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C-NaviGator III User Manual

User Manual

Revision 2

Revision Date: September 27, 2013

C & C Technologies, Inc.

730 E. Kaliste Saloom Road
Lafayette, LA 70508 U.S.A.

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C-NaviGator III User Manual

Release Notice

This is the September 2013 release of the C-NaviGator III User Manual.

Revision History

2 09/27/2013 Updated for 7.0.3 C. Thompson

1 02/19/2013 Initial document creation C. Thompson
Revision Date Description Author

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C-NaviGator III User Manual

The C-Nav logo is a trademark of C & C Technologies, Inc.
C-Nav and C-NaviGator III are trademarks of C & C Technologies, Inc.
All other brand names are trademarks of their respective holders.

Disclaimer of Warranty

Limitation of Liability

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C-NaviGator III User Manual

Table of Contents
Table of Contents.................................................................................................. 4
Manual Organization ....................................................................................... 10
Conventions .................................................................................................... 10
Software .............................................................................................................. 12
Section 1 - Overview ........................................................................................... 13
Introduction ..................................................................................................... 13
Features and Functions ................................................................................... 13
C-Nav Specific Features and Functions .......................................................... 14
Section 2 - Operator Instructions ........................................................................ 15
Power-Up ........................................................................................................ 15
Screen Layout ................................................................................................. 15
Menus .......................................................................................................... 16
Active Device Information ............................................................................ 16
GNSS Quality Alert Indicators...................................................................... 17
QA/QC Status Indicator ............................................................................... 17
Main Buttons ................................................................................................ 18
Operation ........................................................................................................ 19
Section 3 - Menus ............................................................................................... 20
File Menu ........................................................................................................ 21
Load Defaults............................................................................................... 21
Save / Load Settings .................................................................................... 21
Upload File................................................................................................... 21
Reset Unit .................................................................................................... 22
View ................................................................................................................ 23
Error Ellipse ................................................................................................. 23
Error Ellipse Settings ................................................................................... 23
Scatter Plot .................................................................................................. 24
Scatter Plot Settings .................................................................................... 24
Satellite Info ................................................................................................. 25
Position Comparison .................................................................................... 25
Position Comparison Settings ...................................................................... 26
Graphs ......................................................................................................... 26

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Graphs Settings ........................................................................................... 26

QC Graphs................................................................................................... 27
QC Settings ................................................................................................. 27
Satellite Calculations ................................................................................... 28
Satellite Calculations Settings...................................................................... 28
Satellite Forecast ......................................................................................... 28
Fixes ............................................................................................................ 29
Alarms ......................................................................................................... 29
Screenshots ................................................................................................. 30
Settings ........................................................................................................... 31
General Settings .......................................................................................... 31
Display Settings ........................................................................................... 31
Quality Panel Thresholds ............................................................................. 32
Serial Ports .................................................................................................. 32
Network Virtual Ports ................................................................................... 33
Logging ........................................................................................................ 33
System Network Settings ............................................................................. 34
VNC Interface .............................................................................................. 35
CCS OTI Configuration ................................................................................ 35
Help ................................................................................................................. 36
Contents ...................................................................................................... 36
This Page..................................................................................................... 36
About ........................................................................................................... 36
Section 4 - Devices ............................................................................................. 37
C-Nav3050 ...................................................................................................... 37
Receiver Information .................................................................................... 37
Solution Control ........................................................................................... 37
Corrections Authorization ............................................................................ 38
Software Options ......................................................................................... 38
Corrections Receiver ................................................................................... 38
Corrections Receiver Settings ..................................................................... 39
Output Control ............................................................................................. 39
Auxiliary Port Configuration ......................................................................... 39
1PPS Configuration ..................................................................................... 40
RTK Configuration ....................................................................................... 40

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Differential Configuration ............................................................................. 40

Navigation Modes ........................................................................................ 41
Antenna Information .................................................................................... 41
Settings Profile............................................................................................. 42
Hardware Settings ....................................................................................... 42
Ethernet Settings ......................................................................................... 42
NTRIP Settings ............................................................................................ 43
Bluetooth Settings........................................................................................ 43
Firmware Update ......................................................................................... 43
Restart ......................................................................................................... 44
C-Nav2050 ...................................................................................................... 45
Receiver Information .................................................................................... 45
Solution Control ........................................................................................... 45
SBAS Configuration ..................................................................................... 46
Corrections Authorization ............................................................................ 46
Software Options ......................................................................................... 46
Corrections Receiver ................................................................................... 47
Corrections Receiver Settings ..................................................................... 47
NMEA Output Control .................................................................................. 47
Port Configuration ........................................................................................ 48
1PPS Configuration ..................................................................................... 48
RTK Settings................................................................................................ 49
RTCM Output Control .................................................................................. 49
MultiMediaCard (MMC) Administration ........................................................ 49
MMC Files.................................................................................................... 50
Firmware Update ......................................................................................... 50
Reset ........................................................................................................... 50
C-Nav2000 ...................................................................................................... 51
Receiver Information .................................................................................... 51
Solution Control ........................................................................................... 51
Corrections Authorization ............................................................................ 52
Corrections Receiver ................................................................................... 52
Output Control ............................................................................................. 52
Firmware Update ......................................................................................... 53
C-Nav1010 ...................................................................................................... 54

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Receiver Information .................................................................................... 54

Solution Control ........................................................................................... 54
Corrections Authorization ............................................................................ 54
Software Options ......................................................................................... 55
Corrections Receiver ................................................................................... 55
Corrections Receiver Settings ..................................................................... 55
Output Control ............................................................................................. 56
Port Configuration ........................................................................................ 56
Firmware Update ......................................................................................... 56
NMEA Input ..................................................................................................... 58
Status .......................................................................................................... 58
Output ............................................................................................................. 59
Output Settings ........................................................................................... 59
Section 5 - Maintenance ..................................................................................... 60
Troubleshooting............................................................................................... 60
No Position Information ............................................................................... 60
No Serial Input / Output ............................................................................... 60
Updating Software ........................................................................................... 60
Hardware ............................................................................................................ 61
Section 6 - General ............................................................................................. 62
Introduction to Hardware ................................................................................. 62
A computer and display, all in one................................................................... 62
Supplied Equipment ........................................................................................ 63
Optional Equipment ......................................................................................... 63
Section 7 - Installation......................................................................................... 64
Installation and Mounting ................................................................................ 64
General Mounting Instructions......................................................................... 65
Ergonomics ..................................................................................................... 66
Cables ............................................................................................................. 67
Maximum Cable Length ............................................................................... 67
Configuring Housing Connectors..................................................................... 67
Section 8 – Physical Connections ....................................................................... 69
COM Module RS-232 (COM3-COM6) ............................................................. 69
Network / LAN Input / Output (NET A / NET B) ............................................... 69
Digital Input / Output (X1 DIG OUT / X1 DIG IN) ............................................. 70

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Digital Output / Serial I/O (X1 DIG OUT / X7 SER I/O) .................................... 70
USB Input / Output .......................................................................................... 70
Power Inputs ................................................................................................... 71
Grounding Screw............................................................................................. 71
Section 9 - Operation .......................................................................................... 72
User Controls Overview .................................................................................. 72
Power On / Off................................................................................................. 72
Brightness Adjustment .................................................................................... 73
Section 10 - Specifications .................................................................................. 74
TFT Technology .............................................................................................. 74
TFT Characteristics ......................................................................................... 74
Computer Specifications ................................................................................. 74
Power Specifications ....................................................................................... 75
Power Supply............................................................................................... 75
Power Consumption .................................................................................... 75
Physical Dimensions ....................................................................................... 75
User Controls .................................................................................................. 75
Behind Front Bezel - Glass Display Control™ (GDC) IP66 ......................... 75
Environmental Considerations......................................................................... 76
Input / Output Connectors ............................................................................... 76
Section 11 - Specifications of Accessories ......................................................... 77
USB Cable ...................................................................................................... 77
Description ................................................................................................... 77
Specifications............................................................................................... 77
External AC-DC Power Supply ........................................................................ 78
RS-232 COM Module ...................................................................................... 79
Features ...................................................................................................... 79
Specifications............................................................................................... 79
Appendix A - Mechanical Drawings .................................................................... 81
Appendix B - Pin Assignments ............................................................................ 82
Appendix C - Glossary ........................................................................................ 85
Appendix D - NMEA Data Strings ....................................................................... 91
Appendix E - Alarm List ...................................................................................... 92
General Alarms ............................................................................................... 92
C-Nav3050 Alarms .......................................................................................... 92

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C-Nav2050 Alarms .......................................................................................... 93

C-Nav2000 Alarms .......................................................................................... 94
C-Nav1010 Alarms .......................................................................................... 95
Output Alarms ................................................................................................. 96
Simulator Alarms ............................................................................................. 96
Appendix F - Approvals & Certifications .............................................................. 98
IEC & IACS...................................................................................................... 98
Bureau Veritas (BV) ........................................................................................ 98
DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) .................................................................... 102
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) ............................................................. 105
Germanischer Lloyd (GL) .............................................................................. 107
Appendix G - Declaration of Conformity............................................................ 109
Index ................................................................................................................. 110
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.................................................................. 113

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C-NaviGator III User Manual

Manual Organization
This manual describes how to install, configure, and operate the C-NaviGator III
GNSS Control & Display unit from C & C Technologies, Inc. Sections are
organized in a manner that facilitates quick operator orientation.

There are two major sections of this manual; Software (Page 12) and Hardware
(Page 61).

Section 1 - Overview (Page 13) gives a general overview of the software running
on the C-NaviGator III. Instructions to guide the operator through installation and
setup are provided in Section 2 - Operator Instructions (Page 15).

Detailed menu descriptions can be found in Section 3 - Menus (Page 20).

Configuration for supported devices is in Section 4 - Devices (Page 37).

Section 5 - Maintenance (Page 60) concentrates on maintenance and


An overview of the hardware is in Section 6 - General (Page 62). Section 7 -

Installation (Page 64) discusses how to properly mount and install the C-
NaviGator III.

Section 8 – Physical Connections (Page 69) describes all of the connections to

the C-NaviGator III. General operating procedures are discussed in Section 9 -
Operation (Page 72).

Technical specifications of the C-NaviGator III and its accessories are detailed in
Section 10 - Specifications (Page 74) and Section 11 - Specifications of
Accessories (Page 77).

Arial font is used for plain text in this document.
Arial italic font is used for settings names.
“Arial quoted” font is used for settings values.
Arial Bold font is used for button names.
Arial Bold Italic font is used for menu items.
Arial Blue font is used for cross-references.

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Arial Blue Underline font is used for hyperlinks.

Arial red italic is used for typed commands.

Important notes are displayed in shaded text boxes

Please note:
Such note boxes display important information that should not be ignored.

Simple file content is displayed in Courier New Black font in a text box.
#Sample File
Version 0.1

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C-NaviGator III User Manual

Section 1 - Overview

The C-NaviGator III is a self-

contained Control / Display Unit
that provides a number of
visual aids to help the user
monitor the quality,
performance, and accuracy of
the position information
supplied by the GNSS receiver.
Position calculations are
performed by the C-NaviGator
III along with data quality
assessments to create visual
and graphical data
representations that instantly
convey critical information to the operator. Information from external sensors is
displayed in a form that enables the user to quickly recognize a decrease in
reliability of the position solution. The C-NaviGator III’s processor-based,
windows style operating environment is straightforward and easy to use.

Information screens provide the necessary user interface. Data entry and
command functions are entered through the use of the touch-screen. Information
displays, alarm indicators, parameter settings, data analysis, etc. are displayed
on the C-NaviGator III’s color LCD screen. Alarm or alert states are configured
by the operator.

Position calculations are performed for data output to other systems as

configured by the operator. Through the C-NaviGator III, the operator has easy
access to input and output controls.

Features and Functions

 Monitoring of NMEA compliant GNSS systems
 Saving / loading of settings
 Logging of GNSS data
 User selectable units for distance, height and speed

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 User selectable time zones

 Day / night display brightness settings
 Help documentation
 Software updates via USB
 Input / Output all NMEA versions (2.1 / 3.0 / 3.1)
 Multiple Input / Output ports (4 x RS232)
 Single RS422 Input / Output port
 Monitoring screens include
 Satellite Information
 Error Ellipse
 Scatter Plot
 Quality Alert Graphs
 Position Comparison
 Event Log “Fixes”
 Alarms
 Display of current Quality Information with Alerts
 Frequency Mode of Solution
 2D / 3D Status
 Correction Type
 Correction Age
 Number of Satellites used for Solution
 Figure of Merit
 Signal Strength

C-Nav Specific Features and Functions

 Control and monitoring of C-Nav3050 receivers
 Control and monitoring of C-Nav2050 receivers
 Control and monitoring of C-Nav2000 receivers
 Control and monitoring of C-Nav1010 receivers
 Interface for the user to enter Activation / Deactivation Codes
 Monitoring and control of the correction signal demodulator
 Updating of the receiver’s firmware
 Viewing of L1 and L2 signal strengths for each tracked satellite

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Section 2 - Operator Instructions


During the power up sequence, the operator has the option to install new
software from C & C Technologies. As updates become available, the user will
be able to download the software from the C-Nav ftp site and transfer it to a USB
memory device. A flash memory stick is supplied with each unit. See Updating
Software (Page 60) for details.

Allow at least one minute for the system to initialize. Program start is automatic
and the last settings stored by the user are recalled. The default screen is the
Satellite Info screen.

For a description of the C-NaviGator III display screens, see View (Page 23). If
this page does not contain the information described, refer to Troubleshooting
(Page 60).

Screen Layout

The C-NaviGator III screen provides easy access to system information and
control functions. Positioning information and time of the active device are
shown across the top of the screen. Below the position information is the Menu.
The type of information to be displayed in the center of the screen is selected by
the operator using the menus described in Section 3 - Menus (Page 20). System
performance and the quality of the position solution are conveyed by means of
red, yellow and green indicators in the right screen panel (Quality Panel).
Indicator colors change according to the limits set by the operator for each
parameter. See Quality Panel Thresholds (Page 32) for details. The main
system “Alarm” appears in red on the right side of the screen. Along the bottom
are navigation buttons to move between screens, as well as an indicator of which
screen is displayed in relation to the menu grouping.

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 File – Configuration storage, recall and reset
 View – Monitoring screen selection
 Settings – View, enter, or adjust operating parameters
 {Device} Settings – Settings for individual receivers
 Help – Display and control screen setting descriptions

Active Device Information

 Position
 Date and time
 Course
 Speed

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GNSS Quality Alert Indicators

 Freq – Mode of operation.
 Mode – Position solutions with or without
 Corr – Indicates the current source of
correction data.
 Diff Age – Time in seconds since last valid
 F-Test – Pass or Fail of the F-Test
 FOM – Figure of Merit
 # SVS – Number of satellites used in position
 SNR – Signal to Noise Ratio
 VDOP – Vertical Dilution of Precision
 PDOP – Position Dilution of Precision
 Net – The Network of the CCS Satellite
 HDOP – Horizontal Dilution of Precision

QA/QC Status Indicator

 Sys. Health – Overall recent health of the
system on a scale of 1-5
 F-Test - Recent F-Test health on a scale of
 W-Test - Recent W-Test health on a scale of
 RAIM - Recent RAIM health on a scale of 1-
 Unit Var. - Recent Unit Variance health on a
scale of 1-5

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Main Buttons
 Take Fix – Take a fix of the current
 Logging – Open the Logging Setting
 Screenshot – Take a screenshot of
the C-NaviGator III display.
 Alarms – Open the Alarms screen.
Will be red when there is an active

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1) Apply power to the C-NaviGator III by connecting the power supply to the
back of the C-NaviGator III unit.
2) In a few seconds, the system menu will appear allowing the option to
update the internal program, calibrate the touch-screen or begin normal
operation (default). If no action from the operator is detected, the C-
NaviGator III will automatically launch the program. This will take several
3) The C-NaviGator III automatically recalls the last settings saved and
displays the Satellite Info screen. System operating modes and status
indicators are seen on the right in the Quality Panel. To the right are the
active ports switch, the active port indicator, and the general “Alarm”
Indicators. The Next Device button provides a means to quickly switch
between different input sources for monitoring. The actual port
programming and activation are accessed from the Menu / Settings /
Ports screen as described in Serial Ports (Page 32).
4) Press Prev and Next on the C-NaviGator III display to scan through the
various view screens. Alternatively, press Menu / View to select the
specific view screen.

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Section 3 - Menus

Pull down menus allow operator access to the C-NaviGator III configuration,
display options, parameter settings, support documentation, etc. Menus are
selected by pressing Menu on the display and pressing each subsequent menu

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File Menu

Load Defaults
The user can quickly revert the C-NaviGator III to all factory settings as a starting
point for a new configuration. When File / Load Defaults is selected, the user is
required to configure the system, starting with assigning devices to Serial Ports
(Page 32).

Save / Load Settings

To store the C-NaviGator
III’s current configuration,
select Save C-NaviGator
Settings. These settings
can be recalled with the
Load C-NaviGator Settings

To store a receiver’s
configuration, select the
device in the table and press
Save Device Settings.
These settings can be recalled with the Load Device Settings.

The Save Snapshot button will store a human-readable report of the C-

NaviGator III, including information for each device.

Upload File
This opens the file upload
screen, allowing the user to
quickly upload a file to a

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Uploading an inappropriate file to the device may render the device
inoperable. Use care to only upload files designed for the device.

Reset Unit
Reset Unit causes the C-
NaviGator III to restart the
internal program.

The operator is asked to confirm the Reset Unit command.

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Pressing the Prev and Next buttons from any of these screens will ‘walk’ through
the available View screens. Pressing Next Device will change between available
position devices to display.

Error Ellipse
The error ellipse graphically
represents the sum of the
horizontal error uncertainty in
the system.

Graphics on the Error Ellipse

screen show the error
estimate of the PVT solution
accuracy (in meters) based on
residual analysis.

Pressing the Toggle RAIM/UKOOA Data button will alternate the display
between the standard RAIM error levels and the more UKOOA error levels.

Error Ellipse Settings

Allows the user to set the
range of the graph or set it to
Auto Range. When Auto
Range is set to “Yes”, the
range will grow to
accommodate the size of the
error ellipse. The operator
can also choose to display
distance labels on the graph.

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Scatter Plot
This screen displays a history
of the positions received from
the GNSS receiver. The
reference Latitude and
Longitude shown indicates
the center position of the

New positions are computed

and presented on the scatter
plot with error displacements
shown referenced to the
reference position. The reference position may be set to a “Fixed” position or set
to “Track” the latest GNSS fix. The range is the distance from the center of the
graph to the outer ring.

Scatter Plot Settings

Using the Center drop down
you can set the position for
the center of the graph.
Select “Track Current” to track
the current position. Choose
“Fixed (Manual), to enter the
latitude and longitude.
Choose “Fixed (Here)”, to use
the current position as the
graph center.

Enter the Range for the graph

in the Range field. The display can also be set to automatically adjust the range
of the graph if Auto Range is set to “Yes”. The operator can also choose to
display distance labels on the graph.

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Satellite Info
This screen provides the
operator with information
about the constellation
configuration and the signal
strengths received from each
visible satellite. Relative
locations of the GNSS
satellites to the GNSS
receiver are plotted based on
azimuth and elevation
information provided by the
GNSS receiver. The plot
includes corrections satellite information. Additionally, the receiver’s current
elevation mask is annotated on the plot.

Each visible satellite is represented in the plot by a circle with the satellite ID
number inside. All satellites used to compute the PVT solution are identified with
green circles. Circles turn red if data from the satellite becomes too noisy or

Circles with a blue border represent GPS satellites and those with a yellow
border represent GLONASS satellites.

The graphic center point reference represents a point directly overhead and the
grid lines from the center of the graph inversely indicate satellite elevation. There
is a circle every 15 degrees of elevation and azimuth lines at every 45 degrees.

Position Comparison
The Position Comparison Plot
shows the relative range and
bearing between the active
device and all other devices
connected to the C-NaviGator

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Position Comparison Settings

Allows the user to set the
range of the graph or set it to
auto range. When auto range
is selected, the range will
grow to accommodate the
largest range between the
reference device and any
other device. The operator
can also choose to display
distance labels on the graph.

Quality information for the
previous 30 minutes is
displayed in graphs. The
colors change based on the
quality alert settings.

Graphs Settings
Allows the user to select up to
6 Graphs to display. The user
can choose from any of the
Quality Panel Thresholds
(Page 32).

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QC Graphs
The QC Graphs screen
displays several graphs
showing UKOOA compatible
quality assurance data over
time (1800 seconds / 30
minutes), if the active device
provides that data. The
Graph drop-down menu at
the bottom of the screen
allows selection of which
graph is currently shown.
The Stop Update / Start
Update button allows the continuous update of the graphs to be started or
stopped. If the currently selected graph has extra information to display, the
Graph Info button will bring up a screen with this information.

QC Settings
The QC Settings screen
allows you to configure the
quality thresholds used to
qualify the QA/QC data as
displayed in the QC Graphs
and the QA/QC Status
mode of the Quality Panel.

Pressing the For

CCS,RTK button will
populate the fields with
default values appropriate for the different expected navigation modes.

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Satellite Calculations
The Satellite Calculations
screen displays graphs showing
several characteristics of the
available GPS and GLONASS
satellites over time. The top part
of the screen displays the
parameters used to perform the
calculations as well as a
summary of the available
almanac data.

Satellite Calculations Settings

Allows the user to configure the
parameters used in the
calculations. The Use Current
Position button will use the
latest position from the active
device if position data is
available. The Use Current
Time button will use the latest
time from the active device if
available. The graphs can
display either 1 day's or 1
week's worth of data by setting
the Duration.

Satellite Forecast
The Satellite Forecast page
displays graphs showing
several characteristics of the
available GPS and GLONASS
satellites over a time interval
from two hours in the past to
four hours in the future. The top
part of the screen displays the
parameters used to perform the
forecast as well as a summary
of the available almanac data.

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The forecast parameters are taken from the characteristics of the active device.
The forecast automatically updates every five minutes.

Position fixes are logged into
the C-NaviGator III memory
when the Take Fix button is
pressed. The Edit button
allows the user to name /
describe the fix.

Several alarm conditions are
logged and displayed on this
screen. The Ack button can
be used to turn off the alarm
indicator in the lower right
corner of the display until a
new alarm is raised.

Certain more serious alarms

will continuously cause the
alarm indicator to light up.

See Appendix E - Alarm List (Page 92) for a detailed list of available alarms.

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From this screen, the operator
can preview existing
screenshots. Images can be
copied to USB devices.
Screenshots in the list can be
deleted. To preview a
screenshot, select it in the list
and press Preview. To copy
one to a USB device, select
the screenshot in the list and
choose a USB device, then
press Save.

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General Settings
Two major system settings
are accessed through this
screen. These include:

Set Time Zone Offset

The offset from UTC time is
set here by adjusting the hour
and minute values.

Distance, speed, and latitude
/ longitude units used for the C-NaviGator III displays are selected in this section
of the screen.

Display Settings
Brightness of the C-NaviGator
III LCD backlight and screen
colors is controlled through
settings on this screen. It can
be adjusted for optimum
viewing depending on the time
of day and physical location of
the unit. Night mode settings
are necessary for installations
on the bridge of a vessel
where bright lights interfere
with the helmsman’s view.

Display Mode
This option selects the “Day” or “Night” color palette and backlight levels. The
“Night” palette is much darker than the “Day” palette.

Auto Mode Settings

Programs the display to automatically switch between “Day” and “Night” modes.
Day Start Time and Night Start Time can be configured in 15 minute increments.

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Quality Panel Thresholds

The pane on the right side of
the screen displays various
GNSS quality figure s that are
color coded based on user-
configurable limits. Red
indicates that the data or
status of the parameter is out
of the acceptable range
selected by the user.
Similarly, yellow indicates that
the value being displayed is in
the range that is borderline or
requires attention. A green indicator signifies that the value or status of the
parameter is within the acceptable limits.

The Menu / Settings / Quality Panel Thresholds screen allows you to configure
when the quality indicators change colors. “Single Frequency” and “Auto 2D”
positioning may or may not indicate a problem, depending on the situation. So,
you can select any of the colors for these states. For the rest of the alerts, you
have two columns of settings. In the Warn (Yellow) if not column, you select at
what point the indicator turns from green to yellow. In the Alert (Red) if not
column, you select at what point the indicator turns from yellow to red.

Serial Ports
This screen allows the
operator to assign input /
output devices to the desired
ports. Each port is activated
by selecting a device in the
Device column and pressing
the Settings button. Also
adjustable are the serial data
transfer settings, including
Baud Rate (speed), number of
Data Bits, Parity and the
number of Stop Bits. Always
press OK after all changes are made.

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For C-Nav2000 and C-Nav2050, factory default communication settings are
19200 / 8 / None / 1
For C-Nav1010 and C-Nav3050, factory default communication settings are
57600 / 8 / None / 1

All of the C-NaviGator III active are listed below Menu / Settings / Serial Ports.
In the example above, Port 3 is set to “C-Nav3050”. Additional device status,
settings and control information are available for each port when selected.

Network Virtual Ports

This screen shows the
network virtual port summary
and allows the operator to
configure network
connections. Press the New
button to create a new
network device connection.
Use the Settings to show
details of an existing network
device connection. To copy
an existing configuration,
press the Copy button.
Pressing Delete will remove a network device connection.

This screen allows the
operator to configure logging
of the data from an input
device to a USB mass storage
device. Each port can be
configured to log input data.
Select the “Raw” port from the
list, and press the Settings
button. On the logging
settings dialog select the
frequency to create new files,
and the USB device to place

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the files. Once configured, you can use the Start and Stop buttons to control
data logging.

C-Nav receivers are also

capable of logging a to a
human-readable CSV format.
Select the “CSV” port from the
list and press the Settings
button. Aside from the normal
logging settings, which fields
are logged can be configured
from this screen. Once
configured, you can use the
Start and Stop buttons to
control logging.

System Network Settings

This screen allows the
operator to networking
configuration for the unit.
Choose the Config Type
“DHCP”, “Static” or
“Disabled”. Provide settings
from your network
administrator, and press the
Apply button.

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VNC Interface
This screen allows the
operator to configure the VNC
server. Once configured, VNC
clients can connect and
control the C-NaviGator III.

System networking must be

configured in order for VNC to

CCS OTI Configuration

This page
allows for the
configuration of
the information
necessary for
receivers (currently only the C-Nav3050) to receive CCS corrections over the

Press the Load Configuration button to upload a new CCS OTI configuration
file from a USB mass storage device.

To learn more about configuring the C-Nav3050 to use CCS OTI, please see the
C-Nav3050 CCS OTI Manual.

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Under Menu / Help, the
operator can also find the
latest information relating to
other menu items. The
information here is similar to
that presented in this manual.

This Page
As an operator aid, Menu / Help / This Page contains information about the
screen currently displayed. It provides a quick reference should there be a
question that requires a quick answer.

Support contact information
from C & C Technologies can
be found by selecting Menu /
Help / About menu. There
you will find the current
version number, contact
information, etc. to assist the
operator should problems

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Section 4 - Devices
This section describes the available device drivers and their use.


Receiver Information
General information about the
C-Nav3050 GNSS receiver
(such as firmware / hardware
versions, serial numbers, etc.)
is displayed on this screen.
Message indicators (green /
grey circles) indicate when
data messages are received.

The Query button can be

used to request updated
information from the receiver.

Solution Control
Control settings relevant to
computing the position are
displayed on this screen. The
user can configure the use of

To learn more about

configuring the C-Nav3050 to
use CCS OTI, please read
the C-Nav3050 CCS OTI
manual available on our

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Corrections Authorization
Current license information is
displayed here and
authorization codes can also
be entered here.

Software Options
The options available to the
user are encoded into and
activated by the Options Code.
This determines which settings
and features are enabled in the

Corrections Receiver
This screen contains status
indicators relative to GNSS
corrections received.

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Corrections Receiver Settings

This screen contains settings
related to the usage of CCS
corrections including: Network
Priority, Correction Mode,
CCS Almanac, and the
Current CCS satellite

Output Control
Output data strings from the
C-Nav3050 can be chosen by
the settings in this screen.
Some messages can be
output on change, thus output
at the navigation rate. Other
strings can be set to output
every “Fixed” number of
seconds. Settings that affect
the type of NMEA messages
output are also set from this

Auxiliary Port Configuration

COM1 and COM2 on the C-
Nav3050 receiver can be
configured here. Serial data
transfer parameters (Baud
Rate and Parity) should be set
to match that of the C-
NaviGator III port.

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1PPS Configuration
The user can modify settings
for the 1PPS output from this

RTK Configuration
Use this screen to adjust your
RTK settings and MBRTK

Differential Configuration
The RTCM (Radio Technical
Commission for Maritime
Services) standard SC-104
correction type and rates for
the C-Nav3050 are
implemented here.

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Navigation Modes
This screen allows the user to
configure the navigation
modes for the C-Nav3050.
The vertical navigation mode,
which signals to use for
measurements and the
dynamic mode of the receiver,
can be set here.

L1 measurement usage is critical to the operation of the receiver. It is not
recommended that users turn off L1 measurement usage. If L1 is disabled,
the receiver’s behavior is undefined. Other measurement types will be

Antenna Information
Use this screen to adjust the
Phase Center Height, Slant
Range, and Radius of your
antenna. The user can also
define reference information
for the antenna.

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Settings Profile
Settings can be saved in the
C-Nav3050. Use this screen
to save and activate settings
profiles within the receiver.

Hardware Settings
This screen allows the user to
configure the USB mode,
control logging to the internal
memory and USB devices
when in “Host” USB Mode.

Ethernet Settings
This screen allows users to
configure the network settings
for the receiver’s built-in
Ethernet interface. The user
can also configure the virtual
ports to use for output or

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NTRIP Settings
This screen allows users to
configure the settings for
NTRIP input to the receiver.

Bluetooth Settings
This screen allows you to
configure the Bluetooth
settings for the C-Nav3050.

Firmware Update
The C-Nav3050 receiver’s
firmware can be installed from
this screen. Ensure that the
USB memory device is
installed. Press the Select
Package button to search the
USB memory stick for
available firmware. You can
toggle which components are
updated by selecting the
component and pressing the

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Toggle Component button. Press Start Update to upload the new code into C-
Nav3050 memory. Information regarding the new version is displayed in the
information window.

Do not unplug the USB device while the memory is uploading.

Use this screen to restart your

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Receiver Information
General information about the
C-Nav2050 GPS receiver
(such as firmware / hardware
versions, serial numbers, etc.)
is displayed on this screen.
Message indicators (green /
white circles) indicate when
data messages are received.

The Query button can be

used to request updated
information from the receiver.

Solution Control
Various status indicators and
control settings relevant to the
corrections applied in the
position solution are displayed
on this screen. This
information verifies system
performance with respect to
limits set by the operator.

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SBAS Configuration
This screen allows the user to
configure which SBAS
satellites to use.

Corrections Authorization
Current license information is
displayed here and
authorization codes can also
be entered here.

Software Options
The options available to the
user are encoded into and
activated by the Options
Code. This determines which
settings and features are
enabled in the system.

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Corrections Receiver
This screen contains status
indicators relative to GNSS
corrections received. Also,
the user can manually set the
C-Nav Corrections Frequency

Corrections Receiver Settings

This screen allows the user to
choose which CCS satellite to
use, or to allow the receiver to
automatically select which
CCS satellite to use.

NMEA Output Control

Output data strings from the
C-Nav2050 can be chosen by
the settings in this screen.
Some messages can be
output “On Change”, and will
be delivered when new data is
available; typically this is at
the Navigation Rate of the
receiver. The Navigation Rate
can be set on the Solution
Control screen. Other strings

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can be set to output every ‘’Fixed” number of seconds.

Port Configuration
COM1 and COM2 on the C-
Nav2050 receiver can be
configured here. Serial data
transfer parameters (Baud
Rate and Parity) should be set
to match that of the C-
NaviGator III port.
Input/output protocols for the
auxiliary port can also be
accessed here.

1PPS Configuration
Settings for the 1PPS output
can be modified from this

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RTK Settings
Use this screen to adjust the
RTK settings of the C-

RTCM Output Control

The RTCM (Radio Technical
Commission for Maritime
Services) standard SC-104
correction type and rates for
the C-Nav2050 are
implemented here.

MultiMediaCard (MMC) Administration

Control of the internal MMC
Logging is handled here.
Data can be logged to the
internal MMC of the C-

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MMC Files
Control of files on the MMC
Internal memory is handled
here. Including transferring a
file to a USB device

Firmware Update
The C-Nav2050 receiver’s
firmware can be installed from
this screen. Ensure that the
USB memory device is
installed. Press the Select
Package button to search the
USB memory stick for
available firmware. Press
Update Firmware to upload
the new code into C-Nav2050
memory. Information
regarding the new version is
displayed in the information window.

Do not unplug the USB device while the memory is uploading.

Use this screen to restart your

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Receiver Information
Specific information regarding
the GNSS receiver (including
firmware / hardware version,
etc.) is displayed on this
screen. Message indicators
(green / grey circles) indicate
the Message status. Green
circles indicate messages are
being received by C-
NaviGator III.

The Query button can be

used to request updated information from the receiver.

Solution Control
General operating parameters
and position solution control
for the C-Nav2000 are
accessed here. These
settings define the acceptable
operating limits, correction
signal settings, vertical/3D
control, correction devices and
signals, etc.

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Corrections Authorization
The operator can access
information and enter the
authorization code into the C-
Nav2000 receiver. As part of
standard procedure, operators
should periodically check the
expiration date to avoid gaps
in service.

Corrections Receiver
This screen contains mainly
status indicators relative to the
GNSS corrections received by
the system. Also, the user can
manually set the C-Nav
Corrections Frequency here.

Output Control
NMEA and RTCM output are
controlled from this screen.

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Firmware Update
The C-Nav2000 receiver’s
firmware can be installed from
this screen. Ensure that the
USB memory device is
installed. Press the Select
Package button to search the
USB memory stick for available
firmware. Press Update
Firmware to upload the new
code into C-Nav2000 memory.
Information regarding the new
version is displayed in the
information window.

Updates of a C-Nav2000 typically require 25-30 minutes. This process should
not be interrupted as it may leave the receiver in an inoperable state if not
completed successfully.

Do not unplug the USB device while the memory is uploading.

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Receiver Information
General information about the
C-Nav1010 GNSS receiver
(such as firmware / hardware
versions, serial numbers, etc.)
is displayed on this screen.
Message indicators (green /
grey circles) indicate when
data messages are received.

The Query button can be

used to request updated
information from the receiver.

Solution Control
Various status indicators and
control settings relevant to the
corrections applied in the
position solution are displayed
on this screen. This
information verifies system
performance with respect to
limits set by the operator.

Corrections Authorization
Current license information is
displayed here and
authorization codes can also
be entered here.

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Software Options
The options available to the
user are encoded into and
activated by the Options
Code. This determines which
settings and features are
enabled in the system.

Corrections Receiver
This screen contains status
indicators relative to GNSS
corrections received.

Corrections Receiver Settings

This screen allows the user to
choose which CCS Satellite to
use, or to allow the receiver to
automatically select which
CCS Satellite to use.

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Output Control
Output data strings from the
C-Nav1010 can be chosen by
the setting s in this screen.
Some messages can be
output “On Change”, thus
output at the Navigation Rate.
The Navigation Rate can be
set on the Solution Control
screen. Other strings can be
set to output every “Fixed”
number of seconds.

Port Configuration
COM1 and COM2 on the C-
Nav1010 receiver can be
configured here. Serial data
transfer parameters (Baud
Rate and Parity) should be set
to match that of the C-
NaviGator III port.

Firmware Update
The C-Nav1010 receiver’s
firmware can be installed from
this screen. Ensure that the
USB memory device is
installed. Press the Select
Package button to search the
USB memory stick for
available firmware. Press
Update Firmware to upload
the new code into C-Nav1010
memory. Information

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regarding the new version is displayed in the information window.

Do not unplug the USB device while the memory is uploading.

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NMEA Input

Sentence string status
indicators identify which
information the GNSS receiver

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Output Settings
All output control and data
transfer functions are
accessible from this screen.
These include Port
information, NMEA string
selections, output filter
settings, etc.

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Section 5 - Maintenance

No Position Information
Position Information on the top of the screen is blank.
1) Check cable interconnections.
2) Go to – Menu / Settings / Serial Ports and verify that the settings
correspond to the correct input connection.

No Serial Input / Output

The most common cause of data transfer problems is an incorrect setting in the
port configuration.
1) Check that the serial port settings are correct and that they match the
input / output device. Select Menu / Settings / Serial Ports / xxxx.
2) For C-Nav2000 and C-Nav2050, the data transfer settings should be
19200 / 8 / None / 1.
3) For C-Nav1010 and C-Nav3050, the data transfer settings should be
57600 / 8 / None / 1.

Updating Software
New software versions for the C-NaviGator III will be posted on the C-Nav
website at www.cnav.com. The software can be downloaded and saved to the
supplied USB Thumb Drive for use with C-NaviGator III.

To verify that the latest software is installed, check the About screen from the
Help menu.

Follow these procedures:

1) Plug the USB memory device that contains the new software into one of
the USB ports on the C-NaviGator III underside panel.
2) Reset the C-NaviGator III unit.
3) When the system menu screen appears, press the Update button.
4) Follow the on screen instructions.

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Section 6 - General
Introduction to Hardware

The C-NaviGator III offers the ultimate in performance, convenience, state of the
art design, and enduring quality for our customers. The C-NaviGator III offers a
range of feature sets optimized for varying requirements and applications.

The C-NaviGator III is a flexible all-in-one monitor

& PC solution, designed and type approved for
the professional marine segment, where reliability
and long life time are key prerequisites for the
industry. The product range combines state of
the art display and computer technology with
innovative features and options, making it all that
the integrator needs for top class type approved
marine systems.

The C-NaviGator III is delivered with a factory-

mounted Projected Capacitive Touch Screen
(Multi-touch, USB interface) and features HATTELAND® Glass Display
Control™, LED backlight technology, and full dimming.

A computer and display, all in one...

 Multi-touch
 Type Approved
 IP22 rear / IP66 front
 Superior Bonding Technology
 Module based, tailor-made
systems made easy
(GDC), Solid State Menu

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Supplied Equipment

The C-NaviGator III CDU Bundle (P/N 0CNG003-0) consists of the following
 C-NaviGator III Display Unit with External USB cable (P/N HATC-
 C-NaviGator III Power Supply Unit (PSU) with US, UK and EU line
cords (P/N HATHT00255-OPT-A1
 USB Thumb Drive (P/N 7CNG002-0)

Optional Equipment

The C-Navigator III also consists of the following items used for mounting or for
transporting the C-NaviGator III:

 C-NaviGator III Rugged Case (P/N 3GTR005-0)

 C-NaviGator III 19” Rack Mounting Plate (P/N HATJH 13TAP STD-
 Flat Screen Table Stand (P/N CHIFSB018BLK)

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Section 7 - Installation
To prevent damage to chassis corners and / or breaking the front glass, please
review the illustrations below before handling the units!

Installation and Mounting

1) Most of our products are intended for various methods of installation or

mounting (panel mounting, bracket mounting, ceiling/wall, console
mounting etc.); for details, please see the relevant mechanical drawings.
2) Adequate ventilation is a necessary prerequisite for the life of the product.
The air inlet and outlet openings must definitely be kept clear; coverings
which restrict ventilation are not permissible.
3) Generally, do not install the unit in a horizontal position (lying down), as
this will cause heat to build up inside the unit which will damage the LCD
Panel. To prevent this problem we recommend installing the unit in a
vertical position (±30 degrees) to improve the airflow through the unit.
4) To further improve the cooling of the unit we recommend installing Cooling
Fans underneath blowing upwards into the unit air inlet. This may be

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required in high temperature applications and also when there is reason to

expect temperature problems due to a non-optimal way of mounting.
5) Exposure to extreme direct sunlight can cause a considerable increase in
the temperature of the unit and might under certain circumstances lead to
over-heating. This point should already be taken into consideration when
the bridge equipment is being planned (sun shades, distance from the
windows, ventilation, etc.)
6) Space necessary for ventilation, for cable inlets, for the operating
procedures and for maintenance, must be provided.
7) If the push buttons of the product are not illuminated, an external,
dimmable illumination (IEC 60945 Ed. 4,, e.g. Goose neck light) is
required for navigational use. The illumination shall be dazzle-free and
adjustable to extinction.
8) Information about necessary pull-relievers for cables is indicated in the
Physical Connection section of this manual. Attention must be paid to this
information so that cable breaks will not occur, e.g. during service work.
9) Do not paint the product. The surface treatment influences on the excess
heat transfer. Painting, labels, or other surface treatments that differ from
the factory default might cause overheating.
10) Expose to heavy vibration and acoustic noise might under certain
circumstances affect functionality and expected lifetime. This must be
considered during system assembly and installation. Mounting position
must carefully be selected to avoid any exposure of amplified vibration.

General Mounting Instructions

1) The useful life of the C-NaviGator III generally decreases with increasing
ambient temperature; it is therefore advisable to install such units in air-
conditioned rooms. If there are no such facilities these rooms must at
least be dry, adequately ventilated, and kept at a suitable temperature in
order to prevent the formation of condensation inside the display unit.
2) Cooling of the C-NaviGator III takes place via the surface of the casing.
The cooling must not be impaired by partial covering of the unit or by
installation of the unit in a confined cabinet.
3) In the area of the wheel house, the distance of the C-NaviGator III from
the magnetic standard compass or the magnetic steering compass must
not be less than the permitted magnetic protection distance. This distance
is measured from the center of the magnetic system of the compass to the
nearest point on the C-NaviGator III. The compass safe distance of the C-
NaviGator III is at least 80cm (31.5”) from a standard compass; at least
45cm (18”) from a steering compass.

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4) When selecting the site of a display unit, the maximum cable lengths have
to be considered.
5) When a product is being installed, the surface base or bulkhead must be
checked to ensure that it is flat in order to avoid twisting of the unit when
the fixing screws are tightened, because such twisting would impair
mechanical functions. Any unevenness should be compensated for by
means of spacing-washers.
6) The grounding screws of the units must be connected to the body of the
ship (ground); the wire used should have a cross sectional area of at least
6 mm2 (10AWG).
7) Transportation damage, even if apparently insignificant at first glance,
must immediately be examined and be reported to the freight carrier. The
moment of setting-to-work of the equipment is too late, not only for
reporting the damage but also for the supply of replacements.
8) The classification is only valid for approved mounting brackets provided by
C & C Technologies. The unit shall be mounted stand-alone without any
devices or loose parts placed at or nearby the unit. Any other type of
mounting might require test and re-classification.


1) Adjust the unit height so that the top of the screen is at or below eye level.
Your eyes should look slightly downwards when viewing the middle of the
2) Adjust screen inclination to remain gaze angle to the center of the screen
approximately perpendicular to the line of gaze.
3) When products are to be operated both from a sitting position and from a
standing position, a screen inclination of about 30° to 40° (from a vertical
plane) has turned out to be favorable.
4) The brightness of displays is limited. Sunlight passing directly through the
bridge windows - or its reflection - which falls upon the screen workplaces
must be reduced by suitable means (negatively inclined window surfaces,
venetian blinds, distance from the windows, dark coloring of the
deckhead). However, units can be offered with optical enhanced
technology to reduce reflections and are viewable in direct sun light; but
as a general rule it is recommended to install or mount the units at the
bridge wing area by suitable alignment or bulkhead / deckhead mounting
in such a way that reflections of light from the front pane of the display are
not directed into the observer’s viewing direction.
5) The use of ordinary commercial filter plates or filter films is not permitted
for items of equipment that require approval (by optical effects, “aids” of
that kind can suppress small radar targets, for example).

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Use only high quality shielded signal cables.

Cable Entries & Connectors (Marked area) - Illustration only

Maximum Cable Length

Any cable should generally be kept as short as possible to provide a high quality
input / output. The maximum signal cable length will depend on the signal
resolution and frequency.

Configuring Housing Connectors

Housing connectors are available in different sizes (2-pin, 4-pin or 5-pin) which
plugs into the connector area of the unit. These housing connectors are by
factory default mounted on the unit. Below is a brief illustration that might be
useful during configuration and installation of such connectors. You will need
suitable pre-configured cable(s) and tools to configure the connector(s) and
cable(s) that are present in your installation environment. Below is a sample for a
2-pin DC power connector. The procedure is the same for other connectors of
this type.

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FIG 1: Unscrew (from top) or make sure that the screw terminals (square area)
are fully open, so you can secure the inserted cables correctly to the loose
housing connector (it may already be plugged into the unit as per factory

FIG 2: Insert cables* (from front) and screw / secure the cables by turning the
screw on top of the housing to secure the cables properly. Check that the cables
are firmly in place and do not appear loose or fall out when pulling gently.

Required polarization verification (for instance -/+ for DC power input) should
conform to the markings on the connector area of the unit. Ignoring the
markings on the unit or its add-on modules might damage the unit and / or
external equipment in which end, warranty will be void.

FIG 3: Plug the housing into the appropriate connector area of the unit and check
again that the cables secured conform to the markings on the connector area of
the unit. Finalize the installation by fastening the screws located in front on each
side of the housing connector (FIG 4).

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Section 8 – Physical Connections

C-NaviGator III Connections

(RS-232) (RS-232) (RJ-45) OUT USB A


(RS-232) (RS-232) DIGITAL
(RS-422/485) GROUNDING

COM Module RS-232 (COM3-COM6)

The COM modules provide the system with quad

independent COM channels. The module is attached to
the motherboard via standard USB interface. Application
software accesses the COM channels as standard COM
devices, i.e. in the normal case if there are no requirements for additional
software development. This module will mainly be integrated, electrical and
mechanical, in the C-NaviGator III.

Network / LAN Input / Output (NET A / NET B)

Supports 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet (LAN). Suitable for

twisted pair cables CAT.5E. Make sure the network cable
connector “clicks” into the RJ-45 connector. Only one RJ-45
port is available; the other RJ-45 port is for C-Nav use only
and is blocked off.

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Digital Input / Output (X1 DIG OUT / X1 DIG IN)

A majority of your inputs / outputs for your applications will be

through the COM, USB, and LAN ports. However, a
mechanical and digitally driven “Solid State Relay”
(NO/NC/COM/24VDC) (over current protection) connector
block, which allows the user via software to control external
equipment that requires or are compatible with the
specifications, is attached to the C-NaviGator III Display Unit. Connect and
fasten your cables from your compatible external equipment to the SCD 90F
connector block.

Digital Output / Serial I/O (X1 DIG OUT / X7 SER I/O)

It is a two-function connector. First, a COM port (isolated RS-

422/485) functionality to communicate with serial based
equipment is available on the “X7 SER I/O” this connector.
This is known as COM1. Please note that there is no COM2.

Furthermore, if required, a mechanical and digitally driven

relay “X1 DIG OUT, Mechanical Relay” (NO/NC/COM) which allows the user via
software to control external equipment that require or are compatible with the
specifications. If relay is off, PIN1 and PIN5 are connected. When relay is on,
PIN1 and PIN3 are connected.

Connect and fasten your cables from your compatible external equipment to the
SC 90F connector block.

USB Input / Output

This supports any USB1.1 (12Mbps) and USB2.0 (480Mbps)

compliant peripherals. Drivers for most USB devices are usually
included in operating system or on separate installation DVD’s
delivered with Third Party products. USB 1.1 devices will operate in USB 1.1
mode (12 Mbps). USB1.1 is suitable for cable distances above 10 meter / 32.8
feet, whereas USB2.0 is suitable from less than 10 meter / 32.8 feet distances. 2
ports are available. As an option, the user can connect the external USB cable
(provided with the bundle) to one of the two USB ports.

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Power Inputs

Connect your DC power cables to the SL-SMT 90F

connector block. The internal DC power module supports
24VDC. The unit offers both primary (Pri) and secondary
(Sec) power inputs for secure operation of the unit as well
as galvanic isolation and automatic switching between power sources. An
external AC- DC Power Supply Unit (PSU) is provided with the C-NaviGator III

Grounding Screw

DC models are required / recommended to be properly grounded via

the screw located on both the Display Unit and the Power Supply Unit.

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Section 9 - Operation
User Controls Overview

The C-NaviGator III units are designed by using HATTELAND® Glass Display
Control™ (GDC) touch technology to allow interactivity, adjusting brilliance
(brightness), and control power on / off with the use of illuminated symbols. Note
that these symbols are only visible (backlight illuminated) when suitable power is
connected. There are no physical moving knobs, potentiometers, wheels, or
push buttons available as everything is touch surface controlled, which allows a
human finger (including several types of gloves) to control the unit.

Power Backlight Power Backlight

Indicator Decrease On/Off Increase

Power On / Off

Touching this symbol will either turn the C-NaviGator III Display Unit On
or Off. The Power Indicator LED is lit when power is supplied.

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Brightness Adjustment
Brilliance / brightness adjustment of the displayed image is adjusted
by touching the (-) or (+) illuminated symbols. Both symbols are
visible as long as the unit is powered.

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Section 10 - Specifications
TFT Technology

 13.3 inch TFT Liquid Crystal Display module

 Widescreen, Aspect Ratio 16:10
 a-si TFT Active Matrix
 CCFL Backlight

TFT Characteristics

Native Resolution 1280 x 800 (WXGA)

Pixel Pitch (RGB) 0.2235 (H) x 0.2235 (V) mm
Response Time 6/10ms (typical) (Tr/Tf)
Contrast Ratio 800:1 (typical)
Light Intensity 400 cd/m2 (typical)
Viewable Angle 70 deg (H) 60 deg (V) (typical)
Active Display Area 286.08 (H) x 178.8 (V) mm
Max Colors 262000

Computer Specifications

Installed OS Linux Based OS

CPU/Processor 1 x Intel® Atom™ N450, 1.66GHz, 512KB L2 Cache
Installed Storage 1 x 8GB 2.5” SATA SSD
Installed Memory 1 x 1GB 200-pin DDR2 667MHz
System Chipset Intel® NM10 / ICH8M
Graphics Chipset Intel® GMA 3150
Speaker None
Buzzer Yes (according to EN60945)

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Power Manager ACPI

HW Status Monitor Temperatures, voltages, & cooling fan status
Resolution Range From 640 x 480 to 1280 x 800
Sync. Range Horizontal: 24 kHz to 81 kHz, Vertical: 50 Hz to 75 Hz*

Power Specifications

Power Supply
2 x 24VDC Model HD 13T21 MMC-Exx-xxxx

Dual input, galvanic isolated, automatic switch between power sources

Power Consumption
Operating 20W (typ) - 30W (max)

Physical Dimensions

 355.00 (W) x 248.50 (H) x 58.00 (D) mm

 13.98” (W) x 9.78” (H) x 2.28” (D)
 4 x M4 VESA mounting 75x75mm, Max 8mm deep
 Built-in Console mounting 4 x M5x15mm screws
 Weight: 4.4kg / 9.7lbs

User Controls

Behind Front Bezel - Glass Display Control™ (GDC) IP66

 Power On / Off, Brightness Control (- / +), Light Sensor (not visible)
 Programmable Alarm LED, Buzzer (not visible)

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Environmental Considerations

Operating Temperature -15 deg. C to +55 deg. C, Humidity up to 95%

Storage Temperature -20 deg. C to +60 deg. C, Humidity up to 95%
IP-Rating Protection: IP66 front - IP22 rear (EN60529)

Safety Considerations:
Even although the test conditions for bridge units provide for a maximum
operating temperature of 55°C, continuous operation of all electronic
components should, if possible, take place at ambient temperatures of
only25°C. This is a necessary prerequisite for long life and low service costs.

Input / Output Connectors

Connector Rear
Primary Power 24VDC 1 x SL-SMT 90F (1 x 2 pole)
Secondary Power 24VDC 1 x SL-SMT 90F (1 x 2 pole)
LAN 1 x RJ45 (For customer)
LAN 1 x RJ45 (For C-Nav Service)
USB2.0 (<10m) 2 x Type A
Solid State Relay (NO) (over current protection) 2 x SCD 90F (2 x 2 pole)
(IEC 60950 Compliant,
Mechanical Relay (NO/NC) 1 x SC 90F connector
(1x3 pole)
COM RS-422/485 (isolated, NMEA Compliant) 1 x SC 90F connector
(1 x 5 pole)
COM RS-232 (non-isolated module) 4 x 9P D-SUB Connectors

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Section 11 - Specifications of
USB Cable

USB Cable (Type A plug to Chassis mount Type A receptacle) suitable for
installations that feature a secure fastening connection from external equipment
with standard Type A ports to the C-NaviGator III standard USB Type A ports.
The USB Thumb Drive, provided with the bundle, can be connected to the front
panel side for saving snapshots and other data. It is in RoHS Compliance.

Waterproof Rate IP67
Recommended Panel Thickness 0.8 to 6.0 mm
Recommended Torque 6~7 Kgf-cm
Mating Cap P/N GT1C533122
Over Mold Black color PVC
USB Type A Plug Thermal plastic, black color housing
Cable Copper Alloy contacts with Silver plated finish
Cold Roll Steel shell with Nickel plated finish
1m, UL2725 1P x 28AWG + 2C x
24AWG+Al/My+D+B, 5.0mm thickness, black
Shrink Tube L=10mm, Black color
Receptacle Connector USB-A Plastic C3 Panel Jack screw with pig
Type Approval / Testing Not tested, IEC60945 and IACS E10 pending

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External AC-DC Power Supply

The External AC-DC Power Supply allows AC input voltages of 115VAC to

230VAC, 50-60Hz. US, UK, and EU style line cords are provided with the C-
NaviGator III bundle.

AC Input Connection

There is a 24VDC output on the other side of this power supply. The 24VDC
output is then connected to the Primary (Pri) input on the C-NaviGator III. A DC
power cable is provided.

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DC Output Connection

RS-232 COM Module

 4 independent channels (If a card is replaced most operating systems will
not change COM port number)
 Outputs are short circuit protected

Internal USB to 4 channel x RS-232 non isolated

Features All channels have support

for all RS-232 DB-9 signals
Connector Standard RS-232 DB-9
male housing and pinning
Data Rate 230kbps
ESD Rating (IEC 1000-4-2 Air) (RS-232 I/Os) ±15 kV
ESD Rating (IEC 1000-4-2 Contact) (RS-232 I/Os) ±8 kV

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Appendix A - Mechanical Drawings

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Appendix B - Pin Assignments

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Appendix C - Glossary
1PPS (1 Pulse Per Second) A precision electronic pulse output (at
TTL levels) from the GNSS receiver that marks exact second
intervals (1 s). It is used for precise timing and to
synchronize sensors and acquisition computers.

Azimuth The horizontal angle of the observer's bearing in surveying,

measured clockwise from a referent direction, as from the
north, or from a referent celestial body, usually Polaris.

Bad Packets The percentage of bad C-Nav correction packets received

since the unit was turned on.

Bit Error Rate Number of received bits of a data stream over a

communication channel that have been altered due to noise,
interference, distortion or bit synchronization errors. The Bit
Error Rate is considered good if less than 20. The maximum
reported value is 500.

C-Monitor A utility program used to monitor the quality of the position

information received from a GNSS receiver. No position
calculations are done in C-Monitor. C-Monitor simply creates
a visual representation of the data received from a GNSS

C-Nav1010 The C-Nav GNSS receiver combines a dual-frequency,

geodetic grade, GNSS receiver with an integrated LBAND
communication RF detector and decoder -- all linked by an
internal microprocessor. The entire assembly is combined
into a single integrated package that is durable, lightweight
and water/weatherproof.

C-Nav2000 The C-Nav2000 GNSS navigational

receiver is a 10-channel dual frequency
unit with two additional channels for
receiving Satellite Based Augmentation
System (SBAS) signals and an L-Band
demodulator for reception of the C-Nav

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correction service. For more information, go to


C-Nav2050 The C-Nav2050 survey GNSS

receiver has expanded
capabilities including RTK, 1PPS
output, etc. As with the model C-
Nav2000, the C-Nav2050 is a 10-
channel, dual frequency,
precision GNSS receiver, with
two additional channels for receiving SBAS signals and an L-
Band demodulator for reception of C-Nav subscription
signals. Maximum data output rate is 50Hz and Position
Velocity Time (PVT) data can output at 25Hz. Two 115kbps
serial ports are available. For more information, go to

C-Nav3050 The C-Nav3050survey GNSS receiver has expanded

capabilities including RTK, 1PPS output, etc. As with other
C-Nav receivers, the C-Nav3050 includes dual frequency,
precision GNSS receiver, with two additional channels for
receiving SBAS signals and an L-Band demodulator for
reception of C-Nav subscription signals. For more
information, go to www.cnav.com.

Correction Signal The Correction Signal-to-Noise ratio. This graph is only

available with the C-Nav system.

Correction Type The type or source of differential corrections being applied to

the GNSS receiver.

Course True The course computed by the GNSS receiver.

Differential Age The time in seconds since the GNSS unit received the last
differential correction update.

Differential GPS A technique for improving GPS solution accuracy by

reducing the error based on signals received at a known
location. Single point code positioning with pseudorange
corrections are applied from simultaneous observations at
the known position. One to ten meter accuracy is typical.

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DOP Dilution of Precision is a scale factor representing the effect

of satellite constellation geometry positioning accuracy.
Standard terms for GNSS applications are:

GDOP Geometric Dilution of Precision -- three

coordinates plus clock offset
PDOP Position Dilution of Precision) -- three
coordinates (See PDOP definition below)
HDOP Horizontal Dilution of Precision -- two
VDOP Vertical Dilution of Precision -- height only
TDOP Time Dilution of Precision) -- clock offset only

Elevation Height of the GNSS antenna above the reference ellipsoid.

Error Ellipse A statistical measure of the positional error at a given point

computed from the propagation of all errors affecting the
position solution and expressed by its semi-major and semi-
minor axis (vectors of greatest and least magnitude) and the
covariance (rotation angle in the reference coordinate
system). Two-dimensional errors are typically propagated at
one-standard deviation (39.4% probability that the position
lies on or within the ellipse) or 2.1447 times the standard
deviation (95% confidence) level.

FOM Figure of Merit

GNSS Receiver A GNSS receiver consists of a number of basic components:

an antenna with optional preamplifier, a radio-frequency and
intermediate- frequency (RF/IF) "front end" section, a signal
tracker / correlator section, and a micro- processor to control
the receiver, process the signals, and compute the receiver's
coordinates. The receiver will also include a power supply
and memory devices to store instructions and data.

HAE Height Above Ellipsoid – RTK vertical reference plane.

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L1-L2 Sig. Strength GNSS satellites transmit spread spectrum signals in two
frequency bands, L1 and L2 (1575.42 and 1223.6 MHz,
respectively). The satellite signals carry both time
information and a data strings, referred to as the GNSS
navigation message. This message is transmitted at a rate
of 50 bits per second. Using the data from 4 or more
satellites, a GNSS receiver can accurately determine local
latitude, longitude and height. Civilian applications are
confined to the L1 band for computing position. The C & C
Technologies and military receivers employ both L1 and L2
bands, offering a significant improvement in accuracy.

NMEA 0183 This guideline for Interfacing marine electronics devices is a

voluntary industry standard, first released in March of 1983.
NMEA 0183 defines electrical signal requirements, data
transmission protocol, timing, and specific sentence formats
for up to 38.4K-baud serial data bus.

PDOP Position Dilution of Precision is the most common

mathematical expression of the quality of solutions. It is
based on the geometry of the satellites with the best case
being a value of 1. Higher numbers indicate worse quality.
The best DOP would occur with one satellite directly
overhead and three others evenly spaced about the horizon.
PDOP has a multiplicative effect on range error. For
example, a range error of 32 meters with a PDOP of 1 would
give a user an assumed best accuracy of 32 meters. A
PDOP of 2 would result in an assumed accuracy of 64
meters. C-NaviGator III can be programmed to stop
providing position solutions above a specific PDOP level (6
is common).

Position Includes Current Latitude, Longitude, Geoidal Height,

HDOP, PDOP, Type of corrections, Current Station ID,
Differential Age, Velocity, UTC Time and UTC Date if

PPS Precise Positioning Service – a positioning service that

includes velocity and timing information. PPS is
continuously available, worldwide to authorized users. PPS

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information is usually (but not always) encrypted to prevent

use by unauthorized users.

Pseudorange A measure of the apparent propagation time from the

satellite to the receiver antenna, expressed as a distance.
The apparent propagation time is determined from the time
shift required to align a replica of the GNSS code generated
in the receiver with the received GNSS code. The time shift
is the difference between the time of signal reception
(measured in the receiver time frame) and the time of
emission (measured in the satellite time frame).
Pseudorange is obtained by multiplying the apparent signal-
propagation time by the speed of light. Pseudorange differs
from the actual range by the amount that the satellite and
receiver clocks are offset, by propagation delays, and other
errors including those introduced by selective availability.

PVT Position Velocity Time

RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services) – A

Commission set up to define a differential data link to relay
GNSS correction messages from a monitor station to a field
user. The RTCM SC-104 recommendation is the defacto
standard for differential GNSS correction transmission. It
defines the correction message format and 16 different
correction message types.

RTG Real Time Gypsy -- Developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion

Laboratory (JPL) to provide centimeter-level accuracy for
space applications. A single RTG subscription service,
combined with C-Nav hardware, can provide you with
worldwide positioning capability on the order of 0.1 meter.

RTK Real Time Kinematic (or Kinematic Surveying) involves a

roving receiver that does not need to stop to collect precision
information. Meter / centimeter level accuracy is available
using modern dual-frequency carrier-phase measurement

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SBAS Satellite Based Augmentation System - Includes, but is not

limited to: WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) and
EGNOS (European Geo-stationary Navigation Overlay
System). Ranging signals generated on the ground and
provided via C-band (or K-band) downlink are provided to
the end user. These signals contain integrity data on
satellite system.

Sky Plot This option displays a plot of the current GNSS satellite
locations with reference to the GNSS receiver. C-NaviGator
III refers to this presentation as “Position Information”.

Scatter Plot This option displays a plot of satellite positions relative to the
receiver and provides an indication of relative signal strength
in the two frequency bands.

Visible Sats The number of Satellites used by the receiver in the position

WAAS Wide Area Augmentation Service -- A system of satellites

and ground stations that provide GNSS signal corrections
over a wide area. An accuracy improvement on the order of
three meters, with 95 percent confidence, is realized.

WCT Wide Area Correction Transform

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Appendix D - NMEA Data Strings

The C-NaviGator III is capable of reading and writing NMEA 0183 compliant
messages as they relate to positioning. Version 2.1, 3.0, and 3.01 are supported.
The following table lists the available strings:

NMEA String Description

ALM Almanac data
GBS GNSS Satellite Fault Detection
GRS GPS Range Residuals
MLA GLONASS Almanac Data
GGA Global Positioning System Fix Data
GLL Geographic Position – Latitude / Longitude
GSA GNSS DOP and Active Satellites
GST GNSS Pseudorange Error Statistics
GSV GNSS Satellites in View
HDT Heading data
RMC Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data
VTG Course Over Ground and Ground Speed
ZDA Time & Date

In addition to standard NMEA messages, the C-NaviGator III outputs the

following C-Nav proprietary sentences:

NMEA String Description

DPGGA Filtered GGA output for DP vessels
NAVQ Navigation quality information
RXQ CCS reception quality information
SATS Sky Plot information
TRINAV Statistical information
WGPOS Statistical information

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Appendix E - Alarm List

General Alarms

Invalid Navigation:
Valid navigation data is unavailable on the Device port. The
communication link is operational.

No Communications:
C-NaviGator III can no longer communicate with the
attached device.

Output Error:
Output data and / or commands from this serial port has

C-Nav3050 Alarms

Correction Signal Invalid Messages:

Information received in the correction signal is missing or

Correction Signal Lost Lock:

Input of the correction signal has failed.

Too few measurements:

The number of satellites available is too low to compute a

PDOP too high:

The positional dilution of precision exceeds the user-
configured maximum.

Export height / velocity limits exceeded:

Input of the correction signal has failed.

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Requested mode unavailable:

The settings requested are not available with the receiver’s
configured options.

No Valid C-Nav Corrections License :

The C-Nav Corrections Service has expired. Please contact
C-Nav Support:
E-mail: [email protected] -or-
Phone: +1 (337) 210-0000

C-Nav Corrections License Expires Within 3 Days:

The C-Nav Corrections Service is set to expire in 3 days.
Please contact C-Nav Support:
E-mail: [email protected] -or-
Phone: +1 (337) 210-0000

C-Nav2050 Alarms

Correction Signal Invalid Messages:

Information received in the correction signal is missing or

Correction Signal Lost Lock:

Input of the correction signal has failed.

Correction Signal Poor Reception:

The selected correction signal source is weak.

Low voltage x.x V:

The GNSS receiver input voltage is too low.

No Valid C-Nav Corrections License :

The C-Nav Corrections Service has expired. Please contact
C-Nav Support:
E-mail: [email protected] -or-

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Phone: +1 (337) 210-0000

C-Nav Corrections License Expires Within 3 Days:

The C-Nav Corrections Service is set to expire in 3 days.
Please contact C-Nav Support:
E-mail: [email protected] -or-
Phone: +1 (337) 210-0000

Unstable GPS Clock:

The GPS receiver’s internal clock (time reference) has
become unstable. The receiver’s ability to measure pseudo
ranges is compromised.

C-Nav2000 Alarms

Correction Signal Invalid Messages:

Information received in the correction signal is missing or

Correction Signal Lost Lock:

Input of the correction signal has failed.

Correction Signal Poor Reception:

The selected correction signal source is weak.

Failed Geofence:
The C-Nav receiver is outside the Land Based correction
signal area. To extend, Contact C-Nav Support for a marine
E-mail: [email protected] -or-
Phone: +1 (337) 210-0000

Firmware Update Mode:

A firmware update is in progress or has failed.

Low Voltage x.x V:

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The GNSS receiver input voltage is too low.

No Valid C-Nav Corrections License :

The C-Nav Corrections Service has expired. Please contact
C-Nav Support:
E-mail: [email protected] -or-
Phone: +1 (337) 210-0000

C-Nav Corrections License Expires Within 3 Days:

The C-Nav Corrections Service is set to expire in 3 days.
Please contact C-Nav Support:
E-mail: [email protected] -or-
Phone: +1 (337) 210-0000

Unstable GNSS Clock:

The GNSS receiver’s internal clock (time reference) has
become unstable. The receiver’s ability to measure pseudo
ranges is compromised.

C-Nav1010 Alarms

Correction Signal Invalid Messages:

Information received in the correction signal is missing or

Correction Signal Lost Lock:

Input of the correction signal has failed.

Correction Signal Poor Reception:

The selected correction signal source is weak.

No Valid C-Nav Corrections License :

The C-Nav Corrections Service has expired. Please contact
C-Nav Support:
E-mail: [email protected] -or-
Phone: +1 (337) 210-0000

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C-Nav Corrections License Expires Within 3 Days:

The C-Nav Corrections Service is set to expire in 3 days.
Please contact C-Nav Support:
E-mail: [email protected] -or-
Phone: +1 (337) 210-0000

Unstable GPS Clock:

The GPS receiver’s internal clock (time reference) has
become unstable. The receiver’s ability to measure pseudo
ranges is compromised.

Output Alarms

Position Filtered - Max Error:

The position solution has exceeded the error allowance.

Position Filtered - Max HDOP:

The Horizontal Dilution of Precision computation has
exceeded the alarm setting (See GNSS Quality Alerts).

Position Filtered - Min 2D / 3D Time:

The Min 2D / 3D time computation has exceeded the alarm
setting (See GNSS Quality Alerts).

Position Filtered - Min Satellites:

The number of usable satellites has dropped below the
minimum number set on the GNSS Quality Alerts screen.

Position Filtered - No Data:

Data through the C-NaviGator III active port is not present or
is invalid.

Simulator Alarms
Simulator mode:

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C-NaviGator III is in Simulator mode. This alarm cannot be


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Appendix F - Approvals &
IEC 60945 4th (EN 60945:2002)
Bureau Veritas (BV)
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Germanischer Lloyd (GL)
Appendix G - Declaration of
1PPS ............................................................................................................................................ 40, 48, 85, 86
Alarms ............................................................................................................................................... 14, 18, 29
Azimuth .........................................................................................................................................................85
Bad Packets ...................................................................................................................................................85
Baud Rate .................................................................................................................................... 32, 39, 48, 56
Bit Error Rate ................................................................................................................................................85
Bluetooth .......................................................................................................................................................43
CCS ........................................................................................................................... 17, 35, 37, 39, 47, 55, 91
C-Monitor ......................................................................................................................................................85
C-Nav ................................................................................ 1, 14, 15, 47, 52, 60, 85, 86, 89, 91, 93, 94, 95, 96
C-Nav1010 ............................................................................................................................ 14, 54, 56, 60, 95
C-Nav2000 .......................................................................................................... 14, 51, 52, 53, 60, 85, 86, 94
C-Nav2050 .................................................................................................... 14, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 60, 86, 93
C-Nav3050 ............................................................................ 14, 33, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 60, 86, 92
C-NaviGator III .2, 3, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 29, 31, 33, 35, 39, 48, 51, 56, 60, 62, 63, 65, 69, 70,
71, 72, 77, 78, 88, 90, 91, 92, 96, 97, 121
COM1 ................................................................................................................................................ 39, 48, 56
COM2 ................................................................................................................................................ 39, 48, 56
Correction Signal ...........................................................................................................................................86
Correction Type .............................................................................................................................................86
Course................................................................................................................................................ 16, 86, 91
Data Bits ........................................................................................................................................................32
Differential Age .......................................................................................................................................17, 86
Differential GPS ............................................................................................................................................86
DOP ...............................................................................................................................................................87
Elevation ........................................................................................................................................................87
Error Ellipse ......................................................................................................................................14, 23, 87
Ethernet .........................................................................................................................................................42
Figure of Merit ..................................................................................................................................14, 17, 87
Fix...................................................................................................................................................... 18, 29, 91
F-Test ............................................................................................................................................................17
GDOP ............................................................................................................................................................87
Glass Display Control........................................................................................................................ 62, 72, 75
GNSS ....................10, 13, 17, 24, 25, 32, 37, 38, 47, 51, 52, 54, 55, 58, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96
Graphs .....................................................................................................................................................14, 26
HAE ...............................................................................................................................................................87
HDOP .................................................................................................................................... 14, 17, 87, 88, 96
L1-L2 Signal Strength ...................................................................................................................................88
LBAND .........................................................................................................................................................85
License ...................................................................................................................... 38, 46, 54, 93, 94, 95, 96
Logging ....................................................................................................................................... 13, 18, 33, 49
MBRTK .........................................................................................................................................................40
MMC .......................................................................................................................................................49, 50
NMEA ........................................................................................................... 13, 14, 39, 47, 52, 58, 59, 88, 91
NTRIP ...........................................................................................................................................................43
OTI ..........................................................................................................................................................35, 37
Output ............................................................................................................................................................59
Parity ........................................................................................................................................... 32, 39, 48, 56
PDOP ..................................................................................................................................... 14, 17, 87, 88, 92
Position ..........................................................................................................................................................88
Position Comparison ......................................................................................................................... 14, 25, 26
PPS ................................................................................................................................................................88
PVT ...............................................................................................................................................................89
RAIM ............................................................................................................................................................23
RS232 ............................................................................................................................................................14
RS422 ............................................................................................................................................................14
RTCM.......................................................................................................................................... 40, 49, 52, 89
RTG ...............................................................................................................................................................89
RTK ....................................................................................................................................... 40, 49, 86, 87, 89
Satellite Info ..................................................................................................................................................25
SBAS ........................................................................................................................................... 46, 85, 86, 90
Scatter Plot ........................................................................................................................................ 14, 24, 90
Screenshot .....................................................................................................................................................18
Signal to Noise Ratio .....................................................................................................................................17
Sky Plot .........................................................................................................................................................90
Speed .......................................................................................................................................................16, 91
Stop Bits ........................................................................................................................................................32
TDOP ............................................................................................................................................................87
This Page .......................................................................................................................................................36
UKOOA ........................................................................................................................................................23
UTC .........................................................................................................................................................31, 88
VDOP ................................................................................................................................................ 14, 17, 87
Visible Sats ....................................................................................................................................................90
VNC ..............................................................................................................................................................35
WAAS ...........................................................................................................................................................90
WCT ..............................................................................................................................................................90
Version 2, June 1991

Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,

51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim
copies of this license document, but changing it is not


The licenses for most software are designed to take away

your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU
General Public License is intended to guarantee your
freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the
software is free for all its users. This General Public
License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's
software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is
covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.)
You can apply it to your programs, too.

When we speak of free software, we are referring to

freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are
designed to make sure that you have the freedom to
distribute copies of free software (and charge for this
service if you wish), that you receive source code or can
get it if you want it, that you can change the software or
use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know
you can do these things.

To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that

forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to
surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to
certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies
of the software, or if you modify it.

For example, if you distribute copies of such a program,

whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients
all the rights that you have. You must make sure that
they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you
must show them these terms so they know their rights.
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the
software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you
legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the

Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to

make certain that everyone understands that there is no
warranty for this free software. If the software is
modified by someone else and passed on, we want its
recipients to know that what they have is not the original,
so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect
on the original authors' reputations.

Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by

software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that
redistributors of a free program will individually obtain
patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary.
To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must
be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.

The precise terms and conditions for copying,

distribution and modification follow.



0. This License applies to any program or other work

which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder
saying it may be distributed under the terms of this
General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to
any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under
copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the
Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with
modifications and/or translated into another language.
(Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as

Activities other than copying, distribution and

modification are not covered by this License; they are
outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not
restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only
if its contents constitute a work based on the Program
(independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the
Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium,
provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish
on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer
of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this
License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any
other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.

You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a

copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection
in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or
any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the
Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work
under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also
meet all of these conditions:

a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent

notices stating that you changed the files and the date of
any change.

b) You must cause any work that you distribute or

publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived
from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a
whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of
this License.

c) If the modified program normally reads commands

interactively when run, you must cause it, when started
running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way,
to print or display an announcement including an
appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no
warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and
that users may redistribute the program under these
conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive
but does not normally print such an announcement, your work
based on the Program is not required to print an

These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.

If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from
the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent
and separate works in themselves, then this License, and
its terms, do not apply to those sections when you
distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute
the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on
the terms of this License, whose permissions for other
licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and
every part regardless of who wrote it.

Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights

or contest your rights to work written entirely by you;
rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the
distribution of derivative or collective works based on the

In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on

the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the
Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium
does not bring the other work under the scope of this

3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work

based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable
form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided
that you also do one of the following:

a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding

machine-readable source code, which must be distributed
under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,

b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at

least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no
more than your cost of physically performing source
distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the
corresponding source code, to be distributed under the
terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily
used for software interchange; or,

c) Accompany it with the information you received as to

the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This
alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution
and only if you received the program in object code or
executable form with such an offer, in accord with
Subsection b above.)

The source code for a work means the preferred form of the
work for making modifications to it. For an executable
work, complete source code means all the source code for
all modules it contains, plus any associated interface
definition files, plus the scripts used to control
compilation and installation of the executable. However,
as a special exception, the source code distributed need
not include anything that is normally distributed (in
either source or binary form) with the major components
(compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on
which the executable runs, unless that component itself
accompanies the executable.

If distribution of executable or object code is made by

offering access to copy from a designated place, then
offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the
same place counts as distribution of the source code, even
though third parties are not compelled to copy the source
along with the object code.

4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute

the Program except as expressly provided under this
License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense
or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically
terminate your rights under this License. However, parties
who have received copies, or rights, from you under this
License will not have their licenses terminated so long as
such parties remain in full compliance.

5. You are not required to accept this License, since you

have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you
permission to modify or distribute the Program or its
derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if
you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or
distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to
do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying,
distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it.

6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work

based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives
a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or
modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the
recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are
not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties
to this License.

7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation

of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited
to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether
by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the
conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the
conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as
to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a
consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For
example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free
redistribution of the Program by all those who receive
copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only
way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.

If any portion of this section is held invalid or

unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the
balance of the section is intended to apply and the section
as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances.

It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to

infringe any patents or other property right claims or to
contest validity of any such claims; this section has the
sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free
software distribution system, which is implemented by
public license practices. Many people have made generous
contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application
of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if
he or she is willing to distribute software through any
other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice.

This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is

believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License.

8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is

restricted in certain countries either by patents or by
copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who
places the Program under this License may add an explicit
geographical distribution limitation excluding those
countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or
among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this
License incorporates the limitation as if written in the
body of this License.

9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised

and/or new versions of the General Public License from time
to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to
the present version, but may differ in detail to address
new problems or concerns.

Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If

the Program specifies a version number of this License
which applies to it and "any later version", you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that
version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a
version number of this License, you may choose any version
ever published by the Free Software Foundation.

10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into

other free programs whose distribution conditions are
different, write to the author to ask for permission. For
software which is copyrighted by the Free Software
Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we
sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be
guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of
all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the
sharing and reuse of software generally.







How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs

If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of

the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to
achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can
redistribute and change under these terms.

To do so, attach the following notices to the program.

It is safest to attach them to the start of each source
file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty;
and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and
a pointer to where the full notice is found.

<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea

of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>

This program is free software; you can redistribute it

and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any
later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be

useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more

You should have received a copy of the GNU General

Public License along with this program; if not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street,
Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.

Also add information on how to contact you by electronic

and paper mail.

If the program is interactive, make it output a short

notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for
details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to
redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.

The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show
the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of
course, the commands you use may be called something other
than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be mouse-clicks
or menu items--whatever suits your program.

You should also get your employer (if you work as a

programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright
disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here is a
sample; alter the names:

Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest

in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written
by James Hacker.

<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989

Ty Coon, President of Vice

This General Public License does not permit incorporating

your program into proprietary programs. If your program is
a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to
permit linking proprietary applications with the library.
If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.

To download a copy of the GPL sources for C-NaviGator III:

For a copy on CDROM, contact:

C-NaviGator GPL’d Source

730 E. Kaliste Saloom Road
Lafayette, LA 70508, USA

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