Alfred S Premier Piano Course Christmas 2a Paper

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Alfred s Premier Piano Course: Christmas 2A


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These sorts of book is the greatest book offered. This can be for all those who statte that there had not
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(Ver ner Goyette DDS)

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Alfred Publishing Company, United States, 2008. Paperback. Book Condition: New. 300 x 221 mm. Language:
English . Brand New Book. Familiar motivational pieces for the holiday season using the same concepts
introduced in the corresponding Lesson Book. Some pieces contain teacher duet accompaniments for an
enhanced musical experience. Titles: Arabian Dance (from The Nutcracker Suite) * Bring a Torch, Jeannette,
Isabella * Carol of the Bells * Ding, Dong Merrily on High * It Came Upon the Midnight Clear * Jingle Bells * The
Little Drummer Boy * O Come, All Ye Faithful * Over the River and Through the Woods * Up on the Housetop *
We Wish You a Merry Christmas. 24 pages.

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