Assessment 1 Question Paper-Adhoc

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Department of Information Technology

Branch B.Tech Year/Sem./Sec. IV/VII/-
Course Code CS6003 Date 02.08.2019
Course Name Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Max. marks 50
Course Incharge Dr.R.Perumalraja Time 01:30 Hours
PART A (Answer All Questions) (8 X 2 = 16)
K CO Marks
1. Define path loss K1 CO1 2
2. State Shanon’s theorem K1 CO1 2
3. Define Doppler shift K1 CO1 2
4. Define Nyquist theorem K1 CO1 2
5. Define Scalability K1 CO1 2
6. What are the challenging issues in ad hoc network maintenance? K2 CO1 2
7. List the five phases of FPRP. K1 CO2 2
8. What are the classifications of MAC protocol. K2 CO2 2
PART B (Answer All Questions) (2 X 13 = 26)
10. What are the characteristics and features of ad hoc networks? K2 CO1 13
10. Explain the characteristics of wireless channels. K2 CO1 13
11. Explain the MACAW protocol in detail. K2 CO2 13
11. Explain the contention based protocol with reservation and scheduling
K2 CO2 13
in detail.
PART C (Answer All Questions) (1 X 8 = 8)
12. Explain the application areas of ad hoc networks K2 CO1 8
12. Explain the design issues in ad hoc networks K2 CO1 8

Course In-Charge Module Coordinator HOD/IT

Dr.R.Perumalraja Dr.R.Perumalraja Dr.R.Perumalraja

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