nsg-432cc Clinical Evaluation

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4} GRAND CANYON UNIVERSITY” - Clinical Evaluation Tool ewe ee smanter EAL 2G Evaluation Day and Date: Ag elt hg Student FirstName LastName: Dy Gci & erte) nical Fcuty First Nome Las Nene: Judie Sebwvrediety ev ie oe Course Objectives | ig Sa ement «holistic pan of care, incorporating pial, sia, and emotional neds for laboring, postpartum, hhigh-tisk, and newborn clients. Provide culturally sensitive education tothe child bearing family regarding health promotion and disease prevention, Interpret data from technology to improve care and outcomes for childbearing families Apply evidence-based practice in caring for the childbearing family. ‘Communicate therapeutically with childbearing families to improve outcomes and satisfaction, (Communicate effectively with the health care team to facilitate the provision of quality nursing care Demonstrate ethical, legal, and standard professional behaviors while providing clientcentered care. (© 2018, Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved. | ima NSG-432C Clinieal Competencies | ey ' ! score of fw 3 for exch Client-Centered Care ‘Develop an individualized plan of care with fous on assessment and planing, ullizing the nursing process while respecting the diversity of clients. 2 |b | 3/3 Demonstrate caring havior, including assessing forthe presence nd cvient oF pain and suffering” %\2 |a)> Conduct a comprehensive, holistic ssscsement while cliciing ica” values, preferences, and needs, 3 |3 [> |3 Demonstrate developing sls selected poychomotor aces 312 1315 ‘Demonstrate effective therapeutic communiestion sks with diverse cients and families. EE! ‘Perform effective teaching with clint, families, and caregivers that addresses iet needs sad the promotion of wellness. ANATOLE Safety, Informatics, and Quality Improvement Demonstrate standardized infection contol practices (oad washing and PPE) tat suppomt safety and quality, ad implement strategies to reduce risk of harm to self or others." a\2 3 ‘Identify two client identifiers, six rights for medication administration, and verifitation of care ‘orders forthe clint prior to implementation a encountered inthe clinical environment * a 139 \2 ‘Document clear and concise responses To care, a appropriate for clinical seting (Le, EAR, paper documentation, care plan). 4\3)>|3 2 Protect confidentiality ofall client data and promote the ethical use of electronie health information.* 313 [als Taetify methods to deliver care nately and cow effoave manner z 313 ‘Teamwork and Collaboration Develop effetive veal and writen communication sls wih lint, eam members, and family 313 [3 \> Tenify relevant data for communication a roconferences and posconTeenoe ala lap Tey itraprofesional and Wteprofesonal tam member oes and seopes oF pratice, and establish collaborative relationships with team members. as |3|3 Tent the need for help when appropiate to Staton 213 lab Professional Role Demonstrate core profesional values uel a caving, alam, aulosomy, iniegiy, human Gigniy, and social josie) while comping withthe ANA CodeofEiaesand Simndarésot— | | 4 | 4 |g Practice, and policies and procedures of Grand Canyon University, College of Nursing and a HealthCare Professions, and clinical agencies * Maintain a postive attitude and interact with intexprofsional team member, Fal, and flow stodeats ins positive, profesional manner, including accepting conctive feedback | | | 3 |% and developing a plan of action for improvement “rive pinetally, demonstrate expected behaviors, comple tasks Tn a Umely manner, nd ‘maintain professional behavior and appearance." a |3 | [3 “Kept indi al responsiblity and accounabiiy For nursing iatervenions, outcomes, and | ther ations; engage in self-evaluation; and assume esponsibility fo leaning ¥ 3 |3 |als “Clea competencies are highlighted in yellow. Stadene who score 1 (Does Not Met am ay of these competencies at final evaluation wl fall tecnica Ghurse. Target performanceisa Score of} (ndependend onthe competencies marked wih an asters by fia evaluation Content of hs cect s based on Quality and Safty Education fr Nurses (QSEN) competencies and knowledge, kl, and tides (KSA): Quy and Safety Baeation for Nares Insts, (2017), QSEN competencies. Revived fom hpslasen oleonpuencepelensure sas 3 Midterm Evaluation Comments Fact Commence segs nd aes nen foe Cee. Po Ue re te eperierce 0) WAG Oo Ves 0 072 >) Oe ond cbse pbserveD a Cesarean Stesion! Great jb Gracie Cb Student Comments (def thee res fr development want ui IMT Nee NIT Mun tt yationt ant Une aTATy On WU WAI Ty vintinu’ ty \my yu ah a Aes ang MIG wvnTynwe TH AP Wr VE my Gumnriny 2iny ty Wy ow Tings Final Evaluation Comments Faculty Comments (Include strengths and areas for improvement) Griere Wed G busy Cheiael Sre was able ty obberve 3 vegipl delvene | Cesarcer— Séen> trl wes allorced tert j' / She bas shor to “Hep. y/ Sore Gog Shils by cer 2b Ortere / / ‘Student Comments (Identify three areas for development \ want 19 qr TU Mire AND my vein, atin’ Won kn a) Wit Ty TAY VONANT 49 Kee wid vw Yhings Aun tata | MAY ET KN wha 1m anh AY fit! : Student and Clinical Faculty Signatures Signatures indicate student and clinical faculty have reviewed and discussed the Clinical Evaluation Too Stent Signature at Midterm:_ poh WAfiA 2 pate: {9114 Student Signature at Final: spi duit Da jo LE eA lA paw. /°/245. 1“ Cinical Feeuty Signature at Fina: BE ee Oa Mays,

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