Sand Erosion of Wear-Resistant Materials - Erosion in Choke Valves PDF
Sand Erosion of Wear-Resistant Materials - Erosion in Choke Valves PDF
Sand Erosion of Wear-Resistant Materials - Erosion in Choke Valves PDF
Wear186187(1995) 179-188
Sand particles from oil and gas production may cause considerable erosion damage in critical parts of transport and processing equipment
such as valves and chokes. Increased longevity of such components will lead to significant savings as offshore oil and gas production move
subsea, and it can be achieved in two ways; through selection of erosion-resistant materials or through design optimization.
A total of 28 different materials including standard steel grades, solid tungsten carbide materials, coatings and ceramics have been tested
under various impact angles and velocities of sand particles, and examined for erosion characteristics. The test results have been used to
determine empirical model equations and to determine the relative erosion resistance for the materials. The results show that a longevity gain
factor of up to more 10’ is possible to achieve by selection of proper material. Optimization of choke design for a needle choke has shown
that additional savings with a factor of more than 10’is obtainable.
Keywords: Sand; Erosion; Choke valves; Wear-resistant materials; Oil and gas production
1. Introduction
The production of sand from oil and gas wells may cause
extensive wear in hydrocarbon processing and transport
equipment. The components most exposed to erosion in this
context are choke valves, which often operate at sonic flow
velocities. In general, ‘normal’ production conditions from
sand stone reservoirs may lead to a choke replacement fre-
quency in the range from 3-4 months up to 18-24 months.
In extreme cases in the North Sea critical components have
been completely destroyed by erosion within a few hours.
Figs. 1 and 2 show some typical examples of erosion damages
Table 1
Density and hardness and fracture toughness for materials tested
Material Density (kg rne3) Hardness (HV) Fracture toughness (MN m- 3’2)
I 2
Table 2 = 0.6
Weight loss (mg per kg sand) as function of particle impact velocity and
impact angle
90” 22.5” 90” 22.5” C-St.%3 316-steel Duplex SMO Stellite Boronlzed
C-steel 14 23 1085 1700
??45m/s. 90 deg ? ?45 m/s. 22.5 deg
3 16-s& 16 20 1770 1845
0 200m/s.90deg 0 2001-n/s 22 5 deg
Duplex 13 23 1400 1825
SMO 12 20 2170 1690 Fig. 6. Erosion rates of steel qualities relative to C-steel.
Stellite 17 13 1870 1030
Boronized Stellite 1.7 1.7 860 265
Electrochemical nickel Ni-250 15 27 1070 1930
Electrochemical nickel Ni-500 17 22 1460 1460
Hot sprayed WC--60%Ni 27 13 4670 1145
Hot sprayed WC_40%Ni 32 17 4070 1470
Detonation gun WC, thin layer 108 33 13000 2700
Cobalt based coating 70 50 7100 4200
Degun WC, 0.25 16 4 860 265
WC, DC 05 0.7 0.58 22 11
WC, cs 10 1.6 1.0 45 17
WC, CR 37 1.2 0.83 50 17
95% A&O, >130 >20 > 2500 >700
99.5% Al,O1 100 25 620 360
PSZ 48 6 1880 360
zro-Y, 1.2 0.8 68 30
SIC 8.9 1.5 150 22
S&N, 0.37 0.17 7 1.1
TiB, 15 2.4 270 48
BX 0.97 0.37 3.7 2.0
SiSiC 2.5 0.5 150 27 Fig. 7. Boronized stellite eroded at impact velocity 200 m s- ’and impact
angle 90”.
K. Haugen et al. /Wear 186187 (1995) 179-188 183
700 P
- 95% A1203
99.5% A1203
$ 500
u ----*--.p02_y3
2 400
2 300 _ d.- 0
P :-
_.- ,.>
i! ----_m_ ..- *_e.c
1 200 .e.- ----___
$ .>,.__.,p...._.-
I.;‘.. ,__ ..-. .-7-...=----; --__--_f
0 -
0 30 60 so
Impact angle
Fig, 10. Erosion rate ( mm3 per kg sand impact) as function of impact angle for steel and some selected brittle materials at 200 m s- ’impact velocity.
Fig. 11. Relative erosion resistance of solid WC and ceramics relative to C-steel
iour, SEM investigation revealed that the binding between during the manufacturing process, have been removed and
the A&O3 particles was broken and that the particles had been the surface has become smoother. However, both erosion pits
crushed and partly torn out of the matrix during the erosion and cracks are observed. The cracks have probably been
process (Figs. 16-18). For the B,C material porosities in the initiated at weak points at the grain boundaries.
surface can be observed, probably from carbide grains being In general, the surface structure of the materials may
torn out during the manufacturing process (Fig. 19). At the change significantly during the initial stage of the erosion
eroded surface (Fig. 20), the grains which had loosened process. This effect give rise to a transient behaviour in the
K. Haugen et al. / Wear 186-l 87 (1995) 179-188 185
Fig. 12. Non-eroded surface of hot sprayed tungsten carbide coating with
atomic number contrast. WC particles-bright and binder dark.
F(u)=&-l)“+“Ai fg
(1 (2)
4. Design optimization
5. Conclusions
Table 3
Constants to be used in Eq. (2)
AI A2 AS A, As A, A, As
9.370 42.295 110.864 175.804 170.137 98.298 31.211 4.170
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