minimise or eliminate costly mistakes by the position is a key
new employees by familiarising them with their factor in attracting and
responsibilities and duties retaining productive
• The length of the induction period varies depending on the workforce
complexity and the position of the job within the • The rewards offered to
organisation an employee must be
• Poorly planned induction training has negative motivational competitive and
effects and can be a cause of high labour turnover amongst sufficient to cover the
new staff members. workers’ basic needs for
• The training programme must include the introduction to the worker to be
new colleagues, learning of the duties of the job, seeing the motivated (Maslow &
layout of the premises and learning about the organisation’s Herzberg)
internal processes • Henry Fayol in his 14
principles of
Advisory role highlighted the
• The HR department plays an important role of advising importance of a fair
other organisation functions on labour issues remuneration system to
• This implies that the HR department give advice to line an organisation
managers on issues to do with handling conflicts, • The term remuneration
absenteeism and punctuality of employee includes other non
• The department can give advice on the legal implication of salary benefits such as
decisions suggested by other functional areas e.g. fringe benefits
retrenchment of employees • There are a number of
remuneration systems
Job evaluation
but for a system to save
• It is a systematic process of assessing the relative the intended purpose it
importance of the job within the organisation has to be transparent,
fair and must be able to
reward exceptional employees for hard work validity and thereby the
• For a remuneration system to be successful it has to be strengths and
aligned to the present goals e.g. profit related pay in a profit weaknesses of selection
maximising firm procedure. Future
changes in selection
methods can be made in
Performance Appraisal this regard.
5. Communication: For
Performance appraisal is the systematic evaluation of the
an organization,
performance of employees and to understand the abilities of a
person for further growth and development.
Objectives of Performance Appraisal between employees and
employers is very
1. Performance Appraisal can be done with following important. Through
objectives in mind: performance appraisal,
2. To maintain records in order to determine compensation communication can be
packages, wage structure, salaries raises, etc. two way as subordinates
3. To identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees to get feedback on their
place right men on right job. performance and ways
4. To maintain and assess the potential present in a person for to improve.
further growth and development. 6. Motivation:
5. To provide a feedback to employees Performance appraisal
serves as a motivation
regarding their performance and related status. tool. Through
6. To review and retain the promotional and other training evaluating performance
programmes. of employees, a person’s
efficiency can be
Advantages of Performance Appraisal determined if the targets
are achieved. This very
It is said that performance appraisal is an investment for the well motivates a person
company which can be justified by following advantages: for better job and helps
him to improve
1. Promotion: Performance Appraisal helps the supervisors his
to chalk out the promotion programmes for efficient
employees. In this regards, inefficient workers can be Employment contract
dismissed or demoted in case.
• An employment contract
2. Compensation: Performance Appraisal helps in chalking
is a legally binding
out compensation packages for employees.
agreement between
Merit rating is possible through performance appraisal.
employer and employee.
Performance Appraisal tries to give worth to a performance.
Every employee has a
Compensation packages which includes bonus, high salary
contract with an employer.
rates, extra benefits, allowances and pre-requisites are
dependent on performance appraisal. The criteria should be
merit rather than seniority. • A written contract gives
3. Employees Development: Performance more protection to both
appraisal helps the supervisors to frame training policies parties and encourages
and programmes. It helps to analyse strengths and parties to clarify the key
weaknesses of employees so that new jobs can be designed duties and responsibilities of
for efficient employees. It also helps in framing future a job.
development programmes.
4. Selection Validation: Performance Appraisal helps the • Both parties have basic
supervisors to understand the validity and importance of the rights and obligations in
selection procedure. The supervisors come to know the the contract.
• The employer has the duty to provide work, safe working not acting as a court of law, is
conditions and remuneration to the employee. empowered to take a decision
• The employee has the duty to obey lawful and reasonable which disposes of the dispute.
commands, use care and skill in executing tasks assigned and to
act in good faith. Specialised labour
• An employer is supposed to write a contract to the employee and adjudication
the letter is supposed to have the following particulars:
Specialised labour adjudication
• Name and address of the employer
is a procedure whereby ordinary
• The period of time for which the employee is engaged
courts on special labour courts
• The terms of probation (if any). settle finally any disputes over
• The terms of an employment code. rights and obligations.
• Information of the employees remuneration, its manner
of calculation and the intervals at which it will be paid. To sum up, it is preferable that
• Information on benefits receivable in the event of the first methods of conflict
sickness or pregnancy. resolution be applied first and
• Hours of work. the later matter methods be
• Information of any bonus or incentive production applied after the first methods
scheme. have failed to resolve the
• Information of vacation leave or vacation pay conflict. This serves time and
• Information of any other benefits. resources.
It can contain any other information that pertains to the
relationship between the two parties
The employment contract is a legal document that serves avoid Discipline
conflicts between the employer and employee. It also acts as a way
to resolve such conflicts. It can contain any other information that. Discipline is the regulation of
human activities to produce a
controlled performance. The real
LABOUR DISPUTE SETTLEMENT purpose of discipline is to
encourage employees to confirm
Grievances and conflicts are an inevitable part of the employment to established standards of job
relationship. The objective of public policy is to manage conflict and performance and to behave
promote sound labour relations by creating a system for the effective sensibly and safely at work.
prevention and settlement of labour disputes. Labour Discipline is essential to all
administrations typically establish labour dispute procedures in organized group action as
national legislation. A key objective of effective systems is to ensure highlighted by Henry Fayol in
that wherever possible, the parties to the dispute resolve it through his 14 principles of management.
a consensus-based process such as conciliation and mediation, It can be described as the
before reverting to arbitration and/or adjudication through a labour acceptable behaviour to be
court. followed by an employee in and
outside the organization. In
Conciliation and mediation general sense, following the
direction of upper level
Conciliation and mediation are procedures whereby a third party supervisor or manager, making
provides assistance to the parties in the course of negotiations, or effort for the organizational goal
when negotiations have reached an impasse, with a view to helping attainment and playing the
them to reach an agreement. While in many countries these terms positive role in making healthy,
are interchangeable, in some countries a distinction is made between competitive and dedicated
them according to the degree of initiative taken by the third party. i8 environment in the organization
Arbitration is considered as maintaining the
discipline. Discipline reflects the
Arbitration is a procedure whereby a third party (whether an
inside and outside
individual arbitrator, a board of arbitrators or an arbitration court),
organizational behaviour of an
Discipline promotes self-control, dedication, and orderly conduct. Redundancy is a situation where
In relation to employees in Zimbabwe, discipline is generally used in the position of employment of an
a restricted sense to mean punishment. Consequently, the written employee is or will become
procedures used to punish employees for job deficiencies are called surplus to the requirements of
disciplinary procedures. the Employer's business.
The disciplinary procedures are applied in cases were discipline has Generally redundancies within
not been maintained and such instances include an organisation occur when the
business is facing operational
- Excessive tardiness challenges or the company is
- Failure to notify of an absence looking to restructure the
- Insubordination organisation. In these
- Rude or abusive language in the workplace circumstances the employee
- Failure to follow “Departmental Rules or Policies “, i.e., not may find that their position is
wearing safety equipment. surplus to the companies needs.
Therefore, the employer will
- Dishonesty
announce to the employee or
- Theft
employees affected that their
contracts are going to be
Employee welfare terminated as their positions will
no longer exist.
- Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and
improvement of employees and is provided over and above the Redundancies have to be for
wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of genuine commercial reasons and
the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer not for any other underlining
duration. reasons such as capability or
- The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in performance issues.
kind. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working
conditions, creation of industrial harmony through Redundancies can be forced or
infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance voluntary – in the case of
against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers voluntary redundancies there
and their families. are usually incentives offered to
- Labour welfare entails all those activities of employer which are outgoing employees, such as
directed towards providing the employees with certain facilities extended garden leave or more
and services in addition to wages or salaries. valuable severance packages.
Labour welfare has the following objectives: Voluntary redundancies are
designed to prevent the
- To provide better life and health to the workers employer having to choose who
- To make the workers happy and satisfied to terminate.
The government passes different laws which affect the relationship Maintaining Work
between employees and their employers. Some of the laws are there Atmosphere
to ensure that the Government achieves its Macroeconomic
objectives e.g. achieve a fair income distribution by passing a This is a vital aspect of HRM
minimum wage because the performance of an
individual in an organisation is
There are several pieces of legislation which have to be complied largely driven by the work
with by the employers and employees. Failure to comply causes legal atmosphere or work culture that
consequences for the parties. These are discussed below prevails at the workplace. A good
• Minimum wage: this is the lowest wage which an employer working condition is one of the
is legally allowed to pay. This protects employees from benefits that the employees can
exploitation and serves to uplift the living standards for the expect from an efficient human
society resource team. A safe, clean and
• Unfair dismissal: These laws protect employees from being healthy environment can bring
dismissed from work without a proper reason. out the best in an employee. A
• Discrimination: these laws prohibit employers to give friendly atmosphere gives the
preferential treatment to any employee based on race, sex, staff members job satisfaction as
religion, e.t.c. well.
• Working hours: the government
passes laws to protect employees from working Managing Disputes
unsustainably long hours as this causes health problems
• Retrenchment: there are laws put in place to ensure that In an organisation, there are
employers do not abuse the laws and dismiss workers under several issues on which disputes
the cover of retrenchment may arise between the
• Health and safety laws: these laws set minimal standards for employees and the employers.
ensuring that workers work in an environment free from You can say conflicts are almost
danger and which does not negatively affect the health of the inevitable. In such a scenario, it
employees and third parties e.g. consumers. is the human resource
department which acts as a
Performance Appraisals consultant and mediator to sort
out those issues in an effective
manner. They first hear the grievances of the employees. Then they • In the event of an
come up with suitable solutions to sort them out. In other words, unsuccessful bargaining
they take timely action and prevent things from going out of hands. process unions can call
for industrial action.
Any organisation, without a proper setup for HRM is bound to suffer
from serious problems while managing its regular activities. For this Need for negotiation
reason, today, companies must put a lot of effort and energy into
setting up a strong and effective HRM. Negotiations between employers
and employees are necessary for
Collective bargaining a number of reasons. Such
reasons include
Collective bargaining consists of negotiations between an employer
and a group of employees so as to determine the conditions of • Negotiations are in line
employment. with modern leadership
styles. Negotiations are
• The result of collective bargaining procedures is a collective democratic than
agreement. authoritarian
• Employees are often represented in bargaining by a union • Negotiations motivate
or other labour organization. staff
• Collective bargaining is a key means through which • Both negotiating parties
employers and their organizations and trade unions can are important for the
establish fair wages and working conditions. success of a business,
• It also provides the basis for sound labour relations. Typical therefore their
issues on the bargaining agenda include wages, working cooperation is vital for
time, training, occupational health and safety and equal the success of tha
treatment. business
• The objective of these negotiations is to arrive at a collective • Negotiations between
agreement that regulates terms and conditions of employers and
employment. employees serve to
• Collective agreements may also address the rights and minimise the risk of
responsibilities of the parties thus ensuring harmonious and industrial action which
productive industries and workplaces. is counterproductive
• Enhancing the inclusiveness of collective bargaining and and has negative effects
collective agreements is a key means for reducing inequality to both parties
and extending labour protection.
JOB DESIGN METHODS performs different jobs but, more or less, jobs of
the same nature.
Job rotation, Enlargement and
Enrichment The advantages of job rotation are—it relieves
the employee from the boredom and monotony
Job design logically follows job analysis. Job of doing a single task. The organisation also
analysis provides job related data as well as the stands to benefit as the worker become
skill and knowledge expected of the incumbent competent in several jobs rather than only one.
to discharge the job. Job design involves Periodic job changing can also improve inter-
organizing tasks, duties and responsibilities department cooperation.
into a unit of work to achieve certain objectives.
The limitations are—the basic nature of the job
Job design is the process of deciding on the remains unchanged. Also frequent shifting of
contents of a job in terms of its duties and employees may cause interruption in the work
responsibilities, on the methods to be used in routine of the organisation.
carrying out the job in terms of techniques,
systems and procedures, and on the Job Enlargement:
relationships that should exist between the job
holders and his supervisors, subordinates and It is the process of increasing the scope of a job
colleagues. by adding more tasks to it. The related tasks are
combined. Job enlargement involves expanding
The main objectives of job design are to the number of tasks or duties assigned to a given
integrate the needs of the individuals and the job. Job enlargement therefore, naturally is
requirements of the organisation. Needs of the opposite to work simplification. Adding more
employees include job satisfaction in terms of tasks/ duties to a job does not mean that new
interest, challenge and achievement? skill and abilities are needed to perform it.
Organisational requirements are high There is only a horizontal expansion.
productivity, technical efficiency and quality of
work. Job enlargement reduces monotony and
boredom. It helps to increase interest in work
Job Rotation: and efficiency. But there is no time increase of
the job. Enlarged jobs require longer training
It is one of the methods of job design which is period as there are more task to be learned.
an answer to the problem of boredom. Job
rotation implies the shifting of an employee Job Enrichment:
from one job to another without any change in
the job. With job rotation, a given employee It involves designing a job in such a way that it
provides the workers greater autonomy for
planning and controlling one’s own
performance. It seeks to improve tasks,
efficiency and human satisfaction by building
into people’s jobs, greater scope for personal
achievement and recognition, more challenging
and responsible work and more opportunity for
individual advancement.
• Appointment, promotion and authority were
dependent on technical competence and
reinforced by written rules and procedures of Motivation and leadership
promoting those most able to manage rather
than those favoured to manage. Motivation
• The adoption of bureaucratic type of Motivation is those factors that affect human
management systems allow organisations to behaviour. Humans do not just take action but they
grow into large complex organised systems take action for a particular reason which is therefore
that are focused towards formalised explicit termed motivation. Managers have to understand
goals. the needs of the subordinates as they greatly
influence their behaviour at the work place. It is
• Promotes consistency thus making assumed that employees work for the purpose of
organisation activities more predictable. satisfying a number of needs which are
Ensures continuity as business activities are discussed below
handled in a predetermined way. This also Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
goes a long way in avoiding and detecting
fraud and errors. • Motivation is driven by unsatisfied
needs therefore managers must
Disadvantages understand the needs of the individual
Subsequent analysis of the theory have employee
identified many disadvantages: • Abraham Maslow a psychologist in 1943
brought forward the following hierarchy
• Tendency for organisations to
of needs which humans seek to satisfy
become procedure dominated
• The needs are in ascending order i.e.
rather than goal dominated.
humans seek to satisfy the needs on the
• Tendency for heavily formalised bottom of the pyramid first
organisational roles to suppress initiative and
flexibility of the job holders.
All people like to receive credit for what they do.
Receiving credit and recognition for doing good work
makes anyone feel good. It also makes people try to
work harder and do better. Next to the need to earn a
living, perhaps the reason most people work is to
receive some form of recognition.
Social Values
The work that a person does is valuable to society. The
work a doctor does benefit not only the doctor, but also
the people who are treated. Some people even work
without pay for the benefit of others e.g. volunteers
with humanitarian organisations like Red Cross and
Red Crescent.
Keeping Busy
Without work, some people would find it difficult to
find enough to do. Work provides an outlet for their
energy. There are times when older workers would
prefer not to retire. Their jobs give them a chance to
keep busy.
Bonus schemes: There are a wide variety of bonus Non-financial methods of motivation
schemes available, each designed to be suitable for
different employees doing different jobs. These The use of non-financial motivation methods is an
schemes include: attempt by employers, to apply ideas behind the
theories of Mayo, Maslow and Hertzberg.
• Sales bonus. This is normally paid if a Examination of these theories has shown us that
sales target has been reached. For sales motivation to achieve quality of output is best
people this may make up a significant part achieved through satisfaction of higher needs
of their salary. (Maslow), awareness of the role of groups in the
• Performance bonus. This can be paid to workplace (Mayo), and the need to provide
an individual or on a group or factory wide Motivators (Herzberg). The non-financial methods
basis, and is often paid for reaching targets of motivation outlined below can be linked to one of
of output and quality. This method of more of these theories.
payment is an important part of Human
Resource Management. Job Enrichment: This means giving workers more
• Christmas bonus. Often called a 13 th control over the tasks that they complete. Allowing
month's salary, paid for loyalty to the workers to complete tasks that have a meaning, and
business. are complete in themselves. For example a worker
• Profit share. Some businesses will pay a who has a job fitting the tube to a TV, may have his
percentage of profits to employees. The job enriched by testing that the tube works, and
amount that they receive will normally being able to make adjustments so that the required
depend on salary and length of service, so level of quality is achieved. The ability to do this
rewarding those that had been with the range of tasks means that the worker becomes more
company longest, more. committed to achieving quality. The cost associated
with this method, are of course, the time spent
Profit related pay. Profit related pay links part of training the worker to complete these extra tasks.
an employees’ income to the profits of a company. Effective job enrichment depends upon workers
Those who receive profit related pay will earn less having interesting tasks to complete. Job design is a
if the company profits decline and more when the key part of Herzberg's ideas.
entity is profitable. This method is sustainable to the
firm as employees are paid in accordance to Job Enlargement: Job enlargement means
profitability. Employees are motivated to work hard increasing the number of tasks completed by a
to improve the entity’s profits thus achieving goal worker. So a secretary previously employed to
congruency. answer calls might now have duties, which include,
filling, letter writing etc. This adds interest to the
Commission: Employers pay employees a sales job, and involves the employee in a more complete
commission to incentivize the employees to produce role within the business.
more sales and to reward and recognize people who
perform most productively. The sales commission Communication: Communication is a key part of
has proven to be an effective way to compensate motivation, and effective use of methods of
sales people and to promote more sales of the communication is a complex management issue.
product or the service. The employee is paid a Empowerment: This means giving workers the
specific portion of his or her sales e.g. 3% of sales power to control their own jobs, make decisions, and
revenue generated by the employee. implement their own ideas. It is often used
effectively in decentralised organisations and • Increased wastage of materials
democratic leadership styles. • Poor quality work
• Dysfunctional conflicts
Quality Circles: These are groups of workers that • Workers avoid responsibility
meet on a regular basis to discuss problems in the • High rates of absenteeism
manufacturing or service provision process and • High labour turnover i.e. increased number
offer solutions. They may involve groups of workers of employees leaving their jobs
from the same department, or come from a variety
• Actual or threats for industrial action
of disciplines. They may include designers, buyers,
• Less or no punctuality
and production workers.
• Work delays i.e. missing deadlines or
Training: The provision of a formal training targets
scheme is important. As Herzberg stated, without
training, workers will not be able to fulfil their
potential. Training can be on-the-job, learning by LEADERSHIP
doing, or off the job, such as studying at a college.
• It is the art of influencing people to
Taylor also emphasised the importance of training
perform task related activities
in an effort to improve productivity.
Growth opportunities: Employees will always • Willingness is a key aspect in defining
perform at their best when the environment is leadership, because leaders do rely
conducive to growth. The potential for growth is a mainly on charismatic power to
huge motivational difference maker. Employees motivate their followers to work
can be motivated by opportunities for promotions, towards attaining a specific goal.
professional advancement by getting more • A good manager must possess good
experience and personal growth. leadership qualities because a good
leader is a great motivator.
Status: it is a socially defined position or rank to • Leadership involves:
groups or group members by others. It is evident that establishing a clear vision
the society has different classes. Status is an sharing that vision with others so
important factor in understanding human behaviour that they will follow
because it is a significant motivator. For instance, willingly
when one has been promoted his/her status would providing the information, kn
improve thus boosting morale and productivity. owledge and methods to
realize that vision
coordinating and
balancing the conflicting
interests of members and
Positive effects of motivation
The following features show that the staff members
Qualities of a good leader
are motivated
Respect for every member of the
• Increased productivity organisation e.g. employees at all
• Reduced accidents levels.
• Reduced wastage of materials Honest and trustworthy
• Minimum errors Self motivated i.e. seeks to satisfy
• Reduced conflicts higher level needs on Maslow’s
• Workers seek responsibility hierarchy. Motivated by non
• Resistance to change financial incentives
Commitment to the growth and
On the other hand, the following signs show that the
development of those he/she leads
workforce is demotivated
In possession good
• Reduced productivity
communication skills
• Accidents at workplace
Ability to motivate his/her followers An autocratic style of leadership can
Integrity be effective in work environments Vision/strategy where decisions need to be made
Persuasion quickly. The sole responsibility rests Adaptability with the leader, and he/she
makes the Teamwork decision without the need to consult
Coaching and Development others. This saves precious time which
Decision-making, ability to make happens to be a non renewable quality decisions
Planning skills The leader keeps a close watch on the
This is often referred to as an authoritarian to McGregor Theory X leadership style, and it basically
means that The style strongly motivates the the people at the top of an organisation make leaders who
dictate the pace within the all the decisions and delegate very little organisation. It gives status to the
responsibility down to their subordinates. It leader and enables the leader to satisfy can cause much
resentment and frustration higher order needs on Maslows’ amongst the workforce and it is not very
hierarchy of needs
common in today's business world. Its features Effective chain of command is crucial are summarised
below for the success of any organisation as highlighted by Fayol. This style is mostly effective in
organisation where
• Autocratic leaders hold onto as much chain of command is crucial such as power and decision-
making as military, air force like organization. possible
• Communication is top-down & one- Demerits way i.e. no opportunity for feedback to the leader
This style is widely criticised for its
• Formal systems of command & control negative motivational consequences as are strictly
adhered to it does not involve subordinates in the
• Minimal consultation as the manager decision making process thus failing to single handedly
makes the decisions recognise their importance in the
• Use of rewards & penalties to shape decision making process human behaviour (motivation
tool) Autocratic leaders take full Very little delegation responsibility for the execution of the
• Most likely to be used when tasks at hand. This puts pressure on
subordinates are unskilled, not trusted the manager as he/she is reluctant to and their
ideas are not valued delegate. Such a scenario may have adverse consequences
to the
Merits organisation and the manager in his
personal capacity e.g. work related
May be the major reason for resistance a sustainable balance between time to change in cases
where subordinates spent and the benefits.
are unhappy with the decisions made Likely to be most effective when used
One way communication is with skilled, free-thinking and counterproductive as it cannot be
experienced subordinates.
ascertained in time if the intentions of It can only be effective as a the leader are properly
understood. motivational tool only in cases where the lower level needs according to
5. Democratic. Maslow or hygienic factors according
to Herzberg are satisfied
This involves managers and leaders taking into account the
views of the workforce before Merits making decisions and
implementing them.
This can lead to increased levels of morale and Exchange of ideas among subordinates motivation
amongst the workforce, but it can and leader improves job satisfaction also result in far more time being
taken to and morale of the subordinates. The achieve the results since many people are employees will
develop a positive involved in discussing the decision. This type attitude towards their jobs as they feel
of leadership has the following characteristics: their contributions are needed for the success of the
• Focus of power is more with the group
as a whole than individual members Human values get their due recognition which motivates
the Leadership functions are shared within the group as opposed to the subordinates and reduces
resistance to leader executing them in person. This change as the employees would have implies the
presence of delegation. been involved in the process of change. Workers also develop a
• Employees have greater involvement greater sense of self - esteem, due to in decision-making,
all employees importance given to their ideas and affected by a decision are consulted their
contributions. before the it is made
• Two way communication is an
Increased productivity as motivation
important feature with democratic minimises counterproductive leadership, the
manager gets feedback
behaviours such as labour
from the subordinates absenteeism, material wastage, work
• Emphasis on delegation and accidents, missing of targets and
consultation although the leader still reduces the labour turnover rates.
makes the final decision, this positively affects the
quality of the
decisions made as he/she is in a better It is an effective in finding solutions position to make
When laissez-faire leadership is used - Individuals dislike work and avoid it where
inappropriately in organizations, projects or possible. Therefore, people must be
settings, it can create more problems than it controlled and threatened for them to work
resolves. If groups or team members lack hard enough
sufficient skills, experience or motivation to - Individuals, who lack ambition, dislike
complete projects, the organization suffers in responsibility and prefer to be led.
the following ways: - Individuals desire security above
• The style may make it difficult for
senior management to coordinate the The management implications for Theory X workers
various efforts were that, to achieve organisational objectives, a
• Results in a lack of accountability for business would need to impose a management
organizations, groups or teams and system of coercion, control and punishment. This is
failure to achieve goals in line with the autocratic leadership style.
• Leads to ineffective time management
by teams, resulting in ambiguous Theory Y workers were characterised by
objectives and missed deadlines McGregor as:
Marketing management is the process of identifying The term market refers to the group of consumers or
consumer needs and satisfying them at a profit. The organisations that is interested in the product, has the
needs include both current and future needs.
resources to purchase the product and is permitted satisfy the needs of the customers, therefore
by law and other regulations to acquire the product. the two functions have to work hand in hand
in achieving this. The marketing
This definition is different from the common department will provide consumer
misconception of defining a market as a physical feedback to the production department.
place. This definition is too 2. Finance: the finance department is
shallow as technological improvements responsible for handling the financial
have made it possible for trade to take place in the matters of the organisation. The major
absence of physical contact between buyers and source of revenue in any organisation is
sellers. sales revenue. For the finance department to
perform its duties effectively it has to rely
Role of marketing mainly on the marketing function. They
have to work together in matters to do with
Marketing managers are responsible for most of the
pricing decisions and credit policy issues
activities necessary to create the customers the
e.g. cash discounts, credit periods,
organization wants. Marketing activities include:
3. Human resources: the HR function has the
• Identifying customer needs
duty to hire and retain competent staff
• Designing goods and services that meet
within the organisation. Individuals value
those needs
security therefore they prefer competitive
• Communication information about those
organisations. The marketing function is
goods and services to prospective buyers
responsible for ensuring that the
• Making the goods and services available at
organisation’s products are competitive in
times and places that meet customers’
the market. This implies that the HR
functions become easier if the marketing
needs function is operating efficiently.
• Pricing goods and services to reflect costs,
competition and customers’ ability to buy To sum up, the marketing function is central to the
• Providing for the necessary service and success of every organisation. It plays a critical role
follow-up to ensure customer satisfaction of staff advisory role to other organisational
after the purchase functions. This explains why most successful
entities in the history of business are market oriented.
Marketing and other functions
• Low cost of collecting data and the research In a stratified sample the sampling frame is divided
can be completed in a shorter period into non-overlapping groups or strata, e.g.
• Effective in collecting qualitative data geographical areas, age-groups, gender. A sample is
• Reliable data is collected as knowledgeable taken from each stratum, and when this sample is a
consumers are included in the panels simple random sample it is referred to as stratified
random sampling.
• Selection of the panel could be biased
• Divisible into relevant strata
• The opinions of the panel may not be
representative of the whole population
• Data obtained is accurate
• Difficult to collect quantitative data
• Easily accessible
• The sample is more representative of the
• It is easier to use as there is no need for a
sample frame
• Stratification allows researchers to compare
data collected from different
• Risk of sampling bias as respondents can be
selected based on ease of access and costs,
this may make the sample less
The diagram shows that at a higher price the
quantity demanded is low, the quantity demanded
• It must be possible to divide the population increases as the price falls. The resultant curve is
into different strata, i.e. each subject must called a demand curve. The curve shows the
belong to only one strata quantities which consumers are willing to buy at a
• In cases were more strata are identified, it given price.
can result in a larger population size which
can lead to higher costs
Elasticity of demand
Price elasticity of demand The diagram shows a 25% price cut from $1 to
Income elasticity of demand $0.75. This resulted in an increase in quantity
Cross elasticity of demand demanded of in a 200% from 3units to 9 units.
Therefore, the PED coefficient is [200/-25] -8, this
shows that demand is more sensitive to price
changes (elastic)
• The concept of elasticity is used to enable
management to assess the effect of
adjusting the price to the total revenue of
the business
• Total revenue is obtained by multiplying
the number of units sold with the selling
price. Diagrammatically, it is represented
by the rectangular shape under the demand
curve below the price and to the left of the
quantity demanded.
• This implies, the greater the total revenue
the better for the business, because revenue
contributes positively to profits
• When demand is elastic reducing the price The diagram shows a relatively inelastic demand
will result in an increase in total revenue as curve were a 100% price increase has resulted in a
25% decline in quantity demanded. This gives us a
the firm foregoes a smaller proportion of
PED coefficient of [-25%/100%] 0.25.
income to get a higher amount
• When deciding on the appropriate • When demand is inelastic increasing the
marketing mix, the marketing manager has price will increase the total revenue because
to consider the PED customers will continue to demand the
• However, the concept of elasticity is more product despite price increase
relevant to firms pursuing the revenue • It is advisable for the business to increase
maximising objective as economic theory the price whenever it faces an inelastic
highlights that profits are not maximised demand curve
when total revenue is at its maximum
Inelastic demand
This measures the sensitivity of quantity demand to
• Demand is inelastic when a price change changes in the levels of consumer disposable income.
will result in a less than proportionate It is given by the formula
(smaller) change in quantity demanded
• Demand is less sensitive to price changes,
therefore customers continue to demand the
product despite a price increase, in the same
The formula gives us the income elasticity of
sense a price fall does not motivate
demand (I.E.D) coefficient.
consumers to buy much more.
• When demand is inelastic, reducing the
price results in a fall in total revenue while
increasing the price increases the total The coefficient can either be negative or positive.
revenue The direction sign shows the relationship between
• This is illustrated in the diagram below quantity demanded and income i.e. weather quantity
demanded varies directly (+) or inversely (-) with
income. The results are used to classify goods into
normal and inferior goods.
It measures the degree of responsiveness of the The marketing manager must preserve the market
quantity demanded of one good to changes in the share by adjusting the price in line with changes in
price of another good. The cross elasticity of demand the prices of other related products.
coefficient is computed using the formula
• The business tends to benefit if a competitor
% raises the price of its product, therefore
management hat to take no action if the
Interpretation of the CED coefficient price of a substitute increases, this will
result in increased demand for the
When other factors remain constant the C.E.D. business’s products
coefficient is used to define the relationship between
• The business can respond by considering and growth stage of the PLC while it
increasing the scale of production if the becomes less sensitive in the growth and
competitor firm hikes its price decline stage
• On the other hand, a decline in the price of
a substitute has negative effects on the
demand of the firms product.
Forecasting is the use of historic data to determine
• Management can consider responding by
the direction of future trends. Businesses use
cutting its price if a substitute good had its
forecasts to allocate resources e.g. budgets are based
price cut
on projected demand.
Complimentary goods
Need for forecasting
• Management has to consider by reducing Businesses need to forecast for them to enjoy the
the price of a complimentary good in the following advantages associated with proper
event that the price of the other compliment planning. The main reason for forecasting is to
has increased enable businesses to make quality decisions in the
• This serves to compensate the consumer for face of an uncertain future. The benefits of
the price rise as the consumer considers the forecasting are outlined below
total cost of purchasing the product as
opposed to the individual costs of the 1. Inventory and product management:
individual components sales forecasting allows the business to
• If the price of compliments has declined the efficiently manage inventory levels to avoid
firm can anticipate increased demand, and stock outs and minimise stock holding
plan for it. It can also consider increasing it costs. Having an idea about the expected
price sales volume ensures that the business has
sufficient inventory levels to meet
Promotional spending elasticity of demand forecasted demand,
2. Customer information: sales forecasting
It measures the responsiveness of quantity
allows management to establish trends for
demanded to a change in promotional expenditure.
individual customers based on demand
It is given by the formula
patterns. This will help in the formulation
of a marketing strategy which appeals to the
different classes of customers.
3. Formulating Plans: Forecasting provides
Interpretation a logical basis for preparing plans. It plays
a major role in managerial planning and
supplies the necessary information. The
• If the coefficient if greater than 1, it shows
future assessment of various factors is
that demand is more responsive to changes
essential for preparing plans. In fact,
in promotional expenditure e.g.
planning without forecasting is
impossibility. Henry Fayol has rightly
• Whenever a change in advertising
observed that the entire plan of an
expenditure triggers a more than
enterprise is made up of a series of plans
proportionate change in quantity demand. It
called forecasts
is advisable to increase investment in
4. Long term planning: valid sales forecasts
advertising expenditure because it yields a
give the business a framework for setting
greater increase in market share
realistic goals for its sales teams. Realistic
• However, if demand is less sensitive to
forecasts enable managers to apply a
promotional expenditure it is advisable for
proactive approach in managing the affairs
the business to cut on promotional
of the business in matters related to the
expenditure as the cost of doing so
recruitment and training of employees
outweighs the benefits
based on forecasted demand. Forecasts
• Demand is more sensitive to changes in
gives management time to arrange the
promotional expenditure in the introduction
financing needed for financing. Hence, based on the sales of January through March,
Management can plan new facilities for you predict that sales in April will be $128,333.
production and storage when and where Once April’s actual sales come in, you would then
they will do the most good. compute the forecast for May, this time using
February through April. One has to be consistent
To sum up, forecasting is a necessity to every with on number of periods used in computing the
business organisation. The success or failure of any moving average.
organisation depends mainly on its ability to make
realistic forecasts Moving averages smooth out the effect of seasonal
fluctuations in making forecasts which make them
FORECASTING METHODS more reliable. However, the number of periods used
Forecasting methods can be divided into qualitative in moving average forecasts is arbitrary, one may use
and quantitative. The approach used is dependent on only two-periods, or five or six periods – whatever is
the nature of information available for forecasting desired to generate the forecasts.
Advantages of quantitative forecasting:
Quantitative forecasting • Numerical information is easier to interpret
Quantitative forecasting involves the use of and easy to analyse for example graphs can
numerical facts and historical data to predict be made.
upcoming events. Quantitative forecasting can be • Data can be objectively interpreted and bias
applied when two conditions are satisfied: is often not an issue.
i. numerical information about the past is
Disadvantages of quantitative forecasting:
May lack detail.
ii. it is reasonable to assume that some
aspects of the past patterns will continue • Correlations do not show cause and effect,
into the future. so may be hard to determine this.
Time series and forecasting • Extrapolation may be reductionist – just
A time series is a collection of data over a period of
because there has been a 5% increase in
time on a regular basis e.g. weekly, monthly or
sales over the last few years, doesn’t mean
this will continue. External factors may
Moving Averages: forecasting Method affect such forecasts.
Target market
• A target market is the set of customers
sharing common needs, wants &
expectations that a business tries to sell to.
• Selecting the target market is one part of the
marketing strategy process, and should
normally follow an analysis of the available level while spending no more than is
market segment necessary to make that happen.
• It seeks to bring forward the relationship
Marketing audit between cost, efficiency, and the value of
the function.
• A marketing audit is a comprehensive, • Value analysis objectives are:
systematic, independent, and periodic Keep the product’s
examination of a company’s or business uniqueness,
unit’s marketing environment, objectives, Keep perceived value
strategies, and activities, with a view to high, Keep production costs
determining problem areas and down.
opportunities and recommending a plan of
action to improve the company’s marketing Value analysis’ approach focuses on new options for
performance. optimized solutions, new
• A marketing audit is often used by a concepts and functions. These
company reviewing its business strategy. aspects are always considered in terms of how they
A marketing audit can inform management fit into manufacturing costs’ ratio to
with an invaluable customer and market perceived product value, since
insight, vital to help them set realistic manufacturers strive to keep the price points of their
business objectives. products as fair as possible. Ultimately, models need
to be categorized according to where they fit in a
product range, which makes it easier to market each
Internal factors individual model.
Ideally a business would prefer products in all The Ansoff Growth matrix is another marketing
categories (apart from Dogs!) to give it a balanced planning tool that helps a business determine its
portfolio of products. product and market growth strategy.
Market penetration seeks to achieve four main Product development is the name given to a growth
objectives: strategy where a business aims to introduce new
products into existing markets. This strategy may
• Maintain or increase the market share of require the development of new competencies and
current products – this can be achieved by a requires the business to develop modified products
combination of competitive pricing which can appeal to existing markets.
strategies, advertising, sales promotion and
perhaps more resources dedicated to A strategy of product development is particularly
personal selling suitable for a business where the product needs to be
• Secure dominance of growth markets differentiated in order to remain competitive. A
• Restructure a mature market by driving out successful product development strategy places the
competitors; this would require a much marketing emphasis on:
more aggressive promotional campaign,
supported by a pricing strategy designed to • Research & development and innovation
make the market unattractive for • Detailed insights into customer needs (and
competitors how they change)
• Increase usage by existing customers – for • Being first to market
example by introducing loyalty schemes
A market penetration marketing strategy is very
much about “business as usual”. The business is Diversification is the name given to the growth
focusing on markets and products it knows well. It is strategy where a business markets new products in
likely to have good information on competitors and new markets.
on customer needs. It is unlikely, therefore, that this
strategy will require much investment in new market This is an inherently more risk strategy because the
research. business is moving into markets in which it has little
or no experience.
Market development
For a business to adopt a diversification strategy,
Market development is the name given to a growth
therefore, it must have a clear idea about what it
strategy where the business seeks to sell its existing
expects to gain from the strategy and an honest
products into new markets.
assessment of the risks. However, for the right
balance between risk and reward, a marketing
There are many possible ways of approaching this strategy of diversification can be highly rewarding.
strategy, including:
Indirect costs
• Costs that cannot be directly associated
Fixed costs: with specific activities or products are
called indirect costs.
• These costs are constant over a wide • Examples of these costs are rent expense
range of activity and machinery maintenance
Flow production
• This method is used when individual
• Unique, high quality products products move from stage to stage of the
are produced production process as soon as they are
• Workers are often motivated as they take ready, without having to wait for any
pride in their work other products.
• Flow production systems are capable of
Disadvantages producing large quantities of output in a
• The high labour costs relatively short time and so it suits
• Difficult for the business to achieve industries where demand for a product is
economies of scale high and consistent.
• It also suits the production of large
Batch production numbers of a standardised item that only
• Batch production makes products in requires minimal alterations.
separate groups and the products in each • This is often why it is often referred to as
batch go through the whole process mass production.
together. • Flow production usually takes place on a
• The production process involves a number production line - hence the use of the term
of distinct stages and the defining feature production line.
of batch production is that every unit in
the batch must go through an individual Advantages
production stage before the batch as a • Labour costs tend to be relatively low,
whole moves on to the next stage. because much of the process is
• Batch production allows firms to use mechanised and there is little physical
division of labour in the production process handling of products.
• The constant output should make the • Small improvements are less likely to
planning of inputs relatively simple and this require major capital investment than
can lead to the minimisation of input stocks major process changes
through the use of just-in-time (JIT) stock • The ideas come from the talents of the
control existing workforce, as opposed to using
• Quality tends to be consistent and high and R&D, consultants or equipment – any of
it is easy to check the quality of products at which could be very expensive
various points throughout the process. • All employees should continually be
seeking ways to improve their own
Disadvantage performance
• The high initial set-up cost. By definition, • It helps encourage workers to take
capital intensive, high technology ownership for their work, and can help
production lines are going to cost a great reinforce team working, thereby improving
deal of money. worker motivation
• The work involved tends to be boring,
demotivating and repetitive. As Kaizen is characterised by many, small
• The production is affected by a breakdown improvements over time, it contrasts with the
at any point in the production line. major leaps seen in industry when radical new
technology or production methods have been
Kaizen – Continuous improvement introduced. Over the years, the sheer volume of
• Kaizen (or ‘continuous improvement’) is an Kaizen improvements can lead to major advances
approach of constantly introducing small for a firm, but managers cannot afford to overlook
incremental changes in a business in order the need for radical change from time to time.
to improve quality and/or efficiency.
To sum up, for Kaizen to be effective there has to be
• This approach assumes that employees are
a culture of trust between staff and managers,
the best people to identify room for
supported by a democratic structure and a Theory
improvement, since they see the processes
in action all the time. A firm that uses this Y view of employees. Good two-way
communications and a de-layered organisation
approach therefore has to have a culture
that encourages and rewards employees would also support this approach. Nevertheless,
for their contribution to the process. some workers might see the demands as an extra
burden rather than an opportunity and it can take
• Kaizen can operate at the level of an
time to embed Kaizen successfully into an
individual, or through Kaizen Groups or
organisation’s culture.
Quality Circles which are groups specifically
brought together to identify potential
• This approach would also be compatible Capacity utilisation
with Team working, as improvements
Capacity utilisation measures the extent to which a
could form an important part of the team’s
business is using its production potential.
• Variable costs are those costs which vary directly with the
level of output, i.e. the costs increase with output as
illustrated below
Testing Disadvantages
• Initial introduction costs- training workers
This method involves testing the output produced
and disrupting current production whilst
to establish if it confines to acceptable quality
being implemented
standards. The major weakness of this approach is
• Benefits may not be seen for several years
that it is reactive as it seeks to identify poor quality
• Workers may be resistant to change – may
products as opposed to avoiding their production.
feel less secure in jobs
Some tests are destructive to the product i.e. a
product used for testing can no longer be sold to
To sum up, the success of TQM will depend upon
earn income.
the attitudes of workers throughout the business
3. Total Quality Management and how readily they accept the changes to their
An alternative and increasingly popular method of traditional working practices. This implies that the
ensuring quality is known as Total Quality level of worker motivation is critical for the success
of TQM