Fundamentals of Software Engineering Course Outline 2017

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Addis Ababa University

Department of Computer Science

Course Outline
Academic Year: 2017/18 Semester: I
Instructor’s Name: Berhanu Abebe
Instructor’s contact Address Office: Eshshetu Cho e Bui ding
Room: 219
Eshmai : [email protected]
Consultation Hour: Tuesday: 3:30 – 5:30 PM

Course Title Fundamenta s of Software Eshngineering

Course code CoSc3071
Module Title and Code System Deve opment, CoSc-M3071
Credit hour/ECTS 5
Prerequisite CoSc-M1011(CoSc1013)

Course Objectives and Competence

On comp etion of this course students shou d:
• Understand the basic princip es of Software Eshngineering
• Write requirements specifcation documents
• Design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.
• Verify and va idate a Software system practice efective communication
ski .
Course Description
The Software Eshngineering course is intended to expose students to princip es
of fundamenta software engineering and emphasis is on a structura
approach in which a project is deve oped through the diferent activities of
Software Deve opment. This course provides an introduction to the prob ems
of software deve opment and maintenance and the processes and methods
used to address them. A phases in the software deve opment ife cyc e wi
be introduced. The course a so dea s with software project p anning, cost
estimation, tracking and contro , staffing, risk management, and software
confguration p an.
Course Breakdown

Chapter 1. Introduction to Software Eshngineering

• The Software Prob em

• Software Eshngineering Prob em
• The Software Eshngineering approach
Addis Ababa University
Department of Computer Science

Chapter 2. Software Processes

• Characteristics of a Software Process

• Software Deve opment Process
• Software ife cyc e and process mode s
• Process assessment mode s
• Software process metrics
• Project Management Process
• Software Confguration Process
Chapter 3. Requirement Eshngineering

• Software Requirements
• Prob em Ana ysis
• Requirements Specifcation
• Va idation & Metrics.
Chapter 4. Software Project management
• Responsibi ity of Software Project Managers,
• Project P anning,
• the organization of SPMP document,
• Project Size Eshstimation Metrics,
• Project Eshstimation Techniques
• Cost Eshstimation
• Project Schedu ing
• Staffing Personne P anning
• Software Confguration Management P ans
• Qua ity Assurance P ans
• Project Monitoring P ans
• Risk Management
Chapter 5. Function-Oriented Design
Addis Ababa University
Department of Computer Science

• Design Princip es
• Modu e Leve Concepts
• Design Notation and Specifcation
• Structured Design Methodo ogy
• Verifcation & Metrics.
Chapter 6. Detai ed Design
• Modu e Specifcations
• Detai ed Design
• Verifcation & Metrics.
Chapter 7. Coding
• Programming Practice
• Verifcation & Metrics.
Chapter 8. Testing
• Testing Fundamenta s
• Functiona Testing
• Structura Testing
• Testing Process
Teaching/Learning methods
Lecture, Laboratory, Assignment, Project work
Assessment Breakdown
 Test 1 – 15%
 Test 2 – 15%
 Project – 20%
 Fina Eshxam – 50%
1. Pankaj Ja ote, An Integrated Approach to Software Eshngineering, 3 rd
edition, Springer, 2005
2. Bruegge Bernd, Object oriented Software Eshngineering: Using UML,
Patterns and Java, 2nd edition, USA, Pearson Eshducation, 2004
3. Ian Sommervi e, Software Eshngineering, 8th edition, USA, Addison-
Wes ey, 2006
4. Kenda K.Esh. & Kenda J.Esh, Systems Ana ysis and Design, 5 th edition,
USA, Prentice Ha , 2001
5. Grady Booch ,Object-Oriented Ana ysis and Design with App ications,
2nd edition, USA, Addison-Wes ey Professiona , 19994
Addis Ababa University
Department of Computer Science

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