Ew Course
Ew Course
Ew Course
Electronic Warfare
Training Courses
For the Modern Warfighter
Capability Overview
We are the route to Our proven capability is founded on many years of dedicated
operational independence in support to the UK Defence EW Centre where we have supplied
EW for our customers. world leading expertise in countermeasures development and
sophisticated EW data management. Our next generation EW
data management system, THURBON™, has been selected to
replace the current UK Defence EW Database.
Trusted to provide advice and We offer a flexible approach to specific course design. All of our
support to the UK Ministry of courses are adaptable, and can be tailored to specific customer
Defence. requirements. Courses can either be delivered at our state-of-
the-art UK training facilities in Lincoln, or at an agreed customer
MASS has a proven track Measures (ESM), Counter Remote Controlled Improvised
record in the provision of Explosive Device Electronic Warfare (CREW), EW asset
Foundation to Advanced management and jamming mission planning.
level EW training to many
international customers. In addition it provides a dynamic Path Profile Analysis (PPA) tool
to aid in the planning, positioning and management of traditional
communications platforms whilst adding Situational Awareness
(SA) by highlighting likely enemy positions. EWMST is utilised
as a briefing tool in our EW training courses.
Electronic Warfare Support ESM refers to the provision of Intelligence, SA, threat warnings
Measures (ESM) and Indicators and Warnings (I&W). ESM is also referred to as
Electronic Support or more recently Electronic Surveillance (ES)
in the widely used ‘effects-based’ terminology.
The course is for air, land and Course Content Course Duration
maritime personnel training
to become airborne sensor The Airmanship for Sensor 5 days
operators. The Airmanship Operators course modules will
for Sensor Operators course include the following areas: Entry Criteria
will provide students with a
sound grounding in the factors • Theory of flight No previous knowledge of
affecting safety and situational • Airfield arrival and Airmanship is required for
awareness whilst in and departure procedures attendance.
around aircraft. • Classifications of airspace
(airways, Visual Flight
Rules (VFR) airspace,
Instrument Flight Rules
(IFR) airspace)
• Navigational concepts
• Aircraft instrumentation
• Air traffic radio procedures
• Maps and charts
• In-flight awareness (fuel
monitoring, the need for
air safety, diversion
airfields, intercom)
• Meteorological conditions
(air pressure, pressure
regions, temperature,
clouds, weather fronts,
wind shear, icing)
• Aero-medical topics
(effects of g, hypoxia,
• Flight safety
Information Operations
Robust Comms
Robust Radar
The course will provide air and Course Content Course Duration
maritime personnel, involved
in platform protection, with The Threat Vulnerability 5 days
an introduction to threat Analysis and
vulnerability analysis and the Countermeasures Entry Criteria
subsequent development of Development (TVACD) -
effective Countermeasures Introduction course modules Personnel should have
(CM). will include the following completed the Air and
areas: Maritime Platform Protection
Level 1 course prior to
• EW Threat Vulnerability attendance.
Analysis (TVA) of:
- Radio Frequency (RF)
- Electro-Optics (EO)
- Infra-Red (IR) systems
• Receiver techniques
influencing selection of
jamming techniques
• Engagement modelling
- Assessment of generic
CM effectiveness
- Optimisation of CM
versus the threat
- CM robustness
TDL Acquisition
MASS | Enterprise House | Great North Road | Little Paxton | St. Neots | Cambridgeshire | PE19 6BN
E: [email protected] | T: +44 (0) 1480 222600 | www.mass.co.uk