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Tutorial 1

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Analog Circuits (EE3002/EE5310) : Problem Set 1

[email protected]

Problem 1 A straightforward way of doing this is to use an RC circuit

as shown in Fig. 2(a). Assuming the largest resistor that can be
R R R realized on an integrated circuit is 1 MΩ (constrained by how much
+ space you want to “waste” on the chip), determine the capacitance
4mA i vo C needed to achieve the bandwidth of 100 Hz. Assuming that the
2R 2R 2R R - density of capacitance per unit area is 10 fF/µm2 (1 femto = 10−15 ),
determine the area occupied by the capacitor.

R = 1K Consider now the circuit of Fig. 2(b), where the diodes are
characterized by an i-v relationship
Figure 1: Circuit for problem 1. ( Vd
Id = Is e VT
−1 . (1)
In Fig. 1, i is a small signal. Determine the quiescent volt-
age across the terminals marked vo. To do this, approximate the where Is = 10−13 A. Determine the value of capacitance needed
diode characteristic by a piecewise linear one, by assuming that the to achieve a low-pass filter with bandwidth 100 Hz. How much
voltage drop across a forward biased diode is 0.65 V. chip-area have the diodes saved?
Determine the incremental resistance of every diode in the cir-
cuit. Then, determine the small signal voltage across the terminals
marked vo. What is the incremental resistance seen by the small- Problem 3
signal current source?

Problem 2 n+
V + v(t)
R p
vi C vi

(a) (b) Figure 3: n+p junction in problem 3.

Figure 2: Circuit for problem 2. A linear capacitor is one where the charge on the plate is lin-
early proportional to the applied voltage, i.e., Q = CV . A non-
One would think that a diode is only useful when it is forward linear capacitance, on the other hand, has a q-v characteristic given
biased (when it behaves like a closed switch), or when operating by Q = f (V ), where f (·) is a nonlinear function of its argument.
in reverse-bias (where it behaves like an open switch). This prob- Analogous to the way the incremental resistance of a nonlinear
lem illustrates a practical application of a diode when it is neither two-terminal element is defined as the ratio of the change in volt-
forward or reverse biased. In integrated circuits, it is often desired age across the element to the change in current through it, one can
to “low-pass filter” a small signal with a filter having a very small similarly define the incremental capacitance of a nonlinear capac-
bandwidth. In both circuits above, vi is the “small” signal that itor as the ratio of the change in charge to the change in voltage
needs to be filtered with a very low bandwidth filter, say 100 Hz. across the capacitor.

The charge stored in a reversed-bias n+p junction with cross- Problem 5
sectional area A, as you have learned in another course, is given
by In this problem, we delve deeper into the notion of small signal.
√ √
Q = A 2qϵs NA ϕbi + V (2) Consider two nonlinear amplifiers, with input-output characteris-
tics given by Vout = Vin /VA and Vout = VA exp(Vin /VA ). An
where V is the reverse-bias voltage, and other terms have their incremental gain of 10 is desired of both amplifers.
usual meanings. Determine the incremental current flowing into
a. Determine the operating points so that this gain may be
a junction, reverse biased at V , with a small-signal voltage v(t)
superposed on it, as shown in Fig. 3.
b. We saw in class that the small signal approximation is valid
only when the higher order terms in the Taylor series can be
safely neglected in relation to the linear term. Compare the
Problem 4 second order derivative of the two amplifers around the oper-
ating point. What can you say about the relative magnitudes of
the incremental inputs for each of the amplifiers which qualify
R = 1K output as small signals?

Vin RL
(6-12 V) Problem 6

Regulator Load
vi 2K

Figure 4: Voltage regulator of problem 4. 6V 2K 1K 2mA

A voltage regulator takes as an input a high-voltage input that
can vary widely, and generates an output voltage that remains con-
stant, irrespective of the input voltage, or the load current drawn. Figure 5: Circuit for problem 6.
The circuit of Fig. 4 shows a crude voltage regulator made with
For the circuit of Fig. 5, assume that vi is an incremental volt-
diodes. The input voltage can vary over the range 6 V–12 V. The
age source. Determine the operating point of the network. Find
three diodes are identical. The load is represented by the resis-
also the small signal voltage across the 1 KΩ resistor.
tor RL, and can vary from 5 KΩ to ∞. When RL = 10KΩ, and
V in = 9 V, the output voltage is 2 V.

Problem 7
a. Determine the saturation current of the diodes.
I₁ I₂
b. Determine the minimum and maximum values that the output
can ever take, for the given ranges of V in and RL.
V₁ V₂
c. Determine the line regulation of the regulator, which is the
ratio of the change in output voltage when V in varies from
6 V to 12 V (with RL = 10KΩ) to the nominal output voltage
(i.e, when V in = 9 V). Figure 6: Circuit for problem 7.

Fig. 6 shows a nonlinear, three-terminal two-port network. It

d. Determine the load regulation of the regulator, which is the
is characterized by
ratio of the change in output voltage when RL varies from
5KΩ to ∞ (with V in = 9 V) to the nominal output voltage. I1 = αV1 , I2 = βV12 + γV2 (3)

where α,β and γ are positive constants with appropriate dimen- 1K vx 5K B

a. Draw the input and output characteristics of this device.

5V 1K vx/2K 1K 2K
b. Determine the incremental y-parameters of this two port at an
operating point (V1 , V2 ).

Figure 9: Circuit for problem 10.

Problem 8
Problem 11
Rx v₁ Ry vo
vs V₁ 1KΩ 3KΩ V₂
Ra gm·v₁ Rl

gV₂ 2KΩ 4KΩ

Figure 7: Circuit for problem 8.

For the circuit of Fig. 7, determine the gain vo/vs. Evaluate Figure 10: Circuit for problem 11.
the limit of this gain as gm → ∞.
What do you understand by the term “unilateral two-port”?
What constraints does it impose on the y-matrix?
Problem 9 The circuit of Fig. 10 is a unilateral two-port. Determine g.

6V + vᵢ

Figure 8: Circuit for problem 9.

For the circuit of Fig. 8, determine the incremental voltage

across the 5 K resistor. To find the operating point, assume that the
cut-in voltage of a forward-biased diode is 0.65 V. Assume that vi
is a small signal.

Problem 10

For the circuit of Fig. 9, determine the current though the diode.
To find the operating point, assume that the cut-in voltage of a
forward-biased diode is 0.6 V. A small signal voltage vi is inserted
in series with the 5 V dc source. Determine the total voltage at the
node marked B.

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