Finals Riph
Finals Riph
Finals Riph
• The separation of the Philippines from the
What is Constitution? Spanish monarchy and their formation into an
independent state with its own government
called the Philippine Republic has been the end
sought by the Revolution in the existing war,
begun on the 24th of August, 1896; people,
interpreting faithfully their desires and
ambitions, we the representatives of the
Revolution, in a meeting at Biak-na-Bato,
2 Types of Constitution November 1, 1897, unanimously adopted the
following articles for the Constitution of the
Written Unwritten State.
Not codified Supreme Council
Enacted Evolved • President
Constitution is • Vice-President
Parliament is supreme
supreme • Secretary of War
Ex. USA, Philippines Ex. UK, Saudi Arabia • Secretary of Treasury
The Truce
• The president
• Vice-President
• Secretary of Interior
• Secretary of War P.O.A 1902 created the Following:
• Secretary of Treasury
• Spencer Pratt persuaded Aguinaldo to Bicameral Philippine Legislature
cooperate with George Dewey o The First Philippine Legislature was
inaugurated at the Manila Grand Opera
o It is consisted of an appointed
November 29, 1898 - Approved by the Malolos Philippine Commission (Upper house)
Congress and the Philippine Assembly (Lower
December 1, 1898 - Pres. Aguinaldo returned house)
the draft to the Congress for amendments
which they refused. Bicameral Philippine Legislature
December 23, 1898 - Approved by Pres. Philippine
Philippine Assembly
Aguinaldo Commission
January 20, 1899 - Adopted by the Malolos Elected officials (July
Congress Appointed by the 30, 1907 First
January 21, 1899 - Promulgated by Pres. US President. Philippine Assembly
Aguinaldo. Nationwide election )
It created a republican state- popular and Inaugurated on Oct. 16,
representative democracy composed of three 1907 with Sergio
distinct branches: the executive, the legislative Osmena as Speaker,
and the judicial. Governor General Manuel Quezon as
o LEGISLATIVE POWERS - Exercised by Majority leader and
the Assembly of Representatives Vicente Singson as
composed of elected delegates. Created minority leader
a permanent commission Schurman
Composed of 81
o EXECUTIVE POWERS - Vested in the Commission and
President of the Republic, elected by Taft Commission
the Assembly of Representatives
o JUDICIAL POWERS - Vested in the Chief
Schurman Commission (Jan. 20, 1899)
Justice of the Supreme Court to be
elected by the Assembly of First Phil. Commission
Representatives with the concurrence Appointed by US Pres. Mckinley
of the President and the Cabinet.
A five-person group headed by Dr. Jacob
ACT OF 1902 AKA PHILIPPINE BILL OF 1902 / COOPER To investigate conditions in the islands and
ACT make recommendations.
Encomiendas were introduced to the
• A fifty-member Constitutional Commission was Philippines when Legaspi (in compliance with
appointed for the purpose of drafting a new the decree of King Philip II,1558), distribute the
Constitutition to replace the 1973 Constitution lands in Cebu to loyal subjects.
promulgated by Marcos. It was the subdivision of the Philippines in order
to facilitate the pacification campaign.
• February 2, 1987, it was submitted to the
Filipinoeople in a Plebiscite. 17,059,495 Encomienda
approved the new Constitution versus the 5,
from the word Encomendar(Spanish), "to
058, 714 who voted against it.
Another revenue-getting institution introduced
to the Philippines via Mexico.
It was a grant from the Spanish crown to a
meritorious Spaniard to exercise control over a
specific place including its inhabitants.
It is not a land grant, but a favor from the King
under a Spaniard called Encomendero.
Early rebellions
Enforced labor,
the relatively heavy tax
the required contributions to the church and
officials were the principal
Under American Rule o Main loophole of the reform as it was
used by landlords to circumvent the
Purchase of Friar Lands law.
Rice Share Tenancy Act of 1933 R.A 3844 amended R.A no. 6839
o Sanctorum – 3 reales
o Samboangan
• Mediquillos
• Vaccinators
Who: Diego Silang, a principalia • “Blue Master Program” - This was adopted to
curb the abuses both the taxpayers and BIR
When: 1762
Where: Two Ilocos: Abra and Cagayan
• “Voluntary Tax Compliance Program” - It was
What: Vemently oppesed the exaction of the
designed to encourage professionals in the
comun (annual tribute) drafting of
private and government sectors to report their
Polistas, and other unscrupulous
true income and to pay the correct amount of
practices of the new Alcalde Mayor-
Antonio Zabala . Joined forces with the
• Provided each taxpayer with a Permanent tax • RATE program or Run after Tax Evaders
account number (TAN) in 1970 Program
• Implemented the payment of taxes through • Established a BIR Contact Center in the National
banks. office and eLounges in Regional Offices.
• “Operation: Walang Lagay” - Was launched to • Linkages with various agencies (i.e LTO, SEC,
promote the efficient and honest collection of BLGF, PHALTRA, etc) - Were established though
taxes. the signing of several MOA to improve specific
areas of tax administration.
• Advent of the value-added tax (VAT) in 1988.
• e- VAT or the Expanded value added tax law -
• Adoption of the Taxpayer Identification Number Was implemented in Nov. 2005, aiming to
(TIN) complement revenue-raising efforts that could
Ramos Administration plug the country’s large budget deficit