MAPEH 9 Second Grading
MAPEH 9 Second Grading
MAPEH 9 Second Grading
The “2008 National Household Survey on the • Drug misuse is the use of a substance incoherent or
Nature and Extent of Drug Abuse in the inconsistent with the prescribed dosage or frequency of
Philippines” conducted by the same agency revealed use.
that there is a downward trend in the number of drug
• Drug Abuse is the use of a substance for non-medicinal
users down to 1.7 million users.
purposes. Abuse leads to organ damage like brain
The decline may be associated with the government’s damage and liver damage, addiction and troubled
intense efforts in combating drugs. behavioral patterns.
The following are the reasons for the successful decline • Drug tolerance is the condition of the body to adapt
of drug abuse in the country: to the effects of substances to the body thus requiring an
even larger amount of the substance to experience the
• Operations conducted by different law enforcing same physiological and mental effect experienced when
agencies like the Philippine National Police (PNP), taking the smaller dosage.
National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), Philippine
Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), Bureau of The Risk and Protective Factors of Using Drugs
Customs and other law enforcers have helped arrest
• The use, misuse, and abuse of drugs are the result of
local and international drug syndicate members,
various factors surrounding a person.
traffickers, and destroy secret laboratories and
warehouses. • These factors either increase or decrease the
possibility of a person to use drugs.
• Strict implementation of policies under the “Dangerous
Drugs Act of 2002” like the compulsory drug test for • Risk factors are those influences which increase the
application of driver’s license, entrance to military service, chances of using, misusing, and abusing drugs.
application for firearms licensing, and others.
• Protective factors, on the other hand, are those
• Actualization of the Dangerous Drugs Board’s programs influences which decrease the chances of using,
and projects in partnership with other agencies like the misusing, and abusing drugs.
Department of Education (DepEd), Department of Social
Welfare and Development (DSWD) and other local • According to studies, protective factors
government units (LGU) and non-government counterbalance negative effects of risk factors.
organizations (NGO). These are positive efforts bearing • It is important to understand that it does not
fruits and achievements; however, the government does necessarily mean that several risk factors present
not rest on its laurels but rather creates more productive make a person highly susceptible to drug use, misuse,
programs and projects to make the country a drug- and abuse.
resistant society.
• Protective factors even if few in number may be
Profile of Filipino Drug Users enough to work against the risk factors, more so if
Profile Findings there are several of these protective influences.
Ratio of Users (male to female): 10:1 • These factors are composed of influences in different
domains of life.
Mean Age: 28 years old
Protective Factors
• Formation of friendships
FAMILY (Weak Parental Guidance vs. Strong Parental • Poor implementation of community laws
Guidance) • Negative attitudes which favor drug use
Risk Factors Protective Factors
• History and patterns of drug use • Strong community relationships
• Attitudes toward drug use • Active and positive community programs, projects, and
• Poor parenting and child rearing activities for the youth
• Good communication with people The Dangerous Drugs Board listed three major drugs of
abuse in the Philippines. These are methamphetamine
• Positive family relationship hydrochloride or “shabu”, cannabis sativa or
“marijuana” and inhalants better known as
• Clear and consistent family rules
“solvents”. These drugs of abuse are included in the six
• Strong family values classifications of drugs.
• Positive expectation to child’s success in family, school, The six classifications of drugs are the following:
and community
1. Gateway drugs
• Reliance on family for emotional support
Gateway drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol are legal
PEERS AND FRIENDS (Substance Abuse vs. Academic drugs that a nondrug user might try, which can lead
Excellence) him/her to more dangerous drugs such as marijuana and
shabu. Teenagers who engage in early smoking and early
Risk Factors drinking have a higher chance of using and experimenting
with dangerous drugs of abuse.
• Association with peers and friends known to use
gateway drugs (cigarettes and alcohol)
2. Depressant drugs (Downers) society and law, withdrawal symptoms, severe
health problems, poor of quality of life and
Depressant drugs slow down a person’s central nervous
eventually death.
system (CNS). The Central nervous system includes the
brain, spinal cord, and nerves. Doctors commonly • Effects are not always the same with drug users.
prescribe depressant drugs to help certain persons to be
less angry, less stressed, or tensed. Depressant drugs • A small amount of a substance may create a
feeling of pleasure to a person but the same
relax muscles and nerves. These drugs also make patients
amount may cause restlessness, stress or even
feel sleepy and light-headed. Depressant drugs include
immediate death to another person.
alcohol, barbiturates, and tranquilizers.
• It is important to remember that each individual’s
3. Stimulant drugs (Uppers)
brain capacity and function and total body
Stimulant drugs speed up a person's central nervous chemistry are different from other persons, thus
system. Stimulant drugs have the opposite effect of we have different reactions to drugs and
depressants. Stimulants make a person’s energy high. substances.
Negative effects of stimulants include depression and
tiredness. Stimulants include amphetamines which
include shabu, caffeine, nicotine, and cocaine.
4. Narcotics
5. Hallucinogens
6. Inhalants
• People give several reasons for taking drugs. Below are some of the signs and symptoms of drug use:
• Some believe that these drugs can make them • Declining interest in studies and work
feel and look good. • Identification with known drug users
• Certain drugs of abuse produce pleasure or • Negative outlook in life
• Uncontrolled irritation
• Euphoria is the high sensation of feeling good and
extremely relaxed. • Paranoia (fear that people always stalk and talk about
• Euphoria is a sensation brought about by the
• Severe feeling of depression and loneliness
chemical reactions of the neurotransmitters in the
brain. Thus, drugs affect your brain process. • Complains of over fatigue (psychological or
• Continuous and prolonged drug use has a very
bad effect in a person. • Frequent involvement in petty fights and crimes
• It can alter his behavior, and his mental, physical, • Frequent changes of mood and extreme mood swings
and psychological condition.
• Lousy physical appearance
• Most importantly, drug dependence results in
• Reddish eyes
drug abuse, drug tolerance, problems with
• Sudden loss in weight
- Difficulty in - Cardiovascular
• Frequent complaints of headache and stomach pains breathing diseases
C. Effects of Drug Use and Abuse on the - Slow brain function which - Agitation and aggressive
Community leads to temporary memory behaviors
• High incidence of crime which includes stealing, - Depression leading to
robbery, and snatching - Slow pulse rate and heart rate mental disorders
• High incidence of accidents, e.g. road accident, - Below normal breathing - Hypertension or high
accidental falling, etc. pattern blood pressure
• Affected economy due to low manpower production - Low blood pressure - Cardiovascular diseases
• Loss of government funds due to drug-related - Inability to concentrate and - Paralysis of the muscles
operations, treatment and rehabilitation poor judgment and nerves
Short Term and Long Term Effects of Substance Use and - Confusion and irritability - Brain stroke
- Dizziness and light - Chronic liver disease
A. GATEWAY DRUGS headedness
- Renal or kidney failure
Gateway Short-Term Long-Term Effects - Slurred speech
- Cancer of the colon and
Drug Effects
- Loss of body balance and other form of cancer
- Headache and - Damage of organs - Diabetes
light headedness like liver, heart, colon - Depression
- Coma and death
and brain
- Slurred speech
- Slow body reflex,
senses and - Cardiovascular Short-Term Effects Long-Term Effects
coordination diseases
- Inability to sleep
- Stress - Development of
- Euphoria
B. -Rapid heart rate
- Depression (the “down” that
Tobacco and pulse rate - Atherosclerosis follows the “up” sensation)
- Persistent cough - Thrombosis
- Slurred speech - Loss of hearing
D. NARCOTICS - Poor coordination - Uncontrolled muscle
Short-Term Effects Long-Term - Euphoria
Effects - Brain damage
- Dizziness and nausea
- Nerve damage
- Drowsiness - Development of - Feeling of light
diseases like headedness - Bone marrow damage
- Euphoria
hepatitis, tetanus
- Foul breath
- Loss of appetite and HIV-AIDS
due to needle - Hallucinations
- Vomiting sharing
- Delusions
- Nausea - Overdose
leading to coma
- Muscle cramps and pain
and death
- Chills and shaking Effects of Drug Use
Short-Term Effects Long-Term Effects B. Effects of Drug Use and Abuse on the School