MS ENT Basic Sciences MGR University September 2009 Question Paper With Solution
MS ENT Basic Sciences MGR University September 2009 Question Paper With Solution
MS ENT Basic Sciences MGR University September 2009 Question Paper With Solution
1. Pyriform fossa.
It is a potential space that lies on either side of the larynx. They are two in
number. It is shaped like a pyramid with the base pointing above and the apex
below. They belong to the hypopharyngeal area of the pharynx. It has two parts;
the shallow upper part and a deeper lower part.
Boundaries: The pyriform fossa is bounded laterally by the mucosa covering the
lamina of the thyroid cartilage. Medially it is bounded by the aryepiglottic fold and
arytenoid cartilages above and the cricoid cartilage below. Superiorly it is
bounded by the lateral glosso epilglottic fold (Pharyngoepiglottic fold), inferiorly it
continues with the oesophagus.
Deep to the mucous membrane of the lateral wall of the pyriform fossa lies the
internal laryngeal branch of the superior laryngeal nerve. It supplies sensori
fibres to this area.
2. This area is richly endowed with lymphatics. They drain into the upper deep
cervical group of lymph nodes. Any malignancy in this area has a tendency for
nodal metastasis.
4. Since superior laryngeal nerve lies superficially in this area, it can be topically
blocked by placing cotton plegets soaked in 4% xylocaine in this area. This is
known as the pyriform fossa block.
Tumors involving the pyriform fossa commonly arise from its deep portion.
This may escape detection during a IDL scopy examination. But if one looks for
pooling of saliva in the involved pyriform fossa the underlying growth can be
suspected. Hence pooling of saliva is an important clinical sign indicating a
under lying tumor in the deep portion of the pyriform fossa, or the presence of
a foreign body can also be suspected by this sign.
3. Growth involving the crico pharynx or upper oesophagus can also cause
pooling of saliva.
2. Sphenoid sinus.
Sphenoid sinus is located in the skull base at the junction of the anterior and
middle cranial fossa. Pneumatisation of sphenoid starts during the 4th year of
childhood and gets completed by the 17th year. The sphenoid sinuses vary in size
and may be asymmetric.
They drain through the superior meatus via a small ostium about 4mm in diameter
located disadvantageously 20mm above the sinus floor.
2. Optic nerve and internal carotid arteries traverse its lateral wall.
Hence infections of sphenoid sinus may involve the optic nerve if the canal of the
optic nerve is dehiscent.
Figure showing sphenoid sinus
Conchal type:
In this type the air cavity does not penetrate beyond the coronal plane defined by
the anterior sellar wall.
Presellar pneumatization
Sellar type:
In this type the air cavity extends into the body of sphenoid below the sella and
may extend as far posteriorly as the clivus. This type of pneumatization is seen in
more than 80% individuals.
Ostium of sphenoid sinus is located in the sphenoethmoidal recess. It is commonly
seen medial to the superior turbinate about 1.5 cms superior to the posterior
choana. It lies just a few millimetres below the cribriform plate.
The right and left sphenoid sinus are separated by an intersinus septum. The
position and attachment of this septum is highly variable.
The prominence of internal carotid artery lies in the postero lateral aspect of the
lateral wall of sphenoid sinus. This prominence is well identified in well
pneumatised sphenoid sinuses. In the anterior superior aspect of the lateral wall is
seen the bulge of the optic nerve caused by the underlying optic nerve. These two
prominences are separated by a small dimple known as the optico carotid recess.
The optic nerve and internal carotid artery are separated from the sphenoid sinus
by a thin piece of bone. Sometimes this bone may even be deficient leaving them
naked within the sinus cavity. In well pneumatised sphenoid sinuses the pterygoid
canal and a portion of the maxillary division of trigeminal nerve could be seen in
their lateral recess.
The roof of the sphenoid is continuous with that of ethmoid sinus anteriorly and
this area is known as planum sphenoidale. At the junction of the roof and posterior
wall the bone of sphenoid sinus is thickened to form the tuberculum sella. Inferior
to tuberculum sella in the posterior wall is the sella turcia. It usually forms a bulge
in the midline. The bone over the sella is just 0.5 – 1 mm thick. It is the thinnest
in its lower portion and is easy to breach here. It is this area that is opened during
endoscopic hypophysectomy. During surgery this area can easily be identified by
its bluish tinge which is caused by the underlying dura.
3. Eustachian tube.
Pharyngotympanic tube, middle ear ventilating tube
This bony cartilaginous tube connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx.
In adults it lies at an angle of 45 degrees to the horizontal plane. In
infants this inclination is about 10 degrees. In adults its length is 38mm.
For descriptive purposes it can be divided into posterior 1/3 which is
osseous in nature and anterior 2/3 which is cartilaginous in nature.
In infants it is shorter
Infections from nasopharynx can easily reach the middle ear cavity in
infants rather easily.
Osseous portion:
Cartilaginous portion:
This portion of the Eustachian tube is longer than that of the osseous
portion. This portion is closed at rest and opens during swallowing or
during a valsalva manoeuvre. The cartilaginous tube courses antero
medially and inferiorly, angled between 30 and 40 degrees. The
cartilaginous portion of the tube is not completely surrounded by
cartilage, but is deficient infero laterally where it is covered by a
membrane. The cartilage is crook shaped covering the medial, lateral and
superior walls of the cartilaginous portion of the tube.
The tubal lumen is shaped like two cones joined at their apices. The
junction of the cones is the narrowest portion of the lumen and is known
as the isthmus, and is usually situated at the junction of the cartilaginous
and bony portion of the tube.
The cartilaginous portion of the Eustachian tube does not follow a straight course
in the adult but extends along a curve from the junction of the osseous and
cartilaginous portions to the medial pterygoid plate, approximating the skull base
during most of its course. The Eustachian tube crosses the superior border of the
superior constrictor muscle to enter the nasopharynx. The medial cartilaginous
portion of the tube presses against the pharyngeal wall to form a prominent fold,
the torus tubaris. The torus is the site of origin of the salpingopalatine and
salpingopharyngeal muscles.
The mucosal lining of the Eustachian tube is continuous with that of the
nasopharynx and middle ear (ciliated columnar epithelium). Certain differences in
the mucosal lining is evident, mucous glands predominate at the nasopharyngeal
orifice, and this gradually changes into a mixture of goblet cells at the tympanum.
Muscles associated with Eustachian tube: The muscles associated with the
Eustachian tube are 4 in number. They are tensor veli palatini, levator veli palatini,
salpingopharyngeus, and tensor tympani.
Usually the Eustachian tube is closed; it opens during such actions like
swallowing, yawning thus equalising the middle ear pressure. Active dilatation of
the tube is induced by the tensor veli palatini muscle. Closure of the tube has been
attributed to passive reapproximation of tubal walls by extrinsic forces exerted by
surrounding elastic fibres.
Blood supply: The Eustachian tube is supplied by the ascending palatine artery,
pharyngeal branch of internal maxillary artery, the artery of the pterygoid canal,
ascending pharyngeal artery, and the middle meningeal artery. The venous
drainage is via the pterygoid plexus.
1. Ventilation
2. Protection
3. Drainage
4. Neck spaces.
These spaces are present in the neck between the layers of cervical fascia.
These spaces are important from the point of view of clinician because of the
propensity of infections to involve this space and to spread along these spaces
to involve other areas like the mediastinum. Many of these spaces could as
well be inconsequential.
There are two types of fascial spaces in the neck.
I. Those associated with muscles
II. Those associated with viscera and vessels
Fascial spaces associated with muscles are limited by the insertion of muscles
to bones. These muscular insertions serve as a limiting factor to spread of
infections from these spaces. Spaces associated with viscera and blood vessels
are not limited by insertion of muscles and hence infections cross and travel
long distances if these spaces are involved.
Visceral spaces:
Lateral pharyngeal space: (Para pharyngeal space)
This space is situated lateral to the fascia covering the constrictor muscles of
the pharynx (buccopharyngeal fascia). Lateral to this space lie the pterygoid
muscle, mandible and carotid sheath.
Superiorly it extends up to the skull base while inferiorly it ends at the level of
hyoid bone because of the attachment of the submandibular gland sheath to
the sheaths of the stylohyoid muscle and the posterior belly of digastric
The carotid sheath lies close to the posterolateral wall of this space.
Postero medially this space communicates with the retropharyngeal space.
Anteriorly and inferiorly this space communicates with the spaces associated
with the floor of the mouth.
This space is most commonly involved in neck space infections. Infections
from this space can easily spread to the carotid and retropharyngeal spaces.
Common routes of infections of parapharyngeal space:
1. Lingual infections
2. Submandibular gland infections
3. Infections involving the parotid space
4. Spread from peritonsillar abscess
Figure showing parapharyngeal space
Submandibular space:
This is actually a combination of two spaces partially separated by the
mylohyoid muscle. The space below the mylohyoid muscle is known as the
submaxillary space while the space above the muscle is known as sublingual
Superior – Oral mucosa and tongue
Medial – oral mucosa and tongue
Lateral – Superficial layer of deep cervical fascia with its tight attachment to
the mandible and hyoid bone laterally
Inferior – Hyoid bone
The mylohyoid cleft separates the submaxillary from sublingual space.
Structures passing through mylohyoid cleft include:
1. Wharton’s duct
2. Lingual nerve
3. Hypoglossal nerve
4. Branch of facial artery
5. Lymphatics
There is free communication across midline between these spaces. Ludwig’s
angina is the characteristic example of infections of this space.
Masticator space:
This space is formed by the splitting of the superficial layer of deep cervical
fascia as it encloses the mandible and the primary muscles of mastication.
Contents of this space include:
1. Masseter muscle
2. Medial & lateral pterygoid muscles
3. Ramus & posterior portion of the body of mandible
4. Insertion of the temporalis muscle
Supero medially this space communicates with the temporal space medial to
the zygomatic arch. Infections involving this space involve the temporal space
also. The most common cause of infection within this space is from abscessed
third molar tooth.
Figure showing masticator space
Retropharyngeal space:
This space lies between the deep layer of the deep cervical fascia (prevertebral
fascia) and the buccopharyngeal fascia superiorly and the fascia covering the
oesophagus inferiorly. An ancillary portion of deep cervical fascia referred to
as the alar layer extends from the base of skull to approximately the second
thoracic vertebra at which point it fuses with that of the fascial covering of the
oesophagus. The prevertebral fascia lies over the vertebra and the paraspinal
muscles running from the base of the skull to the diaphragm. Thus there are
two potential spaces in the retropharyngeal space. The first one lies between
the fascia covering the pharynx and oesophagus and the alar layer of deep
cervical fascia. This space is commonly referred to as the retropharyngeal /
retrovisceral space. This space ends at the level of T2 vertebra. Lying posterior
to the alar fascia but anterior to the prevertebral fascia is the danger space
known as the prevertebral or Grodinsky space. This space allows wider spread
of infections into the mediastinum. This space is commonly involved by
rupture of retropharyngeal space abscesses.
Figure showing retropharyngeal space
Parotid space:
This space lies between the superficial and deep capsules of parotid gland.
This is actually formed by splitting of the superficial layer of deep cervical
fascia. The superficial capsule is very thick and strong and is closely adherent
to the underlying parotid gland. Multiple septa could be seen running from
the superficial capsule into the gland forming numerous intraglandular
compartments. Infections of parotid gland cannot pierce the tough lateral
capsule, instead they present medially with easy access to the lateral
pharyngeal space. From the lateral pharyngeal space infections may progress
to the retropharyngeal space. This is one of the most feared complication of
parotid space infections.
During the middle of 18th century it was found out that sound can traverse
through solids. It was during the 19th century it was accepted that humans
could hear by bone conduction.
Factors contributing to bone conduction hearing include:
1. Sound radiated into the ear canal
2. Middle ear ossicle inertia
3. Inertia of cochlear fluids
4. Alteration of cochlear space
5. Pressure transmission via the CSF fluid
Studies have demonstrated that among these factors the inertia of the
cochlear fluid is the most important determinant of bone conduction of sound.
Human skull vibrates differently with different sound frequencies.
At frequencies below 400 Hz the skull moves as a whole with rigid body
At higher frequencies 400 - 1 KHz the skull acts as a mass spring system.
At frequencies above 1 KHz wave propagation of the skull dominates the skull
vibratory response.
Nasal respiration plays a vital role in making the inhaled air fit to enter the
lungs. This is possible due to:
Filtering function:
The nasal mucosa efficiently protects the lower air way from particulate
matter. This is possible due to deposition of particulate matter in various
zones of the nasal cavity. This deposition of particulate matter is dependent
on the particle size, shape, weight and aerodynamic properties. Studies have
demonstrated that about 60% of particles of size 1 µm diameter are deposited
in the nasal cavity. Two most common deposition sites have been identified
within the nasal cavity i.e. mucosa posterior to the nasal valve and the anterior
aspect of the middle turbinate. Endonasal distribution has been correlated
with these two areas because majority of particulate matter gets deposited
Protective function:
This is supposed to be one of the most important functions of nasal airway. It
protects the lower airway from the deleterious effects of not only particulate
matter and pollutants but also from pathogens like bacteria and viruses.
Protection rendered by nasal mucosa is primarily non-specific in nature. This is
due to the presence of non-specific protective factors and viable mucociliary
clearance mechanism. The following are the commonly present non-specific
protective factors present in the nasal secretions:
A ring of lymphoid tissue surrounds the naso pharynx and oro pharynx. These
lymphoid tissues are collectively known as the Waldayer’s ring. Waldayer's ring
has two components, namely the inner and outer rings. The cervical lymph
nodes constitute the outer ring, while the inner ring is constituted by 1.
adenoid at the roof of nasopharynx, 2. tubal tonsils or tonsil of Gerlac which
surround the pharyngeal ends of eustachean tube. These lymphoid tissues
surround the naso pharynx.
2. Aminoglycoside drugs.
Drugs belonging to this group are active against a wide variety of gram positive
and negative bacteria.
Drugs belonging to this group are not reliably absorbed from the gut and
hence it should be administered parentally for optimal effect.
3. Non-sedative antihistamines.
The development of non-sedating antihistamines is a welcome
development. The first non-sedating antihistamine was introduced in the
1980’s. Terfenadine was the first drug of this group to be introduced. It was
followed by acetamizole. Both these drugs were removed from the market
due to their undesirable side effects (prolongation of QT interval causing
cardiac arrhythmias).
Currently available second generation antihistamines are relatively safer
than their predecessors. These drugs are not sedating because they don’t
penetrate the blood brain barrier and they don’t impair motor activity. These
drugs include:
1. Desloratidine
2. Loratidine
3. Fexofenadine
4. Azelastine
Drugs belonging to this group have a half-life of 12 – 14 hours, thus favouring
once / twice a day dosage regimen.
Desloratidine is about 14 times more potent than its congener loratidine.
Fexofenadine has not active metabolities and gets excreted in the stools. It
depends on transport proteins for its absorption and elimination from the
system. Organic anion transporting protein (OATP) is involved. Administration
of fexofenadine with fruit juices / with high salt diet causes a 40% reduction in
its absorption. P glycoprotein is involved in elimination of this drug from the
This is the metabolite of loratidine. This is one of the more than 12 active
metabolities which are generated from loratidine after hepatic metabolism.
Food has no impact on the bioavailability of the drug. Its half-life is 12 hours so
that it can be administered in convenient od / bd dose regimen.
This is the only topical antihistamine currently available. It is rapidly effective,
its action manifesting within 30 minutes of administration of the drug. This
drug also reduces nasal congestion and is the only drug useful for non-allergic
4. Local anaesthetics.
This group of drugs act by binding reversibly to a specific receptor site
within the pore of sodium channels in nerves there by blocking ion movements
through this pore. This effective blocks the conducting ability of the nerve
tissue. These drugs when applied locally on the nerve tissue in adequate
concentrations reversibly blocks the action potential generation responsible
for nerve conduction. It thus causes both sensory and motor paralysis in the
area of innervation.
The first local anaesthetic to the discovered was cocaine. This happened due
to a fortunate accident.
Chemical features potentiating the effect of the drug include:
1. Hydrophobicity – this increases both the potency and the duration of the
anaesthetic agent. The receptor sites of sodium gate receptors are said
to be hydrophobic.
2. Smaller sized molecule – smaller the size of the drug molecule better
and prolonged is its effect because of better tissue penetration.
This is the most commonly used local anaesthetic agent. It produces faster,
more intense and long lasting reversible local anaesthesia. Lignocaine can be
used as topical anaesthetic agent, and infiltrative anaesthetic agent. For
infiltration anaesthesia it is used in 1% - 2% concentration. For surface
anaesthesia it is used in 4% - 10% concentrations. When combined with
vasoconstrictor like adrenaline the duration of action of lignocaine is
This is another widely used amide anaesthetic agent. This is a potent
anaesthetic agent capable of producing prolonged anaesthesia.
Uses of local anaesthetic agents:
1. Topical anaesthesia
2. Infiltration anaesthesia
3. Field block anaesthesia
4. Nerve block anaesthesia
5. Spinal anaesthesia
6. Epidural anaesthesia
2. Fusiform bacillus.
This organism has been identified as the cause for Vincent’s angina.
According to Vincent this is a gram positive organism which stains rather
weakly with grams stain. These organism show variations in their gram
staining properties. In patients with trench mouth (Vincent’s angina) fusiform
bacillus is found to predominate over spirochetes.
3. Rhinosporidiosis.
Rhinosporidium seeberi: was initially believed to be a sporozoan, but it is
now considered to be a fungus and has been provisionally placed under the
family Olipidiaceae, order chritridiales of phycomyetes by Ashworth. More
recent classification puts it under DRIP'S clade. Even after extensive studies
there is no consensus on where Rhinosporidium must be placed in the
Taxonomic classification. It has not been possible to demonstrate fungal
proteins in Rhinosporidium even after performing sensitive tests like
Polymerase chain reactions.
Life cycle: (Ashworth) Spore is the ultimate infecting unit. It measures about 7
microns, about the size of a red cell. It is also known as a spherule. It has a
clear cytoplasm with 15 - 20 vacuoles filled with food matter. It is enclosed in a
chitinous membrane. This membrane protects the spore from hostile
environment. It is found only in connective tissue spaces and is rarely
The spore increases in size, and when it reaches 50 - 60 microns in size
granules starts to appear, its nucleus prepares for cell division. Mitosis occurs
and 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 nuclei are formed. By the time 7th division occurs it
becomes 100 microns in size. Fully mature sporangia measures 150 - 250
microns. Mature spores are found at the centre and immature spores are
found in the periphery. The full cycle is completed within the human body.
Life cycle (recent): Since rhinosporidium seeberi has defied all efforts to culture
it, any detail regarding its life cycle will have to be taken with a pinch of salt.
This life cycle has been postulated by studying the various forms of
rhinosporidium seen in infected tissue.
Mature sporangium - 100 - 400 microns in diameter, with a thin bilamellar cell
wall. Inside the cytoplasm immature and mature spores are seen. They are
found embedded in a mucoid matrix. Electron dense bodies are seen in the
cytoplasm. The bilamellar cell wall has one weak spot known as the operculum.
Maturation of spores occurs in both centrifugal and centripetal fashion. This
spot does not have chitinous lining, but is lined only by a cellulose wall. The
mature spores find their way out through this operculum on rupture. The
mature spores on rupture are surrounded by mucoid matrix giving it a comet
appearance. It is hence known as the comet of Beattee
Mature spores give rise to electron dense bodies which are the ultimate
infective unit.
Figure showing the recent life cycle theory
These viruses are medium sized (90-100 nm) non enveloped icosahedral
viruses composed of a nucleocapsid and a double stranded linear DNA
genome. About 55 serotypes have been described. These viruses are the
common cause for upper respiratory infections in children.
Adenoviruses possess linear dsDNA genome that can replicate inside the
nucleus of mammalian cell using the host’s replication machinery.
For a naked virus this one is highly stable and is capable of surviving harsh
conditions. These viruses are primarily spread as droplet infection through
cough. It can also be transmitted via faces also.
Entry of adenoviruses into the host cell involves two sets of interactions
between the virus and the host cell. Entry into the host cell is initiated by the
knob domain of the fiber protein binding to the cell receptor. The two
currently established receptors are: CD46 for the group B human adenovirus
serotypes and the coxsackievirus adenovirus receptor (CAR) for all other
serotypes. There are some reports suggesting MHC molecules and sialic
acid residues functioning in this capacity as well. This is followed by a
secondary interaction, where a specialized motif in the penton base protein
interacts with an integrin molecule. It is the co-receptor interaction that
stimulates internalization of the adenovirus. This co-receptor molecule is αv
integrin. Binding to αv integrin results in endocytosis of the virus particle
via clathrin-coated pits. Attachment to αv integrin stimulates cell signalling and
thus induces actin polymerization resulting in entry of the virion into the host
cell within an endosome.
Once the virus has successfully gained entry into the host cell, the endosome
acidifies, which alters virus topology by causing capsid components to
disassociate. These changes as well as the toxic nature of the pentons results in
the release of the virion into the cytoplasm. With the help of
cellular microtubules the virus is transported to the nuclear pore complex
whereby the adenovirus particle disassembles. Viral DNA is subsequently
released which can enter the nucleus via the nuclear pore. After this the DNA
associates with histone molecules. Thus viral gene expression can occur and
new virus particles can be generated.