An 741
An 741
An 741
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T : 781/329-4700 • Fax: 781/326-8703 •
There is a wealth of information available on the topic of ∆ν
phase noise, its characteristics1, how it can be measured2,
and how it affects system performance3. It is well known TIME
that phase noise in oscillators and clocks becomes one ∆τ
of the limiting degradations in modern radio systems.
However, most of the traditional analyses concentrate Figure 1.
on degradations to sine wave signals in single carrier
Traditional sampled data SNR analyses use Figure 1 as
radio systems. The effects of phase noise on multicarrier
an aid to determine how noise on a clock generates an
receivers, wideband systems, or digital radios are very
error in the sampled data. From this it is seen that
rarely discussed. This application note will address
some of the rarely discussed issues related to phase
noise in sampled data systems. It will focus primarily ∆ν( t ) = ∆t × ν'out ( t )
on multicarrier radios, wideband signals, and under-
sampled radio architectures.
{ } {
E ∆ν2 ( t ) = E ∆t 2 × ν'out (t )} 2
REV. 0
Using Equation 3, Many modern radio systems don’t use narrow-band
carriers. Modulated data often occupies a fairly wide
spectrum. In order to determine how click jitter effects
1 1 1
si = 2 22 2 = 2 2 (4a) the SNR for such systems, it is convenient to assume
σt ω O A σt ω O
the data has zero mean and a flat spectrum uniformly
2 distributed between fL and fH , fL < fH as shown in Figure 2.
When squared and integrated over its bandwidth, the
1 total signal power σ 2out is obtained.
SNR sig = , for a single carrier system. (4b)
4π 2fO2 σ 2t
fH – fH
This is the standard SNR equation for a single sine wave
sampled by a clock with jitter and can be found in many
publications5. Intuitively what is happening is that higher fL fH
frequency signals have larger slew rates. This results
in larger voltage changes as the sample time changes. Figure 2.
It should be remembered that quantization noise and
One form of Parseval’s theorem states that the power
thermal noise must also be added to this to obtain the
of a signal in the time domain equals the power of the
total noise out of a data converter.
signal in the frequency domain. That is,
Extending this to a multicarrier signal is a simple matter.
+∞ 1 +∞ +∞
Using the same procedure as before with out defined as ∫ |ν(t )| dt = ∫ |g (ω )| dω = ∫ |g (f )| df
2 2 2
A (ω )
2 2 transform, which states that the Fourier transform of a
+ ω 22 + ...ω 2n
E {ν' (t )} = derivative is just the Fourier transform of the original
2 1
2 function multiplied by iω , as shown below,
nA 2 [ ]
ℑ ν' (t ) = i ωℑ ν(t ) [ ]
SNR sig = 2 2 2 22 =
σ t A ω 1 + ω 2 + ...ω 2n ) and combining this with Parseval’s theorem, it is seen
that the power in ’(t ) is the same as the power in ig
2 (), as described below,
1 n n
σ t ω 1 + ω 2 + ...ω n
2 2 2
4 π σ t ∑ f i2
2 2
) n
( ) 1
∫ ν' (t ) dt = 2π ∫ |iωg (ω )| dω =
–∞ –∞
1 +∞ 2 +∞
ω |g (ω )|2 dω = ∫ (2πf ) |g (f )|2 df
This is relative to the entire signal, ν out . When referenced ∫
2π – ∞ –∞
to only one of the carriers, the SNR becomes
1 σ out
SNR sig = ,
4π 2
σ 2t ∑ f i2 For g (f ) = f H – f L only between fL and fH (and zero
everywhere else), this becomes
for a sin gle carrier in a multicarrier system .
{ }
Compared to the single carrier case, Equation 4b, the fH 2
E ν' out (t ) = ∫ (2πf )
2 2 out
denominator has n more frequency terms. The SNR on
a per carrier basis (i.e., dBc) has been degraded by
(f – f )
fL H L
E {ν' (t ) } =
2 fH
approximately 10 log(n). However, in a data converter
∫ (2πf ) df
2 out 2
each carrier may need to be reduced by 10 log(n) to f –f H L fL
20 log(n), depending on signal statistics, in order to keep 4 π (f – f )σ 4 π (f )
E {ν' (t ) } =
2 3 3 2 2 2
2 H L out H + fH fL + fL2 σ2out
from clipping the quantizer. This, in effect, raises the =
3(f – f )
quantization and thermal noise floor by up to 20 log(n). H L 3
Thus, jitter may contribute less to the overall SNR than
in the single carrier case. Quantization and thermal noise Using Equation 3,
may become more dominant. 1 3
SNR sig = 2
σ t f H + f H f L + f L2
–2– REV. 0
This is the SNR resulting from a flat, wideband signal 2
REV. 0 –3–
Figure 5c shows the results with a 124.72 MHz input Thus, it appears the clock spectrum does indeed appear
in the 5th Nyquist zone. This frequency is about twice around the sampled signal with a scaling factor described
that of Figure 5b and according to Equation 7 the spurs by Equation 7. However, so far, all of the preceding dis-
should increase about 6 dB, which is what is seen. cussions have not differentiated between ADCs and
DACs. Do DACs exhibit the same characteristic seen by
–10 ADCs? A similar experiment was run on an AD9744 DAC
–20 using a 61.44 MHz clock phase modulated to give –40 dBc
–30 sidebands, generating an 11 MHz sine wave. The results
–40 over five Nyquist bands are shown in Figure 6.
–60 �����
��� �����
+ 3
–80 ���
2 4 5 6
–120 ���
–130 ���
0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 17.5 20.0 22.5 25.0 27.5 30.0
� ���
��� ����
��� ������������ ��������� �������������
Figure 6.
��� The Sinc function inherent in DAC outputs can clearly be
��� seen. But what is happening with the clock spurs? These are
clearly seen at each of the output images but the amplitudes
� � � don’t increase as they did with the ADC. Relative to full scale,
��� the spur amplitudes remain constant.
There are several ways to look at this. When viewed in
���� dBc, as the signal frequency goes up, the modulation
���� spurs get worse in the same manner as described by
� ��� ��� ��� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ����
��������������� Equation 7b. The Sinc function applies to both the signal
amplitude and the induced clock phase noise. Calculat-
Figure 5b. ing the spur amplitude relative to each carrier (i.e., in
� dBc), Equation 7b is a good description.
Alternatively, the Sinc characteristic is defined as
πf sig
��� sin
��� f clk
��� πf sig
� � � � f clk
��� The amplitude of the noise is given by the reciprocal of
���� Equation 7a.
N f sig
���� = σ 2θ
S f clk
� ��� ��� ��� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ���� ����
That is, the noise is directly proportional to clock phase
Figure 5c.
–4– REV. 0
signal. For example, if a spur is 10MHz away from the
noise and signal frequency. Squaring the Sinc function
carrier, look to see if there is a 10MHz oscillator some-
(because power spectral densities are being examined)
where in the system. If so, this frequency is most likely
and multiplying these two to get a composite noise
leaking in through the clock.
transfer function out of the DAC yields
πf sig SUMMARY
sin2 This application note examined the relationship between
N f clk phase noise and jitter, deriving the SNR degradations
= σ 2θ
S π2 that occur when a signal is sampled by a clock with
jitter. The results were extended to multicarrier and
The periodic nature of the nulls caused by the sinusoid
wideband modulated data systems. Clock phase noise
still exist. However, the denominator of the Sinc function
spectral issues were then dealt with, examining the
is what causes the roll-off at higher frequencies. This
resulting spectrum at the output of ADCs and DACs.
attenuation has been exactly cancelled by the increas-
Finally, the results are applied to debugging a system
ing phase noise at higher frequencies described by
that may have unusual spurs that would otherwise be
Equation 7b. Thus, the phase noise out of a DAC will not
unaccounted for.
grow at higher frequencies.
W. P. Robins, Phase Noise in Signal Sources (London:
Besides the obvious issues revolving around design-
Peter Peregrinus Ltd., 1982).
ing systems to minimize signal degradations, there 2
“Understanding and Measuring Phase Noise in the
are several other consequences to these results worth
Frequency Domain,” Hewlett Packard, Application Note
mentioning. These are related to finding the source of
207, 1976.
mystery spurs and noise. For instance, if the noise floor 3
Stanley J. Goldman, Phase Noise Analysis in Radar
rises at the DAC output, it is most likely not caused by
Systems Using Personal Computers (New York: John
clock phase noise. It may be digital coupling into the
Wiley & Sons, 1989).
output circuitry. 4
“VCO Phase Noise,” Mini-Circuits, Application Note #2.
If a spur exists in a sampled signal, a good test to see if it 5
“Linear Design Seminar,” Analog Devices, Inc., Nor-
comes from the clock is to change the signal amplitude. wood, MA, 1995, pp. 5-20.
Analog distortion terms will change at twice (2nd order
distortion) or three times (3rd order distortion) the rate
of the signal amplitude change. Spurs due to nonlinear-
ity in the quantizer may not change at all, or if they do
change, they will change unpredictably, when the signal
amplitude changes. On the other hand, spurs due to the
clock will change dB for dB with the signal.
When trying to identify the source of a spur in a sampled
data signal, look not only at the explicit spur frequency,
which could be caused by a signal directly coupling into
the output, but also at the frequency offset from the
REV. 0 –5–
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