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art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t
Article history: As the concentration of reducing sugars (RS) is controlled by European legislation for certain specific food
Received 7 July 2015 and beverages, a simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of RS in various
Received in revised form food products is proposed. The method is based on the reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I) with reducing sugars
16 September 2015
in alkaline medium in the presence of 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline (neocuproine: Nc), followed by
Accepted 20 September 2015
Available online 25 September 2015
the formation of a colored Cu(I)-Nc charge-transfer complex. All simple sugars tested had the linear
regression equations with almost equal slope values. The proposed method was successfully applied to
Keywords: fresh apple juice, commercial fruit juices, milk, honey and onion juice. Interference effect of phenolic
Reducing sugar compounds in plant samples was eliminated by a solid phase extraction (SPE) clean-up process. The
method was proven to have higher sensitivity and precision than the widely used dinitrosalicylic acid
(DNS) colorimetric method.
Glucose & 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0039-9140/& 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K.S. Başkan et al. / Talanta 147 (2016) 162–168 163
methods have an important disadvantage such as the possibility of products. With this aim, a method comprised of simultaneous RS-
air oxidation of Cu(I) to Cu(II) during the heating period before reduction of Cu(II) to Cu(I) and [Cu(Nc)2] þ colored chelate for-
arsenomolybdate reagent addition. Also these methods are time mation in alkaline medium was utilized. In our study, the inter-
consuming and less sensitive than those forming colored com- ference of phenolic compounds in fruit juices and honey was
plexes with metal ions of lower valency formed during the re- eliminated by a solid phase extraction (SPE) process. Solid phase
duction process. 2,2'-Bicinchoninate (BCA) forms a deep blue extraction is a widely used sample preparation technique for
complex with Cu(I) in alkaline solution. This chromogenic reaction analyte isolation, concentration, clean-up and medium exchange
found application in automated clinical glucose analysis and was [25]. The proposed method was successfully applied to fresh apple
adapted by McFeeters [13] to manual spectrophotometric de- juice, onion juice, commercial fruit juices, honey and milk. The
termination of sugar samples. Waffenschmidt and Jaenicke [14] results were compared with those of the DNS method [9] widely
used L-serine instead of aspartic acid for Cu(II)-amino acid com- used for the colorimetric determination of total sugars in various
plex formation before the reduction with RS, enabling approxi- matrices.
mately 10-times sensitivity enhancement of the BCA assay with
the exception of fructose (with only 2.7 times enhancement).
Neocuproine was used for the first time by Brown [15] as Cu(I)-
2. Materials and methods
complexing reagent for ultra-micro sugar determination in blood,
and Dygert et al. [16] modified this assay by using glycine instead
2.1. Chemicals and standards
of tartrate in alkaline copper solution, bringing about a substantial
increase in the precision and an extension of the working range of
The following chemical substances of analytical reagent grade
the assay. Flow injection (FI) and sequential analysis techniques
were supplied from the corresponding sources: sucrose, D-
using the above mentioned colorimetric detections were also de-
veloped, especially instead of the time consuming titration ( )-fructose, D-( þ)-maltose monohydrate, D-lactose mono-
methods based on Cu(II) reduction [21–23]. Maqueira et al. [21] hydrate, (þ )-catechin hydrate, ( )-epicatechin, chlorogenic acid:
developed an automated flow injection analysis (FIA) method for Sigma (Steinheim, Germany); 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) and
the determination of reducing sugars in wine based on the clas- anhydrous 2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline (neocuproine: Nc):
sical Cu(II)-neocuproine reaction, where the samples were deco- Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany); D-( þ)-glucose, D-( þ)-galactose,
lorized with charcoal. Peris-Tortajada et al. [22] stated that this gallic acid monohydrate, potassium sodium tartrate tetrahydrate,
method had some problems of heat exchange at the alkaline re- and potassium disulfite: Sigma-Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany);
duction stage, and instead proposed a dialysis procedure avoiding copper(II) chloride dihydrate: Merck (Darmstadt, Germany); so-
charcoal, in which the sample was injected into the upper stream dium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, phenol, L-( þ)-ascorbic acid,
letting reducing sugars pass across the membrane while ob- and hydrochloric acid: Riedel-de Haën (Steinheim, Germany).
structing larger molecular-size colored compounds. Araújo et al. Discovery DPA-6S (250 mg, 3 mL) and Discovery DSC-18 (1 g,
[23] used the same reaction in a sequential injection (SI) system 6 mL) SPE cartridges: Sigma- Aldrich (Steinheim, Germany)
for the spectrophotometric determination of reducing sugars in
wines. In this study, the pH of sugar standards was adjusted to 3.4 2.2. Instrumentation
(using a hydrogen phthalate–hydrochloric acid buffer) to ensure
passage through the dialysis membrane, while alkaline medium Spectrophotometric measurements were made with a Varian
was maintained with 0.075 M NaOH solution as carrier in heated Cary 100 Bio UV–vis spectrophotometer (Sydney, Australia). Cen-
(to 80 °C) reaction coil for color development. trifugal separations were performed with an Elektro-Mag labora-
Spectrophotometric total sugar determination methods are in tory centrifuge apparatus (Istanbul, Turkey). The pH measure-
current use because of their good sensitivity, low analysis cost, ments were made with the aid of a Hanna HI 221 pH-meter using
easy handling and accessible equipments. For example, the 1956 a glass electrode (Canada). An Elektro-Mag vortex apparatus (Is-
article describing the famous phenol-sulfuric acid colorimetric tanbul, Turkey) was used to stir the incubation solutions. A
method for determining submicro amounts of sugars and related Memmert water bath was used for incubation. Agilent Vac Elut 12
substances [8] was one of the most read articles of the ACS journal
position manifold (California, USA) and Isolab vacuum pump (Is-
Analytical Chemistry in 2014. It should be mentioned that the
tanbul, Turkey) were used for solid phase extraction (SPE) pro-
currently used colorimetric methods of selective sugars assay
cesses. Pure water used for all solutions was obtained from Milli-
suffer from certain disadvantages. For example, the oldest and
pore Simpak1 Synergy 185 (France) ultra-pure water system.
most famous phenol-sulfuric acid method requires a high con-
centration of hazardous sulfuric acid and a wide range of analytical
wavelengths for measurement [8]. Poor standardization of the 2.3. Reagent and standard solutions
DNS method [9] with respect to reagent-to-analyte mole ratio,
reaction temperature/incubation time, and reading wavelengths Alkaline Cu(II)-Nc Assay Solutions: CuCl2 solution
(ranging from 490 to 580 nm) may have adverse effects on the (1.0 10 2 M), alkaline solution as 0.5 M NaOH containing 2% (w/
accuracy of RS estimation [10]. It is obvious that plant polyphenols v) Na2CO3 and 0.1 M sodium potassium tartrate were prepared in
also acting as reducing agents should show an interference in the distilled water. Neocuproine (Nc) solution (1.5 10 2 M) was
determination of reducing sugars with redox-based colorimetric prepared daily in absolute ethanol.
methods. Xu et al. [24] compared the accuracy of spectro- DNS Assay Solutions: 1% (w/v) DNS solution, 40% (w/v) sodium
photometric DNS along with two enzymatic assays for glucose potassium tartrate solution, 0.2% (w/v) phenol solution and 0.5%
measurement in the presence of tea polyphenols (TPLs) against a (w/v) potassium disulfite solution were prepared in 1.5% (w/v)
HPLC method referred to as the standard control. The results of the NaOH solution.
DNS method from a model system containing only glucose and Preparation of DNS Reagent: DNS, sodium potassium tartrate,
TPLs showed a TPLs' amount-dependent variation of measured phenol and potassium disulfite solutions were mixed at 1:1:1:1 (v/
glucose with a relative error of 5–35%. Thus, the main objective of v/v/v) ratio.
present work is to develop a simple and precise spectro- All reducing sugar standards and polyphenolic compound
photometric method for the determination of RS in various food standards as 1.0 10 3 M were freshly prepared in distilled water.
164 K.S. Başkan et al. / Talanta 147 (2016) 162–168
2.4. Analytical methods for the determination of RS Milk sample was prepared by adding 2 mL 70% (w/v) tri-
chloroacetic acid (TCA) to 2 mL milk to precipitate the proteins,
2.4.1. Proposed alkaline Cu(II)-Nc spectrophotometric method followed by centrifugation for 5 min at 4500 rpm. One milliliter of
One mL of CuCl2, 1 mL of Nc, (x) mL standard or sample, (1 x) supernatant was filtered through the GF/PET microfilter, and di-
mL H2O, 1 mL alkaline solution, and 1 mL of sodium potassium luted to 100 mL with distilled water.
tartrate solution (for the prevention of copper(II) hydroxide pre- Commercial fruit juices samples were prepared by filtration
cipitation in alkaline medium) were added to a test tube such that through the GF/PET microfilter, and one milliliter of filtrate diluted
the total volume was 5.0 mL. The mixture in the stoppered tube to 50 or 100 mL with distilled water.
was incubated in a thermostated water bath to determine the
optimum temperature and time. Therefore, this mixture was in-
cubated at varying water bath temperatures (40, 50, 60, 70 °C) for 2.7. Preparation of synthetic mixtures
different time periods (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 min). After the opti-
mal time (20 min) and temperature (60 °C) were specified, the Synthetic mixtures (1–3) were prepared using reducing sugar
optimum pH (achieved with 1 mL 0.5 M NaOH solution in 5 mL and certain polyphenolic compound standard solutions. The mix-
final volume) was determined by adding NaOH solution at differ- ture components were selected on the basis of sugars and phenolic
ent concentrations. A standard glucose solution was used to build compounds found in natural samples (milk, fruit and fruit juices).
the calibration curve. Also, these sugar mixtures were prepared without polyphenolics
to compare SPE recovery values. They were prepared to contain
2.4.2. Dinitrosalicylic acid (DNS) method standards at the final concentrations declared below;
This method [9] has been selected for comparison because it is
widely used to estimate the RS content of different samples (1) 3.33 10 5 M glucose, catechin, and chlorogenic acid,
[2,24,26–28]. In this method, DNS reacts with the free carbonyl separately.
group of RS under alkaline conditions, forming 3-amino-5-ni- (2) 2.86 10 5 M glucose, fructose, galactose, maltose, lactose,
trosalicylate, an aromatic compound with maximum absorption at catechin and chlorogenic acid, separately.
540 nm; the optical absorbance is directly proportional to the (3) 1.00 10 5 M glucose, fructose, galactose, maltose, lactose,
amount of RS. In our application, x mL standard or sample, 2 mL of ascorbic acid, gallic acid, catechin, epicatechin and chlorogenic
DNS reagent and (2 x) mL H2O were added to a test tube, and the acid, separately.
mixture was vortexed and incubated in a boiling water bath for
5 min. After cooling in ice bath, the absorbance of sample was
recorded at 540 nm against a reagent blank. Linear regression 2.8. Solid phase extraction (SPE) for sample clean-up
equation was obtained using a glucose standard solution.
C18 and polyamide SPE cartridges were used to eliminate
2.5. Hydrolysis of sucrose phenolic compounds and other possible interferents of fruit juices
and honey sample to clean-up sugars. This process was performed
Sugars present in studied food samples are mainly glucose, in two stages. At the first step for eliminating phenolic com-
fructose and sucrose for fruit juices [29,30], lactose for milk, and pounds, 4 mL of sample was passed through a C18 SPE cartridge,
sucrose, glucose and fructose for honey [31]. Lactose, or milk sugar, previously conditioned with 4 mL 80% MeOH (v/v) and then
is composed of galactose and glucose. Lactose is a RS because it equilibrated with 4 mL water. Phenolic compounds (basically fla-
contains a hemiacetal group, whereas sucrose derived from glu- vonoids) in the sample were retained on the column while sugars
cose and fructose is not a RS because of the absence of a hemi- passed. The cartridge was then washed with 4 mL of water. The
acetal group in its structure [32]. column effluent and wash water were combined. This solution
Disaccharides can be readily hydrolyzed under weakly acidic
contained sugars and other unretained components. At the second
conditions, producing their constitutive monomers in equivalent
step, the combined solution was passed through a polyamide SPE
quantities. Since hydrolysis of each molecule of sucrose yields one
cartridge in order to retain other phenolics not held by the C18
molecule glucose and one molecule fructose [33], it is possible to
column. Thus sugars were set free from all phenolic compounds
indirectly determine sucrose.
Hydrolysis process was performed on 15 mL of 1.0 10 3 M after two column separations with respect to polarity differences.
sucrose or real sample solution, using 0.5 mL concentrated HCl for The phenolic compounds can be separately determined (if desired)
10 min at 60 °C. At the end of this time, the hydrolyzate was by elution from the two SPE cartridges with the use of 80% me-
neutralized with 2 M NaOH, and diluted to 25 mL, as described thanol aqueous solution. All these procedures summarized in Fig. 1
elsewhere [34]. were applied to both natural mixtures and synthetic samples.
To optimize the procedure for the spectrophotometric total 0.6
sugar assay, varying temperatures between 40 and 70 °C and time
intervals between 10 to 60 min were tested. Absorbances obtained
under both conditions (i.e. 60 °C and 20 min; 70 °C and 10 min)
were very similar (Fig. 2) and seemed to be equally acceptable. But
the combination of 60 °C temperature and 20 min time was found
more appropriate, because the absorbances measured at 60 °C
almost remained stable until the end of the 50th min, i.e. less
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14
temperature-sensitive than the other combination. This method
requires neither high acidity like the phenol-sulfuric acid method NaOH Concentration (M)
[8] nor high temperatures such as the DNS method [9] requiring Fig. 3. The absorbance change with NaOH concentration in the Cu(II)-Nc assay. (For
the samples be placed in a boiling water bath for 5 min. The cur- 2.0 10 5 M glucose, for 20 min at 60 °C).
rent method was tested for pH with the addition of NaOH, the
optimal concentration of which was determined as 0.1 M, obtained
Table 1
by using 1 mL of 0.5 M NaOH solution in a final volume of 5 mL Comparison of analytical performance parameters of the proposed (alkaline Cu(II)-
(Fig. 3). Nc) and reference (DNS) methods tested on glucose standards.
0.6 40°C
posed method much more sensitive.
Both methods were applied to certain reducing sugar stan-
0.4 60°C
dards, and the linear regression equations with correlation coef-
ficients for the proposed and reference methods are presented in
0.2 Table 2.
Comparing the data in Table 2, it was apparent that the alkaline
0 Cu(II)-Nc method yielded higher slopes for linear regression
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
equations (and thus higher analytical sensitivity) than the DNS
Time (min) method for all tested sugars. The linear correlation coefficient was
Fig. 2. The absorbance change with temperature and incubation period in the Cu closer to unity and intercept value considerably lower for the
(II)-Nc assay (For 2.0 10 5 M glucose). proposed method (Tables 1 and 2). It was earlier stated that the
166 K.S. Başkan et al. / Talanta 147 (2016) 162–168
Table 2 Table 4
Linear regression data for certain sugar standards obtained by the alkaline Cu(II)-Nc Glucose equivalent sugar contents of sucrose hydrolyzates and of synthetic mix-
and DNS methods. tures of glucose and fructose (1:1) (prepared at equivalent concentrations to pos-
sible hydrolysis products) determined by alkaline Cu(II)-Nc and DNS methods.
Linear regression equationsa
Glucose equivalent sugar content (mg L 1)
Reducing sugar Alkaline Cu(II)-Nc DNS methodc
methodb Sample Alkaline Cu(II)-Nc Method DNS Method
(mean 7 SD) (mean7 SD)
4 3
D-( þ)-Glucose y¼ 3.6 10 c þ 0.013 y¼1.8 10 c 0.402
(R¼ 0.9999) (R ¼0.9995) Sucrosea hydrolyzate 361 72 (0)c 340 7 1 ( 6)
D-( )-Fructose y¼ 3.4 104 c þ 0.009 y¼2.0 103 c 0.340 (Glucose þFructose)b 350 72 ( 3) 3307 2 ( 8)
(R¼ 0.9999) (R ¼0.9998) Sucrosea hydrolyzate 706 71 ( 2) 7107 8 ( 2)
D-( þ)-Galactose y¼ 2.5 104 c þ 0.004 y¼1.8 103 c 0.370 (Glucose þFructose)b 693 71 ( 4) 684 7 5 ( 5)
(R¼ 0.9999) (R ¼0.9998)
D-( þ)-Maltose y¼ 4.1 104 c 0.003 y¼2.5 103 c 0.307 a
Sucrose concentrations are 1.0 10 3 M (360.3 mg glucose eq. L 1) and
monohydrate (R¼ 0.9999) (R ¼0.9999) 2.0 10 3 M (720.6 mg glucose eq. L 1), respectively.
D-Lactose monohydrate y¼ 3.4 104 c þ 0.007 y¼2.8 103 c 0.400 The mixtures were prepared as theoretically equivalent to the hydrolysis
(R¼ 0.9999) (R ¼0.9999) products of sucrose.
Error % values were given in paranthesis.
y stands for absorbance, c molar concentration, and R correlation coefficient.
Linear ranges are 4.0 10 6–3.0 10 5 for all sugar standards
evaluated by applying the proposed and reference methods to the
Linear ranges are 3.0 10 4–8.0 10 4 for all sugar standards
hydrolyzate as well as to the possible hydrolysis products of glu-
cose and fructose in a standard mixture. Glucose equivalent sugar
DNS method is not as sensitive as other test methods (e.g., So-
contents of sucrose hydrolyzate and of a synthetic mixture of
mogyi–Nelson, phenol-sulfuric acid, anthrone (9(10H)-anthrace-
glucose and fructose standards are shown in Table 4. The findings
none) and Prussian blue) and therefore the calibration graph ob-
of the proposed method were found very close to the expected
tained for this method could not be plotted on the same scale [28].
values (relative errors between 0 and 4%). These results de-
For statistical comparison of the proposed and DNS methods,
monstrate that the present method can be used accurately for the
sugar contents of glucose standards and milk samples (described
determination of total reducing sugars in samples containing su-
in Section 2.9) were calculated using glucose calibration curves.
Student t- and F-test results are presented in Table 3. It is observed crose hydrolyzate or equivalent constituents (Table 4).
that there was no significant difference in accuracy and precision
of two methods at the 95% confidence level. 3.4. Analysis of synthetic mixtures
3.3. Hydrolysis of sucrose The synthetic mixtures were prepared to assess the inter-
ference effects derived from polyphenolic compounds expected to
As sugars having acetal or ketal linkages are not reducing su- exist in fruit juices and honey, and to evaluate recovery yields of
gars having free aldehyde chains, they do not react with any of the sugars by sequentially applying SPE to samples containing poly-
reducing-sugar test reagents. However, a non-reducing sugar can phenolic compounds. SPE is an increasingly useful sample pre-
be hydrolyzed using dilute hydrochloric acid. After hydrolysis and paration technique, the products of which are widely used for
neutralization of the acid, the products react with the test solu- sample extraction, concentration and clean-up [25,35]. C18 SPE is
tions in the same way as RS, exemplified with a sucrose sample. So also useful for separating sugars, and to some extent, organic acids
it is possible to indirectly determine sucrose. from phenolic compounds in complex samples [36]. Therefore, the
To determine the hydrolysis yield, a certain amount of sucrose alkaline Cu(II)-Nc method was applied twice to the synthetic
was hydrolyzed. Performance of hydrolysis procedure was mixtures before and after the SPE procedure (the steps of which
are shown in Fig. 1) so as to observe the reagent color arising from
Table 3 (sugars þphenolic interferents) versus sugars alone, respectively.
Statistical comparison of alkaline Cu(II)-Nc and DNS methods findings of glucose Also, SPE was applied to lone sugar mixtures which contain the
standards (216 mg L 1) and milk samples (declared sugar content 4.70 g per 100 same type and ratio of sugar components as in synthetic mixtures.
mL) (at the 95% confidence level).
The results (given as μg glucose equivalent per mL sample) and
Sample Parameter Alkaline Cu(II)-Nc DNS recoveries are presented in Table 5.
The synthetic mixtures (1–3) gave positive errors before SPE
Glucose standards No. of samples 5 5 due to the interference of polyphenolics to the proposed assay.
Average 218.4 220.4
However, the recovery values after SPE (between 96 and 104%)
Standard deviation 5.6 5.3
Variance 31.8 28.3 confirmed that RS can be quantitatively separated from common
Degrees of freedom 8
t-test 0.577
Critical value 2.306
Table 5
F-test 1.124
Total reducing sugar content (as μg glucose eq. mL 1) of synthetic mixtures with
Critical value 6.390
respect to the alkaline Cu(II)-Nc method.
Milk samples No. of samples 4 4 Sample Expected Before SPE After SPE
Average 4.04 4.0
Standard deviation 0.27 0.25 Syn mix 1 24 957 1 (296) 25 71 (4)
Variance 0.07 0.06 Sugar mix 1 24 25 71 (4)
Degrees of freedom 6 Syn mix 2 103 1697 2 (64) 1027 1 ( 1)
t-test 0.204 Sugar mix 2 103 99 71 ( 4)
Critical value 2.447 Syn mix 3 72 1567 1 (117) 737 1 (1)
F-test 1.166 Sugar mix 3 72 727 1 (0)
Critical value 9.280
Error % values were given in paranthesis.
K.S. Başkan et al. / Talanta 147 (2016) 162–168 167
Table 6 Table 7
Total reducing sugar content (as g glucose eq. 100 mL 1) of studied samples, in- Recovery values of added glucose or lactose, determined by alkaline Cu(II)-Nc
cluding the declared and found values by alkaline Cu(II)-Nc and DNS methods. method.
Sample Found Declared Sample Sugar content Added Found Recovery (%)
(mg L 1) (mg L 1) (mg L 1)
Alkaline Cu(II)-Nc DNS
Fresh apple juice 31.17 0.6 3.6 35.070.8 108
Fresh apple juice 13.9 7 1.0 11.2 7 1.0 7.2 38.2 70.6 99
Onion juice 4.0 7 0.1 3.8 7 0.1 UHT Whole Milk 41.3 7 0.9 7.2 48.4 71.6 99
UHT Whole Milk 4.0 7 0.1 4.0 7 0.2 4.7 14.4 55.9 70.6 101
Grape juice 15.2 7 1.6 11.6 7 0.1 15.2 Apple juice 19.0 7 0.6 3.6 22.4 70.6 94
Apple juice 10.4 7 0.2 10.0 70.1 11.5 7.2 25.9 70.9 96
Orange juice 8.2 7 0.3 (10.17 0.4)a 7.0 7 0.1 (9.07 0.1)a 10.9 Orange juice 17.8 71.0 3.6 21.7 71.0 108
Soft drink (Cola) 10.5 7 0.6 10.5 70.1 10.6 7.2 25.3 70.8 104
Honeyb 70.57 4.2 (72.6 7 2.3)a 69.8 7 0.4 (72.5 7 0.4)a 82.3 Grape juice 22.4 7 1.3 3.6 25.7 70.3 92
7.2 29.8 70.8 103
Results found after hydrolysis. Soft drink (Cola) 15.17 0.7 3.6 18.4 71.0 92
Honey results expressed as (g glucose eq. 100 g 1). 7.2 21.9 70.6 94
Honey 13.8 7 0.8 3.6 17.3 70.4 97
7.2 21.3 70.6 104
polyphenolic interferents and accurately determined in synthetic
samples (Table 5). Experimental findings (not reported) also Added sugar is lactose.
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