Swiss Pharmacopoeia

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1. Name of pharmacopoeia

 European Pharmacopoeia
(Pharmacopoea Europaea – Ph.Eur.)

 Additional: Swiss Pharmacopoeia

(Pharmacopoea Helvetica – Ph.Helv.)

2. Pharmacopoeia referred to in national/
regional legislations

 Legally binding Pharmacopoeia in Switzerland:

Ph.Eur. + Ph.Helv.

 Legal basis is Swiss law

 Art. 4, 8 and 52 of the Law on Therapeutic Products

 Ordinance regulating the issue of the

Pharmacopoeia by Swissmedic

 Ordinance putting the Pharmacopoeia into force

National/regional legislation includes
reference to other

 national pharmacopoeia: Swiss Pharmacopoeia

 regional pharmacopoeia(s): European Pharmacopoeia

 international pharmacopoeia: No

4. Publication of latest edition

 European Pharmacopoeia: 1st January 2012 (Ph.Eur. 7.3)

 Pharmacopoeia Helvetica: 1st July 2010 (Ph.Helv. 10.3)

 New edition planned for this year (Ph.Helv. 11.0)

5. Update frequency

 Ph.Eur.: 3 times per year

 Ph.Helv.: Every 1-2 years

6. For which products does the pharmacopoeia
provide specifications?

  APIs,
  herbal products,
  biologicals,
  traditional medicines,
  hospital and retail pharmacy preparations
(Ph.Helv. only)

7. Number of texts included in the pharmacopoeia

 Ph.Eur.
–  More than 2’000 monographs
–  More than 300 general
methods of analysis

 Ph.Helv.
–  Approximately 135 monographs

Graphic illustration “Scope Ph. Eur. Monographs” taken from EDQM Annual Report 2010

8. Collaboration with and/or being part of a (different)
national/regional pharmacopoeia

Participation in elaboration of European Pharmacopoeia

•  Based on a convention (contract between states,
signed by CH)
•  Ph.Eur. texts are to be implemented in Swiss law

International collaboration
•  No direct collaboration outside Europe
•  Indirect collaboration via EDQM‘s participation in
•  Results of this process are incorporated in Ph.Eur.

9. Publication of harmonized pharmacopoeial
texts within the pharmacopoeia

 Harmonization between Ph.Eur., USP and JP

 Harmonized texts are published in Ph.Eur.

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10. Interaction with stakeholders,
including regulators

Stakeholders from industry, universities, authorities and

hospital and retail pharmacies are organized in expert
groups for:
•  Complementary medicine (TCM, Homoeopathy)
•  Phytochemistry (herbals)
•  Chemical substances
•  Pharmaceutical technology
•  Biological products (vaccines, blood products)

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11. Strategy for the future

 Active participation in the activities of the Ph.Eur.

These are based on a legally binding mandate
(Ph.Eur. Convention)

 An extension of pharmacopoeial activities beyond the

participation in the activities of the Ph.Eur. would require
a legal mandate

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