Essence Nov 2010 PAGE 06 07
Essence Nov 2010 PAGE 06 07
Essence Nov 2010 PAGE 06 07
Last summer I went to summer school. Erin: cance. Stories are Erin’s medium of choice as local because they have to take them to to resonate with other people is to ask: of me in a lot of the groups I’m involved in
But before you start picturing me Part of the journey from the Slocan Val- because of their power to evoke emotional government run slaughterhouses,” Clare What has resonated with you? What was this year. Before going on Redfish I don’t
trapped inside dreaming of the beach, ley to Vancouver Island included a canoe connection, mental concentration, and for explains. Because most slaughterhouses impactful for you?” know if I would have had the same level
listen to this — I had lectures in living trip down the Harrison and Fraser Riv- their transferability. Grandparents will be are located off-island, transportation costs For Chloe, voluntary simplicity circles of comfort. I’m not sure I would have be-
rooms, under tarps, and around camp- ers. “We paused for moments of silence asked about places that have been impor- quickly compound, making slaughtering were the answer. Voluntary simplicity cir- lieved that I could step into that role.”
fires. I learned on islands, in cities, in throughout the trip,” recalls Redfish par- tant throughout their lives, while children unaffordable for the average farmer. As a cles are grassroots discussion groups based Chloe’s action project has been to publi-
canoes, and on fields. Like most classes, ticipant Erin Lawless. “It went from listen- will be encouraged to talk about what is result, many farmers have either stopped on a series of readings by the Northwest cize voluntary simplicity circles, facilitate
there was plenty of reading assigned; ing to birds chirping and water flowing on important to them now. By sharing stories, raising local meat or are doing it illegally, Earth Institute in Portland, Oregon that the initial meetings, and continue to bring
but unlike most classes, I got to ask the the Harrison, to the sounds of construc- an intergenerational appreciation for the which greatly reduces islanders’ access to discuss sustainable living. Chloe had taken participants together for a meal every sec-
authors questions afterward. My class- tion and traffic near Vancouver.” We were land and the changes it is undergoing will fresh local meat. part in a circle during her first year of uni- ond Thursday. The circles have expanded
mates were brought together by a de- listening to the boom of our economy. For be developed. “If people can continue to Clare’s documentary will feature various versity and found it had a large impact dramatically this year, with over four cir-
sire to change the world. What exactly Erin, those moments signified that “people care about places, then they are much more people with a stake in local meat produc- on the direction of that part of her life. cles in session this semester.
was this so-called school, you ask? It don’t realize we’re sacrificing the wildness, likely to protect them,” Erin emphasizes. tion, including farmers and policy mak- After Redfish, she decided to return to
was the Redfish School of Change — the silence, the animals, for our cities, our Erin has also decided to digitize the ers. Together they will explore where we the circles and work to make them more Skills + Inspiration = Action
where normal classroom boundaries do development, our success.” stories and build an online community currently are regarding food security, and accessible for students, as well as build a As a Geography and Environmental
not exist. Redfish was full of revelations like this. map. The maps will be available both to where we need to be. stronger sense of community within each Studies student, I have been more than im-
The Redfish School of Change is a Revelations that had us asking — why workshop participants, as well as the larger While the documentary’s emphasis on circle. “Within a university community mersed in the many dysfunctions inherent
three-course program put on by the don’t more people feel compelled to pro- community. “The project is not limited to food security has its roots in Clare’s ex- you generally have many younger folk who to our current world system. Typically, it
School of Environmental Studies at tect the land that sustains us? Part of the the benefit of the individuals who are tak- periences prior to Redfish, the program’s are starting to form the values that a lot seems many people get stuck just discuss-
the University of Victoria. For the past problem, Erin suggests, is the apparent ing part in the workshops; the lessons and experiential learning process helped foster of their life will be based upon . . . it’s ing the various problems that surround us.
two years, sixteen students from across lack of connection between generations of the stories will be accessible to the wider her interest. It provided her, along with important to hear alternatives.” But as my fellow fishy Clare says, “as a
Canada have gathered for this six-week people, as well as between people and plac- community.” the other participants, the chance to speak Voluntary simplicity circles offer these generation of up-and-coming policy mak-
intensive program designed to educate es. The canoe journey helped Erin realize directly with co-op managers, organic alternatives to mainstream lifestyles, and ers, educators, movers and shapers — we
future leaders in environmental and that “connection is one of the underlying Clare: farmers, and local meat distributers. the circles are made richer by the diver- need to change the way we are living if we
social justice. Upon completion of the problems behind environmental and social Before attending Redfish, Clare Peacock In order to explore food security even sity of the participants. “We all have our are going to create a sustainable world.”
program, students receive credit for issues within our society. If people could knew that much in the world needed to further, every Redfish participant took own experiences,” says Chloe. “When we Redfish shifted us from discussion to ac-
courses that cover topics in bioregional realize what it is we’re giving up, if people change. But, like many of us, she got turns preparing sustainable meals for the look at these issues, no one is an expert. tion by marrying fundamental skills with
ecology, leadership, and food politics. cared about these places, they would give overwhelmed by the magnitude of the is- group. As one can imagine, shopping for These circles provide a space where people the possibility of positive action.
Beginning in the Slocan Valley, par- a shit.” sues. “I was looking to do large, grandiose twenty people on a budget was no easy can talk about their feelings of disillusion- Our classes had us asking: How do I
ticipants travel together through Brit- In an effort to reconnect people to plac- gestures that could change the world. It’s task. Not to mention that we also made ment and frustration with the systems we want to make a difference? How can I be
ish Columbia, ending on Vancouver es, Erin is putting on workshops for grand- so easy to get caught up by everything a group decision to factor in the distance have in place right now. It’s a safe place the most effective? What do I love? Now,
Island’s west coast. Along the way parents and grandchildren to participate that there is to be done and try to do too ingredients had travelled, their production to talk about these things and come up our projects have us answering these ques-
there are opportunities to volunteer on together in restoration projects and share much.” conditions, and whether or not they were with new solutions in the context of each tions as we direct groups, film documen-
an organic farm, tour local initiatives, stories. “We want to get grandparents and “Redfish helped me focus. I was able to organic. Yet we rose to the challenge, pre- individual’s life.” taries, and calculate budgets. “We aren’t
and do field research. But the jour- grandchildren out working on the land to- reflect on what I can do best, where my paring meals for each other for most of Participants in the circles include univer- sitting on our butts talking about it any-
“ “
ney doesn’t end after those six weeks. gether. Getting dirty while they talk about skills lie, and figure out how I can best the trip. As Clare says, “we didn’t just talk sity students, people nearing retirement, more,” affirms Clare. “Now we are out
The following semester each student places.” effect change in my community.” This about ethical food choices, we practiced and parents raising children. Together they there, doing things.”
I had lectures in living is required to implement a community
action project that takes the skills, in-
Possible restoration projects Erin is con-
sidering include building gardens, invasive
strong emphasis on self-reflection was them.” explore important questions such as: How
do I find employment while remaining
Becoming a part of the Redfish com-
Redfish shifted us from
to key to Redfish. Repeatedly, we heard munity allowed me to step into a world
rooms, under tarps, and around spiration, and support built over the species pulls, and Garry Oak rehabilita- from inspirational people that you cannot Chloe: in tune with my values of sustainability? of possibility. Together, we explored the discussion to action by marrying
campfires. summer and transforms it into concrete tion. “It’s about making memories with change something you do not love. Clare Chloe Donatelli began her community How do I raise in a child in tune with rich diversity inherent in individuals; how fundamental skills with the
action. important people in special places. No one listened, and designed a project that ful- action project planning to pursue food is- these values? How do I retire securely, the passion each person brings with them
possibility of positive action.
This year, the projects range from wants to see the forest they played in as a filled her personally. sues on campus, but quickly realized her and age gracefully, while living out these lifts the group up to a place of immense
community maps to documentary child bulldozed.” Inspired by her love of interviewing peo- original idea was more complicated than values? potential. I was buoyed by others’ projects
videos; from discussion groups to kin- After a day of restoration, the second half ple, editing, and putting movies together, achievable. “I came to understand that the Like many participants, Chloe feels that and inspired by their abundance of cour-
dergarten gardens. I recently took the of the workshop will be focussed on story Clare is currently working on a docu- project had to be tangible. It had to have a Redfish provided her with the skills that age. I created a network of support, while
time to catch up with some of my fel- telling. Grandparents and grandchildren mentary exploring food security issues re- start and an end.” Echoing the thoughts of are making her current work possible. gaining knowledge and developing skills.
low Fishies and hear about how their will each get a chance to tell their stories lated to local meat on Vancouver Island. Erin and Clare, Chloe recalls how Redfish “Redfish gave me a lot of confidence in a Together, we played in the promise of a
projects are coming along. about natural places of personal signifi- “Farmers have trouble selling their meat helped her to be reflective. “The best way facilitator’s role, which has been required better world.