Visible Felt Leadership and Operating Discipline
Visible Felt Leadership and Operating Discipline
Visible Felt Leadership and Operating Discipline
“If you put good people in bad systems, you get bad results. You have to water
flower, you want to grow” – Stephen Covey
We have heard about safety culture with medium and large scale companies, still
they face the major loss accident. Had we thought of why is it happening even
though they have good safety culture? Is good safety culture enough? Or should we
target great safety culture? If so what is difference in good safety culture and great
safety culture? This is what is given in title of this article.
Visible felt leadership is the word coined by M/S. Dupont but it is explained and
elaborated by many other companies in their own way. It is the visible management
commitment summarised in first four best practices of short note 1. Felt leadership
starts from top and sends a clear message by their action that leadership is not only
about driving revenue and contributing to shareholder value; but about preservation
and protection of organisation’s most valuable resource – employees.
Visible Felt leadership is the management’s total actions that lead people at all levels
to understand and “feel” their leaders’ high standards, and accept their strong
commitment to safety as being genuine, caring and respectful.
Providing coaching and feedback is the two aspect of visible felt leadership.
It is essential that Leaders “walk the talk” and change their own behaviour, influence
other people’s behaviour such that other people also change their behaviour. For
great safety culture, mind sets and behaviour must be addressed at every level from
leadership to shop floor as every level will look “up” to see which behaviours are
being role modelled by their leaders. Unless behaviour becomes habits, great safety
culture cannot be achieved.
For goal zero, it is required that safety culture transform from Reactive culture to
Proactive culture. Employees have to transform from compliance to commitment.
Dupont’s Bradley’s curve is shown below for understanding and driving to Great
safety culture.
Outcome of Visible Felt Leader ship and Operating discipline will be Great
interdependent Safety Culture and Operation Excellence.