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Score Report

John Briere, PhD
PAR Staff

Client Information
Child’s Name: Sample Client
Client ID: 123-45-6789
Child’s Gender: Male
Child’s Race: Caucasian
Child’s Age: 12
Test Form: TSCC
Test Description:
Test Date: 08/07/1999

Use of this score report requires a complete understanding of the Trauma Symptom Checklist for
Children (TSCC) scales and its interpretation, applications, and limitations as presented in the
TSCC Professional Manual. This report contains raw and standardized scores from the TSCC
Item Booklet. Users should refer to the TSCC Professional Manual for procedures and
guidelines for the interpretation of this report. Users also should refer to the Professional
Manual for information about the psychometric characteristics of the TSCC.
This report should be used as only one source of information about the individual being
evaluated. In this respect, no decisions should be based solely on the information contained in
this report. The raw and standardized scores contained in this report should be integrated with
other sources of information when making decisions about this individual.
This report is confidential and is intended for use by qualified professionals who have sufficient
knowledge of psychometric testing and of the TSCC. This report should not be released to the
respondent or to any individuals who are not qualified to interpret the results.

PAR Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. • 16204 North Florida Ave. • Lutz, FL 33549 • 1.800.331.8378 •
Copyright © 1996, 2001, 2005 by Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in whole or in part in
any form or by any means without written permission of Psychological Assessment Resources, Inc.
Version: 1.00 ( 1.00.007 )
Client: Sample Client Test Date: 08/07/1999
Client ID: 123-45-6789 Page 2 of 4

TSCC Critical Items

Item Score Item Description
20. 2* [Item text removed from this report]
21. 2*
24. 1*
25. 0
34. 0
36. 0
50. 2*
52. 0
Note. “*” indicates a critical item was endorsed which may require immediate intervention.

Missing Responses
Total Missing Responses: 1

TSCC Validity Scales

Scale Raw score T score
Underresponse (UND) 1 46
Hyperresponse (HYP) 1 62

TSCC Clinical Scales/Subscales

Scale Raw score T score
Anxiety (ANX) 13 68 #
Depression (DEP) 20 83 #
Anger (ANG) 11 * 54
Posttraumatic Stress (PTS) 14 60
Dissociation (DIS) 6 47
Overt Dissociation (DIS-O) 2 42
Fantasy (DIS-F) 4 57
Sexual Concerns (SC) 7 61
Sexual Preoccupation (SC-P) 5 62
Sexual Distress (SC-D) 2 54
Note. “*” indicates scale was calculated substituting “0” for missing response.
Note. “#” indicates T score is clinically significant.
Client: Sample Client Test Date: 08/07/1999
Client ID: 123-45-6789 Page 3 of 4

TSCC T-Score Profile

T score T score

≥ 110 ≥ 110

105 105

100 100

95 95

90 90

85 85

80 80

75 75

70 70

65 65

60 60

55 55

50 50

45 45

40 40

≤ 35 ≤ 35
Raw score 1 1 13 20 11 14 6 2 4 7 5 2
T score 46 62 68 83 54 60 47 42 57 61 62 54

Client Profile
Client: Sample Client Test Date: 08/07/1999
Client ID: 123-45-6789 Page 4 of 4

TSCC Item Responses

Item# Response Item# Response Item# Response
1. 1 19. 2 37. 2
2. 2 20. 2 38. 1
3. 1 21. 2 39. 1
4. 2 22. 1 40. 1
5. 0 23. 0 41. 2
6. 0 24. 1 42. 3
7. 3 25. 0 43. 1
8. 0 26. 1 44. 1
9. 3 27. 3 45. 0
10. 2 28. 3 46. 1
11. 1 29. 0 47. 0
12. 2 30. 0 48. 1
13. 2 31. 0 49. 2
14. 2 32. 2 50. 2
15. 1 33. 2 51. 3
16. ? 34. 0 52. 0
17. 1 35. 2 53. 3
18. 0 36. 0 54. 1
Note. 0 = Never, 1 = Sometimes, 2 = Lots of times, 3 = Almost all of the time, ? = Missing.

End of Report

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