For the edge stiffener, ds and Ia shall be determined using w′ Figure 3.53 Section with single intermediate stiffener.
and f ′ in lieu of w and f, respectively.
bo = total flat width of stiffened element; see Fig. 3.56 The plate buckling coefficient, k, shall be determined from
bp = largest subelement flat width; see Fig. 3.56 the minimum of Rkd and 𝑘loc , as determined in accordance with
ci = horizontal distance from edge of element to Specification Section or, as applicable:
centerline(s) of stiffener(s); see Fig. 3.56 𝑘 = minimum of Rkd and 𝑘loc (3.89)
Fcr𝓁 = plate elastic buckling stress
F = uniform compressive stress acting on flat element R = 2 when 𝑏o ∕ℎ < 1
h = width of elements adjoining stiffened element (e.g., 11 − bo ∕h 1
depth of web in hat section with multiple 𝑅= ≥ when 𝑏o ∕ℎ ≥ 1 (3.90)
5 2
intermediate stiffeners in compression flange is equal
to h; if adjoining elements have different widths, use Specific Case: Single or n Identical Stiffeners,
smallest one) Equally Spaced
Isp = moment of inertia of stiffener about centerline of flat For uniformly compressed elements with single, or multiple
portion of element; radii that connect the stiffener to identical and equally spaced, stiffeners, the plate buckling coef-
the flat can be included ficients and effective widths shall be calculated as follows:
k = plate buckling coefficient of element
kd = plate buckling coefficient for distortional buckling a. Strength Determination3.240
kloc = plate buckling coefficient for local subelement
𝑘loc = 4(bo ∕bp )2 (3.91)
Lbr = unsupported length between brace points or other (1 + β2 )2 + γ(1 + n)
restraints which restrict distortional buckling of 𝑘d = (3.92)
β2 [1 + δ(n + 1)]
R = modification factor for distortional plate buckling
𝛽 = [1 + γ(n + 1)] ∕4
n = number of stiffeners in element where
t = element thickness 10.921sp
i = Index for stiffener “i” 𝛾= (3.94)
𝑏𝑜 𝑡3
𝜆 = slenderness factor
𝜌 = reduction factor 𝐴𝑠
𝛿= (3.95)
𝑏𝑜 𝑡
The effective width shall be calculated in accordance with If 𝐿br < 𝛽𝑏o , 𝐿br ∕𝑏o is permitted to be substituted for 𝛽
Eq. (3.85) as follows: to account for increased capacity due to bracing.
( )
𝐴𝑔 b. Serviceability Determination. The effective width, 𝑏d , used
𝑏e = ρ (3.85) in determining serviceability shall be calculated as in Spec-
ification Section, except that 𝑓d is substituted
{ for f, where 𝑓d is the computed compressive stress in the
1 when 𝜆 ≤ 0.673 element being considered based on the effective section at
𝜌= (3.86)
(1 − 0.22∕𝜆)∕𝜆 when 𝜆 > 0.673 the load for which serviceability is determined.
where √
𝑓 General Case: Arbitrary Stiffener Size, Loca-
𝜆= (3.87)
𝐹cr𝓁 tion, and Number
where For uniformly compressed stiffened elements with stiffeners of
( )2
𝜋2𝐸 𝑡 arbitrary size, location, and number, the plate buckling coeffi-
𝐹cr𝓁 =𝑘 (3.88) cients and effective widths shall be calculated as follows:
12(1 − 𝜇 2 ) 𝑏𝑜
a. Strength Determination
𝑘loc = 4(bo ∕bp )2 (3.96)
∑ n
(1 + β2 )2 + 2 γi ωi
𝑘d = ( ) (3.97)
β2 1 + 2 δi ωi
( ) 1∕4
𝛽= 2 γi ωi + 1 (3.98)
Figure 3.61 Effect of circular hole on buckling coefficient in Figure 3.62 Uniformly compressed stiffened elements with
shear.3.114 circular holes.
shown in Fig. 3.63, the effective width of the perforated b. Serviceability Determination. The effective width, 𝑏d , used
web can be determined by assuming the web to consist of in determining serviceability shall be calculated in accor-
two uniformly compressed unstiffened elements with the flat dance with Eqs. (3.32)–(3.35).
width one on each side of the hole. The effective design width It should be noted that the effective area should be based
of these unsiffened compression elements can be calculated on the lesser of the total effective design width of two unstiff-
in accordance with Section or the effective area of the ened elements and the effective design width determined for
perforated web can be determined from stub-column tests. the stiffened element with the flat width, w. The calculation
The unstiffened strip approach was studied by Miller and of the effective area for the steel stud having noncircular web
Pekoz at Cornell University in the 1990s.3.186 Test results perforations is illustrated in Example III-2 of the 2017 edition
indicated that this method is generally conservative for the of the AISI Design Manual.1.428
wall studs tested in the Cornell program. This approach has
long been used in the Rack Manufacturers Institute (RMI) 3.4.3 C-Section Webs with Holes under Stress
Specification for the design of perforated rack columns.1.156 Gradient
Since 1996, similar requirements were used in the AISI Spec-
ification for the design of wall studs under specific limita- In the past, numerous studies have been conducted to inves-
tions. The same requirements were moved from the previous tigate the structural behavior and strength of perforated
Section D4 to Section B2.2 of the 2007 edition of the Specifi- elements and members subjected to tension, compression,
cation , and was retained in Section 1.1.1 of the 2016 edition bending, shear, and web crippling.3.179–3.193,3.197–3.200 Based
of the Specification: on the research work conducted by Shan et al. at the Univer-
sity of Missouri–Rolla,3.184,3.197 the following requirements
have been included in Section 1.1.3 of the Specification for
a. Strength Determination. A uniformly compressed stiff- determining the effective depth of C-section webs with holes
ened element with noncircular holes shall be assumed to under stress gradient1.417 :
consist of two unstiffened strips of flat width, c, adjacent
to the holes (see Fig. 3.63). The effective width, b, of each a. Strength Determination. When 𝑑h ∕ℎ < 0.38, the effective
unstiffened strip adjacent to the hole shall be determined widths, 𝑏1 and 𝑏2 , shall be determined by Section
in accordance with Eqs. (3.32)–(3.35), except that the plate by assuming no hole exists in the web. When 𝑑h ∕ℎ > 0.38,
buckling coefficient, k, shall be taken as 0.43 and w as c. the effective width shall be determined by Section,
These provisions shall be applicable within the following assuming the compression portion of the web consists of
limits: an unstiffened element adjacent to the hole with 𝑓 = 𝑓1 ,
1. Center-to-center hole spacing, 𝑠 ≥ 24 in. (610 mm), as shown in Fig. 3.64.
2. Clear distance from the hole at ends, 𝑠end ≥ 10 in. b. Serviceability Determination. The effective widths shall be
(254 mm), determined by Section by assuming no hole exists
3. Depth of hole, 𝑑h ≤ 2.5 in. (63.5 mm), in the web.
4. Length of hole, 𝐿h ≤ 4.5 in. (114 mm), and
Because the above requirements are based on the experi-
5. Ratio of the depth of hole, 𝑑h , to the out-to-out width,
mental study, these provisions are applicable only within the
𝑤𝑜 , 𝑑h ∕𝑤o ≤ 0.5.
following limits:
Alternatively, the effective width, b, is permitted to
be determined by stub-column tests in accordance with 1. 𝑑h ∕ℎ < 0.7
the test procedure, AISI S902. 2. ℎ∕𝑡 ≤ 200
3. Holes centered at mid-depth of the web 4.5 in. (114 mm) but still fits within an allowable circular
4. Clear distance between holes ≥ 18 in. (457 mm) virtual hole. For each case, the provisions apply to the
5. Noncircular holes, corner radii ≥ 2t geometry of the virtual hole, not the actual hole or
6. Noncircular holes, 𝑑h ≤ 2.5 in. (64 mm) and Lh ≤ holes.1.333
4.5 in. (114 mm)
For the effect of web holes on the shear strength and web
7. Circular hole diameter ≤ 6 in. (152 mm)
crippling strength of C-sections, see Section 4.3 on the design
8. 𝑑h ≥ 9∕16 in. (14 mm), where
of beam webs. Extensive studies of perforated elements
d = depth of web hole and members have been conducted by numerous investi-
h = depth of flat portion of web measured along gators. See Refs. 3.228–3.232, 3.242–3.248, 3.250–3.253.
the plane of the web Design provisions using the Direct Strength Method have
t = thickness of web been developed and will be discussed in Chapters 4 and 5.
Lh = length of web hole
b1 , b2 = effective widths defined by Fig. 3.30
Although these provisions are based on the tests of
C-sections having the web hole centered at mid-depth of
the section, the provisions may be conservatively applied to The Direct Strength Method provides a consistent design
sections for which the full unreduced compression region of procedure for determining cold-formed steel member
the web is less than the tension region. Otherwise, the web strengths under different buckling failure modes. This
strength must be determined by tests.1.333 method was developed by Schafer and Peoz3.254,3.255
The design provisions apply to any hole pattern that fits in 1990s and was continued developing by other
within equivalent virtual holes, as shown in Figs. 3.65 and researchers.3.281–3.293 In 2004, this method was adopted
3.66. Figure 3.65 shows the dimensions 𝐿h and 𝑑h for a into the North American Specification as Appendix 1.1.343
multiple-hole pattern that fits within a noncircular virtual In 2016, this method was incorporated into the main body
hole, while Fig. 3.66 illustrates the dimension 𝑑h for a of the Specification1.417 and is considered as an equivalent
rectangular hole that exceeds the limits of 2.5 in. (64 mm) × design method to the Effective Width Method.
The Direct Strength Method is based on the same assump- members outside the limitations, the Specification permits
tion as the Effective Width Method3.255 : the member strength to use the rational engineering analysis to determine the
is the function of elastic buckling and the yielding of the member strengths and apply the safety and resistance
material. Therefore a good estimate of the elastic buckling factors provided in Specification Section A1.2(c)1.417 :
will result in a better prediction of member strength. To Ω = 2.00 (ASD) and 𝜙 = 0.80 (LRFD) and 0.75 (LSD).
realistically predict the member buckling strengths, the If test data available, the Specification also permits to use
Direct Strength Method analyzes the buckling of the whole the safety and resistance factors provided in the relevant
cross-section instead of individual elements, which ensures sections in Specification Chapters E through H provided
that the compatibility and equilibrium are maintained at the those tests which are performed per Specification Section
element junctures. To capture the postbuckling behaviors, the K21.417 , and the calculated resistance factor, 𝜙, is greater
method calibrated the strength expressions with numerous than that in Chapters E through F. Detailed provisions are
test data.3.254,3.255 Figures 3.67a and 3.67b show that the provided in Section B4.2 of the Specification.1.417
strength prediction expressions have a good agreement Figure 3.68a and 3.68b plotted the compression and
with the test data. Through these test data, the geometric bending strengths of a member that is laterally braced
limitations are established as provided in Table 3.1. For against global (lateral torsional) buckling. The curves
Local: Eq. (5.65)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
λ = λ =
Figure 3.67a Comparison between the test data and the nominal axial strengths calculated by DSM
for concentrically loaded pin-ended columns.1.431
Local: Eq. (4.92)
0 1 2 3 4 5
λ = λ =
Figure 3.67b Comparison between the test data and the nominal flexural strengths calculated by
DSM for laterally braced beams.1.431
Figure 3.68a Local and distortional direct strength curves for a braced column.1.431
show the local and distortional post-buckling strengths as considered even if the member is braced against the global
compared to the elastic buckling, where the local buckling buckling.
strength possesses a higher post-buckling strength than the The application of the Direct Strength Method to deter-
distortional buckling. The figures also indicate that similar mine the member strengths due to different buckling modes
to the local buckling, the distortional buckling should be will be discussed in details in Chapters 4 and 5. This section
Inelastic Bending
Reserve Ignored
in Sections
F2.1 and F3.2.1
Figure 3.68b Local and distortional direct strength curves for a laterally braced beam1.431 where
the referenced section numbers are those in the Specification.1.417
is focused on the determination of the elastic local and Figs. 3.69 and 3.70, which can be used to identify the
distortional buckling, which will be used in the Direct buckling modes and determine the buckling loads to be
Strength Method in later chapters. The global buckling will used in design. Open software that determines distor-
be discussed in Chapters 4 and 5. tional buckling of C- and Z-Section members3.261 can
be downloaded from ( The
3.5.1 Local Buckling finite strip method for cold-formed steel was pioneered
at the University of Sydney and the long-used program
The element local buckling has been fully discussed in (THIN-WALLED) is commercially available at (www
Sections 3.1 to 3.4. Expressions that are used for the Effective Through pa-
Width Method are provided. rtial research support of AISI, an open-source and
To consider the local buckling of the whole cross-section, free finite-strip method program (CUFSM) was
the following numerical and analytical solutions may be developed by Schafer et al.3.267,3.268 The software
employed.3.256,1.417,1.431 can be downloaded from (
cufsm).3.259 The finite strip method can be used to
1. Numerical Solutions. Numerical methods such as determine the buckling loads and moments of pris-
the shell finite element method,3.262–3.264 the finite matic members with arbitrary cross-section. The
strip method,3.257–3.260 and generalized beam theory method has also been extended to determine the shear
(GBT)3.265,3.266,3.294 can be used to determine the buckling,3.269–3.271,5.109,3.272 generalized end boundary
member local, distortional, and global buckling. Even conditions,1.432 members with holes,3.273,3.274,3.275 and
though the shell finite element method provides a so forth.
flexible way to model members with different shapes Shown in Figs. 3.69 and 3.70 are the buckling
or support conditions, the method generally requires analysis signature curves for C-Section (9CS2.5×059)
the user to visually determine buckling modes and the obtained from CUFSM. The figures show that the
buckling modes are often coupled. The general beam C-Section member subjects a local buckling at short
theory was originally developed by Schardt3.265 and buckling wavelength. The local minimum buckling
extended by Davies et al.3.266 The method is capable of wavelength is at or near the outer dimensions of
generating the buckling signature curve, as shown in the member cross-section, the distortional buckling
Figure 3.69 Compression elastic buckling analysis of C-section (9CS2.5 × 059) with finite-strip
typically occurs between three and nine times the out extreme compression fiber, will be used to determine
dimensions, and the global buckling occurs at much the local buckling moment. Since the restraints at the
longer wavelength.1.383 The global buckling load or element junctures are not accurately modeled, this
moment can be selected from the signature curve based analytical approach could be very conservative.
on actual unbraced length.1.383
2. Analytical Solutions. The local buckling of an element 3.5.2 Distortional Buckling
can be determined by Eq. (3.45)
Since 1962, the distortional buckling problem of cold-
𝑘𝜋 2 𝐸
fcr𝓁 = (3.45) formed steel members has been studied by Douty,4.19
12(1 − 𝜇2 )(𝑤∕𝑡)2 Haussler,4.20 Desmond, Pekoz and Winter,3.76,3.77
where k is the buckling coefficient which can be deter- Hancock,1.69,4.163,4.164,1.358,4.223 Lim and Rhodes,4.293 Kwon
mined from Table 3.2 for typical boundary conditions, and Hancock,4.196 Hancock, Rogers, and Schuster,4.165
w is the flat width of the element, and t is the thickness Lau and Hancock,5.109–5.111 Serrette and Pekoz,4.158–4.162
of the element. For an interconnected element in a Buhagiar, Chapman, and Dowling,4.166 Davies and
cross-section, it is difficult to determine actual fixities. Jiang,4.167,4.1.68,4.197 Schafer and Pekoz,3.168,3.175,3.176,3.195
Therefore, the above equation only can provide an esti- Bambach, Merrick, and Hancock,3.173 Bernard,
mated critical buckling stress. In addition, depending Bridge, and Hancock,3.171,3.172 Ellifritt, Sputo, and
on the dimensions and the fixities, each element on Haynes,4.186 Kavanagh and Ellifritt,4.188 Ellifritt,
a cross-section may predict different critical buck- Glover, and Hren,4.169 Jonson,4.198,4.199 Bradford,4.200
ling stresses. The North American Specification1.417 Sarawit and Pekoz,4.201 Camotim, Silvestre, and
requires: for a compression member, the minimum Dinis,3.286,3.294,4.202,4.203,4.207,4.208,4.214,4.225 Nuttayasakul
𝑓cr𝓁 among all the elements on the cross-section be and Esterling,4.204 Cortese and Murray,4.205 Yu,4.209 Yu
used to determine the member local buckling force; and Schafer,4.206,4.210,4.217 Chodraui, Malite, Goncalves,
and for flexural member, the 𝑓cr𝓁 , which results in the and Neto,4.211,4.213 Schafer, Sarawit, and Pekoz,4.212
smallest stress level when linearly extrapolated to the Schafer and Adany,4.215 Yap and Hancock,4.216 Yu and
Figure 3.70 Bending elastic buckling analysis of C-section (9CS2.5 × 059) with finite-strip
Lokie,4.218 Javaroni and Goncalves,4.219 Mahaarachchi and Similar to the determination of local buckling, distortional
Mahendran,4.220 Georgescu,4.221 Pham and Hancock,4.222 buckling can be analyzed numerically and analytically.
Schafer, Sangree, and Guan,4.223 Yap and Hancock,4.222
Bambach,4.227 and others. Some of the past research find- 1. Numerical Solutions. Same as discussed in the numer-
ings and the development of the AISI design criteria for ical solutions for local buckling, all the methods
distortional buckling strength of cold-formed steel members mentioned for local buckling analysis in Section
are well summarized in the AISI commentary1.346,1.431 and 3.5.1(1) can be used for determining the distortional
direct-strength method design guide.1.383 Section 13.4.1 of buckling force and moments. See Section 3.5.1(1) for
the SSRC guide1.412 presents detailed discussions of the details.
available research work on distortional buckling. 2. Analytical Solutions. The following analytical expres-
According to Section 13.2.3 of the SSRC Guide, Lau and sions for C- or Z-Section members with simple or
Hancock’s analytical model5.109 is in widest use and is based complex stiffeners, are derived by Schafer3.280 and
primarily on the assumption that the flange acts as an isolated verified for complex stiffeners by Schafer et al.3.222
column undergoing flexural–torsional buckling, while the The following distortional buckling force and moment
web provides elastic restraint to the flange. This model was expressions are excerpted from the 2016 edition of the
subsequently improved to include more consistent treatment North American Specification.1.417
of the web. Their model is used in the Standards of Australia
and New Zealand.1.391 In 1999, Schafer and Pekoz further Distortional Buckling (Fcrd , Pcrd )
developed the model to allow for the impact of applied The provisions of this section shall apply to any open
stresses on the web’s rotational stiffness, thus allowing for cross-section with stiffened flanges of equal dimension where
the case when distortional buckling is triggered by instability the stiffener is either a simple lip or a complex edge stiffener.
of the web as opposed to the flange.3.168 Schafer and Pekoz’s The elastic distortional buckling load, Pcrd , shall be calculated
model is used in the North American Specification,1.345,1.417 as follows:
and is enclosed item (2) Analytical Solutions, below. 𝑃crd = 𝐴g 𝐹crd (3.104)
where 𝐴g = Gross cross-sectional area Lm = Distance between discrete restraints that restrict distor-
k𝜙fe + k𝜙we + k𝜙 tional buckling (for continuously restrained members Lm = Lcrd )
𝐹crd = (3.105) Variables 𝐴f , 𝐽f , 𝐼xf , 𝐼yf , 𝐼xyf , 𝐶wf , 𝑥of , 𝑦of , and ℎxf are defined
k𝜙fg + ̃
k𝜙wg in Table 3.4, and variables 𝐿x , 𝐿y are unbraced length for
where bending about the x and y axis, respectively; 𝐿t is the unbraced
length for torsion; E, G, 𝜇 are modulus of elasticity, shear
𝑘𝜙fe = Elastic rotational stiffness provided by the mdulys and Poisson’s ratio, respectively; and 𝐴g is the gross area
flange to the flange∕web juncture of the cross-section.
[ ]
( )4 I2xyf
= EIxf (xof − hxf ) + ECwf − E
(x − hxf ) 2 Distortional Buckling (Fcrd , Mcrd )
L Iyf of
The provisions of this section are permitted to apply to any
( )2
π open cross-section with a single web and single edge-stiffened
+ GJf (3.106) compression flange extending to one side of the web where the
stiffener is either a simple lip or a complex edge stiffener. The
𝑘𝜙we = Elastic rotational stiffness provided by the web to
elastic distortional buckling moment, 𝑀crd , shall be calculated
flange∕web juncture as follows:
Et3 𝑀crd = 𝑆𝑓 𝐹crd (3.111)
= (3.107)
6ho (1 − μ2 )
where 𝑘𝜙fe + 𝑘𝜙we + 𝑘𝜙
𝐹crd = 𝛽 (3.112)
ho = Out-to-out web depth (See Fig.3.30(c)) 𝑘𝜙fg + ̃
̃ 𝑘𝜙wg
t = Base steel thickness
k𝜙 = Rotational stiffness provided by restraining where 𝛽 = A value accounting for moment gradient, which is
elements (brace, panel, sheathing) to permitted to be conservatively taken as 1.0
flange/web juncture of member (zero if the
flange is unrestrained).If rotational stiffness = 1.0 ≤ 1 + 0.4(L∕Lm )0.7 (1 + M1 ∕M2 )0.7 ≤ 1.3
provided to the two flanges is dissimilar, the (3.113)
smaller rotational stiffness is used. where
𝑘𝜙fg = Geometric rotational stiffness demanded by 𝐿 = Minimum of 𝐿crd and 𝐿m
flange from flange/web juncture
⎧ ( )2 { [
( )2 ⎪ ⎡ 𝐼 4𝜋 4 ℎo (1 − 𝜇 2 )
𝜋 ⎢(𝑥 − ℎ )2 xyf 𝐿crd = 𝐼xf (𝑥of − ℎxf )2 + 𝐶wf
= 𝐴𝑓
𝐿 ⎨ ⎪ ⎢ of xf
𝐼yf 𝑡3
⎩ ⎣
] } 1∕4
( ) 𝐼xyf
𝜋 4 ℎo 4
𝐼xyf − (𝑥of − ℎxf ) 2
+ (3.114)
−2𝑦of (𝑥of − ℎxf ) 𝐼yf 720
Table 3.4 Geometric Flange Plus Lip Properties for C- and Z-Sections1,2,3
b b
d θ
h h
Af = (b + d)t Af = (b + d)t
b2 b2 − d2 cos(θ)
xof = xof =
2(b + d) 2(b + d)
−(b2 + 2db) −(b2 + 2db + d2 cos(θ))
hxf = hxf =
2(b + d) 2(b + d)
−d2 −d2 sin(θ)
hyf = yof = hyf = yof =
2(b + d) 2(b + d)
1. b, d, and h are mid-line dimensions of cross-section.
2. x–y axis system is located at the centroid of the flange with x positive to the right from the centroid, and y positive
down from the centroid. Table 3.4 does not include the effect of corner radius. More refined values are permitted.
3. Variables are defined as follows:
Simplified Method for Unrestrained C- and Z-Sections where L = Minimum of Lcr (per Eq. 3.119) and Lm
Lm = Distance between discrete restraints that
with Simple Lip Stiffeners
restrict distortional buckling (for continuously
For C- and Z-sections that have no rotational restraint of the
restrained members Lm = Lcr )
flange and that are within the dimensional limits provided in
M1 and M2 = Smaller and larger end moment, respectively,
this section, Eq. (3.117) can be used to calculate a conserva-
in the unbraced segment (Lm ) of the beam;
tive prediction of distortional buckling stress, 𝐹crd , provided the
M1 /M2 is positive when the moments cause
following dimensional limits are met:
reverse curvature and negative when bent in
(1) 50 ≤ ho /t ≤ 200, single curvature
(2) 25 ≤ bo /t ≤ 100, ( )
b Dsin𝜃 0.7
(3) 6.25 < D/t ≤ 50, 𝑘d = 0.5 ≤ 0.6 o ≤ 8.0 (3.123)
ho t
(4) 45∘ ≤ 𝜃 ≤ 90∘ ,
4. Determination of Rotational Restraints, k𝜙 L1 , L2 = One-half joist spacing to the first and second
In Eqs. (3.105) and (3.112) the rotational stiffness k𝜙 sides respectively, as illustrated in Fig. 3.71
accounts for the rotational restraints to the compression k𝜙c = Connection rotational restraint
flange(s). For example, in cold formed steel framing = Values as specified in Table 3.6 for fasteners
systems, structural sheathings that attached to studs or spaced 12 in. o.c. (305 mm) or closer
joist members will provide rotational restraints. Such
restraints can be calculated using the following expres-
sions, which was developed based on the research by Table 3.5(b) 1 Gypsum Board Bending Rigidity
Schafer et al.3.276, 4.223 and was adopted in Appendix 1 Effective Stiffness (Typical Range), EIw
of the 2015 edition of the North American Standard for
Cold-Formed Steel Structural Framing.1.432 Board Thickness EI (Lbf-in.2 /in.) of
(in.) (mm) width (N-mm2 /mm)
The rotational stiffness, k𝜙 , shall be determined in accordance
with the following: 0.5 1500 to 4000
−1 (12.7) (220,000 to 580,000)
𝑘𝜙 = (1∕𝑘𝜙w + 1∕𝑘𝜙c ) (3.124)
0.625 3000 to 8000
where (15.9) (440,000 to 1,160,000)
𝑘𝜙w = Sheathing rotational restraint
= EI w ∕𝐿1 + EI w ∕𝐿2 for interior members (joists or rafters) 1. Gypsum board bending rigidity is obtained from the Gypsum
with structural sheathing fastened on both sides (3.125) Association.
= EI w ∕𝐿1 for exterior members (joists or rafters) with
structural sheathing fastened on one side (3.126)
5. Distortional Buckling of C- or Hat Sections Subject to
where EIw = Sheathing bending rigidity
= Values as specified in Table 3.5(a) for Bending with Lips in Compression
plywood and OSB The following analytical solution was developed by
= Values as specified in Table 3.5(b) for Glauz3.277 for C-Section or Hat sections subject to
gypsum board permitted only for bending where both lips are in compression and the
serviceability calculations flanges are under the stress gradient.
Table 3.5(a) 1,2 Plywood and OSB Sheathing Bending Rigidity, EIw (lbf-in2 /ft)
Strength Parallel to Stress Perpendicular to
Strength Axis Strength Axis
Plywood Plywood
Span Rating 3-ply 4-ply 5-ply OSB 3-ply 4-ply 5-ply OSB
24/0 66,000 66,000 66,000 60,000 3,600 7,900 11,000 11,000
24/16 86,000 86,000 86,000 86,000 5,200 11,500 16,000 16,000
32/16 125,000 125,000 125,000 125,000 8,100 18,000 25,000 25,000
40/20 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 18,000 39,500 56,000 56,000
48/24 440,000 440,000 440,000 440,000 29,500 65,000 91,500 91,500
16oc 165,000 165,000 165,000 165,000 11,000 24,000 34,000 34,000
20oc 230,000 230,000 230,000 230,000 13,000 28,500 40,500 40,500
24oc 330,000 330,000 330,000 330,000 26,000 57,000 80,500 80,500
32oc 715,000 715,000 715,000 715,000 75,000 615,000 235,000 235,000
48oc 1,265,000 1,265,000 1,265,000 1,265,000 160,000 350,000 495,000 495,000
1. To convert to lbf-in.2 /in., divide table values by 12.
To convert to N-mm2 /m, multiply the table values by 9.415.
To convert to N-mm2 /mm, multiply the table values by 9.415.
2. Plywood and OSB bending rigidity are obtained from APA.
Table 3.6 1 Connection Rotational Restraint 𝛽, L and Lm , k𝜙fe are defined in Specification Section
included in Section 3.5.2(2).
T t k𝜙c k𝜙c {
6(1 − 𝜇2 ) [
(mils) (in.) (lbf-in./in./rad) (N-mm/mm/rad) 𝐿crd = 𝜋ℎ𝑒 𝐶wf + 𝐼xf (𝑥of − ℎxf )2
𝑡3 ℎ3𝑒
18 0.018 78 348
( )] } 1∕4
27 0.027 83 367 𝐼xyf
30 0.03 84 375 × 1− + (3.127)
𝐼xf 𝐼yf 120
33 0.033 86 384
43 0.043 94 419 k𝜙we = Elastic rotational stiffness provided by
54 0.054 105 468 the web to the flange/web juncture
68 0.068 123 546 [ ( )2 ( )4 ]
97 0.097 172 766 Et3 1 𝜋ℎ𝑒 1 𝜋ℎ𝑒
= 1+ +
6ℎ𝑒 (1 − 𝜇2 ) 6 𝐿 120 𝐿
1. Fasteners spaced 12 in. (25.4 mm) o.c. or less. (3.128)
𝑘𝜙fg = Geometric rotational stiffness demanded by
The elastic distortional buckling moment, Mcrd , is calcu-
the flange from the flange/web juncture
lated as follows:
( )2 { [
𝑀crd = 𝑆f 𝐹crd [Eq. (3.111)] 𝜋
= 𝐼xf + 𝐼yf + 𝐴𝑓 ℎ2xf + 𝑦2of − 2𝑦of (𝑥of − ℎxf )
where ( )]} ( )2
𝐼xyf 𝜋
𝑘𝜙fe + 𝑘𝜙we + 𝑘𝜙 × 𝜓𝑓 + 𝐼yf 𝜉𝑓 (3.129)
𝐹crd = 𝛽 [Eq. (3.112)] 𝐼yf 𝐿
𝑘𝜙fg + ̃
𝑘𝜙wg = 0
Sf = Gross elastic cross-sectional modulus referenced √
to the compression fiber of the flange/web 𝐼yf
juncture, the point at which ho is measured ℎe = 3.5 + ℎ2xf (3.130)
z x Sheathing
Joist or Wall
Joist or Wall
Interior Joist Exterior Joist or
or Wall Example Wall Stud
f1 (compression)
f2 (tension)
Shear center of
Flange/web stiffened flange
Centroid of
stiffened flange
hxf xof
Figure 3.72 Flange stresses for bending about axis parallel to web.
B. Distortional Buckling Moment Based on Specification According to Eq. (3.114), the critical unbraced length of
Section distortional buckling, Lcrd , can be computed as follows:
Based on the equations listed in Table 3.4, the geometric { [
flange properties for the C-section can be computed as 4𝜋 4 ℎo (1 − 𝜇2 )
𝐿crd = 𝐼xf (𝑥of − ℎxf )2 + 𝐶wf
follows. The reason for these calculations is that the 𝑡3
mechanical model for prediction of distortional buckling ] } 1∕4
strength considers the flange itself as a “column” which 𝐼xyf
𝜋 4 ℎ𝑜 4
may undergo restrained flexural–torsional buckling, and the − (𝑥of − ℎxf ) 2
𝐼yf 720
restraint comes from the web and any additional attachments
ℎ = ℎ0 − 𝑡 = 10.000 − 0.075 = 9.925 in. 4𝜋 4 (10.000)(1 − 0.32 )
𝑏 = 𝑏0 − 𝑡 = 3.500 − 0.075 = 3.425 in. [ ]
(0.00708)[1.428 − (−1.997)]2 + 0−
𝑑 = 𝐷 − 𝑡∕2 = 0.720 − 0.075∕2 = 0.6825 in. × 0.0249 2
[1.428 − (−1.997)]2
𝐴f = (𝑏 + 𝑑)𝑡 = (3.425 + 0.6825)(0.075) = 0.308 in.2 0.376
𝐼𝑥f = 𝑡[𝑡2 𝑏2 + 4bd3 + 𝑡2 bd + 𝑑 4 ]∕12(𝑏 + 𝑑) 𝜋 4 (10.000)4
+ = 27.07 in.
= (0.075)[(0.075)2 (3.425)2 + 4(3.425)(0.6825)3
Assume that the distortional buckling length L equals 𝐿crd ,
+ (0.075)2 (3.425)(0.6825)
𝐿 = 𝐿crd = 27.07 in.
+ (0.6825)4 ]∕12(3.425 + 0.6825) = 0.00708 in.4
From Eq. (3.106), the elastic rotational stiffness provided
𝐼𝑦f = 𝑡[𝑏4 + 4bd3 ]∕12(𝑏 + 𝑑) by the flange to the flange/web juncture, 𝑘𝜙fe , is
[ ]
= (0.075)[(3.425)4 + 4(0.6825)(3.425)3 ]∕12(3.425 ( )4 I2xyf
k𝜙fe = EIxf (xof − hxf ) + ECwf − E
(x − hxf ) 2
+ 0.6825) L Iyf of
= 0.376 in4 . ( )2
+ GJf
𝐼xyf = tb2 𝑑 2 ∕4(𝑏 + 𝑑) L
Load Factor
6.4, 2.39
67.0, 0.86
1 10 100 1000
( )2
Since the centroid axis is closer to the bottom flange, the π
compression stress controls: + GJf = 0.421 kips
( )2 { [
𝑓1 = 𝐹y = 33 ksi; 𝑓2 = −𝑓1 × 𝑐t ∕𝑐c = −21.863 ksi ̃ π
k𝜙fg = Ixf + Iyf + Af x2hf + y2of − 2yof (xof − hxf )
The stress at flange centroid: L
( )]} ( )2
𝑓cg = 𝑓1 (|ℎxf | + 𝑡∕2 − 𝑐t )∕𝑐c = 8.647 ksi (Note: 𝑓cg is Ixyf π
positive since it is under compression.) × ψf + I = 0.0318 in2
Iyf L yfξf
ξf = (𝑓1 − 𝑓2 )∕𝑓1 = 1.662 ̃
k𝜙wg = 0
ψf = fcg ∕f1 = 0.262
√ Assume β, which accounts for moment gradient, is
Iyf ignored, i.e. β = 1
ℎe = 3.5 + h2xf = 18.05 in. The distortional buckling stress is calculated:
{ [ ( )] 𝑘𝜙fe + 𝑘𝜙we + 𝑘𝜙
6(1 − μ2 ) I2xyf 𝐹crd = 𝛽 = 25.294 ksi
𝐿crd = πhe Cwf + Ixf (xof − hxf ) 1 −
2 ̃
𝑘𝜙fg + ̃
t3 h3e Ixf Iyf
From numerical analysis,
} 1∕4 Moment inertia 𝐼 = 23.245 in.4
1 Section modulus 𝑆f = 𝐼∕𝑐c = 4.83 in.3
+ = 72.52 in.
𝑀crd = 𝐹crd 𝑆f = (9.957)(4.83) = 122.2 in.-kips
Assume no bracing for distortional buckling is provided,
therefore, 𝐿m > 𝐿crd , Compared with the numerical analysis result 𝑀crd =
𝐿 = minimum (𝐿crd , 𝐿m ) = 𝐿crd = 72.52 in. 138.5 in-kips. the analytical solution is reasonable close.
[ ( )2 ( )4 ]
Et3 1 πhe 1 πhe 3.5.3 Influence of Perforation on Local
𝑘𝜙we = 1+ + and Distortional Buckling
6he (1 − μ2 ) 6 L 120 L
Researchers have observed the influence of holes on
= 0.383 kips
[ ] the local buckling.3.273–3.275 Both numerical and analyt-
( )4 I2xyf ical approaches are provided in the North American
𝑘𝜙fe = EIxf (xof − hxf ) + ECwf − E
(x − hxf ) 2
Specification1.417 to consider the hole effects.
L Iyf of
𝑀cr𝓁 = min(𝑀cr𝓁nh , 𝑀cr𝓁h ) (3.131b) where t is the thickness of the web, 𝐴web,net is net area
of the web along the full member length; 𝐴web,gross is
where 𝑀cr𝓁nh and 𝑀cr𝓁h are the buckling moments the gross area of the web along the full member length.
of the gross cross-section (no hole) and the net The finite strip analysis is then performed using the
cross-section (with hole), respectively. modified cross section with the reference load consis-
(b) Analytical Solutions. For compression members, refer tent with the gross area. The determined critical distor-
to Section 3.5.1(2). For the element with hole: the tional buckling half-wavelength, 𝐿crd (based on the
local buckling stress, 𝐹cr𝓁 , should be calculated as gross cross-section), and the corresponding distor-
both unstiffened elements at the hole location (for tional buckling load, Pcrd , can then be obtained. This
determining Pcr𝓁h ) and as an element where the hole method has been validated for compressive members
is not located (for determining 𝑃cr𝓁nh ). For the unstiff- and is recommended for use for flexural members.
ened element, the buckling stress 𝐹cr𝓁 should be modi- (b) Analytical Solutions. For compression members
fied by multiplying a ratio 𝐴net ∕𝐴g to account for the meeting the requirements of Specification Section
net section. The smallerest 𝐹cr𝓁 from the element with, the analytical expressions given in Section
hole and the other element is then used to determine can be used except the thickness, t, in Eqs.
𝑃cr𝓁 of the cross-section. (3.107) and (3.109) is replaced by tr determined per
For flexural members, refer to Section 3.5.1(2). For Eq. (3.121) for flat-punched holes, or thickness, t, in
the element with hole: the local buckling stress, 𝐹cr𝓁 , Eqs. (3.107), (3.109), and (3.110) is replace by 𝑡r per
should be calculated as both unstiffened elements at Eq. (3.122) for patterned holes.
the hole location (for determining 𝑀cr𝓁nh ) and as an For flexural members meeting the requirements of
element where the hole is not located (for determining Specification Section, the analytical expres-
𝑀cr𝓁nh ). For the unstiffened element, the buckling sions given in Section can be used except the
stress 𝐹cr𝓁 should be modified by multiplying a ratio thickness t in Eqs. (3.115) and (3.116) is replaced by
𝑆fnet ∕𝑆fg to account for the net section. The smallest tr determined per Eq. (3.121) for flat-punched holes or
𝐹cr𝓁 extrapolated to the extreme compression fiber is t in Eqs. (3.114), (3.115) and (3.116) is replaced by 𝑡r
then used to determine 𝑀cr𝓁 of the cross-section. determined per Eq. (3.122) for patterned holes.
In addition to the above-listed four cases, consid- methods for determining the lateral–torsional buckling
eration should also be given to shear lag problems for strength of singly-, doubly-, and point-symmetric sections
unusually short span beams (see Section 4.2.10). Inter- according to the actual number and location of braces. The
action of bending with web shear, web crippling, and design of braces is discussed in Section 4.4.
torsions should be considered as well.
B. LRFD Method. According to Section, the Doubly and Singly Symmetric Sections When a
LRFD method requires the member flexural or simply supported, locally stable I-beam is subject to a pure
bending strength to satisfy the following requirement: moment M as shown in Fig. 4.2, the following differential
equations for the lateral–torsional buckling of such a beam
𝑀u ≤ 𝜙b 𝑀n (4.3)
are given by Galambos in Ref. 2.45:
where 𝑀u is the required flexural strength or bending
EI 𝑦 𝑢iv + 𝑀𝜙′′ = 0 (4.6)
moment for LRFD computed from load combinations
(see Section; EC𝑤 𝜙 − GJ𝜙 + 𝑀𝑢 = 0
𝜙b = 0.90 is the resistance factor where the bending
strength is determined in Section 4.2. For member where 𝑀 =pure bending moment
strength determined in accordance with rational engi- 𝐸 =modulus of elasticity
neering analysis, 𝜙b = 0.80 should be used according 𝐺 =shear modulus, = 𝐸∕2(1 + μ)
to the North American Specification Section A1.2(c). 𝐼y =moment of inertia about the 𝑦 axis
C. LSD Method. According to Section, the LSD 𝐶w =warping constant of torsion of the cross
method requires that the member flexural or bending section (see Appendix B)
𝐽 = St. Venant torsion constant of cross section
strength to satisfy the following requirement ∑
approximately determined 13 𝑏i 𝑡3𝑖
𝑀f ≤ 𝜙b 𝑀n (4.4) 𝑢 = deflection of shear center in x direction
where 𝑀f is the bending moment for LSD computed 𝜙 = angle of twist
from load combinations (see Section; 𝑀n is
the nominal flexural resistance; and 𝜙b = 0.90 is the The primes indicate differentiation with respect to z.
resistance factor where the bending strength is deter- Considering the simply supported condition, the end
mined in Section 4.2. For member strength determined sections cannot deflect or twist; they are free to warp, and no
in accordance with rational engineering analysis, 𝜙b = end moment exists about the y axis. The boundary conditions
0.75 should be used according to the North American are
Specification. 𝑢(0) = 𝑢(𝐿) = 𝜙(0) = 𝜙(L) = 0 (4.8)
𝑢′′ (0) = 𝑢′′ (𝐿) = ϕ′′ (0) = ϕ′′ (𝐿) = 0 (4.9)
4.2.2 Yielding and Lateral–Torsional Buckling The solution of Eqs. (4.6) and (4.7) gives the following
Strength equation for the critical lateral buckling moment:
√ ( )
A cold-formed cross-section with small w/t ratio may fail by n𝜋 𝑛2 𝜋 2 ECw
yielding. The yielding moment is defined by Eq. (4.5): 𝑀cre = EI 𝑦 GJ 1 + (4.10)
𝑀y = 𝑆fy 𝐹y (4.5) where L is the span length and 𝑛 = 1, 2, 3, ⋯
where 𝑀y is the yield moment and 𝑆fy is the elastic section The deflected shape of the beam is
( )
modulus of cross-section relative to extreme fiber in first n𝜋z
𝜙 = 𝐶 sin (4.11)
yielding. As shown in Fig. 4.1, on a balanced section (Fig. 4.1 𝐿
(a)) or a section with neutral axis closer to the tension flange and the lateral deflection u can be determined by
(Fig. 4.1(c)), 𝑆fy is the section modulus about compression CML2 sin(n𝜋z∕𝐿)
flange; while for the section with neutral axis closer to the 𝑢= (4.12)
𝑛2 𝜋 2 EI 𝑦
compression flange (Fig. 4.1(b)), tension flange will yield
first, 𝑆fy should be the section modulus about the tension The deflection history of the I-beam is shown in Fig. 4.3.
flange. When 𝑀 ≤ 𝑀cre prior to lateral–torsional buckling taking
In general, cold-formed steel flexural members with open place, the beam deflects in the y direction. The vertical deflec-
cross-sections tend to twist and deflect laterally due to small tion 𝑣 can be obtained from Eq. (4.13) for in-plane bending,
lateral–torsional resistance. This section contains the design EI 𝑥 𝑣′′ = −𝑀 (4.13)
Figure 4.1 Stress distribution for yield moment: (a) balanced sections; (b) neutral axis close to
compression flange (initial yielding in tension flange); (c) neutral axis close to tension flange (initial
yielding in compression flange).
Even though the maximum stress computed by Eq. (4.32) where 𝐾y , 𝐾t = effective length factors for bending about
as shown in Fig. 4.5 is larger than 𝐹y , a conservative approach the y axis and for twisting
has been used by AISI to limit the maximum stress to 𝐹y . 𝐿y , 𝐿t = unbraced length for bending about the
By using the inelastic critical buckling stress given in Eq. y√axis and for twisting
(4.32) and the section modulus relative to the compression
𝑟0 = 𝑟2𝑥 + 𝑟2𝑦 + 𝑥20
fiber, the inelastic critical moment for lateral–torsional buck-
ling of I-beams can be computed as follows: 𝑟𝑥 , 𝑟𝑦 = radii of gyration of the cross section about
the centroidal principal axes
(𝑀cr )I = (𝜎cr )I 𝑆xc ≤ 𝑀y 𝑥0 = distance from the shear center to the
[ ]
10 10 𝑀yc centroid along the principal x axis, taken as
= 1− ≤ 𝑀y (4.33) negative
9 36 𝑀cre
where 𝑀y and 𝑀yc are the yield moment and yield moment Other terms were defined previously. For singly symmetric
about compression fiber, respectively; and 𝑀cre is the elastic sections, the x axis is the axis of symmetry oriented such that
critical moment defined in Eq. (4.24). Equation (4.33) was the shear center has a negative x coordinate. The basis for
used in Section C3.1.2 of the 1996 edition of the AISI Spec- Eq. (4.34) is discussed by Pekoz in Ref. 3.17. A comparison
ification for (𝑀cr )e > 0.56𝑀y as shown in Fig. 4.6. Hill has of Eqs. (4.24) and (4.34) shows that these two equations give
demonstrated that the equations derived for I-sections can similar results for channels having 𝐼𝑥 > 𝐼𝑦 .3.17 However, for
also be used for channels with satisfactory accuracy.4.17 channel sections having 𝐼𝑥 < 𝐼𝑦 with large 𝐾𝑦 𝐿𝑦 ∕𝑟𝑦 ratios,
For cold-formed steel design, Eqs. (4.23) and (4.32) were the simplified Eq. (4.24) provides very conservative results
used in the 1968 and 1980 editions of the AISI Specification as compared with Eq. (4.34).
to develop the design equations for lateral–torsional buck- For singly symmetric sections bending about the
ling of I-beams and channels. In the 1986 and 1996 editions centroidal axis perpendicular to the symmetry axis, the
of the AISI Specification, in addition to the use of Eqs. (4.24) elastic critical moment based on the flexural–torsional
and (4.33) for determining the critical moment, new design buckling theory can be computed by using Eq. (4.37):
formulas for lateral–torsional buckling of singly and doubly √
symmetric sections bending about the symmetry axis perpen- C𝑠 𝐴𝜎ex [𝑗 + 𝐶𝑠 𝑗 2 + 𝑟20 (𝜎𝑡 ∕𝜎ex )]
dicular to the web3.17,6.11 were added: 𝑀er = (4.37)
𝑀cre = 𝐶𝑏 𝑟0 𝐴 𝜎ey 𝜎𝑡 (4.34)
where A is the full cross-sectional area and where 𝐶s = +1 for moment causing compression on shear
center side of centroid
𝜎e𝑦 = (4.35) 𝐶s = −1 for moment causing tension on shear center
(𝐾𝑦 𝐿𝑦 ∕𝑟𝑦 )2 side of centroid
[ ]
1 𝜋 2 ECw
𝜎t = 2 GJ + (4.36) 𝜋2𝐸
Ar0 (𝐾t 𝐿t )2 𝜎ex = (4.38)
(𝐾𝑥 𝐿𝑥 ∕𝑟𝑥 )2
Eq. (4.24)
Eq. (4.34) Point-Symmetric Sections Point-symmetric sec-
tions such as Z-sections with equal flanges will buckle later-
ally at lower strengths than doubly and singly symmetric
sections. A conservative design approach has been used in
Unbraced length the previous AISI Specification and is also used in the North
Figure 4.7 Elastic and inelastic critical lateral buckling moments American Specification, in which the elastic critical moment
for members bending about centroidal axis perpendicular to the is taken to be one-half of those permitted for I-beams or chan-
web. nels. Therefore instead of using Eq. (4.34), the following
equation is used for determining the elastic critical moment where 𝑏 = midline or centerline dimension of flange
for point-symmetric Z-sections bending about the centroidal 𝑑 = midline or centerline dimension of web
axis perpendicular to the web: 𝑡 = wall thickness
1 √ When a closed-box section is subject to a nonuniform
𝑀cre = 𝐶𝑏 𝑟0 𝐴 𝜎ey 𝜎𝑡 (4.43)
2 bending moment, the above equation for the elastic critical
In lieu of Eq. (4.43), the following simplified equation moment can be modified by a bending coefficient 𝐶b as
𝐶 𝜋√
can be used to calculate the elastic critical moment for
Z-sections: 𝑀cre = 𝑏 EI 𝑦 GJ (4.46)
𝐶𝑏 𝜋 2 EdI yc 𝐿
𝑀cre = (4.44) Consequently, the elastic critical lateral–torsional buck-
2(𝐾𝑦 𝐿𝑦 )2
ling stress 𝐹cre can be determined by Eq. (4.47):
All symbols used in Eqs. (4.43) and (4.44) are defined in 𝐶𝑏 𝜋 √
Section 𝐹cre = EI 𝑦 GJ (4.47)
𝐾 𝑦 𝐿𝑦 𝑆 𝑓
in which 𝑆f is the elastic section modulus of the full unre- Closed-Box Sections Closed sections such as
duced section relative to the extreme compression flange, 𝐾𝑦
box shapes have relatively larger torsional stiffness as
is the effective length factor, and 𝐿𝑦 is the unbraced length
compared with open sections such as I-beams, C-sections,
for bending about the y axis.
and Z-sections discussed in Sections and As
far as lateral–torsional buckling is concerned, these closed, Lateral–Torsional Buckling with Hole Influence
double-web sections are more stable than single-web open
The lateral–torsional buckling stress, 𝜎cre or moment, 𝑀cre ,
sections, and therefore any use of closed-box sections will
discussed previously is based on beams without holes. The
result in an economical design if lateral–torsional stability
existence of holes along the member length will reduce
of the beam is essential.
the member bending rigidity, EI, and consequently reduce
In Ref. 4.18, Winter indicated that for closed-box beams
the buckling strength.3.252,3.278,4.294,4.295,6.39 The numerical
the bending strength is unaffected by lateral–torsional
shell finite element method can be used to determine the
buckling even when the length-to-width ratio is as high as
global buckling moment. However, the complication in iden-
100 for a steel having a yield stress of 33 ksi (228 MPa or
tifying the different buckling modes and software not readily
2320 kg/cm2 ).
available to regular design engineers make it not feasible in
Previous editions of the AISI Specification contained
design. The finite strip method is not applicable since the
in Section D3.3 a conservative design provision for
section properties affected by holes cannot be considered
lateral–torsional buckling of closed-box beams, in which simply by revising the thickness. Therefore, the analyt-
laterally unbraced box sections can be designed without any ical method developed by Moen and Schafer3.278,4.294,4.295
strength reduction for lateral–torsional buckling consider- is recommended. Based on the research and experiment
ation if the ratio of the unsupported length to the distance verifications,4.295 the lateral–torsional buckling moment
between the webs of the section does not exceed 0.086 of doubly- and singly-symmetric section members with
𝐸∕𝐹y . In 1999, this design requirement was replaced by patterned holes can be approximated by using the average
Section C3.1.2.2 in the Supplement to the 1996 edition of section properties in the buckling expression as developed
the AISI Specification.1.333 The same design provisions are in the previous sections:
retained in the North American Specification, except that √ ( )
the laterally unbraced length, L, was clarified to be 𝐾𝑦 𝐿𝑦 . 𝜋 𝜋2
𝑀cre = EI y,avg GJ avg + ECwnet
For a closed-box section subjected to a uniform bending 𝐾 𝑦 𝐿𝑦 (𝐾𝑡 𝐿𝑡 )2
moment as shown in Fig. 4.2, the elastic critical moment for (4.48)
lateral–torsional buckling is3.84 where 𝐼𝑦 ,avg and 𝐽avg are the average moment of inertia about
√ the y axis and average torsional constant, respectively; 𝐶wnet
𝑀cre = EI 𝑦 GJ is the warping constant of the net section. The existence of the
All terms are defined in Section, except that the hole creates a discontinuity that interrupts warping torsion
torsional constant J may be determined by the following resistance along the member. It is therefore a net warping
constant is used. 𝐶wnet can be determined by assuming thick-
equation for a closed-box section having a uniform
ness at the hole equals zero, it can also be determined using
thickness4.157 :
2𝑏2 𝑑 2 𝑡 software such as CUFSM by setting the thickness of the
𝐽= (4.45) element at the hole equals zero.
A complete list of the average properties of cross-section where 𝑆fy = Elastic section modulus of full unreduced cross-
is provided in Table 4.3, which can also be used to determine section relative to extreme fiber in first yielding
the global buckling loads for columns with holes later in 𝐹y = Yield stress
Chapter 5.
Fn shall be determined as follows:
The above analytical method was first adopted into the
2012 edition of the North American Specification1.416 and
For 𝐹cre ≥ 2.78Fy
is retained in 2016 edition of the Specification.1.417
The hole influence on the member strength could be
counterintuitive. The Commentary1.431 on the 2016 North 𝐹n = 𝐹y (4.51)
American Specification provided the following guidance:
“Rules of thumb on the influence of holes in both compres- For 2.78 𝐹y > 𝐹cre > 0.56𝐹y
sion and flexural members are: (1) rectangular or elongated
holes typically reduce local buckling strength more than ( )
10 10𝐹y
square and circular holes; (2) web holes always decrease 𝐹n = 𝐹y 1 − (4.52)
distortional buckling strength; (3) holes always reduce 9 36𝐹cre
global (Euler) buckling strength; (4) the more holes along a
member, the more the strength decreases; (5) hole patterns, For Fcre ≤ 0.56Fy
such as those typically present in storage rack columns,
can reduce strength as much as discrete holes; and (6) 𝐹𝑛 = 𝐹cre (4.53)
adding edge stiffeners to holes increases local buckling
strength more than distortional buckling and global buckling where 𝐹cre = Critical elastic lateral–torsional buckling stress,
strength.” determined in accordance with Specification
Sections F2.1.1 to F2.1.5, as applicable, or
Specification Appendix 2. North American Design Criteria for
Lateral–Torsional Buckling Strength of Singly-, Doubly-,
and Point-Symmetric Sections Sections– F2.1.1 Singly or Doubly Symmetric Sections Bending
discussed how to determine the member lateral–torsional About Symmetric Axis
buckling moment and how to consider the inelastic moment The elastic buckling stress for singly or doubly symmetric
strength when the buckling moment exceeds 0.56𝑀y . sections bending about the symmetric axis shall be calculated
The North American Specification developed the design as follows:
provisions based on those expressions. The following C r A√
𝐹cre = b 0 𝜎ey 𝜎t (4.54)
excerpts are adapted from Sections F2.1 and F2.2 of the Sf
2016 edition of the North American Specification, which where
provides the needed design equations for computing the 12.5Mmax
𝐶b = (4.55)
critical lateral–torsional buckling stress.1.417 The applica- 2.5Mmax + 3MA + 4MB + 3MC
tions of the North American design criteria are illustrated in
Examples 4.1–4.3. where 𝑀max = Absolute value of maximum moment
in unbraced segment
𝑀𝐴 = Absolute value of moment at quarter point
F2.1 Initiation of Yielding Strength of unbraced segment
The nominal flexural strength [resistance], Mne , for yielding and 𝑀B = Absolute value of moment at centerline
global (lateral–torsional) buckling considering capacity up to of unbraced segment
first yield shall be calculated in accordance with Eq. (4.49). 𝑀C = Absolute value of moment at three-quarter
point of unbraced segment
𝑀ne = 𝑆f 𝐹n ≤ 𝑀y (4.49) 𝐶b = is permitted to be conservatively taken as unity
for all cases. For cantilevers or overhangs
where 𝑀ne = Nominal flexural strength [resistance] for where the free end is unbraced, 𝐶b shall be
yielding and global buckling taken as unity.
𝑆f = Elastic section modulus of full unreduced 𝑟0 = Polar radius of gyration of cross-section about
section relative to extreme compression fiber shear center
𝑀y = 𝑆fy 𝐹y (4.50) = 𝑟2𝑥 + 𝑟2𝑦 + 𝑥20 (4.56)
Definition of variables:
𝐴g , 𝐴net = Gross and net area, respectively
𝐿g = Segment length without holes
𝐿net = Length of holes or net section regions
𝐿 = Unbraced length about the axis of buckling
= 𝐿g + 𝐿net
𝐼g , 𝐼net = Moment of inertia of gross or net cross-section about the axis of buckling,
𝐽g , 𝐽net = Saint-Venant torsion constant of gross or net cross-section, respectively
𝑥0,g 𝑥0,net = Shear center x-coordinate relative to centroid for gross or net section, respectively
𝑦0 ,g , 𝑦0 ,net = Shear center y-coordinate relative to centroid for gross or net section, respectively
𝑟0,g , 𝑟0 ,net = Polar radius gyration about shear center of gross or net cross-section, respectively
𝐼xy,g , 𝐼xy,net = Product of inertia of gross or net cross-section, respectively
1. For singly- and doubly-symmetric sections, As shown in Fig. 4.7, when 𝐾y 𝐿y ≤ 𝐿u , 𝑀ne = 𝑀y (or 𝐹n =
( )2 𝐹y ). The elastic critical lateral–torsional buckling stress of
7.72 𝐾𝑦 𝐹𝑦 𝑆f 𝜋 2 ECw
𝐶1 = C2 = the I-section is determined according to Section F2.1 of the
AE 𝐶b 𝜋𝑟𝑦 (𝐾t )2
North American Specification. For 𝐹n = 𝐹y ,
2. For point-symmetric sections,
𝐹cre ≥ 2.78𝐹y
( )2
30.9 𝐾𝑦 𝐹𝑦 𝑆𝑓 𝜋 2 EC𝑤
𝐶1 = C2 = Substituting Eq. (4.59) for 𝐹cre into the above expression
AE 𝐶𝑏 𝜋𝑟𝑦 (𝐾𝑡 )2
(b) For I-, C-, or Z-sections bent about the centroidal axis 𝐶𝑏 𝜋 2 EdI yc
≥ 2.78𝐹𝑦
perpendicular to the web (x axis), in lieu of (a), the following 𝑆𝑓 (𝐾𝑦 𝐿𝑦 )2
equations may be used:
1. For doubly-symmetric I-sections: √
( )0.5 𝐾 y 𝐿y ≤ 𝐶b 𝜋 2 EdI yc ∕(2.78𝐹y 𝑆f )
0.36𝐶𝑏 𝜋 2 EdI yc
𝐿𝑢 = (4.69a)
𝐹𝑦 𝑆𝑓 (𝐾𝑦 )2
where 𝐸 = 29.5 × 103 ksi
2. For point-symmetric Z-sections: 𝐶b = 1.0 (assumed value)
( )0.5 𝐷 = 8.0 in.
36𝐶𝑏 𝜋 2 EdI yc
𝐿𝑢 = (4.69b) 𝐹𝑦 = 50 ksi
𝐹𝑦 𝑆𝑓 (𝐾𝑦 )2 𝐾y = 1.0
3. For closed-box sections: 𝐼yc = 0.724 in.4 (see the following calculation)
0.36𝐶b 𝜋 √ The section properties are calculated using the center-line
𝐿u = EGJI𝑦 (4.70)
𝐹y 𝑆 f dimensions: corner radius r = 3/16 in.+ t/2 = 0.255 in.,
flange flat width b = 2 in. − (𝑟 + 𝑡∕2) = 1.6775 in.; flat
web depth 𝑎 = 8 in –2(𝑟 + 𝑡∕2) = 7.355 in. Corner length =
In addition, Part II of the Design Manual provides beam
1.57𝑟 = 0.400 in.
design charts for determining the nominal flexural strengths
Calculation of A, Iyc , Sf :
of C-sections and Z-sections with lips. These charts were
prepared for 𝐹y = 33, 50 and 55 ksi (228, 345, and 379 MPa; Distance from y
2.32, 3.52, and 3.87 × 103 kg∕cm2 ) with Cb = 1.0. The Element Area Ai (in.2 ) Axis, xci (in.) Ai xci 𝟐 (in.4 )
torsional unbraced length (𝐾t 𝐿t ) is assumed to be equal to
Flanges 4(1.6775)(0.135) = 0.9059 2–b∕2 = 1.1613 1.2215
the unbraced length about the y axis (𝐾y 𝐿y ). Corners 4(0.400)(0.135) = 0.2162 0.363r + t∕2 0.0055
= 0.160
Example 4.1 An I-beam with cross-section shown Webs 2(7.355)(0.135) = 1.9859 𝑡∕2 = 0.0675 0.0090
in Fig. 4.8 is used as a simply supported beam with Total 3.108 1.2360
a span length of 10 ft to support a uniform load (see Iflanges = 4 × 1
0.135(1.6775)3 = 0.2124
Fig. 4.8). Determine what is the maximum unbraced length I𝑦 = 1.4484 in.4
such that the beam will not subject to lateral torsional
𝐼yc = 12 𝐼y = 0.724 in4
𝑆𝑓 = 6.54 in.3 (see the following calculation)
Distance from
Element Area Ai (in.𝟐 ) Mid depth yi (in.) Ai y𝟐i (in.𝟒 )
12.5(wL2 ∕8)
𝐶b =
2.5(wL2 ∕8) + 3(7wL2 ∕128)
+ 4(12wL2 ∕128) + 3(15wL2 ∕128)
= 1.30
Using Eq. (4.59), with 𝐾𝑦 = 1.0,
Figure 4.9 Lateral supports.
𝐶𝑏 𝜋 2 EdI yc
𝐹cre =
Example 4.2 Determine the allowable uniform load 𝑆𝑓 (𝐾𝑦 𝐿𝑦 )2
considering the lateral–torsional buckling only if the I-beam
(1.30)𝜋 2 (29, 500)(8)(0.724)
used in Example 4.1 is braced laterally at both ends and = = 93.11 ksi
midspan. See Fig. 4.10. Use the value of 𝐶b determined (6.54)(5 × 12)2
by the formula included in the North American Specifica- 0.56𝐹y = 28.00 ksi
tion and 𝐹𝑦 = 50 ksi. Use the ASD method and the LRFD 2.78𝐹y = 139.00 ksi
method with an assumed dead load–live load ratio 𝐷∕𝐿 = 15 . Since 2.78 𝐹y > 𝐹cre > 0.56𝐹y , from Eq. (4.52)
( )
10 10𝐹𝑦
𝐹𝑛 = 𝐹 1−
SOLUTION 9 𝑦 36𝐹cre
A. ASD Method ( )
10 10(50)
1. Nominal Moment for Lateral–Torsional Buckling = (50) 1 − = 47.27 ksi
9 36(93.11)
Strength. From Example 4.1, 𝑆𝑓 = 6.54 in.3 and
Based on Eq. (4.49), the nominal moment for lateral–
𝐼yc = 0.724 in.4 Considering the lateral supports at
torsional buckling strength is
both ends and midspan and the moment diagram shown
in Fig 4.10, the bending coefficient 𝐶b for segment AB 𝑀ne = Sf 𝐹n = (6.54)(47.27) = 309.15 in.-kips
can be calculated by using Eq. (4.55) as follows:
12.5𝑀max 3. Allowable Uniform Load. The allowable moment based
𝐶b = on lateral–torsional buckling strength is calculated as
2.5𝑀max + 3𝑀1 + 4𝑀2 + 3𝑀3
where 𝑀max = wL2 ∕8 at midspan
𝑀1 = 7wL2 ∕128 at 1∕4 point of unbraced 𝑀ne 309.15
segment (𝑀𝑎 ) = = = 185.12 in.-kips
Ω𝑏 1.67
𝑀2 = 12wL2 ∕128 at midpoint of unbraced
segment The maximum moment at midspan is wL2 /8 ft-kips:
𝑀3 = 15wL2 ∕128 at 3∕4 point of unbraced 1 2
segment wL (12) = 185.12 in.-kips
reduced member strength. Both the Effective Width Method the neutral axis is located at the middepth of the section,
and the Direct Strength Method can be used to determine as shown in Fig. 4.1a.
the reduced strength due to local buckling. 2. If the neutral axis is closer to the compression than
For members with small w/t ratio, like hot-rolled steel, to the tension flange, as shown in Fig. 4.1(b), the
it is possible for member cross-section to reach yielding in maximum stress of 𝐹y occurs in the tension flange.
compression and/or tension sides and the inelastic reserve The stress in the compression flange depends on the
capacity may be considered. location of the neutral axis, which is determined by
Both of above two situations will be considered by the the effective area of the section. The latter cannot be
Effective Width Method and the Direct Strength Method in determined unless the compressive stress is known.
the following subsections. The closed-form solution of this type of design is
possible but would be a very tedious and complex Effective Width Method The Effective Width procedure. It is therefore customary to determine
Method considers the local buckling interacting with the the sectional properties of the section by successive
beam lateral–torsional buckling by reducing the section approximation.
modulus, Sf , in global buckling Eq. (4.49) to the effective
section modulus, Se , which is calculated based on stress The calculation of the nominal moment on the basis of
level Fn as determined in Specification Section F2.1. The initiation of yielding and the determination of the design
effective width of the compression flange and the effective moment are illustrated in Examples 4.4–4.7.
depth of the web can be computed from the design equations
presented in Chapter 3.
Therefore, the nominal strength for local buckling inter- Members with Holes For members with a hole,
acting with the global buckling is calculated by using the effective widths of the flat elements adjacent to the hole
Eq. (4.74): are treated as unstiffened elements. Other elements are deter-
𝑀n𝓁 = 𝑆e 𝐹n ≤ 𝑆et 𝐹y (4.74) mined as described in Specification Appendix 1 or Chapter
3 of this book. Note, if the holes in a member are within the
limitations of Specification Section 1.1.3, the Specification
where 𝐹n = nominal stress considering lateral–torsional permits that the lateral–torsional buckling stress, 𝐹n , being
buckling per Eqs. (4.51) to (4.53) calculated based on gross cross-section, i.e., the hole influ-
𝑆e = elastic section modulus of effective section ence can be ignored in considering global buckling.
calculated with compression fiber at 𝐹n
𝑆e = elastic section modulus of effective section
with respect to the extreme compression Example 4.4 Determine the local buckling strength
fiber interacting with the lateral–torsional buckling using the
𝑆et = elastic section modulus of effective section Effective Width Method. Use the ASD and LRFD methods
calculated with tension fiber at 𝐹y to check the adequacy of the I-section with an unstiff-
ened compression flange as shown in Fig. 4.12. Assume
As discussed in Section 4.2.2, when the neutral axis the beam is simply supported with ends and midspan
is close to the compression flange, it is possible that the lateral bracing as shown in Fig. 4.10. The dead-load
yielding initiating from the tension flange controls the moment 𝑀D = 30 in.-kips and the live-load moment
design. Equation (4.74) therefore requires that the nominal 𝑀L = 140 in.-kips.
strength 𝑀n𝓁 be less than 𝑆et 𝐹y .
In cold-formed steel design, the effective section modulus,
𝑆e or 𝑆et , is usually computed by using one of the following
two cases:
Dimensions Properties
Thickness t Inside Radius Moment of Inertia Centroid Coordinates Area A Blank Width
(in.) R (in.) 𝐼𝑥 = 𝐼𝑦 (in.4 ) 𝑥 = 𝑦(in.) (in.2 ) (in.)
0.135 0.1875 0.0003889 0.1564 0.05407 0.3652
0.105 0.1875 0.0002408 0.1373 0.03958 0.3495
0.075 0.0938 0.0000301 0.0829 0.01546 0.1865
0.060 0.0938 0.0000193 0.0734 0.01166 0.1787
0.048 0.0938 0.0000128 0.0658 0.00888 0.1724
0.036 0.0625 0.00000313 0.0464 0.00452 0.1170
(1) Stock width of blank taken at t/3 distance from inner surface.
(2) 1 in. = 25.4 mm.
3.7315” 4.054”
3.6235” 3.946”
| f | | 41.05 |
𝜓 = || 2 || = || | = 0.847
| f1 | | 48.44 |
k = 4 + 2(1 + 𝜓)3 + 2(1 + 𝜓) = 20.30
B. LRFD Method
The nominal moment for the LRFD method is the same as
that computed for the ASD method. From item A above, the
nominal moment about the x axis of the C-section is
𝑀𝑛𝓁 = 160.55 in-kips
Figure 4.18 Effective lengths and stress distribution using The corresponding available moment:
partially effective web (second interaction). 𝜙b 𝑀𝑛𝓁 = 0.9(160.55) = 144.50 in.-kips
𝑏e = 𝜌h = 6.4158 in. Example 4.6 For the hat section with a stiffened compres-
sion flange as shown in Fig. 4.19, determine the allowable
𝑏e moment (𝑀a ) about the x axis for the ASD method and the
𝑏1 = = 1.6800 in.
3+𝜓 design moment (𝜙b 𝑀𝑛𝓁 ) for the LRFD method. Assume that
1 the yield stress of steel is 50 ksi, and the member does not
𝑏2 = 𝑏e = 3.2079 in.
2 subject to lateral–torsional buckling. Determine the nominal
𝑏1 = 𝑏2 = 4.8879 in. moment due to local buckling with initiation of yielding. The
linear method can be used to determine the member sectional
Because the above computed value of 𝑏1 + 𝑏2 properties.
is approximately equal to the value of 𝑏1 + 𝑏2 A. ASD Method
computed from the first iteration, it is accept-
1. Calculation of Sectional Properties. In order to use
able. Better accuracy can be obtained by using
the linear method, midline dimensions are shown in
additional iterations.
Fig. 4.20.
c. Moment of Inertia and Section Modulus. The
i. Corner Element. (Figs. 1.32 and 4.20)
moment of inertia based on line elements is
𝑅′ = 𝑅 + 𝑡 = 0.240 in.
𝐼1′ = 1
(0.5512)3 = 0.0140 2
Arc length:
𝐼6′ = 1
(0.113)3 = 0.0001
𝐿 = 1.57𝑅′ = 0.3768 in.
𝐼7′ = 1
(7.5878)3 = 36.4054
12 c = 0.637R′ = 0.1529 in.
𝐼8′ = 1
= 0.3965 ii. Location of Neutral Axis.
∑ a. First Approximation. For the compression
(Ly2 ) = 682.9977
𝐼𝑧′ = 719.8137 in.3 𝑤 = 15 − 2(𝑅 + 𝑡) = 14.415 in.
(∑ )
− 𝐿 (𝑦2cg ) = −(16.1504)(5.481)2 = −485.1800 𝑤
= 137.29
Because the distance 𝑦cg is less than the 𝑏0 = out-to-out width of compression flange
half depth of 5.0 in., the neutral axis is closer
= 15.00 in.
to the compression flange and, therefore, the
maximum stress occurs in the tension flange. Since ℎ0 ∕𝑏0 = 10∕15 = 0.667 < 4, then use Eq.
The maximum compressive stress can be (3.47a),
computed as follows: 𝑏𝑒
𝑏1 =
( ) 3+𝜓
𝑓 = 50 = 41.93 ksi where be is the effective width of the web deter-
10 − 4.561
Since the above computed stress is less than mined in accordance with Eqs. (3.32)–(3.35) with
the assumed value, another trial is required. 𝑓1 substitued for f and 𝑘 = 31.12 as follows:
b. Second Approximation. After several trials, ℎ 9.415
= = 89.67 < 200 OK
assume that 𝑡 0.105
𝑓 = 40.70 ksi 𝜆 = 2.682 > 0.673 1.052 38.04
𝜆= √ (89.67) = 0.607 < 0.673
𝑏 = 4.934 in. 31.12
𝑏e = ℎ = 9.415 in.
Distance 𝑏e
Effective from Top 𝑏1 = = 2.218 in.
Element Length L (in.) Fiber y (in.) Ly(in.2 ) Ly2 (in.3 )
Since 𝜓 > 0.236,
1 2.0950 9.9475 20.8400 207.3059 1
𝑏2 = 𝑏e = 4.7075 in.
2 0.7536 9.8604 7.4308 73.2707 2
3 18.8300 5.0000 94.1500 470.7500 𝑏1 + 𝑏2 = 6.9255 in.
4 0.7536 0.1396 0.1052 0.0147
5 4.9340 0.0525 0.2590 0.0136 Because the computed value of 𝑏1 + 𝑏2 is
Total 27.3662 122.7850 751.3549 greater than the compression portion of the web
(4.1945 in.), the web element is fully effective.
122.7850 iv. Moment of Inertia and Section Modulus. The
𝑦cg = = 4.487 in.
27.3662 moment of inertia based on line elements is
( )
that is, 2𝐼3′ = 2 (9.415)3 = 139.0944
( ) 12
4.487 ∑
𝑓 = 50 = 40.69 ksi (Ly)2 = 751.3549
10 − 4.487
Since the above computed stress is close to 𝐼z′ = 890.4493 in.3
the assumed value, it is OK. (∑ )
iii. Check the Effectiveness of the Web. Use Section − 𝐿 (𝑦2cg ) = −27.3663(4.487)2 = −550.9683 in.3 in this volume or Section 1.1.2 of the North
American Specification to check the effectiveness 𝐼x′ = 339.4810 in.3
of the web element. From Fig. 4.21, The actual moment of inertia is
( )
4.1945 𝐼𝑥 = 𝐼𝑥′ 𝑡 = (339.4810)(0.105) = 35.646 in.4
𝑓1 = 50 = 38.04 ksi (compression)
( ) The section modulus relative to the extreme
𝑓2 = 50 = 47.35 ksi (tension) tension fiber is
|𝑓 | 𝑆𝑥 = = 6.466 in.3
𝜓 = || 2 || = 1.245 5.513
| 𝑓1 | 2. Nominal and Allowable Moments. The nominal
𝑘 = 4 + 2(1 + 𝜓)3 + 2(1 + 𝜓) moment for section strength is
= 4 + 2(2.245)3 + 2(2.245) = 31.12 𝑀𝑛𝓁 = 𝑆e 𝐹y = 𝑆x 𝐹y = (6.466)(50) = 323.30 in.-kips
From Fig 4.19, The allowable moment is
𝑀 323.30
ℎ0 = out-to-out depth of web 𝑀a == 𝑛𝓁 = = 193.59 in.-kips
Ωb 1.67
= 10.00 in.
Figure 4.21 Effective lengths and stress distribution using fully effective web.
B. LRFD Method
The nominal moment for the LRFD method is the same as
that computed for the ASD method. From item A above, the
nominal moment about the x axis of the hat section is
𝑀𝑛𝓁 = 323.30 in.-kips
The corresponding design moment is:
𝜙b 𝑀𝑛𝓁 = 0.9(323.30) = 290.97 in.-kips
(𝜙b 𝑀𝑛𝓁 ) for the LRFD method. Use the linear method with
𝐹y = 33 ksi. The nominal moment is determined by initiation
of yielding.
Figure 4.23 Example 4.7; line elements.
A. ASD Method
1. Calculation of Sectional Properties. Using the linear
method as shown in Fig. 4.23.
i. Corner Element. (Figs. 1.32 and 4.23)
𝑅′ = 𝑅 + 𝑡 = 0.1313 in.
Arc length:
𝐿 = 1.57𝑅′ = 1.57(0.1313) = 0.2063 in.
𝑐 = 0.637R′ = 0.637(0.1313) = 0.0836 in.
ii. Location of Neutral Axis Based on Section in this volume or Section 1.4.1 of the
Figure 4.22 Example 4.7. North American Specification.
(1 + 𝛽 2 )2 + 𝛾(1 + 𝑛) 2(5.5686)(0.057)(0.075∕2)
= +𝐴s (0.7∕2 + 3∕32 + 0.075)
𝛽 2 [1 + 𝛿(𝑛 + 1)] 𝑦7−10 =
(1 + 3.9492 )2 + 121.150(1 + 1)
= = 0.1176 in. from top fiber
3.9492 [1 + 0.1908(1 + 1)]
Since the computed stress is close to the
Distance from assumed value of 31.3 ksi, it is OK.
Effective Top Fiber To check if the web is fully effective, refer to
Element Length L (in.) y (in.) Ly(in.2 ) Fig. 4.23:
1 2 × 0.5812 = 1.1624 4.5406 5.2780 2.2662
𝑓1 = 33 = 29.156 ksi
2 2 × 0.2063 = 0.4126 4.9148 2.0278 2.565
3 2 × 3.1624 = 6.3248 4.9625 31.3868 𝑓2 = 33
= 30.828 ksi
4 2 × 0.2063 = 0.4126 4.9148 2.0278 2.565
5 2 × 4.6624 = 9.3248 2.5000 23.3120 |f |
6 2 × 0.2063 = 0.4126 0.0852 0.0352 𝜓 = || 2 || = 1.126
| f1 |
7–10 8.5120 0.1176 1.001
Total 26.5618 65.0686 𝑘 = 4 + 2(1 + 𝜓)3 + 2(1 + 𝜓) = 27.47
∑ From Fig 4.22,
Ly 65.0686
𝑦cg = ∑ = = 2.4497 in. < 2.5 in.
𝐿 26.5618 ℎ0 = out-to-out depth of web
( )
2.4497 = 5.00 in.
𝑓= (33) = 31.70 ksi
5 − 2.4497
𝑏0 = out-to-out width of
Since the computed compression stress, f, is
compression flange
considerably less than 33 ksi, additional trials
are required. After several trials, it was found = 12.00 in.
that the stress should be about 31.3 ksi.
b. Additional Approximation. Assume Since ℎ0 ∕𝑏0 = 5∕12 = 0.417 < 4, then use
Eq. (3.47a)
𝑓 = 31.3 ksi 𝑏e
√ 𝑏1 =
𝜆= = 1.272 > 0.673 where be is the effective width of the web deter-
mined in accordance with Eqs. (3.32)–(3.35)
1 − 0.22∕𝜆 with 𝑓1 substitued for f and 𝑘 = 27.47 as
𝜌= = 0.650
𝜆 follows:
( ) ℎ 4.6624
𝑏e = 𝜌 = 8.6857 in. = = 62.17 < 200 OK
𝑡 𝑡 0.075
𝑦7−10 = 0.1176 in.from top fiber 1.052 29.156
𝜆= √ (62.17) = 0.392 < 0.673
27.47 29,500
Effective Distance from 𝑏e = ℎ = 4.6624 in.
Length Top Fiber 𝑏e 4.6624
Element L (in.) y (in.) Ly(in.2 ) Ly2 (in.3 ) b1 = = = 1.13 in.
3+𝜓 3 + 1.126
1 1.1624 4.5406 5.2780 23.9653 Since 𝜓 > 0.236,
2 0.4126 4.9148 2.0278 9.9664 1
3 6.3248 4.9625 31.3868 155.7570 𝑏2 = 𝑏e = 2.3312 in.
4 0.4126 4.9148 2.0278 9.9664
b1 = 𝑏2 = 3.462 in. > 2.2662 in.
5 9.3248 2.5000 23.3120 58.2800
6 0.4126 0.0852 0.0352 0.0030 The web is fully effective as assumed.
7–10 8.6857 0.1176 1.0214 0.1201 iii. Total Ix and Sx .
Total 26.7355 65.089 258.058 1
2𝐼5′ = 2 × (4.6624)3 = 16.8918
65.089 12
𝑦cg = = 2.435 in.
26.7355 1
( ) 2𝐼1′ = 2 × (0.5812)3 = 0.0327
2.435 12
𝑓= (33) = 31.33 ksi
5 − 2.435 2(𝐼2′ + 𝐼4′ + 𝐼6′ ) = 0.0020
(Ly2 ) = 258.0345 load-carrying capacity of continuous beams and steel decks
have also been studied by some other investigators.4.6–4.9
274.9610 In order to utilize the available inelastic reserve strength
(∑ )
− 𝐿 (𝑦cg ) = −(26.7355)(2.435 ) = −158.521
2 2 of certain cold-formed steel beams, design provisions based
on the partial plastification of the cross section were added in
𝐼x′ = 116.440 in.3 the 1980 edition of the AISI Specification. The same provi-
sions were retained in the 1986 and the 1996 editions of the
𝐼x = 𝐼x′ 𝑡 = 116.440(0.075) = 8.7330 in.4
AISI specification and the North American Specification.
8.7330 According to F2.4.1 of the 2016 edition of the Specification,
𝑆x = = 3.4047 in.3
5 − 2.435 the nominal strengths 𝑀ne of those beams satisfying certain
2. Nominal and Allowable Moments. The nominal specific limitations can be determined on the basis of the
moment for due to initiation of yielding is inelastic reserve capacity with a limit of 1.25𝑆e 𝐹y . The
nominal moment 𝑀𝑛𝓁 is the maximum bending capacity
𝑀𝑛𝓁 = 𝑆e 𝐹y = 𝑆x 𝐹y of the beam by considering the inelastic reserve strength
= (3.4047)(33) = 112.355 in.-kips through partial plastification of the cross section. The
inelastic stress distribution in the cross section depends on
The allowable moment is the maximum strain in the compression flange, 𝜀cu . Based on
𝑀 112.355 the Cornell research work on hat sections having stiffened
𝑀a = 𝑛𝓁 = = 67.28 in.-kips
Ωb 1.67 compression flanges,4.1 the design provision included in
Section F2.4.1 of the North American Specification limits
B. LRFD Method the maximum compression strain to be 𝐶y 𝜀y , that is,
The nominal moment for the LRFD method is the same as
that computed for the ASD method. From the above calcu- 𝜀cu = 𝐶y 𝜀y (4.75)
lations, the nominal moment about the x axis of the section
is where 𝜀y = yield strain, = 𝐹y ∕E, in.∕in.
𝑀𝑛𝓁 = 112.355 in.-kips 𝐸 = modulus of elasticity of steel,
29.5 × 103 ksi (203 GPa or
The corresponding design moment is:
2.07 × 106 kg∕cm2 )
𝜙b 𝑀𝑛𝓁 = 0.90(112.355) = 101.12 in.-kips 𝐹y = yield stress of steel, ksi Inelastic Reserve Capacity of Beams Prior and 𝐶y is the compression strain factor determined as
to 1980, the inelastic reserve capacity of beams was not follows:
included in the AISI Specification because most cold-formed
steel shapes have width-to-thickness ratios considerably in 1. Stiffened compression elements without intermediate
excess of the limits required by plastic design. Because of stiffeners:
the use of large width-to-thickness ratios for the beam flange a. When 𝑤∕𝑡 ≤ 𝜆1 ,
and web, such members are usually incapable of developing 𝐶y = 3.0 (4.76)
plastic hinges without local buckling.
In the 1970s research work on the inelastic strength of b. When 𝜆1 < 𝑤∕𝑡 < 𝜆2 ,
cold-formed steel beams was carried out by Reck, Pekoz, ( )
𝑤∕𝑡 − 𝜆1
Winter, and Yener at Cornell University.4.1–4.4 These studies 𝐶y = 3 − 2 (4.77)
𝜆 2 − 𝜆1
showed that the inelastic reserve strength of cold-formed
steel beams due to partial plastification of the cross section c. When 𝑤∕𝑡 ≥ 𝜆2 ,
and the moment redistribution of statically indeterminate 𝐶y = 1.0 (4.78)
beams can be significant for certain practical shapes. With
proper care, this reserve strength can be utilized to achieve where
more economical design of such members. In Europe, a study 1.11 1.28
𝜆1 = √ 𝜆2 = √
has been made by von Unger on the load-carrying capacity 𝐹y ∕𝐸 𝐹y ∕𝐸
of transversely loaded continuous beams with thin-walled
sections, in particular of roof and floor decks with trape- The relationship between 𝐶y and the w/t ratio of the
zoidal profiles.4.5 In addition, the buckling strength and compression flange is shown in Fig. 4.24.
Eq. (4.76)
Eq. (4.77)
Eq. (4.78)
Figure 4.24 Factor Cy for stiffened compression elements without intermediate stiffeners.
2. Unstiffened compression elements: For the above requirements, Eqs. (4.79a)–(4.79g) were
i. Unstiffened compression elements under a stress added in 2004 for sections having unstiffened elements under
gradient causing compression at one longitudinal a stress gradient.1.343 These added design equations are based
edge and tension at the other longitudinal edge: on the research work conducted by Bamback and Rasmussen
⎧3.0 at the University of Sydney on I- and plain channel sections
𝜆 ≤ 𝜆3 (4.79𝑎) in minor-axis bending.4.194,4.195 The 𝐶y values are dependent
⎪3 − 2[(𝜆 − 𝜆3 )∕(𝜆4 − 𝜆3 )] on the stress ratio 𝜓 and slenderness factor 𝜆 of the unstiff-
𝐶y = ⎨
⎪𝜆3 ≤ 𝜆 ≤ 𝜆4 (4.79𝑏) ened element with the stress gradient determined in Section
⎪1 𝜆 ≥ 𝜆4 (4.79𝑐)
⎩ On the basis of the maximum compression strain εcu
where 𝜆 is the slenderness factor defined in Section allowed in Eq. (4.75), the neutral axis can be located by using, Eq. (4.81), and the nominal moment 𝑀ne can be determined
by using Eq. (4.82) as follows:
𝜆3 = 0.43 (4.79d)
𝜆4 = 0.673(1 + 𝜓) (4.79e) 𝜎dA = 0 (4.81)
and 𝜓 is defined in Section 1.2.2 of the Specifica-
tion. 𝜎ydA = 𝑀𝑛𝓁 (4.82)
ii. Unstiffened compression elements under a stress
gradient causing compression at both longitudinal where 𝜎 is the stress in the cross section.
edges: For hat sections Reck, Pekoz, and Winter gave the
𝐶y = 1 (4.79f) following equations for the nominal moments of sections
with yielded tension flange and sections with tension flange
iii. Unstiffened compression elements under uniform
not yielded:
𝐶y = 1 (4.79g)
a. Sections with Yielded Tension Flange at Nominal
3. Multiple-stiffened compression elements and compres- Moment.4.1 For the stress distributions shown in
sion elements with edge stiffeners Fig. 4.25, Eqs. (4.83)–(4.88) are used for computing
the values of 𝑦c , 𝑦t , 𝑦p , 𝑦cp , 𝑦tp , and Mn . For the purpose of
𝐶y = 1.0 (4.80) simplicity, midline dimensions are used in the calculation:
No limit is placed on the maximum tensile strain in the 𝑏t − 𝑏c + 2𝑑
North American Specification. 𝑦c = (4.83)
Figure 4.25 Stress distribution in sections with yielded tension flange at nominal moment.4.1
[ ( ) − (𝐶y 𝑑 2 + 𝐶y 𝑏t 𝑑) = 0 (4.89)
1 4
𝑀𝑛𝓁 = 𝐹y 𝑡 𝑏c 𝑦c + 2𝑦cp 𝑦p + 𝑦cp + (𝑦p )2
2 3
( ) ]
+2𝑦tp 𝑦p + 𝑦tp + 𝑏y 𝑦t (4.88)
2 Subsequently, the values of 𝑦t , 𝑦p , and 𝑦cp can be computed
from Eqs. (4.84),(4.85), and (4.86), respectively.
Figure 4.26 Stress distribution in sections with tension flange not yielded at nominal moment.4.1
If 𝑦p > 𝑦t , then the case in part (b) above applies and the SOLUTION
nominal moment Mn𝓁 is computed as follows: A. ASD Method
[ ( )
𝑦cp 2 1. Dimensions of Section. By using the midline dimen-
𝑀𝑛𝓁 = 𝐹y 𝑡 𝑏c 𝑦c + 2𝑦cp 𝑦p + + (𝑦p )2 sions and square corners, the widths of compression
2 3
( ) ( )] and tension flanges and the depth of webs are computed
2 𝜎t 𝜎t
+ (𝑦t )2 + 𝑏y 𝑦t (4.90) as follows:
3 𝐹y 𝐹y a. Width of compression flange:
In Eq. (4.90), 𝜎t = 𝐹y 𝐶y 𝑦t ∕𝑦c . 𝑏c = 3 − 0.105 = 2.895 in.
It should be noted that according to Section F2.4.1
of the North American Specification, Eqs. (4.88) and b. Width of tension flange:
(4.90) can be used only when the following conditions 𝑏t = 2(1.34 − 0.105∕2) = 2.576 in.
are met:
c. Depth of webs:
1. The member is not subject to twisting or to lateral, 𝑑 = 3 − 0.105 = 2.895 in.
torsional, or flexural–torsional buckling.
2. The effect of cold work of forming is not included in All dimensions are shown in Fig. 4.28a. Check the
determining the yield stress 𝐹y . effective width of the compression flange:
3. The ratio of the depth of the compression portion of the ( )
web to its thickness does not exceed 𝜆1 . w=3−2 + 0.105 = 2.415 in.
4. The shear force does not exceed 0.35𝐹y for ASD w 2.415
and 0.6𝐹y for LRFD and LSD times the web area = = 23
t 0.105
(ht for stiffened elements or wt for unstiffened k = 4.0
5. The angle between any web and the vertical does not f = Fy = 33 ksi
exceed 30∘ . √
1.052 33
λ = √ (23)
It should also be noted that, when applicable, effective 4 29,500
design widths should be used in the calculation of sectional = 0.405 < 0.673
b = w = 2.415 in.
Example 4.8 For the hat section (3 × 3 × 0.105 in.) shown Therefore, the compression flange is fully effective.
in Fig. 4.27, determine the allowable moment (𝑀a ) about the 2. Strain Diagram. The w/t ratio of the stiffened
x axis for the ASD method and the design moment (𝜙b 𝑀𝑛𝓁 ) compression flange is given as
for the LRFD method. Consider the inelastic reserve capacity 𝑤
according to Section F2.4.1 of the 2016 edition of the North = 23
American Specification. Use 𝐹y = 33 ksi and assume that 1.11 1.11
lateral support is adequately provided. 𝜆1 = √ =√ = 33.2
𝐹y ∕𝐸 33∕29,500
Figure 4.28 Stress distribution: (a) midline dimensions; (b) strain; (c) stress.
= 41.43 in.-kips
5. Based on the method illustrated in Example 4.6, 𝑆e for
the given hat section is 0.992 in.3 The nominal moment,
𝑀𝑛𝓁 should be limited to 1.25𝑆e 𝐹y according to the
Speccfication. Therefore
1.25𝑆e 𝐹y = 1.25(0.992)(33) = 40.93 in.-kips < 𝑀𝑛𝓁
6. Allowable Moment Ma . Because 𝑀𝑛𝓁 exceeds
1.25𝑆𝑒 𝐹𝑦 , use
M𝑛𝓁 = 1.25Se Fy = 40.93 in.-kips
M𝑛𝓁 40.93
Ma = = = 24.51 in.-kips Figure 4.29 Example 4.9.
Ωb 1.67
capacity and use 𝐹y = 50 ksi. Assume that the lateral support The depth of the webs is given as
is adequately provided to prevent lateral buckling.
𝑑 = 8.0 − 𝑡 = 8.0 − 0.135 = 7.865 in.
All midline dimensions are shown in Fig. 4.30a.
A. ASD Method 2. Strain Diagram. For an unstiffened compression
1. Dimensions of Section. By using the midline dimen- flange under uniform compression, 𝐶y = 1.0. There-
sions and square corners, the widths of compression fore, 𝜀cu = 𝜀y , as shown in Fig. 4.30b.
and tension flanges and the depth of webs are computed 3. Stress Diagram. The values of 𝑦c , 𝑦t , 𝑦p , and
as follows: The flat width of the unstiffened compres- 𝑦tp are computed by using Eqs. (4.83)–(4.87) as
sion flange according to Section 3.2 is follows:
( )
𝑤 = 2.5 − (𝑅 + 𝑡) = 2.5 − + 0.135 𝑏t − 𝑏c + 2𝑑 1.865 − 3.754 + 2(7.865)
16 𝑦c = =
4 4
= 2.1775 in.
= 3.46 in.
𝑤 2.1775
= = 16.13
𝑡 0.135 𝑦t = 𝑑 − 𝑦c = 7.865 − 3.46 = 4.405 in.
For 𝑓 = 𝐹y = 50 ksi in the top fiber and k = 0.43 for 𝑦c
the unstiffened flange, 𝑦p = = 𝑦c = 3.46 in.
𝜀cu ∕𝜀y
1.052 50 𝑦cp = 0
𝜆= √ (16.13) = 1.065 > 0.673
0.43 29,500
( ) 𝑦tp = 𝑦t − 𝑦p = 4.405 − 3.46 = 0.945 in.
1 − 0.22∕𝜆
𝑏 = 𝜌w = 𝑤 = 1.622 in. All dimensions are shown in Fig. 4.30c.
( ) ( ) 4. Nominal Moment. In order to satisfy the North Amer-
𝑏c 1 3 0.135
= 𝑏 + 𝑅 + 𝑡 = 1.622 + + ican Specification requirements for using the inelastic
2 2 16 2 reserve capacity, check the 𝑦c ∕𝑡 ratio against the limit
= 1.877 in. of λ1 :
𝑏c = 3.754 in. 𝑦c 3.46
= = 25.63
The width of the tension flange is determined as 𝑡 0.135
𝑏t 𝑡 0.135 𝜆1 = √
= 26.96
=1− =1− = 0.9325 in.
2 2 2 𝐹y ∕𝐸 50∕29,500
𝑏t = 1.865 in.
Figure 4.30 Stress distribution: (a) midline dimensions; (b) strain; (c) stress.
𝑀n = 301.05 in. − kips where 𝑀ynet = Member yield moment of net cross-section
𝜙𝑏 𝑀𝑛 = (0.9)(301.05) = 270.95 in.-kips where 𝑆fnet = Net section modulus referenced to the extreme
fiber at first yield Direct Strength Method The Direct Strength 𝐹y = Yield stress
Method considers the strength due to local buckling as the
Design examples will be provided to illustrate the provi-
function of the local-buckling moment, 𝑀cr𝓁 , and the yield
stress, 𝐹y . How to obtain the local buckling moment using
readily available software or through analytical approach is Members Considering Local Inelastic Reserve
discussed in Section 3.5. The following design provisions,
Strength The local inelastic reserve strength is plotted
developed by Schafer and Pekoz3.254,3.255 , were first adopted
in Fig. 3.68b in the region where 𝑀n exceeds 𝑀y . Based
into the North American Specification in 2004 as Appendix
1. In the 2016 edition, they are incorporated into the main on the research by Shifferaw and Schafer,4.296 the inelastic
body of the Specification:1.417 reserve strength can be considered when the predicted
lateral–torsional buckling strength, 𝑀ne is greater than yield
F3.2.1 Members Without Holes moment, i.e., 𝑀ne > 𝑀y . Similar to the Effective Width
The nominal flexural strength [resistance], 𝑀𝑛𝓁 , for considering Method to predict the inelastic reserve strength, the ratio
interaction of local buckling and global buckling shall be deter- of the maximum compressive strain to the yield strain is
mined as follows: limited to 3. For cross-sections with the first yielding in
tension, it is recommended that the ratio of the maximum determined according to Section 4.2.3. For the flange distor-
tensile strain to the yield strain be limited to 3 as well. The tional buckling mode, the flange and edge stiffener rotate
following design provisions are excerpted from the North about the flange–web junction with some rotational resis-
American Specification:1.417 tance provided by the web. This mode of failure occurs
at considerably longer wavelengths than local buckling but
F3.2.3 Members Considering Local Inelastic Reserve generally shorter wavelength than lateral–torsional buckling.
Strength The distortional buckling may also take place in sections
Inelastic reserve capacity is permitted to be considered as as shown in Fig. 3.2(b) and 3.2(c), where the portion of
follows, provided λ𝓁 ≤ 0.776 and 𝑀ne ≥ 𝑀y :
the flange (with intermediate stiffeners as shown in Fig.
3.2(b)) or the portion of the lip and the flange (as shown in
(a) Sections symmetric about the axis of bending or sections
with first yield in compression:
Fig. 3.2(c)) starts to rotate about the junction(s) between the
flange and web.
𝑀𝑛𝓁 = 𝑀𝑦 + (1 − 1∕𝐶𝑦𝓁
)(𝑀𝑝 − 𝑀𝑦 ) (4.96) Distortional buckling may occur simultaneously with
(b) Sections with first yield in tension: local buckling.1.358,1.358,4.208,4.223,4.224 Research work indi-
cated that the local–distortional interaction is generally
𝑀𝑛𝓁 = 𝑀yc + (1 − 1∕𝐶𝑦𝓁
)(𝑀𝑝 − 𝑀yc ) ≤ 𝑀yt3 (4.97) weak and that if this limit state is included in the design
√ requirements the resulting capacities are not consistent
where λ𝓁 = My ∕Mcrl (4.98) with observations.1.412 Therefore, no design provisions are
𝑀ne = Nominal flexural strength [resistance] as currently included in the North American Specification for
defined in Specification Section F2 this limit state. For detailed discussion of modal interactions,
√ see Section 13.4.4 of the SSRC guide.1.412
C𝑦𝓁 = 0.776∕𝜆𝓁 ≤ 3 (4.99) In earlier years, distortional buckling has not been specifi-
𝑀cr𝓁 = Critical elastic local buckling moment, cally considered for the design of cold-formed steel members
determined in accordance with Specification having edge-stiffened compression flanges. The AISI design
Appendix 2 provisions provided by Desmond et al.3.76 for uniformly
𝑀p = Member plastic moment as given in compressed element with a simple lip edge stiffener account
Eq. (4.73) for the inability of the stiffener to prevent flange buck-
𝑀y = Member yield moment in accordance with ling by reducing the local buckling coefficient k to less
Specification Section F2.1
than 4.0 for the partially stiffened compression flange. The
𝑀yc = Moment at which yielding initiates in
compression (after yielding in tension).
reduced buckling coefficient is then used to compute the
Myc = My may be used as a conservative effective width of the flange element. However, in 1992
approximation Kwon and Hancock found that the AISI approach is uncon-
servative for distortional buckling of C-sections composed of
Myt3 = My + (1 − 1∕C2yt )(Mp − My ) (4.100) high-strength steel using a yield stress of 80 ksi (550 MPa or
5624 kg/cm2 ).4.196 In 1999, Schafer and Pekoz indicated that
𝐶yt = Ratio of maximum tension strain to yield the AISI-reduced local buckling coefficient is only intended
strain to be used in conjunction with the specific effective width
= 3 expressions and is not actually the elastic buckling coeffi-
cient for distortional buckling.1.412,3.226 In addition, the tests
conducted by Yu and Schafer showed that the AISI effec-
4.2.4 Distortional Buckling Strength
tive width method is inadequate to account for distortional
The flexural strength of cold-formed steel beams bending buckling.4.206,4.210
about the major axis may be limited by local buckling, or The introduction of the Direct Strength Method3.254,3.255
lateral–torsional buckling. For members with edge-stiffened provided a means to determine the member strength due to
flanges, the flexural strength may also be limited by distor- distortional buckling. As described in Section 3.5, the key to
tional buckling. As shown in Fig. 4.31, the local buckling determine the member strength due to distortional buckling is
mode of a C-section for major-axis bending consists of buck- to obtain the distortional buckling moment, 𝑀crd . Numerical
ling of the compression portion of the web, the compres- and analytical solutions on how to obtain 𝑀crd are discussed
sion flange, and edge stiffener without movement of the in detail in Section 3.5.2.
line junction between the flange and edge stiffener. For this In 2004, the distortional buckling strength design provi-
type of limit state, the section strength of the member is sions developed by Shafer and Pekoz3.254,3.255 were adopted
Figure 4.31 C-section purlin buckling stress versus half wavelength for major-axis bending.1.69
Example 4.10 For the C-section used in Example 4.5 B. Distortional Buckling Strength Based on Section 3.5.2(2)
(See Fig. 4.14 for cross-section dimensions), determine From Example 3.8, the distortional buckling stress based on
the available moment for distortional buckling according more accuracy method presented in Section 3.5.2(2) is
to ASD and LRFD. Use the elastic distortional buckling
stresses based on the simplified provision of Section 3.5.2(3) 𝐹crd = 32.98 ksi
and the more precise provision of Section 3.5.2(2). Deter- and
mine the member strength assuming the member is fully
𝑀crd = 135.55 in.-kips
braced against lateral–torsional buckling.
Also from item A, 𝑀y = 205.50 in.-kips. The slenderness
SOLUTION factor for distortional buckling [Eq. (4.103)] is
A. Distortional Buckling Strength Based on Section 3.5.2(3) √ √
𝑀y 205.50
The distortional buckling stress of the C-section has been 𝜆d = = = 1.231 > 0.673
calculated in Example 3.8. From the example, the distor- 𝑀crd 135.55
tional buckling stress based on the simplified method is: The nominal moment for distortional buckling according
𝐹crd = 17.14 ksi to Eq. (4.102) is
[ ( ) ]( )
The elastic section modulus relative to the compression 𝑀crd 0.5 𝑀crd 0.5
𝑀nd = 1-0.22 𝑀y
fiber is 𝑀y 𝑀y
𝑆f = 4.11 in.3 [ ( ) ]( )
135.55 0.5 135.55 0.5
and the distortional buckling moment = 1-0.22 (205.50)
205.50 205.50
𝑀crd = 70.45 in.-kips = 137.08 in.-kips
y y
1.625 in.
0.500 in.
0.0712 in.
0.0451 in.
Load factor
100 101 102
consideration of the hole influence and then calculating the The modified thickness of the web is calculated per Eq.
distortional buckling at the wavelength where distortional (3.132):
( )1∕3 ( )
buckling takes place at its gross cross-section. 𝐿 4.5 1∕3
𝑡𝑟 = 𝑡 1 − ℎ = (0.0451) 1 −
From Fig. 4.33(a), the distortional buckling occurs at 𝐿crd 15.3
wavelength 𝐿crd = 15.3 in. = 0.04016 in.
3. Member Strength:
2 Comparing the available moments calculated under
items 1 and 2, the local buckling controls the design. The
member strength is therefore,
ASD method: 𝑀a = 11.99 in.-kips
Load factor
Lcrl = 4.4 in. Example 4.12 A joist (800S200-97) with its cross-section
0.5 L.F. = 0.78 and section properties shown in Fig. 4.34. The beam is braced
at 24 in. o.c. Determine the member strength using the Direct
Strength Method.
100 101
A. Global buckling strength:
Figure 4.33 (b) Local buckling of cross-section with hole. The global buckling strength can be determined in accor-
dance with Section 4.2.2. For C-section members, the global
Modify the thickness of the flat width of the web and calcu- buckling moment is determined by Eq. (4.54):
late the distortional buckling moment at the 𝐿crd = 15.3 in., Cb ro A √
𝐹cre = 𝜎ey 𝜎t
𝑀crd = 1.46𝑀y . Comparing with the distortional buckling Sf
moment (𝑀crd = 1.65𝑀y ) of the gross cross-section, the
distortional buckling moment is reduced about 12%.
The nominal moment due to distortional buckling can be
determined per Section 4.2.4 (Specification Section F4.2): y
√ √
𝑀𝑦 1 2.000 in.
𝜆𝑑 = = = 0.828
𝑀crd 1.46
√ √ 0.625 in.
𝑀𝑦 25.5 A = 1.27 in.2
𝜆𝑑 = = = 0.7785 R = 0.1525 in.
𝑀crd 42.07 Ix = 11.2 in.4
Since 𝐹cre > 2.78𝐹y = 139 ksi, inelastic reserve strength The local buckling slenderness factor is calculated:
√ √
can be considered using Specification Section F2.4.2: 𝜆𝓁 = 𝑀𝑦 ∕𝑀cr𝓁 = 1∕2.76 = 0.602
The plastic section modulus is determined as follows:
Since the section is symmetric, the centroid x axis is at the Since 𝑀ne > 𝑀y and λ𝓁 < 0.776, inelastic reserve
mid-height. Determine the centroid of the section above the strength can be considered by using Specification Section
centroid x axis using linear method (Fig. 1.32): F3.2.3:
√ √
C𝑦𝓁 = 0.776∕λ𝓁 ≤ 3 = 0.776∕0.602 = 1.135 < 3 OK
Elements Length, 𝑙i Dist. To top fiber, 𝑦i 𝑙i 𝑦i For section symmetric about the axis of bending, the
nominal moment is determined by Eq. (4.96)
lip 0.3708 0.4396 0.1630
Flange 1.4916 0.0508 0.0758 M𝑛𝓁 = My + (1 − 1∕C𝑦𝓁
)(Mp − My ) = (141.66)
Web 3.7458 2.1271 7.9677
Corners 2x0.3193 0.1247 0.0796 + (1–1∕1.1352 )(169.85 − 141.66) = 148.0 in.-kips
Total 6.2467 8.2861 C. Distortional buckling strength:
As described in Item B, the distortional buckling moment
from CUFSM program:
Centroid of the portion above the cross-section neutral
axis, 𝑦′top = 4 − 8.2861∕6.2467 = 2.6735 in. 𝑀crd = 301.74 in.-kips
The plastic section modulus: The distortional buckling slenderness factor is calculated
𝑍f = (A∕2)(2y′c ) = (6.2467)(0.1017)(2 × 2.6735) using Eq. (4.103):
√ √
= 3.3969 in 3 λd = My ∕Mcrd = 1∕2.13 = 0.685
𝑀p = 𝑍f 𝐹y = (3.3969)(50) = 169.85 in.-kips Since λd > 0.673, inelastic reserve strength cannot be
considered, the distortional buckling strength is determined
𝑀y = 𝑆f 𝐹y = (2.8)(50) = 140 in.-kips by Specification Section F4.1:
[ ( ) ]( )
Since 𝑀cre > 2.78𝑀y , nominal moment considering 𝑀crd 0.5 𝑀crd 0.5
inelastic reserve is determined by Eq. (4.71): 𝑀nd = 1 − 0.22
𝑀𝑦 𝑀𝑦
My ∕Mcre − 0.23 𝑀𝑦 = [1 − 0.22(2.13)0.5 ](2.13)0.5 (141.66)
Mne = Mp − (Mp − My )
0.37 = 140.4 in.-kips
Load factor
2 Lcrl = 4.6,
L.F. = 2.76 Lcrl = 13.5,
1 L.F. = 3.13
100 101 102
D. Member strength:
By checking the cross-section dimensions (not shown), the
cross-section satisfies the limits given in Table 3.1. Therefore
the safety and resistance factors provided in Chapter F are
Since the same safety factors for ASD method and the
same resistance factors for LRFD method are applied
to member strengths due to different buckling failures,
the member strength can be determined by the minimum
nominal strength as calculated in Items A to C.
𝑀n = minimum (𝑀ne , 𝑀𝑛𝓁 , 𝑀nd )
= minimum(159.2, 148.0, 140.4) = 140.4 in.-kips Figure 4.36 Three possible types of supporting elastic frame for
The available strengths are calculated: equivalent column.4.19
ASD method: 𝑀a = 𝑀n ∕Ωb = 140.4∕1.67 = 84.1 in.-kips Z-shaped sections for which the entire cross section rotates
LRFD method: 𝜙b 𝑀n = 0.9(140.4) = 126.3 in.-kips and deflects in the lateral direction as a unit. But this is not
the case for U-shaped beams and the combined sheet stiffener
In this example, the distortional buckling controls the sections as shown in Fig. 4.36. For the latter, when it is loaded
design. It is possible to increase the member distortional in such a manner that the brims and the flanges of stiffeners
buckling strength by restraining the compression flange from are in compression, the tension flange of the beams remains
rotating about the flange and web juncture, thus increase straight and does not displace laterally; only the compres-
the member distortional buckling moment. For example, by sion flange tends to buckle separately in the lateral direction,
attaching the structural sheathing to the compression flange, accompanied by out-of-plane bending of the web, as shown
the structural sheathing is capable to provide the rotational in Fig. 4.37, unless adequate bracing is provided.
stiffness, 𝑘ϕ , which can be determined in accordance with Prior to 2004, this buckling phenomenon was considered
Section 3.5.2(4). By including the term 𝑘ϕ in Eq. (3.105), or as lateral–torsional buckling. With the introduction of distor-
in the numerical analysis, the distortional buckling moment tional buckling design provisions in the Supplement 1 to
is expected to be increased. the 2001 North American Specification1.343 , the flange along
with web buckling is considered as a distortional buckling, Laterally Unbraced Compression Flanges The and the member strength can be determined using the Direct
problems discussed in Sections 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 dealt with the Strength Method. In the following section, both approaches
type of lateral–torsional buckling of I-beams, C-sections, and are discussed:
where 𝐴web is the area of the web and 𝐶c and 𝐶t are the
distance from the neutral axis to the extreme compression
fiber and the extreme tension fiber, respectively (Fig. 4.38).
Consequently, the equation of equilibrium of the compres-
sion flange is
[ ] 2
𝑑4𝑥 𝐴web 𝑑 𝑥a
Figure 4.37 Force normal to buckled flange.4.19 EI f 4a + 𝜎cr 𝐴f + =0
dz 12𝐶 c ∕(3𝐶 c − 𝐶 t ) dz2
and the corresponding nontrivial eigenvalue leads to Considering the Unstable Flange as Lateral
Torsional Buckling The precise analysis of the lateral– 𝜎cr = (4.120)
torsional buckling of U-shaped beams is rather complex. Not (𝐿∕𝑟)2
only to the compression flange and the compression portion where
of the web act like a column on an elastic foundation, but √
also the problem is complicated by the weakening influence 𝐼f
𝑟= (4.121)
of the torsional action of the flange. For this reason, the 𝐴f + 𝐴web ∕[12𝐶c ∕(3𝐶c − 𝐶t )]
design procedure for determining the allowable design stress
which is the radius of gyration of the effective column
for laterally unbraced compression flanges has been based
consisting of the compression flange and a part of
on the considerable simplification of an analysis presented
the compression portion of the web having a depth of
by Douty in Ref. 4.19. See Section 2 of Part V of the 2002
[(3𝐶c − 𝐶t )∕12𝐶c ]𝑑, where d is the depth of the beam.
edition of the AISI Cold-Formed Steel Design Manual.1.340
The above analysis is for the type of column supported on
When the compression flange of a U-shaped beam is
an elastic foundation where the elastic support is provided
subject to the critical bending forces 𝜎cr 𝐴f (𝜎cr being the crit-
by the remaining portion of the web and the tension flange
ical stress and 𝐴f the area of the flange), the component of
acting together as an elastic frame. The effect of torsional
these forces normal to the buckling flange is
weakening in the combined flexural–torsional stability of
𝑑 2 𝑥a the effective column can be determined by the theorem of
𝑞f = 𝜎cr 𝐴f (4.116) minimum potential energy4.19 :
See Fig. 4.37. In the same manner, the component on a unit 𝑈 = 𝑉1 + 𝑉2 + 𝑈w
strip of the buckled web as shown in Fig. 4.38 is L
= [EI 𝑦 (𝑢′′ )2 + ECw (𝜙′′ )2 + GJ(𝜙′ )2 ]dz
𝑑2𝑥 2 ∫0
𝑞w = 𝜎𝑡w (4.117)
dz2 1
+ (𝐶1 𝑢2 − 2𝐶2 u𝜙 + 𝐶3 𝜙2 )dz (4.122)
As a result, the total lateral force 𝑅a transmitted to the 2 ∫0
compression flange by the buckled web is 𝐿 [ ( )
𝑃 ′ 2 ′ ′ ′ 2
− (𝑢 ) + 2𝑦0 𝑢 𝜙 + (𝜙 ) dz
𝐴web 𝑑 2 𝑥a 2 ∫0 𝐴
𝜎cr (4.118)
12𝐶c ∕(3𝐶c − 𝐶t ) dz2
where 𝑈 = change in entire potential energy of system and T, the torsional reduction factor, is determined as
consisting of effective column and its follows: {
supporting elastic frame 𝑇 = 𝑇0 = if 𝐿 ≥ 𝐿′ (4.125)
ℎ + 3.4𝑦0
𝑉1 = strain energy accumulated in bent and
( ) ( )( )
twisted column 𝐿 ℎ 𝐿
𝑇0 = if 𝐿 < 𝐿′ (4.126)
𝑉2 = strain energy of deflected supporting frame 𝐿′ ℎ + 3.4𝑦0 𝐿′
𝑈w = change in potential energy of external forces √ √
acting on system where 𝐿′ = 𝜋 4 2𝐼(ℎ∕𝑡)3 = 3.7 4 𝐼(ℎ∕𝑡)3
𝐼 = moment of inertia of column about its 𝑦0 = distance from centroid of equivalent column
vertical y axis to its shear center
ℎ = distance from tension flange to centroid of
𝑈 = horizontal displacement of shear center
equivalent column
Φ = rotation of column
𝐽 = torsional constant of column For beams with a large distance between bracing, the
following expression for 𝑃cr may be used:
𝑦0 = vertical distance between shear center and √
centroid of column 𝑃cr = 𝑇0 4𝛽EI (4.127)
𝐼p = polar moment of inertia of column about its From the value of 𝑃cr given above, the equivalent slender-
shear center ness ratio (𝐿∕𝑟)eq can then be determined as follows:
𝐶w = warping constant √
( )
𝐶1 = 𝛿𝜙 ∕(𝛿u 𝛿𝜙 − 𝛿u𝜙
2 ) 𝐿 𝜋2𝐸 490
=𝑘 =√ (4.128)
𝑟 eq 𝑃cr ∕𝐴c 𝑃 ∕𝐴
𝐶2 = 𝛿u𝜙 ∕(𝛿u 𝛿𝜙 − 𝛿u𝜙2 ) cr c
𝐶3 = 𝛿u ∕(𝛿u 𝛿𝜙 − 𝛿u𝜙 )
2 where k is an experimental correction factor for the postbuck-
δu = horizontal displacement of shear center due ling strength and equals 1/1.1 and 𝐴c is the cross-sectional
to unit load area of the equivalent column.
The allowable compression stress 𝐹a for the ASD method
δu𝜙 = horizontal displacement of shear center due can be computed from the column formula (Chapter 5) on the
to unit moment basis of this equivalent slenderness ratio. To obtain the allow-
𝛿ϕ = rotation of column due to unit moment able compression bending stress in the extreme compression
fiber 𝐹b′ , the axial stress 𝐹a may be extrapolated linearly from
By solving Eq. (4.122) and applying considerable simpli- the centroid level and adjusted for the different factors of
fications, the following expressions can be obtained for safety used for beam yielding and column buckling, that is,
( )
the stability of the effective column on an elastic foun- Ω 𝐶c
𝐹b′ = c 𝐹a (4.129)
dation taking the torsional weakening of the flange into Ωb 𝑦c
consideration4.19 :
( ) where Ωc = safety factor used for column buckling
⎧𝑇 1 + 𝛽𝐿2 𝑃 when 𝛽𝐿2 ∕𝑃 ≤ 30 (4.123)
⎪ 𝜋 2 𝑃e e e Ωb = safety factor used for beam yielding
⎪ ( √ ) 𝑦c = distance from neutral axis of beam to centroid
𝑃cr = ⎨𝑇 0.6 + 2 𝛽𝐿2
𝑃e of equivalent column
⎪ 𝜋 𝜋 2 𝑃e
⎪ The design method developed in Ref. 4.19 has been
⎩ when 𝛽𝐿2 ∕𝑃e > 30 (4.124)
compared with the results of more than 100 tests (Fig. 4.39).
where 𝑃cr =
critical load of equivalent column It has been found that discrepancies are within about
30% on the conservative side and about 20% on the
𝑃e =
Euler critical load, π2 EI∕𝐿2
nonconservative side.
𝛽 =
spring constant, 1∕𝐷 Based on the analysis and simplifications, the following
𝐷 =
lateral deflection of column centroid due to a 10-step design procedure has been included in the AISI
unit force applied to web at level of column design manual since 1962.1.159 1.349
𝐿 = unbraced length of equivalnt column 1. Determine the location of the neutral axis and define
as the “equivalent column” the portion of the beam
( )3
𝐿′ = 3.7
𝐼 (4.134)
If 𝐶 ≤ 30, compute
( )
Figure 4.39 Comparison between analysis and tests.4.19 𝑃cr = TPe 1 + 2 (4.135)
𝜋 𝑃e
If 𝐶 > 30, compute
from the extreme compression fiber to a level that is
a distance of [(3𝐶c − 𝐶t )∕12𝐶c ]𝑑 from the extreme 𝑃cr = TPe (0.60 + 0.635) (4.136)
compression fiber. In this expression, 𝐶c and 𝐶t are
the distances from the neutral axis to the extreme In both cases, if 𝐿 ≥ 𝐿′′ ,
compression and tension fibers, respectively, and d is
𝑇 = 𝑇0
the depth of the section.
2. Determine the distance 𝑦0 measured parallel to the and if 𝐿 < 𝐿′ ,
web from the centroid of the equivalent column to 𝑇0 𝐿
𝑇 = (4.137)
its shear center. (If the cross section of the equivalent 𝐿′
column is of angle or T shape, its shear center is at 5b. If the flange is braced at less than two points, compute
the intersection of the web and flange; if of channel √
𝑃cr = 𝑇0 4𝛽EI (4.138)
shape, the location of the shear center is obtained from
Section 4.4. If the flanges of the channel are of unequal 6. Determine the slenderness ratio of the equivalent
width, for an approximation take w as the mean of the column, ( )
KL 490
two flange widths, or compute the location of the shear =√ (4.139)
center by rigorous methods. See Appendix B.) 𝑟 eq 𝑃cr ∕𝐴c
3. To determine the spring constant 𝛽, isolate a portion where 𝐴c is the cross-sectional area of the equivalent
of the member 1 in. (25.4 mm) long, apply a force of column.
0.001 kip (4.45 N) perpendicular to the web at the 7. From Eqs. (5.51), and (5.52) compute the stress 𝐹n
level of the column centroid, and compute the corre- corresponding to (KL∕𝑟)eq .
sponding lateral deflection D of the centroid. Then the 8. The design compression bending stress based on
spring constant is previous factors of safety is
0.001 ( )
𝛽= (4.130) 𝐶c
𝐷 𝐹b2 = 1.15𝐹n ≤ 𝐹y (4.140)
4. Calculate
ℎ where 𝐶c = distance from neutral axis of beam to
𝑇0 = (4.131)
ℎ + 3.4𝑦0 extreme compression fiber
where h is the distance from the tension flange to the 𝑦c = distance from neutral axis of beam to
centroid of the equivalent column in inches. centroid of equivalent column
5a. If the flange is laterally braced at two or more points, The critical moment is 𝑀c = 𝐹b2 𝑆f .
calculate Use Eq. (4.74) to compute 𝑀n .
𝑃e = (4.132)
𝐿2 Example 4.13 Determine the design compression bending
𝛽𝐿2 stress in the compression flanges (top flanges of the U-shaped
𝐶= (4.133) section shown in Fig. 4.40. Assume that the compression
Figure 4.40 Example 4.13. and 4.44). The centroid of the equivalent column can
be located as follows:
4. Computation of T0 [Eq. (4.131)] Since the compression flange is braced at the third
points, the values of 𝑃e , C, and L′ can be computed
ℎ 7.525
𝑇0 = = = 0.840 from Eqs. (4.132)–(4.134):
ℎ + 3.4𝑦0 7.525 + 3.4(0.4225)
𝐼 290,000(0.0478)
𝑃e = 290,000 2 =
𝐿 482
5. Determination of Pcr . In order to determine 𝑃cr , we
= 6.016 kips
should first compute the moment of inertia of the
equivalent column about its y axis parallel to the web 𝛽𝐿2 7.918 × 10−3 (48)2
𝐶= = = 3.032
(Fig. 4.44) as follows: 𝑃e 6.016
√ √
( )3 ( )
′ 4 ℎ 4 7.525 3
Distance 𝐿 = 3.7 𝐼 = 3.7 0.0478
𝑡 0.105
from = 42.61 in.
Area z Axis,
Element 𝐴 (in.2 ) x (in.) Ax (in.3 ) Ax2 (in.4 ) Since 𝐶 < 30 and 𝐿 > 𝐿′ , from Eq. (4.135),
( )
1 0.1100 0.8163 0.0898 0.0733 𝑃cr = 𝑇0 𝑃e 1 + 2
2 0.0396 0.1373 0.0055 0.0008 𝜋 𝑃e
[ ]
6 0.1329 0.0525 0.0070 0.0004 7.918 × 10−3 (48)2
Total 0.2825 0.1023 0.0745 = 0.840(6.016) 1 +
𝜋 2 (6.016)
0.1023 = 0.840(6.016)(1 + 0.307)
𝑥cg = = 0.362 in.
= 6.605 kips
6. Determination of (KL∕r)eq . For the equivalent column expression for distortional buckling and method B used a
[Eq. (4.139)] modified version of Douty’s formulation discussed in this
( ) section. It was concluded that method A gives somewhat
KL 490
=√ better results than method B and is consistent with the present
𝑟 eq 𝑃 ∕𝐴 cr c formulation for flexural, torsional, and torsional–flexural
490 buckling.
=√ = 101.3
6.60∕0.2825 According to the 2008 edition of the AISI Cold-Formed
7. Determination of Compression Stress Fn . From Steel Design Manual, this type of buckling problem can be
Eq. (5.54), solved by using the direct-strength method. For this reason,
the above 10-step design procedure has been removed from
𝜋2𝐸 𝜋 2 (29, 500) the 2008 edition of the Design Manual.
𝐹cre = =
(KL∕𝑟)2eq (101.3)2
= 28.37 ksi Considering the Unstable Flange as Distor-
√ √
𝐹y tional Buckling When the compressed flange buckles later-
𝜆c = = ally, the flange along with the web rotates about the juncture
𝐹cre 28.37 of the web and the tension (stable) flange as illustrated in
= 1.08 < 1.5 Fig. 4.37. The member strength can be determined using the
2 Direct Strength Method, while the buckling moment can be
𝐹n = (0.658𝜆c )𝐹y = (0.6581.08 )(33)
𝑤 = 1.28𝑡 (4.142)
Figure 4.45 Comparison of ultimate moments computed for three 4.2.7 Deflection of Flexural Members
different conditions.2.17 For a given loading condition, the deflection of flexural
members depends on the magnitude, location, and type of
the applied load, the span length, and the bending stiffness
reproduced from Ref. 2.17, shows a comparison of the EI, in which the modulus of elasticity in the elastic range is
ultimate moments computed for three different conditions. 29.5 × 103 ksi (203 GPa or 2.07 × 106 kg∕cm2 ) and I is the
It should be noted that the effects of cold work as shown in moment of inertia of the beam section.
Fig. 4.45 may not be directly applied to other configurations Similar to the bending strength calculation, the determina-
because the relative influence of corners or flats on the tion of the moment of inertia I for calculating the deflection
increase in bending strength depends mainly on the config- of steel beams can be calculated based on the either the Effec-
uration of the section and the spread between the tensile tive Width Method or the Direct Strength Method:
strength and yield stress of the virgin material. Attention
should be given to the limitations of Section A3.3.2 of the (a) The Effective Width Method is used: I is determined
North American Specification when the effects of cold work using the effective areas of the compression flange, edge
are used in design. stiffer, and beam web, for which the effective widths
are computed for the compressive stress developed from
4.2.6 Economic Design for Bending Strength the bending moment. If the compression flange, edge
stiffer, and beam web are fully effective, the moment
The above discussion and design examples are based on
of inertia is obviously based on the full section. In this
the fact that the allowable design moment is determined
case, the moment of inertia is a constant value along the
for a given section for which the dimensions are known.
entire beam length. Otherwise, if the moment of inertia
In the design of a new section, the dimensions are usually
is on the basis of the effective areas of the compression
unknown factors. The selection of the most favorable
flange, edge stiffener, and/or beam web, the moment
dimensions can be achieved by using the optimum design
of inertia may vary along the beam span because the
technique. This is a very complex nonlinear problem
bending moment usually varies along the beam length,
which can only be solved by computer analysis.1.247
as shown in Fig. 4.46.
However, if the depth and the thickness of the section
(b) The Direct Strength Method is used: I is considered
are known, previous study has shown that the maximum
linearly proportional to the strength of the section that
moment-to-weight ratio usually occurs in the neighborhood
is determined at the service stress of the interest:
of the flange width determined by Eq. (4.141) or (4.142) as
applicable: 𝐼 = 𝐼g (𝑀d ∕𝑀) ≤ 𝐼g (4.143)
From Example 4.4, the allowable moment for the given
I-section is 178.0 in.-kips. The estimated compressive stress
in the top fiber under the allowable moment is
Mycg 178.0(4.063)
𝑓= = = 28.31 ksi
𝐼𝑥 25.382
The same stress of 𝑓 = 28.31 ksi will be assumed in the
calculation of the effective design width for deflection calcu-
By using Eqs. (3.32)–(3.34), and (3.36) and the same
procedure employed in Example 4.4, the effective width bd
of the unstiffened flange can be computed as follows:
𝑤 = 1.6775 in.
= 12.426
Figure 4.46 Bending moment and variable moments of inertia for 𝑡
two-span continuous beam under uniform load.4.14 𝑘 = 0.43
𝑏e = ℎ = 7.355 in. The same stress of 𝑓 = 24.37 ksi will be assumed in the
𝑏e 7.355 calculation of the effective design width for deflection deter-
𝑏1 = = = 1.839 in. mination.
3+𝜓 3+1
Using Eqs. (3.32)–(3.36) and the same procedure
Since 𝜓 > 0.236, employed in Example 4.6, the effective width 𝑏d of the
1 stiffened compression flange is computed as follows:
𝑏2 = 𝑏e = 3.6775 in.
𝑤 = 14.415 in.
𝑏1 + 𝑏2 = 1.839 + 3.6775 = 5.5165 in. 𝑤
= 137.29
Since 𝑏1 + 𝑏2 is greater than the compression portion of 𝑡
the web of 3.6775 in., the web is fully effective as assumed. 𝑘 = 4.0
Because both the compression flange and the web are fully
𝑓d = 24.37 ksi
effective, the moment of inertia 𝐼𝑥 of the full section can be √
computed as follows: 1.052 24.37
𝜆 = √ (137.29)
4 29,500
Distance = 2.076 > 0.673
from 1 − 0.22∕2.076
Area Middepth 𝜌= = 0.431
Element A (in.2 ) y (in.) Ay2 (in.4 )
𝑏d = 𝜌w = 0.431(14.415) = 6.213 in.
Flanges 4(1.6775)(0.135) = 0.9059 3.9325 14.0093 By using the effective width of the compression flange and
Corners 4(0.05407) = 0.2163 3.8436 3.1955 assuming the web is fully effective, the moment of inertia
Webs 2(7.355)(0.135) = 1.9859 0 0 can be computed from the line elements shown in Fig. 4.20
Total 3.1081 17.2048 as follows:
2𝐼web = 2 × 12 (0.135)
× (7.355)3 = 8.9522
𝐼𝑥 = 26.1570 in.4 from
Effective Top
Length Fiber
𝑀𝑥 𝑦cg 178.0(4.0)
𝑓= = = 27.22 ksi Element L (in.) y (in.) Ly (in.2 ) Ly2 (in.3 )
𝐼𝑥 26.1570
1 2(1.0475) = 2.0950 9.9476 20.8400 207.3059
In view of the fact that the computed stress of 27.22 ksi
is less than the assumed value of 28.31 ksi, the moment of 2 2(0.3768) = 0.7536 9.8604 7.4308 73.2707
inertia 𝐼𝑥 computed on the basis of the full section can be 3 2(9.415) = 18.8300 5.0000 94.1500 470.7500
used for deflection calculation without additional iteration. 4 2(0.3768) = 0.7536 0.1396 0.1052 0.0147
5 6.2130 0.0525 0.3262 0.0171
Total 28.6452 122.8522 751.3584
Example 4.16 Compute the moment of inertia of the hat 122.8522
section (Fig. 4.19) to be used for deflection calculation when 𝑦cg = = 4.289 in.
the hat section is loaded to the allowable moment as deter-
mined in Example 4.6 for the ASD method. The Effective
Width Method is used. The total 𝐼𝑥 is determined as follows:
( )
2𝐼3′ = 2 (9.415)3 = −139.0944
(Ly2 ) = −751.3584 − 890.4528
1. First Approximation. From Example 4.6, the (∑ )
allowable moment is 193.59 in.-kips. The estimated − 𝐿 (𝑦2cg ) = −28.6452(4.289)2
compressive stress in the top flange under the allowable
moment is = −526.9434
2. Second Approximation. Assuming 𝑓d = 21.00 ksi and 1. Use the empirical equations developed based on exper-
using the same values of w/t and k, imental study. This approach simplifies the design but
√ is limited to certain beam and panel sizes, and beam
1.052 21.00
𝜆 = √ (137.29) = 1.927 > 0.673 span lengths that are tested, and
4 29,500 2. Use the Direct Strength Method in which the buckling
𝜌 = 0.460 moments are determined considering the effects of roof
or panel covering and span continuity. This method is
𝑏d = 𝜌w = 6.631 in. essentially applicable to any cross-section types and
span lengths. The complexity of this approach is how
Distance to numerically model the system so that the roof or
from panel restraints and the structural system connectivity
Effective Top are realistically modeled.
Length Fiber
Element L (in.) y (in.) Ly (in.2 ) Ly2 (in.3 ) Both approaches are discussed in the subsections.
1 to 4 22.4322 122.5260 751.3413 Strengths for Members with General Cross-
5 6.6310 0.0525 0.3481 0.0183 Sections and Connectivity The Direct Strength Method
Total 29.0632 122.8741 751.3596 provides a means to directly determine the strength of the
ycg = 4.289 in. members that are connected to sheathings through-fastened
or with standing seam clips. The method requires that the
member buckling moment considers the restraints from
The total 𝐼𝑥 is the connected sheathing or panels. Research work4.297–4.303
has been conducted to model these restraints with springs
2𝐼3′ = −139.0944
∑ which posessess translational and rotational stiffnesses.
(Ly2 ) = −751.3596 − 890.4540 Methods on how to determine the stiffness based on the
(∑ ) deck or sheathing configuration and connectivities are
− 𝐿 (𝑦2cg ) = −29.0632(4.228)2 provided in the study. 4.305 A finite element method such
as MASTAN24.312 was then used to determine the member
= −519.5333
(global) buckling moment. Using this numerical analysis
𝐼𝑥′ = −370.9207 in.3 in metal building wall and roof systems were documented
for bare deck through-fastened to members,4.398,4.303 and
𝐼𝑥 = 𝐼𝑥′ 𝑡 = −38.947 in.4
for through-fastened and standing seam insulated metal
𝑀𝑥 𝑦cg 193.59(4.228) panels.4.301
𝑓= = = 21.01 ksi
𝐼𝑥 38.947 In 2016, the following design provisions were introduced
into the North American Specification:
Since the computed value of f is close to the assumed value
of 21.00 ksi, the moment of inertia for deflection calculation
I6.1.2 Flexural Member Design
under the allowable moment is 38.947 in.4 It is of interest to
The nominal flexural strength [resistance], Mn , shall be the
note that the difference between the I values computed from minimum of 𝑀ne , 𝑀𝑛𝓁 , and 𝑀nd as given in Specifica-
the first and second approximations is only about 2%. tion Sections I6.1.2.1 to I6.1.2.3. For members meeting the
geometric and material limits of Specification Section B4, the
4.2.8 Beams in Metal Roof and Wall Systems safety and resistance factors shall be as follows:
Beams in metal roof and wall systems usually have one of Ωb = 1.67 (ASD)
the flanges attached to metal roofs or wall panels through 𝜙b = 0.90 (LRFD)
through-fastened connections or sliding clips. These metal = 0.85 (LSD)
For all other members, the safety and resistance factors in In the past, the bending capacity of flexural members
Specification Section A1.2(c) shall apply. The available strength having the tension flange through-fastened to deck or
[factored resistance] shall be determined in accordance with the sheathing has been studied by a large number of investiga-
applicable method in Specification Section B3.2.1, B3.2.2, or tors in various countries.4.30–4.40 Based on the results of these
B3.2.3. studies, reduction factors for the effective yield moment have
been developed for simple- and continuous-span conditions.
I6.1.2.1 Lateral–Torsional Buckling
These factors are given in Section I6.2.1 of the 2016 edition
The nominal flexural strength [resistance], Mne , for
lateral–torsional buckling shall be calculated in accordance of the North American Specification. For the convenience of
with Specification Section F2, except 𝐹cre or 𝑀cre shall be readers, the following excerpts are adapted from the North
determined including lateral, rotational, and composite stiffness American Specification:
provided by the deck or sheathing, bridging and bracing, and
span continuity.
I6.2.1 Flexural Members Having One Flange
I6.1.2.2 Local Buckling
Through-Fastened to Deck or Sheathing
This section shall not apply to a continuous beam for the
The nominal flexural strength [resistance], 𝑀𝑛𝓁 , for local buck-
region between inflection points adjacent to a support or to a
ling shall be calculated in accordance with Specification Section
cantilever beam.
F3, except 𝐹cr𝓁 or 𝑀cr𝓁 shall be determined including lateral,
The nominal flexural strength [resistance], 𝑀n , of a C- or
rotational, and composite stiffness provided by the deck or
Z-section loaded in a plane parallel to the web, with the tension
flange attached to deck or sheathing and with the compres-
sion flange laterally unbraced, shall be calculated in accordance
I6.1.2.3 Distortional Buckling
with Eq. 4.143. Consideration of distortional buckling in accor-
The nominal flexural strength [resistance], 𝑀nd , for distortional
dance with Specification Section F4 shall be excluded. The
buckling of girts and purlins shall be calculated in accordance
safety factor and resistance factors given in this section shall be
with Specification Section F4, except 𝑀crd shall be determined
used to determine the allowable flexural strength or design flex-
including lateral, rotational, and composite stiffness provided by
ural strength [factored resistance] in accordance with the appli-
the deck or sheathing.
cable design method in Specification Section B3.2.1, B3.2.2, or
I6.1.3 Member Design for Combined Flexure and Torsion
The nominal flexural strength [resistance], 𝑀n , for members in 𝑀n = R M𝑛𝓁𝑜 (4.143)
combined flexure and torsion shall be reduced by applying the
Ωb = 1.67 (ASD)
reduction factor, R, determined in accordance with Specification
Eq. H4-1. 𝜙b = 0.90 (LRFD)
= 0.90 (LSD)
A design example that illustrates Specification Section I6.1
is provided in the 2017 edition of the AISI Cold-Formed Steel where R = A value obtained from Specification Table I6.2.1-1
Design Manual.1.428 for C- or Z-sections
𝑀𝑛𝓁𝑜 = Nominal flexural strength with consideration of
local buckling only, as determined from Strengths for Members with Specific Cross-
Specification Section F3 with 𝐹n = 𝐹y or
Sections and Connectivity The design methods provided 𝑀ne = 𝑀y
in the following subsections are applicable within the given
limitations. Specification Table I6.2.1-1C- or Z-Section R Values
If variables fall outside any of the above-stated limits, the 𝜙b = 0.90 (LRFD)
user shall perform full-scale tests in accordance with Section
K2.1 of the Specification or apply a rational engineering anal- where R is the reduction factor determined in accordance
ysis procedure. For continuous purlin and girt systems in which with AISI S908 and Mn𝓁o is the nominal flexural strength
adjacent bay span lengths vary by more than 20%, the R values with consideration of local buckling only, as determined
for the adjacent bays shall be taken from the simple-span values from Section 4.2.3 with 𝐹n = 𝐹y or 𝑀ne = 𝑀y . For addi-
in Specification Table I6.2.1-1. The user is permitted to perform
tional design information, see Ref. 4.172, which includes
tests in accordance with Specification Section K2.1 as an alter-
native to the procedure described in this section.
detailed discussion and design examples using standing seam
For simple-span members, R shall be reduced for the effects roof systems. The major advantage of the base test is that
of compressed insulation between the sheeting and the member. a simple span test may be used to predict the performance
The reduction shall be calculated by multiplying R from Speci- of continuous-span systems for reducing experimental costs.
fication Table I6.2.1-1 by the following correction factor, r: The concepts for the base test was developed by T. M. Murray
𝑟 = 1.00 − 0.01𝑡i when 𝑡i is in inches (4.144) and his associates at Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State
𝑟 = 1.00 − 0.0004𝑡i when ti is in millimeters (4.145)
In Canada, this type of member is designed in accor-
where 𝑡i = Thickness of uncompressed glass fiber blanket dance with Specification Chapter F based on discrete bracing
insulation. provided.
4.2.9 Strength of Standing Seam Roof Panel System distance from the web, as shown in Fig. 4.47a for a box-type
beam and an I-section. This phenomenon is known as
Under gravity loading, the nominal strength of standing seam
shear lag.
roof panel systems can be determined according to Chapter
Analytical and experimental investigations of the problem
F of the Specification because the load-carrying capacity of
on shear lag have previously been conducted by Hildebrand
usual panels can be calculated accurately. The strength of this
and Reissner,4.41 Winter,4.42 Miller,4.43 and Tate.4.44,4.45 This
type of panel system can also be determined by the AISI
subject has been investigated by Malcolm and Redwood,4.46
S906, Test Standard for Determining the Load-Carrying
Parr and Maggard,4.47 Van Dalen and Narasimham,4.48 and
Strength of Panels and Anchor-to-Panel Attachments for
Lamas and Dowling4.49 and in Refs. 4.50–4.55.
Roof or Siding Systems Tested in Accordance with ASTM
In their paper, Hildebrand and Reissner concluded that
E1592, in accordance with Section I6.3.1 of the North Amer-
the amount of shear lag depends not only on the method of
ican Specification.1.345
loading and support and the ratio of span to flange width
For uplift loading, the nominal strength of standing seam
but also on the ratio of G/E and the ratio 𝑚 = (3𝐼w + 𝐼s )∕
roof panels and their attachments or anchors cannot be calcu-
(𝐼w + 𝐼s ), where 𝐼w and 𝐼s are the moments of inertia of webs
lated with accuracy; therefore, it can only be determined by
and of cover plates, respectively, about the neutral axis of the
tests using the AISI S906 with the requirements and excep-
tions prescribed in Section I6.3.1 of the Specification on the
Based on the theory of plane stress, Winter analyzed the
use of Factory Mutual FM4471, Corps of Engineers CEGS
shear lag problem and developed tabular and graphic data,4.42
07416, and ASTM E1592. The load combinations including
from which the effective width of any given beam section
wind uplift are provided in Section I6.3.1a of Appendix A of
can be obtained directly for use in design. The ratios of the
the Specification.
maximum and minimum bending stresses in beam flanges
The evaluation of test results should follow the AISI S906.
were computed and verified by the results of 11 I-beam
When three or more assemblies are tested, safety factors
tests. It was indicated that shear lag is important for beams
(not less than 1.67) and resistance factors (not greater than
0.9) shall be determined in accordance with the procedure
of Specification Section K2.1.1 (c) with the target relia-
bility index and statistical data provided in Section I6.3.1 of
the Specification. The justifications for these variables are
discussed in the AISI Commentary.1.431 When the number
of physical test assemblies is less than 3, a safety factor of
2.0 and resistance factors of 0.8 (LRFD) and 0.7 (LSD) shall
be used.
Hildebrand and Reissner 0.686 0.757 0.801 0.830 0.870 0.895 0.936
Winter 0.550 0.670 0.732 0.779 0.850 0.894 0.945
Miller — — 0.750
Hildebrand and Reisser 0.610 0.686 0.740 0.778 0.826 0.855 0.910
Hiildebrand and Reisser 0.830 0.897 0.936 0.957 0.977 0.985 0.991
Winter 0.850 0.896 0.928 0.950 0.974 0.984 0.995
Miller — — 0.875
with wide flanges subjected to concentrated loads on fairly compression flanges shall be limited to the value given in
short spans; the smaller the span-to-width ratio, the larger Table 4.6 in accordance with the 𝐿∕𝑤f ratio.
the effect. For beams supporting uniform loads, shear lag is In the application of Table 4.6 the effective span length
usually negligible except that the L/wf ratio is less than about of the beam is the full span for simple-span beams, the
10 as shown in Fig. 4.47b. Winter also concluded that for a distance between inflection points for continuous beams, or
given span-to-width ratio the effect of shear lag is practically twice the length of cantilever beams. The symbol 𝑤f indi-
the same for box beams, I-beams, T-beams, and U-shaped cates the width of the flange projection beyond the web for
beams. I-beams and similar sections or half the distance between
Table 4.5 is a summary of the ratios of effective design webs for multiple-web sections, including box or U-type
width to actual width based on the results obtained by several sections (Fig. 4.47a). When I-beams and similar sections are
In Table 4.5, 𝑤f is the width of the flange projection Table 4.6 Maximum Allowable Ratio of Effective
beyond the web for I-beams and half the distance between Design Width to Actual Width for Short-Span, Wide
webs for multiple-web sections (Fig. 4.47a); L is the span Flanges
length. It should be noted that the values obtained by Hilde-
brand and Reissner were for 𝐺∕𝐸 = 0.375 and 𝑚 = 2. L/wf Effective Design Width (b) /Actual Width (w)
As far as the design criteria are concerned, the “effective 30 1.00
width” concept used in the design of compression elements 25 0.96
(Section 3.3) can also be applied to the design of beams 20 0.91
whenever the shear lag problem is critical. 18 0.89
Based on the results of Winter’s investigation,4.42 design 16 0.86
provisions for shear lag have been developed as included 14 0.82
in Section B4.3 of the North American Specification.1.417 It 12 0.78
is specified that when the effective span L of the beam is 10 0.73
less than 30𝑤f and when it carries one concentrated load 8 0.67
or several loads spaced farther apart than 2𝑤f , the ratio of 6 0.55
effective design width to actual width of the tension and
stiffened by lips at outer edges, wf shall be taken as the sum of Example 4.17 Compute the nominal moment for the beam
the flange projection beyond the web plus the depth of the lip. section shown in Fig. 4.48a if it is used to support a concen-
The tabulated ratios in Table 4.6 are also plotted in trated load on a simple span of 2 ft. Assume that the minimum
Fig. 4.47b for comparison with the analytical values. The yield stress of steel is 40 ksi.
AISI design values are slightly larger than the analytical
results when 𝐿∕𝑤f ratios exceed about 16. SOLUTION
Although the above-discussed provision relative to shear From Fig. 4.48a,
lag is applicable to tension and compression flanges, local
buckling in compression as discussed in Section 3.3 may 1
𝑤f = (3.25) − 0.135 = 1.490 in.
be a critical factor and should also be investigated sepa- 2
rately. The shear lag problem is of particular importance in 30𝑤f = 44.70 in.
the analysis and design of aircraft and naval structures. In
𝐿 = 2 ft = 24 in.
cold-formed steel building construction, however, it is infre-
quent that beams are so wide that they would require consid- Since 𝐿 < 30𝑤f and the beam is subject to a concentrated
erable reduction of flange widths. load, shear lag is an important factor.
For members designed by the Direct Strength Method, Using Table 4.6 for 𝐿∕𝑤f = 16.1, the ratio of effective
Commentary on the Specification1.431 recommended that the design width to actual width is 0.86. The effective design
ratio of effective width (b) to the actual width (w) be replaced widths for both compression and tension flanges are
by the corresponding ratio of 𝑀n ∕𝑀y . In building construc-
tion, in the cases of short spans under concentrated loads, 𝑏′ = 0.86 × 1.49 = 1.28 in.
web crippling is typically controlling the limit state. There-
fore, web crippling (Section 4.3.6) must be checked. See Fig. 4.48b.
Figure 4.50 (a) Effective width of compression flange for postbuckling strength. (b) Webs order
stress gradient.
4.3.2 Stiffener Requirements In addition, the specification stipulates that w/ts ratios
for the stiffened and unstiffened elements of cold-formed
Section F5 of the 2016 edition of the North American steel bearing stiffeners should not exceed 1.28 𝐸∕𝐹ys
Specification, provides the following design requirements √
for attached bearing stiffeners and shear stiffeners. When and 0.42 𝐸∕𝐹ys , respectively. In the above expressions,
the bearing stiffeners do not meet these requirements, the 𝐹ys is the yield stress and 𝑡s is the thickness of the stiffener
load-carrying capacity for the design of such members can steel.
be determined by tests. It should be noted that Eq. (4.150) is used to prevent end
crushing of bearing stiffeners, while the second 𝑃n is used
a. Bearing Stiffeners. For beams having large h/t ratios, to prevent column buckling of the combined web stiff-
bearing stiffeners attached to beam webs at supports or ener section. The equations for computing the effective
areas 𝐴b and 𝐴c and the effective widths 𝑏1 and 𝑏2 1. Full bearing of the stiffener is required. If the bearing
are adopted from Nguyen and Yu.4.59 Figures 4.53 and width is narrower than the stiffener such that one of the
4.54 show the effective areas 𝐴c and 𝐴b of the bearing stiffener flanges is unsupported, 𝑃n shall be reduced by
stiffeners. 50%.
b. Bearing Stiffeners in C-Section Flexural Members. For 2. Stiffeners are C-section stud or track members with a
two-flange loading (Figs. 4.68c and 4.68d) of C-section minimum web depth of 3 12 in. (89 mm) and minimum
flexural members with bearing stiffeners that do not meet base steel thickness of 0.0329 in. (0.84 mm).
the above requirements of Section 4.3.2a, the nominal 3. The stiffener is attached to the flexural member web
strength 𝑃n should be determined as follows: with at least three fasteners (screws or bolts).
𝑃n = 0.7(𝑃wc + 𝐴e 𝐹y ) ≥ 𝑃wc (4.157) 4. The distance from the flexural member flanges to the
first fastener(s) is not less than d/8, where d is the
Ωc = 1.70 (ASD) overall depth of the flexural member.
{ 5. The length of the stiffener is not less than the depth of
0.90 (LRFD)
𝜙c = the flexural member minus 38 in. (9.53 mm).
0.80 (LSD)
6. The bearing width is not less than 1 12 in. (38.1 mm).
where 𝑃wc is the nominal web crippling strength for c. Shear Stiffeners. All shear stiffeners shall be designed to
C-section flexural members calculated in accordance with satisfy the following requirements for spacing, moment of
Eq. (4.197) for single web members, at end or inte- inertia, and gross area:
rior locations; 𝐴e is the effective area of the bearing 1. Spacing a between Stiffeners. When shear stiffeners
stiffener subjected to uniform compressive stress, calcu- are required, the spacing shall be based on the nominal
lated at yield stress; and 𝐹y is the yield stress of the shear strength 𝑉n permitted by Section and the
bearing stiffener steel. Equation (4.157) is based on the following limits:
research conducted by Fox and Schuster at the Univer- ( )2
sity of Waterloo.1.299,4.229–4.231 The program investigated 260
𝑎≤ ℎ (4.158)
the behavior of 263 stud- and truck-type bearing stiff- ℎ∕𝑡
eners in cold-formed steel C-section flexural members 𝑎 ≤ 3ℎ (4.159)
subjected to two-flange loading at both interior and end
locations. This equation is applicable within the following 2. Moment of Inertia Is of Shear Stiffeners. With refer-
limits: ence to an axis in the plane of the web, the moment
Figure 4.53 Effective area Ac of bearing stiffener: (a) at end support; (b) at interior support and
under concentrated load.
Figure 4.54 Effective area Ab of bearing stiffener: (a) at end support; (b) at interior support and
under concentrated load.
of inertia of a pair of attached stiffeners or of a single where 𝑓v = actual shear stress
stiffener shall satisfy the following requirements: 𝑉 = total external shear force at a section
( ) 𝑄 = static moment of area between the extreme
ℎ 0.7𝑎
𝐼s ≥ 5ht3 − (4.160) fiber and the particular location at which the
𝑎 ℎ
( )4 shear stress is desired, taken about neutral axis
ℎ 𝐼 = moment of inertia of entire cross-sectional
𝐼s ≥ (4.161)
50 area about neutral axis
3. Gross area As of Shear Stiffeners. The area 𝐴s shall 𝑡 = width of section where shear stress is desired
satisfy the requirement of Eq. (4.162):
Even though Eq. (4.167) gives the exact value at any loca-
[ ]
1 − 𝐶𝑣 𝑎 (𝑎∕ℎ)2 tion, it has been a general practice to use the average value
𝐴s ≥ − √ YDht in the gross area of the web as the shear stress for design
2 ℎ (𝑎∕ℎ) + 1 + (𝑎∕ℎ)2
purposes. This average shear stress can be computed by using
the following equation:
⎧ 1.53Ekv 𝑓v = (4.168)
⎪ when 𝐶v ≤ 0.8 (4.163) htw
⎪ 𝐹y (ℎ∕𝑡)
𝐶v = ⎨ √ where ℎ = depth of the flat portion of the web measured
⎪ 1.11 when 𝐶v > 0.8 (4.164) along the plane of the web
⎪ ℎ∕𝑡 𝐹y 𝑡w = thickness of the web
⎧4.00 + 5.34 when 𝑎∕ℎ ≤ 1.0 (4.165) The use of Eqs. (4.167) and (4.168) is illustrated in
⎪ (𝑎∕ℎ)2 Example 4.20.
𝑘v = ⎨
⎪5.34 + when 𝑎∕ℎ > 1.0 (4.166)
⎩ (𝑎∕ℎ)2 Example 4.20 Determine the shear stress distribution at
and 𝑎 = distance between shear stiffeners the end supports of the uniformly loaded channel shown in
𝑌 = yield stress of web steel∕yield stress of Fig. 4.55. Assume that the load is applied through the shear
stiffener steel center of the cross section so that torsion is not involved.∗
𝐷 = 1.0 for stiffeners furnished in pairs See Appendix B for a discussion of the shear center.
= 1.8 for single-angle stiffeners
= 2.4 for single-plate stiffeners SOLUTION
Most of the above requirements for shear stiffeners 1. Exact Shear Stress Distribution Using Eq. (4.167).
are based on the AISC Specification1.148 and the study For simplicity, use square corners and midline dimen-
reported in Ref. 4.59. sions as shown in Fig. 4.56 for computing the exact
d. Nonconforming Stiffeners. According to Section F5.3 shear stresses at various locations of the section.
of the North American specification, the available a. Shear stress at points 1 and 4:
strength of members with stiffeners that do not meet the
requirements of Section 4.3.2a, 4.3.2b, or 4.3.2c, such 𝑉 = 𝑅A = 1.5 kips
as stamped or rolled-in stiffeners, shall be determined 𝑄1 = 𝑄4 = 0
by tests in accordance with Section K2 of the Specifica-
tion or rational engineering analysis in accordance with =0
(𝑓v )1,4 =
Section A1.2(c) of the Specification. It
b. Shear stress at points 2 and 3:
( )
𝑄2 = 𝑄3 = 1.4325(0.135) × 6.865
4.3.3 Shear 2
= 0.664 in.3 Shear Stress In the design of beams, the actual
VQ2 1.5(0.664)
shear stress developed in the cross section of the beam can be (𝑓v )2,3 = = = 0.941 ksi
calculated by using the following well-known equation4.61 : It 7.84(0.135)
𝑓v = (4.167) ∗ When the load does not pass through the shear center, see Appendix B.
186 4 FLEXURAL MEMBERS Shear Strength of Beam Webs without Holes ∗ The problem of shear buckling of plane plates has also been studied by
a. Shear Yielding. When a beam web with a relatively small Timoshenko and other investigators. For additional information see Refs.
h/t ratio is subject to shear stress, the shear capacity of 3.1 and 4.63.
Figure 4.58 Shear buckling of infinitely long plate4.63 : (a.) simply supported edges; (b.) fixed edges.
In Eq. (4.171), the value of 𝑘v varies with the Substituting 𝜇 = 0.3 in Eq. (4.171),
supporting conditions and the aspect ratio a/h (Fig. 4.59), 0.904𝑘v 𝐸
𝜏cr = (4.172)
in which a is the length of the plate. For a long plate the (ℎ∕𝑡)2
value of 𝑘v was found to be 5.34 for simple supports and Thus if the computed theoretical value of τcr is less than
8.98 for fixed supports, as listed in Table 3.2. the proportional limit in shear, the nominal shear strength
The allowable shear strength for the I-section having two
A. ASD Method
The depth-to-thickness ratio of each individual web element webs is
is 2𝑉 2(29.79)
ℎ 8 − 2(0.135 + 0.1875) 7.355 𝑉a = n = = 37.24 kips
= = = 54.48 Ωv 1.60
𝑡 0.135 0.135
Based on the North American design criteria, the value B. LRFD Method
of 𝑘v for unreinforced webs is 5.34. Therefore, according to Using the same nominal shear strength computed in item
Section G2.3 of the North American Specification, A, the design shear strength for the I-section having double
webs is
𝜋 2 Ek𝑣 𝜋 2 (29,500)(5.34)
𝐹cr = = 2𝜙v 𝑉n = 2(0.95)(29.79) = 56.60 kips
12(1 − 𝜇2 )(ℎ∕𝑡)2 12(1 − 0.32 )(54.48)2
= 47.97 ksi
𝑉cr = 𝐴w 𝐹cr = (7.355)(0.135)(47.97) = 47.63 kips Example 4.22 Use the ASD and LRFD methods to deter-
mine the available shear strength for the channel section used
From Specification Section G2.1: in Example 4.5. Use 𝐹y = 50 ksi.
𝑉y = 0.6Aw Fy = 0.6(7.355)(0.135)(50) = 29.79 kips
𝑉𝑦 29.79 A. ASD Method
𝜆= = = 0.791
𝑉cr 47.63 For the given channel section, the depth-to-thickness ratio of
the web is
Since λ < 0.815
ℎ 10 − 2(0.075 + 0.09375) 9.6625
𝑉n = 𝑉y = 29.97 kips = = = 128.83
𝑡 0.075 0.075
Table 4.7 Allowable Shear Stresses for ASD Method, ksi
𝐹y = 33 ksi 𝐹y = 50 ksi
a/h a/h
h/t 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 >3 0.5 1.0 2.0 3.0 >3
50 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.8
60 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.3 17.5
70 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.4 12.2 18.8 18.8 16.4 15.6 15.0
80 12.4 12.4 11.6 11.1 10.7 18.8 17.4 14.3 13.7 13.2
90 12.4 12.4 10.4 9.9 9.5 18.8 15.5 12.7 11.9 11.0
100 12.4 11.3 9.3 8.9 8.6 18.8 13.9 10.6 9.6 8.9
110 12.4 10.3 8.5 8.0 7.4 18.8 12.7 8.7 8.0 7.4
120 12.4 9.4 7.3 6.7 6.2 18.8 10.8 7.3 6.7 6.2
130 12.4 8.7 6.3 5.7 5.3 17.6 9.2 6.3 5.7 5.3
140 12.4 7.9 5.4 4.9 4.5 16.4 7.9 5.4 4.9 4.5
150 12.4 6.9 4.7 4.3 4.0 15.3 6.9 4.7 4.3 4.0
160 11.6 6.1 4.1 3.8 3.5 14.3 6.1 4.1 3.8 3.5
170 11.0 5.4 3.7 3.3 3.1 13.5 5.4 3.7 3.3 3.1
180 10.4 4.8 3.3 3.0 2.7 12.7 4.8 3.3 3.0 2.7
190 9.8 4.3 2.9 2.7 2.5 11.7 4.3 2.9 2.7 2.5
200 9.3 3.9 2.6 2.4 2.2 10.6 3.9 2.6 2.4 2.2
220 8.5 3.2 2.2 2.0 1.8 8.7 3.2 2.2 2.0 1.8
240 7.3 2.7 1.8 1.7 1.5 7.3 2.7 1.8 1.7 1.5
260 6.3 2.3 1.6 1.4 1.3 6.3 2.3 1.6 1.4 1.3
280 5.4 2.0 1.3 1.2 1.1 5.4 2.0 1.3 1.2 1.1
300 4.7 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.0 4.7 1.7 1.2 1.1 1.0
Values above the single underlines are based on Eq. (4.178); values between the single underlines and double underlines are based on
Eq. (4.179); and values below the double underlines are based on Eq. (4.180). For the case of a/h > 3, 𝑘v = 5.34.
1 ksi = 6.9 MPa or 70.3 kg/cm2 .
Based on 𝑘v = 5.34 and 𝐹y = 50 ksi, The allowable shear strength using the ASD method for
the design of the given channel section is
𝜋 2 Ek𝑣 𝜋 2 (29,500)(5.34)
𝐹cr = = 𝑉n 6.22
12(1 − 𝜇 )(ℎ∕𝑡)
2 2
12(1 − 0.32 )(128.8)2 𝑉a = = = 3.89 kips
Ωv 1.60
= 8.578 ksi
B. LRFD Method
Based on the same nominal shear strength computed in item
𝑉cr = 𝐴w 𝐹cr = (9.6625)(0.075)(8.578) = 6.217 kips A, the design shear strength using the LRFD method for the
From Specification Section G2.1: design of the channel section is
Eq. (4.190a)