IMO News - Winter - 2019 PDF

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Ballast water treaty amendments

enter into force

The magazine of the International Maritime Organization

Winter 2019



IMO safe fishing vessel

treaty gets major boost



Addressing barriers to
transboundary carbon
capture and storage



Women in
port management
IMO NEWS • Winter 2019

Its time to make

a difference

0.5% Max
The IMO has adopted a global
sulphur cap. This requires all
ships to either use max 0.5%
sulphur content Marine Fuel
Oil, or fit a scrubbing device
capable of removing the sulphur
to an equivalent level of MFO
emissions or better as from 1st
January 2020.

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scrubbing devices operators can is able to offer state of the art exhaust gas scrubbing
continue using HFO safe in the systems for fleets of all classes around the world.
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IMO and shipping –

5 tackling global challenges

15 Sub-Committee on Carriage of
Cargoes and Containers (CCC)

22 London Convention/London
Protocol (LC/LP)


 allast water treaty

6 amendments enter into force
Sulphur 2020: preparing for
9 a sea change from 1 January
Global EU/IMO project drives
11 energy efficiency in the
maritime sector
Supporting gender equality,
12 empowering women - World
Maritime Day 2019

IMO safe fishing vessel treaty News and stories from around the
gets major boost world on IMO’s work to promote safe,
secure and sustainable shipping on
clean oceans
20 Women in fisheries

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IMO NEWS • Winter 2019


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A message
IMO from 2019
NEWS • Winter IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim OPINION

IMO and shipping –

tackling global challenges
T he world today faces huge challenges, such as the tangible
threats from climate change, a universal effort to steer our
world into a future of sustainable development, the increasing
Turning to our efforts to help combat climate change - in 2018,
all IMO stakeholders, Member States, IGOs, NGOs and the whole
maritime industry came to a mutual understanding and adopted an
benefits and potential risks of digitalization and the need to initial strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from shipping.
preserve our oceans. Indeed, this mutual effort was recognized by UN Secretary-
The shipping industry is going through fundamental changes as General António Guterres at the Climate Summit last September
it responds to these challenges. Not surprisingly, this is one of the when he highlighted the progress made by shipping in
busiest and most productive periods in IMO’s long history. reducing emissions.
On a global level, arguably the most talked about topics are the But we must now accelerate progress towards the
impact of climate change and other issues affecting human health implementation of the initial strategy, looking at new fuels from
and the environment. renewable and sustainable sources, new methods of propulsion,
IMO Member States and all stakeholders have worked tirelessly and new ways of maximizing the efficiency of existing
to pave the way for a harmonized and smooth entry into force of propulsion methods.
the global sulphur limit, referred to as “IMO 2020”. IMO continues to lead the way, not only in the regulatory
We have taken a proactive approach and initiated meetings, work but also with the successful implementation of a portfolio of
discussions and a symposium, bringing together all stakeholders practical projects.
- from IMO Member States, and the shipping, oil and bunker Through our technical cooperation strategy and these major
industries - to facilitate the smooth implementation of this projects, we are working effectively in supporting developing
important, global regulatory standard. countries to build their resources across a wide spectrum of
maritime issues.
In so many areas, we are now at a crossroads. In the next
biennium, IMO will need to deliver tangible and concrete action –
to ensure our strategies, plans and roadmaps are achieved. I am
confident that, together, we can succeed.
I would like to reiterate my sincere appreciation to all Member
States as well as IGOs, NGOs and the maritime industry for their
continued collaboration to achieve our goals in this critical area of
IMO’s work. It is a true reflection of the spirit of IMO.
I am certain that together, in particular with the cooperation of
the maritime industry, we will make further progress. 5
NEWS IMO NEWS • Winter 2019

Ballast water treaty amendments enter into force

A mendments to an international treaty aimed at preventing the

spread of potentially invasive species in ships’ ballast water
entered into force on 13 October 2019.
Other amendments to the BWM Convention entering into force
on 13 October 2019 relate to survey and certification.

Ships regularly take on sea water, in tanks, to ensure their The BWM Convention - D-2 standard
stability. Known as ballast water, this can contain many aquatic
species, including in microscopic or larval form. These can become The D-2 standard specifies that ships can only discharge ballast
invasive and harmful if the ballast water is released, unmanaged, in water that meets the following criteria:
a new location at the end of an ocean voyage. • less than 10 viable organisms per cubic metre which are greater
The International Convention for the Control and Management of than or equal to 50 micrometres in minimum dimension;
Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004 (the BWM Convention) • less than 10 viable organisms per millilitre which are between
was adopted by IMO to address this problem. 10 micrometres and 50 micrometres in minimum dimension;
The BWM Convention entered into force in 2017. The • less than 1 colony-forming unit (cfu) per 100 millilitres of
amendments formalise an implementation schedule to ensure ships Toxicogenic Vibrio cholerae;
manage their ballast water to meet a specified standard (“D-2
• less than 250 cfu per 100 millilitres of Escherichia coli; and
standard” - see above) aimed at ensuring that viable organisms are
not released into new sea areas, and make mandatory the Code • less than 100 cfu per 100 millilitres of Intestinal Enterococci.
for Approval of Ballast Water Management Systems, which sets out
how ballast water management systems used to achieve the D-2 The BWM Convention and the SDGs
standard have to be assessed and approved.
Implementation of the Ballast Water Management Convention
This will help ensure that aquatic organisms and pathogens are contributes to achieving a number of the United Nations
removed or rendered harmless before the ballast water is released Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular, SDG 14 on
into a new location – and avoid the spread of invasive species as life below water, which calls for sustainable use of the oceans;
well as potentially harmful pathogens.
and SDG 15, which includes targets relating to biodiversity and
The amendments to the BWM Convention were adopted in April curtailing the spread of invasive species.
2018. In essence, the schedule for implementation means that
compliance with the D-2 standard set out in the Convention will be
phased-in over time for individual ships, up to 8 September 2024.
The BWM Convention requirements
Over time, more and more ships will be compliant with the Since the Convention entered into force in September 2017,
D-2 standard. ships have been required to manage their ballast water to avoid the
In many cases, meeting the D-2 standard will be achieved transfer of potentially invasive aquatic species. All ships must have
through fitting ballast water management systems. There are a ship-specific ballast water management plan and keep a ballast
now many such approved systems on the market, ranging from water record book. Ships are also required to manage their ballast
those which use physical methods such as ultraviolet light to treat water to meet either the D-1 ballast water exchange standard or
the ballast water, to those using active substances (chemicals). the D-2 performance standard. The amendments in force from
Those that use active substances have to go through a thorough 13 October 2019 formalise the implementation schedule for the
additional approval process. transition from the D-1 to the D 2 standard.

IMO NEWS • Winter 2019 NEWS

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NEWS IMO NEWS • Winter 2019

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IMO NEWS • Winter 2019 NEWS

Sulphur 2020: preparing for a sea

change from 1 January 2020
F rom 1 January 2020, sulphur oxide emissions from ships will be
reduced considerably under a forthcoming IMO rule. This will
have significant benefits for human health and the environment –
attempted before and needs to be understood by all stakeholders.”
A representative from the International Standardization
Organization (ISO) outlined the recently-issued standard: ISO/PAS
but also represents a challenge for the industry. 23263:2019, which addresses quality considerations that apply to
The preparedness of all stakeholders for this significant change - marine fuels in view of the implementation of the sulphur 2020 limit
as well as its challenges – were highlighted during a Symposium on and the range of marine fuels that will be placed on the market
IMO 2020 and Alternative Fuels, held at IMO, on Thursday 17 and in response.
Friday 18 October. The symposium, which was attended by over Other speakers explained how scrubbers (which will be installed
300 delegates, brought together a range of speakers, from Member on around 4,000 ships) and – to a lesser extent – LNG, are being
Governments, as well as from shipping, refineries, fuel oil suppliers used to meet the sulphur 2020 limit as well as the potential to
and legal professionals. reduce other emissions from ships.
“Collaboration among key stakeholders is essential for the Summing up, IMO’s Hiroyuki Yamada, Director of Marine
smooth landing of IMO 2020,” IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim Environment Division, reiterated the importance of cooperation
said, opening the symposium. He highlighted the tremendous among all stakeholders and encouraged Member Governments,
amount of work undertaken to prepare for IMO 2020 by all shipping, refinery, fuel oil supply and relevant industries, as well
stakeholders, since the 2020 date was confirmed in 2016, including as charterers, to finalize their preparations for IMO 2020. IMO will
a series of guidance and guidelines for shipowners as well as flag
make every effort to support the consistent implementation of IMO
and port States.
2020 on Sulphur limit.
From 1 January 2020, the “IMO 2020” rule means that the
Day two of the symposium focused on the role of alternative
limit for sulphur in fuel oil used on board ships operating outside
fuels in the decarbonization of international shipping.
designated emission control areas will be reduced to 0.50% m/m
(mass by mass) – while in designated emission control areas
(ECAs) the limit will remain at 0.10%. The current limit is 3.50% so
the change is significant and – for most ships – will mean a switch
to new types of compliant fuel oils, so-called very low sulphur fuel
oil (VLSFO), or marine gas/diesel oil. The VLSFO blends are new
to the market.
Member States speaking at the symposium, including
representatives from Denmark, Japan, Marshall Islands and
Singapore, said that they were ready as flag and port States
to implement and enforce the sulphur 2020 limit. Stakeholder
meetings were a feature in many countries, bringing together
industry and government officials to ensure preparedness.
In terms of supply of the new fuel oil needed to meet the 2020
limit, representatives from IPIECA, representing the oil and gas
industry, and IBIA, representing the bunker industry, confirmed
that supply of the low sulphur fuel oil was expected to be readily
available in most locations and is already available in some. Many
ships will be looking to load complaint fuel oil well before the end
of 2019. However, there was an expectation of price volatility and
supply and demand would have to find a new balance which could
take time – especially given that this involves many different actors,
from refiners, to bunker suppliers, to ships and the
shipping industry.
“It is all going to be about market dynamics - but supply and
demand will get in balance. It will not be easy transition, but we
will get there,” said Eddy van Bouwel, Chair, marine fuels
committee, IPIECA.
Speakers touched on the challenges new blends of fuel oil might
bring, including potential quality issues providing challenges, in
particular to the ship’s engineers, and the need for preparedness
was reiterated, including crew training and reviewing clauses in
charter parties.
Simon Bennett, Deputy Secretary-General of the International
Chamber of Shipping (ICS) said that the shipowner organisation
was confident that IMO 2020 will be a success. “However, the
huge enormity of such a regulatory game changer has never been 9
NEWS IMO NEWS • Winter 2019

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IMO NEWS • Winter 2019 NEWS

Global EU/IMO project drives energy

efficiency in the maritime sector
A global network of maritime technology
cooperation centres has completed an
impressive array of pilot projects over the
of optimising the angle at which ships
float in the water (“trim”), to improve their
performance; and has also been collecting
ships in which the role of the MTCCs is
specifically highlighted.
“If international shipping is to achieve
past three years, helping to drive forward and reporting ship fuel oil consumption at least 50% reduction by 2050, what this
the changes which are required to reduce data. Fifteen demonstration ships have, to really means is an average 85% emission
GHG emissions from shipping. date, provided 68,517 sets of data relating reduction per ship,” said Edmund Hughes,
Five regional Maritime Technology to ship fuel consumption and optimum Head, Air Pollution and Energy Efficiency,
Cooperation Centres (MTCCs) have been trim. Prof. Wei Ruan, Head of MTCC-Asia, IMO. “The MTCCs are looking into technical
established under the Global Maritime told the conference that the guidelines on and operational measures for energy
Technology Cooperation Centres (GMN) ship trim optimization will be circulated efficiency - and this is why the MTCCs are
Project, which is funded by the European to more than 1000 ocean-going vessels, so important; and we commend them.”
Union and implemented by IMO. highlighting the positive local and regional
impact of the pilot project.
Between them, the MTCCs count 97
MTCC Latin America has organised
participating countries and have been
several workshops, throughout the
working with 1,179 participating vessels to
region, to help maritime authorities and The GMN project
deliver sets of data which can help inform
other stakeholders fulfil their obligations
and support energy efficiency improvement. The GMN project is funded by the
under IMO’s international regulations on
Port energy audits and retrofitting of European Union and implemented
energy efficiency. Its pilot projects have
domestic vessels for better energy by IMO.
focused on examining the barriers and
efficiency are just two ways in which results The project was born out of a
constraints faced by regional ship owners
are already being seen. concept to develop a global network
and operators when implementing the
More than 160 people from 64 countries IMO regulations and on collection of fuel of maritime technology cooperation
met for the third annual GMN conference, consumption data. centres to accelerate capacity
held together with the World Maritime building and technology transfer in the
MTCC Africa has also been collecting
University (WMU) at the University’s maritime field. This idea was mooted in
fuel consumption data and has developed
premises in Malmö, Sweden (8-10 October). September 2015 during the inaugural
standardized e-forms for data collection
Future-Ready Shipping Conference,
Representatives from the five MTCCs equipment (tablets), enabling ships’ crews
a joint IMO-Singapore international
reported on their pilot projects which assess to input key parameters, such as fuel type,
conference on maritime technology
a range of measures to help cut emissions fuel consumed, engine rating and so on,
transfer and capacity building.
in the maritime sector. These range from and then upload this via satellite to a web-
data collection in accordance with IMO based platform - where it can be processed Four years on, and thanks to a €10
MARPOL requirements, to assessing the and analysed. By the end of 2018, more million funding contribution from the
impact of local improvements in ports, to than 1000 data sets had been collected. A European Union , the GMN project has
reducing emissions in port areas. demonstration pilot project on port energy come into fruition and five MTCCs have
audits is also being implemented. been established and have, to date,
As well as pilot projects, each MTCC is
involved more than 2,210 participants in
involved in hosting and arranging regional MTCC Pacific has been focusing on more than 50 maritime energy efficiency
and national workshops and seminars, to uptake of energy efficient ship technologies workshops, as well as delivering pilot
raise awareness of IMO’s energy-efficiency and operations (including for domestic projects. They are: MTCC Africa; MTCC
measures for ships and to deliver capacity shipping and ports) and on fuel oil Asia; MTCC Caribbean; MTCC Latin
building through training. consumption data collection and reporting. America; and MTCC Pacific. EC funding
The positive impact of these efforts in the for the project has now been confirmed
Successful regional projects Solomon Islands, one of the beneficiary until September 2020.
countries, was highlighted in an IMO
MTCC-Caribbean has been GMN video earlier this year: a full energy-
coordinating regional efforts in two pilot efficiency and emissions audit in the port MTCCs:
projects: one to establish a maritime of Honiara, Solomon Islands has helped • MTCC-Africa, hosted by Jomo
energy efficiency baseline and cost/ authorities cut emissions considerably. Kenyatta University of Agriculture
benefit analysis for different energy- and Technology, Mombasa, Kenya
efficiency technologies and the other a
system for collecting fuel consumption Future action • MTCC-Asia, hosted by Shanghai
The GMN project is continuing, through Maritime University, China
data throughout the Caribbean. “The
pilot projects have definitely raised the MTCCs, to work with local stakeholders • MTCC-Caribbean, hosted by
awareness in the Caribbean; evidenced, and push forward with raising awareness of University of Trinidad and Tobago,
for example, by the fact that now local energy efficiency in the maritime sector. The Trinidad and Tobago
stakeholders are looking into developing MTCCS are perfectly poised to continue to • MTCC-Latin America, hosted by
local solutions, such as alternative fuels,” implement measures locally and regionally, International Maritime University of
said Captain Sukhjit Singh, Deputy Director in order to meet the challenges which action Panama, Panama
and Technical Head of MTCC-Caribbean. on climate change demands, in line with the
• MTCC-Pacific, hosted by Pacific
MTCC Asia has been developing a Paris Agreement.
Community, Suva, Fiji
software tool to help ships’ crews record IMO has adopted its own initial strategy
fuel consumption and is working on ways on reduction of GHG emissions from 11
NEWS IMO NEWS • Winter 2019

Supporting gender equality, empowering

women - World Maritime Day 2019
“Experience tells us that diversity is better; it’s better for teamwork,
better for leadership - and better for commercial performance.
The maritime world is changing. And for the better. With help
from IMO, and other organizations, exciting and rewarding career
opportunities are opening up for women. And a new generation of
strong and talented women are responding. They are proving that
in today’s world the maritime industries are for everyone. It’s not
about your gender, it’s about what you can do,”.
Mr. Lim urged all stakeholders to continue to work to break down
barriers and empower women in the maritime community.
IMO’s Women in Maritime programme will continue to support
the empowerment of women in the maritime sector in years to
come, through gender specific fellowships; by facilitating access

O n 26 September, IMO and the global maritime community

celebrated the annual World Maritime Day, under the theme
“Empowering Women in the Maritime Community”.
to high-level technical training for women in the maritime sector in
developing countries; by creating the environment in which women
are identified and selected for career development opportunities in
“Gender equality has been recognized as one of the key maritime administrations, ports and maritime training institutes; and
platforms on which people can build a sustainable future. It is one by facilitating the establishment of professional women-in-maritime
of the 17 goals that underpin the UN’s Sustainable Development associations, particularly in developing countries.
Agenda, which countries all over the world have pledged to World Maritime Day is an official United Nations day. Every year,
implement,” said IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim. it provides an opportunity to focus attention on the importance of
“Helping our Member States achieve the SDGs and deliver the shipping and other maritime activities and to emphasize a particular
2030 Agenda is one of our key strategic directions. Gender equality aspect of IMO’s work. Each year has its own world maritime theme,
and decent work for all are among those goals - SDGs 5 and 8 - which is used to steer events and activities throughout the year.
and, although we are highlighting the role of women in the maritime Governments, individually, jointly and regionally are encouraged
community this year, I want to stress that this is part of a continuing, to mark World Maritime Day on a date of their choosing but usually
long-term effort in support of these objectives,” Mr. Lim said. in the last week of September.
This year, IMO invited the entire maritime world to highlight A series of activities and events have been held during
and showcase their commitment to empowering women and to 2019 related to the theme, Empowering Women in the Maritime
supporting SDG 5 on gender equality. Community. Many maritime stakeholders have enthusiastically
Numerous activities throughout 2019 have helped support the taken up the theme, which has been highlighted at seminars,
message that, for sustainability and success in the modern world, conferences and panel discussions.
empowering women in the maritime community makes sense. IMO has been directly involved in numerous events. Among
Shipping needs diversity in the workforce. other activities, an IMO film Turning the Tide, showing how IMO’s
“Women in the maritime world today are strong, powerful and Women in Maritime programme is helping to support gender
constantly challenging old-fashioned perceptions,” Mr. Lim said. diversity in the maritime sector, premiered earlier this year.

Colombia’s World Maritime Day Parallel Event Mr. Lim highlighted the challenges ahead – including the need
for action to combat climate change as presented in IMO’s initial
“Shipping must draw talent from every corner of the globe and GHG strategy - as well as the opportunities for a sector which
every sector of the population to ensure its own sustainability.” drives global trade and development.
This was a key message from IMO Secretary-General Kitack “The global shipping sector is essential for a sustainable
Lim, in his opening remarks to the 2019 IMO World Maritime Day future. But maritime activities themselves need to be sustainable
Parallel Event in Santiago, Colombia. - and an important part of IMO’s role is to ensure that shipping
“Improving the participation of women in society leads to continues to make its contribution to global trade and
better social and economic outcomes. This is also true in the development in a sustainable way,” Mr. Lim said.
maritime community. So, it is critical that women are provided Finally, five women with illustrious careers in the maritime
with equal access to opportunities at all levels and within all field shared their stories of how they achieved success in a
sectors of the maritime industry. Experience shows that, when deeply moving and personal exchange of experiences. They
they are given those opportunities, women are strong and were: Katy Ware, Director of Maritime Safety and Standards,
successful – continually challenging old-fashioned and outdated United Kingdom Maritime and Coastguard Agency; Despina
perceptions and proving that, today, the maritime industries are Panayiotou, President, WISTA International; Liliana Monsalve,
for everyone,” Mr. Lim said. Head of Claims, IOPC Funds; Angela Pinilla, Manager,
The World Maritime theme for 2019, “Empowering women in ECOPETROL; and Helen Buni, focal point for the IMO Women
the maritime community” was prominent throughout the high-level in Maritime programme.
event. Speakers and panellists also emphasised the relevance of All paid homage to the key mentors and sponsors who helped
the United Nations agenda for sustainable development, with its shape their careers and encouraged the audience to seek out or
associated Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). serve as a mentor for young women entering the maritime endeavour.

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New and alternative fuels – Inspection

interim safety guidelines for programme
for containers
methyl/ethyl alcohol agreed
T here is increased focus on new fuels and
fuel blends, which are being developed
• made progress in developing draft interim
guidelines for the safety of ships using fuel
T he Sub-Committee made progress in
revising and updating the guidance on
inspection programmes for cargo transport
to ensure compliance with the 0.50% sulphur cell power installations; units (CTUs), including expanding the current
limit for fuel oil (from 1 January 2020) and IMO guidelines for inspections related to transport
• agreed to develop amendments to the
2030 and 2050 CO2 emission targets set out of dangerous goods at sea, to include all
IGF Code to include safety provisions for
in the IMO GHG strategy. types of cargoes carried in CTUs.
ships using low-flashpoint oil fuels and
Matters related to newer types of fuel are established a correspondence group to The Sub-Committee encouraged Member
considered under the agenda item on the States to undertake CTU inspections and
continue this work;.
International Code of Safety for Ships using report their findings to the Organization.
Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF • approved, in principle, draft amendments
A correspondence group was instructed
Code). The IGF Code, which entered into to the IGF Code, relating to specific to further develop the draft amendments
force in 2017, aims to minimize the risk to requirements for ships using natural to the inspection programmes; review the
ships, their crews and the environment, given gas as fuel. The Sub-Committee further draft guidelines to ensure they are up-
the nature of the fuels involved. It has initially agreed to develop interim guidelines on to-date; and consider contamination and
focused on liquefied natural gas (LNG), but safety provisions for ships using liquefied pest control matters with regard to CTU
work is now underway to consider other petroleum gas (LPG) as fuel. inspections taking into account the IMO/
relevant fuel types. • completed draft guidelines for the ILO/UNECE Code of Practice for Packing
The Sub-Committee: acceptance of alternative metallic of Cargo Transport Units (CTU Code).
• finalised draft interim guidelines for the materials for cryogenic service in ships
safety of ships using methyl/ethyl alcohol carrying liquefied gases in bulk and ships
as fuel, for submission to the Maritime using gases or other low-flashpoint fuels,

Next set of draft

Safety Committee (MSC) for approval; for submission to the MSC for approval.

IMO Model Course on Safe Handling and amendments

Transport of Solid Bulk Cargoes validated to the IMDG
T he safety of ships carrying bulk cargoes depends on proper implementation of
IMO rules - and training is crucial. A new IMO Model Course on Safe Handling and
Code agreed
Transport of Solid Bulk Cargoes was validated by the Sub-Committee.
The course will focus on the mandatory measures for handling and transport of solid
bulk cargoes outlined in the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code, T he Sub-Committee agreed the next
set of draft amendments (40-20) to the
International Maritime Dangerous Goods
which is the industry rulebook on how to deal with such cargoes.
(IMDG) Code, which will be submitted to
IMO model courses are designed to facilitate access to knowledge and skills. MSC 102 for adoption, following finalization
The course will cover all solid bulk cargoes, including those which may liquefy when by the Editorial and Technical (E&T) Group.
moisture limits are reached and cause instability of the ship. These cargoes require that The draft amendments relate to:
particular attention is paid to testing and recording moisture limits before loading. segregation requirements for alcoholates;
segregation in relation to liquid organic

Development of next set of draft substances; classification and transport

of carbon, following incidents involving

amendments to IMSBC Code the spontaneous ignition of charcoal;

classification of UN portable tanks for
multimodal transport; and provisions

P rogress was made in developing the next set of draft amendments to the IMSBC Code,
which will be further considered by the Editorial and Technical (E&T) Group in spring
2020. This set of amendments (06-21) will include updates to individual schedules and
for labels.
The Sub Committee also established
a correspondence group to review
proposed new individual schedules, among others.
maritime special provisions in chapter
The Sub-Committee discussed the need for a distinction between liquefaction and 3.3 of the IMDG Code, in order to identify
dynamic separation for Group A cargoes, noting that dynamic separation only applied to those permitting exemptions from the
bauxite. The issue was referred to the E&T Group for further discussion ahead of the next full application of the Code; and to
session, CCC 7. recommend a way forward. The review
In June 2019, MSC 101 adopted a consolidated edition of the IMSBC Code, is intended to address issues related to
incorporating all amendments adopted to date, since the code was first adopted in 2008, non-declaration and misdeclaration of
as well as amendment 05-19. dangerous goods. 15
IMO NEWS • Winter 2019

Albania Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Australia Bahamas Bangladesh Barbados Belgium Brazil Bulgaria Canada China
Congo Cook Islands Croatia Cyprus Denmark Egypt Estonia Fiji Finland France Gabon Georgia Germany Ghana Greece
Grenada Guyana Honduras Indonesia Iran Jamaica Japan Jordan Kenya Kiribati Latvia Lebanon Liberia Lithuania

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Zealand Nigeria Niue Norway Palau Panama Peru Philippines Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea Russian Federation Saint
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Syrian Arab Republic Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Turkey Tuvalu United Arab Emirates Albania Antigua and Barbuda
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Indonesia Iran Jamaica Japan Jordan Kenya Kiribati Latvia Lebanon Liberia Lithuania Madagascar Malaysia Maldives
Malta Marshall Islands Mexico Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Niue Norway Palau
Panama Peru Philippines Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea Russian Federation Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saudi
Arabia Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Togo
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Estonia Fiji Finland France Gabon Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Grenada Guyana Honduras Indonesia Iran Jamaica
Japan Jordan Kenya Kiribati Latvia Lebanon Liberia Lithuania Madagascar Malaysia Maldives Malta Marshall Islands
Mexico Mongolia Montenegro Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria Niue Norway Palau Panama Peru Philippines
Portugal Qatar Republic of Korea Russian Federation Saint Kitts and Nevis Saint Lucia Saudi Arabia Serbia Seychelles Sierra
Leone Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Syrian Arab Republic Togo Tonga Trinidad and Tobago Turkey
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IMO NEWS • Winter 2019 FEATURE

IMO safe fishing vessel

treaty gets major boost

A global regime to create much-needed safety standards for

fishing vessels has moved a significant step closer following an
IMO-led international Ministerial Conference in Torremolinos, Spain.
IMO Secretary-General Lim ended the Conference with a key
message for States. “You are the leaders who can now push this
cause forward, in collaboration with relevant national bodies, other
During the conference (21-23 October), nearly 50 States signed States and international organizations, to bring this process to a
the Torremolinos Declaration, publicly indicating their determination successful conclusion. That is, to bring into force the final piece of
to ensure the 2012 Cape Town Agreement on fishing vessel safety the international regulatory framework for fishing, the Cape Town
will enter into force by the tenth anniversary of its adoption Agreement,” Mr. Lim said.
(11 October 2022). “There is no time to lose. If the fishing sector remains
The Cape Town Agreement includes mandatory safety insufficiently regulated, fishing-related activities will continue to
measures for fishing vessels of 24m in length and over. It covers cause more fatalities; pollute our oceans; place SAR services
key parameters such as stability and associated seaworthiness, at risk; and harm developing States affected by illegal fishing
machinery and electrical installations, life-saving appliances, activities,” Mr. Lim said.
communications equipment, fire protection and fishing vessel
construction. Although adopted in 2012, it will only enter into force The Cape Town Agreement
after at least 22 States, with an aggregate 3,600 fishing vessels of
24m in length and over operating on the high seas, have expressed The Cape Town Agreement treaty will enter into force 12 months
their consent to be bound by it. after at least 22 States, with an aggregate 3,600 fishing vessels of
24m in length and over operating on the high seas have expressed
When it does, it will improve the safety of life at sea for hundreds their consent to be bound by it. With two accessions made during
of thousands of fishers worldwide, who currently do not benefit from
the Conference, by Cook Islands and Sao Tome and Principe, 13
a global mandatory regime for fishing vessel safety. It is also seen
countries have now ratified the Cape Town Agreement: Belgium,
as key tool in combating illegal, unregulated and unreported
Congo, Cook Islands, Denmark, France, Germany, Iceland,
(IUU) fishing.
Netherlands, Norway, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Sao Tome and Principe,
Speaking at the close of the Conference, which adopted the South Africa and Spain.
“Torremolinos Statement on the Cape Town Agreement of 2012,
relating to fishing vessel safety, and combating illegal, unregulated
and unreported fishing”, IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim
Torremolinos Declaration
noted that IMO had once again returned to Torremolinos to finish As well as taking action to ensure entry into force, States signing
the endeavours started more than 40 years ago, when the first the Torremolinos Declaration pledged to promote the agreement,
global treaty to address safety of fishing vessels was adopted in recognizing that the ultimate effectiveness of the instrument
Torremolinos in 1977 (it did not enter into force). depends upon the widespread support of States, in their capacities
“In 2019, with this conference, we now have a broader as flag States, port States and coastal States. They also denounced
consensus on the urgent need for the Cape Town Agreement the proliferation of IUU fishing, recognizing that international
to enter into force, as a significant contribution to the long-term safety standards for fishing vessels will provide port States with
sustainability of the fishing industry,” Mr. Lim said. a mandatory instrument to carry out safety inspections of fishing
vessels, thereby increasing control and transparency of
“This work must now continue, in a pro-active and cooperative
fishing activities.
manner, to bring the agreement into force as soon as possible,
so that fishers around the world can enjoy the safety and welfare Forty-eight countries have so far signed the declaration:
benefits,” Mr. Lim said. Argentina, Bangladesh, Belgium, Belize, Central African Republic,
Chile, China, Congo (Republic of), Cook Islands, Costa Rica,
The first international treaty on fishing vessel safety was adopted
by IMO in Torremolinos in 1977, with a follow-up Protocol adopted
in 1993. But their failure to enter into force has meant that fishers
are not yet protected by a global, mandatory treaty – unlike cargo
and passenger ships which are covered by international treaties for
safety of life at sea and environmental protection, that have wide
acceptance and have been in force for many decades.
The Cape Town Agreement, adopted in 2012, builds on the
earlier treaties and will provide the global regime needed for
safety of fishing vessels, alongside the International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing
Vessel Personnel, 1995 (1995 STCW-F Convention), which is
already in force.

No time to lose
Ministers and organizations alike highlighted the importance of
the Cape Town Agreement for safety, for combating IUU fishing,
and for the sustainable development of an industry which feeds More than 30 ministers attended the Torremolinos conference, pledging to bring the Cape Town
millions of people. Agreement into force as soon as possible. 17
IMO NEWS • Winter 2019

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IMO NEWS • Winter 2019 FEATURE

Croatia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Denmark, Ecuador, stopping IUU fishing; reducing risk and protecting search and
Fiji, Finland, France, Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Guinea (Republic rescue services; responsible fishing schemes; working conditions;
of), Guinea Bissau, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Kiribati, Lebanon, and marine debris from fishing vessels.
Liberia, Marshall Islands, Mozambique, Namibia, Netherlands, New Along with the Cape Town Agreement and the STCW-F
Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Norway, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Convention, two other key treaties address fishing vessels and
Peru, Republic of Korea, Sao Tome and Principe, Sierra Leone, contribute to the fight against IUU fishing. They are: ILO’s Work
South Africa, Spain, Togo, Uganda, United Kingdom, Vanuatu. The in Fishing Convention 2007 (Convention No. 188), which entered
Declaration is open for further signatures until 21 October 2020. into force on 16 November 2017 and sets minimum requirements
for work on board including hours of rest, food, minimum age and
Conference resolutions and Torremolinos Statement repatriation; and FAO’s Agreement on Port State Measures to
The Conference adopted two resolutions. Conference Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated
resolution 1 adopted the Torremolinos Statement on the Cape Fishing (PSMA), 2009, which entered into force in 2016 and seeks
Town Agreement of 2012 and combating illegal, unregulated and to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing through the adoption
unreported fishing. The Statement highlights the importance of the and implementation of effective port State measures.
Cape Town Agreement and the work on combating IUU fishing. It
calls on States to ratify the Cape Town Agreement; urges States to Torremolinos Conference
take action to prevent, deter and eliminate IUU fishing; encourage The Conference, hosted by IMO and the Government of Spain,
States to ratify and promote the STCW-F Convention on training brought together more than 30 Ministers, from maritime and
fishing vessel personnel; calls upon FAO, ILO and IMO to continue fishing Administrations, and one Prime Minister, who addressed
to work together in the fishing sector; and requests IMO to continue the Conference, among a total 500 delegates from nearly 150
to provide technical assistance to States that request it in order to delegations, including some 120 States.
accede to, and implement, the Cape Town Agreement.
The Torremolinos Conference was held with the kind support of
The second resolution expresses appreciation to Spain for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
hosting the conference. and The Pew Charitable Trusts.
The opening session of the Conference was addressed by the
Addressing the challenges for safe and legal fishing UN Special Envoy for the Oceans, Peter Thomson, and by Ministers
A series of panel discussions during the conference provided an from Spain, as well as by FAO and UNCTAD. The President of the
opportunity for expert speakers to discuss and share best practice Ministerial Segment was Spain’s Secretary-General of Transport,
in a number of key areas, including environmental protection; Ms. María José Rallo del Olmo. 19
FEATURE IMO NEWS • Winter 2019

Women in fisheries
A side event, reflecting IMO’s 2019 World Maritime theme,
highlighted the role of women in fisheries and the need for
greater visibility and recognition. Women play a significant role
in the fishing supply chain, processing, smoking, and ensuring
fish reaches markets and tables. Yet their contribution is often
overlooked. “Women play key roles in fisheries around the
world. To ignore those roles is to see only half the picture,” said
IMO’s Juvenal Shiundu. “Available data does not capture the
multidimensional nature of the work undertaken by women in
fisheries and few policies are developed with women in mind,”
Mr. Shiundu said.
Speakers at the event highlighted good examples of
work being done to support women in fisheries, including
organization into networks and associations to give them a
stronger voice as well as training. The Hon Emma Metieh
Glassco, Director General, of Liberia’s National Fisheries and
Aquaculture Authority, highlighted practical steps to increase
the visibility of women in fisheries, including organizing
fishmongers’ associations and practical training on salting of
fish and using improved smoking ovens (a project supported
by Iceland).
Ms. Cherie Morris, representative of the Women in Fisheries
Network, Fiji, said the network was working to give women
in fisheries a voice at community level. The network has also
secured funding to collect data. The importance of, and the
need for, data was echoed by several speakers, including
Dr. Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry, President of the World Maritime
University (WMU). “We need to produce data and research on
fishing - on fishers and the role that they play and, from there,
look at how we can lift them from poverty,” Dr. Doumbia-Henry
said. Current estimates suggest that about 40 million people
are engaged in fishing, with only 15% being women.
Further research and data collection are necessary to set
a benchmark or baseline of the current situation. But women
play an important role in small-scale fisheries in developing
countries, often making up the majority of the people involved.
Speakers also emphasized the need to combat illegal,
unregulated and unreported fishing. This has to include a
bottom-up approach, including and involving women in the
shore-side part of the fisheries supply chain. Further work is
needed, to build partnerships, to achieve greater inter-agency
collaboration between IMO, FAO and ILO, to improve visibility
and recognition of women in the fisheries sector and to support
the organization of women in fisheries into networks.
The event was organized by IMO and the Government
of Spain and sponsored by The Ministry of Transport of the
People’s Republic of China.

IMO NEWS • Winter 2019 FEATURE




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barriers to
carbon capture
and storage

T ransboundary export of carbon dioxide (CO2) for the purpose

of carbon capture and storage (or “sequestration”) can now be
provisionally allowed under certain circumstances, Parties to the
implement the provisions of the amendment in advance of entry
into force. To do this, the Parties concerned will need to deposit
a declaration of provisional application and provide notification of
London Protocol have agreed. any agreements or arrangements with the Secretary-General of the
The London Protocol provides the basis in international International Maritime Organization (IMO).
environmental law for Governments to allow carbon capture and “The adoption of the resolution will remove a barrier for countries
storage (CCS) under the seabed - which is recognized as one that wish to make use of carbon capture and storage - but which do
tool in climate change mitigation, while ensuring protection of the not have ready access to offshore storage sites within their national
marine environment. boundaries,” said Fredrik Haag, Head, Office for the London
CCS is a climate change mitigation technique. In simple terms, Convention and Protocol and Ocean Affairs, IMO. “An important
CO2 emissions are captured at source and then injected in carefully point to note is that reduction of CO2 emissions at source should be
selected sub-seabed rock formations, typically a few kilometres the primary focus, and provisional application of the amendment
below the sea floor. Depleted oil and gas fields, for example, can should not be seen as a substitute for other measures to reduce
provide permanent storage for CO2 waste. The technique may be CO2 emissions. Carbon sequestration can be considered as one of
appropriate for large single point CO2 emission sources such as a portfolio of options to reduce levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide
power stations, chemical and cement plants and steelworks. and can be an important interim solution in the fight against
London Protocol Parties, meeting in London for their annual climate change.”
meeting with Parties to the London Convention (7-11 October), The London Protocol provides a framework for Parties to
adopted a resolution to allow provisional application of an effectively prevent pollution of the sea by dumping or incineration
amendment to article 6 of the Protocol to allow sub-seabed at sea of wastes and other matter, and by activities including
geological formations for sequestration projects to be shared carbon capture and storage in sub-seabed geological formations
across national boundaries. and marine geoengineering activities, such as ocean fertilization.
The London Protocol has, since 2006, provided a basis in The London Protocol takes a precautionary approach and prohibits
international environmental law to allow CO2 storage beneath the all dumping of wastes at sea, except for those on a list of wastes
seabed when it is safe to do so, and to regulate the injection of that may be considered. However, any wastes on the list must be
CO2 waste streams into sub-seabed geological formations for assessed and given a permit before being dumped at sea.
permanent isolation. The 2009 amendment adopted by Parties to The London Protocol was adopted in 1996, to modernize and
the London Protocol allows for sub-seabed geological formations eventually replace its forerunner, the Convention on the Prevention
for sequestration projects to be shared across national boundaries of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter, 1972
– effectively allowing CO2 streams to be exported for CCS purposes (London Convention).
(provided that the protection standards of all other London Protocol The London Protocol is one of the key pillars of marine
requirements have been met). However, the 2009 amendment has environment protection together with the International Convention
yet to enter into force. for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL), the United
The resolution to allow provisional application of the 2009 Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and Regional
amendment as an interim solution, pending sufficient acceptance Seas Conventions. The objectives of the LP include protecting and
by Contracting Parties, enables countries that wish to do so, to preserving the marine environment from all sources of pollution.

IMO NEWS • Winter 2019

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IMO AT WORK IMO NEWS • Winter 2019

Women in port management Strengthening

W hat do successful, well-run ports
and female empowerment have in
and international law concerning ports
and ships. Organized visits to the Israeli
regional cooperation
common? Both can make a significant
contribution to sustainable economic
Maritime Training Authority in Akko and
the Port of Haifa, as well as practical
to enhance maritime
IMO has provided support to eight
simulator exercises, enabled participants to
experience for themselves the day-to-day security
female officials from developing countries, operations of a port, with a view to applying
with an emphasis on Pacific Small Island
Developing States, attending a Port Senior
this knowledge back in their
respective countries. S tates in the western Indian Ocean and
the Gulf of Aden area have adopted a
plan of action to ensure better coordination
Management Programme held at the Galilee The event was delivered through IMO’s
International Management Institute (GIMI) in of regional efforts to enhance maritime
gender and capacity-building programme,
Nahalal, Israel, (6-19 November). security. During a high-level regional
in collaboration with GIMI. It comes as part
meeting in Mombasa, Kenya (13-14
The two-week course provided of IMO’s continuous efforts to support the November), signatory States to the revised
participants* with key information and UN Sustainable Development Goal 5 to Code of Conduct concerning the repression
updates on innovations in the port industry. achieve gender equality and empower all of piracy, armed robbery against ships and
Subjects covered include global trends women and girls. illicit maritime activity in the western Indian
and advances in port development, * Participants from: Cabo Verde, Fiji, Kiribati, Ocean and the Gulf of Aden Area* agreed
management and operations; port security Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Seychelles and to establish a governance framework to
and efficiency in container terminals; Solomon Islands champion implementation of the code.
A steering committee will be established
along with working groups on information
sharing and coordination. This should help
ensure better coordination of capacity
building through concerted efforts to
leverage synergies, avoid duplication of
effort and achieve better collaboration
with donors and implementing partners, to
promote improved programmes to deal with
the wide range of maritime security threats
IMO helps train future leaders in maritime policy in the region.

The Working Group on Information
n effective maritime transport system is an important foundation for sustainable
Sharing will spearhead work on the
development. But it needs proper planning and a solid policy foundation. So, as part of
development of an information sharing
its efforts to help deliver the global Sustainable Development Goals, IMO encourages and
network, including a plan to establish
assists its Member States to devise national maritime transport policies.
multi-agency national maritime information
A seminar on maritime transport policy, delivered by IMO and the faculty of the sharing centres. There will also be support
World Maritime University is now an integral part of the curriculum at IMO’s Malta-based for the development of regional maritime
International Maritime Law Institute (IMLI) – and the fourth in the series has been completed information sharing centres.
(13-15 November).
The Working Group on Coordination of
The seminar highlights the importance of a national maritime transport policy to Effort will be responsible for championing
guide planning, decision making and legislation in the maritime sector. In particular, the coordination of capacity building efforts,
importance of maritime transport policy in relation to developing maritime legislation and including work to enhance maritime domain
the close relationship between policy and legislation is emphasised. At the end of the awareness and coordination of
seminar the students participate in a practical group exercise, during which they formulate training activities.
the key aspects of a maritime transport policy for an imaginary state.
The Mombasa meeting was jointly
By teaching students from developing countries how to formulate their national maritime organized by IMO and the Republic of
transport policies, IMO contributes to several of the SDGs. Kenya with a financial contribution from the
The seminar is the result of continuing collaboration between IMO and its two global United Kingdom.
maritime training institutions – the World Maritime University and IMLI – which help to train *Known as the Jeddah Amendment to the Djibouti
the future leaders of the maritime world. Code of Conduct 2017


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IMO AT WORK IMO NEWS • Winter 2019

Towards a national
maritime transport
policy for Madagascar
M adagascar is the latest country to
benefit from IMO’s work promoting good

Empowering women in search

maritime governance to support sustainable
development. A workshop starting the
process to develop a National Maritime

and rescue operations Transport Policy (NMTP) for the country took
place in the capital, Antananarivo (13-15

T raining for African women working in

search and rescue (SAR) operations
has taken place at the Maritime Rescue
SAR and to provide them with appropriate
tools to manage SAR missions.
Forty participants from across government
departments took part and decided to
IMO, together with the International complete a draft policy in early 2020.
Coordination Centre in Rabat, Morocco Maritime Rescue Federation (IMRF) and All relevant government entities and
(13-15 November). Thirteen officials* from the Government of Morocco, supported stakeholders would be involved in the
developing countries and Small Island process, with the goal being to contribute
the course, the latest in a series of events
Developing States took part in the first to the country’s sustainable socio-economic
this year which fully support the World
regional training course of this kind. development and achievement of the
Maritime theme “Empowering Women in
The course included a practical exercise Sustainable Development Goals.
the Maritime Community”.
on a rescue boat and provided a platform The workshop was organized by IMO and
*Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, Kenya, Morocco,
to discuss how to improve and enhance Mozambique, Nigeria, Republic of the Congo,
the Agence Portuaire, Maritime et Fluviale,
the knowledge of African women working in Senegal, Seychelles and South Africa. with support from the World Maritime
University (WMU).

IMO launches online

tool to smooth
reporting formalities
S treamlining the many administrative
procedures necessary when ships
enter or leave port is an important element
of IMO’s work. And now, an important tool
used by software developers to create
systems for exchanging the relevant data
electronically has been made available by
Tackling invasive aquatic species in Jordan the Organization – online and free of charge.
The IMO Compendium is a reference

B iofouling is the build-up of aquatic to how biofouling should be controlled and manual containing data sets and the
organisms on a ship’s underwater hull structure and relationships between them,
managed to minimize the transfer of invasive
that will enable the IMO Member States to
and structures. It can be responsible for aquatic species through ships’ hulls.
fulfil a mandatory obligation (in place since
introducing potentially invasive non-native Among the participants were April 2019) for the reporting formalities
aquatic species to new environments and representatives of various maritime sectors, for ships, cargo and people on board
can also slow a ship down and impact including marinas, ports and civil society international shipping to be carried out
negatively on its energy efficiency. organizations, including the Arab Women electronically and in a harmonised way.
A two-day workshop was held in Aqaba, In Maritime Association (AWIMA).
Overall, this helps make cross-border
Jordan (11 to 12 November) to raise Participants agreed on the establishment trade simpler and the logistics chain more
awareness of the problem and the impact it of a National Task Force as well as the efficient, for the more than 10 billion tons
is having along the Jordanian coastline. creation of a communication platform for all of goods which are traded by sea annually
The workshop was co-organized its members, which will be key in defining across the globe.
and hosted by the Jordan Maritime a national policy on biofouling and invasive IMO is not the only organization
Commission, under the GEF-UNDP-IMO species. They agreed to draft a national dealing with electronic data exchange
GloFouling Partnerships Project, which strategy and action plan to implement the in maritime transport. But others, notably
aims to establish regional partnerships and IMO Biofouling Guidelines. the World Customs Organization, the
cooperation agreements to address marine The next step for the GloFouling United Nations Economic Commission for
biofouling issues. Partnerships in Jordan will be to develop Europe and the International Standards
Participants discussed a wide range of national baseline reports to assess the current Organization, have aligned their own data
topics including biofouling as a pathway for situation regarding non-indigenous species structures with the IMO Compendium to
non-indigenous species, and approaches and biofouling management practices. promote harmonization.

IMO NEWS • Winter 2019 FEATURE

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