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LimCont PDF
A. Havens
Department of Mathematics
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Given a function of two variables f : D → R, D ⊆ R2 such that D
contains points arbitrarily close to a point (a, b), we say that the
limit of f (x, y ) as (x, y ) approaches (a, b) exists and has value L if
and only if for every real number ε > 0 there exists a real number
δ > 0 such that
|f (x, y ) − L| < ε
whenever »
0< (x − a)2 + (y − b)2 < δ .
We then write
lim f (x, y ) = L .
(x,y )→(a,b)
Recall, for functions of a single variable, one has notions of left and
right one-sided limits:
But in R2 there’s not merely left and right to worry about; one can
approach the point (a, b) along myriad different paths! The whole
limit lim(x,y )→(a,b) f (x, y ) = L if and only if the limits along all
paths agree and equal L.
An Easy Limit
A Classic Revisted
sin(x 2 + y 2 )
Let f (x, y ) = . Then find
x2 + y2
lim f (x, y ) .
(x,y )→(0,0)
We can compute the limit as follows. Let r 2 = x 2 + y 2 . Then
along any path r(t) = hx(t), y (t)i such that as t → 1, r(t) → 0,
we have that r 2 = krk2 → 0. It follows that
sin r 2 sin u
lim f (x, y ) = lim 2
= lim = 1.
(x,y )→(0,0) r →0 r
2 u→0 u
An Easy Limit
A Surface of Revolution
The previous example has a geometric solution as well: the graph
for z = f (x, y ) = sin(r 2 )/r 2 is a surface of revolution. What is the
curve revolved, and what is the axis?
A Non-Existent Limit
x2 − y2
Show that lim f (x, y ) does not exist for f (x, y ) = .
(x,y )→(0,0) x2 + y2
Solution: We will show that the limits along the x and y axes are
different, thus showing that the limit cannot exist.
x2 − 0
Along the x-axis, y = 0, and so f (x, y ) = f (x, 0) = = 1,
x2 + 0
lim f (x, 0) = 1 .
0 − y2
Along the y -axis, x = 0 and f (x, y ) = f (0, y ) = = −1,
0 + y2
lim f (0, y ) = −1 .
y →0
Since lim f (x, 0) 6= lim f (0, y ), the limit lim f (x, y ) does
x→0 y →0 (x,y )→(0,0)
not exist.
A Curious Wrinkle
xy 2
Does the limit of f (x, y ) = as (x, y ) → (0, 0) exist, and if
x2 + y4
yes, what is it?
and in fact, we can show that for any line of approach through
(0, 0), the limit is 0.
lim f (x, mx) = lim
x→0 x→0 x 2 + (mx)4
m2 x 3
= lim 2
x→0 x + m4 x 4
m2 x
= lim = 0,
x→0 1 + m4 x 2
So is the limit 0?
A. Havens Limits and Continuity for Multivariate Functions
Defining Limits of Two Variable functions Case Studies in Two Dimensions Continuity Three or more Variables
Precarious Parabolae
A new path
If we instead approach (0, 0) along the parabola x = y 2 , we find
y4 1
lim f (y 2 , y ) = lim 4 4
= 6= 0 .
y →0 y →0 y + y 2
Thus the limit does not exist!
Key moral: Given the complexity of surface discontinuities
(creases, wrinkles, precipitous slopes, etc), one cannot trust that
the limit exists just from testing some small family of curves.
When a limit does exist, proving it via curves is impractical, and
one must resort to the definition (working with ε’s and δ’s.)
An Epsilon-Delta Game
3xy 2
Consider the function f (x, y ) = .
x2 + y2
An Epsilon-Delta Game
An Epsilon-Delta Game
Suppose we are given an ε > 0, and we know that |f (x, y ) − 0| < ε
for some (x, y ).
An Epsilon-Delta Game
x 2 ≤ x 2 + y 2 and 0 ≤ y 2 /(x 2 + y 2 ) ≤ 1
we have that
y2 √ »
3|x| ≤ 3|x| = 3 x 2 ≤ 3 x2 + y2 .
x2 + y2
We see the distance between (x, y ) and (0, 0) appearing on the far
right in the inequality.
A. Havens Limits and Continuity for Multivariate Functions
Defining Limits of Two Variable functions Case Studies in Two Dimensions Continuity Three or more Variables
An Epsilon-Delta Game
Defining Continuity
Local Continuity
A function of two variables f : D → R is continuous at a point
(x0 , y0 ) ∈ D if and only if
Defining Continuity
A removable discontinuity
If a function f has a discontinuity at a point (a, b), but
lim f (x, y ) exists and equals L, then the function
(x,y )→(a,b)
f (x, y ) if (x, y ) ∈ D
f˜(x, y ) = lim f (u, v ) =
(u,v )→(x,y ) L if (x, y ) = (a, b)
Where is f (x, y ) = arctan x continuous?
Angular Surface
|f (r) − L| < ε
0 < kr − ak < δ .
We then write
lim f (r) = L .
Multivariate Continuity
A function of many variables f : D → R is continuous at a point
r0 ∈ D ⊆ Rn if and only if
Topological Definition
1 1
Let f (x, y , z) = = , r = xı̂ + ŷ + z k̂.
+ +z −1 x2
2 y2
Where is the function discontinuous? Where is it continuous?