× Introduction
× Adsorption
× Distinction between adsorption and absorption
× Mechanism of adsorption
× Types of adsorption – Physisorption and Chemisorption
× Adsorption isotherms
× Adsorption from solution phase
× Applications of adsorption
The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from
many people and I am extremely privileged to thanks to mr. Hamdan sir for providing me an oppor-
tunity to do this project work and giving me all support and guidance which me complete the project
appropriately . I am extremely thankful to my friends for providing me support and guidance.
You would have noticed a number of people using masks to protect themselves from air pollution. Have you
thought how do these masks protect them from pollution? In this Unit we would take up study of phenomenon
behind such masks and many other applications of the phenomenon. We would be talking about the phenome-
non of adsorption that occur at the surfaces or interfaces. This comes under the study of surface chemistry.
The bulk phases that we come across in surface chemistry may be pure compounds or solutions. The immis-
cible phases are separated by interfaces. The interface is represented by separating the phases by a hyphen
or a slash. For example, the interface between a solid and a gas may be represented by solid-gas or sol-
id/gas. Due to complete miscibility, there is no interface between the gases. The interface is normally a few
molecules thick but its area depends on the size of the particles of solid phase.
Many important phenomena, noticeable amongst these being corrosion, electrode processes, heterogeneous
catalysis, dissolution and crystallisation occur at interfaces. The subject of surface chemistry finds many ap-
plications in industry, analytical work and daily life situations.
To accomplish surface studies meticulously, it becomes imperative to have a really clean surface. Under very
high vacuum of the order of 10–8 to 10–9 pascal, it is now possible to obtain ultra clean surface of the metals.
Solid materials with such clean surfaces need to be stored in vacuum otherwise these will be covered by
molecules of the major components of air namely dioxygen and dinitrogen.
In this module, you will be studying about an important area of surface chemistry viz., adsorption and its ap-
Adsorption is essentially a surface phenomenon. There are several examples, which reveal that the
surface of a solid has the tendency to attract and retain the molecules with which it comes into con-
tact. These molecules remain only at the surface and do not go deeper into the bulk. The accumula-
tion of molecular species at the surface rather than in the bulk of a solid or liquid is termed
adsorption. The molecular species or substance, which concentrates or accumulates at the surface is
termed adsorbate and the material on the surface of which the adsorption takes place is called ad-
sorbent (Fig. 1).
The adsorbed molecular species can be removed from the surface of the adsorbent and the process of
removing an adsorbed substance from a surface on which it is adsorbed is called desorption.
Solids, particularly in finely divided state, have large surface area and therefore, charcoal, silica gel,
alumina gel, clay, colloids, metals in finely divided state, etc. act as good adsorbents.
Adsorption in action
× If a gas like O2, H2, CO, Cl2, NH3 or SO2 is taken in a closed vessel containing powdered
charcoal, it is observed that the pressure of the gas in the enclosed vessel decreases. The gas
molecules concentrate at the surface of the charcoal, i.e., gases are adsorbed at the surface.In
a solution of an organic dye, say methylene blue, when animal charcoal is added and the so-
lution is well shaken and filtered, it is observed that the filtrate turns colourless. The mole-
cules of the dye, accumulate on the surface of charcoal, i.e., are adsorbed and the solution
becomes colourless.
× Aqueous solution of raw sugar, when passed over beds of animal charcoal, becomes colour-
less as the colouring substances are adsorbed by the charcoal.
× The air becomes dry in the presence of silica gel because the water molecules get adsorbed
on the surface of the gel.
× It is clear from the above examples that solid surfaces can hold the gas or liquid molecules
by virtue of adsorption. The mask used for protection from air pollution works on the princi-
ple of adsorption. It contains finely divided charcoal that adsorbs the pollutant gases and
leaves pure air for breathing.
Distinction between Adsorption and Absorption
In adsorption, the substance is concentrated only at the surface and does not penetrate through the
surface to the bulk of the adsorbent, while in absorption, the substance is uniformly distributed
throughout the bulk of the solid For example, when a chalk stick is dipped in ink, the surface retains
the colour of the ink due to adsorption of coloured molecules while the solvent of the ink goes deep-
er into the stick due to absorption. On breaking the chalk stick, it is found to be white from inside.
Let X and Y be two different bulk phases in surface contact with each other. In absorption, if
X absorbs Y, then Y would be uniformly distributed throughout X. Whereas, in adsorption, if
X adsorbs Y, then Y would be found concentrated on the surface of X. In the other parts of X
away from its surface, the concentration of Y will be negligible.
A distinction can be made between absorption and adsorption by taking an example of water vapour.
Water vapours are absorbed by anhydrous calcium chloride but adsorbed by silica gel. In other
words, in adsorption the concentration of the adsorbate increases only at the surface of the adsor-
bent, while in absorption the concentration is uniform throughout the bulk of the solid.
Both adsorption and absorption can take place simultaneously also. The term sorption is used to de-
scribe both the processes.
Mechanism of Adsorption
Adsorption arises due to the fact that the surface particles of the adsorbent are not in the same envi-
ronment as the particles inside the bulk. Inside the adsorbent all the forces acting between the parti-
cles are mutually balanced but on the surface the particles are not surrounded by atoms or molecules
of their kind on all sides, and hence they possess unbalanced or residual attractive forces. The mole-
cules at the surface have higher energy than those in the bulk. This extra energy per unit surface area
is called surface energy. The residual attractive forces of the adsorbent are responsible for attracting
the adsorbate particles on its surface. The extent of adsorption increases with the increase of surface
area per unit mass of the adsorbent at a given temperature and pressure (Fig. 3)
Another important factor featuring adsorption is the enthalpy of adsorption. During adsorption, there
is always a decrease in residual forces of the surface, i.e., there is decrease in surface energy which
appears as heat. Adsorption, therefore, is invariably an exothermic process. In other words, the en-
thalpy of adsorption (∆H) is always negative. When a gas is adsorbed, the freedom of movement of
its molecules becomes restricted. This amounts to decrease in the entropy of the adsorbate molecules
after adsorption, i.e., ∆S is negative. Adsorption is thus accompanied by decrease in enthalpy as well
as the entropy of the system. For a process to be spontaneous, the thermodynamic requirement is
that, at constant temperature and pressure, ∆G must be negative, i.e., there is a decrease in Gibbs en-
ergy. On the basis of equation, ∆G = ∆H – T∆S, ∆G can be negative if ∆H has sufficiently high neg-
ative value as – T∆S is positive. Thus, in an adsorption process, which is spontaneous, a combina-
tion of these two factors makes ∆G negative. As the adsorption proceeds, ∆H becomes less and less
negative ultimately ∆H becomes equal to T∆S and ∆G becomes zero. At this state equilibrium is at-
Characteristics of physisorption
(i) Lack of specificity: A given surface of an adsorbent does not show any preference for a par-
ticular gas as the van der Waals’ forces are universal.
(ii) Nature of adsorbate: The amount of gas adsorbed by a solid depends on the nature of gas.
In general, easily liquefiable gases (i.e., with higher critical temperatures) are readilyadsorbed as
van der Waals’ forces are stronger near the critical temperatures. Thus, 1g of activated charcoal ad-
sorbs more sulphur dioxide (critical temperature 630K), than methane (critical temperature 190K)
which is still more than 4.5 mL of dihydrogen (critical temperature 33K).
(iii) Reversible nature: Physical adsorption of a gas by a solid is generally reversible. Thus,
Solid + Gas ⇋ Gas/Solid + Heat
More of gas is adsorbed when pressure is increased as the volume of the gas decreases and the gas
can be removed by decreasing pressure. Since the adsorption process is exothermic, the physical ad-
sorption occurs readily at low temperature and decreases with increasing temperature.
(Le-Chatelier’s principle).
Le Chatelier's Principle
In 1884 the French chemist and engineer Henry -Louis Le Chatelier proposed one of the
central concepts of chemical equilibria. Le Chatelier's principle can be stated as follow s: A
change in one of the variables that describe a system at equilibrium produces a shift in the
position of the equilibrium that counteracts the effect of this change.
Characteristics of Chemisorption
(i) High specificity: Chemisorption is highly specific and it will only occur if there is some possi-
bility of chemical bonding between adsorbent and adsorbate. For example, oxygen is adsorbed on
metals by virtue of oxide formation and hydrogen is adsorbed by transition metals due to hydride
(ii) Irreversibility: As chemisorption involves compound formation, it is usually irreversible in
nature. Chemisorption is also an exothermic process but the process is very slow at low tempera-
tures on account of high energy of activation. Like most chemical changes, chemisorption often
increases with rise of temperature. Physisorption of a gas adsorbed at low temperature may
change into chemisorption at a high temperature. Usually high pressure is also favourable for
(iii) Surface area: Like physical adsorption, chemisorption also increases with increase of surface
area of the adsorbent.
(iv)Enthalpy of adsorption: Enthalpy of chemisorption is high (80-240 kJ mol-1) as it involves
chemical bond formation.
(v) State of adsorbent: Since a chemical reaction is involved, the state of adsorbate may be differ-
ent in the bulk and on the surface of adsorbent.
Physisorption Chemisorption
1. It arises because of van der Waal's forces. 1. It is caused by chemical bond formation.
2. It is not specific in nature. 2. It is highly specific in nature.
3. It is reversible in nature. 3. It is irreversible.
4. It depends on the nature of gas. More liq- 4. It also depends on the nature of gas. Gases
uefiable gases are adsorbed readily. which can react with the adsorbent show
5. Enthalpy of adsorption is low (20-40 kJ chemisorption.
mol-1) in this case. 5. Enthalpy of adsorption high (80-240 kJ
6. Low temperature is favourable for adsorp- mol ) in this case.
tion. It decreases with increase of tempera- 6. High temperature is favourable for adsorp-
ture. tion. It increases with the increase of temper-
7. No appreciable activation energy is need- ature.
ed. 7. High activation energy is sometimes need-
8. It depends on the surface area. It increases ed.
with an increase of surface area. 8. It also depends on the surface area. It too
9. It results into multimolecular layers on increases with an increase of surface area.
adsorbent surface under high pressure. 9. It results into unimolecular layer.
Adsorption Isotherms
As mentioned above, the adsorption of a gas on a solid surface depends on the pressure of the
gas.The variation in the amount of gas adsorbed by the adsorbent with pressure at a constant tem-
perature can be expressed by means of a curve termed as adsorption isotherm.
Freundlich adsorption isotherm: Freundlich, in 1909, gave an empirical relationship between
the quantity of gas adsorbed by unit mass of solid adsorbent and pressure at a particular tempera-
ture. The relationship can be expressed by the following equation:
= k.p1/n (n > 1)
x = mass of adsorbate
m = mass of adsorbent
p = Equilibrium pressure of adsorbate
c = Equilibrium concentration of adsorbate in solution.
K and n are constants for a given adsorbate and adsorbent at a particular temperature.
At high pressure 1/n = 0, hence extent of adsorption becomes independent of pressure.
It is used in cases where the actual identity of the solute is not known, such as adsorption
of colored material from sugar, vegetable oil etc.
otherwise not (Fig. 5). The slope of the straight line gives the value of . The intercept on
the y-axis gives the value of log k.
Freundlich isotherm explains the behaviour of adsorption in an approximate manner. The
factor can have values between 0 and 1 (probable range 0.1 to 0.5). Thus, equation (2) holds
good over a limited range of pressure.
Both the conditions are supported by experimental results. The experimental isotherms always
seem to approach saturation at high pressure. This cannot be explained by Freundlich isotherm.
Thus, it fails at high pressure.
ii. The extent of adsorption increases with an increase of surface area of the adsorbent.
iii. The extent of adsorption depends on the concentration of the solute in solution.
iv. The extent of adsorption depends on the nature of the adsorbent and the adsorbate.
The precise mechanism of adsorption from solution is not known. Freundlich’s equation ap-
proximately describes the behaviour of adsorption from solution with a difference that in-
stead of pressure, concentration of the solution is taken into account, i.e.,
= 𝑘√𝑐
This can be tested experimentally by taking solutions of different concentrations of acetic acid.
Equal volumes of solutions are added to equal amounts of charcoal in different flasks. The final
concentration is determined in each flask after adsorption. The difference in the initial and final
concentrations give the value of x. Using the above equation, validity of Freundlich isotherm can
be established.
The drawback of the Freundlich adsorption isotherm is that it fails at the high pressures of the ad-
sorbate gas. Langmuir proposed an adsorption isotherm based on the kinetic theory of gases. This
is known as Langmuir Adsorption Isotherm which could satisfy both at low
and high pressures of the adsorbate gas. He made the following assumptions for the ad-
sorption isotherm expression.
The adsorbate gas behaves like an ideal gas.
The adsorption process consists of both adsorption (condensation of adsorbate gas on the
adsorption site available on the adsorbent) and desorption (evaporation of adsorbate gas
from the surface of the adsorbent). An equilibrium is reached between adsorption and de-
sorption at a constant pressure of adsorbate gas.
An absorbate gas molecule is independent to get attached to any adsorption site available
on the adsorbent surface. This means every adsorption site on the adsorbent surface is
The rate of adsorption depends upon the freely available adsorption site on the adsorbent
surface. Initially the rate will be high since more free site will be available. The rate will
decrease when more and more adsorption site get occpied by the adsorbate. However for
desorption (evaporation of adsorbate gas molecules from the adsorbent surface) the rate
will depend upon the occupied site. Hence the desorption rate will be lower initially and
will gradually increase as more and nore adsorption site on the adsorbent surface get occu-
Each adsorption site on the adsorbent surface is occupied by one adsorbate gas molecule.
A unimolecular (monomolecular) layer will be formed once the entire adsorption site on
the adsorbent surface is occupied by the adsorbate gas molecules, and no more adsorption
will occur.
The rate of adsorption depends upon the pressure of the adsobate gas. Higher the pressure
higher the number of adsorbate gas molecules will strike the adsorption site on adsorbent
surface as per kinetic theory of gases.
Langmuir Adsorption isotherm is also applicable to chemistorption.
Applications of Adsorption
The phenomenon of adsorption finds a number of applications. Important ones are listed here:
Production of high vacuum: The remaining traces of air can be adsorbed by charcoal
from a vessel evacuated by a vacuum pump to give a very high vacuum.
Gas masks: Gas mask (a device which consists of activated charcoal or mixture of adsor-
bents) is usually used by miners and sanitation workers to adsorb poisonous gases such as
methane and carbon monoxide.
Control of humidity: Silica and aluminium gels are used as adsorbents for removing
moisture and controlling humidity.
Removal of colouring matter from solutions: Animal charcoal removes colours of solu-
tions by adsorbing coloured impurities. For example, crude sugar is decolourised by ad-
sorption of colouring matter by charcoal.
Heterogeneous catalysis: Adsorption of reactants on the solid surface of the catalysts in-
creases the rate of reaction. There are many gaseous reactions of industrial importance in-
volving solid catalysts. Manufacture of ammonia using iron as a catalyst, manufacture of
H2SO4 by contact process and use of finely divided nickel in the hydrogenation of oils are
excellent examples of heterogeneous catalysis.
Separation of inert gases: Due to the difference in degree of adsorption of gases by char-
coal, a mixture of noble gases can be separated by adsorption on coconut charcoal at dif-
ferent temperatures.
In curing diseases: A number of drugs are used to kill germs by getting adsorbed on
Froth floatation process: A low grade sulphide ore is concentrated by separating it from
silica and other earthy matter by this method using pine oil and frothing agent.
Adsorption indicators: Surfaces of certain precipitates such as silver halides have the
property of adsorbing some dyes like eosin, fluorescein, etc. and thereby producing a
characteristic colour at the end point.
Chromatographic analysis: Chromatographic analysis based on the phenomenon of ad-
sorption finds a number of applications in analytical and industrial fields such as separa-
tion and purification of mixtures of substances.
Ion-exchange resins, which work on adsorption principle, are used for softening hard wa-
Adsorption is the phenomenon of attracting and retaining the molecules of a substance on the surface of a
solid resulting into a higher concentration on the surface than in the bulk. The substance adsorbed is
known as adsorbate and the substance on which adsorption takes place is called adsorbent. In physisorp-
tion, adsorbate is held to the adsorbent by weak van der Waals forces, and in chemisorption, adsorbate is
held to the adsorbent by strong chemical bond. Almost all solids adsorb gases. The extent of adsorption of
a gas on a solid depends upon nature of gas, nature of solid, surface area of the solid, pressure of gas and
temperature of gas. The relationship between the extent of adsorption (x/m) and pressure of the gas at
constant temperature is known as adsorption isotherm. There are two types of isotherms: Freundlich and
When there is adsorption of gases on a solid, two types of forces are operating. Weak forces attracting the
gas molecules to the solid surface are seen to be of the same kind as those holding the molecules together
when the gas is in the liquid state. These weak forces are referred to as van der Waals forces and promote
a physical adsorption. A second type of adsorption depends on the forces of chemical attraction between
the surface and the surrounding gases or solute molecules in a surrounding liquid. This is called chemi-
sorption. In the bleaching and purifying of fats and oils with adsorbents, van der Waals and chemical forces
can play a part. This depends on the adsorbent, the nature of the minor component intended to be re-
moved, and the conditions of their contact.
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