Powers and Dutes of The DDB
Powers and Dutes of The DDB
Powers and Dutes of The DDB
March 30, 1972, there are 20 thousand drug users and marijuana is the most preferred illegal drug among
users in the country. The board was established on November 14, 1972 under the Office of the President
after the proclamation of Martial Law in the country by then President Ferdinand Marcos.
The DDB was mandated to be the policy-making and coordinating agency as well as the national clearing
house on all matters pertaining to law enforcement and control of dangerous drugs; treatment and
rehabilitation of drug dependents; drug abuse prevention, training and information; research and statistics
on the drug problem and the training of personnel engaged in these activities.
Seven national agencies in the country initially formed part of the Dangerous Drugs Board.
Department of Health
Department of Social Welfare and Development
Department of Education
Department of Justice
Department of National Defense
Department of Finance
National Bureau of Investigation.
The membership of the board was expanded through the Republic Act 9165 (Sec 78 Art IX).
The three (3) permanent members- who shall possess at least seven-year training and experience in the field
of dangerous drugs and in any of the following fields: in law, medicine, criminology, psychology or social work,
shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines.
a. Formulate, develop and establish a comprehensive, integrated, unified and balanced national drug
use prevention and control strategy;
b. Promulgate such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act,
including the manner of safekeeping, disposition, burning or condemnation of any dangerous drug
and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical under its charge and custody, and prescribe
administrative remedies or sanctions for the violations of such rules and regulations;
c. Conduct policy studies, program monitoring and evaluations and other researches on drug prevention,
control and enforcement;
d. Initiate, conduct and support scientific, clinical, social, psychological, physical and biological
researches on dangerous drugs and dangerous drugs prevention and control measures;
e. Develop an educational program and information drive on the hazards and prevention of illegal use
of any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential chemical based on factual data, and
disseminate the same to the general public, for which purpose the Board shall endeavor to make the
general public aware of the hazards of any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and essential
chemical by providing among others, literature, films, displays or advertisements and by coordinating
with all institutions of learning as well as with all national and local enforcement agencies in planning
and conducting its educational campaign programs to be implemented by the appropriate government
f. Conduct continuing seminars for, and consultations with, and provide information materials to judges
and prosecutors in coordination with the Office of the Court Administrator, in the case of judges, and
the Department of Justice, in the case of prosecutors, which aim to provide them with the current
developments and programs of the Board pertinent to its campaign against dangerous drugs and its
scientific researches on dangerous drugs, its prevention and control measures;
g. Design special trainings in order to provide law enforcement officers, members of the judiciary, and
prosecutors, school authorities and personnel of centers with knowledge and know-how in dangerous
drugs and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals control in coordination with the Supreme
Court to meet the objectives of the national drug control programs;
h. Design and develop, in consultation and coordination with the DOH, DSWD and other agencies
involved in drugs control, treatment and rehabilitation, both public and private, a national treatment
and rehabilitation program for drug dependents including a standard aftercare and community service
program for recovering drug dependents;
i. Design and develop, jointly with the DOLE and in consultation with labor and employer groups as well
as non-government organizations a drug abuse prevention program in the workplace that would
include a provision for employee assistance programs for emotionally-stressed employees;
j. Initiate and authorize closure proceedings against non-accredited and/or sub-standard rehabilitation
centers based on verified reports of human rights violations, subhuman conditions, inadequate
medical training and assistance and excessive fees for implementation by PDEA;
k. Prescribe and promulgate rules and regulations governing the establishment of such centers,
networks and laboratories as deemed necessary after conducting a feasibility study in coordination
with DOH and other government agencies;
l. Receive, gather, collect and evaluate all information on the importation, exportation, production,
manufacture, sale, stocks, seizures of and the estimated need for any dangerous drug and/or
controlled precursor and essential chemical, for which purpose the Board may require from any
official, instrumentality or agency of the government or any private person or enterprise dealing in, or
engaged in activities having to do with any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursors and essential
chemicals such data or information as it may need to implement this Act;
m. Gather and prepare detailed statistics on the importation, exportation, manufacture, stocks, seizures
of and estimated need for any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals
and such other statistical data on said drugs as may be periodically required by the United Nations
Narcotics Drug Commission, the World Health Organization and other international organizations in
consonance with the country’s international commitments;
n. Develop and maintain international networking coordination with international drug control agencies
and organizations, and implement the provisions of international conventions and agreements
thereon which have been adopted and approved by the Congress of the Philippines;
o. Require all government and private hospitals, clinics, doctors, dentists and other practitioners to
submit a report to it, in coordination with PDEA, about all dangerous drugs and/or controlled
precursors and essential chemicals-related cases to which they have attended for statistics and
research purposes;
p. Receive in trust legacies, gifts and donations of real and personal properties of all kinds, to administer
and dispose the same when necessary for the benefit of government and private rehabilitation centers
subject to limitations, directions and instructions from the donors, if any;
q. Issue guidelines as to the approval or disapproval of applications for voluntary treatment, rehabilitation
or confinement, wherein it shall issue the necessary guidelines, rules and regulations pertaining to
the application and its enforcement;
r. Formulate guidelines, in coordination with other government agencies, the importation, distribution,
production, manufacture, compounding, prescription, dispensing and sale of, and other lawful acts in
connection with any dangerous drug, controlled precursors and essential chemicals and other similar
or analogous substances of such kind and in such quantity as it may deem necessary according to
the medical and research needs or requirements of the country including diet pills containing
ephedrine and other addictive chemicals and determine the quantity and/or quality of dangerous drugs
and precursors and essential chemicals to be imported, manufactured and held in stock at any given
time by authorized importer, manufacturer or distributor of such drugs;
s. Develop the utilization of a controlled delivery scheme in addressing the transshipment of dangerous
drugs into and out of the country to neutralize transnational crime syndicates involved in illegal
trafficking of any dangerous drug and/or controlled precursors and essential chemicals;
t. Recommend the revocation of the professional license of any practitioner who is an owner, co-owner,
lessee, or in the employ of the drug establishment, or manager of a partnership, corporation,
association, or any juridical entity owning and/or controlling such drug establishment, and who
knowingly participates in, or consents to, tolerates, or abets the commission of the act of violations as
indicated in the preceding paragraph, all without prejudice to the criminal prosecution of the person
responsible for the said violation;
u. Appoint such technical, administrative and other personnel as may be necessary for the effective
implementation of this Act, subject to the Civil Service Law and its rules and regulations;
v. Establish a regular and continuing consultation with concerned government agencies and medical
professional organizations to determine if balance exists in policies, procedures, rules and regulations
on dangerous drugs and to provide recommendations on how the lawful use of dangerous drugs can
be improved and facilitated; and
w. Submit an annual and periodic reports to the President, the Congress of the Philippines and the
Senate and House of Representatives committees concerned as may be required from time to time,
and perform such other functions as may be authorized or required under existing laws and as
directed by the President himself/herself or as recommended by the congressional committees