Proactive Coping Scale
Proactive Coping Scale
Proactive Coping Scale
Seven Scales
Proactive Coping
Reflective Coping
Strategic Planning
Preventive Coping
Avoidance Coping
Instructions to Subjects:
"The following statements deal with reactions you may have to various situations. Indicate
how true each of these statements is depending on how you feel about the situation. Do this
by checking the most appropriate box."
Respondents are presented with four alternatives : "not at all true", "barely true",
"somewhat true", "completely true."
-Reverse items
1 I often find ways to break down difficult problems into manageable components.
2 I make a plan and follow it.
3 I break down a problem into smaller parts and do one part at a time.
4 I make lists and try to focus on the most important things first.