English Club Activities
English Club Activities
English Club Activities
A. Warm-up Activities
Warm-up activities are good ways to start any club meeting. They help people relax and prepare them
to start speaking English. Here are a few warm-up activities that can be used with any age or skill level.
The first is called Two Truths and a Lie. This activity can be done in pairs, small groups, or the whole
English club. One person comes up with three facts about themselves. Two of the facts are true, and one
is a lie. They tell the group the three facts, and the group must decide which one is the lie. Each
participant takes a turn with this activity.
Note: Prepare small papers about 20-30 depend on the member amount.
2) Salad bowl
Another warm-up activity is Salad Bowl. For this activity, tell everyone to think of a person, place or
thing and write it down on a piece of paper. Collect the pieces of paper and mix them around in a big
bowl. Then, divide the club into two teams. Each team then takes turns having one person go to the
front of the room to take a piece of paper. The person must then describe the word to other team
members. As soon as a team member correctly guesses the word, the person then selects another word
from the bowl. Each team has 30 seconds to guess as many words as possible.
3) 20 Questions
One person thinks of an object (person, place, or thing). Everyone takes turns asking yes/no questions
until someone can guess correctly (or until 20 questions are asked). The difficult part is that you cannot
ask "wh" questions!
Example: PINEAPPLE. Does it talk? No. Does it make life easier? No. Do you eat it? Yes. Is it something
you would eat for dinner? No. Etc...
If someone makes a mistake in forming the question, other club members can help turn it into a proper
B. Special Activities
While having interesting club meetings is important for keeping participants motivated, you should
avoid too much repetition. Doing special activities with your club from time to time gives participants
something to look forward to, builds friendships, and provides new ways to learn.
1) Group trips (if possible and not during the school time)
You can organize a short trip. Your club can see an English-language movie together at a theater, go on a
hike, or attend a concert to watch an English-language band. Another idea is to visit a museum with an
English-speaking guide.
If club members enjoy writing, collect English-language essays, stories, or poetry that they write. You
can publish their work together in a newsletter.
3) Competition
Another idea is to create friendly competitions with your club’s participants or between other English
clubs. Poetry, speech, or debate competitions are especially effective.
4) Scavenger Hunts
For a scavenger hunt, you can create a list of items that club members must find or photograph around
their city or neighborhood. But instead of directly saying what the items are, give them hints about what
they are. (Students could bring their cameras or cellphones)
Another idea is to host English-language film viewings during a club meeting or at other locations.
6) Club Party (Christmas, Passover, April Mop, Halloween, St. Patrick’s Day, etc.)
Finally, have a party to celebrate a holiday or just for fun. This is a way to help create a friendly, informal
environment for club members. Remember to encourage English-only conversations at such events,
Club members divided into some groups. Each group will be given the same clue to find the treasure.
The fastest one will win the treasure. The treasure could be food or drinks or things.