Principles of Divisional Charts - Sanjay Rath

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Pt. Sanjay Rath

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Principles of Divisional Charts

Primary Divisions
We must not forget that it was the Hindus who discovered what is known as the
precession of the Equinoxes, and in their calculation such an occurrence takes place
every 25,827 years. Our modern science, after labors of hundreds of years has simply
proved them to be correct…. Count Viscount Cheiro

1.1 Time and Space

Time and space are like endless rings wit hout a beginning and wit hout an end. The definit ion of t he
beginning of a linear t ime scale or t he st art ing point of t he Universe has been t he vexed quest ion
of many a t hinker and t his t hought leads t he mind t o a definit ion of God as being impercept ible.
The great Vedic t hinkers personified God as Kalapurusha[1] and harmonized t hese t wo concept s
of t ime and space int o t he four-dimensional model of Bhachakra (geocent ric zodiac). Normally t he
Bhachakra is represent ed as a t wo dimensional figure for easy reading on paper, but t he ot her
dimensions of a dynamic linear t ime and t he vert ical declinat ion of t he planet s were also
examined and not ed. Thus, t he first and foremost point t o bear in mind is t hat every division of t he
zodiac has a similar or mat ching division of t ime. As we st udy each of t he divisions, we will also
examine t he t ime measure represent ed by it and will get addit ional clues t o int erpret result s and
delineat e t he effect of t ime on t he division.

1.2 Rasi & Nakshatra

The division of t he zodiac int o t welve signs and t went y seven (or t went y eight Nakshat ra) is t he
primary division in t he paradigm of Vedic Ast rology. Every now and t hen a new planet is seen and
t he doubt s arise in t he minds of t he learned on t he cont inued validit y of t he t welve sign zodiac.
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The zodiac of 12 signs and 27 const ellat ions was prepared by carefully observing t he movement
of t he Sun and Moon in t he geocent ric model of t he universe.

1.2.1   Rasi – twelve Sun signs.

The relat ive mot ion bet ween t he Sun & Moon shows t hat t he Synodical Mont h (new moon t o new
moon or full moon t o full moon) is 29D 12H 44M 3S = 29.53059D. Rounding off t o t he next higher
int eger we get 30 days during which, t he average solar mot ion is 30 Degrees. Finally, dividing t he
Bhachakra of 360 degrees by 30, we get 12 signs, or t he 12 sun signs as t he Sun[2] get s over-
lordship of all signs being t heir pat er. The t welve signs are Mesha (Aries), Vrisabha (Taurus), Mit hun
(Gemini), Karkat a (Cancer), Simha (Leo), Kanya (Virgo), Tula (Libra), Vrischika (Scorpio), Dhanus
(Sagit t arius), Makara (Capricorn), Kumbha (Aquarius) and Meena (Pisces).
Figure 4 : The Sun sign Zodiac

This met hod of division of t he Zodiac int o t wo

halves is based on t he dist ance of t he sun from t he Figure 5 : Hora (Aho-Ratra)
eart h. This divides t he zodiac along an imaginary line
passing t hrough t he zero degrees of Leo and Zero
degrees of Aquarius int o t wo halves. Half or Hora is derived from t he word Aho-Rat ra[3] indicat ing
t he t wo-fold divisions of t he day int o equal halves of light and darkness. Thus, t his division of t he
zodiac was int o t he t wo part s called Solar and Lunar halves[4] or Surya Hora and Chandra Hora
respect ively. The solar half or Surya Hora included t he six signs in t he zodiacal order from Leo t o
Capricorn and t he lunar half or Chandra Hora included t he six signs from Cancer t o Aquarius in t he
reverse order. This division has not hing t o do wit h Ayana. The Sun and Moon own adjoining signs (i.e.
Leo & Cancer
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Venus, Mars, Jupit er and Sat urn (based on t heir geographical dist ances from t he Sun i.e. Mercury is
closest and Sat urn is t he most dist ant ) shall own t he signs in t heir proximit y t o Leo (and Cancer)
reckoned in t he zodiacal (or reverse) order[5] (Figure -2)

1.2.3   Hora – (based on solstice)

The Rishi’s also observed t he t wo solst ices’ where t he lengt h of t he day (i.e. daylight durat ion)
was t he longest and short est respect ively called t he summer and wint er solst ice[6]. The Summer
solst ice is t he longest day and marked t he end of t he hot summer season and beginning of t he
rainy season. So also t he wint er solst ice marked t he end of t he long night s. Thus, t he zodiac was
divided int o t wo halves along an imaginary line passing t hrough t he Zero Degrees of Cancer and
Zero Degrees of Capricorn, which showed t he posit ion of t he Sun at t hese t wo ext reme point s of
longest day and longest night . This formed t he t wo Ayana or halves of t he zodiac comprising
t hree seasons each. The specific t erms used are Ut t ar-Ayana or Nort hern Goal and Dakshin-Ayana
or Sout hern- Goal and refers t o t he ‘goal’ of t he Sun as it seeks t o reach t he nort hernmost point
of t he zodiac (i.e. Zero degrees of Cancer) or sout hern-most point (i.e. zero degrees of Capricorn).
This can also refer t o t he goal of seeking t he nort hernmost lat it ude[7], which coincides wit h
summer solst ice, or t he sout hernmost lat it ude[8], which coincides wit h wint er solst ice.
Figure 6 : Ayana


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The beginning of t he zodiac was fixed based on t he posit ion of t he sun on equinoxes i.e. when t he
days and night s are equally long and t his was at t he zero degree of Aries and Libra. In t his manner,
t he four crucial point s of t he zodiac were det ermined as zero degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and
Capricorn. The Rishi’s realized t hat t here were act ually t wo zodiac’s – one where t he solar syst em
could be considered as an independent syst em in it self and anot her in which t he solar syst ems
movement around anot her ellipse cent er called VISHNU-NABHI is also account ed for. These t wo
zodiac syst ems are called Sayana (Tropical) and Nirayana (Sidereal) Bhachakra. The primary
difference bet ween t he t wo being t he mot ion of t he solar syst em in t he universe which is
measured by t he period of precession of t he equinoxes – 25,800 years and when calculat ed from
t he point when t he same is zero (i.e. sidereal and t ropical zodiac coincide) is called Ayanamsa [9] .
Now, t he difference bet ween t he st art ing point s of t he t wo zodiac’s at any point of t ime is called
Ayanamsa. In t he concept of t he Hindu calendar[10]  we realize t hat Varahamihira’s advocat ion of
using t he Suklant a Masa had a lot t o do wit h t he nomenclat ure of t he Mont hs on t he basis of t he
normal Nakshat ra posit ion of t he Full Moon and t his det ermined t he st art of each lunar mont h (and
not t he Amant a Masa syst em as is in vogue in most of India t oday). In any case t he st ar ‘Chit ra’
was observed as t he point of fixat ion and ‘Chit ra Paksha’ referring t o t he opposit e point from
‘Chit ra [11]’ represent s t he beginning of t he zodiac.

The basic point is t hat t he zodiac was divided int o four part s of ninet y degrees each by t he four
point s represent ing t he beginning of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn and t hat t hese four point s
defined t he four goals of human exist ence as (a) Dharma – right eousness and adherence t o
nat ural and societ al principles (b) Moksha –Spirit ualit y and emancipat ion from t he cycle of rebirt h,
(c) Kaama – exist ence of desires and t heir fulfillment or denial as t he cause of rebirt h and (d)
Art ha – wealt h. The four part s, on t he ot her hand, divided t he life int o four ashrams, which form
t he foundat ion of Hinduism. This is also t he concept in ‘Chat uspada [12] Dharma’.

The Sankhya Shast ra t eaches ext ensively about t he Pancha Tat wa or t he five forms of exist ence
of all bodies. These forms of exist ence are (1) Prit hvi (Solid st at e), (2) Jala (Liquid st at e), (3) Vayu
(Gaseous st at e), (4) Agni (Energy st at e) and (5) Akash (et hereal or vacuum st at e). Vacuum
permeat es t he ent ire universe and hence, t he Akash Tat wa is present t hroughout t he Bhachakra.
The ot her four Tat wa were found t o be in a predominant form in Aries (Agni), Cancer (Jala), Libra
(Vayu) andCapricorn (Prit hvi).

1.2.5   Trikona (Trine)

In a similar manner, t he Trikona (t rine) should also be underst ood as being t he division of t ime int o
t hree aspect s of past , present and fut ure. Using (a) Manu Smrit i st at ement t hat ‘a day in t he life
of t he Gods is a year in human life’ we arrive at t he basic equat ion of 1 Deg (=day mot ion of Sun)
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beings is 120 years, we arrive at t he angle of 120 Degree represent ing t he present life, next 120
deg represent ing t he fut ure and 120 degree represent ing t he past .  The span of 120 degrees of
t he zodiac covers 9 Nakshat ra and t hus, a group of nine Nakshat ra before Janma (birt h) Nakshat ra
represent s t he past , t he group of nine from Janma represent s t he present while t he remaining
group of 9 represent s t he fut ure.

This t hree-fold division is very fundament al t o Vedic Ast rology and we have t he t hree t ypes of
Chara (Movable), St hira (Fixed) and Dwisbhava (Dual) signs. Since t he t hree t ypes are based on t he
original longevit y equat ion of Parasara (120 Deg = Full life), t his is used in t he most basic met hods
t o est imat e longevit y.

1.2.6   Ritu – The Six seasons.

The change of seasons formed t he primary basis for t he Hindu calendar where t he year was
divided int o six seasons called Rit u. Rains were considered t he blessings of t he Gods and t he rainy
season was considered as t hat during which life came t o t his eart h. This formed t he principle
behind det ermining t he life giving port ion of t he zodiac as well as t he concept of t he coming
down of t he individual soul from t he heavens above wit h t he raindrops [13]. The dist ribut ion of t he
seasons in each Ayana, t heir ext ent in t he zodiac and ruling planet s are given in Table-1. 
Furt hermore, t he Rit u should be underst ood only from t he solar mont hs [14] (i.e. Sun’s t ransit ) and
not t he lunar mont hs. Since t he Sun was accept ed as t he cause of all seasons, it was nat ural t o
give t he over lordship of t he seasons t o him.

Table 1 – Division of t he seasons

Ayana Season Lord of Season Sun signs covered Lord

Cancer Moon
Varsha Rain Moon
Leo Sun

Virgo Mercury
Wint er Sarad Fall Mercury
Libra Venus

Scorpio Mars
Hemant a Wint er Jupit er
Sagit t arius Jupit er

Summer Capricorn Sat urn

Sisira Cold Sat urn
Aquarius Sat urn
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Vasant Spring Venus Pisces Jupit er

Aries Mars

Taurus Venus
Grisma Summer Mars & Sun
Gemini Mercury

1.2.7   Nakshatra – (Lunar Mansions)

Having divided t he zodiac int o 12 signs based on t he Sun’s movement , it was necessary t o also
divide t his int o part s t o st udy t he effect s of t he movement of t he Moon. Considered
independent ly, t he Moon t akes 27D 7H 43M 11.5S t o go around t he eart h. This is called t he
Sidereal mont h. Taking t he int eger 27 we get t he 27 Nakshat ra or Lunar Mansion  (each 130 20’ of
arc). Each Nakshat ra was ident ified wit h a st ar, (or st ar clust er) and derived it s name from it . The
7-¾ hour short fall in a sidereal lunar t ransit was made up by a short -span int ercalary (hypot het ical)
Nakshat ra called Abhijit . The span of Abhijit is det ermined proport ionally as (7h 43m 11.5s/ 24 hrs)
x 130 20’ = 40 17’ 20″. This span is from 2760 40’ t o 2800 57’ 20″overlapping t he 21st Nakshat ra
(Ut t arasadha). This becomes t he 28t h Nakshat ra, which is used in some Chakra like t he Kala Chakra
and t he Sarvat obhadra Chakra et c.

Table 2 : Nakshat ra – Lunar Mansion

Planet ary Lord- Pada3020’ Ext ent

Number Nakshat ra Deit y Rasi
ship (Vimsot t ari) each in Rasi

1. Aswini Aswini Kumar Ket u 4 13020’

2. Bharani Yama Venus 4 16040’
1 300
3. Krit t ika Agni Sun
3 100
4. Rohini Brahma Moon 4 23020’
2 300
5. Mrigasira Chandra Mars
2 6040’
6. Ardra Rudra Rahu 4 200
(Mit hun)
7. Punarvasu Adit i Jupit er 3 300
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site we will assume that you are happy with it. 1 3 20’ Cancer
(Karkat a)
8. Pusya Brihaspat i [15] Sat urn 4 16040’

9. Aslesha Sarpadeva[16] Mercury 4 300

10. Makha Pit ri[17] Ket u 4 13020’

Poorva Leo
11. Bhaga Venus 4 16040’
Phalguni (Simha)

Ut t ar 1 300
12. Aryama Sun
3 100
13. Hast a Savit ur[18] Moon 4 23020’
2 300
14. Chit ra Tvasht a Mars
2 6040’
15. Swat i Vayu Rahu 4 200
3 300
16. Visakha Mit ra Jupit er
1 3020’
17. Anuradha Sat urn 4 16040’
18. Jyest ha Indra Mercury 4 300

19. Moola Nirrit i Ket u 4 13020’

Poorva Sagit t arius

20. Jala[19] Venus 4 16040’
Ashada (Dhanus)

Ut t ar 1 300
21. Viswadeva Sun
3 100
22. Sravana Vishnu Moon 4 23020’

Ast a 2 300
23. Dhanist a Mars
2 6040’ Aquarius
24. Sat abhisaj Varuna Rahu 4 200
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25. Poorva Ajaikapad Jupit er 3 300
1 3020’

Ut t ara Pisces
26. Ahirbudhanya Sat urn 4 16040’
bhadrapada (Meena)

27. Revat i Pooshan Mercury 4 300

1.3  Divisions of a sign

Division refers t o an orderly division of t he 30 degrees of a sign int o part s called Amsa. The chart s
const ruct ed on t he basis of t he ownership of t hese divisions[21] are called Divisional Chart s or
simply D-Chart s. The sign is divided int o ‘N’ number of part s where ‘N’ refers t o t he Varga number.
Each part is called an Amsa and maps int o a specific sign of t he D-N Chart . If any planet or Lagna
is placed wit hin an Amsa, t hen it is also in t he mapped sign of t he D-Chart .

To underst and t his, let us consider t he chart of a person born on t he 7t h of August 1963. Some of
t he planet ary posit ions are Lagna 140 Pisces, Jupit er 260 07’ Pisces, Moon 19057’ Aquarius and
Sat urn 26050’ Capricorn. The Rasi (D-1 Chart ) will have Jupit er and Ascendant in t he first house in
Pisces, Moon in t he 12t h house in Aquarius and Sat urn in t he 11t h house in Capricorn. Let us
at t empt t o det ermine t he Drekkana divisions and D-3 chart . Here ‘N’ = 3 and each sign of 300
longit ude is divided int o t hree part s of 100 each. Each of t hese divisions is called an ‘Amsa’ and
more specifically a Drekkana or ‘Trine division’. The t hree Drekkana of all signs would be in t he
longit ude range (1) 0-100, (2) 100-200 and (3) 200-300. The first Drekkana of a sign is mapped t o
it self, t he second is mapped t o t he sign in t he fift h from it and t he t hird is mapped t o t he sign in
t he nint h from it .

Figure 7 : D-Chart const ruct ion

Thus, Lagna at 140 Pisces is in second Drekkana and is mapped int o Cancer t he fift h house from
Pisces. Jupit er at 260 is in t he t hird Drekkana of Pisces and t his is Scorpio in t he D-3 Chart . Moon
is in t he second Drekkana of Aquarius and is placed in Gemini in D-3 Chart . Sat urn at 270 is in t he
t hird Drekkana of Capricorn and is mapped t o t he nint h house from Capricorn (i.e. Virgo) where it is
placed in t he D-3 Chart .

1.3.1   Nomenclature

The divisions of t he zodiac and t he divisional chart s const ruct ed on t he basis of ownership of
t hese divisions are named on various crit eria. These include:

1.      The division number: This is t he numer by which t he sign is divided int o part s. For example
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‘Sapt amsa’ composed from siteSapt a meaning
we will assume thatseven and
you are amsa
happy withmeaning
it. port ion. Thus, t his is t he one-
sevent h division of a sign.
2.      Ot her reference
numbers: For example, it is
well known t hat t here are
27 Nakshat ra. Hence t he
name Nakshet ramsa coined
from Nakshat ra and Amsa
(port ion) refers t o t he one
– t went y sevent h (1/27)
division or t he divisional
chart prepared from t his
division occupied by t he
Lagna and nine planet s.
3.      Usage and focus:
Every divisional chart (or
division) has a specific use
and a clearly defined focus
on a specific area of
act ivit y. For example,
Siddhamsa is coined from
Siddha referring t o t hat
body of knowledge which a person learns and achieves perfect ion in and Amsa means port ion. So,
Siddhamsa refers t o t he division/divisional chart where we st udy t he learning process. This is t he
24t h division (D-24 Chart ). This is also called t he Bhamsa from t he word ‘Bha’ (as in Bha-chakra
which is t he primary represent at ion of t he zodiac as composed of 27 Nakshat ra.
4.      Mult iple names: Divisions (D-chart s) can have mult iple names from eit her of t he t hree
aforement ioned met hods. For example t he 16t h division is called Shodasamsa [Shodas (sixt een)
Amsa (port ion)]. This is also called Kalamsa based on t he 16 Kala’s in a 24-hour day.
5.      Rao’s Met hod: The nomenclat ure int roduced by Dr.K.N.Rao refers t o each divisional chart
direct ly by it s division number. For example, t he Siddhamsa is simply called t he D-24 Chart or just
D-24 when t he division in t he Rasi chart is being referred t o.

Table 3 : Nomenclature

Division Primary Name Ot her names

D-1 Chart Rasi Bhagana, Bha chakra

D-2 Chart Hora

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D-4 Chart Chat urt hamsa Tureeyamsa

D-5 Chart Panchamamsa

D-6 Chart Shast amsa Kauluka

D-7 Chart Sapt amsa

D-8 Chart Ast amsa

D-9 Chart Navamsa Dharmamsa

D-10 Chart Dasamsa Swargamsa

D-11 Chart Rudramsa Labhamsa

D-12 Chart Dwadasamsa Suryamsa

D-13 t o D-15 Chart s Not used in Vedic Ast rology

D-16 Chart Shodasamsa Kalamsa

D-17 t o D-19 Chart s Not used in Vedic Ast rology

D-20 Chart Vimsamsa

D-21 t o D-23 Chart s Not used in Vedic Ast rology

D-24 Chart Siddhamsa Chat urvimsamsa

D-25 t o D-26 Chart s Not used in Vedic Ast rology

D-27 Chart Nakshat ramsa Bhamsa, Sapt avimsamsa

D-28 t o D-29 Chart s Not used in Vedic Ast rology

D-30 Chart Trimsamsa

D-31 t o D-39 Chart s Not used in Vedic Ast rology

D-40 Chart Khavedamsa Swavedamsa

D-41 t o D-44 Chart s Not used in Vedic Ast rology

D-45 Chart Akshavedamsa

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D-46 t o D-59 Chart s Not with
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D-60 Chart Shast yamsa

Some higher Divisional chart s

D-72 Chart Ast a-Navamsa

D-81 Chart Nav-Navamsa

Nav-Dwadasamsa, Dwadas-Navamsa, (are

D-108 Chart Ast ot t aramsa
t he t wo met hods of chart const ruct ion),

D-144 Chart Dwadas-Dwadasamsa

D-150 Chart Nadiamsa Chandra-Kala Amsa

D-300 Chart Ardha-Nadiamsa

1.       Ot her syst ems: There are ot her t ot ally different Varga Chart s based on ot her crit eria.
Example – Ast akavarga: The Varga chart s const ruct ed on t he basis of t he cont ribut ion of
Rekha[22] and Bindu[23] by t he eight fact ors (Lagna and seven planet s from Sun t o Sat urn).

1.3.2   Technical terms

Like every ot her syst em, t here are various t echnical t erms used in t he examinat ion of Divisional
chart s. Get t ing accust omed t o t he verbiage helps in underst anding and using t he syst em.

1)      Varga: Division or Divisional Chart in general usage.

1. Amsa means port ion and generally refers t o t he division of a sign. It also refers t o individual D-
chart s when used in conjunct ion wit h t he reference t o t he division. Example: Navamsa – Nav
(Nine) + Amsa (division) refers t o t he one-nint h port ion of a sign and t he D-9 Chart specifically.
2. Yoga means union and refers t o t he associat ion of t wo bodies, whet her mobile planet s/Lagna
or st at ic signs in any of t he four met hods of Sambandha[24]. Any planet t hat brings about an
associat ion bet ween t he Lagna, Hora Lagna and Ghat ika Lagna by ownership, placement or
aspect is t ermed a Yogada.
3. Subhapat i: Subha means benefic and specifically refers t o t he Moon, as it is t he sust ainer of
t his life. Subhapat i is t he disposit or of t he Moon and it s dignit y in t he various divisional chart s is
examined t o det ermine t he healt h and longevit y of t he nat ive. If t he Subhapat i aspect s or
conjoins t he Lagna or At makaraka, it is elevat ed t o t he posit ion of a Kevala. In addit ion if it
associat es wit h t he Hora Lagna (HL) or Ghat ika Lagna (GL) it is furt her elevat ed t o a Kevala
Yogada and if bot h HL and GL are also associat ed wit h t he Kevala, t hen it is a Kevala
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4. Karya Rasi is t he house, which is t he cent er of focus of t he act ivit y relat ed t o a Divisional
chart . A D-chart may have many import ant houses like a Dasamsa where t he sixt h house is
examined for service relat ed mat t ers or t he sevent h house is examined for business, but t he
focus is t he t ent h house and for t he Dasamsa, t he t ent h house is t he Karya Rasi. The Lord of
t he Karya Rasi in t he Rasi Chart should be well placed in t he concerned divisional chart for t he
act ivit y (Karya) t o prosper.
5. Karyesh is t he significat or of t he Karya (act ivit y) and will vary from one chart t o anot her
depending on t he act ivit y involved. For example, in t he Dasamsa (profession) a person can have
many Karyesh depending on t he act ivit ies he is involved in. As an example let us consider
President Bill Clint on. He is a polit ician and also a lawyer. The Karyesh for polit ics is t he Sun
(not e – Moon is for Bureaucracy) and t hat for a legal profession is Jupit er. Depending on t he
placement and st rengt h of t hese planet s in t he Dasamsa, t he rise or fall or changes in career
can be st udied and predict ed. The concept of Argala is vit al t o det ermine as t o which of t hese
Karyesh shall bloom or perish at any point of t ime as t he dasa’s change.
6. Karaka means significat or and are classified int o t he t hree cat egories of Naisargika, Chara and
St hira karaka. Det ails about Karaka and ot her basic principles like Rasi & Graha drisht i, Argala
et c, can be learnt from any st andard book.

1.4 Harmonics
Since t he t welve sign division is t he primary division, it follows t hat all sub-division of t he sign will
fall in a sequence t hat repeat s aft er every t welve divisions. Thus, for example, t he D-16 Chart
(Shodasamsa or Kalamsa) will be t he first harmonic (or second cycle) of t he D-4 Chart
(Chat urt hamsa). This can be expressed mat hemat ically as 16 = (12 x 1)+ (4); where 1 represent s
t he first harmonic. Similarly, t he D-40 (Khavedamsa) Chart is t he t hird harmonic (or 4t h cycle) of
t he D-4 Chart as 40 = (12 x 3) + (4).

Table 4 : Divisional Chart s Cycle

Level of Consciousness Cycle/ Harmonic Divisional Chart s range

Physical Primary (D-1 t o D-12)

Conscious Secondary/ First harmonic (D-13 t o D-24)

Sub-Conscious Tert iary/ Second harmonic (D-25 t o D-36)

Super- Conscious Quat ernary/ Third harmonic (D-37 t o D-48)

Supra- Conscious Pent enary/ Fourt h harmonic (D-49 t o D-60)

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The first cycle of divisional chart s from Rasi chart (D-1) t o Dwadasamsa (D-12) rules over t he
physical plane and covers such mat t ers as physical body (D-1), mat erial wealt h (D-2), brot hers &
sist ers (D-3), immovable propert ies (D-4), children (D-7), aut horit y over ot hers (D-5), spouse (D-9),
work (D-10) and parent s (D-12). The second cycle or first harmonic rules over t he conscious
plane. Technically it covers chart s D-13 t o D-24, but Parasara has rest rict ed t he scope t o t he
t hree primary areas of ment al act ivit y namely Shodasamsa or Kalamsa (D-16) ruling over mat t ers
of general ment al happiness, luxuries, vehicles et c; Vimsamsa (D-20) wherein spirit ualism, occult
st udies et c are examined and Chat urvimsamsa (D-24) for all kinds of learning (which is act ually
considered a herit age from t he societ y). The t hird cycle or second harmonic rules over t he sub-
conscious plane covering chart s D-25 t o D-36. Parasara advises us t o focus on t wo chart s in t his
group, namely, Nakshet ramsa (D-27) for st rengt hs & weaknesses and Trimsamsa (D-30) for all
evils. For example if t he Moon is exalt ed and placed in a quadrant in t he D-27 Chart , we can infer
t hat t he nat ive is ment ally very st rong. A weak Mercury in t his chart can show speaking disorders
or a weak speech. The fourt h cycle or t hird harmonic rules over t he super-conscious plane
covering chart s D-37 t o D-48. However, t he good & bad accruing t o t he dest iny of t he individual
due t o t he Mat rilineal karma (seen from Khavedamsa D-40 Chart [as 40 = (12×3) + 4] and t hat
from t he Pat rilineal Karma (seen from t he Akshavedamsa D-45 Chart [as 45 = (12×3) + 9] are
considered import ant in t he Shodasavarga scheme of Parasara. The fift h cycle or fourt h harmonic
rules t he supra-conscious plane covering t he chart s D-49 t o D-60. At t his level, t he herit age
(equivalent of D-12) of t he karma from past birt hs is relevant and t he Shast yamsa (D-60 Chart ) is
vit al. Parasara gives t he highest weight age t o t his chart in t he Shodasavarga scheme. There are
much higher planes of Consciousness and some ot her divisional chart s like t he Nava-Navamsa (D-
81), Asht orramsa or Navamsa-Dwadasamsa (D-108) and Dwadasamsa-Dwadasamsa (D-144) are

Om Tat Sat

[1] Kala- t ime, Purusha – God personified as Man. Hence, Kalapurusha is t he personificat ion of t ime
as t he ult imat e represent at ion of God.
[2] Hence t he name Rasi where Ra refers t o t he Sun God.
[3] Aho means day and Rat ra means night .
[4] Kalyan Verma – Saravali 3.09”
[5] Kalyan Verma – Saravali 3.10
[6] Not e t hat t he t erm summer and wint er refers t o t he nort hern hemisphere and is act ually
reversed in t he sout hern hemisphere. The Summer solst ice marks t he end of summer i.e. when t he
Sun reaches it s maximum nort hern lat it ude, whereas t he wint er solst ice marks t he end of wint er
when t he Sun reaches it s maximum sout hern lat it ude.
[7] Tropic of Cancer at 230 27’ N Lat it ude.
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