Characterlab WOOP

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WOOP for Classrooms: Overview W W W. C H A R A C T E R L A B .




WOOP is a practical, accessible, evidence- Everyone can use WOOP, including Like any skill, WOOP takes practice and
based activity that helps students find teachers. In fact, it’s most effective when patience to master. It’s common to struggle
and fulfill their wishes. In character teachers have first-hand experience with at first. When practicing WOOP yourself,
development terms, WOOP builds self- the process. Try WOOP yourself before be willing to experiment with different
control. teaching it to your students. approaches. When teaching WOOP, go
slowly so students can WOOP thoughtfully,
WOOP is named for each step in the WOOP is especially helpful for anyone who without interruption. It’s worth it: Teaching
process: identifying your Wish, imagining procrastinates, who feels anxious about students how to achieve important wishes
the Outcome, anticipating the Obstacle, and taking the first step—and the next step— is the difference between a lifetime of “I
developing a specific Plan. toward their wish. wanted to” and a lifetime of “I did.”

More than 20 years of research shows WHAT’S THE SCIENCE? WOOP RESOURCES:
that WOOP improves students’ effort, Developed by Gabriele Oettingen and
attendance, homework completion, and Peter M. Gollwitzer, professors at New
GPA. York University, WOOP has been tested in
classrooms, gyms, and health care settings.
You can introduce WOOP any time of the In schools, WOOP significantly improves
year. It works best when it becomes a habit, effort, attendance, homework completion, 1 MINUTE
not a one-off activity, so we recommend and GPA. Outside of schools, WOOP has OVERVIEW
introducing it early in the semester. The been shown to reduce stress, increase
earlier and more often you help students engagement, improve time management,
WOOP, the more they develop a habit and promote physical health.
of WOOPing. Make it a regular practice
to check in about previous WOOPs and WHAT MAKES IT EFFECTIVE?
develop new ones. Often, people fixate on how great it would
feel to achieve their wish—but overlook
WOOP can help with any kind of wish, the obstacles to that wish. WOOP works
whether it’s something large (“I want to because it guides students through those
start a school newspaper”) or comparatively in-between and oft-forgotten steps. RETHINKING
small (“I want to get an A in Science this POSITIVE
quarter”). WOOP works equally well for Rather than pursuing goals that feel PREP BY GABRIELE
academic, athletic, or personal wishes. It imposed by others, WOOP taps into a ACTIVITY OETTINGEN
can be used one-on-one, in a small group, or student’s intrinsic interests.
with an entire class.

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WOOP for Classrooms: Facilitation Guide W W W. C H A R A C T E R L A B . O R G


Before using WOOP, students should WHAT’S THE BEST WAY TO BRING WOOP INTO MY When you’re ready to WOOP, try saying
understand the steps and how it might something like this to the class:
be different from goal-setting exercises The best approach is to use WOOP yourself
they’ve used before: first. Then, work with small groups of “WOOP is a strategy that will help you gain
students to practice facilitating. When
Prep Activity insight into your daily life and fulfill your
1. you are ready to use WOOP with the whole
class, you could introduce WOOP in a mini- wishes. Relax while I guide you through
• In question 2, students will likely think
lesson before guiding the class through the WOOP. The next few minutes are just for
Student A will succeed.
• In question 3, play the WOOP video, WOOP process. you.”
Hidden Brain podcast, or explain the
steps of WOOP. AS A FACILITATOR, HOW DIRECTIVE SHOULD I BE? “WISH: Write a wish that is important to you.
• In question 4, guide students to discover In order for WOOP to be successful, the The wish should be difficult but achievable.
that positive thinking (student A) is not participant needs to think through and State it briefly.”
the best approach identify their own wish, outcome, obstacle,
• Student B is the closest to using WOOP and plan. You might see the wish and “OUTCOME: How will it feel when you
because they consider an obstacle and plan. obstacle as obvious for this person, but you accomplish this?
want the person to work it out and have Close your eyes and really imagine it.”
2. Animation their own breakthrough. Be patient.
CAN I MAKE CHANGES TO THE WOOP PROCESS? “OBSTACLE: What is an internal obstacle?
3. Examples (Student + Teacher) No: the science behind the success of This must be something that you have
4. Student Activity WOOP has to do with the exact formula. control over.
The sequence, language, imagery and Close your eyes and imagine your obstacle.”
state of mind created are all critical to the
method’s success. “PLAN: What is your specific plan? What is
the exact thing you will do? This plan should
GOAL-SETTING STRATEGIES? be easy to remember.”
WOOP focuses on mental contrasting,
which asks participants to contrast their “We just completed WOOP. We’ll check in on
wishes with potential obstacles. The (date, time) again. WOOP is most helpful
visualization process helps participants when it becomes a habit, so we’ll practice
vividly experience their desired futures in WOOP more and you’ll find it easier each
contrast with the obstacles. Then, when time.”
an obstacle arises, a nonconscious signal
triggers a participant’s effective action.

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WOOP for Classrooms: Prep Activity Name

1. Three high school sophomores would like to make Honor Roll this quarter, but their English grades are too low.
Read what each student is thinking and consider: Who is most likely to make Honor Roll?

I’ve wanted to make Honor Roll I’d really like to make Honor Roll I know I have a low grade in
since my freshman year and finally and I know that means getting my English because I’m not reading
earning it is going to be so great. English grade up. I really want to every night. I just end up on my
Some of my friends think I can’t send good grades to colleges in a phone after school. I don’t even
do it but I know that I can get my few years, but sometimes I waste know if I can get my grade up.
grade up and hit my goal if I just time on my phone. Maybe I should Making Honor Roll would be great
keep reminding myself of how put my phone away for just a little but it just might not be possible
much I want to do this. studying time every night. this quarter.


2. Which student is most likely to fulfill their wish and why?

3. Learning about a powerful strategy called WOOP might change your answer. As you hear or read about WOOP, note what each step of
the process involves.

4. Based on what you just learned, which student seems the most likely to fulfill their wish?

We are now ready to do WOOP together to think about how to fulfill wishes you have.
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WOOP helps people do the things they really want to do.


What is an important wish that you want My wish:

to accomplish? Your wish should be
challenging but feasible.


What will be the best result from Best outcome:

accomplishing your wish? How will
you feel?
Pause and really imagine the outcome.


What is the main obstacle inside you that My obstacle:

might prevent you from accomplishing
your wish?
Pause and really imagine the obstacle.

What’s an effective action to tackle
the obstacle? Make a when-then plan.
Then I will:
(my action)

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W W W. C H A R A C T E R L A B . O R G

WOOP helps people do the things they really want to do.

Specific; requires self-control;
WISH can be accomplished in time frame
What is an important wish that you want
to accomplish? Your wish should be
My wish: Get an A on my biology quiz
challenging but feasible.

Fulfilling and motivating; clearly visualized;
OUTCOME reduced to most crucial aspects
What will be the best result from
accomplishing your wish? How will
Best outcome: I’ll feel proud
you feel?
Pause and really imagine the outcome.

Inner obstacle, not outside barrier; clearly
OBSTACLE visualized; reduced to most crucial aspects
What is the main obstacle inside you that My obstacle: I procrastinate
might prevent you from accomplishing
your wish?
Pause and really imagine the obstacle.

Observable action rather than internal decision

What’s an effective action to tackle

When: I finish dinner
the obstacle? Make a when-then plan. Student has all resources/skills needed to
Then I will: implement plan
(my action)
Make 5 flash cards
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