Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standard Syllabus
Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standard Syllabus
Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standard Syllabus
A renowned leading Institution of quality programs in Accountancy, Technology, Information System, Office Management, and Education.
To provide quality educational programs equipped with technological and entrepreneurial skills grounded with moral values to meet the global standards through relevant
instructions, research, extension and production with sustainable economic and socio-cultural impact that will benefit the Institute and the community at large.
This course is designed to provide students with knowledge on the current financial reporting framework of businesses. This course deals with the financial reporting
principles embodied in the Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards (PFRSs), which are issued by the Financial
Reporting Standards Council (FRSC).
GENERAL OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course, the learners are expected to:
Gain appreciation of the financial reporting standards, particularly their development, application and impact to the business environment.
Demonstrate knowledge, skills and positive attitudes to the concepts and principles of financial reporting for businesses as applied to real life situations.
Demonstrate knowledge in identifying the appropriate financial reporting standards to apply to specific business transactions and other events.
Demonstrate skills in applying the principles of the financial reporting standards through problem solving.
Learning Goals Content Topic Learning Outcomes OBE Methodologies Time Evaluative
Allotment Measures
To provide students OVERVIEW OF ACCOUNTING The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1 hr. 1. Seat works
with an overview of 1. Definition of accounting 1. Define accounting and state its basic presentation 2. Recitation
the nature of 2. Basic purpose of accounting purpose. 2. Application of 3. Assignments
accounting and the 3. Accounting Concepts 2. Explain the basic concepts applied in concepts 4. Quiz
development of 4. Common Branches of Accounting accounting. 3. Classroom Q&A
accounting 5. Four Sectors in the practice of 3. State the branches of accounting and the
standards Accountancy sectors in the practice of accountancy.
6. Accounting Standards 4. Explain the importance of a uniform set of
financial reporting standards.
To provide students CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1 hr. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of FINANCIAL REPORTING 1. State the basic purpose, authoritative presentation 2. Recitation
the Conceptual 1. Authoritative status. status, and scope of the Conceptual 2. Application of 3. Assignments
Framework 2. Objective of financial reporting. Framework. concepts 4. Quiz
3. Qualitative Characteristics. 2. State the objective of financial reporting. 3. Classroom Q&A
4. The elements of financial 3. Identify the primary users of financial
statements. statements.
4. Explain briefly the qualitative
characteristics of useful information and
how they are applied in financial reporting.
5. Define the elements of financial
statements and state their recognition
To provide students PAS 1 PRESENTATION OF The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1.5 hrs. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. Enumerate and describe the general presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, 1. Complete set of financial features of financial statement 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and statements presentation. concepts 4. Quiz
principles of PAS 1. 2. General features 2. Enumerate and describe the components 3. Classroom Q&A
3. Statement of financial position of a complete set of financial statements.
4. Statement of profit or loss and 3. State the acceptable methods of
other comprehensive income presenting items of income and expenses.
5. Statement of changes in equity 4. Differentiate between the statement of
To provide students PAS 7 STATEMENT OF CASH The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1.5 hrs. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of FLOWS 1. Describe the statement of cash flows. presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, 1. Classification of cash flows 2. Differentiate between the following: (1) 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and 2. Presentation Operating activities, (2) Investing activities, concepts 4. Quiz
principles of PAS 7. and (3) Financing activities. 3. Classroom Q&A
3. 3. State the classifications of the
following in a statement of cash flows: (a)
dividends received, (b) dividends paid, (c)
interest paid and (d) interest received.
To provide students PAS 8 ACCOUNTING POLICIES, The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1 hr. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING 1. Define the following and give examples: presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, ESTIMATES AND ERRORS (1) Change in accounting policy, (2) 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and 1. Accounting policies Change in accounting estimate, and (3) concepts 4. Quiz
principles of PAS 8. 2. Changes in accounting estimates Error. 3. Classroom Q&A
3. Errors 2. Differentiate between the accounting
treatments of the following: change in
accounting policy, change in accounting
estimate, and correction of prior period
To provide students PAS 10 EVENTS AFTER THE The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1.5 hrs. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of REPORTING PERIOD 1. Define events after the reporting period. presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, 1. Adjusting events 2. State the accounting requirements for 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and 2. Non-adjusting events events after the reporting period. concepts 4. Quiz
principles of PAS 10. 3. Classroom Q&A
To provide students PAS 12 INCOME TAXES The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1.5 hrs. 1. Seat works
To provide students PAS 19 EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1 hr. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of 1. Short-term employee benefits 1. Differentiate between the four presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, 2. Post-employment benefits classifications of employee benefits under 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and 3. Defined contribution plans PAS 19. concepts 4. Quiz
principles of PAS 19. 4. Defined benefit plans 2. State the timing of the recognition of 3. Classroom Q&A
employee benefits.
3. Differentiate between a defined
contribution plan and a defined benefit
4. 4. State the accounting procedures for
defined benefit plans.
To provide students PAS 20 ACCOUNTING FOR The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1 hr. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of GOVERNMENT GRANTS AND 1. Explain the recognition and measurement presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, DISCLOSURE OF GOVERNMENT of government grants. 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and ASSISTANCE 2. Explain the presentation of government concepts 4. Quiz
principles of PAS 20. 1. Accounting for government grants grants in the financial statements. 3. Classroom Q&A
To provide students PAS 21 THE EFFECTS OF The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1 hr. 1. Seat works
To provide students PAS 36 IMPAIRMENT OF ASSETS The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1 hr. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of 1. Core principle 1. State the core principle of PAS 36. presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, 2. Identifying an asset that may be 2. Account for the impairment of individual 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and impaired assets and cash-generating units. concepts 4. Quiz
principles of PAS 36. 3. Measuring recoverable amount 3. Account for the reversal of impairment. 3. Classroom Q&A
and impairment loss
4. Cash-generating units and
5. Reversal of impairment loss
To provide students PAS 37 PROVISIONS, CONTINGENT The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1 hr. 1. Seat works
To provide students PFRS 5 NON-CURRENT ASSETS The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1 hr. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of HELD FOR SALE AND 1. Describe the criteria for held for sale presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS classification. 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and 1. Classification as held for sale 2. State the initial and subsequent concepts 4. Quiz
principles of PFRS 2. Measurement measurement of held for sale assets. 3. Classroom Q&A
5. 3. Discontinued operations 3. State the presentation requirements of a
4. Presentation discontinued operation.
To provide students PFRS 6 EXPLORATION FOR AND The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1 hr. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of EVALUATION OF MINERAL 1. Explain the accounting for exploration and presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, RESOURCES evaluation expenditures. 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and 1. Exemption from hierarchy of concepts 4. Quiz
principles of PFRS reporting standards 3. Classroom Q&A
6. 2. Measurement
To provide students PFRS 7 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS: The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1 hr. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of DISCLOSURES 1. State the two main categories of presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, 1. Significance of financial disclosures under PFRS 7. 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and instruments 2. State the types of risks required by PFRS concepts 4. Quiz
principles of PFRS 2. Nature and extent of risks 7 to be disclosed. 3. Classroom Q&A
To provide students PFRS 9 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1.5 hrs. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of 1. Initial recognition 1. State the classifications of financial assets presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, 2. Classification and their initial and subsequent 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and 3. Measurement measurements. concepts 4. Quiz
principles of PFRS 4. Reclassification 2. State the classifications of financial 3. Classroom Q&A
9. 5. Impairment liabilities and their initial and subsequent
6. Derecognition measurements.
To provide students PFRS 10 CONSOLIDATED The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1.5 hrs. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 1. State the elements of control. presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, 1. Control 2. Describe the consolidation procedures. 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and 2. Accounting requirements concepts 4. Quiz
principles of PFRS 3. Preparation of consolidated 3. Classroom Q&A
10. financial statements
To provide students PFRS 11 JOINT ARRANGEMENTS The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1 hr. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of 1. Joint arrangement 1. Define a joint arrangement and state its presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, 2. Joint operations characteristics. 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and 3. Joint ventures 2. Differentiate between a joint operation and concepts 4. Quiz
principles of PFRS a joint venture. 3. Classroom Q&A
To provide students PFRS 12 DISCLOSURE OF The learners are expected to be able to: 1. Lecture/PowerPoint 1.5 hrs. 1. Seat works
with knowledge of INTERESTS IN OTHER ENTITIES 1. Describe the objective of PFRS 12. presentation 2. Recitation
the scope, 1. Summary of minimum disclosures 2. State the types of investments that are 2. Application of 3. Assignments
applicability, and within the scope of PFRS 12. concepts 4. Quiz
QUIZ 30%
TOTAL 100%
Millan, Zeus Vernon B., Conceptual Framework and Accounting Standards (2018), Philippines: Bandolin Enterprise
Philippines: Bandolin Enterprise