Geiger Muller Counter
Geiger Muller Counter
Geiger Muller Counter
It consists of a hollow metal case enclosed in a thin glass tube. This hollow metal case
acts as a cathode.
A fine tungsten wire is stretched along the axis of the tube and is insulated by ebonite
The tube is evacuated and th en partially filled with a mixture of 90% argon at 10 cm
The fine tungsten wire is connected to positive terminal of a high tension battery
through a resistance R and the negative terminal is con nected to the metal tube.
The direct current voltage is kept slightly less than that which will cause a discharge
At one end of the tube a thin window of mica is arranged to allow the entry of radiation
The basic principle of the Geiger Muller counter can be understood as follows. When an
ionizing particle passes through the gas in an ionizing chamber, it produces a few ions.
If the applied potential difference is strong enough, th ese ions will produce a secondary
ion avalanche whose total effect will be proportional to the energy associated with the
primary ionizing event.
If the applied potential difference is very high, the secondary ionization phenomenon
becomes so dominant that the primary ionizing event loses its importance. In other
words, the size of the final pulse produced depends only on the triggering off of
ionization by an ionizing particle but independent of the energy of this particle.
A high energy particle entering through the mica window will cause one or more of the
argon atoms to ionize. The electrons and ions of argon thus produced cause other argon
atoms to ionize in a cascade effect. The result of this one event is sudden, massive
electrical discharge that caus es a current pulse. The current through R produces a
voltage pulse of the order of 10μV. An electron pulse amplifier accepts the small pulse
voltage and amplifies them to about 5 to 50 V. The amplified output is then applied to
a counter. As each incoming particle produces a pulse, the number of incoming particles
can be counted.
Working of Geiger-Muller counter
The tube is filled with Argon gas, and around voltage of +400 Volts is applied to the thin
wire in the middle. When a particle arrives into th e tube, it takes an electron from Argon
atom. The electron is attracted to the central wire and as it rushes towards the wire,
the electron will knock other electrons from Argon atoms, causing an "avalanche". Thus
one single incoming particle will cause ma ny electrons to arrive at the wire, creating a
pulse which can be amplified and counted. This gives us a very sensitive detector.
The Geiger Muller counter can account for about 500 particles per second. The GM
counter will not register those particles that pass through i t in the dead time. Dead time
refers to the time taken by the tube to recover between counts. It requires about 200
μs for the tube to recover. If lot of particles enter the GM tube at a rapid rate, the tube
will not have time to recover and some particles may not be counted.
The efficiency of the counter is defined as the ration of the observed counts per second
to the number of ionizing particles entering the counter per second. Counting efficiency
is defined as the ability of counting of the GM counter.
9. To check for radiation in areas where depleted uranium ammunition shells have been
11. To check the levels of iodine 131 in cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy.
12. You are in close proximity to a uranium mine and want to test the soil and environment
15. To check for radioactivity in metal objects in your h ome or office that could be made of
It is important to note that Geiger-Muller counter does not detect the following,
Neutron radiation
Microwave radiation
Radon gas
Laser energy