JHA For Installation 2 Inch Nozzle..
JHA For Installation 2 Inch Nozzle..
JHA For Installation 2 Inch Nozzle..
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5. If gas levels are high, further ventilation shall be allowed till the
levels are within acceptable limit.
9. Safe Access and Egress shall be provided and kept clear at all
2. Route cables and hoses so that they do not obstruct the work and
7. Grinding wheel RPM shall not be more than the RPM of grinding
machine to prevent injury / fatality.
12. Appropriate PPE’s shall be used during grinding i.e. Face shield,
apron, leggings, hand gloves, ear plugs, etc.
Fit-up Manual Handling – back strain, fall of material, 1. Manual handling technique explained to works before start of
sharp edges, slips and fall due to imbalance work.
4. Ensure that the weight to be lifted is not very heavy. Do not force
lift if the material is too heavy. Seek assistance for making heavy
5. Ensure the area is clean and free from trip & slip hazards prior to
manual lifting & transferring of material for fit-up.
10. Gas testing shall be carried out by certified and authorized gas
tester. (QP personnel).
12. Electrical cable of welding machine shall be checked for any cut /
crack to prevent electrocution hazard.
18. Safety officer shall be available at the site during the work.
MPI testing Dye, cleaner & developer – contact with skin & 1. PPE shall be used by the workers – mask, safety glasses & hand
eyes & ingestion gloves.
Dye , cleaner & developer - cans 2. Cans shall not be punctured or incinerated. cans shall be
collected for disposal.
3. Rags / cloths used for cleaning shall be collected and placed into
containers for disposal.
Power buffing and Painting Sparks, Sharp Edges, Hot Parts, Struck by 1. Experienced workers shall be used.
buffing wheels, Fire, Electrical shock, Paint 2. Buffing machines shall be of good quality & inspected (machine,
Storage, Inhalation of toxic vapors, Noise. wheels and wires) before use.
5. Buffing wheel RPM shall not be more than the RPM of Buffing
machine to prevent injury / fatality.