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Electronic Warfare
Training Courses
For the Modern Warfighter
Capability Overview

MASS is the UK’s leading provider of independent Electronic

Warfare Operational Support (EWOS) training, products and
services across the air, land and maritime domains.

Our expertise spans the entire field of EW support, ranging

from operationally focused training, design and installation of
operational support centres and EW training schools through
to countermeasures development, data management, and the
provision of EW Consultants.

We are the route to Our proven capability is founded on many years of dedicated
operational independence in support to the UK Defence EW Centre where we have supplied
EW for our customers. world leading expertise in countermeasures development and
sophisticated EW data management. Our next generation EW
data management system, THURBON™, has been selected to
replace the current UK Defence EW Database.

Primary Business Areas EW Training. MASS has considerable experience of training

foreign and domestic armed forces in all aspects of air, land
• EW Training and maritime EW. Providing a unique mix of operational and
• EW Training Schools technical instruction, founded on UK military and scientific
• EW Centre Design and experience, we offer a tiered approach to developing EW
Development capability.
• EW Data Management
Systems Our approach to training uses a combination of traditional
• Countermeasures classroom instruction underpinned by the use of sophisticated
Development modelling and simulation tools. This blended solution enables
students to develop their skills more quickly, expediting the
route to operational effectiveness.

Trusted to provide advice and We offer a flexible approach to specific course design. All of our
support to the UK Ministry of courses are adaptable, and can be tailored to specific customer
Defence. requirements. Courses can either be delivered at our state-of-
the-art UK training facilities in Lincoln, or at an agreed customer

Our unique Electronic Warfare Mission Support Tool (EWMST)

incorporates planning applications for Electronic Support

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MASS has a proven track Measures (ESM), Counter Remote Controlled Improvised
record in the provision of Explosive Device Electronic Warfare (CREW), EW asset
Foundation to Advanced management and jamming mission planning.
level EW training to many
international customers. In addition it provides a dynamic Path Profile Analysis (PPA) tool
to aid in the planning, positioning and management of traditional
communications platforms whilst adding Situational Awareness
(SA) by highlighting likely enemy positions. EWMST is utilised
as a briefing tool in our EW training courses.

EW Training Schools. Using a proven model based on

our UK EW training facilities we are able to design and
install complete networked training schools, equipped with
sophisticated simulation tools that are configured to meet
customers’ specific requirements.

EW Centre Design and Development. Using our wide-

ranging expertise of EW Centre operations we can design
and install scalable EW Centres tailored to specific customer
requirements. Using in-country experts we can provide a totally
integrated support solution able to develop with your specific
needs and EW capabilities.

EW Data Management Systems. Our next generation EW

Data Management System (EWDMS), THURBON™, provides
users with the capability to store and manage complex platform,
sensor and weapon system data. This facilitates an enhanced
capability to conduct Electronic Order of Battle (EOB) analysis;
EW planning and automated intercepts analysis.

Countermeasures Development. Outside of Government

departments, we are unique in our ability to offer a design and
development service for platform protection countermeasures
& tactics, advanced engagement models and effectiveness
evaluation using tests and trials. Customers can be provided
with technical assistance from Domain Knowledge Experts
(DKE) with military and scientific backgrounds, or the relevant
training support to provide self-sufficiency.

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Introduction to Electronic Warfare (EW)

For further information on any Overview

of our courses or to speak to
one of our experts, please EW is defined as any military action involving the use of
contact: +44 (0)1480 222600 Electromagnetic (EM) emissions and Directed Energy (DE) to
or email: [email protected] control the EM Spectrum (EMS) or to attack the enemy.

EW is one of the most important aspects of modern air, land

and maritime warfare as it can affect a military force’s use
of communications, radar, avionics, guided weapons and
Intelligence Surveillance Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance
(ISTAR) assets. EW has become an integral part in the Find Fix
Finish Exploit Analyse Disseminate (F³EAD) process.

Modern adversaries will also attempt to exploit the EMS. To

combat this, EW can be used to gather information which
can be turned into “Actionable Intelligence” and subsequently
reported as threat warnings. These threat warnings can be
utilised in the employment of Force Protection (FP) measures.

The terminology used to describe the divisions of EW varies

between nations and across the three Battlespace domains of
air, land and maritime. The most notable of these are explained

Electronic Warfare Support ESM refers to the provision of Intelligence, SA, threat warnings
Measures (ESM) and Indicators and Warnings (I&W). ESM is also referred to as
Electronic Support or more recently Electronic Surveillance (ES)
in the widely used ‘effects-based’ terminology.

Electronic Countermeasures ECM refers to jamming, deceiving, disrupting and denying an

(ECM) adversary’s electronic equipment. ECM is more commonly
referred to as Electronic Attack (EA).

Electronic Protection EPM refers to Electronic Protection (EP), or more recently

Measures (EPM) Electronic Defence (ED), ensures the effective use of the EMS
by Friendly Forces. Activities in this area include emission
control (EMCON) for radars, communications systems and
CREW. EPM may also be referred to as Electronic Counter
Countermeasures (ECCM).

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Pantone 115U Pantone 300U

MASS Electronic Warfare Training Courses


Electronic Warfare Foundation 6

Acoustic Analysis and Anti-Submarine Warfare Fundamentals 7

Air and Maritime Platform Protection (Level 1) 8
Air and Maritime Platform Protection (Level 2) 9
Airmanship for Sensor Operators 10
Anti-Submarine Warfare (Level 1) 11
Anti-Submarine Warfare (Level 2) 12
Anti-Submarine Warfare (Level 3) 13
Anti-Submarine Warfare Familiarisation for Principal Warfare Officers 14
Comms Electronic Support Measures (ESM) Level 1 15
Comms ESM Level 2 16
Comms Intelligence (COMINT) Analysis 17
Countermeasures Design 18
Countermeasures Development and Platform Protection 19
Electronic Intelligence (ELINT) Analysis 20
Electronic Warfare Data Management 21
Electronic Warfare Operational Support 22
Electronic Warfare Staff 23
Geospatial Intelligence 24
Information Operations 25
Radar ESM / Radar Fundamentals (Level 1) 26
Radar ESM / Radar Techniques (Level 2) 27
Radar Signal Processing 28
Robust Comms 29
Robust EOIR 30
Robust Radar 31
Threat Vulnerability Analysis and Countermeasures Development - Introduction 32
Weapon System Exploitation 33

Specialist Tactical Data Link (TDL) Courses 34

E: [email protected] | T: +44 (0) 1480 222600 | www.mass.co.uk 5

Electronic Warfare Foundation

The course will provide Course Content Course Duration

personnel with an introduction
to EW and Signals The EW Foundation course 10 days
Intelligence (SIGINT). modules will include the
following areas: Entry Criteria

• Components of EW and No prior knowledge of EW is

SIGINT required prior to attendance.
• The Electromagnetic
Spectrum (EMS)
• Wave theory and
• Comms Electronic
Support Measures
(CESM) fundamentals
• Radar Electronic
Support Measures
(RESM) fundamentals
• Intelligence feeds and
• Operational use of EW
in air, land and maritime
• Battlespace Spectrum
Management (BSM)
• The role of the EW
Coordination Cell (EWCC)
• Electro-Optic and Infra-
Red (EO&IR) overview
• Intelligence Surveillance
Target Acquisition and
Reconnaissance (ISTAR)
• Platform / Force

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Acoustic Analysis and Anti-Submarine

Warfare Fundamentals

The course will provide Course Content • Identification and

personnel with 12 weeks of classification of secondary
training in modern principles The Acoustic Analysis and contacts
of sonar, focusing primarily Anti-Submarine Warfare • Lost contact procedures
on passive sonar in an (ASW) Fundamentals course • Effects of active sonar on
operational environment. modules will include the marine life
Upon completion, personnel following areas:
will understand the Course Duration
fundamentals of the sonar and • Interpreting and exploiting
acoustic sphere of operations. the underwater 60 days
• Pre-mission threat Entry Criteria
assessments and
awareness of evolving No previous ASW experience
technologies required but previous
- Prediction of target EW experience would be
detection ranges beneficial prior to attendance.
• Sensor deployment
• Detection and tracking of
contacts using passive
and active sonar
• Detection and tracking of
contacts using non-
acoustic methods
• Calculation of target
speed using Demodulated
Noise (DEMON) / Low
Frequency Analysis
and Recording (LOFAR)
signatures and Doppler
• Signature recognition
• Contact classification
using LOFAR and
DEMON tools

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Air and Maritime Platform Protection
(Level 1)

The course will provide Course Content Course Duration

personnel with an awareness
of the primary factors involved The Air and Maritime Platform 5 days
in the vulnerability and Protection Level 1 course
protection of air and maritime modules will include the Entry Criteria
platforms. following areas:
Completion of the EW
• Threat systems Foundation Course would be
• Platform vulnerability beneficial prior to attendance.
- Radar Cross Section
- Infra-Red (IR) Signature
• Stealth technology
• Threat avoidance
• Threat detection
• Countering the threat
- Jamming (including
noise and deception
- Expendables and
decoys (including chaff
and flare)
- Defensive tactics
• Introduction to
Suppression of Enemy Air
Defence (SEAD)

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Air and Maritime Platform Protection

(Level 2)

The course builds on the Course Content • Countering the threat

Air and Maritime Platform through:
Protection Level 1 course, The Air and Maritime Platform - Advanced jamming
equipping personnel with Protection Level 2 course techniques
enhanced knowledge of the modules will include the - Expendables and
vulnerabilities and protection following areas: decoys (including chaff,
of air and maritime platforms. flare and Towed Radar
• Advanced threat systems Decoy (TRD))
including: • Suppression of Enemy Air
- Radar-Guided Surface Defence (SEAD)
to Air Missiles (SAM)
- Electro-Optic / Infra-Red Course Duration
(EOIR) guided SAMs
◦ Short Range Air 5 days
Defence System
(SHORADS) Entry Criteria
◦ Man Portable
Air Defence Systems Completion of the EW
(MANPADS) Foundation and the Platform
• In depth platform Protection Level 1 courses
vulnerability including: would be beneficial prior to
- Radar Cross Section attendance.
- Infra-Red (IR) signature
• Low Observables / Stealth
• Threat avoidance utilising:
- Intelligence
- Tactics, Techniques and
Procedures (TTP)
• Threat detection

E: [email protected] | T: +44 (0) 1480 222600 | www.mass.co.uk 9

Airmanship for Sensor Operators

The course is for air, land and Course Content Course Duration
maritime personnel training
to become airborne sensor The Airmanship for Sensor 5 days
operators. The Airmanship Operators course modules will
for Sensor Operators course include the following areas: Entry Criteria
will provide students with a
sound grounding in the factors • Theory of flight No previous knowledge of
affecting safety and situational • Airfield arrival and Airmanship is required for
awareness whilst in and departure procedures attendance.
around aircraft. • Classifications of airspace
(airways, Visual Flight
Rules (VFR) airspace,
Instrument Flight Rules
(IFR) airspace)
• Navigational concepts
• Aircraft instrumentation
• Air traffic radio procedures
• Maps and charts
• In-flight awareness (fuel
monitoring, the need for
air safety, diversion
airfields, intercom)
• Meteorological conditions
(air pressure, pressure
regions, temperature,
clouds, weather fronts,
wind shear, icing)
• Aero-medical topics
(effects of g, hypoxia,
• Flight safety

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Pantone 115U Pantone 300U

Anti-Submarine Warfare (Level 1)

The course will provide Course Content Course Duration

personnel with theoretical
knowledge of underwater The ASW Level 1 course 5 days
sensors and Anti-Submarine modules will include the
Warfare (ASW), basic following areas: Entry Criteria
oceanography, how sound
travels in water and some • Knowledge of acoustic No previous ASW experience
of the factors that impact on operations required for attendance.
their sensors. A theoretical - Sound in water
awareness of active and - Sound sources
passive sonar systems is • Knowledge of
underpinned by instructor led oceanography
practical exercises. - Ocean variables
• Introduction to active and
passive systems
- Active sonar
advantages &
- Passive sonar
advantages &
- Introduction into
operational employment
of both active and
• Awareness of the effects
of the environment
- Wind / rain / fronts and
eddies / topography
• Introduction into tactical
• Basic signature reduction
- Compartment noise
rounds overview

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Anti-Submarine Warfare (Level 2)

The course will build on Course Content - Demodulated Noise

knowledge gained during (DEMON) / LOFAR
the Anti-Submarine Warfare The ASW Level 2 course and aural analysis
(ASW) Level 1 course. modules will include the practical exercises
Personnel will be introduced following areas: • Operational
to departmental organisation considerations / detection
for watch keeping, training • Intermediate underwater and classification – active
and records collection. acoustics sonar:
• Acoustics - ray paths and - Mono-static / bi-static /
sound transmission multi-static / parametric
modes sonar
• Oceanography – ocean - Doppler theory
variables: - Pulse types
- Ocean fronts and their - Anechoic cladding
effect on sound - Marine life and active
propagation sonar
- Eddies / vertical ocean
• Effects of the Course Duration
- Ocean bottom 5 days
composition &
topography Entry Criteria
- Continental slope and
rise / deep ocean basin Completion of ASW Level
• Operational 1 training or 18 months
considerations / detection experience of sonar
and classification - operations would be beneficial
passive sonar: prior to attendance.
- Narrowband / Low
Frequency Analysis
and Recording (LOFAR)
- Cavitation / main
propulsion machinery /
propulsion noise

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Pantone 115U Pantone 300U

Anti-Submarine Warfare (Level 3)

The course builds on Anti- Course Content Course Duration

Submarine Warfare (ASW)
Level 2 and will provide The ASW Level 3 course 5 days
personnel with extensive modules will include the
knowledge of underwater following areas: Entry Criteria
sensors and ASW. Personnel
will be capable of applying this • Operational Completion of ASW Level
knowledge to brief command considerations: 2 training or equivalent
and formulate sonar search - ASW shipboard experience of sonar
plans. On completion of the organisation operations would be beneficial
course, attendees will be fully - Mission planning prior to attendance.
prepared to fulfil their role as - Acoustics
departmental supervisors. • Effects of the environment
/ mission planning
- Environmental
• ASW tactics /
- Submarine search and
evasion techniques
• Submarine propulsion
• Advanced passive sonar
• Self noise
- Signature reduction

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Anti-Submarine Warfare Familiarisation for
Principal Warfare Officers

The course will provide the Course Content Course Duration

Principal Warfare Officer
(PWO) with sufficient The ASW Familiarisation for 10 days
understanding of Anti- PWO course modules will
Submarine Warfare (ASW) to include the following areas: Entry Criteria
provide tactical advice to their
Commanding Officer, to write • ASW Command and PWOs qualifying or
an Operational Tasking Signal Control (C2) undergoing refresher training.
directing the ASW effort and • ASW tactics /
perform the duties of the Head countermeasures
of the ASW Department. • Submarine search and
evasion techniques
• Operational
• Submarine propulsion
• Environmental effects
• Personnel / training
• ASW shipboard
• Signature reduction / self
• Threat / principles of Mine
Countermeasures (MCM)
• ASW mission planning
and execution

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Pantone 115U Pantone 300U

Comms Electronic Support Measures

(Level 1)

The course will provide Course Content Course Duration

personnel with training
and knowledge of Comms The Comms ESM Level 1 10 days
Electronic Support Measures course modules will include
(ESM) theory in order to the following areas: Entry Criteria
prepare for Comms ESM
operator roles. • Comms networks Completion of the EW
• Comms targeting Foundation Course would be
• Roles and responsibilities beneficial prior to attendance.
of the CESM operator and
EW Supervisor
• Basic code breaking
• Network and traffic (1st
line) analysis
• Global System for Mobile
(GSM) Comms overview
• Satellite Communications
(SATCOM) overview
• Radio Controlled
Improvised Explosive
Device (RCIED) overview
• Counter RCIED Electronic
Warfare (CREW)
• Introduction to EW
• Introduction to complex

E: [email protected] | T: +44 (0) 1480 222600 | www.mass.co.uk 15

Comms Electronic Support Measures
(Level 2)

The course will provide Course Content Course Duration

personnel with an in-depth
knowledge of Comms The Comms ESM Level 2 15 days
Electronic Support Measures course modules will include
(ESM). Upon successful the following areas: Entry Criteria
completion, personnel will
be able to demonstrate • Propagation, antennas Completion of the Comms
their knowledge of complex and complex wave forms ESM Level 1 course or at
signals and data exploitation • Initial Intercept Plan (IIP) least 1 year operational
concepts, with an emphasis • Production of appropriate Comms ESM experience
on modern Comms systems level Intelligence reports would be beneficial prior to
and emerging capabilities. • Prioritise target tasks for attendance.
search / intercept plans
• Analogue and Digital
comms including:
- Direct Sequence
Spread Spectrum
- Terrestrial Trunk Radio
- Voice Over Internet
Protocol (VoIP)
- Global System for
Mobile (GSM) Comms
infrastructure and
associated architecture
- High Power Cordless
Phones (HPCP)
- WiMax / OSI 7 layer
- Synchronous and
• Comms ESM support to
Electronic Attack (EA)
• Comms ESM support to
Electronic Protection (EP)

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Pantone 115U Pantone 300U

Comms Intelligence Analysis

The course will provide Course Content • Intelligence fusion

knowledge and understanding including Intelligence
of Comms Intelligence The COMINT analyst course Surveillance
(COMINT) analysis enabling modules will include the Target Acquisition and
personnel to perform the following areas: Reconnaissance (ISTAR)
duties of a COMINT analyst. sources
Upon successful completion • Roles and responsibilities • Intelligence briefing
of this course using a of the COMINT analyst
combination of lectures, • Analytical processes and Course Duration
practical exercises and problem solving
scenarios, attendees will be • Comms networks and 10 days
fully conversant with the role Orders of Battle (ORBAT)
and responsibilities of the • Intelligence Cycle and EW Entry Criteria
COMINT analyst. Estimate
• Intelligence Preparation Although not a prerequisite,
of the Battlespace (IPB) / it would be beneficial for
Environment (IPE) personnel to have completed
• EW Triage / information the EW Foundation course
prioritisation and/or fulfilled the role of a
• Cryptanalysis techniques COMINT operator prior to
• EW operators log creation attendance.
and interpretation
• Extraction of information
- Operators logs and
- Direction Finding (DF)
- Code words / Cover
• Database manipulation
and processing
• All source Intelligence

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Countermeasures Design

The Countermeasures (CM) Course Content Course Duration

Design course builds on the
Weapon System Exploitation The CM Designer course 5 days
course and will provide modules will include the
personnel with in-depth following areas: Entry Criteria
knowledge and skills for
exploiting and understanding • Design of CM techniques Personnel should have
CM techniques, allowing the and their incorporation completed the Weapon
construction of candidate CM into a defensive tactic System Exploitation
tactics. • Principles of CM course or Introduction
techniques to Threat Vulnerability
Theory lessons are • Design and application of: and Countermeasures
consolidated by exercises and - Chaff programs Development course prior to
case studies through the use - Flare programs attendance.
of CM techniques built into - Electronic CM (ECM)
defensive tactics. techniques
- Defensive manoeuvres
- Decoy techniques
- CM tactics

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Pantone 115U Pantone 300U

Countermeasures Development and

Platform Protection

The Countermeasures (CM) Course Content Course Duration

Development and Platform
Protection course utilises The CM Development and 10 days
modelling software and builds Platform Protection course
on the CM Design course. modules will include the Entry Criteria
The course will provide following areas:
personnel with the knowledge Personnel should
to determine the susceptibility • EW threat analysis to have completed the
of a platform, establish identify vulnerabilities Countermeasures Design
the vulnerabilities of threat such as: course or equivalent prior to
weapon systems and use - Radio Frequency (RF) attending this course.
this information to develop systems
CM to maximise platform - Electro-Optic (EO)
survivability. systems
- Infra-Red (IR) systems
Theory lessons are • Threat receiver
consolidated by exercises techniques influencing
and case studies through the jamming selection
use of engagement modelling • Influence of low
software. observable technologies
on the CM process
• Threat detection and
selection of the
appropriate tactics and
CM development process
• Processes and
procedures used in
developing CM
• Engagement simulations
using modelling software

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Electronic Intelligence Analysis

The course will provide Course Content Course Duration

knowledge and understanding
of Electronic Intelligence The ELINT analysis course 5 days
(ELINT) analysis enabling modules will include the
personnel to perform the following areas: Entry Criteria
duties of an ELINT analyst.
Upon successful completion • Electromagnetic (EM) In order to maximise the
of this course using a wave propagation effectiveness of this training,
combination of lectures, • Radar theory from an attendees should have a basic
practical exercises and ELINT perspective knowledge of radar theory as
scenarios, attendees will be • Radar parametrics to a prerequisite.
fully conversant with the role include:
and responsibilities of the - Pulsed radar
ELINT analyst. waveforms
- Complex RF agile
- Interpulse and
Intrapulse modulation
• ELINT support to EW
• ELINT principles to
- Tasking
- Collection
- Analysis
- Reporting

20 E: [email protected] | T: +44 (0) 1480 222600 | www.mass.co.uk

Pantone 115U Pantone 300U

Electronic Warfare Data Management


The course will provide Course Content Course Duration

personnel with theoretical
and practical experience The EW Data Management 5 days
of Electronic Warfare (EW) Systems course modules will
Data Management Systems include the following areas: Entry Criteria
(EWDMS). The requirement
for effective data management • Database formats No pre-requisite knowledge is
to support EW will be covered • Principles of EW required prior to attending this
along with the necessary Relational Database course.
structures and features of a Management Systems
modern EWDMS. Access to (RDBMS)
advanced EWDMS application • Sub-divisions of an EW
software will be provided to database
support practical exercises. • The principles of:
- EW Intelligence capture
- Using a database to
analyse data
- Database support to
EW equipment
- Electronic Orders of
Battle (EOB) production

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Electronic Warfare Operational Support

The course will provide Course Content Course Duration

personnel with knowledge
and understanding of how The EWOS course modules 5 days
a typical Electronic Warfare will include the following
Operational Support (EWOS) areas: Entry Criteria
Centre provides the requisite
EW support to operational • Purpose of an EWOS No pre-requisite knowledge
Frontline formations. The centre is required but completion of
purpose and capabilities of • Responsibilities and the EW Foundation course
an EWOS centre are covered functions of the various would be beneficial prior to
along with the development departments within an attendance.
processes used to provide EWOS centre
EW mission data and • Skill sets required within
guidance. an EWOS centre
• Use of information
technology within an
EWOS centre
• Intelligence feeds required
by an EWOS centre
• Use of the EWOS product
(mission data including
countermeasures, EW
training and guidance)

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Electronic Warfare Staff

The course will provide Course Content • EW Mutual Support

personnel with in-depth (EWMS):
knowledge of Electronic The EW Staff course modules - Multi-national
Warfare Staff responsibilities will include the following cooperation
and an overview of EW areas: - De-confliction
support to the Joint Force • EW support to the Find
Commander (JFC). Attendees • EW doctrine and Fix Finish Exploit Analyse
will gain an appreciation of principles and Disseminate (F3EAD)
offensive EW effects and • Intelligence gathering cycle
techniques, enabling a more techniques and • EW Intelligence briefings
successful contribution to EW associated outputs
Staff planning at the Joint • Principles of:
Force Headquarters (JFHQ) - Intelligence Surveillance Course Duration
level. Target Acquisition and
Reconnaissance 5 days (theory and practical
(ISTAR) exercises) or
- Command & Control
Warfare (C2W) 10 days (theory and practical
- Information Operations exercises with additional EW
(IO) war-gaming scenarios)
- Electronic Attack (EA)
- Battlespace Spectrum
Management (BSM) Entry Criteria
• EW Coordination Cell
(EWCC) No prerequisite knowledge is
• All-Source Intelligence required in order to participate
Cell (ASIC) in this course, although a
• EW Planning and basic understanding of EW
deployments to include: would be beneficial.
- Intelligence cycle
- EW estimate
- Asset management
- Command and Control
(C2) of offensive EW
• Coordination with
operations, intelligence

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Geospatial Intelligence

The course will provide Course Contents Course Duration

personnel with an overview
and working knowledge The Geospatial Intelligence 5 days
of Geospatial Intelligence course modules will include
(GEOINT) via the use of the following areas: Entry Criteria
Imagery, Imagery Intelligence
(IMINT) and geospatial • Imagery interpretation No previous Geospatial
information. principles, techniques and Intelligence knowledge is
procedures required to participate in this
• Collation, analysis and course.
evaluation of imagery
• Use of geospatial
information including:
- Maps
- Charts
- Grid systems
- On-line mapping tools
• Mosaic construction
• Imagery manipulation
• Dissemination of IMINT
• Production of imagery for
inclusion in target packs
• Analysis of:
- Terrain
- Structures and
- Urban conurbations
• Battle Damage
Assessment (BDA)

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Information Operations

The course will provide Course Content Course Duration

personnel with knowledge of
Information Operations (IO) The Information Operations 5 Days
in the ever evolving sphere of course modules will include
Command & Control Warfare the following areas: Entry Criteria
• Computer Network No previous IO experience
Operations (CNO) required.
• Psychological Operations
(PsyOps) / Media
• Physical destruction
(to include Directed
Energy Weapons (DEW))
• Military presence, posture
and profile
• Information Security (IS) /
Operational Security
• Military deception
• Electronic Warfare (EW)
in support of IO
• Battlespace Spectrum
Management (BSM)
• Civil-Military Cooperation
• Important legal

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Radar Electronic Support Measures / Radar
Fundamentals (Level 1)

The course will provide Course Content Course Duration

personnel with training
and knowledge of Radar The Radar ESM /Radar 10 days
Electronic Support Measures Fundamentals Level 1 course
(ESM) / Radar Fundamentals modules will include the Entry Criteria
theory in order to prepare for following areas:
Radar ESM operator roles. Completion of the EW
• Radar ESM in the modern Foundation Course would be
battlespace beneficial prior to attendance.
• Radar fundamentals and
• Radar parameters
• Radar weapon systems
• Introduction to Electronic
Order of Battle (EOB)
• EW Databases
• Roles and responsibilities
of the Radar ESM
operator and EW
• Introduction to ELINT

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Radar Electronic Support Measures / Radar

Techniques (Level 2)

The course will provide Course Content Course Duration

personnel with an in-
depth knowledge of Radar The Radar ESM / Radar 15 days
Electronic Support Measures Techniques Level 2 course
(ESM) / Radar Techniques modules will include the Entry Criteria
focussing on analysis, following areas:
reporting and planning Successful completion
techniques. Upon successful • Radar theory: of Radar ESM / Radar
completion, personnel will - The radar range Fundamentals Level 1 training
be able to demonstrate their equation would be beneficial prior to
knowledge of advanced radar - Power range attendance.
techniques and specialist relationships
radar applications. - Radar detection range
- Radar Cross Section
• Atmospheric attenuation,
surface reflection,
diffraction and refraction
• Antenna characteristics
and properties
• Radar waveforms and
• ESM / RWR equipment
and weapon systems
• Jamming types and

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Radar Signal Processing

The course will provide an Course Content Course Duration

in-depth understanding of
Radar Signal Processing The Radar Signal Processing 5 days
and receiver design course modules will include
considerations, equipping the following areas: Entry Criteria
personnel with the knowledge
and skills to understand and • Generic Signal processing Personnel should have
exploit radar signal processing architectures completed the EW Foundation
chains. • Design considerations course or equivalent prior to
and mechanisms attendance.
Theory lessons are used with different signal
consolidated by exercises and processing chains
case studies using modelling including:
and simulations. - Surveillance radar
- Doppler processing
- Ground Moving Target
Indicator (GMTI)
- Synthetic Aperture
Radar (SAR) processing

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Robust Comms

The course is designed to Course Content Course Duration

enable personnel to study
communications systems and The Robust Comms course 20 days
their robustness to intentional modules will include the
interference or Electronic following areas: Entry Criteria
Countermeasures (ECM).
• Antenna directivity Personnel should have
• Electronic Attack (EA) / experience of advanced
Electronic Defence (ED) comms engineering.
• Intercept and location
• Introduction to Long
Range Wi-Fi( WiMax)
• Quadrature Amplitude
Modulation (QAM)
• Open Systems
Interconnection 7 Layer
Model (OSI 7 Layer)
• Propagation theory
• Receiver theory
• Role of the Intercept
• Synchronous and
• Thuraya, Iridium, Very-
(VSAT), Inmarsat
• Unintentional RF / RF
Measurement and
Signature Intelligence

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Robust Electro-Optical / Infra-Red Systems

The course is designed to Course Content Course Duration

enable personnel to study
Electro-Optics / Infra-Red The EOIR Systems course 10 days
(EOIR) Systems and their modules will include the
robustness to intentional following areas: Entry Criteria
interference or Electronic
Countermeasures (ECM). • Introduction to EOIR Personnel should have
systems experience of advanced EOIR
• Blackbody radiation, engineering.
reflection and
transmission of radiation
- Types of transduction
• Typical calculations
relating to EOIR spectral
• Optical engineering
• Concepts of active and
passive EOIR systems
• Tracking control of EOIR
• Determining a robust
EOIR system

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Robust Radar

The course is designed to Course Content Course Duration

enable personnel to study
radar systems and their The Robust Radar course 20 days
robustness to intentional modules will include the
interference or Electronic following areas: Entry Criteria
Countermeasures (ECM).
• Roles of radar systems Personnel should have
and ECM in an experience of advanced radar
operational context engineering.
• Detection and tracking
performance of a radar
system in the presence of
noise and clutter
• Calculation of antenna
• Principles of various
radar signal processing
• Configurations and forms
of ECM and prediction of
• Evaluation of Electronic
Protection Measures

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Threat Vulnerability Analysis and
Countermeasures Development - Introduction

The course will provide air and Course Content Course Duration
maritime personnel, involved
in platform protection, with The Threat Vulnerability 5 days
an introduction to threat Analysis and
vulnerability analysis and the Countermeasures Entry Criteria
subsequent development of Development (TVACD) -
effective Countermeasures Introduction course modules Personnel should have
(CM). will include the following completed the Air and
areas: Maritime Platform Protection
Level 1 course prior to
• EW Threat Vulnerability attendance.
Analysis (TVA) of:
- Radio Frequency (RF)
- Electro-Optics (EO)
- Infra-Red (IR) systems
• Receiver techniques
influencing selection of
jamming techniques
• Engagement modelling
- Assessment of generic
CM effectiveness
- Optimisation of CM
versus the threat
- CM robustness

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Weapon System Exploitation

The Weapon System Course Content Course Duration

Exploitation course builds
on the Radar Signal The Weapon System 10 days
Processing course and will Exploitation course modules
provide personnel with the will include the following Entry Criteria
knowledge required to build areas:
candidate weapon system Personnel should have
models from Electronic • Radar and sensor completed the Radar Signal
Intelligence (ELINT) data principles, capabilities and Processing course or
for subsequent exploitation applications equivalent prior to attendance.
and Countermeasures (CM) • Missile design and
development. performance
• ELINT analysis
techniques for exploitation
• Weapon system modelling
and simulation
• Receivers and jamming
• Threat detection, tactics
and CM development
• EW Operational Support
(EWOS) processes
• EW data management

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Tactical Data Link (TDL) Training

Network Enabled Capability (NEC), or Network Centric Warfare

(NCW), provides enhanced military effect through the better
use of information systems and tactical Data Links are one of
the major enablers. All NATO nations and many others, utilise
TDLs to exchange information and to provide command and
control instructions. Depending on the TDL in use, the type of
information exchanged varies, but may include: Surveillance,
Command and Control, EW and various types of management

In association with SyntheSys Systems Engineers, we are now

able to offer TDL training as part of our existing portfolio. These
courses may be taken as part of an EW training course, or as
an independent subject. The training courses are designed as
a staged education, providing the capability to take a student,
with little or no TDL experience, from zero knowledge through to
expert level. The 3 levels are referred to as Basic, Foundation
and Advanced.

TDL courses currently available (with standard duration):


Communications Principles (1 Day)

Introduction to TDL (1 Day)


Joint Range Extension Application Protocol (1 Day)

Introduction to Link 11 (1 Day)

Introduction to Link 22 (2 Days)

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All of the courses are Introduction to VMF (2 ½ Days)

presented by highly qualified
instructors who have Introduction to JTIDS/MIDS Link 16 (2 ½ Days)
extensive experience in the
subject matter. For further
information please contact Advanced
[email protected] or telephone
+44 (0) 1480 222600 Combat Net Radio Protocols-MIL-STD-188-220 (2 Days)

JTIDS/MIDS Network Design and Management (4 Days)

Most courses are supported by simulators, software

demonstrators and/or use of specific tools (e.g. TACTX, DLTS,
TNDS etc). TDL Courses are accompanied by a manual
specific to that subject. Delegates also receive copies of the
slides in both hand-out format and on CD. All courses are
accredited to ISO 9001. Computer Based Trainer (CBT) is
available for Introduction to JTIDS/MIDS Link 16.

TDL Related Courses (All 1 Day)

Frequency Clearance Agreements

Configuration Management

Principles of TDL Testing

TDL Acquisition


Information Exchange Principles

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Glossary of terms and acronyms used in this brochure.

Abbreviation Expanded Term Abbreviation Expanded Term

ASIC All-Source Intelligence Cell EOIR Electro-Optic / Infra-Red

ASW Anti-Submarine Warfare EOB Electronic Order of Battle
BDA Battle Damage Assessment EP Electronic Protection
BSM Battlespace Spectrum EPM Electronic Protection
Management Measures
C² Command and Control ES Electronic Warfare Support /
C²W Command and Control Electronic Surveillance
Warfare ESM Electronic Warfare Support
CESM Communications Electronic Measures or Electronic
Support Measures Support Measures
CIMIC Civil-Military Cooperation EW Electronic Warfare
CM Countermeasures EWCC Electronic Warfare
CNO Computer Network Operations Coordination Cell
COMINT Communications Intelligence EWDMS Electronic Warfare Data
COMSEC Communications Security Management System
CREW Counter Remote Controlled EWMS Electronic Warfare Mutual
Improvised Explosive Device Support
DE Directed Energy EWOS Electronic Warfare
DEMON Demodulated Noise Operational Support
DEW Directed Energy Weapons F³EAD Find Fix Finish Exploit
DF Direction Finding Analyse Disseminate
DSSS Direct Sequence Spread FP Force Protection
Spectrum GEOINT Geospatial Intelligence
EA Electronic Attack GMTI Ground Moving Target
ECCM Electronic Counter Indicator
Countermeasures GSM Global System for Mobile
ECM Electronic Countermeasures Comms
ED Electronic Defence HPCP High Power Cordless Phones
ELINT Electronic Intelligence IFR Instrument Flight Rules
EM Electromagnetic IIP Initial Intercept Plan
EMCON Emission Control IMINT Imagery Intelligence
EMS Electromagnetic Spectrum IO Information Operations
EMSEC Emission Security IPB Intelligence Preparation of the
EO Electro-Optic Battlespace

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Abbreviation Expanded Term Abbreviation Expanded Term

IPE Intelligence Preparation of the SHORADS Short Range Air Defence

Environment System
IR Infra-Red SIGINT Signals Intelligence
IS Information Security TETRA Terrestrial Trunk Radio
ISTAR Intelligence Surveillance TRD Towed Radar Decoy
Target Acquisition and TTP Tactics, Techniques and
Reconnaissance Procedures
JFC Joint Force Commander TVA Threat Vulnerability Analysis
JFHQ Joint Force Headquarters TVACD Threat Vulnerability Analysis
LOFAR Low Frequency Analysis and and Countermeasures
Recording Development
MANPADS Man Portable Air Defence VFR Visual Flight Rules
System VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
OPSEC Operational Security WiMax Long Range Wi-Fi
ORBAT Order of Battle
OSI 7 Layer Open Systems
Interconnection 7 Layer Model
PsyOps Psychological Operations
PWO Principal Warfare Officer
RCIED Remote Controlled Improvised
Explosive Device
RCS Radar Cross Section
RDBMS Relational Database
Management System
RESM Radar Electronic Support
RF Radio Frequency
RWR Radar Warning Receiver
SA Situational Awareness
SAM Surface to Air Missile
SAR Synthetic Aperture Radar
SATCOM Satellite Comms
SEAD Suppression of Enemy Air

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