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PART NO. 4020918 1300 SRM 1435

• The Service Manuals are updated on a regular basis, but may not reflect recent design changes to the
product. Updated technical service information may be available from your local authorized Hyster®
dealer. Service Manuals provide general guidelines for maintenance and service and are intended for
use by trained and experienced technicians. Failure to properly maintain equipment or to follow in-
structions contained in the Service Manual could result in damage to the products, personal injury,
property damage or death.
• When lifting parts or assemblies, make sure all slings, chains, or cables are correctly fastened, and
that the load being lifted is balanced. Make sure the crane, cables, and chains have the capacity to
support the weight of the load.
• Do not lift heavy parts by hand, use a lifting mechanism.
• Wear safety glasses.
• DISCONNECT THE BATTERY CONNECTOR before doing any maintenance or repair on electric lift
trucks. Disconnect the battery ground cable on internal combustion lift trucks.
• Always use correct blocks to prevent the unit from rolling or falling. See HOW TO PUT THE LIFT
TRUCK ON BLOCKS in the Operating Manual or the Periodic Maintenance section.
• Keep the unit clean and the working area clean and orderly.
• Use the correct tools for the job.
• Keep the tools clean and in good condition.
• Always use HYSTER APPROVED parts when making repairs. Replacement parts must meet or ex-
ceed the specifications of the original equipment manufacturer.
• Make sure all nuts, bolts, snap rings, and other fastening devices are removed before using force to
remove parts.
• Always fasten a DO NOT OPERATE tag to the controls of the unit when making repairs, or if the unit
needs repairs.
• Be sure to follow the WARNING and CAUTION notes in the instructions.
• Gasoline, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), Compressed Natural Gas (CNG), and Diesel fuel are flamma-
ble. Be sure to follow the necessary safety precautions when handling these fuels and when working
on these fuel systems.
• Batteries generate flammable gas when they are being charged. Keep fire and sparks away from the
area. Make sure the area is well ventilated.

NOTE: The following symbols and words indicate safety information in this

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.

Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor
or moderate injury and property damage.

On the lift truck, the WARNING symbol and word are on orange back-
ground. The CAUTION symbol and word are on yellow background.
Table of Contents

Series Code / Model Designation Reference Table ................................................................................................ 1
General .....................................................................................................................................................................2
Transmission Exceed Codes ............................................................................................................................... 2
Clutch Calibration Condition Messages ............................................................................................................ 2
Fault Codes During Clutch Calibration .............................................................................................................2
APC200 Fault Codes ...........................................................................................................................................2
Limp Home Mode ................................................................................................................................................3
Shut Down Mode .................................................................................................................................................3
Pressure Feedback Sensor ..................................................................................................................................3
APC200 Fault Codes ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Transmission Exceed Codes ............................................................................................................................... 4
Clutch Calibration Condition Messages ............................................................................................................ 8
Fault Codes During Clutch Calibration .............................................................................................................8
APC200 Fault Codes .........................................................................................................................................11

This section is for the following models:



1300 SRM 1435 Series Code / Model Designation Reference Table

Series Code / Model Designation Reference Table

This table consist of the following Series Codes
used in this manual.

Series Code European Model Americas Model

A236 H16.00-18.00XM/XMS-12 H400-450HD/HDS
A917 H40.00-48.00XM-12, H36.00XMS-12 H800-1050HD/HDS
B214 H16.00-22.00XM-12EC H400-500HD/HDS-EC
B222 RS45-27CH, RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH, HR45-27, HR45-31, HR45-36, HR45-40,
RS46-40CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41L CH, HR45-41S, HR45-41L, HR45-41LS
RS46-41LS CH, RS45-24IH, RS45-28IH,
RS46-33IH, RS46-37IH, RS46-38S IH,
RS46-38L IH, RS46-38LS IH
B236 H16XM-12, H18XM-12, H20XM-12, H400HD, H450HD, H500HD, H550HD
B917 H36XMS-12, H40XM-12, H44XM-12, H800HD, H1050HD
C214 H16XM-12EC, H18XM-12EC, H22XM-12EC H400HD-EC, H450HD-EC, H500HD-EC
C222 RS45-27CH, RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH, RS45-27, RS45-31, RS46-36, RS46-41L,
RS46-41L CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41LS RS46-41S, RS46-41LS
CH, RS45-24IH, RS45-28IH, RS46-33IH,
RS46-38L IH, RS46-38S IH, RS46-38LS IH
C917 H40XM-12, H44XM-12, H48XM-12, H800HDS, H900HDS, H970HDS,
H36XMS-12, H40XMS-12, H44XMS-12, H1050HDS
D222 RS45-27CH, RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH, RS45-27CH, RS45-31CH, RS46-36CH,
RS46-41L CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41LS RS46-41L CH, RS46-41S CH, RS46-41LS
CH, RS46-33IH, RS46-38L IH, RS46-38S CH
IH, RS46-38LS IH
E117 H40.00XM-16CH, H44.00XM-16CH, H880HD, H970HD, H1050HD-CH,
H48.00XM-16CH, H50.00XM-16CH, H1150HD-CH
F008 H25-32XM-12, H28XM-16CH, H550-700HD, H550-700HDS
H32XM-16CH, H25-32XMS-9
F019 H300-360HD, H360HD-12EC
F117 H40.00-52.00XM-16CH H1050HD-CH, H1150HD-CH
G007 H170-H280HD
G008 H25-32XM-12, H25-30XMS-9 H550-700HD, H550-700HDS
G019 H13.00-14.00XM, H16.00XM-6, H300-330HD, H360HD, H360HD-EC
G117 H40XM-16CH, H44XM-16CH, H48-16CH, H1050HD, H1150HD
G50-16CH, H52XM-16CH
H007 H8.00-12.00XM H170-280HD
H019 H13.0-16.0XM-6, H10.0-12.0XM-12EC H300-360HD2, H360HD2-EC

Series Code / Model Designation Reference Table 1300 SRM 1435

Series Code European Model Americas Model

H117 H40.00-52.00XM-16CH H1050HD-16CH, H1150HD-16CH
J007 H8.0-12.0XM-6 H190-280HD2

This manual provides an explanation of the trans- not be executed because of certain circumstan-
mission fault codes that are generated by the ces.Table 1 lists the exceed codes with a description
APC200 family transmission controllers. Transmis- of the encountered circumstances.
sion controller APC211 is used for transmissions
with intensifier valves. Transmission controller CLUTCH CALIBRATION CONDITION
APC216 is used for transmissions with Full Flow MESSAGES
control valves, as used on TE-10 and TE27-32
transmissions starting 2011. The terms used are During clutch calibration, codes may be displayed
generic for these controllers. Component locations that indicate incorrect circumstances for proper
and electrical schematics are in the Transmission clutch calibration. The explanation of these codes
Description SRMs for each different truck series. are in Table 4.
There are four different groups of fault codes,
which are explained in this section.
For F008 and G008 trucks the indication "Forward" CALIBRATION
and "Reverse" needs to be considered for the trans-
mission and for the truck separately. The truck During clutch calibration, fault codes with a pre-
moves according the position of the shift lever or ceding "E" may be displayed. For example E1.25.
MONOTROL pedal, but the signals forward and re- The first digit after the "E" can be a "1" or a "2". "1"
verse have been interchanged with the transmis- relates to faults during clutch filling time. "2" re-
sion functions forward and reverse. The indication lates to faults during clutch engagement. The last
"forward" and "reverse" for transmission compo- two digits indicate calibration faults, which are lis-
nents is still identical to the original nomenclature ted and explained in Table 6.
of the manufacturer. This means that an indicated
forward clutch has the function to move the F008 APC200 FAULT CODES
and G008 truck in reverse. The same interpretation
applies for the explanation of fault codes and for Each fault code represents a specific defect or mal-
the Dana Dashboard system, where the indication function. The suggested rectification is by checking
forward relates to transmission components with electrical functionality between the APC200 and
the same indication forward like for a clutch, pres- the components connected. See Table 7.
sure port or solenoid. When doing repairs or order-
ing spare parts, remember that activating the for- In the explanation of the fault codes are references
ward clutch on F008 and G008 trucks causes the to electrical functions, signals and pin numbers,
lift truck to move in reverse direction, and activat- which are listed in Table 2 for APC211, controllers
ing the reverse clutch causes the F008 and G008 and in Table 3 for APC216 controllers.
truck to move in forward direction.
The pin codes A1 until S3 refer to the terminals in
TRANSMISSION EXCEED CODES the APC200 connector, also referred to as connec-
tors J1 and J2. These terminal references are
During operation of the truck, the APC200 control- shown on the electrical schematic to provide a link
ler may display transmission exceed codes on the with the Hyster wire number. Not all terminals are
hourmeter/fault code display. These exceed codes used for the different truck applications.
reflect that the request made by the operator will

1300 SRM 1435 General


The APC200 display indicates the letters LH’ left of

the direction/position indication. See Figure 1.

Figure 2. Display Shut Down Mode

The Shut Down Mode is activated when a severe

internal or external problem is detected. In this
Figure 1. Display Limp Home Mode
mode the transmission is forced into neutral by de-
activating all clutches. In case of an intermittent
Defaulted to if either of following conditions occurs: problem, the controller will leave the Shut Down
• a single fault on a transmission control out- Mode and enter the LIMP HOME Mode. For some
put is detected intermittent problems the Shut Down Mode re-
mains activated until the controller is switched
• a fault related to the engine speed sensor is OFF. In order to resume driving, the truck must be
detected restarted.
• two out of three vehicle speed sensors are in
NOTE: On some transmissions, ratios normally not Transmissions with intensifier valves can have a
selectable are used to substitute those that can no pressure feedback sensor.
longer be selected. The controller uses default lim-
its; all shifts use a default modulation curve. In- If present, the pressure feedback signal is evalu-
ching is disabled. ated as an ON/OFF pressure switch, with internal
resistance of 2K ohm when open and 1K ohm when
If one of the above conditions is present, the trans- pressurized. If resistance is substantially lower
mission is put in neutral. In order to continue driv- than 1K0, a short circuit condition is assumed. If
ing, neutral must first be selected on the shift lever. it's higher than 2K0, an open load condition is as-
Once the shift lever has been put in neutral, the sumed.
driver can re-engage a direction.


The APC200 display indicates the letters Sd’ left of

the direction/position indication. See Figure 2.

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

APC200 Fault Codes

Table 1. Transmission Exceed Codes

Code Description
tE001 The vehicle speed is too high to make the requested downshift. Downshift is disabled, until
the vehicle speed comes below the downshift limit.
tE101 The vehicle speed is too high to make the requested direction change. Transmission is put
into Neutral, until the vehicle speed comes below the direction change vehicle speed limit.
tE201 The engine speed is too high to make the requested direction change or the requested re-
engagement of the direction. The controller will allow the direction change or re-engagement
of the direction, after engine speed is lower than the allowed speed limit.
tE300 The reduced vehicle speed limitation is active.
tE301 The reduced vehicle speed limitation is active, however, the vehicle speed is above the limit.
tE302 The vehicle speed is above the maximum vehicle speed limit.
tE400 An abnormal deceleration is detected. Automatic shifting is disabled for a certain time.
tE401 An abnormal deceleration is detected. Automatic shifting is disabled.
tE501 The number of elapsed transmission working hours requires recalibration of the
tE600 Operator is not seated and the shift lever is not in NEUTRAL and/or the parking brake is
not activated.
tE701 Turbine speed exceeds a preset limit. APC200 will force engine idle.
tE801 Condition to change low high range selector not fulfilled. Machine has to stand still.

Table 2. APC211 Signals and Pin Numbers

Pin Function Signal Description
A1 PPWR Power Permanent Battery +
A2 ANI0 Pull To Ground Pressure Feedback Switch
A3 GND Ground Ground
B1 VFS0+ Pulse Width Modulation Forward VFS Hi Side Out
B2 DIGIN0 Pull to Plus Shiftlever speed selection
B3 SS0 Sense Drum Speed Sensor +
C1 VFS0- Sense Forward VFS Low Side In
C2 DIGIN1 Pull to Plus Shiftlever speed selection
C3 SS0 Ground Drum Speed Sensor -

D1 VFS1+ Pulse Width Modulation 2nd or 2nd/4th VFS Hi Side Out

D2 DIGIN2 Pull to Plus Seat Switch

D3 SS1 Sense Output Speed Sensor +

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 2. APC211 Signals and Pin Numbers (Continued)

Pin Function Signal Description
E1 VFS1- Sense 2nd or 2nd/4th VFS Lo Side Out
E2 DO1 Switch to Plus 2nd/4th VFS Selector
E3 SS1 Ground Output Speed Sensor -

F1 VFS2+ Pulse with Modulation Reverse VFS Hi Side Out

F2 DO2 Switch to Plus 1st/3rd VFS Selector
F3 SS2 Sense Engine Speed Sensor +
G1 VFS2- Sense Reverse VFS Low Side In
G2 DIGIN3 Pull to Plus seat orientation
G3 SS2 Ground Engine Speed Sensor -
H1 VFS3+ Pulse with Modulation 1st/3rd VFS Hi Side Out
H2 DIGIN4 Pull to Plus Shiftlever Forward
H3 ANI1 Pull to Ground Transmission Temperature Sensor
J1 VFS3- Sense 1st/3rd VFS Low Side In
J2 DIGIN5 Pull to Plus Shiftlever Reverse
J3 ANI2 Pull to Ground Converter Out Temperature Switch
K1 DO0 Switch to Plus RSP Drive Solenoid +
K2 DO3 Switch to Ground RSP Drive Solenoid -
K3 GND Ground Ground
L1 VFS4+ Pulse with Modulation No application
L2 CANL Communication CAN Low
L3 DIGIN6 Pull to Plus Digital Input 6
M1 ANI4 Pull to Ground 5V Reference voltage
M2 CANH Communication CAN High
M3 DIGIN7 Pull to Plus Shiftlever automatic/manual
N1 VFS5+ Pulse with Modulation No application
N2 RXD Communication RS232 RXD
N3 DIGIN8 Pull to Plus parking brake on/off
P1 ANI5 Pull to Ground Analog Input 5
P2 TXD Communication RS232 TXD
P3 DIGIN9 Pull to Plus reduced vehicle speed on/off
R1 VFS6+ Pulse with Modulation No application
R2 SS3 Sense Turbine Speed Sensor +
R3 ANI3 Pull to Ground Inching
S1 ANI6 Pull to Ground Seat orientation
S2 SPWR Power Switched Battery +
S3 SGND Ground VFS Ground

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 3. APC216 Signals and Pin Numbers

Pin Function Signal Description APC216 TE-10 Description APC216 TE27 -

A1 PP Power Permanent Battery + Permanent Battery +
A2 ANI0 Pull to Ground 1st /3rd Pressure Sensor 1st /3rd Pressure Sensor
A3 GWD Ground Battery Ground Battery Ground
B1 ANO0+ Pulse with Forw/Rev VFS Hi Side Out Forw/Rev VFS Hi Side Out
B2 DIGIN0 Pull to Plus Shift Lever 1st speed Shift Lever connection 4
B3 SS0 Sense Drum Speed Sensor + Drum Speed Sensor +
C1 ANO0- Sense Forw/Rev VFS Low Side In Forw/Rev VFS Low Side In
C2 DIGIN1 Pull to Plus Shift Lever 2nd speed Shift Lever connection 1
C3 SS0 Ground Drum Speed Sensor - Drum Speed Sensor -
D1 ANO1+ Pulse with 1st/3rd VFS Hi Side Out 1st/3rd VFS Hi Side Out
D2 DIGIN2 Pull to Plus Seat Switch Not Seated/Seated Shift Lever connection 1
D3 SS1 Sense Output Speed Sensor + Output Speed Sensor +
E1 ANO1- Sense 1st/3rd VFS Low Side In 1st/3rd VFS Low Side In
E2 DO1 Switch to Plus Selector valve Reverse Selector valve Reverse
E3 SS1 Ground Output Speed Sensor - Output Speed Sensor -
F1 ANO2+ Pulse with 2nd/4th VFS Hi Side Out 2nd/4th VFS Hi Side Out
F2 DO2 Switch to Plus Selector valve 1st/3rd Selector valve 1st/3rd
F3 SS2 Sense Engine Speed Sensor + Engine Speed Sensor +
G1 ANO2- Sense 2nd/4th VFS Lo Side Out 2nd/4th VFS Lo Side Out
G2 DIGIN3 Pull to Plus Reduced Vehicle Speed ---------------------------
Redundant off/on
G3 PON Power Key switch ON For TE-10 Turbine Speed Sensor + for
H1 ANO3+ Pulse with Analog output 3 + Analog output 3 +
H2 DIGIN4 Pull to Plus Lever selection Forward Lever selection Forward

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 3. APC216 Signals and Pin Numbers (Continued)

Pin Function Signal Description APC216 TE-10 Description APC216 TE27 -

H3 ANI1 Pull to Ground Sump temp input 0 - 5 KOhm Sump temp input 0 - 5 KOhm
J1 ANO3- Sense Analog output 3 - Analog output 3 -
J2 DIGIN5 Pull to Plus Lever selection Reverse Lever selection Reverse
J3 ANI2 Pull to Ground Temp switch cooler in input 0 - Temp switch cooler in input 0 -
5V 5V
K1 DO0 Switch to Plus Selector valve Forward Selector valve Forward
K2 DO3 Switch to Ground --------------------- Selector valve 2nd/4th
K3 SGND Ground Temperature switch Signal Temperature switch Signal
Ground Ground
L2 CANL Communication CAN Low CAN Low
L3 DIGIN6 Pull to Plus Reduced Vehicle Speed Reduced Vehicle Speed
Redundant OFF/ON Redundant OFF/ON
M1 VREF5V Pull to Ground Inching Pedal + Inching Pedal +
M2 CANH Communication CAN High CAN High
M3 DIGIN7 Pull to Plus Lever selection Auto/Manual Lever selection Auto/Manual
N3 DIGIN8 Pull to Plus Parking Brake ON/OFF Parking Brake ON/OFF
P1 ANI5 Pull to Ground Hydraulic lever Seat Orientation ON/OFF
P2 TXD Communication RS232 TXD/Speed out RS232 TXD/Speed out
P3 DIGIN9 Pull to Plus Reduced Vehicle Speed Reduced Vehicle Speed
R1 PON Power --------------------- Ignition supply
R2 SP3 Sense Turbine Speed Sensor ----------------------------
R3 ANI3 Pull to Ground Inching Pedal signal Inching Pedal signal
S1 ANI6 Pull to ground 2nd/4th Pressure Sensor 2nd/4th Pressure Sensor
S2 PP Power Permanent Battery + Permanent Battery +
S3 GND Ground Battery Ground Battery Ground

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435


Table 4. Clutch Calibration Condition Messages

Code Cause Action

The APC200 expects the shift lever to be Put the shift lever back in NEUTRAL or the
in NEUTRAL, but finds it in another po- MONOTROL® pedal in REVERSE.
The APC200 expects the parking brake Apply the parking brake.
to be ON but finds that it is OFF.

The APC200 has detected output speed. Make sure that the parking brake is ON and
working properly. Once the lift truck has
been stopped, the APC200 requests to shift
to FORWARD. Once in FORWARD, the
calibration will continue after the shift lever
has been shifted to NEUTRAL or after the
MONOTROL® pedal is in REVERSE.
Engine rpm is below the required lower The engine speed will be automatically
limit for calibration. adapted. When engine speed is back within
the correct limits, the display will show the
Engine rpm is above the allowed upper
limit for calibration.

When the temperature becomes too low Use the M button on the APC200 to go back
during the automatic calibration, the to the Heat Mode and the S button to trigger
APC200 display indicates the actual this mode. Warm-up the transmission again
transmission temperature. until the temperature reaches 60°C (140°F).
Then go back to the Automatic Calibration
Mode by pressing the M button, and con-
tinue clutch calibration by pressing the S


Table 5. Fault Codes During Clutch Calibration

Fault Code Explanation

E.1.XX 1’ relates to faults during clutch filling time.
E.2.XX 2’ relates to faults during clutch engagement.
E1.XX XX’ relates to the fault codes listed in Table 6.

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 6. Fault Codes During Clutch Calibration

Fault Explanation Controller's Comments Troubleshooting

Code Action
1-5, 7-9, Unexpected Stop calibration of • Engine does not Continue calibration to
11-13, Algorithm clutch xx. Wait for respond to target identify if all clutches
15, 17- response during continue request. engine speed. experience same problem.
24 calibration. • Vehicle started Download correct parameter
moving. file and restart calibration.
Check if vehicle starts
• Bad parameter moving during calibration.
configuration. Check engine speed
06 During Controller will • Turbine speed does Measure clutch pressure to
calibration the flag the fault and not reach minimum detect clutch leakage check
turbine speed will abort value during shifting speed sensor signal (can be
signal does not calibration of iteration process in relation with 42.04 and/or
reach a minimum clutch with error caused by slipping 42.05 during normal
value. code. clutch or bad turbine operation and with E1.26
speed signal. during touch pressure
calibration) Check stall
speed to detect slipping
10 Transmission calibration is • Caused by shutdown Resolve cause of shutdown
failure during stopped. error code during error code during calibration.
calibration. calibration. Example:
20.60 error code
during calibration.
14 During Controller will • Turbine speed does Measure clutch pressure to
calibration, the flag the fault and not decrease caused by detect clutch leakage Check
turbine speed will abort excessive internal speed sensor signal (must be
signal does not calibration of leakage and/or in relation with 42.04 and/or
decrease. clutch with error slipping clutch or bad 42.05 during normal
code. turbine speed signal. operation and with E1.26
during touch pressure
16 During Controller will • Faulty turbine speed Check speed sensor signal
calibration, the flag the fault and sensor. (must be in relation with
turbine speed will abort • Sticking or burnt 42.04 and/or 42.05 during
signal is too low calibration of clutch which causes normal operation and with
to start clutch with error turbine drop before E1.25 during touch pressure
calibration. code. pressure is applied. calibration).

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 6. Fault Codes During Clutch Calibration (Continued)

Fault Explanation Controller's Comments Troubleshooting

Code Action
25 Early touch Controller will • Too much drag Perform autocalibration at
detection during flag the fault and because of thick oil. higher temperature 90 to
touch pressure will abort touch • Sticking or burnt 100°C (194 to 212°F) Check
calibration. Too pressure clutch which causes speed sensor signal (must be
much drag. calibration of turbine drop before in relation with 42.04 and/or
clutch with error pressure is applied. 42.05 during normal
code. operation) Check and if
• Speed sensor problem. necessary change
• Faulty VFS (Variable proportional valve.
Forced Solenoid).
26 No touch Controller will • Slipping clutch or Measure clutch pressure to
detection during flag the fault and excessive internal detect clutch leakage Check
touch pressure will abort touch leakage. speed sensor signal (must be
calibration. pressure • Speed sensor problem. in relation with 42.04 and/or
calibration of 42.05 during normal
clutch with error • Faulty VFS (Variable operation) Check and if
code. Forced Solenoid). necessary change
proportional valve.
28 The turbine speed Controller will • Slipping clutch or Measure clutch pressure to
does not reach flag the fault and excessive internal detect clutch leakage Check
value = 0 rpm at will abort release leakage. speed sensor signal (must be
the end of the pressure • Speed sensor problem. in relation with 42.04 and/or
closing phase of calibration of 42.05 during normal
the touch clutch with error • Faulty VFS (Variable operation) Check and if
pressure code. Forced Solenoid) necessary change
calibration. proportional valve.
29 Turbine speed Controller will • Too much drag Perform autocalibration at
does not reach a flag the fault and because of thick oil. higher temperature 90 to
high enough will abort release • Sticking or burnt 100°C (194 to 212°F) Check
value during pressure clutch which causes speed sensor signal (must be
release of the calibration of turbine drop before in relation with 42.04 and/or
touch pressure clutch with error pressure is applied. 42.05 during normal
calibration. code. operation) Check and if
• Speed sensor problem. necessary change
• Faulty VFS (Variable proportional valve.
Forced Solenoid).

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes


Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

00.50 There is a hardware problem The APC200 reverts to a Shut Replace the APC200.
related to the internal RAM (in Down Mode and will deactivate
CPU) of the APC200. the total neutral solenoid.
00.51 There is a hardware problem The APC200 reverts to a Shut Replace the APC200.
related to the system RAM (in Down Mode and will deactivate
CPU) of the APC200. the total neutral solenoid.
00.52 There is a hardware problem The APC200 reverts to a Shut Replace the APC200.
related to the external RAM of Down Mode and will deactivate
the APC200. the total neutral solenoid.
00.53 There is a hardware problem The APC200 reverts to a Shut Replace the APC200.
related to the Flash program Down Mode and will deactivate
memory of the APC200. the total neutral solenoid.
20.60 Pressure feedback line, ANI0 The APC200 reverts to a Shut Check the wiring between
(pin A2) is in the 1500 - 4000 Down Mode and will deactivate the controller and the
ohm range, indicating there is the total neutral solenoid. pressure feedback sensor.
no system pressure present. The Check the pressure
speed sensor indicates that feedback sensor (engine
ANI0 should be in the 500 - 1500 running/stopped).
ohm range.
20.61 Pressure feedback line, ANI0 Controller reverts to a Shut Check the wiring between
(pin A2) is in the 500 - 1500 ohm Down Mode and will deactivate the APC200 and the
range, indicating system the total neutral solenoid. pressure feedback sensor.
pressure is present. The speed Check the pressure
sensor indicates that ANI0 feedback sensor (engine
should be in the 1500 - 4000 ohm running/stopped).
21.00 Supply pressure on sensor 1 to Controller reverts to a Shut Check supply pressure to
transmission too low. Down Mode and will deactivate the transmission. Log
Proportional solenoid stuck. the total neutral solenoid. pressure when problem
21.01 Supply pressure on sensor 1 to Controller reverts to a Shut Check supply pressure to
transmission too high. Down Mode and will deactivate the transmission. Log
Proportional solenoid stuck. the total neutral solenoid. pressure when problem

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

22.00 Supply pressure on sensor 2 to Controller reverts to a Shut Check supply pressure to
transmission too low. Down Mode and will deactivate the transmission. Log
Proportional solenoid stuck. the total neutral solenoid. pressure when problem
22.01 Supply pressure on sensor 2 to Controller reverts to a Shut Check supply pressure to
transmission too high. Down Mode and will deactivate the transmission. Log
Proportional solenoid stuck. the total neutral solenoid. pressure when problem
23.00 Supply pressure on sensor 3 to Controller reverts to a Shut Check supply pressure to
transmission too low. Down Mode and will deactivate the transmission. Log
Proportional solenoid stuck. the total neutral solenoid. pressure when problem
23.01 Supply pressure to transmission Controller reverts to a Shut Check supply pressure to
too high. Proportional solenoid Down Mode and will deactivate the transmission. Log
stuck. the total neutral solenoid. pressure when problem
24.00 Supply pressure to transmission Controller reverts to a Shut Check supply pressure to
too low. Proportional solenoid Down Mode and will deactivate the transmission. Log
stuck. the total neutral solenoid. pressure when problem
24.01 Supply pressure on sensor 4 to Controller reverts to a Shut Check supply pressure to
transmission too high. Down Mode and will deactivate the transmission. Log
Proportional solenoid stuck. the total neutral solenoid. pressure when problem
30.04 Power supply to the APC200 is The APC200 will save all logged Check power supply cables
below 16 Volts. information to flash memory, to the controller. Check
will power down, and switch all alternator, check the
outputs OFF. connection cables between
the battery and the
alternator, check the
30.05 Power supply to the APC200 is The APC200 will have reduced Check power supply, check
above 32 Volts. proportional control accuracy if a jump start setup is still
due to incorrect PWM duty cycle. connected.

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

31.00 Voltage supply for the sensors is The APC200 receives incorrect Check power supply. Check
below 7.2 Volts. sensor signals, but does not take the APC200.
31.01 Voltage supply for the sensors is The APC200 receives incorrect Check power supply. Check
above 8.8 Volts. sensor signals, but does not take the APC200.
34.00 One or more speed sensor The APC200 reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
related failures. Home Mode. the controller and the speed
sensors. Check the speed
34.01 Measured turbine speed is too Controller reverts to a Shut Check the wiring between
low during initialization. Supply Down Mode and will deactivate the controller and the speed
pressure to transmission too low. the total neutral solenoid. sensors. Check the speed
Speed sensor failure. sensors, Check the speed
sensor positions. Check
supply pressure to the
34.02 Measured drum speed is too Controller reverts to a Shut Check the wiring between
high during initialization. Too Down Mode and will deactivate the controller and the speed
much drag because of thick oil. the total neutral solenoid. sensors. Check the speed
Sticking or burnt clutch. Speed sensors, Check the speed
sensor failure. sensor positions. Check oil
34.03 Internal transmission speeds are Controller reverts to a Shut Check the wiring between
indicating there is no system Down Mode and will deactivate the controller and the speed
pressure present, although the total neutral solenoid. sensors. Check the speed
pressure should be there. Speed sensors, Check the speed
sensor failure. Total Neutral sensor positions. Check
Solenoid failure. Supply supply pressure to the
pressure to transmission too low. transmission, Check the
Total Neutral Solenoid.

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

34.04 Internal transmission speeds are Controller reverts to a Shut Check the wiring between
indicating there is system Down Mode and will deactivate the controller and the speed
pressure present, although the total neutral solenoid. sensors. Check the speed
pressure should NOT be there. sensors, Check the speed
Speed sensor failure. Total sensor positions. Check the
Neutral Solenoid failure. Too Total Neutral Solenoid.
much drag because of thick oil. Check oil quality.
Sticking or burnt clutch.
40.06 The APC200 receives from the The APC200 will deactivate the Check the wiring between
shift lever a request to engage total neutral solenoid. This the controller and the shift
forward and reverse at the same automatically places the lever concerning the
time. transmission in NEUTRAL. forward and the reverse
40.08 Seat orientation input was The APC200 will deactivate the Check the seat orientation
changed while the parking brake total neutral solenoid. This switch or train the driver to
was not active, or/and the shift automatically places the change the seat orientation
lever was not in NEUTRAL, transmission in NEUTRAL. according the correct
or/and the lift truck was not at procedure.
41.06 The APC200 receives from the The APC200 will not allow range Check the wiring between
shift lever an unknown range shifting, however driving is still the controller and the shift
shift pattern. possible. lever concerning the range
42.04 The transmission ratio The APC200 reverts to shut Check the transmission, in
measured by the APC200 is down mode, and flags the fault, order to determine if and
more than 5% below the value of indicating that one or more which clutch is slipping.
what it should be. clutches are slipping. Check the transmission
ratio settings of the
42.05 The transmission ratio The APC200 reverts to shut Check the transmission, in
measured by the APC200 is down mode, and flags the fault, order to determine if and
more than 5% above the value of indicating that one or more which clutch is slipping.
what it should be. clutches are slipping. Check the transmission
ratio settings of the

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

43.03 The transmission converter out APC200 will only flag the fault. Check the wiring between
temperature sensor is out of the APC200 and the
range. Possibly not connected or converter out temperature
shorted. sensor. Check the converter
out temperature sensor.
43.07 APC200 measures a converter The APC200 flags the fault in Consider application and
out temperature is greater than order to warn the driver for high ambient temperature.
100°C (212°F). temperature level. Check if the converter out
temperature sensor
registers the oil
temperature correctly.
43.08 APC200 measured a converter The APC200 will force the Consider application and
out temperature higher than transmission to NEUTRAL, and ambient temperature.
120°C (248°F). if engine is controlled, the Check if the converter out
engine will be limited 50% of its temperature sensor
maximum speed. registers the oil
temperature correctly.
44.10 No EEC2 message (throttle APC200 flags the fault and Check engine controller and
position signal from the engine responds to the engine controller CAN connection to the
controller) on the CAN bus when with TSC1 message: 'idle APC200.
expected. position'.
45.06 An invalid pattern exists for the The APC200 will limit the lift Consider the circumstances
reduced lift truck speed truck speed to a preset reduced when the fault was
redundant digital inputs (two lift truck speed. detected. Check the Output
inputs used). Speed Sensor and the
Engine Speed Sensor check
the wiring that connects
these sensors with the
46.05 The transmission has exceeded The APC200 will open or close Reactivate inching by
the maximum torque during the inching clutch depending on shifting the forward reverse
inching. the parameter settings. lever through NEUTRAL,
or by releasing the inching

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

47.01 Turbine speed exceeds the speed The APC200 flags the fault. Release throttle pedal, slow
limit set. down the vehicle.
50.00 Pressure Feedback Switch (pin Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
A2) related fault: analog input is Home Mode. pin A2 and the Pressure
shorted to ground, or below the Feedback switch. Check the
minimum value. Pressure Feedback Switch.
50.01 Pressure Feedback Switch (pin Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
A2) related fault: analog input is Home Mode. pin A2 and the Pressure
not connected, or above the Feedback switch. Check the
maximum value. Pressure Feedback Switch.
50.04 Analog input 0 (pin A2) related APC200 will flag the fault, and Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is will use the lowest clipped value the controller and the
below the minimum value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
50.05 Analog input 0 (pin A2) related APC200 will flag the fault, and Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is will use the highest clipped the controller and the
above the maximum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
51.00 Analog input 1 (pin H3) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input is shorted to is assigned to this pin: the controller and the
ground. device connected to this
- Temperature Sensor: controller
analog input. Check this
will use the lowest clipped value
device connected. Check if
in its settings (which results in
the calibration is done
bad temperature compensation.
correctly - recalibrate if
- Pressure Feedback: the necessary.
controller will revert to limp
home mode.
- Pressure Sensor: the controller
will revert to shut down mode.
- Other: the controller will use
the lowest clipped value.

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

51.01 Analog input 1 (pin H3) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input is not is assigned to this pin: the controller and the
connected. device connected to this
- Temperature Sensor: controller
analog input. Check this
will use the lowest clipped value
device connected. Check if
in its settings (which results in
the calibration is done
bad temperature compensation.
correctly recalibrate if
- Pressure Feedback: the necessary.
controller will revert to limp
home mode.
- Pressure Sensor: the controller
will revert to shut down mode.
- Other: the controller will use
the lowest clipped value.
51.04 Analog input 1 (pin H3) related Controller will flag the fault, Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is and will use the lowest clipped the controller and the
below the minimum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
51.05 Analog input 1 (pin H3) related Controller will flag the fault, Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is and will use the highest clipped the controller and the
above the maximum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
52.00 Analog input 2 (pin J3) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input is shorted to is assigned to this pin: the controller and the
ground, or below the minimum device connected to this
- Temperature Sensor: controller
value. analog input. Check this
will use the lowest clipped value
device connected. Check if
in its settings (which results in
the calibration is done
bad temperature compensation.
correctly recalibrate if
- Pressure Feedback: the necessary.
controller will revert to limp
home mode.
- Pressure Sensor: the controller
will revert to shut down mode
- Other: the controller will use
the lowest clipped value.

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

52.01 Analog input 2 (pin J3) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input is not is assigned to this pin: the controller and the
connected, or above the - Temperature Sensor: controller device connected to this
maximum value. analog input. Check this
will use the highest clipped
device connected. Check if
value in its settings (which
the calibration is done
results in bad temperature
correctly recalibrate if
- Pressure Feedback: the
controller will revert to limp
home mode
- Pressure Sensor: the controller
will revert to shut down mode.
- Other: the controller will use
the lowest clipped value.
52.04 Analog input 2 (pin J3) related Controller will flag the fault, Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is and will use the lowest clipped the controller and the
below the minimum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
52.05 Analog input 2 (pin J3) related Controller will flag the fault, Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is and will use the highest clipped the controller and the
above the maximum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
53.00 Analog input 3 (pin R3) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is is assigned to this pin: the controller and the
below the minimum value. device connected to this
- Temperature Sensor: controller
analog input. Check this
will use the lowest clipped value
device connected. Check if
in its settings (which results in
the calibration is done
bad temperature compensation.
correctly recalibrate if
- Pressure Feedback: the necessary.
controller will revert to limp
home mode.
- Pressure Sensor: the controller
will revert to shut down mode.
- Other: the controller will use
the lowest clipped value.

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

53.01 Analog input 3 (pin R3) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input is not is assigned to this pin: the controller and the
connected or above the - Temperature Sensor: controller device connected to this
maximum value. analog input. Check this
will use the highest clipped
device connected. Check if
value in its settings (which
the calibration is done
results in bad temperature
correctly recalibrate if
- Pressure Feedback: the
controller will revert to limp
home mode.
- Pressure Sensor: the controller
will revert to shut down mode.
- Other: the controller will use
the lowest clipped value.
53.04 Analog input 3 (pin R3) related APC200 will flag the fault, and Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is will use the lowest clipped value the controller and the
below the minimum value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
53.05 Analog input 3 (pin R3) related Controller will flag the fault, Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is and will use the highest clipped the controller and the
above the maximum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
54.00 Analog input 4 (pin M1) related Controller will revert to Check the reference power
fault. The reference power shutdown. The controller uses supply of the analog inputs
supply (5 V ref.) for the analog the analog input ANI4 to have a ANI0, ANI2, ANI3, ANI5,
inputs ANI0, ANI2, ANI3, ANI5, reference power supply for the ANI6 and ANI8.
ANI6 and ANI8 is below 4,8 V. analog inputs ANI0, ANI2,
ANI3, ANI5, ANI6 and ANI8.
54.01 Analog input 4 (pin M1) related Controller will revert to Check the reference power
fault. The reference power shutdown. The controller uses supply of the analog inputs
supply (5 V ref.) for the analog the analog input ANI4 to have a ANI2, ANI3, ANI5, and
inputs ANI0, ANI2, ANI3, ANI5, reference power supply for the ANI6.
ANI6 & ANI8 is above 5,2 V. analog inputs ANI0, ANI2,
ANI3, ANI5, ANI6 and ANI8.

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

55.00 Analog input 5 (pin P1) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input is shorted to is assigned to this pin: the controller and the
ground, or measured input value - Temperature Sensor: controller device connected to this
is below the minimum value. analog input. Check this
will use the highest clipped
device connected. Check if
value in its settings (which
the calibration is done
results in bad temperature
correctly recalibrate if
- Pressure Feedback: the
controller will revert to limp
home mode.
- Pressure Sensor: the controller
will revert to shut down mode.
- Other: the controller will use
the lowest clipped value.
55.01 Analog input 5 (pin P1) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input is not is assigned to this pin: the controller and the
connected, or measured input - Temperature Sensor: controller device connected to this
value is above the maximum analog input. Check this
will use the highest clipped
value. device connected. Check if
value in its settings (which
the calibration is done
results in bad temperature
correctly recalibrate if
- Pressure Feedback: the
controller will revert to limp
home mode.
- Pressure Sensor: the controller
will revert to shut down mode.
- Other: the controller will use
the lowest clipped value.
55.04 Analog input 5 (pin P1) related Controller will flag the fault, Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is and will use the lowest clipped the controller and the
below the minimum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

55.05 Analog input 5 (pin P1) related Controller will flag the fault, Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is and will use the highest clipped the controller and the
above the maximum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
56.00 Analog input 6 (pin S1) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input is shorted to is assigned to this pin: the controller and the
ground or measured input value - Temperature Sensor: controller device connected to this
is below the minimum value. analog input. Check this
will use the lowest clipped value
device connected. Check if
in its settings (which results in
bad temperature compensation. the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
- Pressure Feedback: the necessary.
controller will revert to limp
home mode.
- Pressure Sensor: the controller
will revert to shut down mode.
- Other: the controller will use
the lowest clipped value.

56.01 Analog input 6 (pin S1) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input is not is assigned to this pin: the controller and the
connected or measured input - Temperature Sensor: controller device connected to this
value is above the maximum analog input. Check this
will use the highest clipped
value. device connected. Check if
value in its settings (which
the calibration is done
results in bad temperature
correctly recalibrate if
- Pressure Feedback: the
controller will revert to limp
home mode.
- Pressure Sensor: the controller
will revert to shut down mode.
- Other: the controller will use
the lowest clipped value.

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

56.04 Analog input 6 (pin S1) related Controller will flag the fault, Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is and will use the lowest clipped the controller and the
below the minimum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
56.05 Analog input 6 (pin S1) related Controller will flag the fault, Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is and will use the highest clipped the controller and the
above the maximum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
57.00 Analog input 7 (pin C2) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input is shorted to is assigned to this pin: - the controller and the
ground or measured input value Temperature Sensor: controller device connected to this
is below the minimum value. will use the lowest clipped value analog input. Check this
in its settings (which results in device connected. Check if
bad temperature compensation - the calibration is done
Pressure Feedback: the correctly recalibrate if
controller will revert to limp necessary.
home mode - Pressure Sensor:
the controller will revert to shut
down mode - Other: the
controller will use the lowest
clipped value.
57.01 Analog input 7 (pin C2) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input is not is assigned to this pin: - the controller and the
connected or measured input Temperature Sensor: controller device connected to this
value is above the maximum will use the highest clipped analog input. Check this
value. value in its settings (which device connected. Check if
results in bad temperature the calibration is done
compensation - Pressure correctly recalibrate if
Feedback: the controller will necessary.
revert to limp home mode -
Pressure Sensor: the controller
will revert to shut down mode -
Other: the controller will use the
lowest clipped value.

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

57.04 Analog input 7 (pin C2) related Controller will flag the fault, Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is and will use the lowest clipped the controller and the
below the minimum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
57.05 Analog input 7 (pin C2) related Controller will flag the fault, Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is and will use the highest clipped the controller and the
above the maximum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
58.00 Analog input 8 (pin B2) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input is shorted to is assigned to this pin: - the controller and the
ground or measured input value Temperature Sensor: controller device connected to this
is below the minimum value. will use the lowest clipped value analog input. Check this
in its settings (which results in device connected. Check if
bad temperature compensation - the calibration is done
Pressure Feedback: the correctly recalibrate if
controller will revert to limp necessary.
home mode - Pressure Sensor:
the controller will revert to shut
down mode - Other: the
controller will use the lowest
clipped value.
58.01 Analog input 8 (pin B2) related Depending on the function that Check the wiring between
fault: analog input is not is assigned to this pin: - the controller and the
connected or measured input Temperature Sensor: controller device connected to this
value is above the maximum will use the highest clipped analog input. Check this
value. value in its settings (which device connected. Check if
results in bad temperature the calibration is done
compensation - Pressure correctly recalibrate if
Feedback: the controller will necessary.
revert to limp home mode -
Pressure Sensor: the controller
will revert to shut down mode -
Other: the controller will use the
lowest clipped value.

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

58.04 Analog input 8 (pin B2) related Controller will flag the fault, Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is and will use the lowest clipped the controller and the
below the minimum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
58.05 Analog input 8 (pin B2) related Controller will flag the fault, Check the wiring between
fault: analog input value is and will use the highest clipped the controller and the
above the maximum value value in its settings. device connected to this
calibrated. analog input. Check this
device connected. Check if
the calibration is done
correctly recalibrate if
60.00 Drum Speed Sensor, SSO+ (pin When only 1 speed channel has Check the wiring between
B3) related fault: speed channel a failure, and which is not the the controller and the speed
is shorted to ground. engine speed channel, the sensor connected to speed
controller will calculate what the channel 0. Check the speed
missing speed should be. If sensor connected to speed
several speed channels have a channel 0.
failure, or if the engine speed
channel has a failure, the
controller reverts to a "limp
home" mode.
60.01 Drum Speed Sensor, SSO+ (pin When only 1 speed channel has Check the wiring between
B3) related fault: speed channel a failure, and which is not the the controller and the drum
is not connected. engine speed channel, the speed sensor. Check
controller will calculate what the functionality of the drum
missing speed should be. If speed sensor.
several speed channels have a
failure, or if the engine speed
channel has a failure, the
controller reverts to a "limp
home" mode.
60.03 Drum Speed Sensor, SSO+ (pin The controller flags the error Check the wiring between
B3) related fault: speed code. the controller and the drum
measurement out of range. speed sensor. Check
functionality of the drum
speed sensor.

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

60.04 Drum Speed Sensor, SSO+ (pin This message is given as Check the transmission, in
B3) pulse count more than 5% additional information for order to understand if and
below the value of what it should transmission ratio faults. which clutch is slipping.
be. Check the transmission
ratio settings of the
60.05 Drum Speed Sensor, SSO+ (pin This message is given as Check the transmission, in
B3) pulse count more than 5% additional information for order to determine which
above the value of what it should transmission ratio faults. clutch is slipping. Check the
be. transmission ratio settings
of the controller.
61.00 Output Speed Sensor, SS1+ (pin When only 1 speed channel has Check the wiring between
D3) related fault: speed channel a failure, and which is not the the controller and the
is shorted to ground. engine speed channel, the Output Speed Sensor.
controller will calculate what the Check functionality of the
missing speed should be. If Output Speed Sensor.
several speed channels have a
failure, or if the engine speed
channel has a failure, the
controller reverts to a "limp
home" mode.
61.01 Output Speed Sensor, SS1+ (pin When only 1 speed channel has Check the wiring between
D3) related fault: speed channel a failure, and which is not the the controller and the
is not connected. engine speed channel, the Output Speed Sensor.
controller will calculate what the Check functionality of the
missing speed should be. If Output Speed Sensor.
several speed channels have a
failure, or if the engine speed
channel has a failure, the
controller reverts to a "limp
home" mode.
61.03 Output Speed Sensor, SS1+ (pin The controller flags the error Check the wiring between
D3) related fault: speed code. the controller and the speed
measurement out of range sensor connected to speed
channel 1. Check the speed
sensor connected to speed
channel 1.
61.04 Output Speed Sensor, SS1+ (pin This message is given as Check the transmission, in
D3) pulse count more than 5% additional information for order to understand if and
below the value of what it should transmission ratio faults. which clutch is slipping.
be. Check the transmission
ratio settings of the

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

61.05 Output Speed Sensor, SS1+ (pin This message is given as Check the transmission, in
D3) pulse count more than 5% additional information for order to understand if and
above the value of what it should transmission ratio faults. which clutch is slipping.
be. Check the transmission
ratio settings of the
62.00 Engine Speed Sensor (pin F3) Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
related fault: speed channel is Home Mode. the controller and the
shorted to ground. Engine Speed Sensor.
Check functionality of the
Engine Speed Sensor.
62.01 Engine Speed Sensor (pin F3) Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
related fault: speed channel is Home Mode. the controller and the
not connected. Engine Speed Sensor.
Check functionality of the
Engine Speed Sensor.
62.03 No engine speed information Controller reverts to a Limp Check engine controller and
available on CAN bus for more Home Mode. CAN connection to the
than 200ms. Signal error. controller.
62.04 Engine Speed Sensor (pin F3) This message is given as Check the transmission, in
pulse count more than 5% below additional information for order to understand if and
the value of what it should be. transmission ratio faults. which clutch is slipping.
Check the transmission
ratio settings of the
62.05 Engine Speed Sensor (pin F3) This message is given as Check the transmission, in
pulse count more than 5% above additional information for order to understand if and
the value of what it should be. transmission ratio faults. which clutch is slipping.
Check the transmission
ratio settings of the
62.06 No engine speed detected while Controller reverts to a Limp Check the transmission and
turbine speed is measured Home Mode. speed sensor. Check speed
sensor alignment and
63.00 Engine Speed Sensor (pin G3) or When only 1 speed channel has Check the wiring between
Turbine Speed Sensor (pin R2) a failure, and which is not the the controller and the speed
related fault: speed channel is engine speed channel, the sensor connected to pin G3
shorted to ground. controller will calculate what the and R2. Check functionality
missing speed should be. If of the speed sensors.
several speed channels have a
failure, or the engine speed
channel has a failure, the
controller reverts to a "limp
home" mode.

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

63.01 Engine Speed Sensor (pin G3) or When only 1 speed channel has Check the wiring between
Turbine Speed Sensor (pin R2) a failure, and which is not the the controller and the speed
related fault: speed channel is engine speed channel, the sensor connected to pin G3
not connected. controller will calculate what the and R2. Check functionality
missing speed should be. If of the speed sensors.
several speed channels have a
failure, or if the engine speed
channel has a failure, the
controller reverts to a "limp
home" mode.
63.03 Engine Speed Sensor (pin G3) or The controller flags the error Check the wiring between
Turbine Speed Sensor (pin R2) code. the controller and the speed
related fault: speed sensor connected to pin G3
measurement out of range. and R2. Check functionality
of the speed sensors.
63.04 Engine Speed Sensor (pin G3) or This message is given as Check the transmission, in
Turbine Speed Sensor (pin R2) additional information for order to understand if and
related fault: pulse count more transmission ratio faults. which clutch is slipping.
than 5% below the value of what Check the transmission
it should be. ratio settings of the
63.05 Engine Speed Sensor (pin G3) or This message is given as Check the transmission, in
Turbine Speed Sensor (pin R2) additional information for order to understand if and
related fault: pulse count more transmission ratio faults. which clutch is slipping.
than 5% above the value of what Check the transmission
it should be. ratio settings of the
70.00 Clutch Forward VFS0 (pin B1 Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
and C1) related fault: output Home Mode. APC200 and the Forward
wires are shorted to each other, VFS. Check the Forward
or the sense line is shorted to VFS itself.
battery +, or the plus line is
shorted to ground
70.01 Clutch Forward VFS0 (pin B1 Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
and C1) related fault: the output Home Mode. APC200 and the Forward
plus line is shorted to battery + VFS. Check the Forward
VFS itself.

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

70.02 Clutch Forward VFS0 (pin B1 Controller reverts to a "shut Check the wiring between
and C1) related fault: the output down" mode and will deactivate APC200 and the Forward
current exceeds 1400 mA or/and the total neutral solenoid. VFS. Check the Forward
the output plus line is shorted to VFS itself.
battery +.
70.03 Clutch Forward VFS0 (pin B1 Controller reverts to a "shut Check the wiring between
and C1) related fault: the output down" mode and will deactivate APC200 and the Forward
current is out of range, occurs the total neutral solenoid. VFS. Check the Forward
when the load has the incorrect VFS itself.
70.09 Clutch Forward VFS0 (pin B1 Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
and C1) related fault: the output Home Mode. the controller and VFS0
is not connected (=VFS forward). Check the
VFS itself.
71.00 VFS1 (pin D1 and E1) related Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
fault: output wires are shorted Home Mode. APC200 and VFS1. Check
to each other, or the sense line is the VFS1 itself. (VFS1 is
shorted to battery +, or the plus either for the 2nd clutch or
line is shorted to ground for the 2nd/4th clutch
71.01 VFS1 (pin D1 and E1) related Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
fault: the output plus line is Home Mode. APC200 and VFS1. Check
shorted to battery + the VFS1 itself. (VFS1 is
either for the 2nd clutch or
for the 2nd/4th clutch
71.02 VFS1 (pin D1 and E1) related Controller reverts to a "shut Check the wiring between
fault: the output current exceeds down" mode and will deactivate APC200 and VFS1. Check
1400 mAor/and the output plus the total neutral solenoid. the VFS1 itself. (VFS1 is
line is shorted to battery +. either for the 2nd clutch or
for the 2nd/4th clutch
71.03 VFS1 (pin D1 and E1) related Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
fault: the output current is out of Home Mode. APC200 and VFS1. Check
range, occurs when the load has the VFS1 itself. (VFS1 is
the incorrect impedance either for the 2nd clutch or
for the 2nd/4th clutch
71.09 VFS1 (pin D1 and E1) related Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
fault: the output is not Home Mode. APC200 and VFS1. Check
connected the VFS1 itself. (VFS1 is
either for the 2nd clutch or
for the 2nd/4th clutch

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

72.00 Clutch Reverse VFS2 (pin F1 Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
and G1) related fault: output Home Mode. APC200 and the Reverse
wires are shorted to each other, VFS. Check the Reverse
or the sense line is shorted to VFS itself.
battery +, or the plus line is
shorted to ground.
72.01 Clutch Reverse VFS2 (pin F1 Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
and G1) related fault: the output Home Mode. APC200 and the Reverse
plus line is shorted to battery +. VFS. Check the Reverse
VFS itself.
72.02 Clutch Reverse VFS2 (pin F1 Controller reverts to a "shut Check the wiring between
and G1) related fault: the output down" mode and will deactivate APC200 and the Reverse
current exceeds 1400 mA or/and the total neutral solenoid. VFS. Check the Reverse
the output plus line is shorted to VFS itself.
battery +.
72.03 Clutch Reverse VFS2 (pin F1 Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
and G1) related fault: the output Home Mode. APC200 and the Reverse
current is out of range, occurs VFS. Check the Reverse
when the load has the incorrect VFS itself.
72.09 Clutch Reverse VFS2 (pin F1 Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
and G1) related fault: the output Home Mode. APC200 and the Reverse
is not connected VFS. Check the Reverse
VFS itself.
73.00 Clutch 1st/3rd VFS3 (pin H1 and Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
J1) related fault: output wires Home Mode. APC200 and the 1st/3rd
are shorted to each other, or the VFS3. Check the 1st/3rd
sense line is shorted to battery VFS itself.
+, or the plus line is shorted to
73.01 Clutch 1st/3rd VFS3 (pin H1 and Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
J1) related fault: the output wire Home Mode. APC200 and the 1st/3rd
plus line is shorted to battery +. VFS3. Check the 1st/3rd
VFS itself.
73.02 Clutch 1st/3rd VFS3 (pin H1 and Controller reverts to a "shut Check the wiring between
J1) related fault: the output down" mode and will force APC200 and the 1st/3rd
current exceeds 1400 mAor/and neutral 0. VFS3. Check the 1st/3rd
the output plus line is shorted to VFS itself.
battery +.
73.03 Clutch 1st/3rd VFS3 (pin H1 and Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
J1) related fault: the output Home Mode. APC200 and the 1st/3rd
current is out of range, occurs VFS3. Check the 1st/3rd
when the load has the incorrect VFS itself.

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

73.09 Clutch 1st/3rd VFS3 (pin H1 and Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
J1) related fault: the output is Home Mode. APC200 and the 1st/3rd
not connected. VFS3. Check the 1st/3rd
VFS itself.
74.00 Analog output 4 (pin L1) related Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
fault: output wire is shorted to no actions will be taken. the controller and the
ground. device connected on the
analog output 4.
74.01 Analog output 4 (pin L1) related Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
fault: output wire is shorted to no actions will be taken. APC200 and VFS4+. Check
battery +, or not connected. the VFS itself.
74.02 Analog output 4 (wires B01) Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
related fault: the output current no actions will be taken. the controller and the
exceeds 1400 mA. device connected on the
analog output 4.
74.03 Analog output 4 (wires B01) Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
related fault: the output current no actions will be taken. the controller and the
is out of range, occurs when the device connected on the
load has the incorrect analog output 4. Check the
impedance. device connected.
74.09 Analog output 4 (wires B01) Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
related fault: the output is not no actions will be taken. the controller and the
connected device connected on the
analog output 4. Check the
device connected.
75.00 Analog output 5 (pin N1) related Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
fault: output wire is shorted to no actions will be taken. APC200 and VFS5+. Check
ground. the VFS itself.
75.01 Analog output 5 (pin N1) related Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
fault: output wire is shorted to no actions will be taken APC200 and VFS5+. Check
battery +, or not connected. the VFS itself.
75.02 Analog output 5 (wires B03) Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
related fault: the output current no actions will be taken. the controller and the
exceeds 1400 mA. device connected on the
analog output 5.
75.03 Analog output 5 (wires B03) Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
related fault: the output current no actions will be taken. the controller and the
is out of range, occurs when the device connected on the
load has the incorrect analog output 5. Check the
impedance. device connected.
75.09 Analog output 5 (wires B03) Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
related fault: the output is not no actions will be taken. the controller and the
connected device connected on the
analog output 5. Check the
device connected.

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

76.00 Analog output 6 (pin R1) related Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
fault: output wire is shorted to no actions will be taken. APC200 and VFS6+. Check
ground. the VFS itself.
76.01 Analog output 6 (pin R1) related Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
fault: output wire is shorted to no actions will be taken. APC200 and VFS6+. Check
battery +, or not connected. the VFS itself.
76.02 Analog output 6 (pin R1) related Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
fault: the output current exceeds no actions will be taken. APC200 and VFS6+. Check
1400 mA. the VFS itself.
76.03 Analog output 6 (pin R1) related Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
fault: the output current is out of no actions will be taken. APC200 and VFS6+. Check
range, occurs when the load has the VFS itself.
the incorrect impedance.
76.09 Analog output 6 (pin R1) related Controller will flag the fault, but Check the wiring between
fault: the output is not no actions will be taken. APC200 and VFS6+. Check
connected the VFS itself.
77.02 All proportional valve grounds Controller reverts to a "shut Check the wiring to all
are switched off due to an over down" mode and will force VFS'sand check the VFS's
current on one or more neutral 0. themselves.
proportional valves.
80.00 Total Neutral Solenoid (pin K1) Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
related fault: output is shorted Home Mode. APC200 and Total Neutral
to ground. Solenoid. Check the
Solenoid itself.
80.01 Total Neutral Solenoid (pin K1) Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
related fault: output is shorted Home Mode. APC200 and Total Neutral
to battery + Solenoid. Check the
Solenoid itself.
80.09 Digital output 1 (pin E2) related The APC200 reverts to a Shut Check the wiring between
fault: output is not connected Down Mode and will deactivate the controller and the total
the total neutral solenoid. neutral solenoid + line.
(RSP+). Check the solenoid
81.00 Digital output DIG1 (wire A15) Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
is shorted to ground. Home Mode. the controller and the 2/4
selector solenoid + line.
Check the 2/4 selector
81.01 Digital output DIG1 (wire A15) Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
is not connected or shorted to Home Mode. the controller and the 2/4
batter +. selector solenoid + line.
Check the 2/4 selector

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

81.09 Digital output DIG1 (wire A15) Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
is not connected. Home Mode. the controller and the 2/4
selector solenoid + line.
Check the 2/4 selector
82.00 Selector Valve 1st/3rd (pin F2) The APC200 reverts to a Shut Check the wiring between
related fault: output is shorted Down Mode and disengages all APC200 and the 1/3rd
to ground clutches. selector solenoid + line.
Check the 1/3rd selector
82.01 Selector Valve 1st/3rd (pin F2) The APC200 reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
related fault: output is shorted Home Mode. the controller and the 1/3rd
to battery +. selector solenoid + line.
Check the 1/3rd selector
82.09 Selector Valve 1st/3rd (pin F2) The APC200 reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
related fault: output is not Home Mode. the controller and the
connected 1st/3rd selector solenoid +
line (DIG2). Check the
solenoid itself.
83.00 Total Neutral Solenoid (pin K2) Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
related fault: output is shorted Home Mode. APC200 and the total
to battery + neutral solenoid minus line.
Check the total neutral
solenoid itself.
83.01 Total Neutral Solenoid (pin K2) Controller reverts to a Limp Check the wiring between
related fault: output is not Home Mode. the controller and the total
connected, or shorted to ground neutral solenoid minus line.
Check the total neutral
solenoid itself.
83.09 Total Neutral Solenoid Minus The APC200 reverts to a Shut Check the wiring between
(pin K2) related fault. Output is Down Mode and will deactivate the controller and the total
not connected. the total neutral solenoid. neutral solenoid minus line
(RSP-). Check the solenoid
90.xx - System Error. Software related The APC200 reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
99.xx fault. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
90.90 Wrong firmware is flashed into The APC200 reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
the APC200. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

92.01 Software related fault. Gear Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
pattern doesn't contain a Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
direction. clutches.
92.02 Software related fault. Duplicate Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
direction pattern. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
92.03 Software related fault. Duplicate Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
gear pattern. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
92.04 Software related fault. Duplicate Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
bump pattern. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
92.06 Software related fault. Digital Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
input pattern faulty. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
92.07 Software related fault. Digital Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
input pattern interferes with cab Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
pattern. clutches.
92.08 Software related fault. Digital Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
input: Neutral Lock Definition Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
faulty. clutches.
92.09 Software related fault. Duplicate Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
digital input assignment. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
92.10 Software related fault. Duplicate Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
digital output assignment. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
92.11 Software related fault. Digital Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
output selected on unsupported Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
wire. clutches.
92.12 Software related fault. Digital Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
output pattern faulty. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
92.13 Software related fault. Digital Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
output selected on transmission Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
wire. clutches.
92.14 Software related fault. Error in Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
speed sensor 1-2 assignment. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
92.15 Software related fault. Error in Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
speed sensor 3 assignment. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.

APC200 Fault Codes 1300 SRM 1435

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

92.16 Software related fault. Duplicate Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
speed sensor assignment. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
92.17 Software related fault. Invalid Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
supply voltage selected. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
92.18 Software related fault. Duplicate Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
analog input pattern. Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
92.19 Software related fault. Pressure Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
sensor wires interfere with Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
analog input wires. clutches.
92.20 Software related fault. Wrong Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
configuration regarding servo Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
motor or brake valve (on analog clutches.
outputs 4-5-6).
92.30 Software related fault. Wrong Controller reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
configuration regarding full flow Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
selection and past digital error clutches.
93.00 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.
93.01 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.
93.02 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.
93.03 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.
93.04 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.
93.05 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.
93.09 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.

1300 SRM 1435 APC200 Fault Codes

Table 7. APC200 Fault Codes (Continued)

Fault Fault Explanation APC200 Action Troubleshooting

93.10 Initialization of statistical data The APC200 will flag the fault, Load the correct firmware
in flash memory, caused by but no actions will be taken. into the APC200.
firmware upgrade or memory
93.11 Initialization of logged error The APC200 will flag the fault, Load the correct firmware
data in flash memory, caused by but no actions will be taken. into the APC200.
firmware upgrade or memory
94.00 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.
94.01 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.
94.02 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.
94.03 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.
94.04 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.
94.05 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.
94.09 Failed initialization of essential The APC200 reverts to a "shut Stop machine. Load the
controller data in flash memory, down" mode and will deactivate correct firmware into the
caused by memory conflict the total neutral solenoid. APC200.
95.71 Data in the APC200 is not The APC200 reverts to a Shut Load the correct firmware
compatible with the data Down Mode and disengages all into the APC200.
expected by the APC200 clutches.
firmware. Wrong APT file (data
file) is in the APC200 (typically
after APC200 firmware
99.95 CAN peak load detected: The APC200 will reply on the No action required.
APC200 temporarily could not CAN messages which are
process all incoming messages, available in its buffer.
due to an excessive peak of CAN
xx.49 Fault with undefined cause. The APC200 will flag the fault - Replace APC200 controller.
Software related fault. action will depend on the fault.



1300 SRM 1435 1/16 (12/15)(9/14)(7/14)(2/12)(1/12)

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