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Dictionaries Atlases Thesarus Encyclopedias Libraries Almanac and

yearbooks Biographical references

__________________1. Contains synonyms and antonyms of words.

__________________2. Puished by year, list up-to-date facts, statistics, charts and

some unusual information.

__________________3. Treasury of information.

__________________4. Give you information about the lives of well known


__________________5. Collection of detailed maps published as a book.

__________________6. Give information about words.

__________________7. Contain detailed articles on nearly every subject.


Sight Smell Taste Touch Hearing

1. Ear-shattering

2. Coarse

3. Aromatic

4. Mouthwatering

5. Blinding

6. Bright

7. Fragrant
8. Smooth

9. Luscious

10. Silent

11. Pungent

12. Dim

13. Dark

14. Foul

15. Succulent

16. Silky

17. Inaudible

18. Moist

19. Blue

20. Hushed

21. Yellow


Character Setting Theme Plot Conflict Complication Climax


__________________1. Where the story happens or takes place.

__________________2. How the conflict is solved.

__________________3. Series of related events that make up a story.

__________________4. Highest point of the story.

__________________5. Main passage conveyed by the story.

__________________6. Events in the story that make it difficult for the characters
to solve.

__________________7. Refers to people, animals or creatures that participate in

the plot of the story.

__________________8. Issue that needs to be resolved.


Irony Oxymoron Paradox

___________1. Puts together two contrating words.

___________2. Show contrast/contradiction but expresses a truth.

___________3. Contrasts between what one says and what one really means.


1. He is the author of the "Dead Stars".

A. Manuel E. Arguilla. B. Paz Marquez-Benitez. C. Aurelio S. Alverio.

D. Trinidad L. Tarrosa S. Subido

2. He is the author of the poem entitled "1896".

A. Manuel E. Arguilla. B. Paz Marquez-Benitez. C. Aurelio S. Alverio.

D. Trinidad L. Tarrosa S. Subido

3. He is the author of the poem entitled "To My Native Land".

A. Manuel E. Arguilla. B. Paz Marquez-Benitez. C. Aurelio S. Alverio.

D. Trinidad L. Tarrosa S. Subido

4. He is the author of the story entitled "A Night in the Hills".

A. Manuel E. Arguilla. B. Paz Marquez-Benitez. C. Aurelio S. Alverio.

D. Trinidad L. Tarrosa S. Subido

5. He is the author of "How my Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife".

A. Manuel E. Arguilla. B. Paz Marquez-Benitez. C. Aurelio S. Alverio.

D. Trinidad L. Tarrosa S. Subido

6. He is the main character of the story "A Night in the Hills", a salesman in a
jewelry store.

A. Gerardo Luna. B. Ambo. C. Sotera. D. Peregrina.

7. He is a gatherer of orchids in the story "A Night in the Hills".

A. Gerardo Luna. B. Ambo. C. Sotera. D. Peregrina.

8. She us known for Ate Tere in "A Night in the Hills".

A. Gerardo Luna. B. Ambo. C. Sotera. D. Peregrina.

9. You love your country and you are willing to die for your country.

A. Nationalism. B. Patriotism. C. Respectful. D. Hard working

10. You love your country and you are not willing to die for your country.

A. Nationalism. B. Patriotism. C. Respectful. D. Hard working



Provoke Scheme Succumb Redeem Avowals Bounty Sustenance

Bequeath Weal Enhance Noble

__________________1. Having, showing, or coming from personal qualities that

people admire (such as honesty, generosity, courage, etc.)

__________________2. To make something happen.

__________________3. A sound, healthy or prosperous.

__________________4. A clever and often dishonest plan to do or get something.

__________________5. To give (ideas, knowledge, etc.) to (younger people) as

part of their history.

__________________6. To stop trying to resist something.

__________________7. Something that gives support, help or strength.

__________________8. To make (something that is bad, unpleasant, etc.) better

or more acceptable.

__________________9. An amount of money given to someone as a reward for

catching a criminal.

__________________10. To increase or improve.

__________________11. An open public statement.

On the line, write whether the statement uses irony, oxymoron, or paradox.

__________________1. Keep your friends cloase and your enemies closer.

__________________2. The original copy of the fallen president's speech us up
for ouction.

__________________3. Their miserable home life is an open secret.

__________________4. Tom, despite his six-feet-seven-inch frame, always has a

smile on his face, so she is known as gentle giant.

__________________5. Your choice of color is impeccable, that acid green is easy

on the eyes.

__________________6. The only constant thing in this world is change.

__________________7. You are too early for tomorrow.

__________________8. She told me that when she found out about her sickness,
her life started to feel like a living death.

__________________9. The statement "Iknow that I know nothing" is attributed

to the philosopher Socrates.

__________________10. That girl is clearly not excited. Look at her at the edge of
her seat.

Write P on the line if the given is a form of print media, and NP if it is a form of
nonprint media.

1. Website

2. Video

3. Newspaper

4. Magazine

5. E-journal

6. Computer software
7. Pamphlet

8. Documentary

9. Almanac

10. Film

Identify the cause and the effect in each of the following sentences. Underline
the cause and encircle the effect.

1. The people refused to heed Noah's warning. Therefore, they were punished.

2. I failed to do my homework because I watched TV last night.

3. Poor study habits ofte lead to poor performance in school.

4. Lack of sleeps results in sluggishness.

5. Heavy rains brought about a monstrous traffic jam.

6. The boy had a bad fall since he would not heed his mother's advice not to play
ball on the stairs.

7. He refused to quit smoking. Hence, he became very ill.

8. God loved us so much that he gave us such a beautiful world.

9. Floods get worse because we continue to cut down trees.

10. The residents of the neighborhood have great respect for each other. Hence,
they live in peace and harmony.

Read each set of statements. Then on the line, write F if the statement uses
figurative language and L if it uses literal language.

___a. Mother prepared a sumptous lunch today.

___b. Each flavor was unexpectedly good and was like a surprise gift.

___a. The view from the deck is like a beautiful picture that can be painted by
neither words nor pigments.

___b. From the deck, one could get a good view of the famous mountain range.

___a. The songs that she sings wake up the patriot in me.

___b. On stage, she is undeniably confident.

___a. Grandma's nighttime stories were passed down from past generations to
the present.

___b. As Grandma uses different voices and assumes different identifies, the story
comes to life before our own eyes.

___a. Although storms ravage the country every year, Filipinos continue to be

___b. Like the bamboo that sways with the winds, so Filipinos adapt to adversities
in their lives.


Encircle the letter of the option whose meaning is closest to that of the italicized

1. I took on the challenge knowing that no encumbrance is too heavy for me.

a. burden. b. fear. c. dustraction

2. It was love that inspired her perfervid recitation of the poem.

a. exciting. b. passionate. c. exaggerated

3. The company was enjoyable, but the food was insipid.

a. tasteless. b. extraordinary. c. simple

4. We knew the trial was over as soon as the other camp presented
incontrovertible evidence.

a. unquestionable. b. unthinkable. c. unsure

5. There is something piquant and charming about the house that our neighbors
are building.

a. weird. b. boring. c. funny

6. A long negotiation resulted in the cessation of feuds between the two parties.

a. stop. b. continuation. c. pause

7. They gave me a cubbyhole which, despite its size, managed to be my refuge.

a. a cold space. b. a scary place. c. a small place

8. The spilled chemicals left an acrid smell throughtout the second floor.

a. a mild smell. b. a tolerable smell. c. a strong smell

9. She was seen lounging around even after lunch time, so she was accused of

a. dullness. b.laziness. c. slowness

10. The new rule on attendance is intended for recalcitrant late comers.

a. disobedient. b. lazy. c. adventurous


Complete the sentences with the correct interrogative pronoun.

Who What Which Whom

1. _______________ is your favorite poem?

2. To _______________ did you read the poem?

3. _______________ of these authors are Filipinos?

4. Of _______________ does the poet sing?

5. _______________ of the lines are musical?

6. _______________ lines appeal to the sense of sight?

7. _______________ are the symbols presented?

8. _______________ does the poet speak of?

9. To _______________ is the poem dedicated?

10. _______________ of the stanzas can be dramatized?


Encircle the letter of the word or words whose meaning is closest to the
underlined words in the sentence.

1. She hesitated and I saw that her eyes were on the long, curing horns.

a. continued. b. doubted. c. feared

2. And by and by she was scratching his forehead very daintily.

a. gracefully. b. noisily. c. happily

3. I pondered the matter quietly to myself, thinking Father might not like it.

a. thought about. b. talked about. c. forgot about

4. "Ask Baldo," my brother Leon said, "we have been neglecting him."

a. talking continuosly. b. giving very little attention to. c. scaring with horror

5. I watched the smoke waver faintly upward from the lighted end and vanish
slowly into the night outside
a. hide. b. disappear. c. show


Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Labang is a __________________ .

a. horse. b. carabao. c. cow

2. On their way home, Baldo, Leon, and Maria passed through the
__________________ .

a. camino real. b. Sitio. c. waig

3. Baldo noticed that Maria smelled like a mountain when __________________

are in bloom.

a. apples. b. mangoes. c. papayas

4. Leon and Baldo's home can be found __________________ .

a. after the fields. b. before the camino real. c. in the middle of the waig

5. Leona and Maria sang __________________ .

a. Sky Sown with Stars. b. Flowers in the Field. c. Blooms in the Meadow

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