Professional Development Plan 2019

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Professional Development Plan

Complete the chart below to plan your professional development over the next 2-3 years. Be sure your goals are specific and

Goal #1: Goal #2: Goal #3:

Collaborate with other Sped Incorporate technology (Tech Attend the Special Education
Teachers within the district Tools) in the classroom Conference (In Seattle) / Attend
District SED/ Professional
Rationale: Why did I chose this goal because it allows be I selected this goal because I am still By attending this conference, I can
you choose this goal? to collaborate with others who may adjusting to have technology in the learn about new ways to work with
How do you expect it have ideas on how to best support classroom. I also am not sure if the special education students as well as
to improve the students in my classroom. This will classroom I will be in has technology any new changed to the special
outcomes of your allow me to try new techniques. up and running. This allows my education department. This will also
students to have another interactive allow me to learn more about laws
future students? way to connect to the material. and legal requirements.
End Date: By when June 2020 June 2022 June 2022
do you expect to
accomplish this goal?
Action Timeline: I will begin to sub within the district I will connect with tech support The conference is in March yearly, so
What steps will you after student teaching allowing within the school district to allow me I am giving myself time to settle in
take to complete this myself to work in different building to gain a better understanding of what after student teaching. I will have
goal, and by when and get to know the systems they technology is available to each found a classroom to work in. This
will you take them? have in place as well as allowing me school. If the classroom is in new of also allows me to attend the
to meet other teachers. I will new technology is also gives me time conference more than once.
Example: complete subbing by June 2020 and to write grant applications.
1/31/18: Join AACTE obtain a job within the district.
Resources: What The resources that are available in The school district sends our yearly My school district will help support
resources are assisting me are: Staffing at other grant information at the start of the me in connecting with this conference
available to assist you buildings, HR at district office, and summer, so teachers know fund are by reserving a spot for special
the principles in the schools. out there. Another resource is my

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in accomplishing your mentor teacher as well as Tech education teachers. Also connecting
goal? Support at district office. with the school principle.

© 2019 Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved

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