Leona - Small Craft Warnings
Leona - Small Craft Warnings
Leona - Small Craft Warnings
for me in your opinion, and sometimes you stepped on me even, like I was a rug or
a bug, because your nature is selfish. You think because you’ve lived off one
woman after another woman after eight or ten women, you’re something superior,
special. Well, you’re special but not superior, baby.
I’m going to worry about you after I’m gone and I’m sure as hell leaving tonight,
fog or no fog on the highway, but I’ll worry about you, because you refuse to grow
up and that’s a mistake that you make, because you can only refuse to grow up for
a limited period in your lifetime and get by with it... I loved you!... I’m not gonna
cry. It’s only being so tired that makes me cry.
I’ve got the world in the world and McCorkle don’t have to make the effort to get
himself or any part of him up, it’s easier to stay down. And as for being lonely,
listen, ducks, that applies to every mother’s son and daughter of us alive. We were
given warning of that before we were born almost, and yet…
When I come into a new place, it takes me two or three weeks, that’s all it takes
me, to find somebody to live with in my home on wheels and to find a night spot to
hang out in. Those first two or three weeks are rough, sometimes I wish I’d stayed
where I was before, but I know from experience that I’ll find somebody and locate
a night spot to booze in, and get acquainted with...friends…
(move forward, grave less confident)
And then, all at once, something wonderful happens. All the past disappointments
in people I left behind me, just disappear, evaporate from my mind, and I just
remember the good things, such as their sleeping faces, and...Life! Life! I never
just said, “Oh,Well,” I’ve always said, ”Life!” to life, like a song to God, too,
because I’ve lived my lifetime and not been afraid of...changes…
However, y’see, I’ve got this pride in my nature. When I live with a person I love
and care for in my life, I expect his respect, and when I see I’ve lost it, I GO,
GO!... So a home on wheels is the only right home for me.