Electron-Positron Pairs PDF
Electron-Positron Pairs PDF
Electron-Positron Pairs PDF
(b) Verify that if E >> E0, then E E0/2 and if E << E0, (E – E )/E
2 E/E0. (c) Which approximation should be used for a 6 MeV gamma ray? Verify
numerically.5.4An electron–positron pair is produced by a gamma ray of 2.26 MeV.
What is the kinetic energy imparted to each of the charged particles?5.5Estimate
the thickness of paper required to stop 2 MeV alpha particles, assuming the paper
to be of density 1.29 g/cm3, about the same electronic composition as air (i.e.,
Mair ≈ Mpaper), density 1.29 × 10–3 g/cm3.5.6The element lead, M = 207.2, has a density
of 11.35 g/cm3. Find the number of atoms per cubic centimeter. If the total gamma
ray cross section at 3 MeV is 14 barns, what are the linear attenuation coefficient
and the half-thickness?5.7The range of beta particles of maximum energy greater
than 0.8 MeV is given roughly by the relation(a) Using this formula, find what
thickness of aluminum sheet (density 2.7 g/cm3) is enough to stop the betas from
phosphorus-32 (see Table 3.2). (b) Repeat the calculation using the Katz–Penfold
relation of Equation (5.2).5.8A radiation worker’s hands are exposed for 5 seconds to
a 3 × 108 cm–2 s–1 beam of 1 MeV beta particles. Find the range in tissue of density
1.0 g/cm3 and calculate the amounts of charge and energy deposition in C/cm3
and J/g. Note that the charge on the electron is 1.60 × 10–19 C. For tissue, use the
equation in Exercise the energy gain by an electron struck head-on
by an alpha particle of energy 4 MeV; see Exercise 4.19. How many such collisions
would it take to reduce the alpha particle energy to 1 MeV?5.10At a certain time
after the Big Bang, high-speed photons collided to form electrons and positrons.
Assuming energies of 0.51 MeV each, what temperature is implied?5.11Find the
percentage reduction through 1.5 cm of lead from a 137Cs-produced gamma-ray
flux.5.12Find the maximum and minimum photon energies of 50 keV X-rays passing
through a thin aluminum foil and making no more than one collision.5.13Compare
the percent energy change of 10 keV and 10 MeV photons scattered at 90°. What
conclusion do these results suggest?5.14(a) Find the fractional energy loss for a
20-keV X-ray scattered from an electron at angle 180° and compare with 2E/E0. (b)
Find the final energy for a 10-MeV gamma ray scattered from an electron at 180°
and compare with E0/2.5.15Revisit Exercise 4.19 for the case of u2 = 0 with m2 << m1.
Verify that the final energy of m2 is E2 = 4E1 m2/m1 where E1 is the initial energy of
m1.5.16Determine the kinetic energy (in MeV) at which the following particles can
be considered relativistic: (a) electron, (b) proton, (c) neutron, and (d) deuteron.
Exercise 5.2? (b) Verify that if E >> E0, then E E0/2 and if E << E0, (E – E )/E
2 E/E0. (c) Which approximation should be used for a 6 MeV gamma ray? Verify
numerically.5.4An electron–positron pair is produced by a gamma ray of 2.26 MeV.
What is the kinetic energy imparted to each of the charged particles?5.5Estimate
the thickness of paper required to stop 2 MeV alpha particles, assuming the paper
to be of density 1.29 g/cm3, about the same electronic composition as air (i.e.,
Mair ≈ Mpaper), density 1.29 × 10–3 g/cm3.5.6The element lead, M = 207.2, has a density
of 11.35 g/cm3. Find the number of atoms per cubic centimeter. If the total gamma
ray cross section at 3 MeV is 14 barns, what are the linear attenuation coefficient
and the half-thickness?5.7The range of beta particles of maximum energy greater
than 0.8 MeV is given roughly by the relation(a) Using this formula, find what
thickness of aluminum sheet (density 2.7 g/cm3) is enough to stop the betas from
phosphorus-32 (see Table 3.2). (b) Repeat the calculation using the Katz–Penfold
relation of Equation (5.2).5.8A radiation worker’s hands are exposed for 5 seconds to
a 3 × 108 cm–2 s–1 beam of 1 MeV beta particles. Find the range in tissue of density
1.0 g/cm3 and calculate the amounts of charge and energy deposition in C/cm3
and J/g. Note that the charge on the electron is 1.60 × 10–19 C. For tissue, use the
equation in Exercise the energy gain by an electron struck head-on
by an alpha particle of energy 4 MeV; see Exercise 4.19. How many such collisions
would it take to reduce the alpha particle energy to 1 MeV?5.10At a certain time
after the Big Bang, high-speed photons collided to form electrons and positrons.
Assuming energies of 0.51 MeV each, what temperature is implied?5.11Find the
percentage reduction through 1.5 cm of lead from a 137Cs-produced gamma-ray
flux.5.12Find the maximum and minimum photon energies of 50 keV X-rays passing
through a thin aluminum foil and making no more than one collision.5.13Compare
the percent energy change of 10 keV and 10 MeV photons scattered at 90°. What
conclusion do these results suggest?5.14(a) Find the fractional energy loss for a
20-keV X-ray scattered from an electron at angle 180° and compare with 2E/E0. (b)
Find the final energy for a 10-MeV gamma ray scattered from an electron at 180°
and compare with E0/2.5.15Revisit Exercise 4.19 for the case of u2 = 0 with m2 << m1.
Verify that the final energy of m2 is E2 = 4E1 m2/m1 where E1 is the initial energy of
m1.5.16Determine the kinetic energy (in MeV) at which the following particles can
be considered relativistic: (a) electron, (b) proton, (c) neutron, and (d) deuteron.
5.9 5.9
Computer exercises
Computer exercises
ASTAR etprograms
al., 2005)(Berger
from NIST*
et al., 2005) from NIST*
compute stopping compute
power andstopping
range tables
range tables
for electrons,
and alphaprotons,
particles,and alpha particles,
respectively. Similar
to Figure 5.6,
maketoa Figure
graph comparing
5.6, make athe graph
comparing slowing
the continuous slowing
down range of these down
(b) silicon,
in (a) graphite,
(c) dry air,
(b) (d)
dry air, (d) Pyrex glass,
(e) polyethylene, and (f ) tissue.5.B.Use the compilations of X-ray mass attenuation
and energy-absorption coefficients available from NIST† to create a graph of
both μ/ and μen/ for each of the following: (a) Pb, (b) lead glass, (c) cadmium
telluride, (d) water, and (e) SiO2 (see Figure 11.2 for an example using tissue).5.C.The
XCOM program (Berger et al., 2010) from NIST‡ calculates photon cross sections for
scattering, photoelectric absorption, and pair production. Akin to Figure 5.8, create
a plot of photon mass coefficients for (a) iron, (b) water, (c) dry air, (d) ordinary
concrete, and (e) soft tissue. Elemental compositions of the last three mixtures can
be found at http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/XrayMassCoef/tab2.html.
(e) polyethylene, and (f ) tissue.5.B.Use the compilations of X-ray mass attenuation
and energy-absorption coefficients available from NIST† to create a graph of
both μ/ and μen/ for each of the following: (a) Pb, (b) lead glass, (c) cadmium
telluride, (d) water, and (e) SiO2 (see Figure 11.2 for an example using tissue).5.C.The
XCOM program (Berger et al., 2010) from NIST‡ calculates photon cross sections for
scattering, photoelectric absorption, and pair production. Akin to Figure 5.8, create
a plot of photon mass coefficients for (a) iron, (b) water, (c) dry air, (d) ordinary
concrete, and (e) soft tissue. Elemental compositions of the last three mixtures can
be found at http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/XrayMassCoef/tab2.html.
and calculate the amounts of charge in coulombs (C) and energy deposition
in C/cm3 and J/g. Note that the charge on the electron is 1.60 × 10−19 C. For
tissue, use the equation in Exercise 5.7.
and calculate the amounts of charge in coulombs (C) and energy 5.9 deposition
in C/cm3 and J/g. Note that the charge on the electron is 1.60 × 10−19 C. For
tissue, use the equation in Exercise 5.7.
Calculate the energyCalculate
gain bythe
an electron
energy gain
by an
electronby struck
an alpha
an alpha particle
of energy 4 MeV. Howof energy
How many would
suchit collisions
take to reduce
wouldtheit take
alphato reduce the alpha
particle energy to 1particle
MeV? energy to 1 MeV?
At a certain time after
At athe
Big Bang,
time after
the Big photons
Bang, high-speed
collided tophotons
form elec-
collided to form elec-
trons and positrons.trons
and positrons.
of 0.51 MeV
each, of
MeV each, what temperature
is implied? is implied?
particle with some atom high in the atmosphere, the nuclear debris produced
undergoes successive interactions with atoms further down in the atmosphere. In
such collisions π-mesons are created and they decay into muons and -rays. Muons
continue moving down to sea level before they decay. On the other hand, the
gamma rays produce electron-positron pairs which in turn radiate more -rays. The
huge number of electrons created in this way are called extensive air showers. The
secondary radiation led to the discovery of new particles, including the positron and
various mesons. The collision of secondary neutrons with the atmospheric nitrogen
produces carbon-14 (14C) which combines with oxygen to form radioactive 14CO2.
This provides a clock for the familiar technique of radioactive dating.
particle with some atom high in the atmosphere, the nuclear debris produced
undergoes successive interactions with atoms further down in the atmosphere. In
such collisions π-mesons are created and they decay into muons and -rays. Muons
continue moving down to sea level before they decay. On the other hand, the
gamma rays produce electron-positron pairs which in turn radiate more -rays. The
huge number of electrons created in this way are called extensive air showers. The
secondary radiation led to the discovery of new particles, including the positron and
various mesons. The collision of secondary neutrons with the atmospheric nitrogen
produces carbon-14 (14C) which combines with oxygen to form radioactive 14CO2.
This provides a clock for the familiar technique of radioactive dating.
Radionuclide Radionuclide
Half-life Main radiation Half-life
10Be 10Be 1.6×106 years 555 keV 1.6×106 years
26Al 26Al 7.2×105 years + 1.17 MeV; 1.81 MeV,
5115 years
36Cl 36Cl 3.00×105 years 714 keV 3.00×105 years
80Kr 80Kr 2.13×105 years K x-ray 2.13×105 years
14C 14C 5730 years 156 keV 5730 years
32Si 32Si 650 years 210 keV 650 years
39Ar 39Ar 269 years 565 keV 269 years
3H 3H 12.33 years 18.6 keV 12.33 years
22Na 22Na 2.60 years +0.545, 1.82 MeV; 1.275
511 keV
36S 36S 87.4 days 167 keV 87.4 days
7Be 7Be 53.3 days E.C., 477 keV 53.3 days
37Ar 37Ar 35.0 days K-x-ray, Bremsstrahlung
to 0.81
33P 33P 25.3 days 248 keV 25.3 days
32P 32P 14.28 days 1.710 MeV 14.28 days
28Mg 28Mg 21.0 hours 0.459, 1.35, 0.31, 0.95,
24Na 24Na 15.02 hours 1.389 MeV; 1.369, 2.754
15.02 hours
38S 38S 2.83 hours 3.0, 1.88 MeV; 1.6,
31Si 31Si 2.62 hours 1.48 MeV; 1.26 MeV2.62 hours
16F 16F 109.8 minutes + 0.635 MeV; 511 keV 109.8 minutes
39Cl 39Cl 56.2 minutes 1.91 to 3.45 MeV; 0.246,
56.2 minutes
1.27, 1.52 MeV
38Cl 38Cl 37.29 minutes + 4.91 MeV; 1.6, 2.1737.29
34mCl 34mCl 31.99 minutes + 2.48 MeV; e− 0.142 MeV;
31.99 minutes
1.17, 2.12, 3.30 MeV; 511 keV
Table 2.4 lists all isotopes which occur in the four heavy element decay series. The
table also lists a selection of other important radioisotopes which occur naturally or
are formed by either fission or irradiation.
Table 2.4 lists all isotopes which occur in the four heavy element decay series. The
table also lists a selection of other important radioisotopes which occur naturally or
are formed by either fission or irradiation.
Element Element
Isotope Mass No. Type of Decay Isotope
Half Life
Mass No. T
Californium Californium
252 + fission 252
Berkelium Berkelium
247 247
Curium Curium
248 248
246 246
245 245
244 244
243 243
242 242
Americium Americium
243 243
242 242
242m 242m
241 241
Plutonium Plutonium
244 244
242 242
241 ( ) 241
240 240
239 239
238 238
236 236
Neptunium Neptunium
240 240
7.4m (meta stable) 65m
239 239
238 238
237 237
235 235
3.96. 1d
Uranium Uranium
240 240
238 238
237 237
236 236
235 235
234 234
233 233
1.585×105 y
232 232
72 y
Protactinium Protactinium
234m 234m
234 234
6.7 h
233 233
27.0 d
231 231
Thorium Thorium
234 234
24.1 d
232 232
231 231
25.52 h
230 230
7.7×104 y (Ionium)
229 229
7340 y
228 228
1.9138 y
227 227
18.718 d
Actinium Actinium
228 228
227 ( ) 227
21.773 y
225 225
10 d
Radium Radium
228 228
5.75 y
227 227
1600 y
225 225
14.8 d
224 224
3.66 d
223 223
11.434 d
Francium Francium
223 223
21.8 m
221 221
4.8 m
Radon (or Emanation)Radon
222(or Emanation) 222
3.8235 d
220 220
55.65 s
219 219
3.96 s
218 218
35 ms
Astatine Astatine
218 218
2 s ( 94%)
217 217
32.3 ms
216 216
300 ms
215 215
0.1 ms
211 , EC, 211
7.214 h (EC c 55%)
Polonium Polonium
218 ( ) 218
3.05 m ( 99.9%)
216 216
0.15 s
215 ( ) 215
1.78×10−3 s (almost all
214 214)
213 213
164.3 μs
212 212
4.2 μs
211 211
0.305 μs
210 210
516 ms
138.38 d
Bismuth Bismuth
214 ( ) 214
19.9 m
213 ( ) 213
45.65 m
212 ( ) 212
60.55 m
211 ( ) 211
210 ( ) 210
5.012 d
209 – 209
stable –
Lead Lead
214 214
26.8 m
212 212
10.64 h
211 211
36.1 m
210 210
22.3 y
209 209
3.253 h
208 – 208
stable –
207 – 207
stable –
206 – 206
stable –
Thallium Thallium
210 210
1.3 m
209 209
2.2 m
208 208
3.07 m
207 207
4.77 m
206 206
4.20 m
205 – 205
stable –
204 204
3.779 y
203 – 203
stable –
Europium Europium
155 155
4.96 y
154 154
8.8 y
Samarium Samarium
147 147
1.06×1011 y
(naturally occurring)
Promethium Promethium
147 147
2.6234 y
Praseodymium Praseodymium
144 144
Cerium Cerium
144 144
284.3 d
141 141
32.51 d
Lanthanum Lanthanum
140 140
40.2 h
Barium Barium
140 140
12.79 d
Caesium Caesium
137 137
30.0 y
136 136
13 d
135 135
134 134
2.062 y
132 positron, EC, 132
6.5 d p
Iodine Iodine
132 132
78 h
131 131
8.04 d
129 129
125 EC 125
60.14 d E
Tellurium Tellurium
132 132
79 h
129m 129m
34 d
125m 125m
58 d
Antimony Antimony
125 125
2.77 y
124 124
60.2 d
Silver Silver
110m 110m
249.9 d
Rhodium Rhodium
106 106
29.9 s
Rutheniu m Rutheniu
106 m 106
368.2 d
103 103
39.28 d
Technetium Technetium
99 992.13×105 y
Molybdenum Molybdenum
99 9966.69 h
Niobium Niobium
95 9535.15 d
Zirconium Zirconium
95 9563.98 d
Yttrium Yttrium
91 9158.51 d
90 9064.0 d
Strontium Strontium
90 9029.12 y
89 8950.5 d
Rubidium Rubidium
87 874.7×1010y
(naturally occurring)
Zinc Zinc65 65243.9 d
Nickel Nickel
63 6396 y
60 605.271 y
58 positron, , EC 5870.8 d p
57 57270.9 d
Iron Iron60 601×105y
59 5944.529 d
55 EC, x-ray emission 552.7 y E
Manganese Manganese
54 EC, 54312.5 d E
Chromium Chromium
51 EC, 5127.704 d E
Calcium Calcium
45 45163 d
Potassium Potassium
40 401.28×109y
(naturally occurring)
Chlorine Chlorine
36 363.01×105 y
Sulphur Sulphur
35 3587.44 d
Phosphorus Phosphorus
33 3325.4 d
32 3214.29 d
Sodium Sodium
22 positron 222.602 y p
Carbon Carbon
14 145730 y
Hydrogen Hydrogen
3 3 12.35 y (Tritium)
various mesons. The collision of secondary neutrons with the atmospheric nitrogen
produces carbon-14 (14C) which combines with oxygen to form radioactive 14CO2.
This provides a clock for the familiar technique of radioactive dating.
various mesons. The collision of secondary neutrons with the atmospheric nitrogen
produces carbon-14 (14C) which combines with oxygen to form radioactive 14CO2.
This provides a clock for the familiar technique of radioactive dating.
Other technologiesOther
that have
been flown thatfor
ray and neutron detection
include 3He ionization
3He ionization
(for thermal
and epithermal
(for thermalneutron
and epithermal
detection neutron
on detection on
Lunar Prospector) Lunar
and various
and various
and NaI on NEAR and
Apollo and Tl-doped Apollo
CsI on
Tl-dopedTheCsIDawnon Phobos.
missionThewill Dawn
fly a new
will fly a new compound
semiconductor technology
which has (CdZnTe),
has significantly
pulse height
improved pulse height
resolution relative resolution
to BGO and, relative
in contrast
to BGO to and,
HPGe, in contrast
can be operated
to HPGe, atcan
be operated at ambient
temperatures. temperatures.
In International Geophysics, 2004
In International Geophysics, 2004
Exercises Exercises
of the age of the mineral sample.c.When 208Pb is used in dating, what further
information is required beyond that given above?
ratio as a function of time and explain how it, along with the 208Pb/206Pb and
208Pb/207Pb ratios, can be used to provide three independent determinations
of the age of the mineral sample.c.When 208Pb is used in dating, what further
information is required beyond that given above?
of pulse heights, known as a pulse height spectrum, provides information about the
energy distribution of the incident gamma rays.
of pulse heights, known as a pulse height spectrum, provides information about the
energy distribution of the incident gamma rays.
A hypothetical gamma
A hypothetical
ray interaction
gammais superimposed
ray interactiononis the
diagram in on Fig-the diagram in Fig-
ure 54.6(a). Gammaure 54.6(a).
rays undergo
of interactions:
three typespairofproduction,
interactions: pair production,
Compton scattering,
and photoelectric
scattering, effect.
and photoelectric
rays (greater
gamma rays (greater
than 1.022 MeV) can undergo pair production, in which the gamma ray disappears
and an electron–positron pair is produced. The kinetic energy of the electron and
positron is absorbed by the medium. When the positron is annihilated by an elec-
tron, two back-to-back (511 keV) gamma rays are produced, which can undergo
additional interactions. In Compton scattering, a portion of the energy of the gamma
ray is transferred to an electron. The energy lost by the gamma ray depends on the
scattering angle. At low energies, the gamma ray can be absorbed by an electron via
the photoelectric effect. All these interactions vary strongly with the atomic number
(Z) and density of the detector material. High Z, high density, and a large sensitive
volume are desired to maximize the probability that all the energy of the incident
gamma ray is absorbed in the detector.
than 1.022 MeV) can undergo pair production, in which the gamma ray disappears
and an electron–positron pair is produced. The kinetic energy of the electron and
positron is absorbed by the medium. When the positron is annihilated by an elec-
tron, two back-to-back (511 keV) gamma rays are produced, which can undergo
additional interactions. In Compton scattering, a portion of the energy of the gamma
ray is transferred to an electron. The energy lost by the gamma ray depends on the
scattering angle. At low energies, the gamma ray can be absorbed by an electron via
the photoelectric effect. All these interactions vary strongly with the atomic number
(Z) and density of the detector material. High Z, high density, and a large sensitive
volume are desired to maximize the probability that all the energy of the incident
gamma ray is absorbed in the detector.
The investigation of
investigation ofradiation
in VLF anddynamics
in extremely
in VLF and in extremely
low frequency (ELF,low
0.3–3 kHz)
(ELF, accompanying
0.3–3 kHz) bands theaccompanying
generation of sprites
the generation of sprites
allowed the estimation
allowedof the
of the current
of the value
of the current
of sprites—of
momentum several
of sprites—of several
hundreds of kA × km
(Cummer of kA × km
et al., 2010),
large enough
et al., 2010),
to consider
large enough
as a factor
to consider
of as a factor of
space weather. space weather.
Direct spectrometricDirect
spectrometric of upper
atmosphere of upper
TLEs onatmosphere
the FOR- TLEs on the FOR-
MOSAT-2 satellite allowed
MOSAT-2 thesatellite
estimation allowed
of thetheelectric
field ofdeviations
the electricfromfield
deviations from average
values in place of TLE
for in
place of40–60 km.
TLE for altitudes
Deviations40–60 km.
were foundDeviations
that werewere found that were
2.1–3.7 times larger2.1–3.7
than thetimes
larger than
the discharge
(Kuo et al., threshold
2005). These
(Kuo etelectric
al., 2005). These electric
field deviation ns were
field two
times ns larger
twoin times
larger thanmeasurement.
in ground-based An measurement. An
analysis of sprite development
analysis of sprite
in thedevelopment
frame of theinplasmathe framechemistry
of the model
the model of the
sprite streamers (Sentman
sprite streamers
et al., 2008)
model et hasal.,
model has milliseconds
shown hundred delay milliseconds delay
time of the sprite optical
time ofemission
the spritetooptical
the beginning
emissionoftothe theelectric
of the
in the
electric current in the
lightning channel. lightning
At the maximum
At the maximum
of 110 kA, current
it is accompanied
of 110 kA, by it isa accompanied
large by a large
deviation of the electric
fieldoffromthe the
from E/Nthe average
normalized valuetoE/N
the density
normalized to the density
of neutral gas N. Inofa neutral
direct experiment
gas N. In a on direct
the experiment
satellite FORMOSAT-2,
on the satellitethisFORMOSAT-2,
value was this value was
larger than 440 Td larger
(1 Townsend = 10
than 440 Td− 17 (1 V cm
Townsend = 10
2). In the results
− 17 V cmof2model
). In thecalculations
results of model calculations
(Evtushenko and Mareev,
2009)and it is Mareev,
up to 200 2009)
Td during
it is uphundreds
to 200 Tdofduring
ms. So, hundreds
the of ms. So, the
results of the present
of the presentstudyexperimental
of TLEs and the studyresults
of TLEs
of the
the results ofof the modeling of
physical and plasma-chemical
physical andprocesses
responsible processes
for TLEresponsible
generationfor show
TLEthatgeneration show that
the upper atmosphere discharges are accompanied not only by intensive emission
of photons in the UV band but also by bursts of radio emission in the VLF and ELF
bands as well as increases of quasistable fields.
the upper atmosphere discharges are accompanied not only by intensive emission
of photons in the UV band but also by bursts of radio emission in the VLF and ELF
bands as well as increases of quasistable fields.